College Tour Checklist 2024

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A practical guide for students and parents to eliminate the overwhelming stress, fear and frustration from the college search process


Dear Discerning Family,

The standard college tour is full of friction points most people don’t realize until it’s too late. Don’t let this frustrating scenario happen to you:

You visit a website and select your dates.

You make the hotel reservation, take the journey and prepare a few questions. The rest will come to you as you’re exploring the campus, right?

Then, chaos ensues.

You circle the parking lot in search of an empty space and find one almost a mile from campus. You rush to arrive on time, then you’re shuffled away with a college tour guide and dozens of other prospective students and parents like yourselves. You’re herded from here to there on foot faster than you can stop and smell the cafeteria.

Parents fight for the opportunity to ask questions over each other. Prospective students are too busy checking out their phone screens, and then, it’s over.

Did you get to ask that question that was so important? You can’t remember. You’re exhausted and relieved to see your hotel room.

On the next tour, the process repeats itself.




There are incredible ways you can maximize your tour experience at every college campus. High Point University knows. We not only provide a much better tour experience than the one described on the previous page, but we’ve also been thanked by many families for offering a personalized tour option that they didn’t find on other campuses.

You’re about to make one of the biggest investments of your family’s life. Right now, the best thing you can do is know which questions to ask during the tour – questions no one could possibly know to ask until they’ve already toured dozens of campuses.

This guide breaks down the questions for both students and parents, so take it with you! By asking these questions, you’ll get the answers your family needs while also being the most prepared and knowledgeable people on the tour.

We wish we could be there to watch you shine!

P.S. If you want to experience the best university tour, schedule your personalized High Point University campus visit at

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The college experience isn’t limited to the classroom. In fact, there are 168 hours in a week, and students will be in class approximately 20 of those hours. What will the other 148 consist of? For four years, students are choosing one campus to call home. What will it be like living independently for the first time? What resources are available to make new surroundings comfortable? Here are important questions you should ask to uncover the type of environment each school offers:


What security measures or features does your campus provide?

Pro-tip: Ask about building access and take note of security officer presence.

WHAT KIND OF FREE CONCERTS, GUEST SPEAKERS AND ACTIVITIES do students experience on your campus?

DO YOU HAVE ONLY ONE OVERCROWDED RECREATION CENTER for students or several options from which students can choose?

WILL YOU BE PROVIDING MY FAMILY WITH A COMPLIMENTARY MEAL on campus during this tour so we can experience your dining options?

What are your charges for parking, graduation, printing fees or Family Weekends? WHAT ARE THE HIDDEN COSTS associated with attending this college?



HPU’s well-lit campus is recognized nationally by Security Magazine. It includes the 24/7 presence of friendly campus police, trained security officers and Student Life staff. Our 24/7 security presence includes an expert security, transportation and HPU police team dedicated to providing students with a safe campus. This includes state-of-the-art technology, a robust shuttle system, certified professionals and national rankings that recognize HPU’s security efforts as some of the best in the country. Sixty Blue Light Care Point stations and the LiveSafe App allow students to quickly connect with security. Residence halls and academic buildings are accessed by keycard only. And the list goes on.

Every semester, HPU students enjoy free concerts from chart-topping artists such as Flo Rida, Calvin Harris, J. Cole, Daya, Train, Hunter Hayes, T-Pain, Cheat Codes and more. Global leaders such as Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak, Netflix Co-Founder Marc Randolph and Google executive Teena Piccione, as well as Dallas Mavericks CEO Cynt Marshall, regularly visit campus for engaging discussions. And with 200+ clubs and organizations, there’s always an energetic event to enjoy at HPU.

AHPU has state-of-the-art facilities with incredible spaces, including two large student centers, several satellite libraries and fitness centers, expansive gardens and outdoor areas, intramural fields, an arcade, a cinema, two Starbucks locations and a total of 20+ dining options throughout campus.

