Home Schooling By Bethany Casey started home schooling after I finished the third grade. It was originally just going to be for a year, but I loved it so much, we just kept doing it! I’m going into tenth grade this fall, and don’t plan to go back to school before college. Our style has changed a lot in seven years. We started out very structured. We actually had a schedule! Up by 8:00 a.m., breakfast by 8:30 a.m., school from 9:00 a.m. to noon, lunch, more school from 12:30 to 2:00 p.m.That lasted a very short time. I figured out that I feel better when I sleep ‘till 8:30, that I can eat while reading (wow!), that there’s as much science at the forest preserve as in my science books, and that researching genealogy is a great way to learn about history. Unfortunately, I still have math books, but I’m working on a solution for that. I live, I learn. One of the many things I love about home schooling is being able to pursue the things that really interest me. For instance, a couple months ago I was interested in English history, so I read a lot about that.This month, it’s the Civil War. Next month I may be an expert on the Sahara desert! As a Lutheran, I had a hard time fitting in with some home schooling communities. In one particular group, I was pushed away simply because I was wearing ankle bracelets and my hair was cut short. Aside from those experiences, it has been wonderful, and I’ve met lots of terrific people. People ask me questions about home schooling. Here is just a sample of questions that I have been asked:
How can you stand being around your brothers all day? This is one of the things I love. I get to spend time with my brothers! Ok, maybe that’s a bit of a stretch, but we do get along most of the time. I’m not quite sure how we do it. Maybe it’s because we know that if we don’t get along, we’ll still be stuck with each other! We defi-
nitely have our bad moods, but so far we’ve managed to deal with each other without wrecking the house, or having the neighbors call the cops!
because I am homeschooled, I get to go on trips to Florida in February, help my mom with her business, and spend time with my family.
How can you stand being around your mom all day?
You must be really smart! Are you doing calculus?
Most of the time my mom and I get along well. When we do fight, it’s normally about little things like whether or not I really cleaned the sink. Most of the time, I know I’m wrong, but I have a stubborn streak that prevents me from admitting it.
Ha-ha-ha! There is a calculus book around here somewhere, but it’s definitely not mine! Another question like this that I get is,“So, you’re home schooled. Are you going to graduate at age 16?” Some people do try to finish as quickly as possible, but I prefer taking it slowly. Graduating at 16 isn’t unheard of, but I’m not going to!
Do you have a set time or a classroom? Not anymore. We work when and where our brains function the best, whether that means in the morning at the kitchen table, or in the evening on the back porch.
Bethany Casey is a member of Redeemer Lutheran Church, Ft.Wayne, In.
Do you miss having friends at school? When I was in school I was “popular.” Everybody was my friend! But, after I left very few of them kept in touch with me. My closest friends have never been from school. My best friend lives over an hour away. Sometimes I do miss having someone close by, but that’s what I have e-mail for!
Have you ever thought about going to high school? I have considered going to Concordia High School here in Fort Wayne or to the local public school. I’ve been enjoying homeschooling so much; it hasn’t turned into a serious thought.
What about Prom/Graduation? I actually never thought about this until people started asking me.The answer is, I don’t know. Perhaps I don’t know what I’m missing, but at the same time
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