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Shockwave Defense: The Offense Against Threats

Michael Johnson, founder of Shockwave Defense

written by David M. Brown

About five minutes ago, your wife was stalked into a department store by a man wearing a medical face mask, with two accomplices trailing him, similarly disguised; she’s fine, the police have descriptions and are searching for them. Please come quickly, she texts.

Or, you have been receiving email threats from a radical environmental organization accusing you of “unforgivably slaying Mother Earth”; you’re the CEO of a mega-company that, among other lawn-care products, manufactures pesticides.

Worse, your daughter has come within seconds of being abducted by sex traffickers a few miles from the luxury home and guard/gated community you have worked so many years to achieve. Fortunately, an off-duty police officer saw the threat and intervened.

In each scenario, your security and your family’s are being threatened. As a person of means, you are tired of feeling vulnerable; you want these threats to end or, at least, you want to know how you and your family can be in control moving on. “We are what we call ‘blindspot coaches’; we specialize in helping people see things before they happen and avoid them if possible or, if they are unavoidable, what to do when they do occur,” says Michael Johnson, who founded Shockwave Defense February 5, 2002.

“We cover it all, from car-jackings, weapons attacks to home invasions as well as escape and evasion from illegal restraint, whether the attackers are criminal, crazed or crusaders. And, we can teach you how to safeguard yourself and your loved ones,” says Johnson, who for two decades has traveled throughout the world studying criminal behavior to counter it and training individuals, companies and even special forces how to survive and triumph in life-threatening situations.

For the highly acclaimed USAF Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape (S.E.R E.) school in the state of Washington, for example, he and his staff teach instructors how to augment their program with additional life-saving skills so that they can train pilots, dignitaries and other persons of importance what to do if they are captured.

Michael has traveled throughout the world training individuals, companies and even special forces

Michael’s father trained under Bruce Lee from 1967-1969

One program his company offers is “Protected.” With this, Johnson and his staff do threat and vulnerability assessments of businesses and homes, helping to safeguard clients from hostile entries and identifying danger zones. During the initial interview, he asks a client about his or her biggest concerns and challenges. “It’s basic information about who you are,” he explains. “We discover fears and concerns and what is threatening you in order to conquer them.”

From offices in Albuquerque, Scottsdale and Houston, he works with staff and coordinates with other organizations, in particular, Laser Shot Simulations for scenario-based training and the DeliverFund, which includes former Navy Seals, NSA, CIA and Special Ops agents who target human traffickers, using highly specialized software to track them and take them down. The number of women and children forced into sexual slavery each year in the United States may be as high as 325,000, a Department of Health and Human Services has estimated. A former CIA operative owns DeliverFund. Johnson also works with a former Seal Team member to design specialty knives.

A second Shockwave Defense program, Dangerous in 4 Hours, teaches students how to gain the mindset and skillset to be immediately effective in hand-to-hand combat, knife skills and how to improvise tools such as pens and clipboards. Still another, Beyond the Boardroom, offers skills and tactics for executives. In the Valley, for instance, he’s trained upper-management personnel at Shamrock Foods to overcome adversity.

“We understand the world of violence,” Johnson says. “We train you to think like the enemy and become the enemy of the enemy. We train good people like you how to be dangerous to bad people like them.”

For more information on Shockwave Defense, please call 480.210.1995 and see shockwavedefense.com.

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