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Vol. III / Issue 5 February 2019 ISSN # 2655-2566

Table of Contents Editor’s Letter ----------------------------------1 #KataMereka -----------------------------------3 Highlighted News

Affluent Societies Rule: The Scheme to Increase the Ticket of Komodo National Park --------------------------------------------------5 Freeport: The Homecoming -----------------------6


Ideologies ------------------------------------------7 Life is Good ----------------------------------------9


How to De-Clutter Your Room ------------------11

Arts & Literature

Recommended Books & Movies ----------------12 Book Review -------------------------------------13 Movie Review ------------------------------------14 Photojournal -------------------------------------15 HI!Folks Megahits -------------------------------22


IULI INR Highlighted Events -------------------23 Quiz -----------------------------------------------25

Vol . III / Issue 5


ISSN # 2655-2566 Editor-in-Chief Anjanette Louise Ondang Sub-Editor Alif Dani Herlambang Content Writer Amira Maulidine Anjanette Louise Ondang Bening Dhaivina Damardjati Contributor Aryo Setyatama Graciela Theodorus Lidia Kristi Raihan Khafidz Sahil Kumar Design Team Amira Maulidine Anjanette Louise Ondang Alexandrina Medianti Reska Sarira Tommo Publication Bening Dhaivina Damardjati Illustrator Alexandrina Medianti Contact We would like to hear from you; please send your feedback and contributions to us by email Illustrated by: Alexandrina Medianti

Illustrated by Graciela Theodorus

Editor’s Letter Hi, Folks! With this issue we mark HI!Folks 3rd year of publishing! In this issue, we have a quite broad and open theme of “Life”. Anyone can interpret that one word in so many different ways and this is what makes all of us unique. Some find the meaning of life through their actions towards others. While some find it in their own solace. In 2019 may we seek peace within ourselves and with that find happiness in our lives. Best Always, Anjanette



HI!Folks: hey! i need more inspiration this new year.. what’s your New Year’s resolution? :)



To lower my cholesterol

To be more grateful:)

Get myself a girlfriend, so we can celebrate it together

Be better at controlling my expenses

To graduate


Highlighted News

THE THE NEWS NEWS Affluent Societies Rule: The Scheme to Increase the Ticket of Komodo National Park

There will come a moment where people need to contemplate the middle ground between tourism and ecological development. Indonesia is renowned for its breathtaking tourist destinations, and most of them directly bond with the nature; one of which is the Komodo National Park. It is a home for thousands of Komodo dragons, whose existence is on the brink of extinction, due to the unsustainable nature of human’s activities. The existence of Komodo dragons is questioned in the future, because they experience major habitat-loss. There is an initiative planned by the governor of East Nusa Tenggara, Viktor Bungtilu Laiskodat, to increase the entrance fee until it becomes 500 USD in order to volume down the amount of visitors, and only letting the privileged ones have access to the park. With preservation as a goal in his mind, it is hoped that the people who pass through the gate are able to mind their behavior.


The scheme to increase the entrance fee sparks pro and contra arguments from a wide spectrum of people. To some extent, it is comprehensible that the action is initiated to protect the biodiversity living on the land, yet it is questioned for the sustainability of the tourism. The governor tries to apply ecotourism to Komodo National Park, but consequently, not many can access it. From this plan, it can be seen how sustainable development is only within the reach of some circles at times, especially the well-off ones. Sustainable development has been frankly campaigned to all human activities, and it should be made as an inclusive development to all.

