Start of thte season News in Highland Perthshire

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Highland Perthshire Newsletter 2013 March/April 2013

Explore Scotland Ltd 01796 473335 The newsletter • Gives you the latest tourist business news • Written by the businesses themselves

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Explore Highland Perthshire. Thanks to the many businesses that have contributed to this start of the season news!

2012 by all accounts was a much tougher year for the Scottish tourism industry. One of the factors that most people mentioned was that the Olympics had a negative effect. I always remember what businesses in and around St Andrews say about the year the Open in played at St Andrews, I am told that the year after the Open is when they get the benefits, while the year of the Open is a tougher year. So hopefully the positive effect from the Olympics will be felt this year as a result of all the great coverage received. Indications, speaking to one or two businesses, attractions and accommodation is that their forward bookings are looking good. So fingers crossed for 2013. Promoting Highland Perthshire — how it all began. We started our small business way back in 1996, thanks to the Pitlochry Community Council under Chairman Mike Cheesewright, wanting a map of the town. That was our big break getting our business off the ground. We put up a map board at the bus stop opposite Fishers Hotel.


Over the last 16 years we have evolved from one map board in Pitlochry to Printed guides in eleven areas of Scotland, web sites, and SocialGood media.luck to us

all in 2009 produced our first In 1998 wethe tentatively printed guides. Our initial print run for a four Tourist Season. page A4 Infull thecolour year of Pitlochry area The guides was 20,000Homecoming . In 1999 we put up our first web site, built by ourselves using a package called Dreamweaver, it was the first piece of software that allowed you to build web sites without having to know the software language. In 2001 Andrew Matheson, the then director of the Perthshire Tourist Board, encouraged us to call our guides and web site ‘Highland Perthshire’, rather than Pitlochry and area. This year the Explore Highland Perthshire Guide is twelve pages with new maps of Dunkeld, Aberfeldy and Kenmore. 80,000 print run, it is a massive quantity, you just need to see our garage in Killiecrankie when they arrive.

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Highland Perthshire Tourism Newsletter 2013

Explore Scotland One hotel receptionist said to me, “The Explore guide gives the visitor more information in one publication than all the leaflets in that rack over there!.” We have evolved the publication massively, thanks to many people’s comments and observations fed back over the years. Thank you!

ain had. Seven years later, with cycling more popular than ever, thanks in part to the Olympics, the 2013 Etape Caledonia sold out in 72 hours!

Blair Atholl Gateway to the Cairngorms — in 2003 as part of a group from across the community that for four years developed and tested ideas on what form a ‘Gateway to the Cairngorms’ should take. Two ballots asking the local community to endorse the ideas has resulted, almost exactly 10 years later, in a fabulous new facility which is being opened by John Swinney MSP on Friday 22nd March. A testimony to many people’s hard work and commitment, a great asset for visitors to Blair Atholl—please go and see it. You will be impressed!

In 2008 we published the first edition of Cycle Highland Perthshire and put up

There is now a series of Etape events being started across Britain, ours is the first and the pioneer to this new concept in cycling. We would like to see Other projects we have been involved Etape Caledonia building sideways, with in:additional events in years to come.

Etape Caledonia — This had a highly controversial start and caused many very heated debates in town halls across Highland Perthshire. We took the view that we were lucky to have a new event, that no one else in Brit-

tant part of the High land Perthshire visitor experience that was missi n g . Events are hugely important and attract hundreds of thousands of people to Highland Perthshire. Just two events, Blair Horse Trails (40,000+) and the Enchanted Forest (30,000+) account for over 70,000 people each year.

Highland What’s On - For a number of years we have been collating events across Highland Perthshire on to our web sites and producing a monthly PDF which people could down We have been involved in other proload. jects such as keeping the Enchanted Forest in Highland Perthshire, the deIn June 2012 velopment of we produced with 18 other businesses and the our first printed amongst the first on social media. What’s On brochure, which Finally — we would like to thank the has been very many businesses across Highland well received. Perthshire that support and work with We feel this us. Without you we would not be here!! has always We are keen to work with anyone who been an impor- loves this area of Scotland.

The Scottish Crannog Centre at Kenmore ter developing new activities set to enhance the visitor experience and provide new opportunities for private and corporate bookings. The focal point of the Centre is Scotland’s unique recreation of a 2,500 year old loch-dwelling, complete with visitor centre and outdoor hands-on technologies. For 2013, the shore based exhibits have been expanded to provide an additional space for schools and private groups to try a range of ‘Living the Iron Age’ experiences without disrupting the normal visitor programme. The activities range from foraging and cooking Iron Age gourmet meals to bronzecasting, jewellery-making, archery and The Scottish Crannog Centre at Kencanoeing in replica dugout boats. more has had a busy autumn and win2

These experienced-based packages are perfect for those who want something a little out of the ordinary where no special fitness or expertise is required. Groups already signed up this year include hen parties, birthday celebrations and professionals enjoying a day out.