Yes! You won’t have to worry about getting hungry because you will enjoy a complimentary meal at HPU, one of the nation’s best campus dining experiences.

No hidden costs! HPU’s comprehensive fee includes everything. There are no unexpected costs for services like the use of laundry machines, printing, parking or tickets to events, because at HPU, they’re free.

be happy, safe
inspired to learn here? BIG
Will you


After 18 years at home, students bring a set of established values to college. Isn’t it important for students to attend a school that honors and reinforces their family’s values? Here are questions to help you make that determination during your visits:

WHAT ARE THE CORE VALUES AND VIRTUES your campus celebrates for students? Q

HOW ARE FAITH AND SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT acknowledged and supported on your campus?

How does your campus PROMOTE THE PURSUIT OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, patriotism and respect for this nation? Q

WHICH STAFF MEMBERS ARE DEDICATED to helping students during their freshman year transition to college and beyond?

Q Does your campus have a FULL-TIME MEDICAL DOCTOR AND FACILITIES to accommodate unexpected health events like pandemics?

Which staff members are dedicated to helping parents and students BEYOND STANDARD BUSINESS HOURS



AA national reporter wrote that college is about “having your brain stripped bare and then rebuilt.” While many colleges believe this, HPU instead strives to model the values your family holds dear. At successful campuses, you can clearly see and feel their values and virtues when visiting. If the school’s values and virtues aren’t apparent, ask why, and what are those values and virtues? It’s clear that HPU’s culture is one filled with positivity, and we proudly celebrate gratitude, patriotism, generosity and civility.

AYour family’s values and faith are the most important aspects of your lives! Look for visual indicators and resources that support students in fostering their faith. HPU honors our Christian roots and is a God, family and country school. Our campus includes a chapel, a full-time minister, a Hillel Center, an interfaith club and abundant other opportunities to practice one’s faith. At the same time, HPU welcomes and supports students of all faiths.

AAmerican flags and patriotic tributes are abundant on HPU’s campus. Our university strives to model the principles on which our nation was founded, including personal initiative, the entrepreneurial spirit and free enterprise. Students learn from industry titans and develop business ventures. In addition, HPU’s Annual Veterans Day Celebration honors 2,000 veterans and their family members.

AHPU provides every freshman a Student Success Coach, a professional staff member whose sole responsibility is to guide students in their transition to college and connect them with other campus resources like the Office of Career and Professional Development. From their professors, to their career advisor, to their peer mentor an upperclassman who mentors new students students are supported in numerous ways at HPU.

AYes! A full-time doctor leads HPU’s Student Health Services along with a staff of physician assistants, nurse practitioners and more. Students have access to quality care on our campus. HPU’s new, 6,500-square-foot student health facility provides a separate entrance for students with respiratory symptoms. And, in the case of a global pandemic like COVID-19, the university quickly relocated any student at risk of having the virus to a comfortable, quarantine environment.


HPU’s Campus Concierge is available 14 hours per day both in-person and online to assist not just students but their parents with any question or need that may arise. The Concierge serves as a one-stop source for all things students and their parents need to know about HPU even before arriving to campus freshman year.

Values are one of the most critical aspects of a student’s success, but often the most overlooked concern when picking a college. Do you feel your values will be upheld at this school?



We live in a world that demands more than the technical skills a degree provides. A student’s college education shouldn’t merely focus on the attainment of a diploma, but the process of earning that diploma should ensure a successful future. Time on a college campus should supply students with the Life Skills and career readiness employers are looking for. Here are questions you should ask regarding a college’s career preparation programs:

AT WHAT MAJOR COMPANIES do your students get internships and jobs?

What’s the name of the program that connects young successful alumni on campus to MENTOR CURRENT STUDENTS, and how often are alumni on campus?


Pro-tip: Six months after graduation is the national standard by which schools should report. If they give you a rate based on longer than six months, ask them why. If it’s not easily available or seen, ask yourself “why?”