Highlighted News

Freeport: The Homecoming

Natural resources possessed by Indonesia often seem alluring in the world of international business. Starting with its herbs until its mineral resources, they never cease to amaze other nations, including its renowned gold mine: The Grasberg. Dispute over claiming bigger shares of Freeport have been extensively monitored by millions of Indonesians. Since the first operation of Freeport Mc-Moran Inc. in Indonesia in 1967, the government of Indonesia has been endeavoring to gain the majority of the shares. Precisely, on December 21st 2018, the negotiation resulted in a great outcome. Ever since that day, Indonesia has successfully possessed 51,23% of Freeport shares. As the biggest shareholder, it means that Indonesia finally owns a bigger power to control its mineral resources after decades of exploitation. Yet, this remarkable result did not come from easy processes, it required skilled negotiators and effective strategies. Indonesia extended its hand to PT. Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Inalum) to represent the country. During the negotiation process, PT. Inalum released an obligation letter with the worth of US$ 38,5 billion to deal for the shares. This is considered as good news for Indonesians. President Joko Widodo promised that this high percentage of ownership and also the royalties that follow would be utilized for Indonesian citizens’ prosperity, moreover the ones in the near proximity. Some people claim that Freeport brings development to the area, then, with Indonesia owning the higher stock percentage, it is expected that it can contribute much more to the nation.










How to De-Clutter Your Room! 1.Sort out the papers! As students or even professionals, we often use a lot of papers for our work. For example, you can sort out the papers into ring files use labels to mark the semester or the project or the subject. This will help you in the future when you are looking for certain documents. All you got to do it look at the labels of the ring files. 2.Recycle empty bottles Empty bottles of deodorant, perfume, and body lotion can be reused or even recycled. You can either reuse it to store other items or find a recycling place to make sure that the bottles can be used again

3. Clean/revamp your closet Sort out your clothes! You may find clothes that you have not been wearing for the last year! You can either do a DIY or donate it to a charity or an orphanage. Getting rid of old clothes that fill up your closet can help you when choosing outfits to wear in the near future. One thing that helps when cleaning your room is to take it step-by-step. It doesn’t have to be finished in a day, take your time. An item can bring back memories good or bad and it may be hard to donate this certain item. It is okay to be sentimental over an item and it is also okay to keep it, as long as it brings you joy. As Marie Kondo said in her book The Life Changing Method of Tidying Up, “we don’t hang on to things, we hang on to emotions attached to those things. Happy De-Cluttering! :)


Arts & Literature


Villa Air-Bel: World War II, Escape, and a House in Marseille Author: Rosemary Sullivan Genre: Sport, History, Drama In the height of Hitler’s rule, many intellectuals, artists and writers were under the threat of possible death and murder. Villa Air-Bel which was located in Marseille, France became refuge for those artists escaping Hitler. This is a true story of survival.

The Girl on the Train Author: Paula Hawkins Genre: Thriller, Fiction

Coco (2017) Genre: Animated, Fantasy Cast: Anthony Gonzales, Gael García Bernal, Benjamin Bratt, Renée Victor

HiHo Kids – Kids Meet

Set in Mexico, it tells a story of Miguel, a boy with his love for music and his tight-knit family’s traumatic and dark history with music. In this film, Miguel rediscovers the real truth of his family’s history through the Day of the Dead holiday. The message in this film is beautifully packaged in a light-hearted yet meaningful way. This film is a great reminder of what family and love are all about.

It all started from Rachel’s regular commute from London to the suburbs. On her way home, she likes to fantasize about a perfect family, especially walking through the streets where she used to live with her ex-husband Tom. Little did she know that same street hides a lot of stories behind.

HiHo Kids is a channel on YouTube that focuses on children trying new things and experiences. One of the regular episodes is known as “Kids Meet”, where the children meet different people from various walks of life. In these episodes, the children ask the person what they do/what they have experienced. What is most interesting for us, the watchers, are the children’s innocence and willingness to learn new things. Past episodes include: “Kids Meet a Kid with Cancer”, “Kids Meet a Holocaust Survivor”and many more.


