ALBUM REVIEWS Furyous Deathcryptopia 1936529 Records DK
Review by Ken Morton And the dark legacy of the vastly underrated Willow Wisp continues, with various members pursuing their auditory artistry to even more cosmic proportions. Former Willow Wisp front man Air-Ik has unleashed Deathcryptopia upon an unsuspecting world, and what a mass of pure sonic devastation this one is! A conceptual project combining aspects of Black Metal and Hard Rock, Deathcrytopia has presented Furyous, the second single from their upcoming The Demon Quadrilogy Part 1 manifesto. Along with Air-Ik as music composer and performer, Deathcryptopia partners in crime include The Garrgoyle (lyricist and composer) and fellow Willow Wisp co-hort Glenn Lee Alan Davis (aka GLAD – also of KOFN Underground infamy) who recorded and produced the single at The Funeral Parlor. With a passion for extreme metal, dynamic storytelling, and comic book art, Deathcryptopia is sure to inspire all types of music fans ready to take a ride into battle with The Demon Quadrilogy.
The Fifth The Fifth Weapon / Vanity Music Review by Ken Morton North Carolina hard rockers The Fifth has returned with a new lineup, presenting what is easily one of the very best EP’s of the year. Featuring founding member Roy Cathey from Cold Sweat and SteelCity, the five tracks found within The Fifth’s Self-Titled EP are instantly memorable and leave you craving a whole lot more. Cathey is definitely one of the most epically underrated rock vocalists on the planet, and he delivers the goods tenfold within the ranks of The Fifth. Opening track Shake Little Sister should be all over the worldwide rock radio airwaves, it’s wickedly infectious melodies and seething vocals driving this one into the stratosphere. Calm Before The Storm is a brilliant mid-tempo tune that absolutely tantalizes the senses. Home shows The Fifth 60
unveiling a mesmerizing power ballad while Coming To Get You rocks your world with its sheer animal magnetism. “I’m a wild child looking for trouble,” the dynamic Cathey sings with fiendish delight on the glorious final cut Roll The Bones. In addition to Cathey’s top notch vocals, The Fifth’s massively tight and intensive lineup includes guitarist Justin Womble, bassist Jake Tripp and drummer Gary “Zeus” Smith. This is one helluva rocking good time, short yet very sweet, and destined to spin on repeat for the rest of 2021 and beyond.
Cold Hearted Rich Kid Express Squib Kick Records Review by Ken Morton Fans of hard rock, punk, and sleaze need to hop on board the Rich Kid Express and prepare for a raging ride of a lifetime! Imagine the Ratt-train crashing into Iggy Pop-mobile, and you are only beginning to envision the delicious sonic wickedness Rich Kid Express has in store for you. Fronted by mastermind Rob Richardson, Rich Kid Express has just unleashed a blistering hot new single entitled Cold Hearted – and what a gem this one is. Along with its rip-roaring B-side Ride The Sky, the two songs contained within unveil the next great chapter within the powerhouse Rich Kid Express. These are two solid tracks to be sure and are well worth seeking out. Can’t wait to hear a whole lot more from Rich Kid Express in the months ahead. One listen and you’ll be taking this rock and roll ride again and again…
Pushed To The Edge The Swansons
Golden Goose Entertainment Review by Ken Morton Pushed To The Edge is the latest and greatest single from The Swansons – and it’s probably the most infectious song this reviewer has ever heard about freedom and unrest in America. For within the sweet country pop melody is a commentary on the political turmoil of today – and no matter what side of the fence you stand on – there is a whole lot of thought, depth, and inspiration to be found within October/November 2021