March 2013

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The Scottish Crannog Centre at Kenmore continued .... Crannog Conference: Highlight on Hazel Renowned for Big Tree Country, Perthshire is well endowed with hazel The Scottish Crannog Centre is organisand the remains of old coppiced wooding its first woodland management conlands yet these are not being systematiference on the 19th-20th April. The cally managed so their potential is not subject is ‘Regenerating Hazel Coppice being realised. The regular cutting inWoodlands in Scotland’ and includes volved with coppicing stimulates growth presentations on the biodiversity & ecoof multiple stems and can prolong the nomic benefits of coppicing hazel, case life of the trees for up to centuries. The studies in Scotland, the value of netresulting nut crop is important for red working, and future opportunities. The squirrels and wood mice, while the conference venue is the Big Shed at trees themselves are hosts for rare liLawers, Loch Tayside which has just chens and fungus. won top prize in the Carbon Trust’s ‘new build’ category. Excursions to new Clusters of ancient hazels often are not woodland sites being managed will take suitable for coppicing due to the excepplace on each afternoon. Full details are posted at

The craft-based activities are also providing replica prehistoric artefacts and stylised jewellery for sale in the Crannog Giftshop, made by our own Iron Age team. Commissions are being accepted for bronze torcs and daggers, as well as for wire rings and pendants. Craft kits are being created as well so that visi- The Scottish Crannog Centre began the tors can continue to develop some of Perthshire Coppice Project in 2011 and it runs through 2013 and beyond. their new skills at home. Crannog assistants Dirk Sporleder and The Visitor Centre and the iconic CranSteve Thomas are also forestry trained nog itself are also available for and therefore ideally evening or out-of-season pri“For 2013, suited to lead the coppice vate hire for a range of functhe shore work. Aimed at identifying tions excluding use as accomhazel woodlands and sites based modation. Several groups are which lend themselves to already taking advantage of exhibits have regeneration through copthe unusual venue and bookbeen picing, the project initially ings include receptions, friends expanded” is bringing 6 plots under and family gatherings, training management and will seek seminars and exhibitions. to continue this work, funding permitIf you or any of your guests or clients ted. The current project is supported by are interested in booking an activity the Scottish Government and the Europackage or hiring the premises, please pean Community Rural Tayside LEADER get in touch by calling +44 (0)1887 2017-2013 Programme and Perth and 830583 or emailing Kinross Countryside Trust. We are also especially grateful to the Further information will also be posted landowners who have granted us peron our website at in mission to carry out this work and the April. many volunteers, particularly from Scottish & Southern Energy, who have supported our team with the practical work in the woods.

Hazel and related species thrive in most parts of Scotland and have been coppiced for millennia to produce rods for revetments, hurdle fencing, walking sticks, charcoal, and abundant nuts but the practice of systematic management died out here a few decades ago.


tional habitats they provide, and these sites are being monitored rather than cut. Following in the footsteps of the Iron Age loch-dwellers, the Scottish Crannog Centre needs large quantities of hazel for use in the recreated crannog and shore based facilities. At present, the harvesting of rods for this purpose is carried out periodically on a foraging basis. Creating coppiced sites will enable us to to establish a cycle for rotation to produce enough to meet maintenance needs and new market demands. Volunteers are always welcome to assist with the wide range of tasks involved in managing these sites. We are also seeking to identify further potential coppice sites, so if you or anyone you know has a reasonable quantity of hazel in their woodlands who may be interested in managing them, please get in touch. For further information please visit the website or contact the Coppice Team at

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Highland Perthshire Tourism Newsletter 2013

Highland Safaris

Highland Safaris were de-

and Historical Past. The Centre will allow exciting interpretation and interaction of our tame Red Deer herd using a sound induction loop system so everyone benefits from our Safari Rangers knowledge. The short trail walk can be guided or self-guided and customers can also enjoy our Barn Owl experience.

own right, encompassing a Mountain Bike trail centre, the Highland Safaris Gift Shop. The cosy Café using fresh locally produced homemade lunches, Cakes and coffees, Scotland’s only Gold and Gem Panning centre, and our unique Red Deer Encounter. Highland Safaris Aberfeldy PH15 2JQ Tel: 01887 820982

lighted to win the top accolade at the ASVA conference in No- “Best Visitor Highland Safaris, vember 2012, of “Best Visitor Experience has grown over the Experience in Scotland”. The in Scotland last 20 years and news coincides with the anattracts around nouncement that plans are well 2012!” 55,000 visitors each underway for a major new investment in 2013 on their brand new Red year from all over the world. Deer Centre and Walking Trail. This will Land Rover Safaris high into the celebrate the History, Wildlife, and Heri- Mountains and Event Managetage of this area, drawing inspiration ment remain at the core of the from the unique Highland Perthshire business but the business’ base environment - its Trees, Rocks, Wildlife has become a destination in its

The Old Mill Inn wishes of the locals, guest and with inter-connecting rooms, it’s and customers. ideal for families travelling with older children. The Old Mill is a well-loved and buzzy bar & bistro, popu- Keep up to date with all the live music, lar with locals and visitors offers and goings on at the Mill on our alike and we’ve become f a c e b o o k p a g e f a c e b o o k .c o m / known for showcasing some oldmillinn or visit our website of Scotland’s best music acts in our bar each weekend.

Owned and run by Fiona and Angus John MacLellan (who also own Victoria’s Restaurant in Pitlochry), The Old Mill Inn is a fairly new venture for the family and since taking over in June 2012, we have been overwhelmed by the support and good

Food & drink is great value at The Mill and the cornerstone of “we have our business is been friendly service, so overwhelm you can expect a ed by the warm welcome when you come to support visit.

and good wishes of the locals,”

Our accommodation is spacious and well-appointed 4

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Highland Perthshire Tourism Newsletter 2013

Fern Cottage variety of vegetables and fruits in an allotment that he has down at my Mum’s - along with our regular supplier -we have a constant supply of fresh seasonal produce!

