El Observador February 4th, 2022.

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FEB 04 - FEB 10, 2022

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com




José López Zamorano La Red Hispana

in March 2020 by the Trump administration, which allowed thousands of beneficiaries to halt payments on either the principal or the interest on their debts, but starting in April they will begin to receive payment invoices. In all cases, the moratorium did not apply to students with private debts.


altan sólo 90 días para que termine la cuenta regresiva de una crisis económica para millones de estadounidenses, incluidos muchos hogares latinos.

El primero de mayo vence la moratoria federal de la que se benefician 43 millones de estudiantes con deudas escolares federales, como parte de una extensión aprobada por la administración Biden para atender la emergencia económica causada por la pandemia de COVID. La moratoria inicial fue aprobada en marzo del 2020 por la administración Trump, lo cual permitió a miles de beneficiarios a no pagar ni el principal ni los intereses de sus deudas, pero a partir de abril empezarán a recibir las facturas de pagos. En todos los casos, la moratoria no aplicó a estudiantes con deudas privadas. Ante esta emergencia, legisladores en la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado están haciendo un llamado al presidente Biden para que cancele hasta $50,000 dólares de deudas en préstamos estudiantiles antes que termine la moratoria y a que publique un memorando del departamento de educación que supuestamente describe la autoridad legal del gobierno para cancelar esas deudas millonarias. “La deuda de préstamos estudiantiles ha perpetuado las desigualdades que continúan frenando a las comunidades de color y que empeoraron con la pandemia. La buena noticia es que el presidente Biden puede tomar medidas ahora a través de la Ley de Educación Superior de 1965 y transformar la vida de millones de estadounidenses”, dijo el senador Bob Menéndez durante una reciente reunión con líderes comunitarios y estudiantiles. Ciertamente Estados Unidos tiene uno de los más altos costos de educación superior del mundo industrializado, como lo demuestran las estadísticas de la organización para la cooperación y el desarrollo (OCDE). La deuda estudiantil es una consecuencia directa del creciente costo de la educación universitaria del país, dónde la factura de una carrera de cuatro años en un colegio privado se ha duplicado desde 1990. Un estudio del banco de la reserva federal de Minneapolis observa que el creciente costo de educación superior ha provocado una tormenta perfecta: más familias de bajos y medianos ingresos –en especial aquellas provenientes de las minorías étnicas-optan por no asistir a la universidad o eligen universidades de menor calidad ante el aumento de los costos. “Esto contribuye a una calidad promedio más baja de los cuerpos estudiantiles, ya que los estudiantes de alta calidad de familias de bajos ingresos eligen no asistir”. El presidente Biden ofreció en su

Photo Credit: La Red Hispana

campaña cancelar hasta $10,000 de las deudas estudiantiles, pero en enero pasado ignoró una pregunta sobre el tema. En todo caso, el presidente se ha opuesto a cancelar la deuda de aquellos deudores que asistieron a universidades élite, como la Universidad de Harvard o Yale. La realidad es que, más allá de la decisión que adopte el presidente, el actual sistema de educación superior ha creado generaciones de deudores estudiantiles que hipotecan su futuro por la falta de un sistema racional para crear equidad en el acceso a las universidades. Este paciente requiere una cirugía mayor, no sólo aspirinas.

José López Zamorano La Red Hispana


here are only 90 days left in the countdown to an economic crisis for millions of Americans, including many Latino households. The federal moratorium from which 43 million students with federal school debts benefit expires on May 1, as part of an extension approved by the Biden administration to address the economic emergency caused by the COVID pandemic. The initial moratorium was approved

In the face of this emergency, lawmakers in the House and Senate are calling on President Biden to pay off up to $50,000 in student loan debt before the moratorium ends and to release a memorandum from the education department that purportedly outlines the authority of the government to cancel those student debts. “Student loan debt has perpetuated inequalities that continue to hold communities of color back and have been made worse by the pandemic. The good news is that President Biden can take action now through the Higher Education Act of 1965 and transform the lives of millions of Americans,” Senator Bob Menendez said during a recent meeting with community and student leaders. Certainly, the United States has one of the highest costs of higher education in the industrialized world, as statistics from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) show. Student debt is a direct consequence of the rising cost of a college education in the country, where the bill for a four-year private college has doubled since 1990. A study by the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis finds that the rising cost of higher education has caused a perfect storm: More lowand middle-income families - especially those from ethnic minorities - are choosing not to attend college or choose lower-quality universities in the face of rising costs. "This contributes to a lower average quality of student bodies, as high-quality students from low-income families choose not to attend." President Biden offered on the campaign trail to cancel up to $10,000 of student debt, but last January he ignored a question about it. In any case, the president has opposed canceling the debt of those debtors who attended elite universities, such as Harvard or Yale. The reality is that, regardless of the decision adopted by the president, the current higher education system has created generations of student debtors who mortgage their future due to the lack of a rational system to create equity in access to universities. This patient requires major surgery, not just aspirin.