Arts & Literature

Star Wars Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel

Author: James Luceno Paperback: 330 Pages Publisher: Del Rey Books Language: English Release Date: November 15, 2016


War is tearing the galaxy apart. For years the Republic and the Separatists have battled across the stars, each building more and more deadly technology in an attempt to win the war. As a member of Chancellor Palpatine’s top secret Death Star project, Orson Krennic is determined to develop a superweapon before their enemies can. One of Krennic’s old friend known as the brilliant scientist Galen Erso, could be the key. Galen’s energy-focused research has captured the attention of both Krennic and his foes, making the scientist a crucial pawn in the galactic conflict. But after Krennic rescues Galen, his wife, Lyra, and their young daughter, Jyn, from Separatist kidnappers, the Erso family is deeply in Krennic’s debt. Krennic then offers Galen an extraordinary opportunity: to continue his scientific studies with every resource put utterly at his disposal. While Galen and Lyra believe that his energy research will be used purely in altruistic ways, Krennic has other plans that will finally make the Death Star a reality. Trapped in their benefactor’s tightening grasp, the Ersos must stop Krennic’s web of deception to save themselves and



James Luceno, a veteran Star Wars novel writer who has written nine other Star Wars novels, returns to author up another novel, this one is the much anticipated prequel to the Rogue One: A Star Wars Story movie, providing additional background and depths towards many elements of the movie. The story spans a large distance in the current Star Wars Canon covering up a large span of the canon Star Wars timeline. Starting off from a point that is rarely explored in other mediums which is the era of the clone wars, into the transition that is shown only briefly in one of the films and finally provided a view point which better explains the opening of the movie. The quality of story presented by veteran novel writer James Luceno will definitely engage readers with the many well thought out and well developed scenes, characters and locales, resulting in a pleasant reading experience. The story itself is very well written and leads of well into the Rogue One movie and eventually into A New Hope, presenting many aspects of the story which are further continued upon in the film such as the main motivation of Orson Krennic, the movie’s primary antagonists, the urgency of the conflict interests present in the movie between Krennic and the Ersos. In addition, the book itself follows a very interesting cast of characters, each well developed and fully fleshed out, featuring prominent characters from the movie such as Orson Krennic, Galen Erso, Saw Gerrera and many others which has appeared in other parts of the Star Wars story each playing a significant part of their own. All in all, the book is a very good read and it is recommended for any casual readers looking for a science fiction novel, and of course a must read for all Star Wars fans. Reviewed by Aryo Setyotama

Arts & Literature

Searching is a very interesting entry for a thriller film in the year of A MUST WATCH 2018 produced by the newcomer in the Cast: John Cho, industry Aneesh Chaganty starring John Debra Messing, Cho, Michelle La, Debra Messing, Sara Joseph Lee Sohn, Joseph Lee, Steven Michael, Ric Director: Aneesh Sarabia, and Sean O’Bryen. Immediately Chaganty after launching in theatres, it quickly became very popular and was well received by both the general populace Reviewed by: and movie critics. The movie presents Aryo Setyatama itself to the audiences in a very unique way and highlights a specific concern that is very real in our current world. Firstly, this movie is presented in a way which is very unique, almost similar to a “Found Footage” technique. All throughout the movie, we are watching it from the perspective of a camera or a computer screen, as seen at the beginning of the movie when it starts in a computer log in screen. Later as the movie progresses, we are watching it from security cameras, TV screen, Web-cams in Skype calls and such. It is a very interesting way to present the movie, as nowadays we rarely see a movie which presents itself in this kinds of way. Thought an issue might arise in which the audience may find themselves confused by the presentation, but that did not happened in this movie. The directors managed to keep it simple and

Another reason for the popularity of this movie is that it highlights a specific issue in our current world that is rarely seen in a movie; that is the dangers of the internet. In the movie after the daughter went missing, her father went through her personal belongings such as gadgets, personal contacts, and social media on the internet and discovered many things concerning his daughter’s life. One concern is that an online friend is faking the daughter’s account thus, essentially creating a fake personality to interact with his daughter and then finding several persons which may bring negative influence to her, and others alike. This is a real-world problem that is rarely tackled head on, which leads to the normalization of the matter due to the fact that every person may be facing this kind of threat. At the end of the day, “Searching” is a very interesting movie, which is presented in a unique way and brings to the stage a specific issue that is often overlooked in our current society. With the added bonus of a very engaging story that keeps you hooked until the end and with constant twists and turns with every new discovery made by the protagonists, suffice to say that this is a movie you do not want to miss.