We are very proud to say that our team is much the same again this year with Rifat and Andy in the Kitchen, ably assisted by Miguel and Laci, and out front there is myself along with Duncan, who is our Restaurant Manager – supported by Alison, Kirsteen, Eilidh and Greig. We are also delighted that Hayley and Rachel will be coming back to join the team again during their summer holidays. Our menus stay basically the same this year with all our tried and tested favourites and that unique combination of Scottish and Mediterranean cuisine that we have become so well known for. Local and award winning Simon Howie Butchers remain our chief meat supplier along with Hubertus of Pitlochry supplying our game. In addition to our regular menu dishes, Rifat and Andy often source wonderful fresh Scottish seafood with which they create delicious and tempting specials. With our own little herb garden on the roof of the Restaurant and Andy growing a

All our food is freshly prepared and cooked to order, which of course does take longer to come out of the Kitchen than in other eateries – however if customers are in more of a hurry we do offer our Pre Theatre menu “With any luck which is primarSpring is just ily designed to around the ensure that theatre goers corner now and make it to the we are all show in time looking forward for curtains up! to a great When we are season”. busy we often extend the availability of this menu and when we have groups of 10 or more, this menu is always recommended. Priced at £17.95 for 2 courses and £21.50 for 3 courses it also offers great value for money. And don’t forget that we open every day at 10.30am for teas and coffees, cakes and desserts and home baking, and serve these all day through until around 4.30pm when we start to set up for Dinner. Lunches are served from 12 to around 3pm and again there is a wide variety of dishes to choose from including our Soup and a Sandwich Deal for £7.95, our special lunch menu 2 courses for £12.95 or 3 courses for £15.95 or the full a la carte lunch menu if so desired. Our wine list is also extensive and offers a great selection of wines from all over the world, with suggestions to enhance and accompany the dishes that customers order. All our menus and our wine list can be viewed online at www.ferncottagepitlochry, For special occasions and groups we are always happy to discuss bespoke menus to enable our customers to create their own menus according to their individual tastes and budgets. We can 5

also organise for the exclusive use of the Restaurant where there are numbers in excess of 40. For example this June we are very proud to be hosting a wedding dinner for 60 guests, and last year we hosted a Retirement Dinner for around the same number which was an incredibly successful and enjoyable evening for all concerned. We are very fortunate that we do get extremely busy in the evenings and we

always recommend that our customers pre book. This enables us to control the flow of customers into the Restaurant to ensure that we can give them the best dining experience possible. Furthermore all bookings taken between 5.30pm and 7.30pm are allocated a maximum of 2 hours dining time as we need to use these tables again later on – therefore customers who would like to take a bit longer over their meal should book from 7.45pm onwards as there is no restriction then at all. It is also important to say that we are very flexible and are happy to start Dinners at 5pm where there is the demand, and equally, we are happy to serve beyond 9.30pm if there is a need. Remember – just pick up the phone or send us an e mail with your request.

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Highland Perthshire Tourism Newsletter 2013

Pitlochry in Bloom Sesquicentennial of the Highland Mainline Railway

premises. We also had a close shave with the Reindeer Parade last year, as we had no local sponsor and with no Autumn Festival in town, no opportunity for us to fund-raise as in the past. Luckily, we had a last minute pleas for help answered by Perth & Kinross Council and we enjoyed our busiest Coffee Morning yet. But we will need help this year if we are to have the Reindeer here in December, any assistance would be gratefully received.

We have been busy planning for the 150th anniversary of the Highland Mainline opening over this past 18 months. After 10 years of writing letters, meetings and lobbying, Network Rail and Firstgroup/Scotrail have finally agreed to repair and paint the Victorian Footbridge, that is the best news we have had in a long time! It is hoped work will also be carried out on the Station buildings and platforms. Work to commence late March, as far as we know. Over the past winter, Pitlochry in Bloom have had the Victorian Drinking Fountain stripped of over 100 years of layers of thick paint, treated for rust and beautifully restored. This will go back in place once all works are finished. Pitlochry High School and Breadalbane Academy S3 classes Poster Project, which produced beautiful artwork which will go on display along the Station railings for the summer. From this a new Mural was produced for the North-bound Station Waiting Room last year in preparation for the celebrations in 2013 of the 150th opening of the Highland Mainline. There is also a floral train to go in place later in June.