WHAT TUITION-FREE MASTER’S PROGRAMS do you offer that directly enhance Life Skills?

What other industries did your COLLEGE PRESIDENT work in before taking on leadership of the university? Does the president teach a class for first-year students?

Outside of classwork, where on this campus are LIFE SKILLS, such as professional etiquette, taught to freshmen?




HPU students and graduates power some of the world’s top-tier companies such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, the NBA, Apple and the Smithsonian, just to name a few. They intern on Capitol Hill, with the MLB or with Big Four investment firms. You can see where HPU takes students by visiting

The Life Skills Success Circle (HPU’s Premier Network of Career Influencers) brings HPU graduates who work for companies like Rolling Stone Magazine, NBCUniversal, JP Morgan Chase, plus those who are leading careers as doctors and attorneys, back to campus to mentor and connect with current students multiple times throughout each semester.

AA 99% of HPU students are employed or continuing their education within 180 days of graduation! That’s 14 points higher than the national average. HPU’s Office of Career and Professional Development works closely with students to determine their career goals and make them a reality with resume support, mock interviews, bringing employers to campus and more.

A180 days

In an innovative approach to education, HPU offers undergraduate students the opportunity to obtain a Tuition-Free Master’s Degree in areas such as healthcare management, biomedical sciences, communication and business leadership, educational leadership and many others. These Tuition-Free Master’s Degrees are available to students who complete their undergraduate degree at HPU. Students who apply Early Decision will unlock access to choose from 11 different degree programs. HPU’s Master of Arts in Communication and Business Leadership is available to all incoming freshmen. You pay $0 tuition for a degree that costs between $40,000 and $80,000. On top of that, graduate degree recipients earn, on average, $17,000 more per year than undergraduate degree recipients, and these benefits are underscored by the fact that 100% of HPU’s advanced degree holders are employed within 180 days of graduating. See the full lineup of Tuition-Free Master’s Degree offerings at:

AYes! HPU President Nido Qubein, is a business leader, entrepreneur, internationally known author and consultant who has given more than 7,500 presentations worldwide. He serves on the corporate boards of several Fortune 500 companies, and he teaches the First-Year Seminar on Life Skills for all freshmen. The class focuses on important premier Life Skills topics, such as fiscal literacy, relational capital, public speaking and how to embrace change. He is also a constant presence on campus, frequently stopping to talk to students on the International Promenade or in the Slane Café.

AHPU’s campus is a 500-acre classroom. As one example, students receive four years of career preparation inside 1924 PRIME, HPU’s fine-dining restaurant and learning laboratory. Here, they practice their interview skills weekly over complimentary dinner and are exposed to a wide variety of cuisines. Beyond that, campus buildings resemble the features of a Fortune 500 company and unique study spaces mimic real-world interaction, like the interior of an airplane, allowing students to practice social interactions that will be necessary as they enter the workforce.


A degree alone is not enough. Employers are looking for Life Skills in their hires, not just the learned technical skills that expire quickly in our fast-paced world. Remember: Your college investment is not just four years, it’s for life.



Life beyond college graduation includes a fast-paced workforce that’s ever-evolving. To best serve students, universities must also evolve by continually adapting curriculum, faculty, programming, technology and facilities so students are prepared for the world not as it is but as it is going to be. Here are questions that will help you assess if various colleges have innovated their campuses with student advancement in mind:

In addition to your faculty, WHAT INNOVATORS AND GLOBAL LEADERS regularly visit campus to mentor students?

I DON’T KNOW WHAT I WANT TO MAJOR IN. Do you have a program or specific advisors that will guide me?

What EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING opportunities do you offer?

WHAT ARE CLASS SIZES LIKE? Pro-tip: Don’t be fooled by faculty/student ratios. Some faculty don’t teach classes but are counted in this equation. Ask instead for the average undergraduate class size (number of students physically in a class), and ask to see the largest classrooms on campus!