Arts & Literature

The State of Being Altered by Lidia Kristi Agustina

Membuyarkan diri dengan lingkungan baru bukanlah hal yang mudah. Beradaptasi dengan kultur yang baru, bertemu orangorang baru, bahasa yang baru, berkunjung ketempat baru dan masih banyak lagi hal yang baru. Ruang yang selalu terasa baru, dan waktu yang cepat berlalu dan aku selalu habis mengarunginya tanpa menikmatinya. Tapi, aku masih belum merasa full of content, selalu hampa. Melalui proyek foto ini, aku membuka diri terhadap situasi yang baru, yang ternyata memproduksi angst dalam diriku yang menimbulkan kehampaan itu, dan aku tanpa sadar terjebak dalam kultur eskapisme atau kabur melulu ketika angst itu terpaparkan. Proyek foto ini merupakan respresentasi pikiran dan perasaanku terhadap perpindahan kehidupanku di Eropa. Proyek ini masih terus berlangsung hingga aku pulang kerumah.

Dancing girl


Arts & Literature

I’m not ready

Playing with pole

In between

Arts & Literature

The light through me

Tree of angst

Haunting by a shadow

Arts & Literature

In transition


In dreams

A stranger

Arts & Literature



Now what?

Arts & Literature

' s k l o F HIm!egahits 1.Nicotine’s Famous Honey – The First Time 2.Boyscott – Marco Polo 3.Satchy – ILY 4.Roy Blair - Thunder 5.illstrtd – Let Me In 6.PREP – Leaning on You 7.Smith Westerns – 3am Spiritual 8.SIAM – Same Thing (Prod. Faisal) 9.LO-FI LE-VI – SWEATER 10.Herrick & Hooley – Attention 11.Luna Luna - Sunshine & Lust Are No Longer Enough 12.Wouter Hamel - Breezy 13.Mamas Gun – On a String 14.Majo Elli – Golden Child 15.Kermit – Rainbow Connection – “From The Muppet Movie” 16.Jarreau Vandal, Olivia Nelson – Someone That You Love 17.Quite Luke – I Wanna Go 18.SWV – Weak 19.Robyn – Dancing On My Own 20.Earth, Wind and Fire – Fantasy 21.Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody 22.The Paper Kites – On the Train Ride Home 23.Streets of Roya – If Only 24.Frank Ocean – Self Control 25.Billy Lemos, Kopano – Rain 26.Mild High Club – Skiptracing 27.Park Bird – Feeling So Damn Fine 28.NVTN – Dance in the Living Room

Artist's Spotlight Smith WESTERNS Smith Westerns was an American indie rock band from Chicago, United States. Their most popular album is “Dye It Blonde” which was released in 2011. Unfortunately, in 2014, the band confirmed that they were permanently

LUNA LUNA Luna Luna is a modern indie band from Dallas, Texas. The band was formed by six Latino guys with Kavvi as a vocalist and their producer. On June 2018, they released their new single, “Fierra”, with classical guitars and a reggaeton beat. Their songs are able to take one to the moon and back.

MAMA GUNS Mamas Gun is a popular pop band from London. Their first album became the most played international artist on Japanese Radio in 2009. In 2018, they successfully released their fourth album, “Golden Days”, supported by their independent label Candelion.





QUIZ +prize 1.In which province is the Komodo National Park located? 2.In which year did the Freeport Mc-Moran Inc. started its operations in Indonesia? 3. Where was Villa Air-Bel located? 4.Name two ways to clean your closet from clothes you have not been wearing that often. 5.According to the writer of “Ideologies”, initially, what are ideologies presented to do? 6.What happens to the way we see others when we treat life as a race or competition? 7.In the film “Coco”, what holiday were the family celebrating? Please send your answers along with your name and phone number to, latest 15th February 2019. The first person to answer all questions correctly will win a free ticket to HI!Talks vol.1 on 17th February 2019. Goodluck!


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