We usually describe June on the Highlands-Cashiers Plateau as a multi-sensory experience.
But we’d like to suggest that you Listen, truly Listen, to the sounds of June.
As outlined in our Audubon Report, you may hear the extraordinary song of the Wood Thrush, a bird that can sing two notes at once (how’s that for multi-tasking?)
You’ll hear the irresistible evening concerts performed every weekend in Highlands, and there’s the deep purr of the finely-tuned entrants in the Highlands Motoring Festival.
And through it all, listen for the happy chatter and boisterous laughter emanating from our restaurants that are now back to full capacity, and the joyful sound of children at Village Play in the Village Green.
These are all components of June’s Official Soundtrack here on the Plateau. Listen
and luxuriate.
Sincerely, Janet and Marjorie