Pitlochry Litter Action Group carried out a monthly planned litter-pick on the last Thursday of the month, from February until October. The equipment and hi-viz cone too this year. If anyone would like vests were paid for by the Scottish Coop Community Fund and we thank to sponsor one, please get in touch. them for that. Pitlochry also won the Tayside Trophy for the beautiful War Memorial & Gar- The group have already begun this year dens from the RBLS in the regional in February and will continue thru to the category and a Very Highly Commended Autumn. Any helpers always welcomed. in the National competition. We missed Events thru the summer include the out on the top award, due to lack of famous Green Park Hotel Coffee Mornmaintenance, as the cleaning of the ing on 15th June and our very successWar Memorial by P&KC (as promised to ful Secret Gardens Day, which sees Kate Howie and us) was not carried out, local gardens open to the public, on a great shame as our Memorial was 90 Sunday 4th August. For updated inforyears old last year. It is covered in mation please check our diary page on green moss, hiding the beautiful Rubislaw granite and the walls and pil- Pitlochry in Bloom is 20 years old this Pitlochry in Bloom had a nice quiet year lars are also in a bad state. Let us hope in 2012, a break from competitions it will get done this year. and time and money put into some overdue maintenance. We had to have We had quite a struggle last year with the wall taken down at the Petit Jardin the weather and financially again. We opposite the Scout Hut and the two were unable to put up 31 floral baskets rotten seats replaced, this took a big along the Victorian arcades, as so few chunk of our budget, but we hope to get of the shops were willing or able to the lights back on soon and monies sponsor them. We had in the past met permitting, we could do with a new pine the businesses half-way, but with so few being sponsored, we reluctantly had to stop last year. We already need to fund-raise over ÂŁ3,500 to pay for the lamp-post baskets & watering and financially cannot subsidise the shops with freebies. We are very happy to revisit that decision, if the shops are willing to sponsor their own 6

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Pitlochry in Bloom continued ….. year too and we hope to be able to celebrate all our successes later this year, the group have raised and spent an amazing amount in the town over the past 20 years, we estimate around £850,000 has been raised by our little group. We can always do with new volunteers, so if you like gardening and could spare a couple of hours a month

“Famous Green Park hotel Coffee Morning on 15th June Secret Gardens Day Sunday 4th August!”.

through the main own beautiful floral displays. They are season, please do very much appreciated by our visitors, get in touch. so we hope we will all be able to keep Pitlochry the clean and green destinaWe are, as ever, tion it has become. And that the finanreally grateful to all cial downturn will not affect us and you those businesses too much in 2013. We wish you all a who support us, good Season and surely some sunshine whether financially will come our way this year! or putting on their

Victoria’s Restaurant “Our aim is simple, to make sure that each and every customer to Victoria’s has an excellent dining experience”

With another exciting season ahead, Fiona, Angus John & family look forward to welcoming you to Victoria's Restaurant in Pitlochry. At Victoria's, the dining experience is a stylish blend of daytime speciality coffee house merging seamlessly into a chic evening eatery. Open from 10am until late and serving mouth-watering food from breakfast through to dinner, menus include a wide choice of dishes from patisserie and pasta to steak, seafood & fajitas.

like to receive news and offers from us, be sure to sign up through our website at w w w . v i c t o r i a s You’ll also be able to see what’s happening on Pitlochry’s Atholl Road by viewing our live web-cam, also available on our site.

As always, we'd like to express our thanks for the business you refer to us. If you haven't been for a while, why not pop in for a coffee Our aim is simand a catch-up sometime soon! ple, to make sure that each and every customer to Victoria’s has an excellent dining experience no matter if you’re just popping in for a coffee and some of our delicious home baking or if you’re celebrating something special with a mouth-watering meal. Our team of dedicated, longstanding staff are once again on hand to offer our trademark friendly and consistently excellent service and we’re looking forward to seeing faces old and new over the coming months. As always, we like to keep in touch with our customers through email newsletters and our facebook and twitter pages, so if you’d 7

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Highland Perthshire Tourism Newsletter 2013

Ailean Chraggan Hotel and Restaurant tastes from simple to the more adventurous. Cooking to order allows us to be flexible when customers have specific requirements (coeliac, lactose intolerant, lo carb....). The Kids menu offers a good array of homemade items (and there are games and an outside play area to keep them amused)

“Specialising in fresh seafood (collected from the west coast ”.

Ailean Chraggan Hotel and Restaurant Weem, By Aberfeldy

Salmon and trout fishing on Farleyer can be booked

Open year round

For those that know us, we would like to say a big thank you for all your custom and referrals. We are very fortunate to have such a good local support which is the back bone to our business.

Bar open all day for liquid refreshment teas & coffees Lunches form 12:00 – 2:00 Evening Meals 5:30 – 8:30 week end later Booking is best to avoid disappointment Tel: 01887 820 346

For those that have not discovered us yet, we say hello, come in and make yourselves familiar. We have plenty to offer. Having built our reputation over 50 years the restaurant now takes centre stage. The style of food is modern British with a degree of the traditional. Specialising in fresh seafood (collected from the west coast by ourselves in the summer), local produce and game, we do cater for most

Nestling in the woods at the foot of Weem Rock looking out over the Tay Valley our restaurant and terrace have enviable seasonal views. Our bar is well stocked with a great choice of whiskies, wines, teas & coffees and local real ale. We have been listed in The Good Pub Guide, the AA Pub Guide, the Lonely Planet and the Rough Guide for food and drink. We will have a number of special events this year, theme food night, live music quiz night etc. Keep your eyes open for posters or follow us on twitter @aileanchraggan


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Highland Perthshire Tourism Newsletter 2013

Strathgarry Restaurant and Rooms what’s happening at The Strathgarry this year.