CAN STUDENTS PARTICIPATE IN RESEARCH EVEN AS FRESHMEN? If yes, what program matches them with faculty mentors?



HPU attracts thought leaders, innovators and change agents to campus. Students meet them, work with them and discover the art of the possible. These leaders include Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak, HPU’s Innovator in Residence; Netflix Co-Founder and first CEO Marc Randolph, HPU’s Entrepreneur in Residence; Dallas Mavericks CEO Cynt Marshall, HPU’s Sports Executive in Residence; and ABC News’ “Nightline” Co-Anchor Byron Pitts, HPU’s Journalist in Residence. You can see the full lineup of innovators at

This is common! Nearly half of all college students in the nation change their major, and many enter college not knowing what they want to major in. At High Point University, we partner with students to help them discover an academic pursuit they are passionate about. We call this process Project Discovery. Guided by a Student Success Coach, this program includes classes, self-assessments, meetings with professors and upperclassmen with similar interests, and more! Learn more at

As The Premier Life Skills University, HPU provides holistic learning programs that take students outside the classroom and into real-world scenarios, including the Survey Research Center, where students develop, conduct, analyze and publish statewide poll data; the Entrepreneurship Center, where students pitch their latest business model; Service Learning programs that allow students to work for organizations off campus while earning class credit; and much more.

The average class size at HPU is 23 students. Classes are also led entirely by faculty as opposed to graduate teaching assistants. This allows more opportunity for mentorship between faculty and students.

Unlike other universities, students at HPU don’t have to wait until they’re upperclassmen to begin research. Research Rookies is a special program that incorporates freshmen into the university’s culture of scholarly research and matches them with a faculty-led research project. No matter a student’s major, getting involved in research or creative works helps students build unique credentials like critical thinking, communication and problem-solving that distinguish them from the two million other students they will graduate among and compete with for jobs or entrance into graduate and professional schools!

Can you see yourself gaining true experiential learning opportunities here? Do you believe you’ll have access to professors, career counselors and global leaders that will impact the trajectory of your career outcomes?



You’ll be greeted upon arrival at our Welcome Center, directed to a parking space reserved for you with just a short walk to the Slane Student Center where your Day of Discovery will begin with refreshments and a brief video.

A friendly Guide will take care of you; this may be a student, graduate or one of our Admissions Counselors. They will provide options, discuss your interests and customize the tour for you.

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ALL YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED in a straightforward way.

REAL INSIGHT INTO WHY AND HOW WE EDUCATE DIFFERENTLY. This is not just a walking tour of buildings and classrooms and gardens. We have a truly magnificent campus, unique facilities, state-of-the-art technology and, yes, we want you to see it. But more importantly, you will want to understand why and how we have changed the paradigm for higher learning. You should know what to expect from four years at HPU and be able to compare that to what you can expect at many other schools. What you can expect from HPU is unique and highly relevant.

UNDERSTANDING OF OUR CAMPUS CULTURE, VALUES AND CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. Everybody has slogans and catch-phrases. But we have a call to action. “Choose To Be Extraordinary!” Our promise is: At High Point University, every student receives an extraordinary education in an inspiring environment with caring people. We are focused on crafting characters and careers in unison. But, what does that mean? How does it play out in what you’ll do and experience here? Come find out.

FULLY EXPERIENCING OUR ACADEMIC CENTERS, RESIDENTIAL HOUSING, RECREATIONAL FACILITIES, LIBRARIES, STUDENT CENTERS AND DINING OPTIONS. Because you’ll be here for four years, you’ll want to make sure all the essentials are covered. High Point University is committed to providing a first-class residential experience for our students.

INTENTIONAL TIME TO DISCUSS YOUR SPECIFIC INTERESTS. Whether it’s questions about a major, career or being an undeclared major, you’ll have a chance to hear everything you need to know. You may want to speak with a Student Success Coach, ask questions at the Career and Professional Development office, explore undergraduate research or discuss Internship and Study Abroad opportunities.

