A Magical Decade David Stroud
The last 10 years of development at Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society presage a dynamic decade ahead.
ermit me to outline our last decade of progress. It’s pretty impressive, and I think it’s a reflection of a generous, compassionate community.
So go ahead, you kind people of the Plateau, take a bow for these developments – we couldn’t have done this without you! Our first entrance road to Highway 64 in a quarter century; A custom-built rescue trailer deployed at the scene of puppy mill raids; hoarding and cruelty case; natural disaster response; off-site adoption events and spay/neuter transport; The Canine Adoption Center and Feline Adoption Center debut as two of North Carolina’s most modern animal welfare facilities with both buildings opening debt-free on the first day of operation; expansion of our famous outdoor play yards from nine to 14. Innovative new community outreach programs developed, including pet therapy visits, Hikers for Hounds, the foster-dogin-residence at The Park on Main Hotel, the annual Forever Family Reunion; and the immensely popular Critter Camp summer program for elementary schoolchildren. 210 J U N E 202 2 | T H EL AU R EL M AG A ZI N E .CO M
Or consider the CHHS Animal Rescue Team, deployed to eight different states, with additional rescues of animals from Puerto Rico and South Korea. And at the same time, the number of local community strays and owner-surrendered pets rescued, cared for, and adopted each year quadrupled from 2012 to 2022. It’s been a magical decade. And along the way, thanks to our generous supporters and solid financial stewardship from our board of directors, CHHS has had 10 consecutive years with no operating deficit. After serving three years as Executive Director of the Gulf Coast Humane Society in Fort Myers, I was given the greatest opportunity I have ever experienced as a lifelong animal advocate. On May 1, 2012, I was named the Executive Director of the Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society. I feel so incredibly blessed to have shared the last decade of lifesaving work with our staff, volunteers and our board, and most of all, with the incredible residents and visitors of this little piece of paradise on the Highlands-Cashiers Plateau. I have also been honored and humbled by my peers when I was elected as Chairman of