“Watch out

cake or our very chocolaty chocolate cake not to mention our fabulous Florentines.

something is seriously Last year we happening when it launched our early comes to food and Our menu offers something bird menu availfor everyone daytime or service at able between 4pm evening quick snack or Strathgarry.” -7pm this proved to something special. You be hugely successwon’t be disappointed simful. For just £12.95 you ply great food and service. As well as can enjoy two courses or good food we also offer comfortable £14.95 for three courses. rooms for you to get away from it all. W e l c o m e t o S t r a t h g a r r y This will be available all year round and We are ideally located near the train Restaurant and Rooms we think it offers the best quality and station in the centre of town. value for money in Pitlochry and HighSometimes we can be mistaken for just The Strathgarry Team a tea room. Watch out something is land Perthshire. So if you don’t want to be disappointed BOOK EARLY!!! seriously happening when it comes to food and service at Strathgarry. Is it BUENOS DIAS.........If you are looking for because we have our award winning something that little bit different then Chef Josef, is it because we offer great the last Saturday of every month come value for money, is it because we offer and enjoy our TAPAS night a fantastic professional service in a casual way, is selection of Spanish, Scottish and conit because we use local produce where tinental little dishes and superb Spanpossible and cook all our dishes on the ish wines again booking is always advispremises. Or is it all of the above. able. Hello, I am JP and along with Karen and As well as great food we also offer the team we would like to tell you home baking, try our luscious lemon

The Attic Aberfeldy The Attic – Aberfeldy is a fun new antiques and curiosities shop that has opened this month in Aberfeldy, Highland Perthshire. Situated on the first floor of No.4 Bank Street (above R Doig & Sons), the shop is brimming with a wide selection of antique and vintage treasures, from elegant Victorian pond yachts to retro collectables. The collection includes pieces that have been lovingly restored as well as those in their original condi- items available for sale there as well. tion, offering fun opportunities for res- With something for everyone, you just toration projects. never know what you We also offer a select range of home- might find in the Attic . . wares including soft furninshings, up- We are open Monday to cycled home accessories as well as a S a t u r d a y from few special pieces of locally made art. 10:00am to 5:00pm. Our website is currently under construc- Please contact Rhianna Stewart on 07885 293 tion, and when ready will also include an on-line shop with a selection of 764 for any further information. 9

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Highland Perthshire Tourism Newsletter 2013

Explorers Garden mised. Eventually, the intention is to place special 'Bug Hotels' around and ab o ut the grounds of PFT, providing a safe home for the insect population to take shelter in bad weather and to encourage propagation of species.

Based in the grounds of Pitlochry Festival Theatre, Explorers Garden ( reopening on March 28th) is bursting into life this spring with some really exciting developments: a ground-breaking Bio Diversity project in PFT’s grounds, Bat, Swift and Bumble Bee Walks for June in the six-acres of Explorers Garden, two new summer exhibitions in the Garden’s David Douglas Pavilion – India’s Hidden Treasures and 80 years of Scottish Rock!

To see a short video on this innovative Bio-Diversity Project visit the Explorers Garden on

modern day plant hunter. She recorded the images when she travelled to the remote North East corner of India last year in a mission to unearth botanical treasures in this hitherto unexplored region. Julia commented “This was an experience of a lifetime, with plants not seen for over 70 years since the 1940s famous plant hunters, Sherriff and Ludlow, were last in this part of The Himalayas. I really delighted with these discoveries”.

“Bat, Swift and Bumble Bee Walk for June in the 6 acres of Explorers Garden”.

Along with a plethora of stunning photographs, India’s Hidden Treasures features some exclusives: the first-ever photographs of Diapnsia wardii, Paraquilegia Anemonoides and Meconopsis Argermonantha!

The second garden exhibition – 80 years of Rock! – will be of great interest to anyone with a passion for alpine and rock garden plants. It features images taken by members of the Scottish Rock Garden Club. The SRGB was founded by a small group of enthusiasts in 1933 and is the largest horticultural society in Scotland.

Linking in with the Bio Diversity Project, Explorers Garden will see three different walks taking place during June this year, following S e e b e l o w f o r d e t a i l s : regular, summer wildlife visitors to the garden – Swifts, Bats and Bumble Bio Diversity Project: Bees. More details regarding these inThis will see the general grounds and novative walks will be available shortly car parks of PFT gradually turning into a on For further information on any of the haven for insects, bumble bees and above, go to or other small wildlife and will be a huge For visitors with an interest in plants, phone Julia Corden, Garden Manager, attraction to visitors interested in wild- India’s Hidden Treasures, one of the on 01796 484 600 Garden Exhibitions, features fabulous life and their environment. images taken by Julia Corden who, as Julia Corden, Explorers Garden Manwell as being garden manager is also a ager, says: "Grassy areas will be overseeded in November 2013 with Yellow Rattle, a parasitic plant which latches on to grass, limiting its growth so that it retains its nutrients for longer - this will attract the insect population and, in turn, we should see a growth in the bird population, both in size and diversity". In timely fashion, given the current state of the Scottish Bumble Bee population the Yellow Rattle should also attract this threatened species of insect, which have suffered so badly in recent years – one likely cause that has been put forward for this is that their environment is gradually becoming compro10

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Highland Perthshire Tourism Newsletter 2013

