HPU Parent Guide to Campus Life 2018-2019

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every student receives an extraordinary education in an inspiring environment with caring people.®

High Point University

At High Point University,

Parent Guide To Campus Life





Welcome! Dear Parent: Thank you for entrusting your student to High Point University. This is an outstanding institution of higher learning where every student receives an extraordinary education in an inspiring environment with caring people. There are some 100 organizations on campus that students can belong to and participate in—something for everyone. This is an active place where students can invest themselves in holistic learning, service opportunities, sports, and much more. The HPU brand is gaining new stature across our nation— on merit. We have made serious investments in academics, student life, and residential facilities . . . all intended to create a warm and nurturing circle for fellowship and stewardship. You have our promise to always do the right things and to respond to your questions and your student’s needs with efficiency and effectiveness.

With warmest personal regards,

Nido R. Qubein President nqubein@highpoint.edu

Important Telephone Numbers If at any time there is an emergency and you need to notify your student immediately and cannot reach them, please contact 336-841-9111.

Emergency Calls only:


Non-Emergency/Information: Academic Advising


Academic Services (Tutoring, etc.)


Accessibility Resources and Services


Alumni Engagement


Bookstore 336-841-9221 Campus Concierge


Career and Professional Development


Counseling Services


Emergency (Security)


Family Engagement


Financial Planning


Health Services


Office of Information Technology


Institutional Advancement


Library Services


Office of Student Life


Post Office and Mail Services


Residence Life


Security (non-emergency)


Student Accounts


Student Employement


Office of Global Education


Transportation 336-841-9113


Contents 9




Administrative Offices Office of the President.................................... 9 Office of the Provost....................................... 9 Financial Affairs............................................. 9 Facilities and Auxiliary Operations................. 9 Office of Communications........................... 10 Academic Services........................................ 10 Student Success............................................ 10 Director of First Year Residential Education ............................... 11 Accessibility Resources and Services.............. 11 Office of International Relations.................. 11 Office of Global Education.......................... 11 Office of the University Registrar................. 11 Student Financial Services............................ 12 Office of Student Accounts........................... 12 Student Financial Responsibility Agreement................................................. 12 Financial Aid................................................ 13 Office of Financial Planning......................... 15 Post Office & Mail Services.......................... 16 Department of Athletics............................... 16 Office of Institutional Advancement and Alumni and Family Engagement....... 16

Student Life Senior Vice President for Student Life.......... 17 Assistant Vice President for Student Life...... 17 Associate Vice President for Student Life...... 17 Director of Campus Engagement................. 18 Director of Campus Recreation.................... 18 Director of Greek Life.................................. 18 Assistant Vice President for Student Life...... 19 Director of Counseling Services.................... 19 Senior Director for Student Life................... 19 Director of Title IX...................................... 19

Student Services Nondiscrimination/Title IX Statement......... 20 Classification of a Student ........................... 21 Clery Disclosure Statement.......................... 21 Crimes for Clery Reporting Purposes........... 21 Hate Crimes................................................. 21 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)................................. 21 Transgender Policies..................................... 24 Missing Persons Policy.................................. 24



Academic Life & Academic Calendar Release of Student Information.................... 25 Experiential Learning................................... 26 Service Learning........................................... 26 Full-Semester and Summer Study Programs.26 Short Term and Faculty-Lead Study Programs......................................... 27 Career and Professional Development.......... 28 Undergraduate Research and Creative Works................................... 29 Student Employment Program..................... 29

Services and Facilities

Cashless Campus Program........................... 31 University Bookstore.................................... 31 Office of Information Technology................ 31 Photo & Video Permissions.......................... 32 Post Office & Mail Services.......................... 32 Banking/Cashiering...................................... 33 Campus Enhancement................................. 33 Library Services............................................ 33 The Resources.............................................. 33 The Libraries................................................ 34 The Services.................................................. 35 Student Health Services................................ 35 Insurance...................................................... 35 Hospitality Services...................................... 36 HPU Passport.............................................. 36 Campus Concierge....................................... 37 Tuition and Finances.................................... 38 Student Financial Services............................ 38 Sports and Recreation................................... 38 Inclement Weather....................................... 39


Security, Safety and Transportation

Security Services........................................... 40 Video Surveillance Policy............................. 41 Transportation.............................................. 41 Vehicle Registration...................................... 42


Survival Check Points for New Student Parents First Week.................................................... 43 Third Week.................................................. 43 Family Weekend........................................... 44 Mid-Term of Semester.................................. 44 Thanksgiving Break...................................... 45

Final Exams/Christmas Break....................... 45 January/Start of Spring Semester.................. 45 Mid-January................................................. 46 February....................................................... 46 March.......................................................... 46 April/May.................................................... 46


Parent Transition

Academics.................................................... 47 Adjustments................................................. 48 Residential Experience.................................. 50 Transitional Time......................................... 51 Before You Arrive on Campus...................... 51 Saying Goodbye........................................... 51 Healthy Distance after Goodbye................... 51



Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion............................................ 75 Student Responsibilities............................... 76 High Point University Rights and Responsibilities........................ 76 Student Complaints..................................... 76 Procedure for Student Appeals...................... 78 Freedom of Assembly/Expression................. 80 Social Media................................................. 80


University Honor Code

President’s Leadership Cabinet..................... 52 The Parents Council..................................... 53


High Point University Honor/Conduct Court

Residential Life

Family Engagement

The Common Experience............................. 54 Hall Amenities............................................. 55 Housing Sign-ups......................................... 55 Early Arrival Procedures for Groups............. 55 Early Arrival Procedures for Individuals........ 56 Residential Staffing....................................... 56 Responsibilities of Roommates..................... 56 Roommate Solutions.................................... 56 Check-in/Check-out.................................... 57


Housing Regulations


Student Organizations


Student Rights and Responsibilities

Academic Organizations............................... 68 Honor Societies............................................ 68 Political Organizations................................. 69 Religious Life & Organizations.................... 69 Service Organizations................................... 70 Special Interest Groups................................. 71 Greek Organizations.................................... 71 Standards For Fraternities & Sororities......... 71 Guidance...................................................... 71 Representation............................................. 71 Education..................................................... 72 Extracurricular............................................. 72 Knowledge................................................... 72 Recognition.................................................. 72 Sports and Recreation................................... 72

Interpretation of the Honor Code................ 83 Responsibilities and Rights of Students........ 85 Process of Adjudication................................ 86 Sanctions...................................................... 87 Special Notices............................................. 88

Conduct Court............................................ 89 Honor Court................................................ 89 Sanctions Only Hearing Board..................... 89 Sanction Review Committee........................ 90 Priority Hearing Board................................. 90


Academic Calendar


Social Regulations, Civility Regulations & Policies

Alcohol........................................................ 94 Illegal Controlled Substances........................ 99

104 Sexual Misconduct Domestic/Dating Violence and

Physical Assault....................................... 104 Sexual Misconduct..................................... 105 Sexual Misconduct Students’ Bill of Rights.............................................. 106 Terms......................................................... 106 Sexual Misconduct..................................... 108 Steps to Reduce the Risk of Sexual Assault.......................................... 111 Reporting a Violation of the Sexual Misconduct Policy........................ 112 Interim Measures........................................ 112 No Contact Directives................................ 113 Voluntary Confidential Reporting.............. 113 Retaliation.................................................. 114 Frequently Asked Questions....................... 117 Resources for Sexual Misconduct, Stalking, and Domestic/Dating Violence.... 118

Student Rights............................................. 74


Introduction Congratulations and Welcome! Your student is about to embark on a new journey. You helped them achieve this moment and accomplishment. While some of you may have experienced this journey before, others may be first-generation college families and we know that you have lots of questions at this transitional time. We want to make this new journey a smooth and seamless transition for you and your student. To assist you, we have developed this survival manual for our parents, but also know that we always want to hear from you at any time you need us. We are grateful for our supportive parents and want to hear from you.

Gail C. Tuttle Senior Vice President for Student Life gtuttle@highpoint.edu


Erica D. Lewis Assistant Vice President for Student Life elewis@highpoint.edu

Dr. Paul Kittle Associate Vice President for Student Life pkittle@highpoint.edu

Alma Mater


God bless you Alma Mater, With holy wisdom burning bright.

The mission of High Point University is to deliver educational experiences that enlighten, challenge, and prepare students to lead lives of significance in complex global communities.

God lead you Alma Mater, In ways of truth, through paths of right. We tread these halls. Too soon we part, But memories o’er flow each heart. God bless you Alma Mater!

HPU Fight Song O Here’s to you, dear High Point U Our loyalty is ever true Proud alma mater’s sons and daughters, We will honor you. While marching on to victory Our Panther pride shines through So, Fight! Fight! For the purple and white And dear old H-P-U! (Shout Chorus) Go H-P-U! Go H-P-U! (Panther Shout) H-I-G-H P-O-I-N-T HIGH POINT PANTHERS HIGH POINT PANTHERS GOOOOOO HPU! 7

Administrative Offices The Office of Student Life is committed to the growth and development of all University students. Our commitment is to see the individual excel and mature in an inspiring environment that not only is conducive and focused on the academy of higher learning, but also fosters an individual’s co-existence with fellow students. During your stay at High Point University, you will not only study, but will also have the opportunity to become active in Greek Life, Student Government, the Campus Activities Team, Religious Life, Service Organizations, Academic Orginizations, Recreation Services, and much, much more. We are committed to your desire to participate in all activities as well as equal access to all administrative offices. Listed below are various administrative offices that provide invaluable resources and tools that will contribute to your educational success.

Office of the President 210 Roberts Hall, 336-841-9201 Dr. Nido Qubein nqubein@highpoint.edu Dr. Qubein’s visionary leadership has produced a complete transformation of High Point University since he became president in 2005. Since then, the undergraduate population has tripled, five new academic schools have been added, faculty have tripled and the campus size has quadrupled. More than $350 million has been raised to support academic facilities and programs, student life facilities and programs, scholarships, and additional infrastructure and technological investments on the 420-acre campus. President Qubein and his family have also been among the University’s top philanthropic supporters. Additionally, Dr. Qubein teaches The Freshman Seminar on Life Skills – a required course for all freshman that focuses on preparing students to live a life of both success and significance. Office of the Provost 218 Roberts Hall, 336-841-9229 Dr. Dennis Carroll dcarroll@highpoint.edu Dr. Dennis Carroll serves as the Provost and is the chief academic officer of all the


academic departments of the University. The Deans of the Colleges/Schools report to him. Business Affairs Roberts Hall, 336-841-9841 Dr. Douglas Vinzant dvinzant@highpoint.edu Dr. Douglas Vinzant, Senior Vice President for Business Affairs. He oversees Human Resources Financial Affairs, and Information Technology Financial Affairs 244 Roberts Hall, 336-841-9202 Mrs. Debi S. Butt dsb@highpoint.edu Mrs. Debi Butt serves as the Vice President for Financial Affairs for the University. She oversees business operations, student accounts, and financial planning. Facilities and Auxiliary Operations 207 North College Administration, 336-841-9125 Stephen Potter spotter@highpoint.edu Stephen Potter serves as the Vice President for Facilities and Auxilary Operations. He is responsible for many of the services

that students access on a daily basis, such as Campus Enhancement Services (janitorial, landscaping, and maintenance), Hospitality Services (restaurants and catering), Health Services, Construction, the Mail Center, the University Bookstore, Security, Safety, Emergency Preparedness, and Transportation. This office focuses on creating an extraordinary environment for HPU students. Office of Communications 313 Roberts Hall, 336-841-9156 Roger Clodfelter rclodfel@highpoint.edu The Office of Communications serves as a key point of contact for all of HPU’s communications efforts, both internal and external, overseeing HPU’s web and social media presence and media relations management.We also appreciate your comments and concerns. You will find HPU Suggestion Boxes located throughout campus. Please let us know what ideas you have…our best suggestions come from students! We regularly distribute press releases about students, faculty and staff to local and national media and feature student news on the HPU website, HPU social media pages and in the HPU Magazine. Newsletters and special announcements are also distributed from the award-winning Office of Communications, including The Parent Perspective, a monthly newsletter to parents of all current students. All of these efforts are designed to keep the HPU family informed and connected. We are always interested in newsworthy accomplishments of our students. Please send any personal accomplishments or updates to communication@highpoint.edu. HPU social media channels to follow include: facebook.com/highpointu

twitter.com/highpointu youtube.com/highpointUniversity instagram.com/highpointu Announcements and stories are also frequently posted at www.highpoint.edu/ newsandmedia. HPU web page and the magazine. Academic Services 401 Smith Library, 336-888-6388 Karen Naylon knaylon@highpoint.edu The Office of Academic Development coordinates academic advising for upperclassmen (advisor assignment, changes in majors, and faculty advisor training), academic services (tutoring), and the Learning Excellence Program. Tutoring Services 400 Smith Library, 336-841-9014 Dr. Craig Curty ccurty@highpoint.edu Dr. Craig Curty serves as the Director of Academic Services and coordinates academic tutoring and the supplemental instruction program. Student Success 211 Cottrell Center for Student Success 336-841-9279 Dr. Beth Holder studentsuccess@highpoint.edu Every High Point University freshman is assigned a success coach to assist YOU during your first year of college! • Need to know what courses to take, get more involved on campus, provide service in the community, find your “niche”—meet with your SUCCESS coach. • We love meeting with students to discuss opportunities, services and supports!


• We love sponsoring activities for freshmen—“Freshman Day on the Ropes Course”, “Lunch with your Success Coach!” The Student Success TEAM is responsible for providing appropriate academic and transitional support to first-year students applicable to all aspects of the student’s life tasks: academic, personal, social, and career. We are here to assist you in this transition to college life. Your success coach will serve as your academic advisor for the first year. Students are assigned to success coaches based on academic major. For more information, please refer to www.highpoint. edu/successcoach/ Accessibility Resources and Services 407 Smith Library, 336-841-9061 Dana Bright dbright@highpoint.edu High Point University is committed to providing equal educational opportunities and achieving full participation for all members of the University community, including persons with disabilities. The University prohibits discrimination against a qualified person with a disability in all educational settings, and employment practices. The University acts in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA: Public Law 110-325), the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and North Carolina Antidiscrimination Laws. Our Mission is to enable students to receive equal access to education and all aspects of University life, through interactive student meetings, providing reasonable accommodations, and coordinating the removal of barriers to access for HPU students, staff and faculty. The Office of Accessibility Resources and Services supports the mission of the


University, the Office of Student Life mission and the OARS departmental mission through three primary tenets. Remove barriers to equal access to learning, participating, and benefiting from the programs, services, and activities at High Point University. Promote self-advocacy. OARS strives to help students develop skills to advocate for accommodations, increase understanding of their disability and be proactive in eliminating barriers. Engage in multi-disciplinary partnership to ensure appropriate and reasonable accommodations. The Office of Accessibility Resources and Services is on the 4th floor of the Smith Library. Walk-in hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday. To set up an appointment with an OARS staff member, register for services, request an exam room, apply for academic accommodations, apply for an ESA or apply for a Housing accommodation please utilize the link on the OARS webpage at http://www.highpoint. edu/oars/ Access and Accommodations Committee The HPU Access and Accommodations Committee (AAC) focuses on assuring that the University as a whole is positioned to meet this goal, including campus facilitates and all campus programs. The Committee’s primary focus is to promote ongoing assessment and awareness of goals, needs, and requirements related to access and accommodations at the University. The committee considers a range of compliance issues related to disabilities and accommodations when an accommodations request is submitted to the Office of Accessibility Resources Services (OARS).

It serves to facilitate coordination across all of the units and offices that have a role in assuring appropriate access and accommodation in University services and activities. The Committee also serves to continuously improve the University’s efforts to ensure equal access and provide reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities by identifying best practices and developing approaches to implement them, and devising and facilitating solutions to problems.

2) Assessment instruments that require interpretation to be accurately utilized

The goals of the Access and Accommodations Committee are:

7) Other requests as determined by the Director of OARS

• To discuss specific inquiries and requests for academic accommodations made by students and other HPU community members.

If a student is not comfortable with the accommodations received they have the right to appeal the committee’s decision as well as any accommodations decision made by OARS staff. An appeal of an awarded accommodations can be filed at any time, academic accommodations specific to a particular course must be filed within the semester the course is occurring. If an accommodation request is denied the student may file an appeal at any time. The Appeals committee has 10 business days from the time the appeal is filed to respond to the appeal.

• To educate the University community about disability-related issues • To share up-to-date information from various perspectives • To address long and short-term ADAA compliance issues The AAC includes representatives from specific fields in order to assure that the committee is inclusive of multiple views when granting accommodations. The committee will contain no less than one faculty, clinical mental health provider, disability specialist, housing staff and student life staff member. The chair of the committee may request that a medical provider, nutritionist, facilities staff or graduate faculty join the committee to review specific accommodation requests as appropriate. Although many requests will be handled by the OARS staff and not need a review by the Access and Accommodations Committee (AAC). Requests that may be reviewed by the Access and Accommodations Committee include but are not limited to: 1) Requests that include complex diagnostic issues

3) Complex course or syllabus accommodations requests 4) ESA requests needing further review 5) Dietary restriction that effect multiple environments 6) Chronic medical issues

A student can appeal an accommodation decision on several grounds including; 1) New information or psychoeducational assessment data has come to light that speaks to the “goodness of fit” of the existing accommodation. 2) Accommodations have been denied by the OARS staff initial review and the student was denied a review by the ACC. 3) Improper procedure or lack of due process The Appeals committee convenes at the request of the OARS Director when an appeal has been filed. The Appeals Committee makes the final decision upon appeal.


Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Policy Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Defined: An emotional support animal (ESA) is an animal that provides necessary comfort to an individual with a qualified disability. An emotional support animal does not respond to a specific trigger (increasing anger, increased anxiety or dissociative events) but rather assists in coping with emotional stress through their passive presence with their controller. ESA’s are not required to be trained to perform work or tasks. Although commonly dogs, ESAs can be species other than dogs. The role of an ESA is to live with a student and alleviate the symptoms of an individual’s disability to allow an equal access to use and enjoyment of University Housing and education. An ESA is not a Service Animal under this policy or applicable laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA). While animals are not generally prohibited for most University housing, the University will consider requests for a reasonable accommodation of an ESA that is necessary because of a resident’s disability. To apply for permission to bring a qualified ESA to campus the student must engage in an interactive process that includes: 1) Complete the Emotional Support Animal application which will require: a. Disclosure of the Qualified Disability b. Statement of how the animal’s presence is necessary to provide the student with an equal opportunity to use and enjoy University housing and an education. 2) Set up an appointment with a staff member at the Office of Accessibility Resources to complete a structured interview.


3) Complete an In Case of Emergency (ICE) Animal Removal form. This will require that the student identify an off-campus person who can take possession of the animal immediately if the animal is found abandon or uncared for on campus. This is a required part of the ESA application, ICE data is shared with the Office of Student Life (no other information from an OARS file is shared without explicit consent). 4) A record of all vaccinations and veterinary visits to be submitted to OARS. 5) Complete an ESA care contract with OARS once approval is obtained. 6) Sign acknowledgement that you have read and understand the Emotional Support Animal policy. This is part of the registration process with OARS. Requirements: The animal must be house broken or litter trained and have an existing relationship with the student. If the student does not have a current relationship with an animal but has experience caring for this type of animal and can demonstrate that the animal alleviates symptoms of a qualified disability the request will be considered. A qualified clinical provider will need to complete a form verifying the student’s disability and the role the animal will play in assisting to reduce the symptoms of the disability once on campus. The provider must be licensed in the state of North Carolina, or carry a similar license in another state. ESA renewal applications must be completed annually, although a new provider verification will not be needed when renewing an ESA accommodation. Applications are due prior to housing application deadlines, typically around February 14th for returning students and May 1st for incoming students to assure all roommates are aware of the animal’s presence. Roommates may request a room

change if they have a desire to do so through the Office of Student Life. High Point University staff may require the removal of the ESA from campus if: • The animal poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others; • The animal’s presence results in a fundamental alteration to the nature of a program or activity; • The animal is not under direct physical control of the owner; • The animal is neglected, abandon, and/or mistreated; • The owner fails to comply with any of their responsibilities under this policy and other procedures; • The owner violates any part of the Rules and Responsibilities of ESA Owner student agreement that is signed each academic year. Appropriate places for an ESA: • In the ESA owner’s individual room • In the most direct route from the room door to outside the building, in the proper restraint (i.e. carrier and leash) Student Life will work with a student to identify appropriate spaces for that student’s ESA to exercise and relieve itself, based on where the student resides. Warnings and/or Removal of ESA First-time substantiated offense (first Incident Report sent to OSL) may result in a warning. Immediate removal notice (without warning) is necessary when the animal poses a threat to the safety of others on campus. If the pet is found to be infested with fleas, ticks, pests, and/or damage to residential facilities, the ESA owner is responsible and will be billed for the expense of any necessary pest control treatment and/or property damage.

Any decision to remove an ESA will be made based on a review of the individual assessment of the ESA’s behavior at issue. Any removal of an ESA will be done in consultation with OARS. Concerns related to a specific ESA should be directed to the Senior Vice President for Student Life, Assistant Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students, Senior Director or Assistant Director of Student Life, or Campus Safety. Investigations of complaints will be conducted by Student Life staff. If the complaint is substantiated, Student Life will send an Incident Report to OARS for the students file. OSL may determine that a warning is necessary, removal is required, immediate contact with the off-campus person to remove the animal is necessary, request the student verify vaccinations/flea-tick treatments or other reasonable requests as deemed appropriate to address the compliant. Appeal procedures are outlined in the Student Conduct section of the Guide to Campus Life. Office of Global Education Suite 142, Cottrell Hall Center for Student Success, 336-841-9636 Dr. Jeffrey Palis jpalis@highpoint.edu The Office of Global Education includes the Office of Study Abroad and the Office of International Student Affairs. The Office of Global Education brings High Point University students to the World through study abroad and exchange programs while also bringing the World to the High Point University campus by providing services to inbound international students, promoting awareness of cultural diversity, and providing programming opportunities that highlight the value of learning about cultures that are not one’s own. Dr. Jeffrey Palis serves as the Director of Global Education.


International Affairs Suite 142, Cottrell Hall Center for Student Success 336-841-4692 (o) 336-420-9720 (c) Dr. Marjorie Ross Church mchurch@highpoint.edu Serving International students (those studying on an F1 or other Visa) and Internationally Affiliated students (permanent residents of the US with international heritage or affiliation), the Office of International Student Affairs is the “go-to” location for immigration matters, supplementary academic advising, cultural programming, on-campus job assistance (including help obtaining a social security number), and miscellaneous matters such as getting a driver’s license, filing US tax returns, etc. Study Abroad Suite 142, Cottrell Hall Center for Student Success, 336-841-9280 Mr. Christopher Ferguson cferguso@highpoint.edu The Office of Study Abroad guides students through the process of selecting, applying to, and participating in a study abroad program. Students can choose from a variety of options, including a semester abroad at an international University, or a short-term faculty-led Global Experience program (typically offered in May). Office of the University Registrar 101 Roberts Hall 336-841-9300 Danny K. Brooks dbrooks@highpoint.edu University Registrar, Danny Brooks, oversees registration and compiles the course schedule for each semester. Registration for new students is conducted in early spring, prior to your first semester of enrollment. Registration for continuing students is in November and April for the following spring


and fall semesters. Registration is online and academic advisers grant you permission to register after an advising session has been conducted. All academic records and transcripts are kept digitally in the registrar’s office. Additionally, the registrar provides enrollment certifications for graduation and continuing athletic eligibility and enrollment. Student Financial Services The Student Financial Services Division of the Business & Financial Affairs Office consists of the Office of Student Accounts and the Office of Student Financial Planning. Both of these offices are located in Roberts Hall and work together to assist students in their pursuit of postsecondary education at High Point University. Each office works not only to assist students but also their parents and members of the University community. Office of Student Accounts 105 Roberts Hall 336-841-9506 Janice Foley studentaccounts@highpoint.edu The Office of Student Accounts collects payments, assesses charges, maintains online billing statements, and administers the tuition payment plan. The Office of Student Accounts is responsible for ensuring that funds due to the University are billed, collected, and deposited timely and accurately in a manner that is compliant with not only University policy but also all applicable Federal and State Regulations. The staff is well trained and highly qualified to make the student/parent experience with Student Accounts process a positive and rewarding one. The staff is available to address a broad range of financial issues pertaining to a student’s education at High Point University. Janice Foley serves as the Director of Student Accounts.

Student Financial Responsibility Agreement PAYMENT OF FEES/PROMISE TO PAY The student understands that when he/she registers for any class at High Point University or receives any service from High Point University they accept full responsibility to pay all tuition, fees and other associated costs assessed as a result of their registration and/ or receipt of services. The student further understands and agrees that their registration and acceptance of these terms constitutes a promissory note agreement (i.e., a financial obligation in the form of an educational loan as defined by the U.S. Bankruptcy Code at 11 U.S.C. §523(a)(8)) in which High Point University is providing the student with educational services, deferring some or all of the student’s payment obligation for those services, and the student promises to pay for all assessed tuition, fees and other associated costs by the published or assigned due date.) The student understands and agrees that if he/she drops or withdraws from some or all of the classes for which they register, they will be responsible for paying all or a portion of tuition and fees in accordance with the published tuition refund schedule. The student has read the terms and conditions of the published tuition refund schedule and understand those terms are incorporated herein by reference. The student further understands that their failure to attend class or receive a bill does not absolve them of their financial responsibility as described above. METHOD OF BILLING The student understands that High Point University uses electronic billing (e-bill) as its official billing method, and therefore the student is responsible for viewing and paying their student account e-bill by the scheduled due date. The student further understands that failure to review their e-bill does not constitute a valid reason for not paying their bill on time.

BILLING ERRORS The student understands that administrative, clerical or technical billing errors do not absolve them of their financial responsibility to pay the correct amount of tuition, fees and other associated financial obligations assessed as a result of their registration at High Point University. RETURNED PAYMENTS/FAILED PAYMENT AGREEMENTS If a payment made to the student’s account is returned by the bank for any reason, the student agrees to repay the original amount of the payment plus a returned payment fee of $30.00. The student understands that multiple returned payments and/or failure to comply with the terms of any payment plan or agreement that either the student signs or a parent signs on the student’s behalf, with High Point University may result in cancellation of the student’s classes and/or suspension of their eligibility to register for future classes at High Point University. DELINQUENT ACCOUNT/ COLLECTION Financial Hold: The student understands and agrees that if he/she fails to pay their student account bill or any monies due and owing High Point University by the scheduled due date, High Point University will place a financial hold on the student’s account, preventing them from registering for future classes, registering for housing, requesting transcripts, or receiving their diploma. Collection Agency: The student understands and accepts that if they fail to pay their student account bill or any monies due and owing High Point University by the scheduled due date, and fail to make acceptable payment arrangements to bring their account current, High Point University may refer the student’s delinquent account to a collection agency. The student understands that their delinquent account may be reported to one or more of the national credit bureaus.


COMMUNICATION Method of Communication: The student understands and agrees that High Point University uses e-mail as an official method of communication with them, and that therefore the student is responsible for reading the e-mails that they receive from High Point University on a timely basis. Contact: The student authorizes High Point University and its agents and contractors to contact them at their current and any future cellular phone number(s), email address(es) or wireless device(s) regarding their delinquent student account(s)/ loan(s), any other debt that the student owes to High Point University, or to receive general information from High Point University. The student authorizes High Point University and its agents and contractors to use automated telephone dialing equipment, artificial or pre-recorded voice or text messages, and personal calls


and emails, in their efforts to contact them. Furthermore, the student understands that he/she may withdraw their consent to call their cellular phone by submitting a request in writing to the Business Office or in writing to the applicable contractor or agent contacting them on behalf of High Point University. Updating Contact Information: The student understands and agrees that they are responsible for keeping High Point University records up to date with their current physical addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers. Upon leaving High Point University for any reason, it is the student’s responsibility to provide High Point University with updated contact information for purposes of continued communication regarding any amounts that remain due and owing to High Point University.

Financial Aid The student understands that their Financial Aid Award is contingent upon their continued enrollment and attendance in each class upon which their financial aid eligibility was calculated. If the student drops any class before completion, the student understands that their financial aid eligibility may decrease and some or all of the financial aid awarded to them may be revoked.If some or all of their financial aid is revoked because they dropped or failed to attend class, the student agrees to repay all revoked aid that was disbursed to their account and resulted in a credit balance that was refunded to them. Federal Aid: The student understands that any federal Title IV financial aid that he/she receives, except for Federal Work Study wages, will first be applied to any outstanding balance on their account for tuition, fees, room and board. Title IV financial aid includes aid from the Pell Grant, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), Direct Loan, PLUS Loan, and TEACH Grant programs. When the student signs their loan form to accept or decline the federal loans they were offered, they authorizes High Point University to apply their Title IV financial aid to other charges assessed to their student account such as student health insurance, parking permits, bookstore charges, service fees and fines, and any other education related charges. The student further understands that this authorization will remain in effect until the student rescinds it in writing and that he/ she may withdraw it at any time. Prizes, Awards, Scholarships, Grants: The student understands that all prizes, awards, scholarships and grants awarded to them by High Point University will be credited to their student account and applied toward any outstanding balance. The student further understands that their receipt of

a prize, award, scholarship or grant is considered a financial resource according to federal Title IV financial aid regulations, and may therefore reduce their eligibility for other federal and/or state financial aid (i.e., loans, grants, Federal Work Study) which, if already disbursed to their student account, must be reversed and returned to the aid source. WITHDRAWAL A student who officially withdraws during a semester may be entitled to a refund of certain charges as outlined in the Tuition and Fees Refund Policy. A withdrawal (official or otherwise) also affects financial aid eligibility, as outlined in the federal Return of Title IV Program Funds Policy and the Return of Non-Title IV Program Funds Policy. A student using scholarships, grants, or loans to pay educational expenses, whose account was paid-in-full prior to withdrawal is likely to owe the University after withdrawal. Procedures for such changes of status are coordinated by the Office of Academic Advising. TUITION AND FEES REFUND POLICY A student who officially withdraws during a semester may be entitled to an adjustment to tuition and housing depending on the date of withdrawal. If a tuition adjustment results in a credit balance, the student can elect to receive a refund of the credit balance or leave the balance on the account for future terms. Any adjustment of room rent is based on when the student has checked out of his/her residence hall after withdrawing. Fees for individual music instruction courses are refunded on the same basis as tuition. Parking registration fees are not refundable if the decal has been placed on the vehicle. Tuition, fees, room rent, and related charges will be refunded under the University Refund Policy for findings of responsibility within the undergraduate student judicial review


process using the below scale, however a student who appeals the decision of the disciplinary board must realize that the appeal process can be lengthy and will affect the amount of the refund given should the board decision be upheld. Return of Title IV funds are handled in accordance with federal law. Schedule of Adjustments for Withdrawal or Continuous Enrollment Start Date Schedule of Adjustments for Withdrawal or Continuous Enrollment Start Date Fall or Spring Semesters Official Date Tuition Refunded Before classes begin 100.00% tuition (-) deposit First week of classes 82.50% Second week of classes 75.00% Third week of classes 62.50% Fourth week of classes 50.00% Fifth week of classes 37.50% Sixth week of classes 25.00% Seventh week of classes 12.50% After seventh week of classes 0.00% Schedule of Adjustments for Withdrawal or Continuous Enrollment Start Date Summer Sessions Official Date Tuition Refunded First Class 100.00% Second Class 0.00% Students are responsible for officially withdrawing from classes by completing a Withdrawal Form in order to be eligible for a refund. To withdraw from High Point University, students must complete an online form. Nonpayment for classes for which a student is registered or non-attendance in a registered class does not release the student from financial obligation and will not drop the student from the class. The Office of Student Accounts calculates the refund of


charges based on the date reported on the student’s withdrawal form. The Office of Financial Planning calculates the amount of aid that needs to be returned also based on the date reported on the withdrawal form. Financial Aid is not calculated based on the University Refund Schedule. Financial Aid earned is based on federal policy (below). If charges originally paid by financial aid funds are no longer covered after financial aid funds are returned to the programs, the student is responsible for the remaining balance. If the student decides to completely withdraw from High Point University, he/ she will follow the established procedure for doing so. PRIVACY RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES The student understands that High Point University is bound by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) which prohibits High Point University from releasing any information from their education record without their written permission. Therefore, the student understands that if they want High Point University to share information from their education record with someone else, the student must provide written permission by following the established procedure. The student further understands that they may revoke their permission at any time as instructed in the same procedure. IRS FORM 1098-T The student agrees to provide their Social Security number (SSN) or taxpayer identification number (TIN) to High Point University upon request as required by Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations for Form 1098-T reporting purposes. If the student fails to provide their SSN or TIN to High Point University, the student agrees to pay any and all IRS fines assessed as a result of their missing SSN/TIN.

The student consents to receive their annual IRS Form 1098-T, Tuition Statement, electronically from High Point University. The student understands that if they do not consent to receive their Form 1098-T electronically, a paper copy will be provided. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This agreement supersedes all prior understandings, representations, negotiations and correspondence between the student and High Point University, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the matters described, and shall not be modified or affected by any course of dealing or course of performance. This agreement may be modified by High Point University if the modification is signed by the student. Any modification is specifically limited to those policies and/or terms addressed in the modification. TUITION PROTECTION INSURANCE A college education represents a substantial investment of both time and money. At HPU, we are concerned for the student who suffers a serious illness or accident and has to leave the University before the semester is completed, resulting in a loss of time and money devoted to education. With this in mind, HPU has decided to offer a Tuition Protection Plan. To reduce the cost of the annual premium for tuition insurance, High Point University is requiring an opt-out policy starting with the Fall 2016 semester. Please note that all undergraduate students are automatically enrolled in this tuition insurance program unless they complete the waiver to opt out online at: http://tuitionprotection.com/ hpu by August 31, 2018. The plan cost is $270 which will be billed annually in the

fall semester. The plan provides coverage for tuition, fees, room and meal cost paid to the University. This plan, administered by A.W.G. Dewar, provides coverage of up to 75 percent. Refunds may be affected by financial aid award adjustments. This plan significantly extends and enhances the University’s tuition refund policy. The chart below illustrates how the TPP complements our own refund schedule for tuition and fees in the case of a withdrawal due to medical or mental health reasons. Office of Financial Planning 100 Roberts Hall 336-841-9124 ffinplan@highpoint.edu The Office of Student Financial Planning is responsible for verifying eligibility for and the awarding of financial assistance from institutional, federal, state, and outside sources. The application process requires the filing of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at www.fafsa.ed.gov. The results of this form will be received by our office electronically (provided our school code, 002933, is included). Please note that we must have your Social Security Number in our system in order to receive your FAFSA data. Eligibility will be determined based on the FAFSA information we receive and an aid package will be developed to include available funding from the various programs for which we administer. Nonneed based aid like merit scholarships, athletic awards, and departmental scholarships are the first component in the development of a student’s aid package. Federal and state grants are then awarded, and if additional eligibility exists the student will be considered for HPU’s needbased grant. Please note that eligibility for HPU’s need-based is determined for a student each year therefore is not


automatically renewable. Federal Loans will be added according to the maximum amount allowed based on the student’s grade level. Federal work-study is a student work program with very limited funding so it is targeted at students with the highest demonstrated need as long as the funds exist with first priority given to currently enrolled students. It is also important to note that financial aid, to include merit aid, is distributed equally between Fall and Spring semesters. Students who graduate early (in Dec.) cannot receive their full annual amount in one semester.

Marsha Slane Center, but the residents of Centennial Square 1 & 2, Greek Village, North College Court, North College Terrace, North College Townhomes, Caffey, R.G. Wanek Center and University Village have mail boxes located at their respective residential locations. Students receive an email notification when packages have been processed and are ready for pick-up at the HPU Mail Center. Students have access to their boxes seven days a week/24 hours a day. Box numbers, as well as lock combinations, may be found on your student’s MyStuff account.

The Office of Student Financial Planning is also responsible for monitoring students’ enrollment status as students must be fulltime to receive institutional funding. To maintain continued eligibility for financial assistance students must be making Satisfactory Academic Progress as dictated by federal regulations and institutional policies.

Department of Athletics 217 Jerry and Kitty Steele Center 336-841-9057 Dan Hauser dhauser@highpoint.edu

In addition, students receiving merit scholarship must maintain the minimum cumulative GPA requirement as indicated in the student’s original scholarship offer. We monitor academic progress at the end of each Spring semester. If a student fails to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress or is below cumulative minimum cumulative GPA to retain their merit scholarship, the student loses eligibility for financial assistance until the minimum requirements are met. Post Office & Mail Services 2nd Floor, John and Marsha Slane Student Center 336-841-9235 Sharon McCanless postoffice@highpoint.edu The HPU Mail Center operates Monday –  Friday, 8:30 am to 5 pm. Student campus mail boxes are located in the John and


High Point University is home to 16 NCAA Division I sports teams. The University is a member of the Big South Conference. Additionally, the athletics department is home to over 25 club sports. Dan Hauser servers as the Athletic Director. Visit HighPointPanthers.com for information and game schedules. Office of Institutional Advancement and Alumni and Family Engagement 320 Roberts Hall 336-841-9127 Chris Dudley cdudley@highpoint.edu The Office of Institutional Advancement has the responsibility of family and alumni programs, as well as institutional advancement and development efforts for High Point University. This office coordinates the Parents Council and President’s Leadership Cabinet. Chris Dudley serves as the Senior Vice President for Development.

Student Life High Point University is committed to creating a nurturing relationship with all residents. The Office of Student Life strives to enhance both academic achievements as well as the personal growth and development of all University students. We want to facilitate the acquisition and development of life skills as well as servant leadership. Our responsibility is to help prepare students with the knowledge of how to live with their fullest potential in mind.