NO PRESSURE. HPU is not the best fit for every student. Your Day of Discovery and Open House experience is an opportunity to clarify if High Point University is the best fit for you.



Thousands of people are booking their customized HPU visits months in advance so they can experience the unique way our university, campus and culture will prepare them to lead lives of success and significance.

Book your visit now to ensure you get the date and time that works best for your schedule.


On our tour, the students guiding us were so positive when they talked about their experience. They had an excited energy. It’s like when you show off your new home to family and friends. You’re proud of what you’ve done and where you live. It was that same emotion coming from the students. The students talked about the campus like their home and the people there like their family. That really spoke to us. On tours of other schools, the students didn’t hold their heads up. They didn’t hold the door for each other or smile. They were glum, and it brought down the mood of the entire campus. We realized quickly that it’s hard to match HPU.”

-Evelyn Kubanka | HPU Parent of Kyle, ’18; Tyler, ’19; Ryan, ’22 and Troy, ’25

Up until our HPU tour, no other college had made it personal. Not one school talked about the real world. Not one school talked about God, family and country. Not one school talked about preparing my daughter with Life Skills. Not one school, until that very moment, made us feel at home. High Point University was that school. The fact that the campus, faculty and staff are amazing is a huge bonus, but the real reason we chose HPU was for its extraordinary education and the university’s values and beliefs. That’s what sets HPU apart from all the others we had considered. We knew High Point would teach her lessons that last a lifetime.”

-Shannon Gonzalez | HPU Parent of Emily, ’22

When my eldest son and I were looking at schools, HPU was on the need-to-visit list. When we visited the university in the spring of 2014, we were extremely impressed by the campus, its environment and the people we met. There’s one thing I heard that day, and it’s still as memorable to me now as if it was said yesterday. During the tour, as our tour guide was driving us, I asked her if she could show us something mediocre. She stopped the golf cart, looked me in the eyes and said — ‘This is High Point University. We don’t have anything mediocre.’ How accurate she was.”

-Tom Schorn | HPU Parent of Thomas, ’18; Chris, ’20 and Sylvester, ’22

We saw and felt things at HPU that we hadn’t felt at other universities. Aside from being one of the most beautiful campuses we’ve ever seen, there are so many purposeful, little things that matter on the HPU campus. While standing inside the Wilson School of Commerce, our guide explained that the purpose behind the building’s design was to make the students feel as if they were walking into a Fortune 500 company every day. It was a means of preparing them for the real working world. Wow! At that moment we got it. We looked at each other and knew we wanted our daughters at HPU. It was hard to contain our excitement and enthusiasm, not wanting to overly influence our daughter’s decision. We just hoped she had the same feeling. Turns out, she did. We were ecstatic when our younger daughter chose to attend HPU as well.”

-Ken and Stephanie Casper | HPU Parents of Emily, ’19 and Molly, ’21

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that you and your family will appreciate

Receive your admission decision early.

By applying early decision to HPU, your admission decision will be delivered to you as soon as November 20, making your senior year stress-free! You can enjoy the final months of high school with your friends and teachers knowing you’ve already found your perfect university.

Be first to choose your favorite housing option.

First, you should know there are no bad places to live at HPU, which is ranked nationally for best college dorms in America by The Princeton Review. But you want your top pick of those dorms. Early Decision applicants receive first priority in the housing registration process.

Get exclusive parking privileges close to your


Not only does HPU allow you to have a car as a freshman at no additional cost, but as an Early Decision applicant, you will have access to the best parking areas near your dorm. These areas are designated exclusively for Early Decision students for your entire freshman year.

Skip the long lines and move in early.

You’ll have exclusive access to move in a day earlier than other students. Your parents will appreciate this too!

Early access to building your fall class schedule.