Pitlochry Festival Theatre Pitlochry Festival Theatre launches its 2013 Summer Season in May – six fabulous plays, with something to suit all tastes, from drama to pure comedy... also look out for a brand new, weekly audio-visual talk - Secrets of The Stage, (which includes refreshments!) dealing with everything to do with PFT stage operations, from inception to reality. See below for a bit more about our forthcoming season! Launching the 2013 season is the jawdropping, multi-award winning Broadway stage show/musical Hello Dolly, followed by A Chorus of Disapproval, an Alan Ayckbourn comic masterpiece. There’s Noel Coward’s sublime comedy of manners, Present Laughter and for anyone with a preference for something a bit grittier, there’s Single Spies, Alan Bennett’s Olivier-Award-Winning double bill. Oscar Wilde’s scintillating comedy, Lady Windermere’s Fan, is a stylish and deliciously witty comedy of marital misadventure and family secrets .Finishing off the season is a cracking play by Jim Cartwright – Two – a rich and affectionate portrait of one night in the life of an 80s northern pub, with a cast of two playing fourteen different characters in a quickfire succes-

sion of scenes! Secrets of the Stage (new this year!) is going to prove hugely popular with anyone who visits PFT specifically to see a show, or with theatre enthusiasts. Taking place every Friday between 5th July – 11th October, from 11am12.30pm it will include a cup of tea or coffee and a delicious scone or Highland Patisserie! This entertaining illustrated talk, with examples of props and costumes, covers all aspects of PFT’s stage productions, from set design and cast auditions and selections, to the choosing of plays and the rehearsal process. PFT’s Community and Education Director, Drew Scott says: “Secrets of the Stage is an exciting development in the PFT visitor’s experience, perfectly complimenting our Backstage Tours which currently provide a unique insight into the world that exists behind the scenes. For anyone wanting an overview of PFT - its history and the whole process of bringing a show to the stage - this talk will be a fascinating and entertaining guide to the reality of day-to-day operations of PFT”.

in the talk will be a “sneaky peak” at the production being built on stage that day and a look at how PFT has changed since its early days in the tent. You will also have the opportunity to have any questions you may have about our productions answered.

Secrets of the Stage will be the perfect Short video interviews with the PFT complement to our Backstage Tours, staff will give an insight into backstage and is sure to prove just as popular! life at the Theatre in the Hills. Included With the help of eighteen businesses right across Highland Perthshire and ERDF (European Regional Development Funding) we were encouraged in 2009 to developed a membership web site where businesses work together to promote each other. We are pleased to report when the ERDF auditors, Glamis Consultancy, carried out their audit of they were extremely complimentary. We are also pleased to report the web site does well in the search engines appearing at the top of Google for many searches using terms to do with Highland Perthshire, except for the term

‘Highland Perthshire’ when is appears second after the DMO web site which has been paying for Google adwords for the last 14 months. A bit strange as the members of are DMO members. As mentioned at the start is a membership based web site, dedicated to Highland Perthshire, the web site is not full of accommodation providers all competing for the same business. It only has those who are prepared to work with other non competitive businesses. Much of the traffic goes from Highland11 to individual businesses own web sites. 50,000 unique visitors and 137,439 page views each year.

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Highland Perthshire Tourism Newsletter 2013

Karelia House Ltd. Drummond Hill, which is situated behind our building. We opened our craft and coffee shop in October 2009 stocking only the highest quality materials, accessories, unusual yarns, paints and beads and serving good coffee and Revolution teas with home baking, homemade Karelia House Ltd is a still a jams and great soup. The relatively new adventure, combination is unique in utilising space that we had “We have just Perthshire and we are atin our underfloor heating received tracting customers from all premises. Both Karelia over Scotland and we are planning House and Magnum Heating also doing mail order for are family run businesses permission to customers living further which moved into these purexpand our afield. Our angle on crafts pose built premises in 2005. craft and the stock we carry is a The building is built on the workshop”. unique combination to us site of an old Sawmill dating which gives customers a back to the 1800’s, and in great diversity of crafts. more recent times became a Sand/ Gravel Quarry. The majority of the We have just received planning permisgravel was excavated in the 1950’s for sion to expand our craft workshop area the building of the Burma Road on and fire- place showroom. We are also

currently working on our online shop so as customers from further afield still have access to our wonderful array of products. We have liaised with local holiday accommodation so as their customers are aware in advance of what courses we have available. Many sign up for day or half day workshops. We also are delighted to welcome groups from around Scotland who we “entertain” for the day (sometimes they entertain us!) with mini workshops and demos. We can also cater for small groups of friends who have a specific project in mind.

Drummonds Restaurant and Public House Mags, and Angela tish produce at all times. would like to welWhat makes Drummonds different? come you to Drummonds in Ferry • It has a private car park for paRoad, Pitlochry (the trons (no town car park fees). road that runs from • One of the last tasks Geordie comAtholl Road beside pleted was a wooden decking Pitlochry War Mearea where you can sit out and morial). enjoy the fresh air. Mags and Geordie started Drum- • For Dog owners in the summer have a gazibo with table and monds back in chairs – to allow dog owners to 1999, it is a family have a quiet social drink or meal business in every without having to put the dog in sense of the word, the car. in that there is alMags, Angela and family would like to ways at least one member of the family • Walkers, Cyclists, Bikers are all thank everyone for their messages and on the premises at all times. welcome. support during the months of Geordie’s ill health and sadly his death in Janu- Drummonds will continue to offer af- • Children are welcome – special ary. The family are very touched by how fordable home from home cooking, children’s menu £5 include juice, popular Geordie was and his passing ‘Just as your Mum would cook it”, evemain meal and home made Italian rything is cooked to order using Scotleaves a massive hole. 12

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Highland Perthshire Tourism Newsletter 2013

Drummonds Restaurant and Public House continued ….. Ice cream. They can also choose half portions off the main menu. • Half portions 3 course senior citizen meal for £7.50 • Coach parties welcome.