Senior Vice President for Student Life 338 John and Marsha Slane Student Center, 336-841-9141 Gail C. Tuttle gtuttle@highpoint.edu The Senior Vice President for Student Life is responsible for student life concerns and programs and serves with the University’s senior administration. She is responsible for the overall direction and focus of the Division of Student Life which includes the Assistant Vice President for Student Life, Residence Life, Greek Life, Counseling Services, Student Activities, Religious Life, Title IX, Multicultural, Recreation Services, Office of Accessibility Resources and Services and Student Government. Additionally, the Senior Vice President for Student Life has oversight of the chief student affairs professionals. Assistant Vice President for Student Life 337 John and Marsha Slane Student Center, 336-841-9039 Erica D. Lewis elewis@highpoint.edu studentlife@highpoint.edu The Assistant Vice President for Student Life is responsible for the supervision of residential housing and all residential staff resources as well as living-learning

communitites and community education. Regular interaction with students and their residential and programming needs is central to this position. As noted in the University Bulletin, all students are required to live in a University residence hall with a full meal plan, except those who live with their parents or with a spouse. Single students (except commuters living with parents or guardians) who enroll and are found to be living off-campus without an authorized exception from the Assistant Vice President for Student Life may be held responsible for all tuition and fees and/or be dismissed from the University. Associate Vice President for Student Life 336 John and Marsha Slane Student Center, 336-841-9107 Dr. Paul Kittle pkittle@highpoint.edu The Associate Vice President for Student Life is responsible for the coordination and management of Title IX and various developmental student leadership programming. The Associate Vice President for Student Life facilitates the management of the conduct and appeals process as well as the work of the Honor Code enforcement in conjunction with the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.


Director of Campus Engagement 318 John and Marsha Slane Student Center 336-841-9532 Summer Chandler spriddy@highpoint.edu activities@highpoint.edu Facebook: HPUCAT Twitter: @HPUCAT Instagram: HPUCAT Beginning with Welcome Week and continuing through Springfest, you will have an easy time getting involved and having fun. From comedians to movie nights to karaoke nights and trivia, every day at HPU is a special one! Daily announcements about upcoming events are broadcast via HPU Connect. Additionally, the Director of Campus Engagement directly oversees the Student Government Association (SGA) on campus. Director of Campus Recreation 115 John and Marsha Slane Student Center 336-841-9732 Mat Allred rec@highpoint.edu Facebook: HPU Recreation Twitter: @hpurec High Point University Recreation Services (HPURec) offers a variety of fitness, wellness, and athletic opportunities for all students. The John and Marsha Slane Student Center is home to the HPURec Office, the Fitness Center, Group Exercise classroom, and a multi-purpose basketball courts. The Maynard Pool and Spa at John and Marsha Slane Student Center is available for you to enjoy during warmer months. Students may also enjoy swimming and racquetball in the James H. and Jesse E. Millis Athletic and Convocation Center as well as sand volleyball and outdoor basketball courts located around campus. HPURec also manages fitness facilities at the University Center 2, The Village, North College Terrace, Caffey, Centennial Square Townhomes 1& 2, Caffey, and the Greek Village as well as outdoor pools at The Village, Centennial Square Townhomes


1& 2, and The Greek Village which are for resident use of those communities. HPURec offers an active intramural sports and activities calendar as well as opportunities for adventure with HPU Outdoor Discovery. The HPU Outdoor Discovery Program includes a dynamic Challenge (Ropes) Course located at the HPU Millis Estate, a 20-acre country retreat located just minutes from campus. The Challenge Course is designed to develop communication and leadership skills through a series of demanding high and low ropes components. The course also features a 500 ft. zip line, 40 ft. rock climbing wall, laser tag, and a series of hiking trails. Complimentary transportation to the HPU Millis Estate is provided through the HPURec office. Director of Greek Life 325 John and Marsha Slane Student Center 336-841-9484 Teri Cugliari tcugliar@highpoint.edu Facebook: HPU Greek Twitter: @HPUGreeks greek@highpoint.edu The Director of Greek Life oversees all functions of fraternity and sorority life at HPU, including Greek housing. The Director is responsible for Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Council and National PanHellenic Council. This includes all educational programming for current and new members such as The Greek Summit, Grand Chapter, Risk Management and the New Member Education Series. Other responsibilities include Greek Week, Formal Recruitment, Intake, and Order of Omega. Assistant Vice President for Student Life 335 John and Marsha Slane Student Center, 336-841-9309 Dr. Tara Shollenberger tshollen@highpoint.edu

The Assistant Vice President for Student Life is the chief conduct officer for the University and manages both the academic and non-academic conduct systems. This includes review of incident reports and formal complaints, conducting preliminary investigations and formal hearings, as well as issuing appropriate sanctions. The Assistant Vice President for Student Life will supervise and evaluate all Conduct Boards for both academic and non-academic allegations. Additionally, the Assistant Vice President for Student Life provides counseling for student, regarding disciplinary issues and performs appropriate student referrals to other departments across the HPU community. Executive Director of Counseling Services John and Marsha Slane Student Center 336-841-9794 Dr. Mary-Jeanne (MJ) Raleigh mraleigh@highpoint.edu counseling@highpoint.edu The High Point University Office of Counseling Services provides assistance to students who may experience emotional, behavioral, substance abuse, and/or psychological problems during their college experience. As this is a time for change and growth, we recognize that it brings with it exploration of your ability to manage stress, build relationships, balance work and play, and learn more about the person you are becoming. Counseling staff also provides programming on wellness and personal growth. Counseling Services: Overall mental wellness includes the ability to form and maintain healthy relationships, to balance work and recreation, to adapt to change, and to cope with stress. The Office of Counseling Services, located on the third floor of Slane Student Center works with all students on a range of mental health issues with a focus on increasing resilience, building on strength and developing the whole student.

Services are available to all students and may include individual therapy, group therapy, couples counseling, walk-in triage, consultation, case management, prevention education, addiction and recovery support, family therapy/consultation and psychiatric medication services. We are a developmentally focused mental health clinic with a wide range of specialties among highly qualified staff. We strive to adhere to the applicable mental health laws of the State of North Carolina and the American Counseling Association (ACA) Ethics Code. We use NC Board of Professional Licensed Counselors (LPC) and may also be nationally board certified through the National Board of Certified Counselors. Counseling services are available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with walk-in triage available all day. Extended hours are available from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., check Counseling Services website for details, no walk in is available during extended hours. Counseling Services offers topic focused workshop series throughout the academic year. Please check Counseling Services website for topics, dates and locations. To assure quality of care there are no session limits, however after ten sessions each case is reviewed by the clinical team to determine effectiveness of treatment. There is a $100 “no show’ fee if psychiatric appointments or Substance Assessment sessions are missed. A “no show” fee may be leveed if a student schedules and misses repeated appointments (3+) without calling to cancel or reschedule within 24 hours of the appointment. Counseling Services sends text and email reminders for all appointments. To make an appointment please call (336) 888-6352 between 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday. Students can also walk in to the office and schedule a session with the front desk or see the triage counselor to determine the next best step in receiving care. We do


not make appointments through email. Minister to the University David R. Hayworth Chapel 336-841-9241 Rev. Preston Davis pdavis@highpoint.edu The Chapel and Religious Life encourages the development of faith, spiritual formation, and interfaith understanding among students, faculty and staff. When classes are in session, Hayworth Chapel is open weekdays for personal devotion and hosts ecumenical workshop services each week. The Minister to the University in conjunction with the Office of Student Life, is in charge of religious activities. The Minister to the University oversees all spiritual life on campus. Under the Minister to the University’s guidance, the Chapel and Religious Life Office leads spiritual formation, vocation training, and interfaith understanding among students, faculty and staff. When classes are in session, Hayworth Chapel is open weekdays for personal devotion and the Office hosts an ecumenical Christian worship services each Wednesday at 5:30 in Hayworth Chapel. Senior Director for Student Life 317 John and Marsha Slane Student Center, 336-841-9713 Scott Wojciechowski swojciec@highpoint.edu


The Senior Director for Student Life Education fosters and facilitates collaboration between first year residential communities and academic affairs, working closely with the Director of the Common Experience and Senior Vice President for Student Life. In addition, he develops and implements initiatives related to the purpose and objectives of the Common Experience. Director of Title IX 339 John and Marsha Slane Student Center 336-841-9457 Megan Karbley mkarbley@highpoint.edu Oversees the investigation and resolution of all reports of Sexual Assault, Intimate Partner Violence, Non-Consensual Sexual Contact, Sexual Misconduct, and Stalking all members of the University community. Provides training to the entire HPU campus community. Director of Multicultural Affairs 319 John and Marsha Slane Student Center, 336-841-9695 Brittani Hunt bchaviou@highpoint.edu The Director of Multicultural Affairs works to foster an environment that welcomes and embraces all regardless of race, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability or military status. This includes leading diversity awareness efforts, diversity education programming and supporting underrepresented student populations. In addition, the Director advises and serves as a resource for student groups/ organizations. The Director of Multicultural Affairs also reviews Bias Response reports and consults with necessary parties to gather information, provide support, guide mediation and achieve resolution.

Federal Guidelines Nondiscrimination/Title IX Statement High Point University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, age, genetic information, veteran status, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation in its education programs and activities as required by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and other applicable statutes and University policies. University programs and activities include but are not limited to athletics (NCAA and club sports), admissions, financial aid, and employment High Point University will not tolerate any form of harassment including sexual violence and sexual harassment. In an effort to educate our students about sexual violence including sexual assault and proper reporting mechanisms, High Point University utilizes the Sexual Assault Prevention - Undergraduate educational program. Sexual Assault Prevention Undergraduate is an online education program that focuses on making students aware of what it means to be sexually assaulted and what to do if they or someone they know has been involved in that situation. Sexual Assault Prevention - Undergraduate utilizes proven prevention theories and educational strategies to help students understand the issue of sexual assault. All incoming and returning students are required to complete Sexual Assault Prevention Undergraduate training annually. If a person believes that a violation has occurred, please report it to the appropriate High Point University Compliance Officer

listed below. High Point University will not tolerate any form of retaliation towards a person reporting a violation or for participating in an investigation. For non-accessibility resources related violations or inquiries, please contact one of the following: HPU students, faculty, staff & visitors: • Megan Karbley, Director of Title IX, 339 Slane Center High Point University, One University Parkway, High Point, NC 27262, 336-841-9457, mkarbley@highpoint.edu • Gail Tuttle, Senior Vice President of Student Life, Deputy Director of Title IX, 338 Slane Center, High Point University, One University Parkway, High Point, NC 27262, 336-841-9231, gtuttle@highpoint.edu After normal business hours and weekends please call HPU Security at 336-8419112, to reach the on call Deputy Title IX Coordinator. For accessibility resources-related violations or inquiries, please contact: • Dana Bright, Director of Accessibility resources and services, 401 Smith Library, High Point University, One University Parkway, High Point, NC 27262, 336-841-9061 Faculty/Staff and applicants for employment: • Marc Sears, Director of Human Resources, 239 Roberts Hall, High Point University, One University Parkway, High Point, NC 27262, 336-888-3691, humanresources@highpoint.edu


Classification of a Student High Point University identifies a student as an applicant who has accepted an offer of admission and is in attendance (i.e., taking classes either on campus or online). Students are responsible to know and adhere to the conduct standards and Honor Code of High Point University. Clery Disclosure Statement The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (as amended) requires eligible institutions to prepare, publish, and distribute an Annual Security Report containing specific information about campus security policies, campus crime statistics and fire safety. The High Point University Security Office is responsible for preparing and distributing this report in accordance with the Clery Act. A copy of High Point University’s campus safety report can be obtained at any campus Welcome Center or online at www.highpoint.edu/safety/campus-safety-actclery-compliance/. Timely Warnings In compliance with the “Timely Warning” provisions of the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act of 1998, High Point University issues timely warnings to the entire campus community when there is information that a Clery Act Crime has occurred on the University’s campus that represents a serious or continuing threat to campus safety. This is defined as the public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus, and the non-campus buildings or properties that are owned, operated, or controlled by the University (“Clery geography”). Crimes for Clery Reporting Purposes For the purposes of complying with the requirements of 34 CFR 668.41, the following


are considered a crime for the purposes of the Clery Act reporting. Those crimes can include: weapons, alcohol, drugs, murdermanslaughter, negligent— manslaughter, sex offenses — forcible, sex offenses — non-forcible, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, arson, dating/domestic violence, stalking and hate crimes. Unfounded Crimes An institution may withhold, or subsequently remove, a reported crime from its crime statistics in the rare situations where sworn or commissioned law enforcement personnel have fully investigated the reported crime and, based on the results of this full investigation and evidence, have made a formal determination that the crime report is false or baseless and therefore “unfounded.” Only sworn or commissioned law enforcement personnel may “unfound” a crime report for purposes of reporting under this section. The recovery of stolen property, the low value of stolen property, the refusal of the victim to cooperate with the prosecution, and the failure to make an arrest do not “unfound” a crime report. Hate Crimes An offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against race, gender, sexual orientation, gender expression, religion, national origin, cultural background, disability, or any other defining characteristic of an individual or group of individuals is prohibited. For Clery Act purposes, Hate Crimes include any of the following offenses that are motivated by bias. Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, arson, larceny theft, simple assault, intimidation and/or destruction/damage/ vandalism of property. Larceny theft, simple assault, intimidation and destruction/damage/vandalism of property are included in the Clery Act statistics only if they are associated with a Hate Crime.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. These rights include: 1. The right to inspect and review your education records within 45 days after the day the University receives your request for access. • A student should submit to the registrar, dean, or other appropriate University official a written request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect. The University official will make arrangements for access and notify you of the time and place where the records may be inspected. • You will ordinarily not be provided with copies of any part of your record other than your transcript, unless the inability to obtain copies would effectively prevent you from exercising this right to inspect and review your education records. In cases where copies will be provided, the University may impose a charge for making such copies at such uniform rates as it shall determine. 2. There are a number of types of records that are specifically excluded from the scope of FERPA. For example, you are not entitled to examine the following: • Records maintained personally by faculty members that are not available to others. • Records that are created or maintained by a physician, psychologist, or other recognized professional or paraprofessional that are created, maintained, or used only in connection with the provisions of treatment to you and are not available to anyone other than persons providing such

treatments. Such records, however, can be personally reviewed by a physician or other appropriate professional of your choice, and you may have a right to inspect such records under other laws. • Records containing financial information about your parents, such as information submitted in connection with an application for financial aid. 3. The right to provide written consent before the University discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from your education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. • One exception permits the University to disclose education records without your prior written consent to University officials with legitimate educational interests. In this context, a University official is any person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including campus safety personnel and health services staff); a person serving on the University Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee. A University official also may include an agent or contractor outside of the University who performs an institutional service or function for which the University would otherwise use its own employees and who is under the direct control of the University with respect to the use and maintenance of PII from education records, such as an attorney, auditor or a student volunteering to assist another University official in performing his or her tasks. A University official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an educa­tion record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for the University.


• Another exception permits the University, upon request, to disclose education records without consent to offi­cials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. • Another exception permits the University to disclose your “directory information:” your name; local and home address; local and home telephone listing; University-assigned email address; photograph, date and place of birth; major field of study; dates of attendance; enrollment status (e.g. undergraduate, graduate, freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, first-year, second-year, third-year); participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams; degrees, awards, and honors received; the most recent educational agency or institution attended; and for student employees: department where employed; employee status (i.e. Graduate Assistant, Instructional Student Assistant, Teaching Associate). • If you do not want the University to disclose directory information from your education records without your prior written consent, you must notify the University Registrar’s Office in writing. (Please be aware that such notification will prevent the University from providing information to your friends, prospective employers or others, so make your decision carefully.) You can give your notice at any time and it will apply prospectively. • Other exceptions to the request of consent to disclosure may apply. Contact the Registrar’s Office about other exceptions. 4. The right to request the amendment of your education records that you believe are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights


under FERPA. You should submit any such request to amend a record to the University official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record that you want amended, and specifying why you believe they are inaccurate. The University will notify you of its decision and, if it decides not to amend the record as requested, the University will notify you in writing of your right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to you at that time. 5. The right to be provided with a list of the types of education records maintained by the University that relate to students. The Registrar’s Office has compiled such a list and will, on request, make copies of this list available to any student to assist the student in determining those records to which he or she may want access. Generally, educational records of a student will be maintained by the Office of the Registrar, the office of the school or department in which the student is enrolled, and the office of the department of the student’s major field of study. In addition, the University Health Services maintains records relating to students who have utilized its facilities. If a student has utilized a placement office at the University, such office may also maintain records relating to the student. 6. The institution will, disclose to the alleged victim of a crime of violence or a nonforcible sex offense, the report on the results to a third party the final results of a disciplinary proceeding related to a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense if the student who is the alleged perpetrator is found to have violated the school’s rules or policies. The disclosure of the final results only includes: the name of the alleged perpetrator, the violation committed, and any sanction imposed

against the alleged perpetrator. The disclosure must not include the name of any other student, including a victim or witness, without the written consent of that other student. 7. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202. If you have questions regarding release of students’ education records, please notify the University Registrar, Danny Brooks, dbrooks@ highpoint.edu, 336-841-9300, or visit highpoint.edu/registrar. Bias Response Policy High Point University is committed to fostering an inclusive learning and living community that actively works to manage and mitigate bias incidents. We value civility, character and care and it is our expectation that all members of our community engage with one another within the context of these guiding principles: Civility As members of the HPU community, we are responsible for maintaining a positive campus climate in which all are treated with civility. This standard of respect fosters a sense of belonging and spirit of inclusivity that all students, faculty and staff deserve and need to thrive here at HPU. Character At HPU, all students, faculty and staff are expected to operate with high moral character as we interact with others. We are to exercise integrity, fairness and equality while learning, working and living on our campus.

Care All members of the HPU community play a role in upholding our University mission of “every student receiving an extraordinary education in an inspiring environment with caring people.” We are called to care – for one another, for our University and for our community. High Point University will not tolerate or condone acts of bias and/or hate that evoke harm to our campus community or the well-being of our students, faculty or staff. While High Point University is committed to the principles of free speech and free expression, each member of our community is responsible for engaging in debate and disagreement in constructive ways. A bias incident is defined as language or actions that demean, degrade, threaten or harass an individual or group based on their actual or perceived race, color, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability or status as a military veteran. Bias incidents are intentional and unintentional behavior that includes but is not limited to, name-calling, stereotyping, belittling, inappropriate joking and excluding others based on their identity. While these incidents may or may not violate college policy or state or federal law, such behavior creates an unfavorable, unsafe and unwelcoming environment for the affected member(s) of our campus community. We welcome you to report bias incidents (https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform. php?HighPointUniv&layout_id=13) as we strive to make High Point University safe and welcoming for all. These incidents can be reported via the Online Bias Response Form or directly to the Director of MultiCultural Affairs. Should the incident involve Sexual Misconduct and/or Relationship Violence, it should be reported directly to


the Director of Title IX. All reports are reviewed by the Director of Multicultural Affairs. Gender Identity Inclusion Policy Gender identity and expression is included in High Point University’s non-discrimination policy. As a result, interactions and treatment should not be limited by a student’s gender identity. Students in the process of discovering their gender identities, a housing assignment based on their identifying gender may be pursued. All students seeking an assignment that varies from the sex on their admissions materials may contact the Office of Student Life to discuss their individual situations in order for the University to provide housing that best meets the needs of the student. Additionally, High Point University does have unisex bathrooms on campus.

and law enforcement in the course of the investigation. After investigating a missing person report, should High Point University determine that the student has been missing for 24 hours, High Point will notify High Point Police Department and the student’s emergency contact no later than 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing. If the missing student is under the age of 18 and is not an emancipated individual, High Point University will notify the student’s parent or legal guardian immediately after High Point University has determined that the student has been missing for 24 hours. Minor Policy

I. Purpose High Point University is committed to the safety of all community members and strives to create a safe environment Missing Persons Policy for all individuals visiting University If a member of the University community has property or participating in University reason to believe that a student who resides in programs and to provide for appropriate on-campus housing is missing, he or she should supervision and care of minors who visit immediately notify Campus Security at 336University property or who are involved in 841-9112. HPU Security and/or the RD will University programs. This Policy establishes generate a missing person report and initiate an guidelines for those in the University investigation. community who may work or interact with individuals under 18 years of age, In addition to registering a general emergency with the goal of promoting the safety and contact, students residing in on-campus wellbeing of minors. In its efforts to fulfill housing have the option to identify this commitment, the University expects confidentially an individual to be contacted by all employees, faculty and staff to act in High Point University in the event the student accordance with this Policy, applicable state is determined to be missing for more than 24 and federal laws, Title IX of the Higher hours. Education Amendments of 1972, and the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy. If a student has identified such an individual, High Point University will notify that II. Scope individual no later than 24 hours after the This Policy applies broadly to all student is determined to be missing. A interactions between minors and University student who wishes to identify a confidential faculty, staff, students, interns, and contact can do so through the personal data volunteers, as well as to any ongoing or sheet located through MyStuff. A student’s planned events, programs, and activities confidential contact information will be that take place on campus, in University accessible only by authorized campus officials


facilities, or under the supervision of the University, whether operated by the University or third parties (“Programs”). The term “Program” includes events that are designed to include minors such as camps, lessons, workshops, clubs, teams, projects, practices, tours, or open-houses. The term “Program” does not include: (1) single performances or events open to the general public that are not targeted toward minors (such as varsity athletic competitions, plays, or concerts); (2) regularly scheduled classes or activities designed primarily for enrolled students who are age 17 and above.

University faculty, students, staff, and volunteers and third parties with whom the University contracts and who operate programs or activities involving minors on University property are responsible for understanding and complying with this Policy.

This Policy does not apply to students enrolled in High Point University who are less than 18 years of age.

III. Behavioral Expectations Adults should be positive role models for minors and act in a caring, honest, respectful, and responsible manner. University faculty, staff, students, interns, and volunteers, and any adults working in Programs covered by this policy must follow these guidelines to avoid behaviors that could be harmful or misinterpreted: • Do not engage in any sexual activity, make sexual comments, tell sexual jokes, or share sexually explicit material (or assist in any way to provide access to such material) with minors. • Do not be alone with a single minor. If one-on-one interaction is required, meet in open, well-illuminated spaces or rooms with windows observable by other adults, unless the one-on-one

interaction is expressly authorized by the University. Do not meet with minors outside of established Program times. Any exception requires written parental consent and must include more than one adult from the Program. Do not invite individual minors to your home or residence. Any exception, including overnight recruiting or admissions visits, requires written parental consent. Do not engage in or communicate with minors through e-mail, text messages, social networking websites, internet chat rooms, or other forms of social media at any time, except and unless there is an educational or programmatic purpose. Do not touch minors in a manner that a reasonable person could interpret as inappropriate. Touching should generally only be in the open and in response to the minor’s needs, for a purpose that is consistent with the purpose of a Program, and/or for a clear educational, developmental, or health related (e.g., treatment of an injury) purpose. Any resistance from the minor should be respected. Do not engage in any abusive conduct of any kind toward or in the presence of, a minor, including but not limited to, verbal abuse, striking, hitting, punching, poking, spanking, or restraining. If restraint is necessary to protect a minor from harm, all incidents of restraint must be documented and disclosed to the minor’s parent or guardian. Do not use, possess, or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs while on duty or when responsible for a minor’s welfare. When transporting minors in a Program, more than one adult from the Program must be present in the vehicle, except when multiple minors will be in the vehicle at all times through the transportation. Avoid


using personal vehicles if possible. • Possession of or use of any type of weapon or explosive device is prohibited. IV. Training All adults who are reasonably expected to directly interact with minors, including third parties who participate in programs involving minors on campus, must complete appropriate training. At a minimum, training must address: • Policies regarding interactions with minors. • Inappropriate behavior with minors. • Basic warning signs of abuse or neglect of minors. • Guidelines for protecting minors from emotional and physical abuse and neglect. • Requirements and procedures for reporting incidents of suspected abuse or neglect or improper conduct.

University students and faculty shall complete training annually before working with minors. Participation in training is documented, with the adult signing a statement indicating his/ her understanding and receipt of the University’s policies and procedures. I. Criminal Background Checks All adults who are reasonably expected to directly interact with minors, including third parties who participate in programs involving minors on campus, must undergo a criminal background check, including checks of sex offender registries. These checks must be conducted and evaluated prior to the start of any Program.


If a criminal background check reveals adverse information or unfavorable results, the University will conduct an individualized

assessment using criteria designed to identify potential risk to minors. A prior conviction shall not automatically disqualify a person from participating in a program or activity. Except where required by law, criminal background checks of University faculty, staff and students that are conducted pursuant to this Policy will be used only for purposes consistent with this Policy and will otherwise be kept confidential. Records of background checks will be maintained separately from an individual’s personnel or student file. II. Mandatory Reporting Every member of the University community is required by North Carolina law to report any abuse or suspected abuse of minors to the director of the department of social services in the county where the minor resides or is found. Further, every member of the University community is required by this policy to report any such abuse or suspected abuse to University Security at (336) 841-9111 and to the Program Director. Abuse includes inappropriate interactions, neglect, or inadequate care provided by a parent, guardian, custodian, or caretaker. University Security can assist in providing contact information for reporting to the appropriate social services department. No individual making a good faith report of abuse or suspected abuse will be retaliated against in the terms and conditions of employment or educational program; nor will they be subject to criminal or civil liability for making such a good faith report. III. Program Requirements In addition to the foregoing, the following procedural requirements

govern all Programs: A. Register the Program The individual that is responsible for a Program (“Program Director”) or his or her designee shall register the Program with [Name of College Office or Department] at least 7 working days before the start of the Program. This registration shall be in writing and provide, at a minimum: 1. The name and purpose of the Program; 2. The start and end dates and/or times of the Program, including whether the Program will involve overnight activities; 3. The location of the Program; 4. A list of Program staff; 5. Certification that each staff member has received training that meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of Section IV of this Policy; 6. Certification that each staff member has undergone a criminal background check that meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of Section V of this Policy; 7. A list of the Program’s minor participants with emergency contact information for each minor participant; and 8. A plan for contacting the appropriate parties in the event of an emergency. B. Obtain and submit appropriate documents

In connection with each Program, the Program Director or his or her designee shall obtain and submit the following documents: 1. Participation Agreement. Before a minor participates in a Program, the Program Director

must obtain a written agreement signed by the minor and his or her parent or legal guardian (“Participation Agreement”). Participation Agreements may vary from Program to Program, but they must include a general description of the Program, indicate whether the Program is affiliated with the University, and require parental consent for the minor to participate in the Program. 2. Authorization for Obtaining Medical Treatment. Before a minor participates in a Program, the Program Director must obtain consent from the minor participant’s parent permitting the University to respond to any accidents or medical emergencies and to obtain the medical treatment required for the minor participant as decided by a medical professional at the medical facility. This authorization should include consent to the release of medical information as necessary for obtaining medical treatment and an acknowledgment that the cost of such treatment is the sole responsibility of the parent. 3. Insurance Certificates. Where the Program is operated by a third party, the Program Director must submit insurance certificates to the University that comply with the University’s 4. minimum coverage requirements for Third Party Programs and lists the University as an additional insured during the period that the Program is to be provided at the University. The policy should cover sexual molestation claims by third parties.


Academic Life & Academic Calendar studios/labs/practica that may be attached. Attendance policies are clearly printed on every syllabus of every class. Faculty members do indeed take roll. Most faculty allow for a limited number of absences (or “cuts”); however, students must realize that the “cuts” should be used for emergency situations (i.e., illness, family situations, etc.). There are technically no “excused absences.” Students simply must be judicious in using their “cuts.” Class attendance probation notices are processed for students who have excessive class absences. We know that the primary reason your student is enrolled at High Point University is to get an extraordinary education. The Offices of Academic Development and Student Success are dedicated to the delivery of a first-rate academic program to all of our students. Your student will be assigned a Student Success Coach as soon as he or she is enrolled. Our students meet with advisors to register for courses for each semester. For the first semester, the Student Success Coach will register students for courses. After the first semester, the Student Success Coach and student meet to plan the next semester’s schedule, but the student actually completes the online registration on his own. In addition to meeting with students for registration, Student Success Coaches and students also meet to discuss academic progress and any general academic concern. Class attendance is absolutely necessary for academic success. Faculty members develop their own attendance policies, based on the frequency of class meetings and the


Release of Student Information As a parent, you want to know critical information regarding your student’s progress and transition to our University. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 is a Federal law designed to protect the privacy of educational records. This law also provides guidelines for appropriately using and releasing student educational records. Therefore, your student is considered to be the “owner” of his or her education record, and the institution is considered the “custodian” of that record. To protect your student’s privacy, the law generally requires schools to ask for written consent before disclosing your student’s personally identifiable information to individuals other than themselves. In accordance with provisions of the Act, HPU provides directory information in various college publications, which may include the University catalog or various information publications of the Athletics Department. Directory information will be disclosed without the student’s prior written consent, unless the student has notified the Office of the Registrar to restrict release of that

information. Directory information is defined as your name; local and home address; local and home telephone listing; Universityassigned email address; photograph, date and place of birth; major field of study; dates of attendance; enrollment status (e.g. undergraduate, graduate, freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, first-year, second-year, third year); participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams; degrees, awards, and honors received; the most recent educational agency or institution attended; and for student employees: department where employed; employee status (i.e. Graduate Assistant, Instructional Student Assistant, Teaching Associate). Parent names and address, home telephone number, course schedule, grades and grade-point average are not directory information and will not be released without the written consent of the student. The only instances where FERPA privacy regulations can be waived is in circumstances where students pose a threat of harm to self or others. If you have questions regarding release of students’ education records, please notify the University Registrar, Danny Brooks, dbrooks@highpoint.edu, 336-841-9205, or visit highpoint.edu/registrar. Experiential Learning Experiential Learning provides students with a rich array of opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills outside the traditional classroom. High Point University offers a comprehensive program, including service learning, study abroad, Study America, domestic and international internships, career counseling, and student-faculty collaborations on research or creative works. These programs are designed to stimulate students to think critically, reflectively, and creatively, while also cultivating their abilities as leaders, innovators, and responsible citizens.

Service Learning The Service Learning Program engages students in the practices of good citizenship through intensive and experiential courses. Designated as “SL” courses, Service Learning courses align a course’s academic objectives with meaningful community service so that the service enhances students’ learning and their learning improves their ability to serve. High Point University values Service Learning as a way to use our liberal arts foundation to promote a more just and sustainable society. Service Learning courses push students to connect the theory of the classroom with the practices of good citizens,encouraging community-based research, active problemsolving, and a growth mindset that fosters creativity and social innovation. Service Learning courses can be found in courses that fulfill the General Education Requirements and in courses throughout students’ major fields of study. Students may become Service Learning Scholars if they complete 100 hours of service by taking at least two SL courses and completing an independent, faculty-mentored service project. Students interested in Service Learning opportunities should contact Dr. Joe Blosser, Robert G. Culp Jr. Director of Service Learning and Associate Professor of Religion and Philosophy, jblosser@highpoint.edu or 336-841-9337 Full-Semester and Summer Study Programs As globalization continues to blur geographic and cultural boundaries, our new world requires a new skillset. The faculty and staff at High Point University believe that global awareness and cross-cultural understanding are essential parts of higher education for today’s student. Therefore, the University encourages students to engage in programs that provide opportunities for cross-cultural growth beyond the campus of the University.


To assist with this intercultural experience, the University has established partnerships with several universities abroad, in order to provide a variety of programs for study abroad during the semester and summer. Study abroad programs are available to appropriately prepared students from all academic disciplines. Students interested in study abroad programs go through a comprehensive application process. Selection criteria include academic achievement, evidence of mature and responsible behavior, and the demonstrated potential for studying and living independently and in unfamiliar surroundings. Students can study abroad as early as the summer of their freshman year, provided they meet the minimum academic requirements, including a minimum GPA and academic preparation. They also must be in good disciplinary standing with the University. Depending on the program, other requirements may apply. The Office of Study Abroad hosts two major Study Abroad Fairs at the beginning of the Fall semester. Throughout the academic year, the Study Abroad advisors meet with students individually to advise them on their many options, including exchange programs


offered by High Point University, as well as unaffiliated programs. Students should begin planning for an off-campus study experience early in their academic program. Application deadlines are March 15 for Fall and May 15 for Spring semesters. Students who are accepted to study abroad are responsible for following the rules and regulations of the University or Organization affiliated with the study abroad program. In addition, students are still bound to High Point University’s Guide to Campus Life. Should a violation occur while a student is abroad the student will be held responsible for their actions upon returning to High Point University regardless of the sanctions imposed by the hosting University or organization. The Office of Study Abroad is located in the Cottrell Hall Center for Student Success. For more information about semester or summer study programs, go to highpoint.edu/ studyabroad, e-mail studyabroad@highpoint. edu or call 336-841-9280. “Global Experience� Short-term Study Programs Each year, our Global Experience programs make available a number of short-term, faculty-led study programs, both in the U.S.

and abroad, where students and HPU faculty travel together to a variety of destinations to examine course content in depth and on site. Short-term study programs are at least ten days in length, and are open to all qualified students. Such short-term opportunities are ideal for student athletes, graduate students, and other students who do not want to spend a full semester away from High Point University. These programs change yearly in order to provide a variety of relevant study experiences for our students and faculty. Short-term study programs may travel domestically or internationally at the following times: May Term, Summer I, Summer II, or winter break. Foreign Language Study Abroad Programs Students who wish to study foreign language while studying abroad may participate in either full-semester, summer, or short-term options. Full-semester programs are available in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish. Career and Professional Development 104 Cottrell Hall, 336-841-9470 Dr. William (Bill) Gentry careerservices@highpoint.edu The Office of Career and Professional Development provides a variety of professional development and careerrelated services to HPU students from the moment they arrive on campus as first-year students. Comprehensive services include: individual career counseling, exploration of majors/minors and related career options, interpretation of career-related selfassessments, tips for researching internship opportunities, development of professional resumes and cover letters, preparation for interviews, assistance with networking, and strategies for searching for full-time jobs or applying to graduate/professional school.

The Office of Career and Professional Development and the Internship Resource Center provide students with a comprehensive range of services designed to help students explore, prepare for, and implement career goals. Our services include: individual career counseling, exploration of majors/minors and related career options, administration and interpretation of career-related selfassessments, development of professional resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles, and preparation for interviews. Students also may receive assistance with the graduate/ professional school application process, as well as the development and implementation of a comprehensive internship or job search strategy. The Office of Career and Professional Development and the Internship Resource Center utilizes a variety of career-related self-assessments including the Strong Interest Inventory, FOCUS 2, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Peer Career StrengthsFinder 2.0, to help our students identify their strengths, career interests, personality preferences, work values, and skill sets. To further explore career opportunities, students who have earned at least 16 credit hours may enroll in a course titled, EXP 1401-1402 Exploring Your Major and Career Path, to discover their individual career interests and/or complete a field experience (internship). Internships, job-shadowing, volunteering, campus involvement, and coursework are an important part of the career and professional development process for students. The Office of Career and Professional Development maintains both an active online job board and a comprehensive database of companies and organizations where HPU students have completed internships in recent years. The HPU Career & Professional Development LinkedIn group offers students the opportunity to join a dynamic networking group and connect with other students and alumni.


Project Discovery is a process for students at High Point University to discover an academic pursuit they are passionate about. The Office of Career and Professional Development is part of that process. For instance, our team of career advisors will work with students to complete selfassessments and review their results. These assessments provide students with career matches that are aligned to their strengths and passions. Furthermore, our office employs Peer Career Advisors, a team of exceptional students who are trained by Career and Professional Development staff, to offer assistance to High Point University students who are ready to create or strengthen their resume and LinkedIn profile. In addition to individual appointments, the Career and Professional Development staff offer events, workshops, and classroom presentations throughout the academic year. Popular topics include: searching for internships; developing resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles; and preparing for interviews. The office also offers dropin hours every weekday where our student employee team of Peer Career Advisors assists with resume, and LinkedIn profile review. To schedule an appointment with a staff member or learn more about the Office of Career and Professional Development, visit www.highpoint.edu/careerinternships or email careerservices@highpoint.edu. Undergraduate Research and Creative Works Cottrell Hall, 2nd Floor Dr. Joanne Altman jaltman0@highpoint.edu 336-841-9613 The Undergraduate Research and Creative Works (URCW) program encourages and supports the establishment of collaborative partnerships between nurturing faculty mentors and enterprising students and


is designed to add to the sum of human knowledge and creativity. Within these partnerships, critical inquiry, brainstorming, debate, and mutual discovery intertwine leading over time to the production of finished works suitable for publication, exhibition, or presentation in either professional or public forums. In this way, the overarching goal of the URCW program is to provide students with inquiry-based or creative opportunities for experiences that many students would receive only in graduate school or the professional world. The Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Works awards grants to students to present their research at professional conferences, sponsors three undergraduate summer research programs, publishes a monthly newsletter and a yearly student journal of undergraduate research, and hosts a campus symposium of creative and scholarly works each spring. Students are encouraged to get involved in our culture of research and creative works from the first day they arrive on campus by joining our freshmen Research Rookies Program. Students interested in research or creative works opportunities are encouraged to view our website at www.highpoint.edu/urcw, and follow us on Facebook (HPU.URCW). Student Employment Program Cottrell Hall, 1st Floor Whitney Neal wneal@highpoint.edu 336-841-9451 The Office of Student Employment, located in Cottrell Hall, offers employment opportunities to students who want to work while they attend school. Federal Work Study eligible or Institutional, all students have the ability to develop and enhance their professional skills without ever leaving campus. The program is

designed for experiential learning that will inspire, mentor, and coach students for professional expectations and career endeavors. Student Employment focuses on skills employers seek. Communication, ethics, team building, initiative, and analytical are among the top skills we strive to develop as well as job etiquette. While we have the tools, resources, and staff to

assist in the onboarding process, the first step ultimately begins with you! In order for the SEP to be successful, we encourage every HPU student to take advantage of this unique experience and get engaged. Most importantly we require student employees to: Work Hard, Work Smart & HAVE FUN!


Services and Facilities High Point’s University’s “Cashless Campus” Program To assure that services provided on our campus are for the exclusive use of the HPU family, we have a cashless campus program. Students are able to make deposits to their Passport Card “General Account” by visiting the HPU website and using a credit or debit card, 24 hours a day. There is also a free mobile app called Blackboard Transact Mobile. This app can be downloaded from the App Store. Additionally, the University provides Passport Kiosks that accept both cash and credit card deposits. These machines are located in the John and Marsha Slane Student Center, on the lower level, next to the Campus Concierge desk, at The Grille in The Village, and on the lower level of the R.G. Wanek Center near the Extraordinaire Cinema. University Bookstore Academic Year Hours Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 5 pm Saturday, 11 am – 4 pm Located in the John and Marsha Slane Student Center, 2nd Floor, the High Point University Bookstore, operated by Barnes & Noble, offers textbooks and general books, school and office supplies, as well as computer accessories. Additionally, extraordinary High Point University gifts, clothing and accessories are available. Through use of the University Bookstore’s online website, highpoint.bncollege.com, students can pre-order their textbooks and have them waiting for them at the beginning of each semester. Many students find this a convenient benefit.