FEB 04 - FEB 10, 2022


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FEB 04 - FEB 10, 2022

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com



Jessica Nunez California Health Report

Zoom y Google hangouts. “Esto ha sido abrumador para mí”, me dijo Nathalie.


or the past two years, student life has been different. The university I attend, UCLA, transitioned to virtual learning, which meant students couldn’t see a single professor or classmate in person. For students from low-income families, like me, this change was extremely challenging. More than 70 percent of students attended school remotely during the first year of the pandemic, statistics show. This greatly impacted educational opportunities and learning. Black, Latinx and Native American students suffered the most. Not only did they suddenly find themselves isolated from their schools and peers, but their families and communities were disproportionately impacted by job losses, unequal access to health care and vulnerability to COVID-19 infections. My senior year at UCLA was a struggle. I majored in cognitive science, and Spanish, community and culture. For my most difficult classes, I was used to being able to consult my professors in-person when I needed help. The pandemic changed that. Suddenly, I was stuck in my bedroom in Santa Clarita, miles away from campus. Attending office hours consisted of signing into Zoom for assistance from my professor. One especially hard class was coding; it was hard to understand the complexities of this mathematical subject by talking with someone through a computer screen. Outside of class, there were fewer tutoring resources too. My parents couldn’t help me academically — my mother is a caregiver for an elderly woman, and my father is a driver who delivers doors in the greater Los Angeles area. Our house has small rooms and we share the space with another family, making our home a vulnerable place for potential infection. My parents’ main goal during the pandemic was to keep our family afloat economically and limit our exposure to the virus.

Photo Credit: Chris Montgomery / Unsplash room for virtual classes. Her school operated on Zoom and Google hangouts. “This has been overwhelming for me,” Nathalie told me. She was used to attending weekly math tutoring sessions in person at her school. But when school went remote, her teacher was no longer available to assist her outside of class. She ended up having to muddle through by herself — all of which took a toll on her math grade. Unlike some of her wealthier peers, Nathalie’s parents work in low-paying jobs and couldn’t afford private tutoring for her. Our educational system was unequal even before the pandemic. Those inequalities were exacerbated when students transitioned to learning from home. Since I graduated UCLA this past June, many schools and universities have transitioned back to in-person learning. However, the coronavirus continues to remain a threat to marginalized communities, particularly amid the Omicron surge which has pushed some schools to return to virtual classes. This is why educators and policymakers need to ensure any continued or future virtual school is more inclusive. Policies that can help level the playing field include

offering free, online tutoring to low-income students, and asking teachers to hold extra office hours outside of normal class. Hiring additional teaching aids to work virtually with students who need additional support could also make a difference. Providing these resources in a second language, particularly Spanish, could also benefit students who have limited English proficiency. Teachers could also offer supplemental notes to accompany class lectures to help simplify challenging concepts. These potential strategies acknowledge the barriers to virtual learning and the disadvantages faced by many lowincome students and students of color. It’s important for educators, school administrators and policymakers to remember that many students don’t have reliable internet and computers, access to tutoring, or a stable learning environment at home. Only by taking these students’ needs and experiences into account can we ensure that all young people have the ability to thrive academically, even in a virtual world. Jessica Nunez is an advocate for health care equity and a graduate of UCLA with Bachelor’s degrees in cognitive science, and Spanish, community and culture.

Photo Credit: Josefa NDiaz / Unsplash

Jessica Nunez California Health Report


urante los últimos dos años, la vida estudiantil ha sido diferente. La universidad a la que asisto, UCLA, hizo la transición al aprendizaje virtual, lo que significaba que los estudiantes no podían ver a un solo profesor o compañero de clase en persona. Para los estudiantes de familias de bajos ingresos, como yo, este cambio fue extremadamente difícil. Más del 70 por ciento de los estudiantes asistieron a la escuela de forma remota durante el primer año de la pandemia, según muestran las estadísticas. Esto tuvo un gran impacto en las oportunidades educativas y de aprendizaje. Los estudiantes negros, latinx y nativos americanos fueron los que más sufrieron. No solo estuvieron de repente aislados de sus escuelas y compañeros, sino que sus familias y comunidades se vieron afectadas de manera desproporcionada por la pérdida de empleos, el acceso desigual a la atención médica y la vulnerabilidad a las infecciones por COVID-19. Mi último año en la UCLA fue una lucha. Me especialicé en ciencias cognitivas y español, comunidad y cultura. Para mis clases más difíciles, estaba acostumbrado a poder consultar a mis profesores en persona cuando necesitaba ayuda. La pandemia cambió eso. De repente, estaba atrapada en mi habitación en Santa Clarita, a

