Course Compensation, Planning and Delivery Teaching Compensation for Faculty and Adjuncts In most years, additional compensation is provided when the teaching load exceeds 12 semester hours (typically three undergraduate courses). The loads of student teaching supervision are based on the formula that supervision of 8 student teachers equals one 4 credit course. For fewer than 8, the faculty member will receive compensation on a prorated basis depending on the number of students being supervised. No faculty member is permitted under any circumstances to teach in excess of 16 credit hours in any semester. During an academic year only one overload semester is permitted. For graduate faculty supervising interns in Educational Leadership, loads for EDU 5400/5500/5600) are based on the formula that supervision of 8 interns equals one full credit course. For fewer than seven, the faculty member will receive compensation on a prorated basis. In most years, additional compensation is provided to doctoral faculty when the teaching load exceeds 9 credit hours (two courses of 4.5 hours each) and a full load of dissertations (4). All doctoral faculty are expected to teach two courses per semester and chair dissertations. In most years, faculty who chair dissertations are eligible to receive additional compensation on a prorated basis. Although candidates may register for 8300a and 8400a multiple times, the chairing faculty member may only be compensated one time for 8300, 8300a, 8400, and two times for 8400a per candidate. Should a candidate switch chairs, the new chair is eligible to be compensated according to the below frequencies: Course EDU 8300 EDU 8300a EDU 8400 EDU 8400a
Times Eligible for Prorated Compensation 1 1 1 2
The Dean of the School of Education sends final teaching load information to the Office of the Provost by mid-September or mid-February. Overload contracts are distributed by the Dean in October or March. Pay for overload is usually included in the December and/or April check(s). Contracts for faculty teaching in May, HPU Away, and Summer Session I or II will be distributed shortly before each session. Faculty/Adjuncts should sign the contract as soon as possible and return these to the School of Education office. While the School of Education discourages Directed Studies, faculty are compensated for these at a prorated rate based on the number of students who are enrolled in the Directed Study. Faculty and adjuncts are also compensated for working with students enrolled in EDU 4111 when the need arises for additional time in completing required electronic evidences. All Directed Studies and requests for EDU 4111 must be approved by the Dean. Regular full-time faculty who agree to work with a student for a Directed Study during the day, however, do not receive extra compensation for these activities. Any faculty member who agrees to work with a student receiving tuition concession in a directed study arrangement will also not be reimbursed by the university.
Last Updated 8/6/20
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