“Home Cooking, Just as your Mum would cook it!”.

• Draughts available:- Tenants Larger Beer, Guinness and Strongbow Cider. • A choice of Cairngorm Brewery Award winning bottled real ales. • Wine sold by the bottle or the glass.

Fife Mining Heritage Geordie and Mags are proud descendents of Fife miners, both their fathers worked in the pits. In remembrance of the Scottish mining heritage and their own families Fife mining history, Drummonds has a whole range of mining memorabilia from original mining paints, to miners lamps, canary’s cage, limited edition miners commemorative plates, to coal figures depicting mining scenes. The collec-

tion has attracted a lot of comments from visitors and locals, with items being added to the collection by past miners and their families all the time.

Macdonald Butchers which documents everything to do with its life, thereby ensuring only the very healthiest animals are used in the food chain. If you ask, we can supply you the tag number for the beef you purchase from us. Pork and Lamb have slightly different systems of traceability, but again tight control is kept to ensure only With all the scare of horse meat and the very healthiest of animals enter the what you actually get when you buy food chain. meat, we thought we would take this opportunity to tell you about the meat In addition to these government controls we at Macdonalds know all the we supply and where is comes from. farms and producers we purchase all All Macdonald Butchers meat is our meat supplies from. We do not pursourced in Scotland and as close to chase from the whole sale meat trade. Highland Perthshire as possible. Part of what Macdonald Our beef is Aberdeen Angus, a breed Butchers offer its cusdeveloped in the 1840s from cattle tomers is our guarantee native to Scotland from the counties of that we have purAberdeenshire and Angus. Macdonald chased only the very Butchers beef is purchased from best meat for them. Perthshire farms, that has been known Macdonald Butchers to our family for three generations. Deliveries:There is a statutory requirement for all Highland Perthshire – cattle in UK to be ear tagged at birth We supply meat door to and each animal has its own passport, door to private homes 13

and businesses right across Highland Perthshire, from Kenmore, to Blair Atholl, to Rannoch, to Kirkmichael, to Bankfoot and everywhere in between.

“All Macdonald Butchers meat is sourced in Scotland and as close to Highland Perthshire as possible. ”

UK Mainland next day guarantee – Macdonald Butchers supply meat all over the UK mainland. If an order is placed before 10am via our web site you will receive delivery next day if required. Macdonald Butchers, 6 - 8 Bonnethill Road, Pitlochry PH16 5BS and Tel: 01796 472047

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Highland Perthshire Tourism Newsletter 2013

Highland Perthshire Cycling Festival 4th—11th May The Highland Perthshire Cycling bike. We are excited to be working with most voted amateur film. The week No Fuss Even ts on High land also features family fun days, kids Festival is on its way! An exciting new event this year is the Highland Perthshire Enduro, this mountain bike event takes place on Saturday 4th May on both sides of the Dunkeld and Birnam valley with an approx 49km route including 4 timed stages. This cross country level enduro will contain a real mix of remote feeling loops, tough climbs, the odd technical descent and overall a really good day out on the

Perthshire’s first ever Enduro! With riders from all over Scotland and Enduro Magazine already signed up this really is the chance to show off the local mountain biking talent. To take part in this event visit

events, local rides and the well renowned BIG Day plus lost more!

The week all culminates in the legendary Etape Caledonia Sportive on Sunday 12th May. For more information visit –

Other new events in this year’s Festival are – Skinny Tyres: Tour of the Lochs guided road ride, Escape Route: Back to nature (natural trail riding) guided mountain bike ride, Girls on Tour guided cycle with picnic stop and a Film Night where amateur cyclists and film makers are being asked to submit a homemade cycling film which will be shown in the newly refurbished Birks Cinema in Aberfeldy, this Film Night will also show a professional feature cycling film and prizes will be given for the

Blair Atholl Bikes

Contact: Sally Judd 01796 481244 or 07788 581803, Loch Moraig, Old Bridge of Tilt, Pitlochry, PH18 5TP It’s not every day you hear of a Fish and Chip shop branching out into hiring bikes, but with a location like Food in the Park’s at the brand new Gateway Centre in Blair Atholl, it’s a natural progression! Dave Mckenzie and Sally Judd have owned Food in the Park Chippy and

Pizza Restaurant in Blair Atholl since Centre and Information Hub. early 2010 and, prompted by the creaSally says that “Having the Bike Hire tion of the Gateway Centre on their business situated so centrally in the doorstep and effortless access to some village next to the Museum and the of the Cairngorm National Park’s best Information Hub within the Gateway Mountain Biking tracks from Centre will hopefully allow their car park, the proprietors of more visitors to discover “Chippy the Food in the Park have purwhat else Blair Atholl has chased an already very sucowners to offer and boost this area’s cessful bike hire business from take on Bike tourism. It’s also going to The Firs Guest House owners be great to be able to offer Geoff and Kirsty Crerar and Hire in Blair our Bike Hire customers the Atholl ” they will start hiring out bikes added extra of having their from 28th March 2013. lunch or supper waiting for The newly branded ‘BLAIR ATHOLL BIKE them when they return from a hard HIRE’ will do exactly what it says on the day’s cycling – if we haven’t already tin! It will give everyone from families sent them off with a packed lunch!” and serious mountain bikers the A website is due to be launched shortly chance to hire bikes from a central poat sition within the village with great parking adjacent to newly manicured lawns and a picnic site, access to newly built public toilets and the village’s Ranger’s 14