Want to craft the schedule that’s best for you? Early Decision students have first priority to build their fall class schedule.

Secure a Tuition-Free Master’s Degree from 11 choices!

All incoming HPU freshmen who complete their undergraduate degree at HPU will have access to a Tuition-Free Master’s Degree in one outstanding program. As an early decision student, you’ll receive a tuition-free master’s from your choice of 11 different programs , giving you a competitive edge in the job market and better positioning you for greater lifetime earnings.



and early notification for HPU Fellows Programs.

HPU Fellows Programs are scholarship-driven, academic programs with limited spots. By applying Early Decision, you receive priority consideration AND early notification. You’ll be among the first to be considered for and the first to be notified about your place in a Fellows Program, which surrounds students with accomplished, like-minded individuals.

Early access to your Success Coach.

No major? No problem! Student Success Coaches will begin reaching out to Early Decision students as early as December. Already know your major? Your Success Coach will be selected because of their expertise in that academic area and you will meet them at Freshman Orientation. They will help you chart a course to ensure you are ready for your first semester and beyond.

Secure your exclusive Learning Excellence coaching session.

Do you want to start college with your best foot forward? Then you’ll need to apply study tips and time management techniques that are proven to work. You’ll receive access to three hours of Learning Excellence Education Consulting provided early in the fall semester and be ready to tackle college from the start!


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Get connected to global leaders and have them autograph their book for you.

Whether it’s the co-founder of Apple, the first CEO of Netflix or one of America’s best corporate trainers, you will receive a complimentary, autographed book by one of HPU’s In-Residence Faculty.

Ignite your path to success.

Students and parents love the fact that 99% of HPU graduates are employed or enrolled in graduate school within 180 days of graduation from HPU – 14 points higher than the national average! While you’ll have access to HPU’s impressive Office of Career and Professional Development throughout all four years, Early Decision applicants receive complimentary access to an exclusive Life Skills and Leadership Luncheon held inside 1924 PRIME with career office leaders.

Receive your swag package early!

Early Decision families will receive a special HPU swag package before all other admitted students that includes your HPU t-shirt, stickers and more. It provides extraordinary ways to begin celebrating your future at High Point University.

Preferred date selection and guaranteed access to HPU events.

HPU is in high demand and can only accommodate so many visitors! Early Decision families can choose their preferred date for events like Orientation, Scholarship Weekends and Admitted Student Weekends. As a bonus to this benefit, your family will also receive early access to HPU Family Weekend. HPU Family Weekends are highly beloved and traditionally exclusive to current, enrolled families only. By applying Early Decision, you could even attend our Spring Family Weekend to get to know the HPU family early and enjoy the much-anticipated Family Weekend Concert!

Increase your chance of acceptance to HPU.

When you apply Early Decision, you increase your chances of being admitted and receive priority consideration. The first students to apply are selected from a smaller pool of applicants and are the first to receive their HPU decision.

Priority scholarship consideration.

Are scholarships important to your college decision? Because Early Decision students are the first to be admitted, they’re also the first to be considered for HPU scholarships and the first to know which scholarship opportunities they qualify for.

when you apply in advance at High Point University: HPU’s Early Decision Benefits are recognized by families and educational leaders as some of the best in the nation. Early Decision is a binding agreement for applicants who rank HPU as their first choice. SCAN NOW TO APPLY ED!


Take notes and photos of the campus as you go. You think you’ll remember the details when it comes time to compare, but you’ll be shocked by how much you want to see the campus again. Photos are your friend!

Pose for a photo with your personalized campus parking space! It will always serve as a memory for when you first visited your university home.

Exchange information with your tour guide and personal admissions counselor for follow-up questions.

Visit the campus bookstore to see how the school’s spirit suits you.

Grab a meal! Four years on a college campus means four years of eating on that campus. You want to make sure you love the food.

Make sure you see a freshman dorm room. After all, this will be your new home!

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