Office of Information Technology Norcross Building, 1st Level helpdesk@highpoint.edu 336-883-HELP (4357) The Office of Information Technology (OIT) offers free services for students in need of technology assistance. High Point University is authorized by manufacturers, such as Apple and Dell, to work on computers under warranty. Charges may apply for devices not under warranty. Best of all, if we need to keep a student’s computer overnight for repair or parts, we have a limited number of computers to loan. OIT is excited to introduce a campus-wide all-in-one follow-me (swipe-to-release) printing system that allows HPU faculty, staff, and students to print anytime from anywhere. This ensures printing is confidential to the user and reduces printed waste from documents left uncollected at the printer. Each multifunction printer is linked to a network print server, enabling users to print, copy, or scan from a multitude of locations across campus. Staying connected is a priority and to aid with this the OIT department offers three options for connecting to wireless internet while on HPU’s campus, HPU-WiFi, HPUGuest, and HPU-Gaming. Pick the wireless options that best suits your needs. We have also updated our wireless coverage to include key outdoor spaces on campus so that you can maintain your connectivity. For specific information on all of the above or assistance with any of your technology needs such as TVs, laptops, phones, etc., please contact the Help Desk by submitting tickets at http://help.highpoint.edu,

calling (336) 841-HELP (4357), emailing helpdesk@highpoint.edu, or stopping by the Helpdesk on the first floor of the Norcross Graduate School. Wired and wireless Internet access — Our campus is 100% wireless. We also provide wired connections everywhere, including residence halls to serve devices with no wireless connection capability. Complimentary cable TV service — All basic and digital tier channels, including HBO and Showtime, are automatically provided to all resident students at no cost. Blackboard Learning System — Every course for every student is automatically listed in this online system, every semester. Students automatically have access to course materials posted by professors. Community System — Need information about food services or view menus online? Do you need to know the cash balance in your student’s HPU Passport card? Address: http://community.highpoint.edu MyStuff — This system allows your student to register online, to have access to their grades seconds after their professor calculates them, pay your student’s bill online, get access to course schedules and transcripts, audit your student’s academic progress, and many other academic online services. This system is protected by your student’s username/password. Address: http://mystuff. highpoint.edu Complimentary Personal Storage Space — Every student will have access to a personal Internet accessible location where they may store important documents. Documents placed in such storage are backed up every night, and continue to be accessible even if one’s computer stops functioning. Information: www.highpoint.edu/it. Email Service — As your student becomes a part of our University family, they will receive a complimentary email address which

will not only help them to identify themselves easily and professionally as a member of our University, but also provide them with a secure method to communicate with any University faculty, staff or student. Address: http://webmail.highpoint.edu All of the above is only a small list of an impressive number of services we provide to our students, and the list keeps on growing every year. Photo and Video Permissions High Point University reserves the right to take photos and video recordings of students, family members, and guests on campus. The images and video recordings may be used in University publications, marketing materials, or on the University website. HPU may edit the material for brevity, clarity, focus, and to enhance audio and visual formats for consistency and best results. The images and/or commentary may appear in any of the wide variety of formats and media available to the University or may come available in the future, including: print, DVD, social media channels, YouTube, and other electronic/online media. High Point University is released and discharged from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in conjunction with the use of the photographs and/or video or other commentary, including any and all claims for libel. This policy will be in compliance with FERPA guidelines. Post Office & Mail Services Receiving mail and/or packages from family and friends is an exciting part of our students’ campus life experience. Below is a list of some helpful information regarding the HPU Mail Center, as well as security tips for receiving and/or sending letters and packages: • Hours of operation: Monday – Friday, 8:30 am to 5 pm • Mail and packages should be addressed


as follows: Student’s name Campus Box Number High Point University One University Parkway High Point, NC 27268

• Make certain that student’s first and last name, as well as middle initial, is on all mail and packages. Nicknames are okay as long as they are accompanied by student’s given name. • Campus box number should be on all mail and packages to ensure timely processing. It is important to avoid writing/typing “P.O. Box” on student mail, as this implies to the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) that the recipient has a post office box at the main High Point branch rather than the University campus. • Please, do not send your student cash through the mail. • When shipping valuables, it is wise to ask for a tracking number through the USPS (i.e. Insured Mail, Certified Mail, Delivery Confirmation, etc.). United Parcel Service (UPS) and Federal Express are also reliable methods of shipping that automatically track your package. • Priority Mail generally takes two or three days to reach its destination, depending on the travel distance. It is quicker than regular First-Class but is not guaranteed. • The USPS only guarantees delivery of Express Mail, which is overnighted. Please, do not confuse Priority Mail with Express Mail. • Your son or daughter will receive an automated email notification from us each time a package arrives for them. • Please limit packages to a maximum weight of 40 lbs.


Banking/Cashiering Automatic Teller Machine (ATM). Wells Fargo and BB&T maintain automatic teller machines on campus that support primary banking transactions, including account maintenance and account withdrawals. These machines are located in the John and Marsha Slane Student Center, on the lower level, right beside the Campus Concierge desk, The Grille Restaurant at The Village, The Silver Line Diner at North College Court, as well as the lower level of the R.G. Wanek Center. In order to have ready access to funds and to facilitate check-cashing, you may want to open a checking account at a local bank in the High Point area. Local banks are on campus at the beginning of the school year to assist students in this process. Additionally, Passport Teller Machines are located on campus for students to make both cash and credit card deposits on their HPU Passport Card “general account.” Campus Enhancement 336-841-9058 campusenhancement@buddgroup.com Campus Enhancement services provide a pristine campus and residence hall environment. Students needing maintenance, janitorial or landscaping services contact their RA or RD staff whereby they will input a work order and be able to track the progress of the request. After hours assistance may be notified by calling 336-841-9112. The Library Library Services Facebook: HPU Libraries Instagram: @hpu_library Twitter: @hpulibrary Smith Library 336-841-9102 reference@highpoint.edu

Located next to Roberts Hall, Smith Library is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during the regular semester. The library is an excellent place to study! Computers in the library’s four technology labs have access to many software applications including Adobe Photoshop. Librarians are available 24/7 to help you with research, paper construction, citation style, and technology questions. The third floor is a quiet study space and students use the lower level for group study at one of the many collaboration tables. Laptops, calculators, and chrome books along with other technology are available for you to borrow at the Circulation Desk and at the lower level Media Center. Martha Luck Comer Learning Commons R.G. Wanek Center, 3rd Floor 336-841-9002 learningcommons@highpoint.edu The Martha Luck Comer Learning Commons in the R.G. Wanek Center is a 6,000 square foot facility that provides a

comfortable, quiet study space for students. Open 24 hours a day Monday through Friday, and available during the weekend, the librarian-staffed Learning Commons houses computers, a business center, and a current book and popular fiction collection. School of Education Resource Center (336) 841-4621 childrenslibrary@highpoint.edu The Stout School of Education Resource Center provides access to the University’s children’s book collection. It is open mornings and afternoons during the fall and spring semester. The Bassett Furniture Collection is housed in Norton Hall and is a collection of high-quality resources in the area of interior design and furniture styles. The Barry Schultheiss Hayworth Chapel Collection is located in the main floor Chapel lounge and is a unique collection


of religion and philosophy text for you to use while studying in Hayworth. Library Services The Reference Department (336) 841-9101 text us at (336) 289-9974 Reference@highpoint.edu We provide research services to students, faculty and staff. You can ask a research question, get help with a citation or work on a paper topic in-person, by phone, by email, and by chat! Research instruction is also offered as a part of regular class instruction. To assure that you have the content that you need, the libraries will borrow or purchase materials that we do not own via the HPUshares system. Also HPU students, faculty and staff can use their Passport card to check out materials at Wake, UNCG and other schools in the area. Media Services is located on the lower level of Smith Library and provides a technology computer lab to help with presentations and houses video equipment that you can borrow. Our media collection contains 10,000 films for you to use for class projects or just enjoy! Access to information resources, access to our online resources and other general information about the library are available at the library’s website www.highpoint.edu/ library Student Health Services Wilson Hall, 336-841-4683 Dr. Marnie Marlette studenthealth@highpoint.edu High Point University has partnered with Cornerstone Health Care, now part of Wake Forest Health Network to effectively and compassionately serve the medical needs of the students at High Point University. HPU has one of only three private University


fulltime medical directors in North Carolina who is a Medical Doctor. Student Health Services is open Monday–Friday from 8 am to 5:30 pm. After hours calls to our clinic will be forwarded to our after hours medical answering service which is in contact with medical personnel for advice and consult when needed. The responsibility of making up missed work and/or examinations is the sole responsibility of the student and excessive absences may cause consequences such as being dropped from the course. Should your student experience a medical emergency, contact 336-841-9111 and if they are transported to a local hospital, a member of the HPU Student Life Staff will accompany you. Insurance High Point University is concerned with the overall health and safety of our students. As a condition of enrollment, all full-time undergraduate students are required to maintain health insurance and provide evidence of a primary health insurance policy. Students without primary health insurance are required to enroll and purchase a health insurance plan offered by High Point University through partnership with United Healthcare/Student Resources, one of the largest student health insurance providers. A summary of benefits for the 2018-2019 year is available at www.uhcsr. com/highpoint. The cost of the annual policy is estimated to be $2160. Student Insurance billing, as well as the acceptance/waiver process, is managed by the Student Accounts Office. The initial billing invoice for the fall semester will include the charge for the fall portion for student insurance. Once the invoice is received, the student must either accept the coverage or waive the coverage. The acceptance/waiver process begins June 1 of each year and must be completed by August 31, 2018.

Students, who have “other Comparable Coverage” and wish to waive the HPU health plan, must complete the online waiver request through my.highpoint. edu. The waiver period begins June 1 and ends on August 31, 2018. Comparable Coverage is defined as individual medical and sickness indemnity plans, employer-sponsored group insurance plans, Medicare, TriCare, or Medicaid. All F1 and J1 International students are automatically enrolled in LewerMark Student Insurance. Hospitality Services John and Marsha Slane Student Center & R.G. Wanek Center 336-841-9227 hospitality@highpoint.edu www.hpudining.com Dining with friends is an integral part of your college experience. Whether it’s a quick bite on the go or a sophisticated dinner with your friends, you will find an extraordinary variety of dining options at HPU. We have four global dining locations on campus that offer a variety of food options. Each time you dine in one of these locations, one meal is subtracted from your weekly meal allowance. The Café in John and Marsha Slane Student Center and The Farmers Market in the R.G. Wanek Center are All You Care to Eat and the Village Grille and Silver Line Diner at North College accept global meal swipes but are not All You Care to Eat. Regardless of the dining plan you choose, seven of your total weekly meals may be used as Magic Meals. Magic Meal locations include Starbucks, Subway and Chick-fil-A in John and Marsha Slane Student Center; Great Day Bakery, The Point Sports Grill, Jamba Juice and 1924 Prime in the R.G. Wanek Center and Starbucks in Cottrell Hall. Also offered are three convenience stores (C-Stores) on campus to meet your needs. C-Store 1 is located in the R.G. Wanek Center lower

level, C-Store 2 is located at the back of Yadkin Hall and C-Store 3 is located inside The Silver Line Diner at North College. We want you to be confident about the food choices you make. Nutritional information is available on all printed menus. Weekly menus and nutritional information for All-You-Care-To-Eat locations are available at www.highpoint.campusdish.com HPU Passport Kiosk Locations: John and Marsha Slane Student Center The R.G. Wanek Center The Grille at The Village The High Point University Passport card is your student’s exclusive “key” to unlock and enjoy the HPU Experience! The Passport card is used for the following functions listed below. The HPU Passport card cannot be used to pay fines or tuition. Student ID — Allows any staff or faculty member to easily identify your student as a High Point University member. Security Safeguard — students use their Passport to gain access to the exterior entrances of their residence hall and other important common areas on campus (library, computer labs, etc.) Do not permit unknown persons to enter behind you via your passport. Dining — The HPU Passport holds the students’ dining plan, including their dining dollars, which allows them to use their Passport at multiple on-campus dining locations. Dining dollars must be used by the end of each semester. Student Responsibility — Do not loan or give your passport card to any other individuals students or non-students. Student must present passport cards to University Staff or Faculty when requested.


Additionally, the Passport card provides your student with spending flexibility at over 100 off-campus Passport Partner locations by utilizing the card’s “general account.” The general account of the HPU Passport is a versatile account. Money added to this account can be used anywhere the HPU card is accepted; it rolls over from semester to semester. Your student can dine at local restaurants, purchase items from local businesses such as drugstores, and can utilize anywhere on campus. General Account Funds do not expire until May 31st of the student’s graduation year. After May 31st, the remaining funds will be returned to the University. Visit www.facebook.com/ HPUPassportPartners fan page to see the most up to date partners. Parents and family members can add money to the HPU Passport online by going to http://community.highpoint.edu/webapps/ portal/frameset.jsp and scrolling down to the section DEPOSITS. The only information you will need is the student’s first and last name and their ID number. If you have any questions, please contact the Campus Concierge. NOTE: the fee to replace a lost Passport card is $50. No refunds for found cards. Campus Concierge Concierge Locations: John and Marsha Slane Student Center, Congdon Health Sciences, R.G. Wanek Center, Cottrell Hall and the Nido R. Qubein School of Communication Chief Concierge Location: John and Marsha Slane Student Center 336-841-4636 concierge@highpoint.edu Facebook: HPUConcierge Twitter: HPUConcierge The Campus Concierge provides students with a single, comprehensive information point on campus. From ticket distribution


for cultural enrichment events, to signups for student activities, restaurant recommendations and reservations as well as general campus and local information, the Campus Concierge is dedicated to providing extraordinary service to our students. Daily email announcements and Facebook Fan Page messages are sent to students updating them on campus events. You are also encouraged to follow the Campus Concierge on Twitter by going to www.twitter.com/HPUConcierge to receive updates on campus events and programs. The Campus Concierge arranges reservations for airport shuttles and ZipCar Rental program. Other unique services include academic tutor scheduling, library book drop location, a daily weather forecast, complimentary GPS use, complimentary Kindle book readers, complimentary iPad use, complimentary calculator use, and dry cleaning services. Tuition and Finances Each student receives a bill for the comprehensive fee in June for fall semester and November for spring semester. Payment in full is required by the due date on the bill, unless the school’s monthly payment plan is utilized. The comprehensive fee does not include miscellaneous expenses or books. The University Bookstore does accept cash, checks, HPU Passport and major credit cards. Students receive complimentary tickets to college and athletic events. Most students, even those that are on the dining plan, need additional money for snacks or elected off-campus entertainment activities. Student Financial Services The Student Financial Services Division of the Business & Financial Affairs Office consists of the Office of Student Accounts and the Office of Student Financial Planning. Both of these offices are located in Roberts Hall and work together to assist

students in their pursuit of postsecondary education at High Point University. Each office works not only to assist students but also their parents and members of the University community.

Intramural programming takes place throughout the academic year. Popular sports include: flag football, ultimate frisbee, basketball, softball, and soccer. These are just a few; other sports are added to meet the requests of our students!

Sports and Recreation

Group Exercise Classes Classes include Pilates, Spinning, Yoga, and Zumba. However, the line-up is constantly changing to meet the needs of our students. Students may reserve their spot for any class by contacting the HPU Rec desk or the Campus Concierge.

High Point University Recreation Services (HPU Rec) offers a variety of fitness, wellness, and athletic opportunities for all students. From state-of-the-art nautilus and cardio equipment to complimentary bike use, every level of recreational activity can be found at HPU. Intramurals Besides the obvious health-related benefits of programming that supports life-long physical activity, intramural sports provide an opportunity for student fellowship.

Leisure Recreation The HPU Outdoor Discovery Program includes a dynamic Challenge (Ropes) Course located at the HPU Millis Estate, A 20-acre country retreat located just minutes from campus. The Challenge Course is designed to develop


communication and leadership skills through a series of demanding high and low ropes components. The course also features a 500 ft. zip line, 40 ft. rock climbing wall, laser tag, and a series of hiking trails. Complimentary transportation to the HPU Millis Estate is provided through the HPURec office. HPU Rec Hours: Monday – Friday: 7 am – midnight Saturday – Sunday: 8 am – midnight Inclement Weather In the event of approaching severe and/ or inclement weather such as tornado’s or icy conditions, the Environmental Health, Safety & Preparedness (EHS&P) departments are responsible for tracking approaching conditions and alerting the campus population. The policy of High Point University is to conduct scheduled classes,


keep offices open and carry on normal college operations under conditions deemed to be reasonably safe. The University administration may cancel/discontinue classes, close offices and cease routine operations when, under advisement from Security/EP&S, conditions are deemed too risky. Unless notified to the contrary via any of the following notification modalities, a normal schedule shall be followed. EHS&P initiates several notification measures to ensure the safety and security of the campus population. Panther ALERTS include text/voice message, mass email notification, and website alerts. With the majority of our student population living on campus, security officers and the student life staff, including but not limited to Resident Assistants and Resident Directors, are prepared and equipped to initiate response protocols to ensure students are informed and safe.

Security, Safety and Transportation Security Services R.G. Wanek Center Lobby, North College Administration Building, 336-841-9112 security@highpoint.edu Jeff Karpovich, MA CPP, CHPA jkarpovich@highpoint.edu Jeff Karpovich is the Director of Security and Transportation. The mission of the High Point University Security, Transportation and EHS&P departments is to care for and serve all who enter the University while preserving their property and University assets. In addition to a professional security force, the University also utilizes over 70 blue light security phone towers called C.A.R.E. (Campus Assistance & Response to Emergencies) points. Along with vehicle patrols, the University also utilizes foot patrols, T3s, Segways and bicycles. Students have access to security escorts 24/7. Students are asked to take all necessary precautions and report issues or concerns. If you see something, say something! The security department also utilizes LiveSafe, a mobile app available to any smart phone users. Through LiveSafe, user can call or text security, include pictures, videos and audio messages in their report. Additionally, reporting can be made anonymously. For more personal protection information see highpoint.edu/safety. Security Officers Well-trained, uniformed security officers are in place 24-hours, 7 days a week to maintain the safety and security of persons and property. Officers investigate and report criminal activity and student misconduct. A 24-hour dispatching center called SECOM (Security Communications) is always available at 336841-9111.

Off-Duty Police Officers In order to enhance our protection program, High Point University partners with the High Point Police Department. These officers patrol the campus during strategically selected hours. Crimestoppers The Security Department maintains a Crimestoppers site for anonymously reporting suspicious activity. One may report suspicious activity or offer a suggestion/comment on our Crimestoppers website by going to: www. highpoint.edu/safety/crimestoppers/or through HPU’s LiveSafe mobile safety app. For emergencies, please call the 24/7 security communications center at 336-841-9111. Safety/Emergency Preparedness HPU employs a full-time, dedicated emergency coordinator. This coordinator assures that the University is well prepared for all hazards. In order to be best prepared, the University is committed to emergency planning, preparedness, and mitigation to ensure maximum campus safety and resiliency for allhazards. The University maintains a robust mass notification system capable of sending messages to a number of different communication channels, including voice, text, message boards and intercoms within a minutes notice. Video Surveillance Policy High Point University reserves the right to take photos and video recordings of students, family members, and guests for campus. The images and video recordings may be used in University publications, marketing materials, or for the University website. HPU may edit the material for brevity, clarity, focus, and to enhance audio and visual formats for consistency and best results. The images and/or commentary may appear in any of the wide variety of formats


and media available to the University or may come available in the future, including: print, DVD, social media channels, YouTube, and other electronic/online media. High Point University is released and discharged from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in conjunction with the use of the photographs and/or video or other commentary, including any and all claims for libel. This policy will be in compliance with FERPA guidelines. It is the policy of High Point University to utilize video surveillance and recording to help protect our students, assets and entire campus community. The existence of video recording devices and/or this policy does not imply or guarantee that cameras will be monitored continuously or “real-time.” This policy shall not apply to academic use of video cameras for educational or athletic purposes. Purpose The purpose of video monitoring/recording is for campus safety and security purposes and serve such purposes to deter criminal behavior, monitor enforcement efforts, aid with investigations, memorialize salient events and provide alarm input for unauthorized entry. Practice High Point University locates recordable covert or overt video cameras on Universityowned or controlled property including on the person of security officers with overt, body (chest) and dashboard cameras. While on University property students should expect privacy except in clearly private areas. In doing so, HPU shall respect the privacy of University community members and shall not install said recording devices where there is a clear expectation of privacy, e.g., restrooms and locker rooms or student residential rooms without resident student permission. Recording, Retention and Distribution Any and all surveillance video recordings, hereafter referred to as data, typically two


weeks, shall be considered confidential and only shared with University officials or law enforcement with a need to know. System data may only be available for a limited time period unless otherwise preserved. Campus security video data held by Campus Security is not considered an education record under FERPA. HPU Video Release Procedure High Point University Security utilizes recordable covert or overt video cameras on or in University-Owned or controlled property including: residential and non-residential buildings, and on the person of security officers with overt, body (chest) and dashboard cameras. The University has received, and anticipates that it will continue to receive, requests for video captured by these recording and surveillance devices. Video captured and maintained by HPU Security is considered a law enforcement record under FERPA; however, the release of campus video may also trigger compliance obligations with state and federal laws regarding the privacy of the University’s community members. To ensure the University remains compliant with all applicable laws, the University will follow internal processes in regards to release and/ or review of video recordings (including all information and images obtained therefrom) captured by HPU Security. Transportation N. College Administration Building, Transportation Manager 336-841-9113 Derek Clark High Point University is proud to provide complimentary transportation services for students. In addition to on-campus shuttle routes, students may also make reservations for: • doctor or therapy appointments • pharmacy pick-ups • individualized service for special physical needs or injuries

• airport transports for academic breaks (important terms & conditions, dates, & schedules are shown on the Campus Concierge web page & the Transportation brochure) • Shuttles to local shopping centers on Mondays, Thursdays, & Saturdays. For reservation requests, or for further information, contact the Campus Concierge at 336-841-4636, or send email to transportation@ highpoint.edu Academic Breaks—Airport Service Shuttles travel to the Greensboro/High Point, Raleigh/Durham, and Charlotte airports for scheduled academic breaks. Additionally, we provide Greensboro/High Point airport and train station shuttle services every Friday and Sunday while school is in session. Please review the current shuttle schedules online at www.highpoint.edu/concierge. Airport shuttle fees*: GSO: $20 one-way; RDU/CLT: $40 one-way * HPU PRIDE = FREE RIDE! HPU will waive the airport shuttle fee when you place your reservation three days prior to travel, and wear HPU gear! When students wear clearly visible HPU shirt, sweatshirt or jacket, they help tell the world about the Extraordinary education at High Point University. Students who wish to take advantage of this service should: 1. Complete your shuttle reservation at least three days in advance by going online to www.highpoint.edu/concierge and selecting the Transportation link; 2. Receive your confirmation email, and 3. Provide a minimum of 24-hour notice for reservation cancellation. Campus Shuttle Service HPU offers two (Silver and Purple Lines) campus shuttle lines making continuous loops around campus throughout the day and evening. A detailed shuttle time schedule is available at Campus Concierge locations and is also posted at each shuttle stop.

Local Shopping Service HPU provides shopping shuttle service to local area retail establishments during the week and to local areas malls on the weekends. Details are emailed to students each week. Make sure to check the Campus Concierge Daily Update! ZipCar Convenient. Affordable. Good for the environment. HPU has cars available on campus for students to rent from Enterprise. For convenience, students may rent by the hour, half-day, or full-day. Rental rates include fuel! For reservation requests, or for further information, visit www.highpoint.edu/carshare, or contact Campus Concierge at 336-841-4636. Vehicle Registration Students who bring a vehicle on campus must register with the Security Department. (Freshman vehicles are permitted and may park in any student space.) To register a vehicle go to the HPU portal page at my.highpoint.edu. Click the Vehicle Registration link under Quick Links, sign in using your HPU username and password, and follow the directions to register a vehicle. Vehicles must be registered by midnight on August 31st. Students may also register in person 24/7 at the Security Service Center in the R.G. Wanek Center or the security administration office located in North College Administration Building. Vehicle registration is not complete until the parking decals are affixed properly to the front and back of the vehicle. The front decal incorporates an Automated Vehicle Identification (AVI) component which permits campus vehicular access. Students hosting overnight guests must register guests online by going to the HPU portal page at my.highpoint.edu and signing in. From the Quick Links menu go to the My Account links, select Visitor Registration and follow the registration directions. Complete parking rules may be found at www.highpoint.edu/safety. Click on Parking Terms and Conditions.


Survival Check Points for New Student Parents It’s time for you to leave your student on the campus of High Point University. Remember you are not leaving them behind but propelling them forward to greatness and their new journey of educational pursuits. you will wonder, how will I know if my student is happy, adjusting well, etc. How will I know if they are doing well academically and if they are struggling and call home, what do I do? There are some obvious events that will occur the first semester and first year of a student’s life. Let us try to prepare you for this by the schedule listed below:

HPU Connect is an online platform where students manage their on-campus involvement. HPU Connect provides a campus calendar of events as well as an organization directory of over 100 student organizations at High Point University. Before the involvement fair students should login to https://involved. highpoint.edu/ to find out more about our student organizations and plan out welcome week activities! Students are encouraged to login daily to stay up to date on campus events, use the events feature to find events that most interest them, and stay informed with their organization involvement/membership! The CORQ app is the mobile version of HPU Connect. Be sure to download today and view upcoming events from your phone. Through this app you may search events and save them directly to your calendar so that you do not miss a single program. First Week Classes will begin on Tuesday, August 21. For most of this initial, first week, students will be very busy with planned Welcome Week activities as well as the start of classes. One critical event that we encourage all new students to attend will be the Campus Engagement Fair. This


fair will allow each of our new students to seek information regarding the 100+ organizations that our campus has to offer them. Additionally, if your student is interested in playing a club sport, there will be representatives present at the activities fair. Students are also encouraged to sign up for HPU Connect. Also, your student will meet their Peer Mentor on Saturday evening, August 18. This is a student who will help serve as a guide and consultant for your student. Peer Mentors go through a rigorous training program and know when your student may need additional support from the Office of Student Life or student success. Encourage your student to take part in their Peer Mentor Group and the CAT Events to connect with other new students. Tip: If your student should call home and indicate homesickness, please have them seek out their Resident Advisor (RA), Peer Mentor or Resident Director (RD)—all of these individuals will help and talk through their concerns and fears. If you need assistance or support please partner with the Office of Student Life and call 336-841-9231.

Tip: Students should download the HPU Guides app from their smart phone’s app store. This is the official app for High Point University! Keep up with campus resources and events. Students can create custom schedules and to-do lists, as well as connect with peers. Tip: This would be a good time to make flight arrangements for your student if they are flying home for fall break. Remember to check on shuttle information to ensure transportation is available. This information is available at www.highpoint.edu/ concierge. Third Week This is about the time that your student will begin to feel the newness of college wearing off. They may become homesick or begin to really believe their roommate may not be the person they thought they were (it could be just a matter of someone not putting the cap back on the toothpaste!). What should your student do? If they are homesick, parents should alert the Office of Student Life by calling 336-841-9231, and we will ask the Resident Assistant (RA) or the Resident Director (RD) to check on them. Additionally, we do have seven Licensed Professional Counselors, who specialize in discussing transition issues for first-time students. Also, this is about the time your student may experience their first college examination. They may feel some anxiety and stress to do well, which is normal. Our early alert system is a wonderful program and faculty will send notices to our Academic Development office to indicate if a student is struggling from an academic view or just not attending class. This early alert system is a way for our

faculty, students and parents (if they contact the academic advisor and there is a FERPA waiver signed) to know if their student is having adjustment issues. Mid September Greek Recruitment Female students can participate in sorority recruitment which includes four days of activities followed by a Bid Day celebration in early to mid September. Male students can participate in fraternity recruitment, a week of events in mid-September that culminates with a Bid Day celebration similar to the women. We encourage all students participating in Greek recruitment to be open minded and fully take advantage of all options during recruitment. Tip: Being Greek is not for every student. We have over 100 other student organizations to pick from. If your student does not get their first pick in Greek Life, it is not the end all. If your student is down about it, alert the Office of Student Life. Tip: If a student really dislikes his or her roommate or has met someone else they would prefer to live with, have them visit with the Residence Life staff to discuss options or alternatives. If it is a matter of living styles, the roommate workbook contract can be revisited and an additional living contract can be completed for all residents. Tip: If you are wondering how your student is performing academically, with the FERPA waiver signed by your student, you may check in at any point and seek applicable information. Tip: If you have questions regarding Greek Life, please notify Teri Cugliari, Director of Greek Life or email greek@highpoint.edu.


Family Weekend This is a wonderful opportunity for the parents and/or grandparents to come on campus to not only see their student in person, but to enjoy a fun-filled weekend. Your student will be thrilled to see you (and get ready, your pocketbook will get a little lighter with all the necessary things they will suddenly need in their residential room!). Also, if your student is not returning home for the Fall break, this is a good opportunity for everyone to visit and breaks up the time between visits home. Fall Family weekend is scheduled for September 21-23, 2018. Tip: Your student may decide to take an “alternative break” which is usually a Habitat for Humanity build or service-focused trip. Previous alternative Spring breaks have been taken internationally to Guatemala and Haiti and domestically to Pennsylvania, Iowa, Texas, Florida, Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi. This is a good opportunity to connect with a diverse group of University students and contribute to community service. Mid-Term of Semester This is a critical evaluative period for your student. Grades are usually posted by the Monday when Fall/Spring break has started. This is also a benchmark for students to see how well they are performing in the classroom. If parents desire this information and call the University, a FERPA waiver must


be on file for a faculty advisor or success coach to discuss your student’s grades or progress. The good news at this period of time, the student has a set of evaluative grades and has several more weeks to improve and have a great finish to their first semester of college. Also, this is when the student arrives home and you may ask, “What happened to my child?” They are all grown up, do not want to abide by any home rules and wish to be back on campus! Don’t worry— this is normal! They love college life and their sudden new-found independence but they have missed home and also favorite homecooked meals. Also, toward the end of October, it will be time for students to sign up for advising appointments with Student Success Coaches for the purpose of planning for spring semester’s course schedule. Finally, in the month of October, all students should be taking part II of HPU’s online education program, AlcoholEdu. Students are notified through their HPU email account. Encourage your student to complete this important activity! Thanksgiving Break Students will be thankful to be at home with family and to see their friends from high school. However, they may be experiencing some stress due to preparation for upcoming

Final Exams! They may be thinking about moving out of their current residence at the end of the semester and moving in with their new best friend for spring semester. Tip: Before making any kind of roommate change or residential hall change, have the student visit with the Residence Life staff to discuss options and alternatives. All moves and new room assignments for Spring semester are to be completed before Christmas break. Tip: Encourage the start of independent living for your student. When your student calls home with a problem, ask them, “How are you going to handle that?� Tip: Make sure you have made your airline reservations for home and collaborate with shuttle schedule for drop off and return. Final Exams/Christmas Break Students may enjoy finals week study break across campus; all complimentary and a nice break from hitting the books! Students will be so happy to return home to see parents and feel relieved that they have survived their first final examination period.

deadlines and methods of payment, including online options. February Room signups for Fall may cause your student some anxiety if they are unsure who they want to live with next Fall. Students will have time to make these decisions before sign-up in late March. Additionally, the Office of Student Life hosts informational sessions regarding the process. Students may ask questions during any of these sessions. Another memorable Family Weekend is scheduled for February 1–3, 2019. March Mid-Terms and time for Spring break. Again, mid-term grades are available after the Monday after Spring break begins. A good benchmark to see how your student is performing in their second semester. Housing selection for the fall will begin in late March and continue through April. April/May Students meeting with Student Success Coaches to prepare schedule and register for Fall semester.

Students have loved being at home and getting to spend time with their family and old friends, but they are ready to return to their University and see everyone. Check the University calendar for the date students may return to campus and shuttle pick up service on the University website under Concierge services.

Preparation for Final Examinations and packing up their room to come home. Many students who live out-of-state will store their personal items at a local storage establishment. Vendor names and contact information may be found through the Campus Concierge (http://www.highpoint. edu/concierge/). Residential halls will close by 5 pm on the Friday of Final Examination week. Students are required to vacate their residential room 24 hours after their last final exam.

Tip: Housing deposits ($750) for the next fall semester are due February 15th. The Office of Student Life will communicate

Congratulations! You and your student made it through their first year of college! Only three more to go!

January/Start of Spring Semester:


Parent Transition Over the last 18 or 19 years, you have been living for this day and we congratulate you on your success and your student’s success. They have made it through their first milestone of an educational degree and now, they will continue to reach for this new goal. We are here to assure that your student will reach this higher educational goal and achieve excellence with their learning experience, but most importantly, learn and live in a healthy and productive environment. But as parents, whether first-timers or seasoned college parents, you may be experiencing some thoughts or small amounts of separation anxiety and asking yourself such questions as, “Oh my!” “Have I prepared?” “Am I prepared?” Let us try to lend a hand and answer some of the many questions you may have and we hope that this handbook has been helpful for you and your family.

Academics Are students able to get into the courses they want or need in order to graduate? Is it possible for a student to graduate in four years? While not every student is going to get their “ideal schedule,” every student is able to get the courses required to meet both general education and major requirements during their academic career. Course offerings are limited by time, facilities, and faculty and thus courses are offered from early morning to late afternoon. That means a student may have to have an 8:00 in the morning or even a 4:00 in the afternoon but courses are available. Over 58.8% of our students graduate in 4 years. Can freshmen be admitted directly into a major? Students are asked to declare a major on their application information. This is used to assign the student to student success coach in their academic area. Certain majors do require admission to their programs (for example, education and athletic training) but even they are assigned to an advisor in their chosen major. Does HPU give college credit to freshmen for high school courses? HPU gives “transfer” credit for high school courses that are taken as part of a dual enrollment program. It also gives credit for AP


courses when scores of 4 or better (usually 4, 5, or 6) are scored on the respective AP test (score requirements vary by test). IB courses also may be given transfer credit. Credit is not given for any standard high school courses. Does HPU offer an honors program? Yes. The High Point University Honor Scholars Program offers a series of enriching, challenging, and intellectually stimulating learning opportunities for academically superior students. Students who have been invited to the Honors Scholar Program for Fall 2017 or later can earn All University Honors by completing the Honors Core Curriculum with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Dr. William Carpenter serves as the Director of the Honors Scholar Program, wcarpent@highpoint.edu. How large are the classes at HPU? The average class size at HPU is about 17 students. Freshman classes usually are larger with about 20–25 students. How much time will my son or daughter spend in class? On the average if your student is taking 15 credits they will spend about 15 hours in class per week and should spend about twice that amount outside of class reading, studying, and preparing for class.

What if a student is undecided on a major? Will this create a problem?

What sort of internship and career resources does HPU offer?

It is not unusual for many Freshmen to be undecided as to a major. It is also not unusual for students to change majors. In fact, the purpose of a liberal arts education, and the specific purpose of the general education curriculum (core) that our students take during their freshman and sophomore years, is to expose students to a wide range of liberal arts disciplines. If your child enrolls at the University as an “undeclared major,” we will place him or her with a student success coach who has experience with such students who are still seeking a major. The Office of Career and Professional Development can also assist students who are exploring various career fields and majors.

The Office of Career and Professional Development and the Internship Resource Center are is located in Cottrell Hall. Career advisors assist coach and mentor students with a comprehensive set of skills range of services designed to help students explore, prepare for, and implement their career goals.

Project Discovery is a process for Undeclared students at High Point University to find their passion and purpose in life. Being Undeclared is an extraordinary way to start your college career because there are so many opportunities to experience. Through exploration, the use of resources, and support, you can discover the right major for YOU. Project Discovery starts with identifying the “type” of Undeclared student - appreciating that this can change. Based on the type of Undeclared, multiple strategies are identified to support the students in refining and defining the best major for them. Project Discovery is a multidimensional process that ensures all students identify the major that is right for them and develops their paths toward success. What if students get into classes where they are not comfortable or find a section their friend is enrolled in? Students can change their schedule during the first week of classes provided there is space available in the course and/or section desired. They need to see their Freshman Success Coach and complete the Drop/Add Change of Registration form.

Services The office educates and empowers students to translate experiential learning to the professional world as it will be in many ways including include individual career counseling, exploration of majors/minors and related career options, interpretation of career self-assessments, development of professional resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles, teaching students how to conduct targeted research about companies, and preparation for interviews. Career advisors assist students with the graduate/professional school application process as well as the development and implementation of a comprehensive internship/job search strategy. The Office of Career and Professional Development offers events, workshops, and classroom presentations throughout the academic year. Popular events include a career expos and several focus fairs, employer lunch and learns, graduate school fairs, and networking nights employer information sessions that include opportunities for networking. The office also offers dropin hours every weekday where our student employment team of Peer Career Advisors assists with resume and LinkedIn profile reviews. Students are encouraged to visit the Office of Career and Professional Development as early as their freshman year and often throughout their time at High Point University. Through effective and long-term planning, students can prepare for internships, graduate study, or fulltime positions. The Office of Career and Professional Development utilizes a variety of careerrelated self-assessments including the Strong Interest Inventory, FOCUS 2, Myers-Briggs


Type Indicator, StrengthsFinder 2.0, and CareerLeader to help our students identify their strengths, career interests, personality preferences, and work values. To further explore career opportunities, students may enroll in an exploratory course, titled EXP14011402 Exploring Your Major and Career Path. Students are encouraged to complete internships, job shadow, volunteer, conduct undergraduate research, and get involved in campus organizations to foster professional development. The Office of Career and Professional Development maintains both an active online job board (Purple Briefcase) for volunteer, internship, and full-time job opportunities and a comprehensive database of companies and organizations where HPU students have completed internships in recent years. Completing an internship allows students to assess potential career aspirations and obtain real-world experience. Adjustments What does HPU do to help freshmen succeed? HPU is committed to every student’s success, whether a freshman or upperclassman. After three weeks of coursework, we have an Early Alert system that our faculty utilize that indicates when a student is exhibiting poor attendance or poor performance with regards to examinations and/or assignments. These alerts are shared with their freshman success coach as well as the Care Alert Team. The Care Alert Team consists of academicians, residential life staff, counseling staff, and security personnel that meet every week to discuss those students who may be experiencing transitional issues or academic concerns. This team is responsive to any care alert that is raised by any University member and their effort is to design a care plan that is unique to the individual’s needs and designed to provide support for continued success in and out of the classroom. All University community members are encouraged to alert this team when a student is struggling with transition, homesickness or any issue that may warrant review or care.