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Highland Perthshire Tourism Newsletter 2013

Blair Atholl Watermill & Tearoom from customers on the changes we made to the tearoom serving area and it certainly makes it easier having more room! The locally grown wheat from last year’s trials has been very popular. We used it in all our baking this year and will now use Thank you again for your support. Kirit on regular basis. sty and Rami The Farmers Markets at Perth and Logierait were busy as ever. There is a Our mailing address is: wide variety of stalls and Hello, Another season has come to an cooking demonstrations and well worth Blair Atholl Watermill, The Watermill Ford Road, Blair Atholl, PH18 5SH end and we would like to thank all of a visit. you for your custom and support this The pandas are still enjoying their year. panda cake treats and we have been We have had a busy seaasked to continue being their millson. Major work was carers for next year! ried out on the lade “Major work which, although caused was carried out The new dates for the Basic Bread great disruption for the on the lade .. it Making Courses are now on the milling, it ensures that the ensures that website. New Gift Vouchers availlade will be good for an- the lade will be able! We are also planning to run a two day course in June which will good for other hundred years be focusing on sourdough bread. another hopefully! We also had lots of positive comments hundred years We will have the final details on the website soon. hopefully! “

Atholl Country Life Museum 2012 was another busy year for the museum. Visitor numbers fluctuated during the 2012 season, but despite the worsening international financial climate, they ended up not too far short of last year. We are hopeful that the recently opened Visitor Hub adjacent to the museum and general improvements in the surrounding area will help increase our footfall in 2013.

Our static display for 2013 will com- surrounding villages and glens during memorate the 150th anniversary of the the 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s. Their remiopening of the Highland Railway be- niscences will be recorded on video, tween Perth and Inverness. Construc- hopefully with the technical assistance tion of this line, often through difficult of a final year media student and dis“Our Land terrain, was a remarkable feat of engi- played as a series of 10 minute viRover gnettes. This will be one of the few neering in its day. Due to its location, Blair Atholl station was anSafaris importantwill remaining opportunities to record for staging post on the route, employing a posterity a first-hand account of a now re-start in significant number of staff to prepare redundant way of life within our comApril ”. the steam engines for the long haul munity, before the memory is lost forover the Drumochter Pass. These had ever. Stewart MacGlashan Chairman to be topped up with coal and water. Pusher engines were employed to provide additional muscle and braking power for the ascent or descent. Looking further ahead, we are planning to launch the “Voices of Atholl” project this year. The aim will be to establish, through interviews with our most senior citizens, a comprehensive picture of what life was like in Blair Atholl and the 15

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Highland Perthshire Tourism Newsletter 2013

Atholl Estates

Hello from Atholl Estates,

Over the Easter Weekend, families can enjoy tractor rides which explore hidden parts of the grounds and no Easter would be complete without the fun of hard boiled eggs! On Saturday 30th March, the Egg Olympics will kick off; allowing families to tackle obstacles with their eggs, including making your egg fly and swim. Those taking part are asked to come along to Blair Atholl Information Centre at 2pm, armed ready for an exciting “Our Land afternoon, with a well-trained hardboiled egg! Rover

The start of the new season is almost here and with Easter falling early this year, we have Safaris will Come Easter Sunday, families a busy opening week ahead of us. On 25 March, we will re- re-start in can meet in the grounds of Blair Castle to take part in one sume our summer opening April ”. of life’s longest standing traditimes from 9.30am-5.30pm tions, egg rolling; the perfect (last admission 4.30pm), way to spend your Sunday with daily. Our piper will return to the family. the forecourt to welcome visitors with bagpipes every afternoon (in front of a Get into the Easter spirit from 29th very white castle as it has just finished March, by climbing onto the back of a being painted)! sure-footed Highland Pony and enjoy a gentle trek or a faster ride across the moors. This year we’ve added new routes so whether you’re an experienced rider or you’ve never ridden before, there’s a trek to suit you. Prebooking is essential. For more information, visit or Tel: 01796 481568.

Our Land Rover Safaris will re-start in April and are a great way to explore the wilderness of Perthshire. Special safaris have been added for the Year of Natural and kick off with Black Grouse Tours available between 15 April-15 May. Pre-booking is essential. Visit or Tel: 01796 481355 for more information. Wishing you all a happy Easter and a great start to the new season! The Marketing Team Blair Castle

Highland Perthshire Social Media. Whether you like it or not Social Media have something you think others is here to stay and has a big impact on should know please let us know. your business. I read somewhere the Highland Perthshire Twitter page is other day that 40% of marketing is now linked to the via Social media. Facebook and it We got involved way back Tweets our Facein 2010 after attending a book communicourse organised by Alan cations. Graham of Perth and KinPinterest is the ross Council. new one on the Highland Perthshire Faceblock it is basibook has 0ver 1,000 cally where you Likes, with a reach of stick images to a 5,000+ We promote Highland Perthshire, if you 16

wall. We are experimenting with this at the moment. YOU Tube videos — YOU Tube is the second most search platform on the internet after Google I am told. We have videos on many aspects of Highland Perthshire, from Highland Games, Atholl Highlander parades, massed bands, New Year, to individual businesses. So if you are trying to attract customers to your hotel, B&B for a particular weekend why not send them a link to the relevant video?

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