Faculty Policies and Procedures 2020-2021

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General Information Stout School of Education Calendar The complete calendar of events occurring in the School of Education can be found on the website by following the below link: http://www.highpoint.edu/education/events/ Please be sure to visit the site often for deadlines, updates, etc.

School of Education Website All students majoring in teacher education are strongly encouraged to regularly visit the School of Education website which can be accessed directly from the university’s main page: www.highpoint.edu in the drop down menu called Academics. The School of Education website will allow students to review all current news, programs, and items of interest related to the licensure programs for teacher education. Each respective degree program and licensure area has specific course requirements and a suggested four-year plan of study. Current handbooks, news items, faculty information and scholarship applications as well as the updated SOE calendar also can be accessed through the website. Facebook Page Students are encouraged to also “like” use on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/HPUEducation. This will allow all students majoring in Education to stay informed on current news and upcoming events and meetings. Electronic Evidences and edTPA The School of Education’s electronic evidences to assess candidate proficiency for the N.C. Professional Teaching Standards has been replaced by the state’s adoption of a performance-based student teaching portfolio. The School of Education has opted to use the edTPA portfolio and has been working over the last three years to transition our students to this assessment tool. In 2020-2021 all students will prepare an edTPA portfolio during their student teaching internship and these will be sent for external scoring at the end of the spring 2020 semester. The cost of the edTPA portfolio submission for each student is $300. Important Note: Only students pursuing the Licensure-Option are required to complete an edTPA portfolio. Access to the current edTPA Handbook for the student’s specific licensure area is available through the Resources link in his/her Foliotek account which is the School of Education’s software program for tracking candidate data and program outcomes. Student subscriptions to Foliotek are included in their technology fee. Undergraduate students will be asked to secure a Foliotek account in sophomore year at the time they plan to declare their intention to progress in the School of Education as either (1) Licensure-track candidate, (2) Non-Licensure-track candidate, or (3) Education Studies candidate. The School of Education tracks the progress of all education majors through this data and verifies that students are successfully meeting the requirements of their intended program of study

Last Updated 8/6/20

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