Attending a residential University provides the unique opportunity to learn transferrable life skills that will benefit our students after they graduate. Through the Common Experience, students take part in focused, intentional activities that help them learn about themselves and their community. Topics addressed include clarify personal values, communicating needs, expressing gratitude, negotiating community expectations, and mediating conflict with roommates. Additionally, we offer continual academic support through our Academic Services Center (ASC) located in Smith Library. The ASC is a CRLA Certified Learning and Tutoring Center. Free tutoring is available to all students in any course for which a trained peer tutor is available. The ASC also coordinates the Supplemental Instruction tutor program which places a tutor directly into a freshman-level course. What does HPU do to help students adjust? The first step is Welcome Week, which takes place in the first 10 days of the fall semester and is very comprehensive. The program focus is not only to orient the student to campus life and campus activities, but most importantly, to provide opportunities for our students to make the transition to their new home. There are engaging activities as well as academic opportunities to mingle, learn about our 100+ student organizations, library services, recreation services, academic services, etc. But more importantly, there are specific activities that are designed to have our students interact with different residential halls, upperclassman and administrators. The student’s Resident Assistant (RA) is also an excellent source for help with adjusting to college life. Each floor in the residence halls is assigned an RA, which is an upperclassmen who lives on the floor and serves as a ‘big brother’ or ‘big sister’ to the residents.

Your student will also be assigned a Peer Mentor. This individual is trained for a role of support. Support will include insight with regards to HPU campus life, navigation of complexities that a first year student will encounter and most importantly, to help your student connect with groups on campus and services they need and want. What can they do on the weekends or week nights when they don’t have academic obligations? The Office of Student Activities and the Campus Activities Team (C.A.T.) implements a full calendar of events designed for student interaction and fellowhip. Programs include Bingo nights, trivia, karaoke, and movie showings in the state-of-the art Extraordinaire Cinema located in the R.G. Wanek Center. Students or parents may follow C.A.T. in several ways: Facebook: HPUCAT Twitter: HPUCAT Instagram: HPUCAT What if my student has a disability? Does HPU have services to assist her or him? HPU offers support to students with learning, physical, and psychological disabilities and our Office of Accessibility Resources and Services arranges for the implementation of appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities based upon their current psychological assessment (required for accommodations to be provided). Additionally, HPU offers a unique fee-based program called Learning Excellence that provides the necessary support system for a student to achieve academic success through coordinated tutoring, study hall, and student conferences. It develops a comprehensive, individualized support learning program specific to the student. Each student receives personalized attention and encouragement as needed.

Residential Experience Do a lot of students join sororities and fraternities? Many HPU undergraduates may choose to join one of the 16 fraternities and sororities on our campus. Students are not pressured to join a Greek organization and we have 100+ other organizations that are non-Greek that will help a student to emphasize their philanthropic, academic, and athletic and leadership needs and aspirations. Approximately 35 percent of the student body participates in the HPU Greek system. A formal recruitment program is required for students interested in joining a Greek organization. Sorority and fraternity recruitment begin in September. Fraternities will also commence with informal recruitment in January for those students that are transfers or upperclassmen. Should my son or daughter bring a car to campus? This is obviously a family decision. However, please know that our Transportation Department does provide weekly trips to local retail establishments. Additionally, if your student becomes ill or needs medical assistance off campus, we do provide a member of the Residence Life staff to accompany them to their appointment. What if roommates don’t get along? Each freshman student will complete a Roommate Workbook. This is designed to create an immediate engagement regarding living conditions, expectations and needs for all residents. However, should there be an issue, the student should immediately alert their RA or RD staff person and visit the Office of Student Life. This is a delicate balance of negotiation of all resident’s needs and living requirements. Therefore, sometimes a facilitation and additional living contract between the roommates and/or suitemates is


necessary and resolves most conflicts. What an opportunity to begin the development of life skills. Transitional Time… As you prepare to make your journey to campus for August, we would like to share some transitional points that have helped earlier parents. This is an exciting time for you and your student but also one that requires some reflection and forethought— your pride and joy is leaving home and creating a new HPU home. Please know that we are your partners in this journey and are here to help whenever you need us to. Before You Arrive on Campus • Show and tell your child that you are confident they can be successful on their own here at HPU. YOU have built a good foundation for them, now you have to trust them as they become more independent. • Reassure your child that YOU are still there for them whenever they need you. • College is very different from when you were there, so be careful not to assume that what you did to be successful will also work for them. • Discuss money matters and set up a budget, use of credit cards, spending money and limits, what financial responsibilities the student will assume, how to avoid identity theft. • Encourage your student to contact their new roommate before moving in to help break the ice and build rapport. • Decide on a communication plan; how often, method and mutual expectations. Saying Goodbye • Be careful to distinguish between your struggle with the transition and the student’s as these are often quite different.


• Express your pride and excitement for them. • Try not to stick around too long after move in. Once your student gets settled in, say your goodbyes and allow them to acclimate to their new surroundings. • Make sure they know that your home will always be their home and you’ll always be there to support them. Let them know that you are just a telephone call away. Healthy Distance after Goodbye • Homesickness is very common and it does not mean that your child won’t make it here. If they become homesick, encourage them to get out more and meet new people and participate in campus activities. Alert the Office of Student Life — they will check on them. • Recognize and accept that your child will most likely struggle with the transition at one time or another. Be supportive and inspirational while allowing them to navigate their new environment and gain independence. Remember, transition is an opportunity for growth. • While their time spent at HPU has the potential to be “the best years of their life,” be sure to also acknowledge that there will be struggles along the way. Often, students feel like they are doing something wrong if everything isn’t perfect from day one. • Once you have left, do not call or text your child excessively. Tell them that you aren’t going to contact them every day, but they can call you as much as they want. Allow them the space to decide how much they want to involve you in their life. The more you pry, the more they may push away. • Seek support by talking to other parents! • If you are worried or concerned, call the Office of Student Life immediately! We can talk through your concerns and give you immediate assistance and support.

Family Engagement High Point University is a unique institution of higher learning. We focus on experiential education and holistic, values-based learning that challenges our graduates to live lives of both success and significance and be the next generation of leaders. Family engagement has been instrumental in the growth and development of the University. Parent, grandparent and guardian advocacy, support, and gifts of time, talent and financial resources have been critical in the transformation taking place at HPU.

Our top institutional priority is your student as we promote academic success and personal growth beginning with the welcoming of the incoming class at Opening Convocation and culminating with the celebration of degree completion at Commencement exercises. In the Office of Family Engagement, we collaborate with families who wish to be actively engaged in providing an enriched experience for students at High Point University through the investment of their time and resources. Because of their breadth of professional experience, personal connections and desire to support the extraordinary student experience at High Point University, families have been instrumental in our continued institutional growth and transformation. The programs offered by the Office of Family Engagement have facilitated successful partnerships with parents and grandparents of current students and alumni to provide networking and professional opportunities for our students and philanthropic support to the University. There are a variety of ways that HPU families may choose to become more engaged with the life of the University: Inform. As your family takes on this important journey together at High Point University, we encourage you to share your

successes and experiences with those in your circles of influence. Your story could inspire prospective students and their families to start their own HPU journey or move a business owner to consider a new internship partnership with HPU. With your advocacy and support, High Point University will continue flourishing and providing opportunities for each of our students. Involve. From speaking to a class about your professional experience to helping with the Family Weekend Service Project hosted by the Parents Council during Family Weekends, we welcome partnerships with each of our HPU families. For those families who may be willing to find, form or fund an internship experience for our students, we encourage you to connect with the Offices of Family Engagement and Career and Professional Development to learn more about how you and your company can participate. Invest. Each HPU Family is asked to consider making a meaningful annual gift to the HPU Fund for Extraordinary Education. By giving, you are sending a powerful message that HPU Families believe that this institution is preparing each of our students for a life of success and significance. Gifts at all levels enable the University to continue providing the more than $33 million dollars in scholarship support for students who may not otherwise be able to experience the innovative academic environment and values-based



learning opportunities that a High Point University education offers. Additional engagement and philanthropic opportunities are available to those families who choose to invest in the Parents Council or the President’s Leadership Cabinet. President’s Leadership Cabinet (PLC) The President’s Leadership Cabinet is composed of philanthropic High Point University families, current and alumni, who support the values-based education provided to students during their extraordinary journey at HPU. Investors in the President’s Leadership Cabinet work collaboratively with Dr. Qubein and University leaders to plant seeds of greatness in the hearts and minds of HPU students. President’s Leadership Cabinet investors make an annual gift of $10,000 or more to the engage.highpoint.edu/family HPU Fund for Extraordinary Education* to provide scholarship assistance to High Point’s extraordinary students. Through their philanthropic investment and advocacy, PLC investors make a measurable and immediate impact at HPU by investing in the present and future of High Point University, setting an example of service and generosity for HPU students and witnessing the impact of philanthropy on HPU students. By virtue of their generous support, investors in the PLC are part of the Parents Council and encouraged to join one or more of our four service-related committees. Parents Council (PC) Investors in the High Point University Parents Council play a dynamic role in HPU’s success through their annual support of the HPU Fund for Extraordinary Education and gifts of their time and talents.


The Parents Council is open to all parents and families who are interested in supporting the University’s mission of delivering educational experiences that enlighten, challenge and prepare students to lead lives of significance in complex global communities. During HPU’s Fall and Winter Weekends, investors gather for official Council business meetings, social activities with the President and University Leadership and the Council-sponsored service-outreach project which is open for participation by all families and their students. Throughout the year, Parents Council investors support the University by making an annual leadership gift of $1,924 – $9,999. HPU Fund for Extraordinary Education to provide scholarship assistance to High Point’s extraordinary students; and by supporting one or more of the Parents Council Committees. To learn more about the Parents Council or President’s Leadership Cabinet, please contact Erica N. Burroughs, Director of Family Engagement, 336-841-9641, eburroughs@ highpoint.edu, or visit engage.highpoint.edu/ family. *High Point University is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Gifts to the University are tax-deductible to the extent allowed under Federal Law and IRS tax code. Please consult your tax or accounting professional for further guidance. facebook.com/HPUParents

Residential Life



At High Point, campus life encourages wholeness and student development and wants to empower students by creating a strong sense of self, both in the classroom and in the residential environment. All students with fewer than 96 credit hours and who do not live with their parents are required to live on campus. Every national study of academic success supports the position that the residential environment enhances student development and encourages continuation and graduation from college. Seniors who request permission to live off campus must have their address approved and live outside a one-mile radius of campus. Students can complete the off campus contract via their MyStuff or www. highpoint.edu/studentlife/off-campus-housing-contract. Additionally, High Point University is proud to be a Tobacco-Free community, and the use of tobacco products including e-cigarettes is prohibited. The foundation of the University community is residential life. In a typical year, three quarters of our students come from 50 states and 37 countries around the world with one quarter from North Carolina. As a result, our campus is one that is residential and an active campus community at all times. We are committed to a positive and nurturing living experience. Our door is always open to our students when there are concerns or issues that need positive resolution.

The Common Experience

Common Read

The Common Experience facilitates meaningful, thoughtful interaction among campus members through examination of a topic or issue that requires interdisciplinary thought and collaborative action. The Common Experience strengthens the intellectual climate on campus and increases student success by bridging academic and residential life.

Text messaging. Email. Social media. Today, we have more means to communicate than ever before. Despite these technological advances, studies show that Americans feel less connected and more divided. This year’s Common Read, Celeste Headlee’s We Need to Talk: How to Have Conversations That Matter, tackles this problem head-on with a simple solution: we need to start talking to each other. In We Need to Talk, Headlee outlines the techniques that have made her a better conversationalist—and offers simple tools that can improve anyone’s communication. Students will discuss the book in small groups facilitated by faculty and staff during Welcome Week and the author will visit campus and speak to the Class of 2022 in September.

Common Theme The 2018-2019 theme “Conversations that Matter” speaks to HPU’s commitment to educating students for the world as it will be, as well as our community’s interest in communicating with one another.


Peer Mentors All incoming students are assigned a Peer Mentor, a returning student who has volunteered to assist new students in their transition to HPU. Peer Mentors serve as familiar faces on campus, offering support and guidance. Peer Mentor groups are organized by residence hall community.

for the 2018-2019 academic year will occur on August 20, September 17, October 29, November 26, January 17, February 25, March 25, and April 29. Community Meetings are mandatory and students with unexcused absences will be assessed a $25 fine. Excused absences include class, classrelated activities, and, for varsity studentathletes, practices or contests.

HPU 101: Live. Learn. Grow.

Panther Chats

New students will complete a series of transitional modules intended to introduce new students to Blackboard and provide educational content that assists in the academic, social, and emotional transition from high school to college. Failure to complete the course by August 18 will result in a $100 fine.

These planned, intentional one-on-one conversations between Resident Assistants and their residents will serve as an opportunity for students to actively reflect on their experience, positively reinforce things that are going well, and identify issues before they become major concerns.

Course-Linked Housing After students choose their housing, they can enroll in a first-year seminar or English course assigned to that community to create clusters that bridge the classroom and the residence hall. The residential component of the Common Experience will center on community, as it has immediate resonance as students experience the transition from home to campus. Within residence halls and classrooms, students must negotiate community expectations with peers, faculty, and staff. Students must determine for themselves —always with assistance from others— what roles they will play at High Point University. We challenge them to consider how they can positively impact the University community Community Meetings First-year students will meet monthly to build relationships as a floor unit, address concerns as a community, and discuss a specific topic related to the Common Experience. First-year Community Meetings


For first-year students, there are two Panther Chats in the fall semester and one in the spring. Hall Amenities All residential halls are fully furnished, air conditioned, and provide wireless Internet access. Basic cable is provided in each student room, and if students wish to extend their services, they may seek service with a local provider. Each room provides free access to the University library catalog and to the Internet. Students receive access to free laundry facilities in their residential buildings. Housing Sign-ups All returning students may participate in the housing lottery system the February prior to the Fall semester; housing deposits of $750 are due by February 15. In order to participate in the online room reservation lottery, the student must have submitted their deposit. Regardless of whether you have paid your housing deposit of $750 – your student account balance must also be paid. If you have an unpaid balance on your student account incurred on or before January 31, you may not be able to

participate in the housing lottery using your secured spot. The Office of Student Life will publish all housing rules for the online room reservation process during the spring semester. The online room reservation will be made available in the month of March for currently enrolled students. Housing deposits are only refundable through May 15 of the spring semester, and your request must be made in writing and should be addressed to the Assistant Vice President for Student Life Ms. Erica Lewis (elewis@highpoint.edu). All housing deposit refunds will be processed by the Office of Student Accounts after June 1. Students who are not registered for classes by May 1st will lose their housing assignment for the future academic year. Additionally, students whose fall bill is not paid by the due date will lose housing and be assigned once the bill is paid and based on current availability. Early Arrival Procedures for Groups Student organizations and/or departments needing members of their group to arrive on campus earlier than the scheduled move in date must submit an Early Arrival Request Form to the Office of Student Life. This form must be submitted to the Office of Student Life by an employee of the University, this must include a student roster (using an Excel document). Early Arrival Procedures for Individuals Returning students whose desire to return to University residence halls earlier than the scheduled move in date and are unaffiliated with a student organizations, Welcome Week crew, and/or departments’ necessities must submit an Early Arrival Request Form. Students are only permitted to move in one calendar week (7 days) prior to the official upperclassmen move-in date. Additionally, a daily fee will be assessed for all individual early arrival students that are approved.

Late Departure procedures for groups Student organizations and/or departments needing members of their group to depart campus later than the scheduled move out date of May 12th at 5pm must submit a Late Departure Request Form to the Office of Student Life. This form must be submitted to the Office of Student Life by an employee of the University, this must include a student roster (using an Excel document with ID numbers). Groups would apply to stay late through the link on our website: http://www. highpoint.edu/studentlife/late-departuregroupapplication/ Late Departure Procedures for Individuals All students are permitted to main on campus until 5pm, Sunday, May 12th. A daily fee of $50.00 will be assessed for all individual(s) departing after that date. Students would apply to stay late individually through the link on our website: http://www. highpoint.edu/ studentlife/late-departureapplication/. Residential Staffing Resident Directors (professional staff) and Resident Assistants (students) live in each residential area and collaborate with residents to create an environment that is conducive to living and learning. Collectively, these staff members provide hall operations, counsel students, enforce University policies and regulations, promote hall programs and activities and most importantly, serve as your key resource person. Your Resident Director and Resident Assistant reside in each residential area to be your advocate and the person who can help at all times. Office Assistants (OAs) work in each residential area but do not live in the specific residential area where they work. Hall/Floor Meetings. First-year students will meet monthly to build relationships as a floor unit, address concerns as a community,


and discuss a specific topic related to the Common Experience. First-year Community Meetings for the 2018-2019 academic year will occur on August 20, September 17, October 29, November 26, January 17, February 25, March 25, and April 29. Community Meetings are mandatory and students with unexcused absences will be assessed a $25 fine. Excused absences include class, class-related activities, and, for varsity student-athletes, practices or contests. Responsibilities of Roommates By its very nature, a University residence hall is not a private place, and this is especially true of the room that you share with a roommate. You will want to treat your roommate as you would want your roommate to treat you. Your actions should enable your roommate: • to read and study without unreasonable noise or distraction • to sleep without undue disturbance • to restrict the use of personal property • to feel secure at all times • to live in a clean and orderly environment • to access the room and its facilities without pressure from the roommate • to enjoy privacy of information • to host guests, provided both the host and the guest(s) respect both the rights of the roommate and University regulations • to live without physical or emotional harm, including intimidation • to access information technologies, including the telephone and Internet, in a cooperative manner. Roommate Solutions You may have come to our campus having never shared a room with someone else. Being a good roommate and enjoying


living with a roommate will depend upon your ability to listen, to communicate, and to compromise. As with any relationship, conflicts will arise. We encourage you to directly communicate your concerns and needs to your roommates or suite mates. Over the years, it has been our experience that those roommates who lay the groundwork early and respect each other’s rights to privacy and to reasonable socialization tend to experience roommate life positively. First-year students will be required to develop a roommate agreement in the first weeks of school in order to prevent and be proactive toward potential conflicts. Each student’s Resident Assistant will guide them through this agreement which is a web-based form. Upperclass students are not required to develop a formal agreement, but we suggest that everyone consider the idea, particularly if this is the first time that you have lived together. If you and your roommate experience difficulties living together, we suggest that you seek assistance with your Resident Assistant and Resident Director. When you discuss the issues and there is not a resolution to the concerns, please seek immediate assistance with the Resident Director. If a change of residency is required, the Resident Director will work with the Assistant Director of Student Life and/or the Senior Director of Student Life to make the necessary changes. Check-in/Check-out Students living in University residence halls must complete designated check-in and check-out procedures. Upon check-in, you will be expected to complete a Room Inspection verifying the condition of your room. Before completing, you should verify the information described and enter any discrepancies. Once this has been completed, you are responsible for changes in the condition of your room. Any renovations or additions must be approved, in advance, by the Resident Director. You may not alter furniture (e.g., with nails or bolts) or move

furniture from the room/building. If you violate these guidelines, you will be assessed charges and/or fines, which may include the cost of replacement. Keys. Upon check-in, you will be issued a key to your room and you will officially acknowledge financial responsibility for lost keys, including the cost of replacement and a related fine. Failure to pick up a key for your room does not dissolve personal responsibility for the key at the end of year checkout process. Under no circumstance should University keys be duplicated except by University personnel. Nor should your key be given or shared with any other person(s). The first lost or missing keys will cost $100 to replace. Security of Rooms. You should never leave your room unlocked, taped open or unattended. Should you lock yourself out of your room, contact Security. High Point University Passports will be programmed to permit access to the assigned residence hall. Security of Buildings. Although there are no curfews, residence halls are locked 24 hours. Students who prop open external doors to residence halls or who otherwise violate the security of residence halls will be fined and referred to the Assistant Vice President for Student Life, who may impose additional sanctions. Because copying or transferring the key to your residence hall jeopardizes the safety of all residents, such actions may result in the loss of housing privileges. Rooms. Only students who have requested University housing and who have been assigned a room by the Office of Student Life may live in a University residence hall. Assignments will be made only to students who follow established procedures. Assignment assumes that you will be enrolled in 12 credit hours, or more, throughout the semester. Each student receives a one-time exception to remain in campus housing below 12 credit hours.

Housing Contract. Students residing in University housing are required to sign a housing contract, which expires within 24 hours of withdrawal from the University or semester completion, except that earlier closing times may be announced at the end of a semester and in cases where the student is excluded from campus. Residence halls are closed during official breaks. However, if a resident needs an exception to this policy, please notify the Office of Student Life by submitting an official break contract, which can be found on MyStuff. Candidates for graduation and others participating officially in commencement exercises may remain in residence halls until graduation, but other students, including students remaining to attend graduation exercises or to participate in programs or activities not related to graduation, may not remain in residence halls during this period. Housing contracts may be canceled by the Office of Student Life for behavioral reasons or as a result of excessive University property damage. In the event of dismissal from the University or exclusion from campus housing for disciplinary reasons, any fees due or paid will not be canceled or refunded, in whole or in part. By accepting a room assignment and living in the residence halls, a student agrees to abide by all rules and regulations set forth in this handbook and to accept decisions and rulings made by the Office of Student Life. Sanctions for violations of residence hall policies vary according to the severity of the infraction, but may include community service, mandatory program attendance, counseling referrals, eviction from University housing, or suspension from the University. Students who reside in University Owned Houses and violate their housing contract, lose the ability to homestead the property or receive residency in a different University Owned House.


Occupancy. Entering students may occupy rooms in their residence halls on the first day of move-in. On the Sunday following the first day of move-in, returning students may occupy rooms in their residence halls. Students who arrive early should make arrangements for off-campus housing. Late Occupancy. Rooms ordinarily will not be reserved for students beyond the first day of classes. If you will arrive after classes commence, you must notify the Senior Director of Student Life in advance. Room Changes. Once you have been assigned to a room, you may not change rooms without the approval of professional Student Life staff (this includes the Senior Director of Student Life, Assistant Director, Area Coordinators etc) whose offices are located in the John and Marsha Slane Student Center. If you change rooms without approval from the Resident Director, you will be fined $25; and, depending upon housing priorities, you may be required to return to the room originally assigned or to another available room. Renters Insurance. The University assumes no responsibility for loss, theft, or damage to a resident’s personal property. Therefore, if your property is not insured through your parent’s insurance it is advised you purchase renter’s insurance. Official Breaks. If you live in a residence hall, you must vacate the hall by 12:00 p.m. on the day following the last day of class preceding official breaks (fall break, Thanksgiving, winter, spring break), at which time special security procedures go into effect. Unless specifically authorized, you may not enter the residence hall during the official break. Residence halls will re-open at noon on the Sunday preceding the first day of scheduled classes following the break.


Wellness Living. Wellness living in Belk, Finch, York and McCain Place Townhomes provides students, by request, a substance free environment that is quiet 24/7. Any student that elects to reside in this residential community must agree to abide by the requirements of living. If students are found with tobacco, alcohol, controlled substances or paraphernalia regardless of age, or are found to be contributing to noise issues, they may lose the privilege of living in that and may not appeal that semester. Authorized Entry. While the University recognizes and respects student’s privacy, it reserves the right to enter a room and, if deemed necessary, to conduct a search of a room. Authorized individuals may enter your room for purposes of routine maintenance, housekeeping, inspection, or search. These individuals include, but are not limited to, residence hall staff, maintenance and housekeeping personnel, safety/security officers, University officials, health inspectors, law enforcement representatives, and fire inspectors. Room Inspection. In order to encourage health, safety, and compliance with University rules, your room will be inspected periodically by authorized individuals, including but not limited to residence hall staff, to conduct inspections for reasons that include, but are not limited to, compliance with University rules; fire and safety reasons; student health and welfare reasons; and maintenance, repair, or inspection for damage. Although such entry is not for purposes of search, if, in the course of such inspections, items are discovered that suggest violation of University policies or legal statutes, they will be seized and disciplinary action may result. In the event that any students in a shared room are under age 21, alcohol will be considered an illegal substance. Routine Health and Safety checks will occur in all

rooms during Fall Break, Winter Break, and Spring Break. During inspections, authorized individuals have the authority to open and search safes and lockboxes. Room Search. Where reasonable cause or concern exists, authorized individuals including residence hall staff may enter and search your room to investigate potential or reported violations of University rules or policy, or the violation of any municipal, state or federal laws, or imminent risks or threats to life, health, and/or property. A student does not need to be present for his/her room to be searched. During searches, authorized individuals have the authority to open and search safes and lockboxes. If a student elects to challenge a sanction(s) assigned during health and safeties or by a Resident Director they must use the appropriate link in the outcome email sent to them within 5 days of receiving notification of the fine. The basis of the challenge must be clearly stated, and evidence in support of the challenge must be included. Be advised that this challenge may not serve to justify your actions or evaluate the actions of others and should use appropriate language. The three grounds for challenges are listed below: 1. Newly discovered information has been obtained that was not previously available during the investigation or hearing process through the exercise of due diligence and the newly discovered information would materially affect the outcome; and/or 2. Significant procedural irregularity which materially affected the outcome; and/or 3. Sanctions issued do not fit the offense as provided in the High Point University Student Guide to Campus Life.

Vehicle Search. In order to have permission to register or park any personal vehicle on University property, you must agree to allow authorized individuals to search your vehicle (including the trunk and locked containers or compartments in the vehicle) to investigate potential or reported violations of University rules or policies, or the violation of any municipal, state or federal laws, or imminent risks or threats to life, health and/or property. Any failure to cooperate with or permit such a search may result in disciplinary action and the revocation of your permission to park any vehicle on University property. Damages. Students who live in University facilities are responsible for damages to those facilities, including individual student rooms, limited access areas, common rooms, and public areas in residence halls such as hallways, lounges, bathrooms, etc. Any student or the guest of a student who repeatedly damages University property risks losing on campus housing privileges. Additionally, if students create damage to any HPU property, they are not allowed to fix the damage. All fixes must be done by approved University contractors/vendors. Assigned Charges. Where the individual responsible for damages can be identified, the cost of repair or replacement will be assigned directly to the account(s) of the individual(s). Damages include, but are not limited to, cigarette burns, damage to University property, residue from tape, and nail holes. Where furniture is damaged, charges may include the current cost of replacement as provided by Campus Enhancement. Common Area Damage. When damage occurs on the hallways or some other public area and no one claims responsibility for such damage, the Resident Director bills the charge for repair and/or cleaning to residents of the


entire floor, residence hall or apartment as common damages. The University bases this on policy on two understandings. 1. Residents of a floor or residence hall make up a community and, as such, have certain esponsibilities. Residents should look out for one another and work to keep the community comfortable for sleeping, study, and socializing. 2. The possibility of incurring a common damage charge encourages residents to hold one another responsible for behavior. If damage to a residence hall occurs as a result of vandalism by the guest of a student, that student host is responsible. In the case of damage by “trespassing� individuals, the Office of Student Life will pay for the damages, but only if the Office of Security deems the situation feasible to submit a police report. If a student damages something in a public area, he/she is honor bound to accept responsibility and report these actions.

Because trash can create problems related to health and safety and because used beverage and food containers invite insects, you should dispose of trash regularly. Receptacles are provided near each residence hall. Under no circumstances should trash be left in hallways, stairwells, outside your room, porches, patios, etc., even temporarily. Each resident in an apartment/suite will be fined at least at the minimum fine amount for improper disposal of trash. Routine Housekeeping. Routine housekeeping occurs daily on weekdays in public areas of residence halls. You should understand that routine housekeeping does not include cleaning up behind residents. In short, responsible parties are accountable for special housekeeping requirements that they create.

Loss of Housing Assignment. A student who violates their roommate/suitemates’ right to a healthy environment or violates the Code of Conduct may be asked to move to another housing assignment. If a student is asked to move due to violating the University housing contracts (wellness contract etc.), they are not eligible to take violation of this contract and moving to conduct court.

Maintenance. The University has established operating procedures related to routine maintenance, scheduled maintenance, and emergency maintenance. If you need assistance or have a request, you may submit a work order by going to the HPU portal page at my.highpoint.edu, signing in using your HPU username and password, and selecting Campus Enhancement from the Quick Links menu. Remember the password provided, and follow work order request directions. Also, to expedite your request, we would ask that you notify your Resident Director or the Office of Student Life. No students are allowed to perform maintenance or repair damages on their own.

Housekeeping. Because the condition of your room can affect others, including but not limited to your roommate, you are expected to keep your room clean and orderly at all times. Rooms will be inspected periodically by residence hall staff. Sanctions, including, but not limited to, fines and exclusion from the residence hall, may be imposed.

Emergency Maintenance. If emergency maintenance is required during the day, you should call the Office of Student Life (336-841-9231). If emergency maintenance is required during other hours, you should contact your Resident Assistant or Resident Director. In the event that your Resident Assistant or Resident Director is not readily available, you should call the Office of Security directly 336-841-9112.


Room Vacancies. If a vacancy will occur in your room at the end of the fall semester, before leaving campus, you must clean your room and leave your room ready for a new roommate. Where your room is not appropriate for a new roommate, the University reserves the right to clean your room and to make necessary accommodations, in which case you may be sanctioned. Room Consolidation: The Office of Student Life must effectively utilize available spaces in the residence halls. To accommodate the needs of all students, the Office of Student Life will utilize the following consolidation policy. After the start of a semester, a student may find themselves without a roommate in a double bedroom. The student has the following consolidation options: 1. Opt to pay the additional investment to single out the room (making their room a single/private bedroom) for the remainder of the current semester. 2. Identify a student to move into the open space in the bedroom as a new roommate. 3. Move to another room that has an

opening with a roommate. *The Office of Student Life requires that students complete one of the three options listed here within 14 days of being in a double bedroom with no roommate. If a student does not agree to one of these options after the 14 day period, the Office of Student Life will require the student to take option 1 and pay the additional investment to single out the bedroom. Check-out. When you move out of your room, whether during the semester or at the end of the term, you will need to follow the established check-out procedures, and your room needs to be clean, orderly, and free of all personal items. If you need assistance with your check-out or questions regarding the protocols, please ask your Resident Assistant or Resident Director. All items that you do not want to take to your home need to be thrown away. If you fail to follow established check-out procedures, if your room is not clean at the time of checkout, if your room is not free of personal items, an appropriate sanction will be imposed. All students are required to move out of their residence hall 24 hours after their final exam.



University Honor Code Preamble We, the students of High Point University, shall seek excellence in the classroom, on the playing field, and in positions of leadership and service across our campus. As a community of scholars, we shall work together with faculty to create an environment conducive to teaching and learning. As a community of persons, we shall treat each other with compassion, with dignity, and with civility—avoiding bigotry, racism, and sexism and learning from each through the diversity we bring to High Point. As persons, we shall be honest and just in all that we do, recognizing that we can never be greater than the integrity of our word and deed. As citizens of a global community, we shall act responsibly, both on campus and off–governing our actions not only by our personal needs and desires but also by a concern for the welfare of others, for the general good of humankind, and for the environment upon which we mutually depend. Recognizing that communities cannot exist without values and codes of conduct, we shall search for enduring values; and we shall adhere to those codes of conduct which have been established by and for the members of High Point University. When we leave High Point, we shall leave it better than we found it—and in support of this goal, we pledge our loyalty and our service to this University which we have chosen as our own.

University Housing

Any facility owned or operated by the University for the purpose of housing residential students, whether leased or owned by the University and regardless of location. As members of the High Point University community, students are responsible for adhering to University rules, regulations, and processes, including the Conduct Code. The award of degrees is conditioned upon compliance with these rules, regulations, and processes, in addition to the satisfaction of all academic requirements.

Uniform Guidelines High Point University shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, age, genetic information, veteran status, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation in the administration of policies and programs involving admissions, educational services, financial aid, or other activities generally provided to undergraduate or graduate students at the University. The commission of any offense that is motivated by the race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, cultural background, disability, or any other defining characteristic of an individual or group of individuals is prohibited.


Contempt of Conduct Process. Contempt includes failure to appear for a conduct hearing or failure to observe and comply with conduct sanctions. Also, students in cases involving certain violations of the Code of Conduct or Honor Code may be informed of another student’s conduct hearing outcome. Any student found to have shared this information inappropriately would also be in contempt of the conduct process. Students found in contempt will be charged with failure to comply and appropriate sanctions will be rendered. Violations Motivated by Race, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Religion, and other Factors Specified in the University NonDiscrimination Statement Arson. Defined as as any willful or malicious burning or attempting to burn, with or without intent to defraud, a University house or residence, educational/ administrative building, University property, motor vehicle both personal or University owned or, personal property of another, etc. Sanctions. Range from a warning to expulsion. Arson may also violate North Carolina criminal law (NCGS § 14-58). Assault (Aggravated). An unwanted attack by one person upon another for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily injury. This type of assault usually is accompanied by the use of a weapon or by means likely to produce death or great bodily harm. Sanctions. Members of the High Point University community found responsible of aggravated assault should expect sanctions up to and


including suspension or expulsion. Assault (Simple). An overt act or attempt or the unequivocal appearance of attempt, with force and violence, to immediately physically injure another person, with the show of force or menace of violence being sufficient to put a reasonable person in fear of immediate physical injury. A student is justified in using force against another student when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that the conduct is necessary to defend him/herself against the other’s imminent use of force. Sanctions. Members of the High Point University community who are found responsible of simple assault should expect sanctions ranging from fines to suspension or expulsion. Banners. If you damage carpet, tile, furniture or other University property while painting banners or other items, you will be charged the full cost of replacement or repair. Banners may not be painted in residence halls. Bicycles. Bicycles should be stored in designated areas only. Bicycles are not permitted in stairwells or hallways because they often cause damage to buildings. Additionally, they can be a safety hazard, and because they can hinder custodial staff. Outdoor bike racks are provided throughout the campus for your convenience. While the registration of bicycles is not required, students may register a bicycle at the Security desk in the R.G. Wanek Center. Combustible Materials. Most fires in University residence halls result from smoking or from the careless use of electrical equipment, including desk lamps which touch flammable materials. As a community, we must work intentionally and universally to prevent such tragedies on the campus of High Point University.

Simple precautions can save lives. Candles. You may not burn or possess candles, or other substances, including incense, in the residence hall. Candle warmers of any kind are prohibited. Christmas Trees. Only UL (Underwriters Laboratories) approved artificial trees are permitted, and they may be used only in student rooms, study areas, or hall lounges. No trees may be placed in corridors, exits or hallways. In student rooms, the height of the tree must not exceed six feet. All lights must be UL approved and free of broken or frayed wiring. All Christmas decorations must be taken down prior to the winter break. Decorations. Except for flame-resistant curtains on windows, you may not hang materials from ceilings, lights, or walls, even on festive occasions, such as Halloween. Such decorations have been specifically prohibited by the Fire Marshal. Grills. The use or posession of propane/ charcoal grills is strictly prohibited in and around all University Residence Halls as well as all University Owned Houses. Petroleum Products. Gasoline, oil, and similar petroleum products are not permitted in residence halls; and vehicles or motors which use such products, including, but not limited to, cars, trucks, motorcycles and motorbikes, must be kept at least 15 feet from any structure/building. Because they are combustible, oil based paint and oily rags should not be stored in residence halls. Communicating Threats. Any threat of violence that is issued and communicated via any medium (including electronic communication) which the University interprets as posing a danger to High Point University property, people, or the community will not be tolerated. Students who experience such threats

should contact Security, 336-841-9111, immediately. Criminal prosecution may also result. University sanctions up to and including suspension or expulsion may be imposed. If a potential threat is evident and imminent, the violating student risks immediate removal from campus and residential housing. Immediate intervention by the Student Life staff and security will occur. Even when an amicable resolution is reached by all parties, a no contact agreement may be issued. Sanctions. Range from a warning to suspension and /or expulsion. Confiscation. When prohibited by University policy or by federal, state, or municipal statutes, the University reserves the right to confiscate such prohibited personal property, including, but not limited to, safes, lock boxes, appliances, pets, weapons, drug paraphernalia, flammable items, and materials which compromise the health, safety, or security of residents. Property confiscated by Security will not be returned. Cyber-bullying. Cyber-bullying is the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others. Cyber-bullying can be as simple as continuing to send e-mail to someone who has said they want no further contact with the sender, but it may also include threats, sexual remarks, pejorative labels (i.e., hate speech), ganging up on victims by making them the subject of ridicule in forums, and posting false statements as fact aimed at humiliation. It may also violate other standards of conduct such as harassment. Cyber-bullies may disclose victims’ personal data (e.g. real name, address, or


workplace/schools) at websites or forums or may pose as the identity of a victim for the purpose of publishing material in their name that defames or ridicules them. Some cyber-bullies may also send threatening and harassing emails and instant messages to the victims, while other post rumors or gossip and instigate others to dislike and gang up on the target.

• Unwanted/unsolicited e-mail, phone calls, or text messages

Depending on the content of the information and/or images posted on line, violations of this nature may violate NC G.S. 14-190.5A.

• Identity theft (using someone’s social security number to obtain credit cards fraudulently in their name)

Sanctions. Individuals found responsible for cyber-bullying should expect referral to the Assistant Vice President for Student Life or Senior Vice President of Student Life, civility education, writing a developmental essay on topic determined by sanctioning officer, disciplinary probation, suspension or expulsion. Cyberstalking. Using electronic mail or electronic communication to convey any words or language threatening to inflict bodily harm to a person, or physical injury to the property of any person, or for the purpose of extorting money or other things of value from a person; to communicate to another repeatedly, for the purpose of abusing, annoying, threatening, terrifying, harassing, or embarrassing any person; to knowingly make any false statement concerning death, injury, illness, disfigurement, indecent conduct, or criminal conduct of the person electronically mailed or of any member of the person’s family or household with the intent to abuse, annoy, threaten, terrify, harass, or embarrass is prohibited. If committed with the intent and for the purpose of abusing, annoying, threatening, terrifying, harassing, or embarrassing, the following examples MAY constitute cyberstalking:


• Unwanted/unsolicited talk request in chat rooms • Disturbing messages on online bulletin boards • Unsolicited communications about a person, their family, friends, acquaintances, and coworkers

• Sending/posting disturbing messages with another user name Cyberstalking may also violate North Carolina criminal law (NCGS§ 14-269.3) Action. Students who believe that such behavior is occurring, should notify the Office of Security immediately. Absent any form of informal resolution, either the student or the University may seek disciplinary or other corrective actions, including but not limited to Conduct Court. Sanctions. In the event that charges of cyberstalking cannot be informally resolved, the perpetrator should expect sanctions ranging from a warning to expulsion. Decorum. Defined as any unreasonable or reckless conduct by an individual or organization that is inherently or potentially unhealthy or unsafe to other individuals or property. Any unruly behavior or unauthorized activity which unnecessarily disturbs or infringes upon the privacy, rights, privileges, health or safety of other persons or their properties is prohibited. Sanctions. For first offense can include a fine not to exceed $100, exclusion and additional sanctions including civility education.

