Teacher Education Student Awards/Honors Outstanding Student Teacher Award The Outstanding Student Teacher Award is awarded to graduating student teachers who have demonstrated outstanding knowledge, skills, and dispositions during their student teaching performance. •
Eligibility Criteria: Full time, degree-seeking or licensure only candidates who complete the student teaching internship in any of the approved licensure areas at High Point University may be nominated by their university supervisor and/or cooperating teacher.
Overall ratings on both the mid-semester and final evaluation instruments consistently exceeds expectations.
Performance in student teaching is superior—of the caliber one would be first year Teacher of the Year at his/her school
Nomination and Selection Process: • Written nominations may be received from University Supervisors, Cooperating Teachers or Principals where student teaching internships have been completed. • Nominations should include a narrative that addresses the criteria and provides clear and specific evidence that the person nominated has demonstrated knowledge, skills and attitudes that set him/her apart from peers in teaching performance. • Awards Committee rank orders nominations and presents to the School of Education Dean for selection. • Recipients of the Outstanding Student Teacher Awards will be recognized during the annual Honors Day Awards Ceremony.
Outstanding Cooperating Teacher Award: • While the School of Education appreciates every single teacher who graciously works with our interns, the Outstanding Cooperating Teacher Award is awarded to one or more cooperating teachers who have provided exceptional mentoring for a student teacher. Criteria: • • • •
Served as a cooperating teacher in the current academic year (Fall and Spring semesters) Student teacher will or has received all Met ratings on High Point University Exit Criteria Performance as a mentor was positive and productive with professional feedback and time given to the student teacher beyond what was expected. Maintained excellent communication with the University Supervisor as well as the student teacher.
Nomination and Selection Process: •
Written nomination by University Supervisor and/or Student Teacher.
Last Updated 8/6/20
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