HMF Swag
very year Highlands Motoring Festival ® has memorabilia for sale on a merchandise table on the show field during Saturday’s Cars in the Park. Manned by volunteers, the table has traditionally sold Highlands Motoring Festival ® hats and posters. The hats are high quality “ball cap” style in a wide variety of colors. Highlands Motoring Festival ® has produced a poster of unique design for each year of the festival. These posters are designed by automotive artist and reflect a wide variety of cars, often reflecting that year’s Featured Marque. A bundle of 14 posters is available at a discounted price. Posters of each year are also available individually. The One Lap of the Mountains tour books will also be on sale along with a variety of other merchandise. New in 2022 will be custom coffee mugs and collared shirts along with an 18-month calendar featuring images of cars and scenes from past Highlands Motoring Festivals ®. Credit cards accepted.
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