No person or organization may interfere or disrupt normal activity and operations of, or promote the interference or disruption of community members in an academic setting that negatively affects the education experience or the educational mission of the University. Any form of expression that interferes with such activities and operations or invades the rights of persons is prohibited. Disruptive behavior may include but is not limited to: use of electronic devices when not approved, verbal outbursts, unnecessarily disturbing the class from the subject matter or discussion, or harassing behavior. Sanctions for first offense can include a fine not to exceed $100, exclusion and additional sanctions including civility education. Additional sanctions may be added by an instructor if the behavior disrupts a classroom session. Decorum-Fighting. Fighting, physical abuse or endangerment of others’s safety is prohibited. A student may be justified in using force against another student when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that the conduct is necessary to defend him/herself against the other’s imminent use of force. Sanctions. For the first offense, sanctions can include a fine not to exceed $100, exclusion and additional sanctions including civility education. Damage. Defined as damage to University property, or the property of others, that necessitates repair and/or replacement of the property.

Sanctions: Can include restitution and additional sanctions as deemed necessary to address the behavior Destruction. Intentional or reckless destruction or damage to University

property, or the property of others, that necessitates repair and/or replacement of the property. 1st Offense of (Destruction): Contingent upon the severity of the offense, sanctions shall ordinarily include restitution for damage, warning about housing relocation. 2nd Offense of (Destruction): For the second offense and beyond, sanctions up to and including restitution or mandatory purchase, relocation out of specific property, removal from University housing, suspension or expulsion may be imposed. NOTE: If the vandalism occurs during Health and Safeties in May, the student’s right to homestead that property and future booking in that space will be forfeited. NOTE: If a student is removed from housing due to Destruction, they are not eligible to contest removal of housing in student court. Disciplinary Probation. The student has engaged in behavior that the University deems unacceptable. In contrast to being suspended or asked to leave an institution, disciplinary probation often lets students or student organizations remain at the school during a probationary period. Disciplinary probation requires students to remain free from additional disciplinary sanctions during a predetermined time period. Probationary periods can extend from a few weeks to an entire semester or academic year. Violations while on DP may result in suspension or expulsion and are considered at the time of the sanctioning phase of the subsequent



refrigerators [2 amps].

Disruption of Community. All students are valued members of each residential community. If there are numerous complaints, destruction or conduct referrals, you may be removed from that community or banned from University housing privileges.

Guidelines. When using such equipment, the following guidelines apply:

Musical Equipment. Drums and amplified musical instruments or speakers are prohibited from use and or possession in residence halls. Noise. Students are expected to maintain reasonable quiet at all times in the residence halls. During quiet hours, noise should not escape your room (i.e. playing music out of windows). Students should respect requests from fellow students for quiet. To balance all community needs, students will be given a warning for the first violation, $50 for a second violation and $100 for a third violation. However, if there is evidence of an unsanctioned social gathering, the student hosts will face immediate sanctions related to an unauthorized party. Quiet Hours. Quiet hours are in effect from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m. on weekdays and 1 a.m. to 9 a.m. on weekends (expect for examination periods, where quiet hours are extended to 24 hours). Courtesy hours are always in effect. Residents living in a residential building are encouraged to be respectful of all students and their surroundings, even when they may be utilizing the common living areas in each building. If a student has an issue with a specific noise level or continual problem, they should contact their Resident Assistant or Resident Director. Electrical Appliances. The following electrical devices are permitted in University residence halls: coffee pots (percolator or drip), extension cords which are UL approved, irons, popcorn poppers, radios, stereos, small microwaves, small


• Although the load level varies according to the residence hall, the maximum load for receptacles with two plugs varies from 750 –1000 watts (see back or bottom of appliance for watt level); • You should not plug more than two items into a duplex receptacle, and you may not be able to use both items simultaneously; • You must not run wires under rugs, carpets, mattresses, or bedspreads; across ceilings; around door or window casements; or in other ways which could result in fire, shock, or electrocution; • You may use only devices which meet UL standards and which are free of frayed or broken wires; • Certain appliances, such as electrical curlers, hair dryers, and irons, should be disconnected following use. Prohibitions. In addition to large appliances, the use and/or possession of the following electrical devices is strictly prohibited: amplifiers for musical instruments, convection ovens, electric frying pans, extension cords which are not UL approved, halogen floor lamps, lava lamps, toaster ovens, hot pots, space heaters, toasters, candle warmers (that use an open flame), broiler ovens and window air conditioners. Emotional Support Animal. It is the policy of High Point University to comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADA), the Fair Housing Act, and other applicable federal and state regulations that prohibit discrimination

on the basis of disability. High Point University is aware of its responsibility to provide safe, healthy housing to all students living in University Residence Halls and is committed to providing equal access to University Housing to all students with qualifying disabilities. In keeping with this obligation, it is the policy of High Point University that emotional support animals are permitted in all housing facilities in accordance with University procedures and policies. This policy includes the procedures for requesting an emotional support animal and the responsibilities of students who have emotional support animals in University Housing. Failure to Comply. Failure to comply with the directives of High Point University officials (security, faculty, residence life, and housing staff, etc.) or other appropriate off-campus authorities, including law enforcement officials acting in the performance of their duties, is a serious offense. Such conduct as failure to provide ID and disrespectful, uncooperative, abusive, or threatening behavior in and out of the classroom will be dealt with severely. Other examples of failure to comply: • When directed to do so, students shall appear before University official or student conduct bodies • Disregarding the terms of a sanction by failing to uphold any requirements or deadlines related to sanctions in place due to a previous Conduct Code violation. This includes but is not limited to any program requirements, counseling requirements, random drug testing, etc. Additionally, failure to comply includes but is not limited to: any directive of the Office of Student Conduct including all assigned sanctions, not just those linked

to Disciplinary Probation (substance abuse assessment with a licensed clinician, Substance Education, Random Drug Tests); compliance with any University housing contracts, Terms of Participation and Behavioral Contracts. Sanctions. If a student is found responsible for failure to comply he/ she should expect a fine and potentially be referred to the Senior Vice President for Student Life, Assistant Vice President for Student Life or Assistant Vice President for Student Life for further student conduct action. Fire Alarms. When you hear the fire alarm, including false alarms or fire drills, you must exit the building immediately, using the most accessible exit and avoiding elevators. Remember, you do not want to be trapped in an elevator if power fails. You must remain outside the building until you are officially authorized to reenter. Failure to leave the building is a violation of the Conduct Code. Safety Equipment. Fire alarms and fire extinguishers are intended to encourage the safety of persons and property. Misuse of such equipment shall result in sanctions which may include suspension or exclusion from campus and/or criminal prosecution. North Carolina law [NCGS § 14-286] mandates a maximum fine of $500, or imprisonment for not more than 6 months, or both, for persons who willfully misuse or abuse fire alarms and firefighting equipment. False Alarms. For the safety of the community, all fire alarms will be treated as real alarms. False alarms create undue hardships for residents and staff. Reoccurring preventable fire alarm activations may incur charges and violations to the student. Sanctions range from a warning, fines to removal from residential housing.


If you know the identity of someone who pulls a false alarm, you should either report violations or ask a member of the staff to talk with the individual. Tampering or disabling fire alarms is not permitted.

snowballs may not be thrown in an area where they may cause damage to persons or property.

Fire Protection Devices. Giving false alarms or willfully misusing, disabling or abusing fire protection equipment is prohibited. It may also violate North Carolina criminal law (NCGS ยง 14-286) which provides a maximum fine of $500, imprisonment for not more than six (6) months, or both.

Definition. Harassment is any activity by any individual, group, or organization which is intended to annoy, antagonize, or exhaust other persons. Such activities include, but are not limited to, frequent name calling, degradation of character, prank calls, or other activities which, by nature, are so profound as to cause or potentially cause mental anxiety, mental distress, panic, human degradation, public embarrassment, and/or humiliation.

Sanctions. University sanctions up to and including suspension or expulsion may be imposed. Fireworks. The possession or use of fireworks or other explosives on University property is prohibited. Sanctions. Violators of this policy should expect sanctions ranging from fines and probation up to suspension or expulsion. Furniture. Except for normal wear, you are expected to leave the furniture in the condition in which you found it. No University asset may be moved, altered, or effected without University permission. Beds. For safety reasons, beds are not to be lofted, stacked on dressers, desks or other furniture, and they may not be mounted on walls or furniture. Waterbeds or additional beds are not permitted. Removal from Rooms. Furniture must remain in rooms at all times. University furniture may not be moved to balconies, decks, porches, storage, or yards. Games. The use of balls, bikes, Frisbees, hoverboards, skateboards, and similar or substitute devices is strictly prohibited in residence halls. Balls, frisbees and


Harassment, General. All forms of harassment are strictly prohibited.

Action. Students who believe that they are being harassed should, when feasible, first clearly advise the perpetrator(s), if known, that the behavior is unacceptable. If the behavior continues or if the perpetrator is unknown, the student should then consult with a University counselor, with the Senior Vice President for Student Life, Assistant Vice President for Student Life, with the Senior Director of Student Life, or with another University administrator who shall seek informal-resolution of the conflict. Absent such resolution, either the student or the University may seek disciplinary or other corrective action. Sanctions. In the event that charges of harassment cannot be informally resolved, the responsible should expect the sanctions ranging from a warning to expulsion. Hazing. High Point University prohibits hazing by all students and campus organizations. Hazing is contrary to the institutional values and goals of High Point University and is a criminal offense in the State of North Carolina and will not be tolerated. If hazing occurs, disciplinary action will be taken against

the individual(s) involved, and/or the organization. Definition – any action or situation that involves potential members or new members that jeopardizes the student’s psychological, emotional and/or physical well being regardless of the person’s willingness to participate. High Point University defines three types of hazing: 1. Subtle hazing – behaviors that emphasize a power imbalance between potential/new members and other members of the group or team. 2. Harassment hazing – behaviors that cause emotional anguish or physical discomfort in order to feel like a part of the group. Harassment hazing confuses, frustrates and causes undue stress to the potential/new members. 3. Violent hazing – behaviors that have the potential to cause physical and/or emotional or psychological harm. Daily Time Restrictions • New member activities are prohibited between 1am and 7am. Length of New Member Education • New member education programs must be completed within 6 weeks from Bid Day. Specific Prohibited Activities (this list is not all inclusive) New members are not to perform acts of servitude at any time during the new member education process. Examples are not limited to: sober driving, pickup/ drop off service, delivery of meals/drinks/ packages to members, running errands for members, or cleaning residences such as rooms, apartments, or chapter house. • New members are not to be contacted in any manner and asked for favors of any kind: including bringing meals/ drinks, cleaning; running errands of any kind.

• The entire new member education period must be alcohol-free; there is to be no alcohol consumed at any time during the new member period regardless of the age of the new member. Any member of the campus community found to be participating in hazing activities, including hazing activities for chapters/teams other than their own, are subject to charges of individual and/or chapter wide charges of hazing and subject to sanctioning. The State of North Carolina defines hazing in N.C. Statues 14.35-14.36 as “to annoy any student by play abusive or ridiculous tricks upon him; to frighten, scold, beat or harass him, or to subject him to personal indignity.” Any violation constitutes a Class 2 Misdemeanor. State law requires that the faculty or governing board of a college or school to expel any student convicted of hazing in court. Ways to report hazing behavior: Campus Security 336-841-9112 HPU Hazing Hotline 336-841-4699 Director of Greek Life 336-841-9484 Office of Student Life 336-841-9231 Online at: https://cm.maxient. com/reportingform. php?HighPointUniv&layout_id=6 Hoverboards. Electronic skateboards, including self-balancing boards/scooters and any other similar equipment are banned from campus. Therefore students are prohibited from storing and/or charging said items in any University owned building. Any violation of this policy will result in an automatic removal of the item, potential fines and/or student conduct referral. Insubordination. Verbal abuse of a faculty or staff member. To include resisting, delaying or obstructing them


in the execution of their duties or failing to follow direction from a faculty or staff member. Sanctions can range from a warning to suspension/expulsion. Interim Suspension. An interim suspension of a student from the University for allegations of nonacademic misconduct may be imposed by the Senior Vice President for Student Life, Associate Vice President for Student Life, Assistant Vice President for Student Life, or their designee, at their discretion and shall become effective immediately. Any student who receives an interim suspension will be required to remove themselves immediately from the residence halls, will not be permitted to attend class, and will be excluded from University property and University events unless the student’s presence on campus or at University events is explicitly authorized by the Senior Vice President for Student Life, Assistant Vice President for Student Life, Vice President for Student Life, Assistant Vice President for Student Life, or their designee issuing the interim action. Liability. The University assumes no responsibility for loss, theft, or damage to a resident’s personal property. Therefore, if your property is not insured through your parent’s insurance it is advised you purchase renter’s insurance. Lying. To deliberately tell an untruth. Sanctions for first offense can include a fine not to exceed $100 and civility education. Misappropriation. Misappropriation is the act of taking, without right or leave, that which belongs to another with the intent to keep or with the intent to use wrongfully that which was taken. If the property is sold, the seller remains responsible; but the buyer is also


responsible. In addition to ordinary theft of personal or public property, misappropriation includes, but is not limited to: • improper removal of furnishings or other items from public areas; • improper copying of computer software/programs; • improper removal of University signs or door plates; • copying or showing of videos in violation of copyright laws; • improper removal of items from vending machines; • eating in The Cafe or at The C-Store without paying; • improper removal of food or other items from The Café or The C-Store; • improper removal of items from the library; • unauthorized access to information technologies; • falsifying time cards; • misappropriation of corporate or public property (e.g., signs, crates, carts). Misappropriation is a violation of both the University Conduct Code and the University Honor Code. Therefore, where a student is accused, the Assistant Vice President for Student Life, Assistant Director of Student Conduct, Assistant Vice President for Student Life, or the Senior Vice President for Student Life, at her/his discretion, may charge a student with the violation of either. Sanctions. For the first offense, minimal sanctions include referral to the Assistant Vice President for Student Life, Assistant Director of Student Conduct, or Assistant Vice President for Student Life and

restitution for or purchase/return of stolen property, plus a fine; and sanctions may include suspension or expulsion. Where University property has been misappropriated for private use, the perpetrator ordinarily will be required to purchase the property at replacement value. For a second offense, the student should expect restitution for or purchase/return of item, a fine, suspension from the University or removal from University housing. No Contact Order A No Contact directive may be imposed at the request of a student and/or at the discretion of a University Official. When a No Contact directive is put into place, the affected students must refrain from: 1. Approaching one another at any time;

2. Calling one another; 3. Communicating electronically (e-mail, text, social media); or 4. Contacting or communicating with one another, including through a third party (meaning friends and family), in any way at any time. A No Contact directive implies no judgment or discipline and is enforceable on campus between registered students. The directive may include a ban from designated areas of campus. When a No Contact directive is issued, students may be required to move to a temporary living space or may be temporarily removed from a shared classroom as a means to create space for the situation to be resolved. For a No Contact directive to be issued, one or more of the following criteria must


be met: • Evidence of threat of immediate harm; (which may result in an investigation) • Students involved in an ongoing investigation; • Harassment/Stalking/Sexual Misconduct/Dating Violence (both before and after complaint regardless of outcome) For a No Contact directive to be removed: • Both parties must agree; AND • Investigation is resolved (if applicable) High Point University is a residential campus and students may encounter one another in public spaces on campus. In keeping with the spirit of the no contact directive, if students encounter one another in public spaces or events, including yet not limited to, Cafeteria, Promenade, academic buildings, sporting events, food venues, Cinema, or University concerts, they are to refrain from intentionally engaging one another visually, verbally, or through a third party. Obstruction. Obstruction of corridors, stairwells, and exits is prohibited by state law. Such obstructions include, but are not limited to, bicycles, decorations, displays, luggage, and trash. Painting. You are not permitted to paint your room. If your room requires painting, please discuss with your Resident Director. Pets. High Point University prohibits pets from University buildings. Fish must be housed in a tank of no more than five gallons. With the exception of small aquariums containing fish (5 gallons or less), pets are not permitted in residence halls. If you violate this policy, you will be sanctioned; and if violation continues, you may lose the privilege of living on campus.


Sanctions. A $25 automatic fine will be imposed for prohibited pets per day. If the pet is discovered on campus at a later time the $25 fine per day may be imposed from the original date of discovery. Additionally, all individuals involved are subject to sanctions. When a High Point University Official observes or becomes aware of an unrestrained or unattended animal, a reasonable attempt will be made to locate the animals owner. If the owner is located, the official will contact Student Life to inform them of the infraction. If attempts to find the animal’s owner are unsuccessful or the owner does not respond, the City of High Point Animal Control will be contacted to remove the animal from campus property. Pools. Inflatable or temporary pools (including hot tubs and water slides) of any kind are not permitted in any area on University property. Projectiles. Throwing or hitting projectiles (e.g., Frisbees, golf balls, snowballs) can be fun—unless it causes damages to persons or property. The following areas are suggested for such activities: The International Promenade (in the mall area away from the buildings); the intramural fields, and the valley between the John and Marsha Slane Student Center and the David R. Hayworth Park. A $20 sanction as well as restitution for any damages will be imposed for throwing or hitting projectiles in the vicinity of buildings or cars; and additional sanctions will be imposed in the event of injury to persons or damage to property. Public Events. Certain behaviors are routinely expected of persons attending public events, both on campus and off. Athletic Events. During more than 40 years of NAIA—and/or NCAA—

associated play, High Point University has established a reputation for good sportsmanship among coaches, players, and fans. Your attention is called to the following: • it is unacceptable for your University to be crude, lewd, demeaning, or uncivil during athletic events; therefore, since you are High Point University, it is unacceptable for you to evidence such behaviors at athletic events, whether on campus or off; • both the University and the NCAA prohibits tobacco use among players and coaches at NCAA athletic events; • both the University and the NCAA prohibit alcohol at NCAA athletic events, including the sidelines. Sanctions. Violations of behavioral guidelines for intercollegiate athletic events may result in disciplinary sanctions, including, but not limited to, expulsion from the game and exclusion from future events. If you are expelled or excluded from games, you must leave the field or facility immediately. Public Nuisance. Students who reside in residence halls are expected to respect the rights of other students. Restricted Areas. Except in case of fire, you may not use fire escapes; you may not sit on or hang from windowsills; and you may not access ledges or roofs. Students may not place items in/on or out of windows such as signs, banners, flags, clothing, window decals, etc. Rugs. Rugs are permitted, but throw rugs must be skid-proof. Smoking. High Point University is a Tobacco-Free campus. The following is a summary of health risks associated with the use of tobacco. Although nicotine

is addictive, most of the severe health effects of tobacco use comes from other chemicals. Tobacco smoking can lead to lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema. It increases the risk of heart disease, which can lead to stroke or heart attack. Smoking has also been linked to other cancers, leukemia, cataracts, and pneumonia. All of these risks apply to use of any smoked product, including hookah tobacco. Smokeless tobacco increases the risk of cancer, especially mouth cancers. In order to continue to provide a healthy and clean atmosphere for all residents, the University prohibits smoking and is a tobacco free community. First time violations for smoking will result in a fine and/or of community service. E-cig Policy. High Point University is a Tobacco-Free campus. In order to continue to provide a healthy and clean atmosphere for all residents, the University also prohibits the use of electronic cigarettes which includes vapes and vaping. Stalking. A course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. If committed with the intent to cause a reasonable person to feel fear, the following examples may constitute stalking: • Non-consensual communication including in-person communication, telephone calls, voice messages, text messages, email messages, social networking site postings, instant messages, postings of pictures or information on Web sites, written letters, gifts, or any other communications that are undesired and/or place another person in fear • Following, pursuing, waiting, or showing up uninvited at a workplace, place of residence, classroom, or other locations frequented by a victim


• Surveillance and other types of observation, whether by physical proximity or electronic means • Trespassing • Vandalism • Non-consensual touching

• Manipulative and controlling behaviors such as threats to harm oneself, or threats to harm someone close to the victim • Defamation or slander against the victim

• Direct physical and/or verbal threats against a victim or a victim’s loved ones

Source: National Stalking Resource Center. Stalking may also violate North Carolina criminal law (NCGS§14-277.3)

• Gathering of information about a victim from family, friends, coworkers, and/or classmates

Action. Students who believe that they are being stalked should notify the Office of Security immediately. Absent any type


of informal-resolution, either the student or the University may seek disciplinary or other corrective action, including but not limited to, referral to Conduct Court. Criminal liability may result. Sanctions. In the event that charges of stalking cannot be informally resolved, the perpetrator(s) should expect sanctions ranging from a warning to expulsion. Sunbathing. Sunbathing should take place in University pool areas. Students are prohibited from utilizing the lawn in front of Roberts Hall for sunbathing. Tampering of Property and University Equipment. No University equipment may be moved, altered, or effected without University permission. Sanctions can range from reprimand, to restitution to suspension based on the severity of the incident. Trash. You should dispose of your trash regularly. Trash and other objects may not be thrown from windows or left, even temporarily, in hallways, stairwells, or other public areas of buildings. Receptacles are provided outside the building. Students with repeat trash violations or excessive trash violations may incur additional sanctions. Unauthorized Entry/Trespassing. Entering a private room or space, whether locked or unlocked, or for entering a public room or space without proper authorization when the room or space is locked is prohibited. This can include but is not limited to: Attic spaces, basements, utility closets and other areas of the residence hall/house that should not be accessed by students whether locked or unlocked. Sanctions. On the first offense, the student should expect a fine not to

exceed $100 up to suspension for a period of time no less than one semester; on the second offense, the student should expect a fine not to exceed $250, to be banned from specific areas on campus or suspended from the University. Unauthorized Party. There are to be no more than one (1) guest per resident within the property at a time. This does not include residents of the property. (i.e. If there are seven (7) residents in a property, there only can be seven (7) guests permitted in the property at one time.) More guests than this at a property will be defined as an unauthorized property. Sanctions. 1st Offense: $100 Fine. 2nd Offense: $200 Fine and loss of homesteading privileges. Visitation. Visitation policies have been established for residents of High Point University and their guests. A guest is defined as any person who is not an assigned resident of a particular residence hall. The University’s policies which apply to residents also apply to their guest(s). The host is responsible for the behavior of his or her guest(s), and, therefore, the host may be disciplined should a guest violate University policies. When hosting a guest, you are expected to conduct yourself in a considerate manner with regard to the rights and needs of your roommate or suitemate(s). Hosting a guest should not interfere with your roommate or suitemate’s right to his/her room. Communication with your roommate or suitemate(s) is necessary when hosting a guest. Please contact the Office of Student Life if you need assistance with this communication. Twenty-four hour visitation is allowed in all residence halls as long as all residents ensure that their guest(s) comply with the


following policies: 1. All guest(s) must be escorted throughout the building. A resident should never leave their guest(s) unattended. 2. If an individual bathroom is not in the room/suite that a guest is visiting, the resident who has the guest(s) is responsible for escorting them to the common bathrooms for non-residents located in the building. 3. Each overnight guest must be registered online. Students registering guests can go to the HPU portal page at my.highpoint.edu. Sign in using your HPU username and password, from the Quick Links menu go to the My Account links, select Visitor Registration and follow registration directions. An overnight guest is only allowed to stay for two consecutive nights. Any student that has a guest(s) that exceeds two nights is subject to losing visitation privileges. a. It is a violation of the visitation policy if there is evidence of cohabitation. Cohabitation exists when a person not assigned to a particular room or suite uses that area as if he/she were living there. This includes, but is not limited to, keeping personal belongings of a person not assigned to the room/suite for long durations (e.g. keeping items in the closet, dresser, etc), using room/suite facilities, and/or staying for long durations of time. The Office of Student Life will determine if cohabitation exists based on the information available to it such as from roommates/suitemates and the Office of Student Life Staff. 4. A guest(s) is only allowed within an individual room/suite if the


roommate/all suitemates are in agreement. 5. You are responsible for your guest as well as any violations or damage they may cause. Loitering/Solicitation. For your protection, loitering and solicitation are specifically prohibited. If you encounter people loitering or soliciting in your residence hall, you should contact a member of Student Life or call campus security at 336-841-9112. Sanctions. Visitors and their guests are expected to comply with established policies and other University regulations. Sanctions include, but not limited to, a monetary fine, loss of visitation privileges, loss of housing assignment to be specified by the Resident Director. Weapons. The University prohibits possession or carrying of weapons on campus, whether openly or concealed. Weapons include, but are not limited to, any gun, rifle, pistol, firearm of any kind (including BB gun, air rifle or pistol), dynamite-cartridge, explosive of any sort, bomb, stun gun, grenade, bowie knife, switchblade knife, dagger, slingshot, razors or razor blades (except for shaving) and any sharp pointed or edged instrument except for tools or instructional supplies used for instruction, food preparation or maintenance of University property. Ammunition is prohibited. North Carolina law (NCGS § 14-269.2) also prohibits students from carrying weapons on educational property. Below are some applicable statutes. This restriction does not apply to an “ordinary pocket knife”. As used in this section, “ordinary pocket knife” means a small knife, designed for carrying in a pocket or purse, which has its cutting edge and point entirely enclosed by its handle, and that may not be opened by a

throwing, explosive, or spring action (i.e. push-button), with a blade less than 4.5” in length. NCGS § 14-269.2.b. It shall be a Class I felony for any person to possess or carry, whether openly or concealed, any gun, rifle, pistol, or other firearm of any kind, or any dynamite-cartridge, bomb, grenade, mine, or powerful explosive, as defined in G.S. 14-284.1, on educational property. NCGS § 14-269.2.c. It shall be a Class I felony for any person to cause, encourage, or aid a minor who is less than 18 years old to possess or carry, whether openly or concealed, any gun, rifle, pistol, or other firearm of any kind, or any dynamitecartridge, bomb, grenade, mine, or power explosive as defined in G.S. 14-284.1, on educational property. NCGS § 14-269.2.d. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to possess or carry, whether openly or concealed, any BB gun, air rifle, air pistol, bowie knife, dirk, dagger, slingshot, leaded cane, switchblade knife, blackjack, metallic knuckles, razors and razor blades (except solely for any personal shaving), and any sharp-pointed or edged instrument except instructional supplies, unaltered nail files and clips and tools used solely for preparation of food, instruction, and maintenance, on educational property. This includes: The restriction of all ammunition on High Point University campus is prohibited. Ammunition is defined as the material fired, scattered, dropped, or detonated from any weapon, as bombs or rockets, and especially shot, shrapnel, bullets, or shells fired by guns. This not limited to the following: all caliber bullets, shotgun shells, cartridges and BB pellets.

encourage, or aid a minor who is less than 18 years old to possess or carry, whether openly or concealed, any BB gun, air rifle, air pistol, bowie knife, dirk, dagger, slingshot, leaded cane, switchblade knife, blackjack, metallic knuckles, razors and razor blades (except solely for any personal shaving), and any sharp-pointed or edged instrument except instructional supplies, unaltered nail files and clips and tools used solely for preparation of food, instruction, and maintenance, on educational property. Sanctions. Students who violate any of the above policies should expect sanction including suspension or expulsion from the University. Criminal charges may result. Any and all prohibited weapons not confiscated by police pursuant to be a criminal charge shall be confiscated by Security and not returned. Criminal charges. If a student is charged with a felony they may be banned, restricted or suspended from campus at the discretion of the Senior Vice President for Student Life, Associate Vice President for Student Life, Assistant Vice President for Student Life, or Assistant Director of Student Conduct until the matter is adjudicated. Wellness Living Halls. If you reside in a designated wellness living area, you must observe the mandated 24 hours quiet hours. Additionally, with this designation, no alcohol, controlled substances, paraphernalia and tobacco is permitted. If an individual is found with alcohol, tobacco, controlled substances or paraphernalia or in violation of living conditions, they will lose their housing assignment and be moved to another residential community.

NCGS § 14-269.2.e. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to cause,


Student Organizations HPU Connect HPU Connect is an online platform where students manage their on-campus involvement. HPU Connect provides a campus calendar of events as well as an organization directory of over 100 student organizations at High Point University. Before the involvement fair, be sure to log into involved.highpoint.edu to find out more about our student organizations and plan out your welcome week activities! Students are encouraged to login daily to stay up to date on campus events, use the events search feature to find events that most interest you, and stay informed with your organization involvement/ membership! The CORQ app is the mobile version of HPU Connect. Be sure to download today and view upcoming events from your phone. Through this app you may search events and save them directly to your calendar so that you do not miss a single program. University students have an opportunity to join in more than 100 organizations. The University offers academic, social and student government opportunities for all students. Additionally, there are honor societies that are by invitation based on high academic achievement and excellence. All campus organizations, including campus media outlets, seeking media coverage (television, print, radio, etc.) for events or other stories must contact the Office of Communications at communication@highpoint.edu for the handling of press releases and other communication with media contacts.


The Campus Activities Team (CAT) is an integral part of planning many of the campus activities for all residential students. This is a student advisement group that assists the Office of Student Activities. Students serve in officer roles that take part in the decision making and logistics associated with both small & large scale events. CAT offers leadership and learning opportunities for students interested in student involvement and event management. Academic Organizations Actuarial Club Alpha Kappa Psi Alpha Lambda Delta American Chemical Society American Institute of Graphic Arts American Marketing Association Athletic Training Majors Club Biology Majors Club Computer Science Society Council for Exceptional Children English Club Exercise Science Club French Club Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA) Henry Lee Treadwell Society (PA students) HPU Minds Interior and Home Furnishing Club Investment Club Math, Actuarial, & Computer Science (MACS) National Association of Black Journalists National Broadcast Society National Society for Leadership & Success National Sports Media Association Neuroscience Club

Pre-Pharmacy Club Pre-Professionals Club Pre-Veterinary Club Professional Selling Club Public Relations Student Society of America Association Society of Physics Students Society for Professional Journalists Spanish Club Sport Management Association Club Sportslink Teachers of Tomorrow Tutor Club Video Game Development Club VIDA Volunteer

Alpha Kappa Delta. Recognizes excellence for students who are majoring in sociology. Alpha Phi Sigma. Recognizes excellence for students who are majoring in criminal justice. Alpha Psi Omega. National Theatre Honor Society. Honor society recognizing participants in collegiate theatre. Beta Beta Beta. Invites membership to Biology majors or minors with excellence.

Honor Societies

Delta Mu Delta. Invites membership to those students who excel and are majoring in business.

Alpha Chi. Invites membership to those juniors and seniors who have excelled in academic performance.

Kappa Delta Pi. Invites membership to those students who excel and are majoring in education.


Kappa Pi. The International Honorary Art Fraternity recognizes students who demonstrate outstanding artistic and academic achievements. Lambda Phi Eta. Invites membership to those students who have excelled in academics in communication discipline. National Society for Leadership & Success (NSLS). The Society is an organization that helps people discover and achieve their goals. The Society offers life-changing lectures from the nation’s leading presenters and a community where like-minded, success-oriented individuals come together. Odyssey Club. An organization comprised of students who belong to the Honors Program. It is an opportunity for Honors students to participate in a variety of social events with each other. Order of Omega. Recognizes scholarship, leadership, service, and academic merit to those individuals also belonging to a fraternity or sorority organization. Phi Alpha Delta. Pre-law student club that will assist students with regards to law school application. Phi Beta Delta. Fosters and recognizes excellence in International Education. Phi Sigma Iota. Recognizes students who have made significant contributions toward furthering international awareness and who have demonstrated excellence in foreign language study. Phi Sigma Tau. Recognizes students who have demonstrated high scholarship and personal interest in philosophy. Phi Theta Kappa. Designated for transfer students who have received this honor at their two-year institution.


Pi Sigma Alpha. The national in political science, recognizes juniors and seniors who have demonstrated excellence in the field of political science and in advancing the science of politics. Psi Chi. National Honor Society in Psychology, recognizing students who have demonstrated excellence in scholarship and in advancement in the field of psychology. Sigma Alpha Pi. The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS). The Society is an organization that helps people discover and achieve their goals. The Society offers life-changing lectures from the nation’s leading presenters and a community where like-minded, successoriented individuals come together and help one another succeed. The Society also serves as a powerful force of good in the greater community by encouraging and organizing action to better the world. Sigma Nu Tau. Sigma Nu Tau is a national academic honor society, and at HPU, Sigma Nu Tau functions as part of the Entrepreneurship Club. The purpose of Sigma Nu Tau is to encourage the study of principled entrepreneurship, recognize and reward students who do well in their studies and provide network opportunities. Students need at least a 3.2 cumulative Undergraduate GPA and Junior Class standing to request induction. There is a one-time fee for lifetime membership. Sigma Tau Delta. Recognizes students who have excelled as an English major. Theta Alpha Kappa. Recognizes students who have excelled in Religious Studies. The Order of the Lighted Lamp. Recognizes leadership abilities and excellent character as well as academic achievement. Elected by student members.

Political Organizations College Democrats College Republicans Model United Nations (MUN) Young Americans for Freedom Religious Life & Organizations Charles E. Hayworth Memorial Chapel is open weekdays for personal devotion and development of faith and values among faculty, staff and students. Ecumenical worship, open to all, is held weekly on Wednesdays at 5:30. Rev. Preston Davis, the Minister to the University is responsible for campuswide religious activities and is available by appointment for personal counseling (x9241). The weekly worship services are student-centered and students may enroll in Rel-1019 to receive one-hour credit toward graduation requirements. All students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to join together for weekly Chapel at 5:30 pm on Wednesdays when classes are in session. Chapel is student-centered, and students may receive one-hour credit toward graduation requirements by enrolling in Rel-1019. Students are also encouraged to get involved with a religious life organization on campus, including: Alpha Delta Theta (sorority). A Christian service sorority that enables women on campus to enrich their spiritual lives and develop ideas within the context of Christian fellowship. In addition, the organization serves the campus and the community. Campus Outreach. A network of Christian college students bearing witness to the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ — that sinners are reconciled to God through repentance of sin and

faith alone in the saving work of Christ. We also strive to disciple and call other Christians to pursue godliness and spiritual maturity. Chapel Choir. Chapel Choir serves as the resident choir for weekly Chapel. This ensemble rehearses every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 3:25 in Hayworth Chapel. Collision Worship Band. Collision is the worship band of weekly Chapel. Sampling from some for the leading Christian musicians of today, these worship leaders bring Chapel to life each week. Board of Stewards. The Board of Stewards are the lifeblood of the Chapel and Religious Life Office. Members help coordinate Chapel services, network with other campus groups, oversee the distribution of the weekly offering to make a positive impact in our community, and lead bible studies and theological forums. Potential board members my apply at the beginning of the semester to or get more information from the Manager of Chapel Programs (awillia5@ highpoint.edu). Food Recovery Network. This organization is unique on High Point University’s campus as it promotes community outreach, reduction of food waste, building relationships with local neighbors, and ending hunger in High Point, North Carolina. Genesis Gospel Choir. Genesis is the longest-standing spiritual choir on campus. This student-led ensemble comes out of the gospel music tradition, and performs around the Piedmont Triad. HPU Catholic Campus Ministry. A student organization whose goal is to serve


the spiritual needs of Roman Catholic members of the High Point University community and anyone interested in the Roman Catholic faith.

leads weekly interfaith gatherings to build bridges of understanding across lines of religious and cultural difference in a divided world.

Hillel. A student organization whose goal is to provide the Jewish students of HPU with the opportunity to meet other Jewish students through both religious and social activities. Jewish students can participate in all national and state Hillel programs and events. Students attend Shabbat services, celebrate major holidays, and have joint events with Jewish students attending various universities from all over the Southeast. The Hillel welcomes students from all movements of Judaism and people from other faiths who are interested in learning about Judaism.

Pre-Ministerial. The Pre-Ministerial group nurtures and provides education and resources to students discerning a call to ordained ministry.

HPU Circle K Club. Circle K International (CKI) is the premier collegiate and University community service, leadership development, and friendship organization in the world. Circle K is a special club category for Kiwanis International, serving the world for over 100 years. We are the High Point University Circle K Chapter seeking new members to serve together in High Point. HPU Wishmakers. The purpose of HPU Wishmakers is to educate the campus and community about Make-A-Wish®. The mission of Make-A-Wish® is to “grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy.” HPU Wishmakers works closely with the Make-A-Wish® Foundation of Central and Western North Carolina and supports their overall mission. Infinite Space. Infinite Space is a studentled journal that highlights the spiritual life of High Point University, via essays, poetry, photography, and art. Interfaith United. Interfaith United


The Bed Brigade. The purpose of The Bed Brigade is to provide everyone a restful place of sleep despite the economic climate they come from. The Bed Brigade works to achieve this by building and delivering beds to these individuals within the High Point area. No other club on campus reaches these individuals as they are often the invisible poor. This organization will provide a unique outlet for High Point University students to reach out to their surrounding community; the organization also has great potential to connect with other clubs on campus as well as nonprofits in the community. Young Life College Life. Membership is open to all University students and is an opportunity for students to come together who want to nurture, guide and encourage their Christian beliefs. Service Organizations Alpha Phi Omega. A co-educational national service fraternity. This organization affords college students an opportunity to provide service to their campus, their community and their nation. The pillars of Alpha Phi Omega are leadership, friendship, and service. Big Brothers Big Sisters. This organization makes meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers (“Bigs”) and children (“Littles”), ages 6 through 18, in communities across the country. Positive relationships are developed that

have a direct and lasting effect on the lives of young people in the High Point community. Civitan. Devoted to improving the lives of children and adults with developmental disabilities. Colleges Against Cancer. The main goal of Colleges Against Cancer is to fight cancer by volunteering for and instating and supporting programs of the American Cancer Society. Habitat for Humanity. Offers an opportunity for students to work with the local HFH affiliate to build houses that are in progress. IMPACT. To engage High Point University students in service and leadership opportunities that will create community and impact our world for Christ. Operation Serving the Brave. To serve and give back to those in the United State Military, both active and retired. Student Council for Exceptional Children. The purpose of this chapter shall be to advance the education of individuals with disabilities and to promote related educational, scientific, and charitable purposes. Volunteer Center. Through the Volunteer Center, High Point University students have an opportunity to get involved in short-term service projects on the HPU campus and in the greater High Point Community. Additionally, the Volunteer Center organizes fall and spring alternative break trips, domestic and internationally. Special Interest Groups Fine arts include the Chapel Choir,

Genesis Gospel Choir, the Offbeats, the Petal Points, the Toccatatones, and the University Singers. Academic credit may be earned for participation in campus theatrical productions and campus choirs. A number of special interest groups are active on campus, including: Black Cultural Awareness; Board Club; Campus Chronicle; Charcoal Pony Improv; Diversity Club; Ducks Unlimited; Entrepreneurship Club; Film Club; Freedom of Thought Club; Global Students Association; Gymnastics Club; HPU EMS; HPU Radio; Japanese Animation Club; Knitting Club; Peer Mentor; Planning on Point; P.R.I.D.E.; Purple Reign; Studio Art Club; Table-top Role Playing Games; Teddy Roosevelt Club of Excellence; Tigger’s Mark; TWLOHA (To Write Love on her Arms); Video Game Club. Greek Organizations Fraternities and sororities are an integral part of University life. These organizations promote and engage students through leadership, academics, community service and friendship. Students on disciplinary probation are not eligible to participate in recruitment. Each organization may have additional requirements to be considered for membership. Recruitment for both the Panhellenic and Interfraternity councils is held in September. Intake for NPHC organizations is held at various times throughout the year. To participate in recruitment and the new member process, students must be enrolled as a full time student at High Point University. Recognition Recognition of fraternities and sororities is solely at the discretion of High Point University.


Recognized Chapters can lose their recognition status by: receiving a sanction of suspension or dismissal through the student conduct process; violating local, state, and/or national laws; revocation of their charter from their inter/national headquarters. Fraternities/Sororities that lose recognition are expected to cease all activities and abide by all terms and conditions formally communicated to the organization by High Point University. No member of the High Point University community, nor any national or international fraternity or sorority, may solicit or recruit High Point University students to establish new or reestablish former fraternity/sorority organizations without the consent of the University. Members of the University community determined to be recruiting students for new/formerly recognized groups and/or continuing operations of such groups, are subject to sanctioning by the University up to and including suspension/expulsion. Greek Organizations with active chapters are: Interfraternity Council (IFC) Organizations: Beta Theta Pi, Kappa Alpha Order, Kappa Sigma, Pi Kappa Alpha, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Nu Panhellenic (NPC) Organizations: Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Gamma Delta, Kappa Delta, Phi Mu, Sigma Sigma Sigma, Zeta Tau Alpha National Pan-Hellenic (NPHC) Organizations: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Lamda Pi Chi Sorority Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Sports and Recreation High Point University Recreation Services


(HPURec) offers a variety of fitness, wellness and athletic opportunities for all students. The John and Marsha Slane Student Center is home to the HPURec Office, the Fitness Center, Group Exercise classroom, and multipurpose basketball court. The campus boasts five outdoor heated pools with spas to enjoy during the warmer months. Students can enjoy swimming and racquetball in the James H. and Jesse E. Millis Athletic and Convocation Center. There are numerous intramural fields, sand volleyball, and outdoor basketball courts around campus. HPU Challenge Course The HPU Outdoor Discovery Program includes a dynamic Challenge (Ropes) Course located at the HPU Millis Estate, a 20-acre country retreat located just minutes from campus. The Challenge Course is designed to develop communication and leadership skills through a series of demanding high and low ropes components. The course features a 500ft. zip line, 40-ft. rock climbing wall, laser tag, a 60’ giant 2-person swing, and a series of hiking trails. Complimentary transportation to the HPU Millis Estate is provided through the HPURec office. HPURec Contact: • Guest Service Desk: 336.841.9732 • Email: rec@highpoint.edu • Website: www.highpoint.edu/ recreationservices HPURec Hours of Operation: • Monday – Friday: 7 am – midnight • Weekend: 8 am – midnight Intramural sports/HPURec Events: • 7v7 Flag Football • Outdoor Soccer • Outdoor/Indoor Volleyball • 5v5 Basketball • Ultimate Frisbee tournaments • Racquetball

• Single/Double Tennis • Softball • Alumni/Family Weekend 5K Run • Dodgeball • All-Star Classic 3pt, skills and slam dunk contest • And More… James H. and Jesse E. Millis Athletic and Convocation Center Pool Hours of Operation: • Monday – Thursday: 3 pm – 7 pm • Saturday & Sunday: 2 pm – 4 pm (Hours may vary depending upon class schedule) Club Sport Teams Additionally, students have the opportunity to join club sport teams that compete against club teams from other colleges and universities. These clubs

include: Baseball Equestrian Men’s & Women’s Basketball Men’s & Women’s Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Men’s & Women’s Golf Men’s & Women’s Lacrosse Men’s & Women’s Soccer Men’s & Women’s Swimming Men’s & Women’s Tennis Men’s & Women’s Volleyball Men’s Ice Hockey Men’s and Women’s Rowing Men’s & Women’s Running Ultimate Frisbee Women’s Field Hockey Women’s Softball If interested in participating in club sports, visit highpointpanthers.com or contact Jacob Crawford, 336-841-4643.


Student Rights and Responsibilities Student Rights and Responsibilities are set forth in writing in order to give students general notice of some of their rights and responsibilities at High Point University. High Point University identifies a student as an applicant who has accepted an offer of admission and been scheduled for classes. Additional rights and responsibilities are set forth in University publications —including the Guide to Campus Life, residence hall contracts, and bulletins. It is the responsibility of students to be aware of all University rules and processes; students should seek advice from Student Life or Academic Affairs if they have any questions about the purposes or intent of University rules and processes.

students to act honorably in all phases of student life and to understand student rights and responsibilities as well as procedures and consequences when their behaviors do not conform to University rules.

Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is civil and reflects openness to educational experiences. Students can expect High Point University “to deliver educational experiences that enlighten, challenge, and prepare students to lead lives of significance in complex global communities” (High Point University mission). Additionally, students deserve an opportunity to carry out their daily activities within a safe and caring campus environment.

• Expression: Students are able to freely examine and exchange diverse ideas in an orderly manner inside and outside of the classroom.

High Point University is firmly committed to principles of honor and ethical conduct as stated in the Honor Code and in the Conduct Code that all incoming freshmen sign. By enrolling in the University, students embrace the commitment to the Honor Code and Conduct Code as well as to other University expectations and responsibilities. It is the responsibility of


Student Rights High Point University is a community of learning that supports freedom of inquiry, freedom of thought, freedom from discrimination, freedom of expression, and much more. The University seeks to maintain and support an environment where students have rights; however, the following list of rights is not intended to be complete or exclusive.

• Association: Students can associate freely with other individuals, groups of individuals and organizations for purposes that do not infringe on the rights of others. • Access: Students with a disability have the right to request reasonable accommodations ensuring equal access to courses, course content, programs, services, and facilities. • Freedom of Discrimination: Students can expect to participate fully in the University community without discrimination as defined by federal, state or University regulations. • Safe Environment: Students have

a right to learn in a safe campus community. • Discipline: Students can expect discipline and sanctions for misconduct; students have a right to a hearing regarding the misconduct. • Grievance Process: Students have access to established procedures for respectfully presenting and addressing their concerns or complaints to the University. • Learning Outside the Classroom: Students have access to variety of activities beyond the classroom that support intellectual, spiritual and personal development. • Education: Students have access to extraordinary education that includes excellent faculty, academic technology, classrooms, libraries, and other resources necessary for the learning process. • Personal Growth: Students live and study in an environment that emphasizes personal growth. • Service to the Community: Students have opportunities to provide service to the University community and beyond. • University Governance: Students participate in the governance of the University through student government association (SGA). • Prompt Responses from Administration: Students have the right to expect prompt and courteous responses from the University academic and administrative departments. • Academic and Administrative Policies: Students can expect academic and administrative policies that

support intellectual inquiry, learning, and growth. Commitment to Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion High Point University considers a strong commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion as a core component of our mission and an essential ingredient to a holistic education in the liberal arts tradition. A liberal arts education develops critical thinkers, moving students from a fixed-mindset to a growth-mindset. This approach to learning prepares students for reflective action in an interdependent and diverse world. We not only understand and respect the unique talents and perspectives of all individuals but we also embrace and utilize their contributions. Our breadth of inclusiveness creates a path by which all individuals can achieve their highest potential in an increasingly complex and pluralistic society. We welcome and respect all students, faculty, and staff of all races, ethnicities, religions, genders, sexual orientations, sexual identities and gender expressions, abilities, classes, ages, and political ideas. We recognize that diversity also includes a range of geographic locations, communication styles, family makeup, educational background, military service, and other unique life experiences. To encourage diversity and inclusion we endorse dynamic curricula and research agendas—through the University’s core education as well as all fields of study, programming, and community engagement—that include a multiplicity of views and perspectives. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are not merely moral imperatives or societal goals, they can be a competitive advantage. Our continued success as a University rests in our collective ability to embrace a multitude of opinions, ideas, and beliefs so that we can effectively educate the next


generation of leaders who are culturally responsive, knowledgeable, and globally engaged. Our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion cultivates students’ desire for citizenship in complex global communities. Student Responsibilities High Point University students have a responsibility to uphold the University Honor Code, Conduct Code as well as other rules and processes. When students behave contrary to University rules and processes, the University will take appropriate action, up to and including exclusion from the University or the withholding or revocation of academic degrees. Additionally, students are responsible to self-advocate for themselves to University Administration about any alleged violations of the Guide to Campus Life that directly affects them. Third party reporting is not accepted.


High Point University Rights and Responsibilities In order to fulfill its mission “to deliver educational experiences that enlighten, challenge, and prepare students to lead lives of significance in complex global communities,� High Point University has the authority to maintain order within the University and to discipline students. The University may even exclude students who are disruptive of the educational experiences. When deemed necessary for continuation or readmission at High Point University, a student may be required to enter into a Behavioral Agreement. A Behavioral Agreement will delineate terms which must be met in order for the student to remain at High Point University. The agreement will state a time period in which it will be in effect. Student Complaints High Point University provides a process for student complaints to be addressed.

The High Point University Procedure for Student Complaints governs complaints the student puts in writing and submits to a University official. This Procedure applies to all students, undergraduate and graduate. This Procedure ensures timely, fair, and efficient resolutions with the maintenance of individual privacy and confidentiality. This Procedure cannot be used to challenge the finding of the Executive Committee of the Faculty, a standing committee whose decision is final. Further, this procedure is not intended to address complaints regarding sexual assault or misconduct. Please see the Title IX Policy to file a report of this nature. Informal Resolution of a Complaint Discussion, in many instances, can resolve a complaint. The student is encouraged to bring a problem to the person who has responsibility for the objectionable action or situation. This is merely an option for the student and it has no bearing on the student seeking a formal solution to the problem through the involvement of University officials. Formal Resolution of a Complaint When students seek the formal intervention of University officials, they must submit a written complaint to the Assistant Vice President for Student Life in the Office of Student Life, 3rd Floor, John and Marsha Slane Student Center, 336841-9231. Because a student complaint can touch any aspect of the University, the Assistant Vice President for Student Life is the appointed University official to guide all written student complaints. Student Complaint Form: A student completes a Student Complaint form (which is available on Blackboard Community page) and submits it to the Assistant Vice President for Student Life. The Student Complaint form should be

submitted by the end of the semester in which the complaint arises; this time frame, generally, ensures the availability of all parties involved in the complaint. When completing the Student Complaint form, the student is expected to write about each of the following factors as it relates to the complaint: 1. The specific action or decision involved in the complaint; 2. The consequences of the action or decision; 3. What resolution is being sought or desired; and 4. Why the desired resolution should be granted. Facilitation of a Written Complaint: The Assistant Vice President for Student Life reads the complaint and determines if it should be directed to a more appropriate University official and/or office and advises the student accordingly. Some of the officials for handling complaints include the ones listed. • Athletics & NCAA Violations Athletic Director Jerry and Kitty Steele Center • Computer Services Norcross Hall • Dining Services Vice President for Facilities N. College Administration Building • Accessibility Resources and Services Director of Accessibility Resources and Services 3rd Floor, Smith Library • Discrimination Assistant Vice President for Student Life John and Marsha Slane Student Center


Director of Human Resources Roberts Hall • Facilities Vice President for Facilities N. College Administration • Financial Aid Director of Financial Planning Roberts Hall In order to remain in compliance with consumer disclosures and as required by federal regulations under 34 CFR 600.9, the following link is provided to allow students the option of filing a formal complaint with the N.C. Department of Justice, Consumer Protection Division if they feel an injustice against them has occurred. You may go to http//ncdoj.gov/Consumer.aspx or by calling (877) 566-7220.

• Parking Director of Security and Transportation N. College Administration • Residence Life Assistant Vice President for Student Life John and Marsha Slane Student Center • Sexual Misconduct Director of Title IX John and Marsha Slane Student Center • Student Accounts/Billing Director of Student Accounts Roberts Hall • Student Conduct Code Violation Assistant Vice President for Student Life John and Marsha Slane Student Center Timeline for Responding to a Complaint: The appropriate University official responds to the student complaint, generally, within 10 business days following the receipt of the written complaint. Maintenance of Student Complaints: Submitted Student Complaint form is


maintained by the office of the Assistant Vice President for Student Life. Procedure for Student Appeals Students may question a decision based on faculty-approved policies and made by faculty or administrative staff. All appeals must follow the outlined procedures in order to receive consideration. 1. Classes of Appeal Appeal of administrative action: A student may appeal to the Executive Committee of the Faculty a decision of the Provost or the Assistant Vice President for Student Life. The Executive Committee is composed of a minimum of three administrative staff officers, and four faculty members. The decisions of the Executive Committee will be considered final and become effective upon ratification by the Chair. 2. Grading decision Students who wish to appeal a grade awarded by a faculty member should discuss the matter first with the faculty member. If a satisfactory conclusion is not reached, a student may appeal the matter to the department chair. The decision of the department chair is final. In the case where faculty member is the department chair, the appeal is routed to the dean. 3. Time Limitations Appeals of grades or administrative action by a student must be made within five days of the time that the action is made known to the student by the appropriate officer. If the University is not in session at the time the decision is made, the time limitation will begin at the start of the next regular session (fall or spring). 4. Format of Appeals All appeals must be made using the following link: https://publicdocs. maxient.com/reportingform. php?HighPointUniv&layout_id=8. A basis

for the appeal must be clearly stated, and evidence in support of the appeal must be included in the appeal. Appeals are limited to 1,500 words including attachments. Grounds for the appeal must be clearly and concisely stated, and all relevant information substantiating the grounds for appeal should be included. The following constitute appropriate grounds for appeal: 1. Newly discovered information has been obtained that was not previously available during the investigation or hearing process through the exercise of due diligence and the newly discovered information would materially affect the outcome; and/or 2. Significant procedural irregularity which materially affected the outcome; and/or 3. Sanctions issued do not fit the offense as provided in the High Point University Student Guide to Campus Life. Mere dissatisfaction with the prior outcome is not a valid basis for appeal.In addition, appeals are not intended to be a rehearing of the matter. The scope of the appeal stated above and will be limited to the grounds for appeal included in the written appeal submissions. In any request for an appeal, the burden of proof lies with the party requesting the appeal, because the outcome will be presumed to have been decided reasonably and appropriately. The Senior Vice President for Student Life, Associate Vice President for Student Life, Assistant Vice President for Student Life, and/or Assistant Director of Student Conduct will assess the written appeal to determine whether it is timely filed, based on permissible grounds, and in compliance with word count limitations. If it is determined that the written appeal does not meet any of these criteria, the appeal will

be denied without review by the Executive Committee. Once an appeal is received and determined to meet the criteria for filing an appeal, the Executive Committee may, at its discretion, choose to hold a meeting, or it may decide the matter based on the written submissions. If the Executive Committee decides to conduct a meeting, the appellant may be invited to attend the meeting. The Executive Committee’s role is limited to reviewing the hearing record and the information presented in the appeal with one exception: if the appeal raises procedural errors, the Executive Committee may, if necessary to resolve the appeal, interview the investigator and/ or a representative from the Office of Student Life at any meeting to gather more information about the alleged procedural error(s). After reviewing all written appeal submissions and the written outcome of the hearing panel, the Executive Committee may: (1) affirm the outcome; (2) return the matter to the hearing panel with instructions to reconvene to cure a procedural error, call witness(es), or consider newly discovered evidence and to assess the weight and impact of newly discovered information or reassess not previously considered information; (3) where deemed necessary by the Executive Committee, convene a hearing before a newly constituted hearing panel to rehear the matter; (4) change the sanctions. Decisions by the Executive Committee are by a majority vote of Executive Committee members present and participating in the appeal consideration. The outcome of the Executive Committee will be made in writing to the appellant within fifteen (15) business days of the meeting or, if no meeting was convened, within fifteen (15) business days from when all written appeal submissions were


received. The decision of the Executive Committee is final. The Executive Committee of the University serves as the University’s committee of final appeal. If a student is suspended through the conduct/academic process for any amount of time they are not eligible to transfer coursework in from another institution. Freedom of Assembly/Expression High Point University is committed to the principles of free speech and free expression; yet, just as the American people often must subordinate free speech and free expression to the common good, whether voluntarily or legally, the members of the University community have such a responsibility. Furthermore, as an educational institution, High Point University expects you and other members of the University community to require civil behaviors. In fact, you have a right to expect your University to act with civility. Therefore, since, as it were, you “become” High Point University when you enroll; you must act with civility, whether on campus or off. For example: • it is unacceptable for your University to flaunt stickers or banners which are crude, vulgar, or otherwise not consistent with the principles of civility; therefore, it is unacceptable for you–being, as you are, High Point University—to flaunt such symbols; • it is unacceptable for your University to give away T-shirts or other items which are vulgar or which advocate antisocial behaviors; therefore, because you are High Point University, it is unacceptable for you to wear items advocating such behaviors; • it is unacceptable for your University to treat persons as toys or lesser things; therefore, it is unacceptable for you to use or otherwise abuse people;


• it is unacceptable for your University to litter, to allow garbage to accumulate, to dispose of trash or property improperly, or to otherwise degrade our neighborhood or the property of our neighbors; therefore, because you are High Point University, it is unacceptable for you to engage in such behaviors, whether on campus or off; • it is unacceptable for your University to be crude, lewd, or boisterous in the cafe or in other public environments; therefore, because you are High Point University, it is unacceptable for you to engage in such behaviors; • it is unacceptable for your University to fly a flag which—regardless of its place in history—symbolizes for many members of your community and the larger community servitude and secondclass citizenship; therefore, because you are High Point University, it is unacceptable for you to display such a symbol; • it is unacceptable for your University to be crude, lewd, demeaning, or uncivil to visiting athletic teams or other campus visitors—even if in response to such behaviors; therefore, because you are High Point University, it is unacceptable for you to evidence poor sportmanship or other uncivil behaviors. Social Media Students are cautioned that behavior conducted online, such as but not limited to harassment or bullying via email, can subject them to University conduct action. Students must also be aware that blogs, web page entries, social media, and other similar online postings are in the public sphere and are not private regardless of privacy settings used. These postings can subject a student to allegations of conduct violations if evidence of policy violations are posted online. The Office of Student Conduct does not regularly search for this information but may

take action if and when such information is uncovered or otherwise comes to the attention of University officials. Moreover, the University which voluntarily admitted you and which commits itself to preparing you to achieve both personally and professionally, has such a responsibility and, if necessary, such a right to expect and require civility. Assembly. Although members of the University community enjoy the privilege of assembly, the University reserves the right to restrict the times and places of such assembly, to charge for the use of University facilities, to establish behavioral and procedural guidelines, and to restrict access to University property by persons who are not members of the University community. During approved assemblies, activities and behaviors should be consistent with the goals established for the assembly, educational support services and campus life and with the preamble to the University Conduct Code.

Scheduling. Campus organizations and individuals must register activities which utilize University facilities for purposes of assembly by contacting Campus Concierge or going online. Facilities may be reserved through www.highpoint.edu/concierge. University Calendar. In order to prevent conflicts between activities of campus organizations, no University-related event should be considered scheduled and no University-related event should be announced until it is listed on the University Calendar. Contact the Campus Concierge to list an event on the University’s calendar. Invited Guests. The University reserves the right to deny access to speakers if: • the ideas advanced are incompatible with the composite goals established for educational support services and campus life; • the presence of the guest threatens the safety or security of members of the High Point University community. Meeting Areas. Organizations which


reserve campus space are responsible for proper utilization of that space: • smoking and use of tobacco or cigarettes is prohibited at the University; • if the furniture in a room is moved from its “home” position by persons or organizations using the room, those same individuals are responsible for returning the furniture to its “home” position immediately following the meeting; • where groups or organizations arrange for tables, chairs, or other equipment to be provided in meeting rooms, those same persons are responsible for assuring that the items are removed as soon as feasible and by noon on the next day at the latest, after which the furniture in the room must be returned to its “home” position; • when a work order is submitted requesting maintenance to set-up rooms for programs or activities, a work order should also be submitted requesting that the room be returned to the “home position” by noon on the next day; • tacks and staples are prohibited; • tape may be used only on wood, glass, or cinderblock and must be removed following the event; • additional regulations may be established for the separate facilities. Notices/Posters. Persons and organizations distributing or posting printed notices on campus are responsible for the content and are expected to follow established policies as stated below. Students also have the option to post information through HPU Connect. The printed materials must be approved by the Campus Concierge. The following include helpful tips for printing publications and need to be submitted to the Campus Concierge: • the name of the person or organization distributing or posting any notice must


appear on the notice; • only members of High Point University community may distribute notices on campus without the specific approval of the Office of Student Life; • all notices should contain the following phrase date posted and the phrase removal date, along with appropriate dates; • notices should only be posted on bulletin boards; • notices should not be posted on doors or walls; • notices should not be posted in the cafeteria; • notices and residue must be removed within 24 hours of the removal date indicated; • only official University notices may be distributed to students, faculty, and staff through the campus postal system. Fines. When fines are levied, they should be paid at the Office of Student Accounts or online at: highpoint.afford.com Fines are posted to your student account within 24 hours of being assessed.

University Honor Code Preamble We, the students of High Point University, believe that honesty and integrity are essential to student academic development. Therefore, we assert the following: Every student is honor-bound to abstain from cheating; Every student is honor-bound to abstain from collusion; Every student is honor-bound to abstain from plagiarism; Every student is honor-bound to report a violation of the University Honor Code; Every member of the University community is expected to be familiar with the Honor Code

Interpretation of the Honor Code History. The University Honor Code originated within the Senate of the Student Government Association and was adopted by students in a general referendum, by the faculty (April 17, 1997), by the Administrative Council, and by the Board of Trustees. Revisions were approved by SGA faculty in Spring 2009 and again, Spring, 2010. Authority. Although the University Honor Code cannot exist without the involvement of faculty and staff, the University Honor Code was created by students and shall be maintained and enforced by the Judicial Board of the Student Government Association. The jurisdiction of the High Point University extends to all students regardless if the conduct occurs on University premises, off University premises, or at Universitysponsored activities. The focus is on the conduct that adversely affects, or is detrimental to, the University community and/or the pursuit of its objectives, which can

occur anywhere. A student will be subject to this Code for any action that violates this Code. Third parties include: contractors, vendors, visitors, guests or other third parties. This Policy pertains to acts of Prohibited Conduct committed by or against Students, Employees and Third Parties when: • the conduct occurs on campus or property owned or controlled by the University; • the conduct occurs in the context of a University employment or educational program or activity, including, but not limited to, University-sponsored study abroad, research, on-line, or internship programs; or • the conduct occurs outside the context of a University employment or educational program or activity, but has continuing adverse effects on or creates a hostile environment for students, employees or third-parties while on campus or University property owned or controlled by the University or in any employment or education program or activity


Pledge. A condition of acceptance of an offer of admission from High Point University is to agree to abide by the University Honor Code. Professors may ask students to sign the following pledge: On my honor, I have abided by the High Point University Honor Code. Definitions. For purposes of interpreting the University Honor Code, the following definitions shall apply: Cheating. Cheating includes, but is not limited to the following: • the use of unauthorized information during testing or examination; • the submission, in whole or in part, of the ideas or work of another as one’s own; • completing academic work for another student who later submits said work, in whole or in part, as his/her own; • submission of the same or similar work in two or more classes without the approval of the instructor(s) involved. Collusion. Collusion includes, but is not limited to the following: • agreements or conspiracies entered into for fraudulent purposes; • discussing or otherwise describing the content of a test or examination with a student who will take a similar examination in the same course at a later period; • forgery for purposes of deception. Plagiarism. Plagiarism involves the representation of someone else’s work (whether written, visual or performative) as your own. In written work, this can

include quoting or paraphrasing sources without proper acknowledgment. For the visual or performing arts, this can include the extensive copying of someone else’s art, design or performance without recognition of their contribution. Plagiarism is subject to an honor court violation and is defined as submitting work without either intent or attempt to document or credit any of the following: • part or all of written or spoken statements derived from sources, such as books, the Internet, magazines, pamphlets, speeches, or oral statements; • part or all of written or spoken statements derived from files maintained by individuals, groups, or campus organizations; • the sequence of ideas, arrangement of material, or pattern of thought of someone else, even though you express such processes in your own words. Property violations. Property violations include, but are not limited to the following: • appropriation (see University Conduct Code); • the misappropriation of patents, copyrights, trademarks, or computer software; • securing information from the Internet or similar sources without paying the required fees or royalties, where prescribed; • the destruction or corruption of information technologies intended for common use; • the destruction or corruption of library resources; • forgery for purposes of theft.

NOTE: Plagiarism does not include patch writing which is an over reliance on sources, which have been cited and acknowledged, rather than the student’s own words. Consequences of patch writing or other errors are subject to the instructor’s determination within an individual course but not a subject of an honor court violation


Responsibilities and Rights of Students Because a University cannot perform its proper function in the absence of academic integrity and social responsibility and because you are a member of this University community, you are expected to do all of the following: • demonstrate academic integrity personally; • confront violations of the University Honor Code; • notify instructors when you believe that violations have occurred, regardless of whether or not you choose to identify the suspected offenders or yourself. Academic Integrity. By practicing these guidelines, you can help assure that you will not be suspected of academic dishonesty: • when material is quoted, use quotation marks or indentation as appropriate to the style you are using; • where material is paraphrased, be sure to acknowledge the author and source and that the wording is distinctly different from the original source because you will have plagiarized if you use any word order and/or grammatical structure original with the author of the source, except where material is indented or placed in quotation marks; • do not take dictionaries, notes, textbooks or cell phones into the classroom during a test without the consent/direction of the instructor; • be sure that notes and texts are closed and out of sight during quizzes; • do not communicate with other students during a test or quiz; • do not discuss the content of a test or examination with a student who is scheduled to take a similar test or

examination in a different section of the same course. Notification. Often faculty are not aware when students cheat in their classes. Although the University Honor Code does not require students to identify persons suspected of violating the code, it does require students to advise their instructor when they have reason to believe that violations have occurred. Faculty will be in a better position to help reduce violations if they are aware that violations may be occurring. Duty to Report. Students are required to report suspected violations directly to the instructor, their adviser, the Senior Vice President for Student Life, Associate Vice President for Student Life, or the Assistant Vice President for Student Life; however, the student accuser may request anonymity. Original Jurisdiction. Violations of the University Honor Code may be academic or non-academic in nature: Academic Violations. If you are suspected of academic violations of the University Honor Code, the instructor will meet with you to discuss the charges. If, after the conference, the instructor concludes that the charges have merit, (s)he may (1) adjudicate the case directly, (2) refer the case to the University Honor Court through the Office of Student Life. Before meeting with you to discuss the charges and options, the instructor will check your file in the Office of Student Life to determine whether prior sanctions have been imposed for violations of the University Honor Code. If the instructor concludes that the charges have merit and prior sanctions have been imposed for violations of the University Honor Code, the case will be referred directly to the University Honor Court.


Non-academic Violations. In cases involving non-academic violations of the University Honor Code, the Senior Vice President for Student Life, Associate Vice President for Student Life, or the Assistant Vice President for Student Life may (1) adjudicate the case directly, (2) assign the case to the University Honor Court, or (3) allow the student to choose between the two options. Typically the case will be assigned directly to the University Honor Court if prior sanctions have been imposed for violations of the University Honor Code. Process of Adjudication If you are suspected of violating the University Honor Code, the following procedures shall apply: 1. your instructor (or the Senior Vice President for Student Life, Associate Vice President for Student Life, or the Assistant Vice President for Student Life where cases involve non-academic violations of the University Honor Code) will check your file in the Office of Student Life to determine whether you have been sanctioned previously for violating the University Honor Code; 2. your instructor (or the Senior Vice President for Student Life, Associate Vice President for Student Life, or the Assistant Vice President for Student Life where cases involve non-academic violations of the University Honor Code) will meet with you to discuss the issue; a. after this conference, if you do not accept responsibility for the alleged incident, the case will go directly to the Honor Court; b. in the case of a first offense, if you accept responsibility, the instructor (or the Senior Vice President for Student Life, Associate Vice President for Student Life, or the Assistant Vice President for Student Life) (1) may adjudicate the case


directly; (2) may refer the case to the University Honor Court; or (3) may allow you to choose between the two options; c. if you have previously been sanctioned for violating the University Honor Code, and your instructor (or the Senior Vice President for Student Life, Associate Vice President for Student Life, or the Assistant Vice President for Student Life where cases involve non-academic violations of the University Honor Code) concludes that charges have merit, the case will be referred to the University Honor court; 3. in any event, the case must be referred to the University Honor Court if the instructor believes that sanctions greater than failure in a course should be considered; 4. if the case is referred to the University Honor Court, the Office of Student Conduct shall schedule a hearing; 5. when a case is referred to the University Honor Court, conduct procedures, as delineated for cases involving original jurisdiction, shall apply. Sanctions Academic Violations. The following sanctions shall be imposed for violations of the University Honor Code, with the understanding that where extenuating circumstances exist, sanctions may be probated: NOTE: A student cannot withdraw from a class while an Honor Code violation is pending. First Infraction. At a minimum, a student who violates the University Honor Code shall receive the grade zero (0) on the assignment; at a maximum, the student shall receive an F in the course. Where sanctions are imposed,

whether by the instructor, by the Senior Vice President for Student Life, Associate Vice President for Student Life, the Assistant Vice President for Student Life, or by the University Honor Court, an Honor Code Incident Report must be filed with the office of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. Second Infraction. At a minimum, the student shall receive the grade F(H) in the course; at a maximum, the student shall be suspended for the semester. Other sanctions, such as but not limited to community service, may be imposed at the discretion of the Honor Court. In the event that the student is suspended for the semester, (s) he shall receive the grade F(H) in the course where the infraction occurred. In other courses, the student shall receive the grade W. An Honor Code Incident Report must be filed with the office of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. With all 2nd infractions, an educational citation workshop will be mandated; the University library professional staff will provide this workshop. Third Infraction. At a minimum, the student shall be suspended for the semester; at a maximum, the student shall be expelled from the University. Other sanctions, such as but not limited to community service, may be imposed at the discretion of the Honor Court. In the event that the student is suspended for the semester, (s)he shall receive the grade F(H) in the course where the infraction occurred. In other courses, the student shall receive the grade W. An Honor Code Incident Report must be filed with the office of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. Non-academic Violations. Where violations of the University Honor Code are nonacademic in nature, the possible sanctions shall be the same as those which may be imposed for violations of the University Conduct Code.

Special Notices Academic Forgiveness. In the event that a student repeats a course at High Point University which (s)he previously failed for violations of the University Honor Code, both the “F” or “FH” and the repeat grade will be computed in the grade-point average, with the result that the repeat policy does not apply. Appeals. Disciplinary sanctions imposed by the instructor, by the Senior Vice President for Student Life, Associate Vice President for Student Life, the AAssistant Vice President for Student Life, or by the University Honor Court may be appealed to the Executive Committee of the University. All appeals must be made using the following link: https://publicdocs. maxient.com/reportingform. php?HighPointUniv&layout_id=8. A basis for the appeal must be clearly stated, and evidence in support of the appeal must be included in the appeal. Appeals are limited to 1,500 words including attachments. Grounds for the appeal must meet one or more of the requirements below as well as be clearly and concisely stated and all relevant information substantiating the grounds for appeal should be included. The following constitute appropriate grounds for appeal: 1. Newly discovered information has been obtained that was not previously available during the investigation or hearing process through the exercise of due diligence and the newly discovered information would materially affect the outcome; and/or 2. Significant procedural irregularity which materially affected the outcome; and/or 3. Sanctions issued do not fit the offense as provided in the High Point University Student Guide to Campus Life.


Dissatisfaction with the hearing outcome is not a valid basis for appeal. In addition, appeals are not intended to be a rehearing of the matter. The scope of the appeal will be limited to the grounds for appeal included in the written appeal submissions. In any request for an appeal, the burden of proof lies with the party requesting the appeal, because the outcome will be presumed to have been decided reasonably and appropriately. The Senior Vice President for Student Life, Associate Vice President for Student Life, Assistant Vice President for Student Life, and/or Assistant Director of Student Conduct will assess the written appeal to determine whether it is timely filed, based on permissible grounds, and in compliance with word count limitations. If it is determined that the written appeal does not meet any of these criteria, the appeal will be denied without review by the Executive Committee.Once an appeal is received and determined to meet the criteria for filing an appeal, the Executive Committee may, at its discretion, choose to hold a meeting, or it may decide the matter based on the written submissions. If the Executive Committee decides to conduct a meeting, the appellant may be invited to attend the meeting. The Executive Committee’s role is limited to reviewing the hearing record and the information presented in the appeal with one exception: if the appeal raises procedural errors, the Executive Committee may, if necessary to resolve the appeal, interview the investigator and/ or a representative from the Office of Student Life at any meeting to gather more information about the alleged procedural error(s). After reviewing all written appeal submissions and the written outcome of the hearing panel, the Executive Committee may: (1) affirm the outcome; (2) return the matter to the hearing panel


with instructions to reconvene to cure a procedural error, call witness(es), or consider newly discovered evidence and to assess the weight and impact of newly discovered information or reassess not previously considered information; (3) where deemed necessary by the Executive Committee, convene a hearing before a newly constituted hearing panel to rehear the matter; change the sanctions. Decisions by the Executive Committee are by a majority vote of Executive Committee members present and participating in the appeal consideration. The outcome of the Executive Committee will be made in writing to the appellant within fifteen (15) business days of the meeting or, if no meeting was convened, within fifteen (15) business days from when all written appeal submissions were received. The decision of the Executive Committee is final. The Executive Committee of the University serves as the University’s committee of final appeal. If a student is suspended through the conduct/academic process for any amount of time they are not eligible to transfer coursework in from another institution. Records. When sanctions are imposed by the instructor, by the Senior Vice President for Student Life, Associate Vice President for Student Life, the Assistant Vice President for Student Life, or by the University Honor Court for violations of the University Honor Code, a report must be filed in the Office of the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs. A copy of the form must be sent to the student and to the instructor in cases where the instructor has referred the student to the University Honor Court. This form will be kept in the student’s file for a period of time not to exceed six years after the student separates from the University.

High Point University Honor/Conduct Court If a case is assigned to the University Honor/Conduct Court, the student and faculty justices of HPU will convene a meeting of the court. The court will consist of the appropriate members based on the type of court or board which is convened in accordance with the following structures. No student is allowed to have legal representation present at any of the conduct court/hearing boards at High Point University. All hearings are closed proceedings.

A student will meet with a representative of the University to discuss any violations as related to the Guide to Campus Life.During this meeting referred to as an administrative hearing, the student can take responsibility for the violation or they can elect to attend one of the student court options described below.

Each justice has a voice and vote in the decision making process with the exception of the hearing chair who will only vote in the case of a tie. The Attorney General, or an appropriate designee, will serve as hearing officer.

If a student elects or is sent to attend any type of court/hearing they will have the option to be guided through the process of preparing for court. The goal of scheduling court is to have the proceeding in the semester in which the violation occurred.After court is held, the student has five days to appeal the decision to the Executive Committee. The decision of the Executive Committee is final.

An Honor Court is convened for the purpose of adjudicating alleged violations of the Honor Code and is comprised of:

Conduct Court A Conduct Court is convened for the purpose of adjudicating alleged violations of the Code of Conduct, Social Regulations, Civility Regulations or University Policies. In cases that are deemed priority and not related to Title IX or VAWA policies but have both a reporting and responding party present, the script will be adjusted to accommodate those violations. The board is and is comprised of: • SGA Judicial Vice President, or an appropriate designee, serving as the hearing chair • 2 Student Justices • 2 Faculty Justices

Honor Court

• SGA Judicial Vice President, or an appropriate designee, serving as the hearing chair • 2 Student Justices • 2 Faculty/Staff Justices Each Justice has a voice and vote in the decision making process with the exception of the hearing chair who will only vote in the case of a tie. The Attorney General, or an appropriate designee, will serve as hearing officer. Sanctions Only Court A Sanctions Only Court is convened for the purpose of deciding the appropriate sanctions for a violation of the Code of Conduct, Social Regulations, Civility Regulations or University Policies which a student has accepted responsibility for and is comprised of: • SGA Judicial Vice President, or an appropriate designee, serving as the hearing chair


• 1 Faculty/Staff Justice • 1 Student Justice Each justice has a voice and vote in the decision making process. The Attorney General, or an appropriate designee, will serve as hearing officer. Sanction Review Committee A Sanction Review Committee is convened for the purpose of considering the early dismissal of a sanction of “disciplinary probation” after a student has successfully completed at least one semester of probation. The committee is comprised of: • SGA Judicial Vice President, or an appropriate designee, serving as the hearing chair • 1 Faculty/Staff Justice


• 1 Associate Justice Each justice has a voice and vote in the decision making process. An appropriate staff member from the Office of Student Life will serve as the hearing officer. IFC Judicial Board The IFC shall be a self-governing organization with an independent Judicial Committee which shall have jurisdiction over cases involving alleged Member Fraternity violations, including but not limited to: A. The IFC Constitution, Bylaws, Code of Conduct, and other policies. B. The rules and regulations of High Point University. C. The general values-based conduct of fraternity men.

Member organizations should refer to the IFC Judicial Code for detailed information regarding the IFC Judicial Process. Member organizations are subject to adjudication by the University Conduct Process when appropriate. Title IX Hearing Board A Title IX Hearing Board is convened for the purpose of adjudicating sexual misconduct cases and is comprised of: • 3 Faculty Justices Each justice has a voice and vote in the decision-making process. Support. The reporting and responding parties are each allowed to have an adviser(s) in a support role during any related meeting or proceeding. This person cannot be a witness in the hearing. This person(s) is not allowed to address the board. The sole role of this person(s) is to provide support to the respective student. An adviser must maintain confidentiality regarding any and all communications in the process. An advisor can be anyone of the student’s choosing including an attorney, family member, or a student may choose an advisor from a pool of trained staff. The list of trained advisors will be provided to the reporting and responding parties. Witnesses (role). Witnesses should not be ‘character witnesses’ and should have actual information regarding the incident in question. An attempt to facilitate participation in the Title IX Hearing Board via phone and/or video call will be made. Witnesses and Evidence Prior to the scheduled date and time of the Title IX Hearing Board, the reporting and responding parties will be given the opportunity to provide a list of witnesses and any additional information. The list of

witness and additional information, such as written statements or evidence, must be submitted at least 3 days prior to the Title IX Hearing Board. Information received past the 3-day deadline will not be permitted. You can submit information regarding the incident any time between the initial report and up to 3 days prior to the scheduled hearing board. Reporting. All reports used in any conduct court proceeding are redacted to be consistent with section 444 of the General Education Provisions Act commonly known as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). Explanatory Notes: Term of Office • The term for faculty/staff justices is a staggered 3-year term • The term for student justices is until they graduate but no more than 3 years Voting Requirements • Two board members must be present at any hearing Voting Matter • In case of a tie, the deciding vote will be cast by the Senior Vice President for Student Life, Assistant Vice President for Student Life, or the Assistant Director of Student Conduct. Jurisdiction • These courts/boards are for the adjudication of allegations against both individuals and organizations. If the organization is a part of a governing body other than HPU SGA, the organization may be adjudicated by their respective governing board as well.


Academic Calendar FALL SEMESTER Faculty Seminars Freshmen Arrive St Opening Convocation Sn Upperclassmen Arrive Sn Academic Orientation/Common Experience Activity M Drop/Add/Late Registration M Classes Begin (Day) Tu Last day to add courses M Last day to drop without record M Admissions Fall Open House St Family Weekend F-Sn Homecoming F-Sn Admissions Fall Open House M Mid-Term W Fall Break Begins (end of classes) F Fall Break Ends (7:00a.m.) M Last day to drop with a W grade F Admissions Fall Open House St Registration Begins Tu Admissions Fall Open House St Thanksgiving Holiday Begins (after classes) Tu Thanksgiving Holiday Ends (7:00 a.m.) M Last Class Day of Semester T Reading Day W Exams Begin Th Exams End W

2018 Week of August 13 – 17 August 18 August 19 August 19 August 20 August 20 August 21 August 27 August 27 September 15 September 21-23 October 5 – 7 October 8 October 10 October 12 October 22 October 26 October 27 November 13 November 17 November 20 November 26 December 4 December 5 December 6 December 12

HIGH POINT FURNITURE MARKET: October 13 – 17, 2018 and April 6 – 10, 2019

SPRING SEMESTER Orientation for New Students (Day) Late Registration (Day) Classes Begin (Day) Martin Luther King Day (no classes) Last day to add a course Last day to drop without record Family Weekend Presidential Scholars Weekend Presidential Scholars Weekend Mid-Term Mid-Semester Break Begins (end of classes) Mid-Semester Break Ends (7:00 a.m.) Last day to drop with a W grade Freshman Orientation (two day event) Freshman Orientation Admitted Student Day Admissions Spring Open House Good Friday (No Classes) Easter Monday (No Classes) All University Honors Program (evening of ) Freshman Orientation (two day event) Freshman Orientation Admissions Spring Open House Last Class Day of Semester Reading Day Exams Begin Exams End Baccalaureate Commencement MAY TERM 2019: May 13  –  June 7 SUMMER SESSIONS 2019:* Session I: June 3 –  June 28 (**Session II will INCLUDE Saturday, July 13)

Sn M T M T T F-Sn F-St F-St W F M F F St Th Th F M W F St St T W Th W F St

January 13 January 14 January 15 January 21 January 22 January 22 February 1-3 February 8-9 February 22-23 March 6 March 8 March 18 March 22 March 22 March 23 March 30 April 18 April 19 April 22 April 24 April 26 April 27 April 30 May 27 May 1 May 2 May 8 May 10 May 11

Session II: July 1 –  July 26

*High Point University reserves the right to change this calendar without notice or obligation.



Alcohol and Controlled Substance Policies As an institution related to The United Methodist Church, High Point University recommends abstinence with regard to the recreational use of alcohol, tobacco, and other controlled substances. Furthermore, the University expects all students to comply with federal, state, and local laws related to the use of alcoholic beverages, narcotics, and other drugs. The standards and expectations in this section apply equally to individuals and organizations. The Guide to Campus Life is reviewed annually. The guidelines become effective on July 1 of each year or the beginning of Summer Experience, whichever date is earlier in the year.

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act. The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 requires that educational institutions publicize local, state, and federal consequences for the unlawful possession or distribution of alcohol or illegal drugs and that they provide information descriptive of health risks associated with substance abuse. Although summaries contained herein constitute good-faith efforts to provide information mandated by federal law and although portions of the summaries were provided by the federal government, High Point University does not guarantee that they are error-free or exhaustive. Substance Education and Prevention. The purpose of Substance Education and Prevention at High Point University is to increase knowledge of the effects and risks around substance use while assisting students in increasing awareness of their own substance use patterns. Through educational campaigns, workshops, programming and various methods of intervention, we hope that students are able to explore their behaviors and identify potential barriers to an overall growth mindset. We consider substance use assessments and substance education groups to be a part of our prevention education

philosophy. Although we do not require that students engage in Counseling services supports the work of the Office of Student Conduct by offering students the choice to complete their mandated substance assessments through HPU Counseling Services. This option allows students to establish a relationship with Counseling Services, complete the assessment on campus (as opposed to seeking off campus resources), gain education on substance use issues and learn more about their overall patterns of use. Participation in the mandated substance education groups, offered throughout the semester, gives an additional opportunity for students to gain knowledge about substance use issues. With proper consent from the student, only the completion status of the assessment and/or group is shared with the Office of Student Conduct. All information shared in session is protected by state laws of confidentiality. General Policy. The University prohibits the unlawful possession of alcohol and controlled substances by students, faculty, and staff either on University property or at any Universitysponsored activity. This prohibition extends to activities sponsored by groups or organizations related to the University;


and it extends to off-campus professional activities, including professional conferences, where attendance by faculty, staff, or students is sponsored, wholly or in part, by the University or by organizations related thereto. Furthermore, the University reserves the right to discipline members of the University community who, in other situations, whether on campus or off, are found to be in violation of federal, state, and local laws related to the use of controlled substances. General Sanctions. High Point University will impose disciplinary sanctions ranging from admonition to expulsion where members of the University community violate the University policy involving controlled substances. Where members of the University community are charged with such offenses, cases may also be referred to federal, state, or municipal agencies. In addition, the University reserves the right to impose sanctions, up to and including expulsion or termination, where members of the University community are found to be guilty of violating federal, state, or local laws involving controlled substances even where the activity was not Universityrelated on campus. Parental/guardian notification of the violation and sanction will be made for any violation involving alcohol or controlled substances such as narcotics or other drugs. In addition to sanctions imposed for the misuse of controlled substances, disciplinary action will be taken for misconduct which results from the misuse of alcohol other. Members of the High Point University community also will be held accountable for damages which result from misconduct. Conditions of continuation or readmission, where allowed, may include the completion of an appropriate treatment program or inpatient care approved by the Office of Student Life


in conjunction with Counseling Services, and/or a behavior agreement for a specified duration. Acute. Even low doses of alcohol may have acute effects: (1) most vehicular accidents among persons aged 15 to 24 are related to drinking; (2) aggressive acts, such as abuse of family/friends and acquaintance rape, are almost always related to alcohol abuse; (3) mental functions may be impaired, making it difficult for a person to process and remember information. High doses of alcohol can cause respiratory depression and death. If combined with other depressants of the central nervous system, much lower doses may produce similar effects. Chronic. Repeated use of alcohol can lead to dependence, in which case sudden cessation of alcohol intake is likely to produce withdrawal symptoms, including severe anxiety, tremors, hallucinations, and convulsions. Alcohol withdrawal can be life-threatening. Long-term consumption of large quantities of alcohol, particularly when combined with poor nutrition, can also lead to permanent damage to vital organs, such as the brain and the liver. Some studies suggest that brain cells are actually destroyed permanently by high levels of alcohol. Tips for Identifying Alcohol-Related Emergencies: CRITICAL SIGNS FOR ALCOHOL POISONING INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: • Unconscious or semiconscious • Breathing less than 10 times per minute or irregular breathing • Cold, clammy, pale or bluish skin

• Can’t be awakened by pinching, prodding or shouting • Vomiting without waking up Know the danger signs. Do not wait for all symptoms to be present and be aware that a person who has passed out may die. Rapid binge drinking is especially dangerous because the person can ingest a fatal dose before becoming unconscious. If there is any suspicion of an alcohol overdose, call 911 immediately. Do not try to guess the level of drunkenness on your own. Effects of Alcohol Abuse. Even minimal consumption of alcohol may affect behavior, but the abuse of alcohol ordinarily has acute or chronic effects. AlcoholEdu. The Office of Student Life recognizes that alcohol and substance use is a rising issue nationally for students at the college level. With this concern in mind, the Office of Student Life will provide all students with a preemptive initiative that educates students about alcohol, its effects, and making well-informed decisions. This program, called AlcoholEdu, is an online preventative alcohol education program that will assist in creating an educational and comfortable living-learning environment for students within their campus community. AlcoholEdu’s method works to do the following for students: • Motivates positive behavior change

Alcohol Recognizing that alcohol creates some of the most serious social problems in our society and that the use thereof causes pain and/or death to countless numbers of persons each year, the University recommends abstinence with regard to the use of alcoholic beverages. Cognizant of the availability of and misuse of alcohol in this secular and pluralistic society, the University seeks to inform students about laws governing the use of alcohol; to discourage the illegal use and abuse of alcohol, whether on campus or off; and to educate persons who either misuse alcohol or enable other persons to misuse alcohol. Note: Parents and/or guardians will be notified of all student warnings, infractions, or offenses associated with alcohol. Alcohol Policies Failure to Enforce University Policy, University Recommendations, or North Carolina General Statutes. Where organizations fail to enforce University policies, University recommendations, or legal statutes involving the distribution, possession, or use of alcohol, sanctions ranging from a warning up to suspension or expulsion of the organization may be imposed. Where appropriate, municipal authorities and/or the national headquarters’s recognition of the organization may be notified.

• Helps students practice safer decisionmaking

University Policy. The University expects members of the University community to abide by state laws governing the use of alcohol; and, therefore, it prohibits the use of alcohol by persons who are younger than 21 either on campus or at Universityrelated events.

• Engages students to create a healthier campus community

Although the University does not sanction the use of alcohol, and except as indicated,

• Resets unrealistic expectations about the effects of alcohol • Links choices about drinking to academics and personal success


students who are 21 years old or older may consume alcohol in their rooms or house, provided they do so in a responsible manner. In the event that alcohol is discovered in a student’s room who is under 21, the alcohol will be disposed of and additional sanctions will be imposed. Special attention to the following: • Alcohol, whether in original or subsequent to the original containers and regardless of student’s age, may not be publically displayed on campus; • Where the use of alcohol results in behavior which is disruptive, disrespectful, destructive, loud, or threatening, sanctions up to and including exclusion or termination may be imposed. • Alcohol may not be used as an award or trophy for any event or program of the University or by any University organization, group, or individual. • When an individual resides with residents who are under the age of 21, alcohol must not be present in common areas, such as the living room, bathroom, kitchen or cabinets. If alcohol is found in the common areas, the alcohol will be disposed of and additional sanctions will be imposed. • Students who are under the age of 21 are not permitted to be in the presence of alcohol on campus. • Students are not permitted to possess alcohol paraphernalia including, but not limited to: beer bongs or funnels, tables that a reasonable person would believe is being utilized for drinking games, or any container or device specifically used to consume alcoholic beverages. • Common large volume containers, such as kegs, are not allowed on campus or at any organization function off campus. Owners


may be charged with distribution. Distribution is not limited to directly providing alcohol to minors but also includes creating an environment in which minors consume. • Evidence of games leading to rapid consumption of alcohol such as beer pong, flip cup, etc. are prohibited. University Sanctions. Although sanctions are assigned to match the seriousness of the offense, the following sanctions are typical for possession, consumption, presence, or distribution of alcoholic beverages in violation of University policy and serve as a guide for adjudication. Hearing officials may allocate sanctions as they deem appropriate based on the nature of the incident. Off-campus events. Although the University ordinarily is not in a position to police offcampus events, it should be understood that any person or any group of persons who aids or abets others in securing alcohol may be liable not only for aiding or abetting but also for personal injuries or property damages resulting from misconduct by those who are intoxicated. Organizations and officers of such organizations may also have such liabilities and are required to complete the Off-Campus Third Party Vendor Event Contract. Therefore, in part because they are intended to help persons or groups avoid such liabilities, it behooves individuals, groups of individuals, or organizations to comply with the following guidelines. Furthermore, should it become evident that individuals, groups of individuals, or organizations who/which are members of the University are unlawfully furnishing alcoholic beverages to persons who are not of the legal drinking age or using alcohol in games or as prizes, such individuals, groups of individuals or organizations may be subject to stern disciplinary action by the University. Such action may include the withdrawal of the organizational charter or the expulsion or termination of individuals. For legal and/or moral reasons, the following

guidelines should apply wherever alcohol is available at off-campus events: • alcohol should not be provided by organizations or individuals to persons not known to be 21 years old, or older; • the sale of alcohol should be prohibited unless the distributor is licensed by state or local authorities; • the use of common containers of alcoholic beverages, such as kegs, large bottles, punch bowls, trash cans, ice tubs, refrigerators, et cetera, by undergraduates should be prohibited; • common containers including but not limited to beer balls, kegs, containers of mixed punch of any kind, or any quantity of alcohol available without restriction are not permitted. • the use of pure grain alcohol by individuals or organizations should be prohibited; • the use of alcoholic beverages in games should be strictly prohibited; • the use of alcoholic beverages as a prize should be strictly prohibited; • individuals, groups of individuals, or organizations who influence excessive and/or harmful consumption of alcohol through games, peer pressure, subterfuge, or other activities should know that they are subject to stern disciplinary action both by the University and by external authorities; • alcohol should not be available where fewer than 25 percent of the persons present are 21 years of age or older; • any organization or group of individuals which sponsors an event where alcohol is available should provide alternative food and beverages during the duration of time when alcohol is available. • any individual, group of individuals, or organization which sponsors an event where alcohol is available should consider

the effects, including noise and parking, upon the community where the offcampus event is scheduled: Specifically, such events should not be scheduled where noise pollutes residential communities or where people park on private property other than that of the hosts; • litter should not be allowed to accumulate, even temporarily; • any chartered organization which allows alcohol at any off-campus event must designate a Risk Management Officer at the beginning of each academic year. This officer must participate in an Alcohol Awareness Session and must provide all members of the organization with information about local, state, and federal statutes; University policies; and possible sanctions for the violations thereof; • organizations or groups sponsoring or hosting social events on or off campus are responsible for the actions of all members and guests during and sometime following a social event. All groups must follow all University, local, state, and federal laws, including any policy set forth by a governing body or inter/national organization. When policies conflict, the organization is to use the stricter policy for enforcement. All organizations must file the appropriate paperwork with the Office of Student Life by the deadline set forth in the social policy determined by the type of event being hosted. Social events may only occur on Friday or Saturday nights between 10:00 pm and 2:00 am on weekends approved by the Office of Student Life. Additionally, fraternities may host alcohol-free events on approved Sundays between 12:00 pm and 1:00 am and on approved Mondays through Thursdays between 5:00 pm and 1:00 am. Social events may not conflict with University wide sponsored events. Hosting


social events is a privilege. Violating any policies or laws will result in the case being adjudicated and sanctions by the governing council of the organization. General Policies For On and Off Campus Events • All organizations events with alcohol must be registered Non-Greek Organizations: http://www.highpoint.edu/ studentactivities/offcampuseventform/ Greek Organizations On Campus: http:// www.highpoint.edu/greeklife/fraternitys-form/ Greek Organizations Off Campus: http:// www.highpoint.edu/greeklife/off-campussocial-event-registration/. • Only fraternities may host events with alcohol in their houses in the Greek Village. • Events with alcohol may only take place between 10:00 p.m. Friday and 2:00 a.m. Sunday and may not exceed a five (5) hour time limit. • Organizations are not approved to host social functions on or off campus during the week of academic finals. • No events with alcohol may occur during weekdays/nights. • No organization may register more than one event with alcohol on any given day. • No organization funds may be used to purchase alcohol. • No collection of funds from organization members shall be used to purchase alcohol • No collection of organization members shall purchase alcohol for, provide alcohol or sell alcohol to minors. • The purchase or use of bulk quantities of alcohol including, but not limited to kegs, party balls, pony kegs and common container sources is prohibited. • Alcohol with one hundred (100) proof and above is prohibited.


• Event monitors must be sober throughout the event and for a period not less than six (6) hours prior to the event. On Campus Event Registration Monday prior to the event • The organization must complete the Social Event Registration Form (aka SForm). • This form is found online at www.highpoint.com.greeklife/fraternitys-form/. • The Social Event Registration Form must include the names of the event monitors for the event. • For a social held on campus, there must be a minimum of eight (8) event monitors. • At least one of the event monitors must be a member of the chapter’s Executive Council and shall be designated the Chapter Lead Sober Monitor. • This individual must be specifically designated on the Social Event Registration Form. • A Mixer is defined as a social between two (2) fraternities and/or sororities. • The Event event form must be completed in it’s entirety by 5 p.m. on the Monday prior to the event. Thursday at 5pm • A final guest list must be uploaded via www.highpoint.edu/greeklife/socialevent- guest-list/. All who are expected in attendance must be on the guest list, including chapter members. For on campus social events, the guest list is limited to 250 people OR 200 people with 50 write in guests at the door. An on-campus social event can be closed down due to the following actions: • Hosting an event without approval or when instructed not to by the Office of Student Life. • Excessive noise, overcrowding of event

site, or repeated noise complaints. • Event monitors not being present, not sober, or not wearing appropriate identifying attire. • Underage students being served or drinking alcohol. • Failure to work with University officials to correct potential violations (i.e. not quieting down for noise, not disbursing a crowd when instructed to.) • Failure to follow BYOB regulations. • Insubordination, verbal or physical abuse toward University officials or High Point Police. • Verbal or physical fighting between members and/or guests. Alcohol Distribution. Upon the first offense, sanctions for selling alcohol illegally; for illegally distributing alcohol to individuals younger than 21 years of age or facilitating an environment for minors to consume typically include a fine not to exceed $175 for the first offense, substance education (as warranted), parental notification and disciplinary probation. Upon the second offense, students may be suspended from the University for one semester and pay a fine not to exceed $250. In addition, completion of a substance abuse assessment with a licensed clinician may be requisite to consideration for readmission. Assault/Abuse of Persons. Persons who abuse persons under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance should expect suspension or expulsion. At the discretion of the Assistant Vice President for Student Life, Assistant Director of Student Conduct, Senior Director of Student Life, Associate Vice President for Student Life, or Senior Vice President for Student Life, alternative sanctions may be imposed. Abuse of persons includes, but is not limited to, assault, battery, intimidation, and insubordination. Abuse/Destruction of Property. Persons who violate the property rights of others

while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance must make restitution. Typically, minimal sanctions for the first offense include a $100 fine and/or mandatory referral to the Office of Counseling Services. Sanctions may also include loss of campus housing, disciplinary probation, and referral to law enforcement agencies, suspension, or expulsion. Upon the second offense, students should expect suspension or expulsion from the University and referral to law enforcement agencies. Where extenuating circumstances exist, alternative sanctions may be imposed by the Assistant Vice President for Student Life, Assistant Director of Student Conduct, Senior Director of Student Life, Associate Vice President for Student Life, or Senior Vice President for Student Life. Public Drunkenness. Sanctions for typical offenses are the same as those listed for possession/consumption with the potential for additional charges. Driving while impaired (DUI/DWI). Sanctions can include a fine not to exceed $300, substance education, parental notification, disciplinary probation, parking privileges suspended for one semester. North Carolina General Statute: § 18B-102. All members of the University community are expected to comply with North Carolina statutes prohibiting the use of alcoholic beverages by persons younger than 21 years of age. Specifically, it is against the law: • to sell or give beer, wine, liquor, or mixed beverages to anyone who is younger than 21 years of age; • for a person younger than 21 years of age to purchase or possess beer, wine, liquor or mixed beverages; • to use fraudulent identification or to permit the use of one’s identification by another in order to obtain alcohol illegally.


N.C. Sanctions. Any person younger than 21 who aids or abets another in violation of the above regulations shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of up to $500, or imprisonment for up to six months, or both. Any person 21 years old or older who aids or abets another in violation of the above regulations shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of up to $2,000, or imprisonment, or both. Any person who aids or abets another in securing alcohol may be liable for personal injuries or property damages resulting from misconduct by those who are intoxicated. Organizations and officers of such organizations may also have such liabilities. Upon conviction, a report is sent to the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles. Any person convicted of violating the above regulations may automatically have his/her driver’s license revoked for a period of one year. Possession and/or Consumption. Sanctions for the first offense typically include completion of an alcohol prevention program, and parental notification. For the second offense, sanctions typically include a $100 fine, parental notification, and completion of AlcoholEdu, an online alcohol education program. If a third offense occurs, the fine will be $200, discipline probation, parental notification, completion of a substance abuse assessment with a licensed clinician and substance education. Further sanctions may include exclusion from campus, suspension, or expulsion. Presence of Alcohol. Knowingly remaining in the presence of alcohol in a residence hall room/suite while under the legal drinking age. Sanctions for the first offense range from a warning to a $50 fine. Additional referrals result in $50 increases to each repeated offense as well as additional substance education.


Medical Amnesty. High Point University embraces students helping one another and recognizes that the potential for disciplinary repercussions may present a barrier for reaching out for medical assistance of another student in alcohol or other drug related emergencies. As indicated in High Point University’s alcohol policy, the institution does not condone under-age drinking but recognizes it is occurring and this policy has been put into place for the well-being and safety of all of our students. Students with or observing a student requiring medical attention are expected to seek out that assistance. For assistance in these matters please contact security at 336-841-9112. Students receiving more than one medical amnesty in a calendar year may be referred to the Office of Student Life for further review. To qualify for medical amnesty— Three categories qualify for medical amnesty at High Point University: 1. Person in need of assistance—Students who receive medical attention related to use of alcohol or other drug related emergencies are eligible to receive medical amnesty. All students will be referred to the Office of Student Life and may be referred to resources on campus such as completion of a substance abuse assessment with a licensed clinician with Counseling Services, AlcoholEdu or substance education. If the conditions laid out are not met the student waives their right for medical amnesty and is subject to violations of the Code of Conduct. Sanctions for failing to comply with the conditions laid out will range from disciplinary probation to suspension. 2. Individuals present/called for assistance— Students or individuals that call for assistance on behalf of the individual in need also qualify for medical amnesty and may not receive sanctions.

However, depending on the severity of the situation, counseling services or substance education may be recommended. 3. Club or organization requesting assistance—Clubs and organizations hosting an event are required to seek assistance for individuals(s) experiencing an alcohol or drug related emergency. Medical amnesty for a club or organization is granted for that club or organization, not for the individuals. For individuals, they must meet the standards stated above. Organizations may be required to participate in educational programming as a result of medical amnesty. Students should note that the Medical Amnesty policy only provides amnesty from violations of the High Point University Code of Conduct. If any criminal, civil, or legal consequences regarding local, state or federal law develop from this incident this does not grant amnesty to those. Illegal Controlled Substances In compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, the University provides the following information descriptive of the effects of selected controlled substances and the types of sanctions which may be imposed either by the University or as a result of legal statutes. Although summaries contained herein constitute a good faith effort to provide information mandated by law, High Point University does not guarantee that they are error-free or exhaustive. University Policy. The illegal possession, use, manufacturing, or distribution or drugs or paraphernalia associated with drug use is prohibited.

Effects of Selected Drugs. The following is a summary of health risks associated with the use of certain controlled substances drugs. Although a part of the summary was provided by the federal government, High Point University does not guarantee that the summary is error-free or exhaustive. Marijuana. Marijuana and related compounds are ordinarily used to encourage relaxation or to produce an altered sense of reality. Marijuana is usually smoked, and it is toxic to the lungs. Disorders of memory, including loss of memory, and of mood, including apathy about life, school, or work, often occur in chronic users. Medical Marijuana. High Point University acknowledges that other states have different laws in regards to the medical and personal use of marijuana. However, the possession and use of marijuana is illegal under North Carolina and Federal regulations. Marijuana is considered a controlled substance. Students who are found in possession with or without medical document will be subject to full sanctions as outlined in the Guide to Campus Life. Cocaine (stimulant). Cocaine, crack, and related forms are usually used for stimulation or because they produce a sense of euphoria. All forms of cocaine are highly addictive, producing a habit that is extremely difficult to abandon. Criminal activity to support the habit often results. In some individuals, cocaine may produce fatal cardiac rhythm disturbances. Amphetamines (stimulants). Amphetamines and their derivatives, “crystal” and “ice,” are used for stimulation. These compounds are very addictive and may produce psychotic and violent behaviors.


LSD and PCP (hallucinogens). These chemicals are used to produce “altered states,” in an effort to escape reality. They are very dangerous and can cause psychosis. Valium, Barbiturates, et cetera (depressants). These and similar prescription drugs are ordinarily used for their sedative or hypnotic effects. Some of these drugs are highly addictive, and others can cause seizures (convulsions) in individuals who take them over long periods of time. Heroin, Codeine, et cetera (narcotics). These are some of the most addictive known substances. They produce a high or euphoria. Withdrawal can produce convulsions or even coma. Overdose is common and can result in death. Persons who use needles to support consumption are in a high-risk group for infection with human immunodeficiency virus, believed to be the cause of AIDS. Other. Many medications and drugs, including those which are prescribed for you, have the potential for abuse. As members of the University community, we are responsible not only for ourselves but also for each other. While they are not always related to substance abuse, the following traits often are related; and, regardless of the cause, they are ordinarily indicative of a need for help: • withdrawal from social situations;

• sad or forlorn expression; • lying; • poor classroom attendance; • dropping grades or poor work; • apathy or loss of interest. Positive Response. When negative behaviors, such as those listed above, become prevalent in persons you know, you should: • express concern and caring; • be ready to listen; • communicate a desire to help; • make concrete suggestions about finding help or coping with specific problems; • encourage the person to seek professional help; • ask for assistance from campus resources; • be persistent. Negative Response. When negative behaviors, such as those listed above, become manifest in persons you know, you should not: • take the situation lightly or as a joke; • be offended if the person tries to “put you off;” • take “I don’t have a problem” as an answer; • try to assist the person without asking for professional help;

• increased boredom or drowsiness;

• promote guilt feeling about grades, et cetera;

• change in personal appearance;

• gossip.

• change in friends; • a defeatist attitude (easily discouraged); • low frustration tolerance (outbursts); • violent behavior or vandalism; • terse replies to questions or conversation;


Resources. If you or a person you know is encountering difficulties because of substance abuse or other negative behaviors, you should seek help immediately. On Campus. You are encouraged to make an appointment with the Office of

Counseling Services. Offices are located on the 3rd floor of the John and Marsha Slane Student Center, or by email at counseling@ highpoint.edu. Controlled Substance Policies Illegal Consumption/Use. Any possession or use of controlled, prohibited, or illegal substances or use of (or intent to use) substances for purposes or in manners not as directed. Examples include but are not limited to: possession or use of illegal substances; possession or use of prescription

drugs without a valid/current medical prescription; use of prescribed medication not as directed (over-use, snorting prescribed medication, and the like); huffing, snorting, smoking or otherwise possessing or using legal substances not as intended. Substances such as JWH-018 (K2, “Spice”), salvia and pyrovalerone derivatives (found in substances marketed as “bath salts”) are not intended for human consumption and are prohibited for possession or use by any High Point University student.


Illegal Possession of Drugs. The illegal possession and/or use of any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, or other controlled substance by any person on University property or at University-related functions is prohibited. This includes medication that is in a student’s possession without a prescription or that is prescribed to another individual but is in the possession of another student. Sanctions. The minimum penalty for a first-time violation of the controlled substance policy for schedule IV – VI drugs as defined by as defined by North Carolina Statute (e.g. Marijuana, THC, Hashish, Hash Oil, and prescription pill misuse) will be a $350 fine, random drug testing for one semester, substance education and parental notification. A second violation for a controlled substance IV-VI will include a $500 fine, disciplinary probation for one semester, extended random drug testing for a semester, substance assessment, and parental notification. The minimum penalty for a first-time violation of a controlled substance policy for a schedule I- III drug as defined by North Carolina Statue (e.g. Cocaine, LSD, Crack, Meth, Heroine etc.) will be a $500 fine, random drug testing and disciplinary probation for one year, three-week substance education and parental notification. A second violation for controlled substance I-III will be suspension. Positive results from random drug testing will be considered a violation of probation and will be referred to the Assistant Vice President for Student Life. Presence of Controlled Substance. Knowingly remaining in the presence of a controlled substance while in a residence hall room/suite. Sanctions for the first offense range from a warning to a $50 fine. Additional referrals result in $50 increases to each repeated offense as well as


additional substance education. Illegal Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. The illegal possession and/or use of manufactured or homemade drug paraphernalia, including, but not limited to, roach clips, bongs, hookah pipes, grinders, pipes, or rolling papers, while on University property or while attending a University related function is prohibited. Sanctions. Sanctions for first offense include a fine not to exceed $200, online education and parental notification. Sanctions for a second offense include a fine not to exceed $350, and referral to substance education group, random drug testing, and parental notification. Additional sanctions, including, but not limited to fines, the loss of campus housing, or suspension, discipline probation may be imposed and parental notification will occur. Positive results from random drug testing will be considered a violation of probation and will be referred to the Assistant Vice President for Student Life. Illegal Distribution. The illegal distribution, delivery, or sale of any narcotic, hallucinogenic drug, prescription drug (with or without a valid prescription) or other controlled substance including drug paraphernalia while on University property or while attending a Universityrelated event is strictly prohibited. Sanctions. Members of the High Point University community who distribute illegal drugs should expect sanctions up to and including suspension or expulsion. Illegal Manufacturing. Manufacturing is defined as the production, preparation, or processing of any controlled substance by extracting the substance from its natural origin, by chemical processes, or other means. Manufacturing is also defined as the packaging or repackaging of a controlled substance or the labeling or relabeling

of the controlled substance’s container. The manufacturing of a counterfeit or a simulated substance includes the mixing, compounding, encapsulating, or tableting of the counterfeit or the simulated substance. Sanctions. Members of the High Point University community who manufacture controlled substance should expect sanctions up to and including suspension or expulsion. North Carolina Statutes. Article 5 of Chapter 90 of the North Carolina General Statutes makes it unlawful for any person to manufacture, sell, deliver, or possess with the intent to manufacture, sell or deliver drugs designated as “controlled substances.” Sanctions include terms of imprisonment and heavy fines. United States Statutes. It is a violation of federal law to possess, manufacture, or distribute a controlled substance. A student found responsible of possessing a controlled substance may be subject to some or all of the following sanctions under federal law. Portions of the summary which follows were provided by the federal government. Although the summary represents a goodfaith effort to provide information, High Point University does not guarantee that it is error-free or exhaustive. § 18 U.S.C. 922(g) Conviction: Ineligibility to receive or purchase a firearm. § 21 U.S.C. 844(a) First conviction: Imprisonment for up to one year, a fine of at least $1,000 but not more than $100,000, or both. After one prior drug conviction: Imprisonment for at least fifteen days but not more than two years, a fine of at least $2,500 but not more than $250,000, or both. After two or more prior drug convictions: Imprisonment for at least

ninety days but not more than three years, a fine of at least $5,000 but not more than $250,000, or both. See special sentencing provisions for possession of crack cocaine. § 21 U.S.C. 844(a) Civil fine of up to $10,000. § 21 U.S.C. 862(b) Denial of federal benefits, such as student loans, grants, contracts, and professional and commercial licenses, up to one year for first offense, up to five years for second and subsequent offenses. § 21 U.S.C. 853(a)2 and 881(a)7 Forfeiture of personal and real property used to possess or to facilitate possession of a controlled substance if that offense is punishable by more than one year imprisonment. See special sentencing provisions for the possession of crack cocaine. § 21 U.S.C. 881(a) Forfeiture of vehicles, boats, aircraft, or any other conveyance used to transport or conceal a controlled substance. [Vehicles may be impounded in cases involving any controlled substance in any amount.] Special sentencing provisions for possession of crack cocaine. Mandatory at least five years in prison, not to exceed twenty years, and fine of up to $25,000, or both, if (a) first conviction and the amount of crack possessed exceeds five grams; (b) second crack conviction and the amount of crack possessed exceeds three grams; (c) third or subsequent crack conviction and the amount of crack possessed exceeds one gram. Miscellaneous. Authorization to revoke certain federal licenses and benefits, e.g., pilot licenses, public housing tenancy, are vested within the authorities of individual federal agencies.


Title IX: Prohibiting Sex-Based Discrimination Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity. The U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights provides guidelines to ensure that schools take effective steps to respond to sexual harassment and sexual violence in accordance with the requirements of Title IX. The Director of Title IX, or designee, will support and provide information regarding options, grievance procedures, interim measures, and ongoing support via campus resources. The HPU community wants to take every opportunity to educate our community about proactive ways to prevent and address sexual violence. All students, incoming and returning community members, are required to view Sexual Assault Prevention-Undergraduate. Sexual Assault Prevention-Undergraduate is an online educational application geared toward educating all HPU students about issues associated with sexual assault and relationship violence, taking into account diverse perspectives and experiences.

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence by another member of the University community, you may report the incident(s) or file a complaint with the following: If the reporting party is a student, contact Student Life, Slane Center 3rd Floor: Megan Karbley, Director of Title IX 336-841-9457 mkarbley@highpoint.edu Gail Tuttle, Senior Vice President for Student Life, Deputy Director of Title IX 336-841-9231 gtuttle@highpoint.edu After normal business hours and weekends please call HPU Security at 336-841-9112, to reach the on call Deputy Title IX Coordinator. If the reporting party is faculty, staff and/ or applicant for employment, contact Human Resources, Roberts Hall 1st Floor:


Marc Sears, Director of Human Resources 336-841-9826 jsears@highpoint.edu DeAnna Milillo, Human Resources Manager 336-841-9217 dmilillo@highpoint.edu Definitions: Violations Of University Policy The following definitions outline the University’s prohibited conduct under Title IX. When an incident involving an allegation of Title IX against a student, the following definitions serve as potential charges or allegations. (for specific behavioral examples of each violation, please refer to the section under, “Warning Signs of Unhealthy Relationships and Abusive Behavior”)

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Referred to as dating or domestic violence, committed against a person by a spouse or former spouse, a cohabitant or former cohabitant with whom a romantic relationship has occurred, a person with whom they have a child, or a person with whom they have a previous or current dating, romantic, intimate, or sexual relationship. The existence of such a relationship shall be based on the reporting party’s statement and with consideration of the length of the relationship, the type of relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship. IPV is an action by a person towards the other that may include physical, sexual, psychological, and/or emotional harm to that person. It can also include verbal abuse, damage to their possessions or threats to harm them or their loved ones, which causes a reasonable person to be afraid. There is often a dynamic of power and control within the relationship. Non-Consensual Sexual Contact Non-consensual sexual contact is defined as: • any intentional sexual touching • however slight • with any object • by a person upon another person • that is without consent and/or by force Sexual touching includes, but is not limited to, any physical contact with the breasts, genitals, buttocks, mouth or other bodily orifice of another individual; (a) by another with any of the body parts listed above, or (b) making another touch you or themselves with or on any of the body parts listed above without consent. The non-consensual contact may also include any other physical contact completed for the specific purpose of sexual arousal or gratification.

Sexual Assault Sexual Assault is defined as: • any sexual penetration (anal, oral, or vaginal) • however slight • with any object • by a person upon another person • that is without consent and/or by force Sexual penetration includes, but is not limited to, vaginal or anal penetration by a penis, tongue, finger or object, or oral copulation by mouth to genital contact or genital to mouth contact. Sexual Misconduct Sexual Misconduct encompasses any unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature and can include the following: (a) Non-consensual viewing, recording, dissemination The privacy and dignity of all persons in the University community must be guarded. The following conduct is prohibited: • Observing or recording by any means the nudity or sexual activity of another without that person’s consent; • Allowing another to observe or record the nudity or sexual activity of another without the person’s consent; • Sharing images or recordings of the nudity or sexual activity of another without that person’s consent (b) Sexual Exploitation Sexual Exploitation occurs when one person takes non-consensual or abusive sexual advantage of another for their own advantage or benefit, or to benefit or advantage anyone other than the one being exploited, and that behavior does not otherwise constitute one of the other sexual policy offenses.


(c) Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment is a form of sex and/or gender-based discrimination which may include physical, verbal, nonverbal and/ or visual communication or written communication. Although what constitutes sexual harassment will vary with the particular circumstances, it is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and/or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Such conduct has the effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or abusive working or learning environment.

Sexual harassment is determined by the totality of the circumstances, including, but not limited to, the following: • The effect on the reporting party’s mental or emotional state • Whether the conduct was directed at more than one person • Whether the statement is an utterance of an epithet which is offensive, or offends by discourteousness or rudeness • Whether the speech or conduct deserves the protection of Academic Freedom or the First Amendment • The frequency of the offensive conduct • Its seriousness • Whether it is physically threatening or humiliating • The location of the conduct and the context in which it occurred • The degree to which the conduct affected the education or employment environment; and • The relationship between the parties


Some sexual harassment behaviors may also be stalking and/or sexual assault. Some conduct that may appear to be consensual may also be unacceptable and deemed harassment.

Stalking Stalking is a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for their safety. Stalking is repetitive and menacing behavior that includes the pursuit, following, harassing and/ or interfering with the peace and/or safety of another. This includes cyber-stalking which is a course of conduct in which a responding party uses electronic media, such as the internet, social networks, blogs, cell phones, or text messages to cause reasonable fear or emotional distress. For the purposes of this definition: Course of conduct means a pattern of behavior composed of two or more acts over any period of time including, but not limited to, acts which the stalker directly, indirectly, or through third parties, by any action, method, device, or means, follows, monitors, observes, surveils, threatens, or communicates to or about, a person, or interferes with a person’s property. • Reasonable person means a reasonable person under similar circumstances and with similar identities to the victim. • Substantial emotional distress means significant mental suffering or anguish that may, but does not necessarily, require medical or other professional treatment or counseling. Retaliation It is a violation of University policy to retaliate against any person making a complaint or cooperating with the investigation of a complaint of any form of sexual violence or policy that falls under the University’s Title IX policies. Retaliation can include, but is not limited to:

• Intimidation

for any of the following reasons:

• Threats

• The individual is unable to make an informed decision as a result of alcohol or other drugs (including but not limited to predatory drugs or prescribed medications); or

• Harassment or, • Other adverse action threatened or taken against a reporting party or third party If retaliation of any form is alleged to have occurred, it should be immediately reported to the Director of Title IX. Those reports can result in additional disciplinary action taken against the alleged student. Consent Consent is the positive cooperation in act or attitude pursuant to an exercise of free will. The person must act freely and voluntarily and have knowledge of the act or transaction involved. A current or previous dating or marital relationship shall not be sufficient to constitute consent. Consent must be informed. Consent is revocable. Consent to some form of sexual activity does not imply consent to other forms of sexual activity. Consent to sexual activity on one occasion is not consent to engage in sexual activity on another occasion. Consent must be ongoing throughout a sexual encounter and can be revoked at any time. Once consent is withdrawn, the sexual activity must stop immediately. Consent is not freely given if: • It is obtained through the use of force, through the fear of or the threat of force, intimidation, coercion, or by kidnap; or • A reasonable person in the position of the alleged responding party at the time the alleged conduct occurred should have known that the other person was unable to give consent

• The individual is unconscious, asleep, or suffering from shock; or • The individual is under the age of sixteen and therefore legally unable to give consent; or • The individual has a known mental disorder or developmental or physical disability, and therefore legally unable to give consent. • The individual has acted or spoken in a manner which expresses they refuse to give consent • Consent may not be assumed. If there is any ambiguity or confusion, a person involved should stop the activity and clarify and confirm consent. Coercion is the practice of forcing another party to act in an involuntary manner by use of intimidation or threats or some other form of pressure or force. Coercion may include the use of emotional manipulation to persuade someone to do something the person may not want to do. Being coerced into having sex or performing sexual acts is not consenting sex and may be considered sexual assault or non-consensual sexual contact. Incapacitation is the state where someone cannot make rational, reasonable decisions due to a lack of capacity to give knowing consent (e.g., to understand the “who, what, when, where, why, and how” of the sexual interaction). Sexual activity with someone who is, or based on circumstances should reasonably be known to be, mentally or physically incapacitated (i.e., by alcohol or other drug use) constitutes a violation of this


policy. A person whose incapacity results from mental disability, sleep, involuntary physical restraint, or from the consumption (voluntary or otherwise) of incapacitating drugs cannot give consent. Sanctions Sanctions are designed to hold students accountable for their actions and to protect the safety of the University community. If a finding of responsibility is made, the Title IX Hearing Board has determined consent was not present. Therefore, the Board may determine sanction(s) based on the gravity of a responding party actions, intent, and past conduct record, even if those allegations did not result in a finding or outcome. Additionally, the following will be considered: A. The presence of force (direct or implied) B. The presence of threat (direct or implied) C. The fear of threat/force D. The state of incapacitation E. The presence of coercion and/or intimidation F. The presence of a pattern and/or practice of behavior The Title IX Hearing Board will determine sanctions for each policy violation pursuant to the following guidelines: • Intimate Partner Violence a) Any of the following or a combination of: disciplinary probation, University suspension or expulsion. In addition: loss of privileges, residential and/or campus bans, educational program or project, no contact order, withholding or revoking a degree, or other University sanctions


• Non-Consensual Sexual Contact a) Minimum sanction(s) include at least one of the following: disciplinary probation, University suspension or expulsion. b) in addition to any of the following: probation, loss of privileges, residential and/ or campus bans, educational program or project, no contact order, withholding or revoking a degree, or other University sanctions • Sexual Assault a) Minimum sanction(s) include at least one of the following: disciplinary probation, University suspension or expulsion; b) In addition to any of the following: probation, loss of privileges, residential and/ or campus bans, educational program or project, no contact order, withholding or revoking a degree, or other University sanctions • Sexual Misconduct a) Any of the following or a combination of: disciplinary probation, University suspension or expulsion. In addition: loss of privileges, residential and/ or campus bans, educational program or project, no contact order, withholding or revoking a degree, or other University sanctions • Stalking a) Any of the following or a combination of: disciplinary

probation, University suspension or expulsion. In addition: loss of privileges, residential and/or campus bans, educational program or project, no contact order, withholding or revoking a degree, or other University sanctions Warning Signs Of Unhealthy Relationships And Abusive Behavior Someone may be in an emotionally abusive relationship if their partner: • Calls them names, insults them or continually criticizes them. • Does not trust them and acts jealous or possessive. • Tries to isolate them from family or friends. Monitors where they go, who they call and who they spend time with. • Monitors and/or controls their social media accounts (what they post, who they are friends with/connected to, etc.) • Checks their partner’s cell phone for text messages and/or calls. • Threatens to commit suicide if the other partner wants to dissolve the relationship. • Does not want them to work. • Controls finances or refuses to share money.

Someone may be in a physically abusive relationship if their partner has ever: • Damaged property when angry (thrown objects, punched walls, kicked doors, etc.). • Pushed, slapped, bitten, kicked or choked them. • Abandoned them in a dangerous or unfamiliar place. • Scared them by driving recklessly. • Used a weapon to threaten or hurt them. • Forced them to leave their home. • Trapped them in their home or kept them from leaving. • Prevented them from calling police or seeking medical attention. • Used physical force in sexual situations. Someone may be in a sexually abusive relationship if their partner: • Views people as objects and believes in rigid gender roles. • Accuses them of cheating or is often jealous of their outside relationships. • Wants them to dress in a sexual way. • Insults them in sexual ways or calls them sexual names. • Has ever forced or manipulated them into to having sex or performing sexual acts. • Held them down during sex.

• Punishes them by withholding affection.

• Demanded sex when they were sick, tired or after physically harming them.

• Expects them to ask permission to spend time with friends, spend money, wear certain clothes or makeup, etc.

• Hurt them with weapons or objects during sex.

• Threatens to hurt them, their friends, family or pets.

• Involved other people in sexual activities with them. • Ignored their feelings regarding sex.

• Humiliates them in any way.


Someone may be a victim of stalking through: • Non-consensual communication through various forms including, but not limited to, in-person communication, telephone calls, voice messages, written letters, and gifts, or through text messages, email messages, social networking site postings, instant messages, postings of pictures or information on Web sites, that are undesired and/or place another person in fear or cause emotional distress. • Following, pursuing, waiting, or showing up uninvited at a workplace, place of residence, classroom, or other locations frequented by a victim. • Surveillance and other types of observation, whether by physical proximity or electronic means. • Trespassing.

nudity or sexual activity. • Engaging in voyeurism. • Invasion of sexual privacy. • Going beyond the boundaries of consent (such as letting your friend hide in the closet to watch you having consensual sex). • Knowingly exposing someone to or transmitting an STI, STD or HIV to another person. • Intentionally or recklessly exposing one’s genitals. • Inducing another to expose their genitals. • Sexually-based stalking and/or bullying may also be forms of sexual exploitation. Examples of Sexual Harassment include, but are not limited to:

• Vandalism.

• Direct propositions of a sexual nature.

• Non-consensual touching.

• Sexual innuendoes and other seductive behavior, including subtle pressure for sexual activity such as repeated, unwanted requests for dates, and repeated inappropriate personal comments, staring, or touching.

• Direct physical and/or verbal threats against a reporting party or a reporting party loved ones. • Gathering of information about a reporting party from family, friends, co-workers, and/or classmates. • Manipulative and controlling behaviors such as threats to harm oneself, or threats to harm someone close to the reporting party. • Defamation or slander against the reporting party. Examples of Sexual Exploitation include, but are not limited to: • Prostituting another person. • Non-consensual digital, video, or audio recording of sexual activity. • Unauthorized sharing or distribution of digital, video, or audio recording of


• Direct or implied threats that submission to sexual advances will be a condition of employment, promotion, grades, etc. • Conduct (not legitimately related to the subject matter of a course or curriculum, if one is involved) that has the effect of discomforting, humiliating or both, and that includes one or more of the following: • comments of a sexual nature, including sexually explicit statements, questions, jokes, anecdotes, or graphic material (e.g., visuals, such as screen savers, which are sexually explicit).

• unnecessary or unwanted touching, patting, massaging, hugging or brushing against a person’s body or other conduct of a physical nature.

• or creates a hostile or intimidating working or learning environment for third parties.

• remarks of a sexual nature about a person’s clothing or body.

Reporting A Violation Of The Title Ix Policy

• insulting sounds or gestures, whistles, or catcalls.

Complaints of violations of High Point University’s Title IX policies may be reported at any time; however, there is no statute of limitations on when a report can be made. Reporting party are encouraged to make reports as soon possible after the alleged conduct occurs in order to best preserve any evidence for the University to investigate the facts, determine the issues, and provide an appropriate remedy or disciplinary action regardless of a police report being filed. Reporting party are strongly encouraged to report incidents of sexual violence to the local police department by calling 911.

• invading someone’s personal space or blocking their path. • unwelcome and inappropriate letters, telephone calls, electronic mail, or other communications. • displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons or posters (e.g. screen savers). • A consensual romantic or sexual relationship which: • causes adverse treatment of third parties.


The University reserves the right to initiate a complaint, reporting party and to initiate conduct proceedings without a formal complaint by the recipient of the alleged misconduct. Proceeding The proceeding for a Title IX complaint made to the University includes, but is not limited to, fact-finding investigation meetings, formal or informal meetings, and hearings. Proceeding does not include communications and meetings between campus officials and reporting party concerning accommodations or protective measures provided to a reporting party. Prompt, Fair and Impartial Proceeding The University endeavors to maintain a prompt, fair and impartial proceeding. The process also allows for the extension of timeframes for good cause and with written notice to the reporting party and responding party of the delay and reason for the delay; If an extension of the process is requested by either party, the University will review such extensions in a manner that: • Is consistent with the University’s policies and transparent to the reporting party and responding party. • Includes timely notice of meetings; and • Provides timely and equal access to both the reporting party and responding party, and appropriate officials to any information that will be used during informal and formal disciplinary meetings and hearings; and • Conducted by officials who do not have a conflict of interest or bias for or against the reporting party or responding party.


Student Rights Once a report is made to the University, and in preparation for the investigation and hearing board (proceedings), equal access and resources are given to both the reporting party and responding parties. They will each be notified in a formal letter of the Title IX Hearing Board date, time, and location as well as the alleged policy violation(s). Right to an Advisor For violations of the Title IX policies listed above, both the reporting party and responding party may have advisors present with them for support throughout any proceedings. Advisors may not ask direct questions to any party during the investigation or hearing board proceedings and cannot speak on the student’s behalf. Advisors may consult with the student they are assisting. If the advisor’s presence infringes on the proceedings, they may be asked to leave. An advisor can be anyone of the reporting party or responding party choosing, including an attorney. The reporting party and responding party will each be provided advisors by the University. Right to Notify Law Enforcement Reporting party will be notified of their options to report the incident(s) to law enforcement. Right to Notification of Outcome Both the reporting party and responding party will be informed of the outcome of the hearing board proceeding in writing, including any applicable sanction(s). Right to Campus Counseling Services Both the reporting party and responding

party will be notified of counseling services available on and/off campus. Right to Interim Measures Both the reporting and responding parties will be notified of options available for interim measures including, but not limited to, temporary housing relocation and academic adjustments. Right to Notice of Investigation The responding party will be notified of the University’s investigation via a Notice of Investigation (NOI) letter. The NOI will reiterate the investigation proceedings as well as their rights to an advisor and campus resources. Burden of Proof High Point University uses a preponderance of the evidence as its burden of proof in all disciplinary and Title IX matters. This means that the information needs to show that it is “more likely than not� that a violation of the policy occurred. Step-by-step reporting, investigation, and board processes The Process of a Violation of the Title IX Policy Once the initial report is made, the Director of Title IX will contact the parties involved to review the investigation and hearing board process. This is called an initial intake meeting. Options for investigation, charging, and Title IX Hearing Board: 1. File a report, but not charge the responding party or proceed to a hearing board resolution. a. As stated in the Confidentiality

section below, the Director of Title IX and University Officials will do their best to respect the request of the reporting party. However, due to Title IX requirements, the University is required to at least complete a preliminary investigation and take prompt and reasonable steps given the information of which they are aware. The University can never ensure complete confidentiality and must consider the safety of the entire campus community. b. If the reporting party not wish to pursue action within the University system or the criminal justice system, they may still want to consider making a confidential report. With their permission, the Director of Title IX, or designee can file a report on the details of the incident without revealing the reporting party identity. The purpose of a confidential report is to comply with the reporting party wish to keep the matter confidential, while taking steps to ensure the future safety of the reporting party and others. With such information, the University can keep an accurate record of the number of incidents involving students, determine where there is a pattern of crime with regard to a particular location, method, or assailant, and alert the campus community to potential danger. Reports filed in this manner are counted and disclosed in the annual crimes statistics for the institution.


2. Make a report, but request to conceal the reporting party identity a. If the reporting party requests that their name or other identifying information not be shared with the responding party, or that no formal action be taken, the Director of Title IX will balance the request against the following factors to determine whether the request can be honored: i. The nature and scope of the alleged conduct, including whether the reported conduct involves the use of a weapon; ii. The respective ages of the reporting party and responding party; iii. The risk posed to any individual or the campus community by not proceeding, including but not limited to, the risk of additional violence; iv. Whether there have been other reports of conduct by the responding party; v. Whether the report reveals a pattern of misconduct (e.g. via illicit drug or alcohol use) at a given location or by a particular group; vi. The reporting party wish to pursue disciplinary action; vii. Whether the University has other means to obtain relevant evidence; viii. Considerations of fundamental fairness


process to the responding party; ix. The University’s obligation to provide a safe and non-discriminatory environment. 3. File a report and proceed with an investigation of the incident a. The Director of Title IX will inform the responding party in writing and in person of the investigation, including the nature of the investigation. b. The Director of Title IX may investigate the claims or assign the case to an Investigator to investigate the claims. The Investigator is primarily responsible for investigating the incident(s) as it relates to the report filed by the reporting party. All Title IX Investigators will be up to date on annual training with regard to sexual assault investigations approved by the Director of Title IX. The Investigator will: i. Conduct a fact-finding inquiry or investigation into the complaint, including appropriate interviews and meetings with witnesses named by both the reporting party and responding party. ii. Contact parties and witnesses as needed: such as when evidence is disputed or when further information is required. iii. Inform the witnesses and other involved individuals of the confidentiality

requirements and the prohibition against retaliation. iv. Create, gather and maintain investigative documentation, as appropriate. v. Disclose appropriate information to others only on a need to know basis, consistent with state and federal law. vi. Handle all data in accordance with applicable federal and state privacy laws. c. After receiving the report prepared by the Investigator, the Assistant Vice President for Student Life or designee, will determine as to what policy violation(s) may have occurred, and what if any, what steps to take next. The Assistant Vice President for Student Life or designee may take the following actions: i. Determine there has been no violation(s) under the Policy or that there is insufficient evidence to conclude that there has been a violation under the Policy. ii. If a violation is alleged to have occurred, assign the case to a Title IX Hearing Board. iii. Notify the reporting party and the responding party of the alleged violation(s) and the date, time, and location of the Title IX Hearing Board.

iv. A Title IX Hearing Board will take place within approximately 10 days of the Assistant Dean of Students, or designee’s recommendation to move forward with a Title IX Hearing Board after the completion of an investigation. Even if the University is unable to take disciplinary action against the responding party, the University will seek to take any prompt and effective steps to prevent the sexual misconduct from recurring. In addition, information regarding alleged Title IX violations may be shared among University administrators as appropriate and necessary. University cannot always control confidentiality violations by students or third parties. Title IX Hearing Board Procedures A Title IX Hearing Board consists of a panel of three faculty and/or staff justices, the investigator, and the Hearing Chair. The justices are responsible for determining the outcome, or finding, for any charges related to the case, along with appropriate sanctions. The Investigator and Hearing Chair do not have voting rights and are not part of the deliberations. All members of the Title IX Hearing Board receive annual training regarding the University’s Title IX policies. Witnesses and Evidence Prior to the scheduled date and time of the Title IX Hearing Board, the reporting party and responding party will be given the opportunity to provide a list of witnesses and any additional information. The list of witness and additional information, such as written statements or evidence, must be submitted at least three (3) days prior to the Title IX Hearing Board. Information received past the three (3) day deadline will not be permitted.


The reporting party and responding party can submit information regarding the incident any time between the initial report and up to three (3) days prior to the scheduled hearing board. 1. The Hearing Chair will read the list of allegation(s) to which the responding party must respond, “not responsible,” or “responsible,” for each. 2. The Investigator will be present to address questions related to the report or investigation proceedings as needed by the reporting party, responding party, and/or board. 3. The reporting party then follows by making a presentation and calling any witnesses, followed by the responding party and their witnesses. 4. During the presentation, the Title IX Hearing Board members have the opportunity to ask witnesses and the student any questions about the incident. 5. Closing statements are made by the reporting party and responding party. 6. Once the closing statements are complete, the Title IX Hearing Board members will deliberate in private on the information that has been presented and determine an outcome of responsible or not responsible and, if responsible, determine appropriate sanctions. 7. Both the reporting party and responding party will be notified in writing of the outcome of the hearing and corresponding sanctions. There may be instances in which High Point University proceeds with charging a student and conducting a Title IX Hearing Board without the reporting party request and/or when the reporting party and/or responding party are not able to be on campus. An attempt to facilitate participation in the Title


IX Hearing Board via phone and/or video call will be made. Options for Informal Resolution Submitting a Request for Informal Resolution At the request of either the reporting or responding party in writing, the University will consider informal resolution that does not involve a full investigation and adjudication. The request for Informal Resolution must be made after the reporting and responding party have been made aware of the allegations and possible options for resolution. Informal Resolution is not the primary resolution mechanism used to address reports of violent behavior of any kind or in other cases of serious violations of policy, though it may be made available after the Formal Resolution process is completed should the parties and the Director of Title IX believe it could be beneficial. Informal Resolution is not used as a stand-alone resolution in cases of sexual violence. The University will consider the request for Informal Resolution if it is determined that the particular Title IX complaint is appropriate for such a process, and the requesting party has submitted the request as follows. Informal resolution requests must be submitted, in writing, to the Director of Title IX and include the following: 1. An explanation of why the party is requesting the Informal Resolution in lieu of the formal proceedings. 2. An explanation of what the party would like to gain through the Informal Resolution. 3. An overview of what the party would like to communicate to the other party involved. Once the written request is received, and the University determines the request is appropriate for the particular Title IX

complaint, the other party will be invited to review the written request for Informal Resolution. If the other party agrees to the Informal Resolution, a mediation or Restorative Practice will be facilitated by a qualified University official. The Director of Title IX maintains records of any resolution that is reached, and failure to abide by the accord can result in appropriate responsive actions. If the Responding Party Admits Responsibility for the Allegation(s) If the responding party admits responsibility for all or part of the alleged policy violations at any point during the resolution process, the Director of Title IX will make a determination that the individual is in violation of University policy. The Director of Title IX then determines appropriate sanction(s) or responsive action, which are promptly implemented in order to effectively to stop the harassment or discrimination, prevent its recurrence, and remedy the effects of the discriminatory conduct, both on the reporting party and the community. If the responding party only admits to part of the alleged policy violations, then the Director of Title IX finds the responding party in violation of the admitted violations and the contested allegations, the contested allegations will be resolved using Administrative Resolution. Negotiated Resolution The Director of Title IX, with the consent of the parties, may negotiate and implement an agreement to resolve the allegations that satisfies all parties and the Institution. Appeal Procedures Both the reporting party and responding party will be informed of the outcome of the

Title IX Hearing Board’s decision after the conclusion of the hearing and deliberations. Either party may appeal the outcome of the board to the Executive Committee within five (5) days of the issuance of the Title IX Hearing Board decision. Appeals are submitted by completing the online appeal form: https://publicdocs.maxient.com/ reportingform.php?HighPointUniv&layout_ id=8 If neither party requests an appeal within the (5) day timeline, any sanction will take effect immediately at the end of the (5) day appeal timeline. Appeals are limited to 1,500 words, including attachments. Grounds for the appeal must be clearly and concisely stated, and all relevant information substantiating the grounds for appeal should be included. The following constitute appropriate grounds for appeal: (1) newly discovered information has been obtained that was not previously available during the investigation or Title IX Hearing Board process through the exercise of due diligence and the newly discovered information would materially affect the outcome; (2) significant procedural irregularity which materially affected the outcome; or (3) sanctions issued do not fit the offense as provided in the High Point University Student Guide to Campus Life. The Assistant Vice President for Student Life or designee, will assess the written appeal to determine whether it is properly filed, based on permissible grounds, and in compliance with word count limitations. If it is determined that the written appeal does not meet any of these criteria, the appeal will be denied without review by the Executive Committee.


If the appeal is determined to be properly filed, the other party will be given an opportunity to review and respond to the written appeal. Responses to written appeals are due five (5) days after receipt of a copy of the appeal and are limited to 1,500 words. If both parties have filed an appeal, the appeal documents from each party will be considered together in one appeal review process. Each party will be provided the other party’s appeal and may provide a response to the other party’s written appeal. Responses to written appeals are due five (5) days after receipt of a copy of the appeal and are limited to 1,500 words. Mere dissatisfaction with Title IX Hearing Board outcome is not a valid basis for appeal. In addition, appeals are not intended to be a rehearing of the matter. The scope of the appeal will be limited to the grounds for appeal included in the written appeal submissions. In any request for an appeal, the burden of proof lies with the party requesting the appeal, because the outcome will be presumed to have been decided reasonably and appropriately. Once an appeal is received and determined to meet the criteria for filing an appeal, the Executive Committee may, at its discretion, choose to hold a meeting, or it may decide the matter based on the written submissions. The Executive Committee’s role is limited to reviewing the sexual misconduct board and the information presented in, and in response to, the appeal(s) with one exception: if the appeal raises procedural errors, the Executive Committee may, if necessary to resolve the appeal, interview the investigator and/or the Assistant Vice President for Student Life or designee at any meeting to gather more information about the alleged procedural error(s). The reporting party and responding party may respond in writing once any interview with the investigator and/ or Assistant Vice President for Student Life or designee, representative is complete. Such


response is limited to 1,000 words. After reviewing all written appeal submissions and the written outcome of the Title IX Hearing Board, the Executive Committee may: (1) affirm the outcome; (2) return the matter to the Title IX Hearing Board with instructions to reconvene to cure a procedural error, call witness(es), or consider newly discovered evidence and to assess the weight and impact of newly discovered information or reassess not previously considered information; (3) where deemed necessary by the Executive Committee, convene a hearing before a newly constituted Title IX Hearing Board to re-hear the matter; or (4) change the sanctions. If the matter is returned to the Title IX Hearing Board or re-heard, both reporting party and responding party will be informed of the outcome of the Title IX Hearing Board in writing within five (5) days of the decision made after the conclusion of the hearing. Either party may appeal the outcome of the formal hearing to the Executive Committee by completing the online appeal form as noted above. Decisions by the Executive Committee are by a majority vote of Executive Committee members present and participating in the appeal consideration. The outcome (including rationale for the result) of the Executive Committee will be made in writing to both the reporting party and responding party. Interference with Procedures Interference with these procedures is strictly prohibited. Interference includes, but is not limited to the following: 1. Knowingly falsifying, distorting, or misrepresenting information provided to an investigator, hearing board, executive committee, or appeal official; 2. Knowingly instituting a complaint

without cause and in bad faith; 3. Harassment and/or intimidation of any investigator or member of an adjudication panel, or of any reporting party, responding party, witness, student, or employee involved in a complaint proceeding before, during, or after a proceeding; 4. Breaching the confidentiality requirements. Students who interfere with these procedures will be subject to disciplinary sanctions ranging from warning to suspension. Staff and faculty members who interfere with these procedures will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination in accordance with the applicable handbook. Associates or other third parties who interfere with these procedures will be subject to removal from campus, prohibition from returning to campus, and/or other appropriate measures. Interim Measures If a student files a report with the University, interim measures may be necessary during the proceedings and beyond for both the reporting and responding parties. Such interim measures may include temporary residential housing or relocation, class schedule changes, extracurricular activity assessment and possible exclusion, and /or a no contact order for the reporting party and responding party. The University may impose an interim suspension and/or ban from and and/or all parts of campus during the proceeding. No Contact Orders A No Contact Order may be imposed at the request of a student or the discretion of

a University official. When a No Contact Order is put in place, the students must refrain from: 1. Approaching one another at any time; 2. Calling one another at any time; 3. Communicating electronically (email, text, social media); 4. Contacting or communicating with one another through a third party (including friends and/or family), in any way, at any time. A No Contact Order can include additional measures, including a ban from designated campus areas, and can be amended throughout a proceeding and after. See No Contact policy in Conduct Code for further information. The jurisdiction of the High Point University extends to all students regardless if the conduct occurs on University premises, off University premises, or at University-sponsored activities. The focus is on the conduct that adversely affects, or is detrimental to, the University community and/or the pursuit of its objectives, which can occur anywhere. A student will be subject to this Code for any action that violates this Code. Third parties include: contractors, vendors, visitors, guests or other third parties. This Policy pertains to acts of Prohibited Conduct committed by or against Students, Employees and Third Parties when: • the conduct occurs on campus or property owned or controlled by the University; • the conduct occurs in the context of abUniversity employment or educationalbprogram or activity, including, but not limited to, Universitysponsored study abroad, research, online, or internship programs; or


• the conduct occurs outside the context of a University employment or educational program or activity, but has continuing adverse effects on or creates a hostile environment for students, employees or third-parties while on campus or University property owned or controlled by the University or in any employment or education program or activity Confidentiality High Point University will take precautions to preserve the confidentiality of both the reporting party and responding party during the investigation of a reported violation of the sexual misconduct policy. However, the University must handle information regarding an alleged Title IX report in accordance with applicable law. For example, in instances of potential imminent harm to the community, the University may be required by federal law to inform the community of the occurrence for the protection of all members of the community. Documents prepared in anticipation of any hearing, such as prehearing submission, notices of hearing testimony and information submitted at the hearings may not be disclosed outside the investigation and hearing proceedings, including with advisors, except as may be required or authorized by law. The University, in accordance with Title IX compliance, will to the extent practicable, try to comply with the wishes of the student regarding their request for confidentiality or not pursuing a hearing. The University will take such requests seriously; however, such requests may limit the University’s ability to investigate and take reasonable action. Under federal law, the University may be required to move forward with an investigation and take reasonable action in response to the complaint, no matter if these steps may be limited by a request for confidentiality.


Title IX requires the University to evaluate the request of the complaint next to the University’s concern for the safety, well-being, and non-discriminatory environment. Prevention Programs And Intiatives Programming, initiatives and strategies informed by research or assessed for value, effectiveness or outcome that are intended to stop dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking before they occur through the promotion of positive and healthy behaviors that foster healthy, mutually respectful relationships and sexuality, encourage safe bystander intervention and seek to change behavior and social norms in healthy and safe direction. Campaigns that are sustained over time focusing on increasing awareness or understanding of topics relevant to sexual assault, dating violence and stalking prevention. These programs will occur at different levels throughout the institution (i.e. faculty, athletics, incoming students) and will utilize a range of strategies. Awareness Programs Awareness program include programs, campaigns or initiatives that increase audience knowledge of the issues of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking and share information and resources to prevent interpersonal violence, promote safety and reduce violence. Awareness month campaigns include, “Sexual Assault Awareness Month,” “It’s On Us” and other informational poster campaigns or resource websites and educational programming that focuses on sharing resources and information about these issues are examples of awareness programs.

Bystander Intervention Every member of the High Point University community can play a role in facilitating safe and positive options. If community members look at potentially harmful situations through the lens of a bystander, there are options to intervene to prevent harm or intervene in situations of potential harm when there is a risk of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Everyone has options to intervene when they see something they think could be potentially harmful, 1. Direct: Approach the situation directly. Say, “what’s going on?” or, “where are you going?” 2. Delegate: Contact the Resident Assistant campus security. Or, find their friend to intervene. 3. Distract: Do something to take attention away from the situation. Say, “security is coming,” or, do something silly to distract. Remember, you have options. If we all take one small action, we can create an environment that is intolerant of harmful behavior. Programs to Prevent Sexual Assault, Sexual Misconduct, Non-Consensual Sexual Contact, Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Harassment and Stalking Comprehensive, intentional, and integrated programming, initiatives, strategies, and campaigns intended to end dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking that: • Are culturally relevant, inclusive of diverse communities and identities, sustainable, responsive to community needs, and informed by research or assessed for value, effectiveness or outcome; and

• Consider environmental risk and protective factors as they occur on the individual, relationship, institutional, community, and societal levels. Programs to prevent dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, nonconsensual sexual contact, sexual harassment and stalking include both primary prevention and awareness programs directed at incoming students and new employees and ongoing prevention and awareness campaigns directed at students and employees. To request a program related to prevention, please contact the Prevention Specialist at 336-841-9615 or the Director of Title IX at 336-841-9457 or send an email to: studentlife@highpoint.edu. Risk Reduction Every student at High Point University should expect to be treated with respect in their relationships. HPU is committed to the safety and welfare of all students. When such relationships are no longer healthy or become violent or demeaning, we want every student to call for assistance and support. We encourage our entire community to be an active bystander. When you see something, say or do something. At HPU, we want to have a community that is safe and one where all students are encouraged to look out for the wellbeing of their fellow students. Ways to Reduce the Risk of Violence The goal of these risk reduction strategies is to raise the awareness that sexual misconduct and gender based violence happens at High Point University. While preventing sexual violence often involves grappling with the norms and cultural expectations of today’s society, there are ways that an individual can lessen the likelihood of being assaulted or being implicated in a sexual assault. As you are reading these risk reduction strategies,


please remember that if someone is assaulted, it is never their fault. In social situations: • Be an active bystander: direct, delegate, or distract (see Bystander Intervention section on page 147) when you see something potentially harmful. • Get clear, unambiguous consent for every aspect of sexual activity. • If someone says no or looks uncomfortable, stop what is happening. • Ask for clarification if there are mixed messages. • Communicate boundaries and expectations. • Trust your instincts. If you feel


unsafe, uncomfortable, or worried for any reason, don’t ignore these feelings. Go with your gut and get out of the situation. • Have a backup plan. Sometimes plans change quickly. You might realize it’s not safe for you to drive home, or the group you arrived with might decide to go somewhere you don’t feel comfortable. Download a rideshare app, like Uber, or keep the number for a reliable cab company saved in your phone and cash on hand in case you decide to leave. When alcohol is involved: • Keep an eye on your friends. If you are going out in a group, plan to arrive together and leave together. If you decide to leave early, let your

friends know. If you’re at a party, check in with them during the night to see how they’re doing. If something doesn’t look right, step in. Don’t be afraid to let a friend know if something is making you uncomfortable or if you are worried about their safety. • Know what you’re drinking. Don’t recognize an ingredient? Use your phone to look it up. Consider avoiding largebatch drinks like punches or “jungle juice” that may have a deceptively high alcohol content. There is no way to know exactly what was used to create these drinks. • Don’t leave a drink unattended. That includes when you use the bathroom, go dancing, or leave to make a phone call. Either take the drink with you or throw it out. Avoid using the same cup to refill your drink. • Don’t accept drinks from people you don’t know or trust. This can be challenging in some settings, like a party or a date. If you choose to accept a drink from someone you’ve just met, try to go with the person to the bar to order it, watch it being poured, and carry it yourself. • Check in with yourself. You might have heard the expression “know your limits.” Whether you drink regularly or not, check in with yourself periodically to register how you feel. • Be aware of sudden changes in the way your body feels. Do you feel more intoxicated than you should? Some drugs are odorless, colorless and/ or tasteless, and can be added to your drink without you noticing. If you feel uncomfortable, tell a friend and have them take you to a safe place. If you suspect you or a friend has been drugged, call 911, and be upfront with healthcare professionals so they can administer the right tests.

• Ask yourself, “Would I do this if I was sober?” Alcohol can have an effect on your overall judgment. You wouldn’t drive, make medical decisions, or ride a bike while intoxicated. From: RAINN.org (2018) Resources For Students The resources listed are to assist you. Confidential Campus Resources Counseling Center Slane Center | 3rd Floor | 336-880-4409 The Counseling Center provides confidential counseling services to currently enrolled HPU students, and has licensed mental health clinicians on staff. These services are provided free of charge to our students. Student Health Services Wilson Hall | 336-841-4683 Student Health Services provides general health services in a supportive, studentcentered environment. Hours are Monday-Friday 8a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Minister to the University Hayworth Chapel | 336-841-9241 Oversees the University’s Christian and interfaith initiatives, and is passionate about helping people of all religious backgrounds discover the depths of faith, hope and love in their own lives and stories. Non-Confidential Campus Resources Campus Security (CS) Emergency: 336-841-9111 Non-Emergency: 336-841-9112 Office of Student Life (OSL) Slane Center | 336-841-9231 Title IX Office Megan Karbley, Director of Title IX Slane Center | 336-841-9457 mkarbley@highpoint.edu


Gail Tuttle, Senior Vice President/Senior Deputy Title IX Coordinator Slane Center | 336-841-9141 gtuttle@highpoint.edu Captain Derek Stafford, Manager of Investigations 104 North College Admin. Building 336-841-9433 For Complaints involving gender equity in Athletics: April Wines, Assistant Athletic Director Sport Performance Center | 336-841-4645 For Employees: Marc Sears, Director of Human Resources 239 Roberts Hall | 336-888-9826 Confidential Off-Campus Resources Family Service of the Piedmont (Sexual Assault Services) 1401 Long Street High Point, NC 336-889-6161 Family Service of the Piedmont is the largest private, nonprofit agency of its kind in Guilford County, NC. The agency empowers individuals and families in crisis to restore hope, achieve stability and thrive through quality support services, advocacy and education. Victims Justice Center 401 Taylor Avenue, High Point, NC 336-887-7951 High Point Regional Hospital 601 N. Elm Street, High Point, NC 336-884-6000 Moses Cone Hospital 2630 Willard Dairy Road, High Point, NC 336-884-3777 High Point Regional Hospital — UNC Health Care 601 N. Elm Street, High Point, NC 27262 336-878-6000


Moses Cone Hospital 2630 Willard Diary Road High Point, NC 27265 336-884-3777 N.C. Coalition Against Sexual Assault 919-871-1015 www.nccasa.net National Sexual Assault Hotline 24-hours: 800/656-HOPE (4673) National Domestic Violence Hotline 24-hours: 800/799-SAFE (7233) National Stalking Resource Center www.victimsofcrime.org/our-programs/ stalking-resource-center www.notalone.gov Smartphone app: Circle of 6 Non-Confidential Off-Campus Resource High Point Police Department 1009 Leonard Avenue, High Point, NC Emergency: 911 Non-Emergency: 336-883-3224 Frequently Asked Questions 1. What to do Immediately After a Sexual Assault: a. Your safety is a priority. Go to a safe place and/or call 911 if you need immediate medial or police assistance. b. Even if you do not feel it is an emergency, consider calling Campus Security at 336-841-9112 or Student Life. Get support from someone you trust, whether it is a friend, a Resident Assistant, or a family member. 2. Preserving Evidence after a Sexual Assault: a. You will want to make sure that you consider preserving evidence. Do not shower and try not to urinate; additionally, do not change clothes. If you have already changed clothes, place the original clothes in a paper

bag (plastic may destroy evidence). If you have not changed, keep the original clothes on and bring an extra set to wear home from the hospital. Most importantly, if you have been sexually assaulted, consider a Sexual Assault Forensic Examination (SAFE) and blood tests for drugs. This type of medical testing and preservation will assist the student in having the option of criminal prosecution. b. Medical examinations can be provided by hospitals without making a police report. This option allows the student to have evidence collected and preserved without giving their name to the police, or feeling obligated to pursue criminal charges. As far as reporting the assault, you may choose to do this at any time or in the future. You may report this incident to police, the Director of Title IX, HPU security or staff and/or the Student Health and Counseling Center. If you are unsure about whether or not to report the assault, consider calling 336-889-7273 for Victim Services or explore online resources. Legal Definitions of HPU Policy Violations Some policy violations, as listed in the definitions sections above, may also be violations of the law, as listed below. If an incident is reported to the University regarding the violations below, the reporting party will be given the opportunity to file a police report. Incest Sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law. Rape The carnal knowledge of a person, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her age or because of his/her

temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity (www.fbi.gov). Definition: Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim. This definition includes any gender of victim or perpetrator. Sexual penetration means the penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person. This definition also includes instances in which the victim is incapable of giving consent because of temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity (including due to the influence of drugs or alcohol) or because of age. Physical resistance is not required on the part of the victim to demonstrate lack of consent. Statutory Rape Sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of consent. In the state of North Carolina, the age of consent is 16 (www. nc.gov). Sexual Assault with An Object To use an object or instrument to unlawfully penetrate, however slightly, the genital or anal opening of the body of another person, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her age or because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity (www.fbi.gov). Sodomy Oral or anal sexual intercourse with another person, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/ her age or because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity (www.fbi.gov).



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