millas de distancia del campus. Ir durante el horario de oficina consistía en iniciar sesión en Zoom para obtener ayuda de mi profesor. Una clase especialmente difícil fue la codificación; era difícil entender las complejidades de este tema matemático al hablar con alguien a través de una pantalla de computadora. Fuera de clase, también había menos recursos de tutoría. Mis padres no podían ayudarme académicamente: mi madre cuida a una anciana y mi padre es un conductor que entrega puertas en el área metropolitana de Los Ángeles. Nuestra casa tiene cuartos pequeños y compartimos el espacio con otra familia, lo que convierte a nuestro hogar en un lugar vulnerable a posibles contagios. El principal objetivo de mis padres durante la pandemia era mantener económicamente a flote a nuestra familia y limitar nuestra exposición al virus. Sin embargo, adopté una mentalidad positiva. Era mi último año de universidad e iba a aprobar este curso. Afortunadamente, pude obtener ayuda con la codificación de un amigo que es ingeniero. Mi experiencia es similar a la de muchos estudiantes de bajos recursos. Nathalie García, estudiante de secundaria y prima mía, vive en un departamento de una recámara con sus padres en Santa Clarita. Me explicó que sus padres tenían que levantarse temprano para que ella pudiera tener su propio espacio en el cuarto para las clases virtuales. Su escuela operaba en

Estaba acostumbrada a asistir personalmente a las sesiones semanales de tutoría de matemáticas en su escuela. Pero cuando la escuela se volvió remota, su maestra ya no estaba disponible para ayudarla fuera de clase. Terminó teniendo que arreglárselas sola, lo que afectó su calificación de matemáticas. A diferencia de algunos de sus compañeros más adinerados, los padres de Nathalie tienen trabajos mal pagados y no podían pagarle clases particulares. Nuestro sistema educativo era desigual incluso antes de la pandemia. Esas desigualdades se exacerbaron cuando los estudiantes hicieron la transición al aprendizaje desde la casa. Desde que me gradué de la UCLA el junio pasado, muchas escuelas y universidades han vuelto a las clases presenciales. Sin embargo, el coronavirus sigue siendo una amenaza para las comunidades marginadas, particularmente en medio del aumento de Omicron que ha obligado a algunas escuelas a regresar a las clases virtuales. Por esta razón los educadores y los legisladores deben garantizar que cualquier escuela virtual actual o futura sea más inclusiva. Las políticas que pueden ayudar a nivelar el campo de juego incluyen ofrecer tutorías en línea gratuitas a estudiantes de bajos ingresos y pedirles a los maestros que tengan horas de oficina adicionales fuera de la clase normal. Conseguir material didáctico para trabajar virtualmente con los estudiantes que necesitan apoyo adicional también podría marcar la diferencia. Brindar estos recursos en un segundo idioma, particularmente en español, también podría beneficiar a los estudiantes que tienen un dominio limitado del inglés. Los maestros también podrían ofrecer notas complementarias para acompañar las clases para ayudar a simplificar los conceptos desafiantes. Estas estrategias potenciales reconocen las barreras para el aprendizaje virtual y las desventajas que enfrentan muchos estudiantes de bajos ingresos y estudiantes de color. Es importante que los educadores, los administradores escolares y los legisladores recuerden que muchos estudiantes no tienen Internet o computadoras confiables, acceso a tutorías o un entorno de aprendizaje estable en el hogar. Solo teniendo en cuenta las necesidades y experiencias de estos estudiantes podemos garantizar que todos los jóvenes tengan la capacidad de prosperar académicamente, incluso en un mundo virtual.

Nevertheless, I adopted a positive mindset. It was my last year of college and I was going to pass this course. Thankfully, I was able to get help with the coding from a friend who is an engineer. My experience is similar to that of many low-income students. Nathalie Garcia, a high school student and my cousin, lives in a one-bedroom apartment with her parents in Santa Clarita. She explained to me that her parents had to wake up early, so that she could have her own space in the

Jessica Núñez es una defensora de la equidad en la atención médica y se graduó de la UCLA con una licenciatura en ciencias cognitivas y español, comunidad y cultura.

Red Line does not print. It represents the 3” safety area. Please verify critical elements are within the safety area.

FEB 04 - FEB 10, 2022


Comisionados del IRS explican cómo recibir reembolsos en 21 días y cómo declarar el crédito tributario por hijos

Photo Credit: BPT


Ethnic Media Services

ax season officially opened Jan. 24, but early birds will have to wait for refunds until March, as the Internal Revenue Service is barred from issuing payments before Feb. 15. “It is our intent that filing is as smooth and easy as possible. We want to make certain that consumers are getting all the credits and refunds they are eligible to receive,” said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig, at a Jan. 28 briefing hosted by Ethnic Media Services. Rettig strongly recommended filing electronically, and using direct deposit so that funds are deposited directly to a bank account. Paper returns have the greatest number of delays, he said. Refunds are usually issued 21 days after the tax return has been processed, but not before Feb. 15.

The credit has also been raised for families with children; one qualifying child allows for a maximum credit of $3,733, provided that household income is under $43,492. two qualifying children allow for a maximum of $6,164, provided household income is under $49, 399. Families with three or more children with an annual income below $53,000 can receive a maximum credit of $6,935. The minimum age to qualify for EITC has been lowered from 25 to 18, said Corbin, adding that minors who have aged out of foster care or experiencing homelessness can now also qualify for the credit.

Tax returns and payments are due by April 18, and the IRS is not considering extensions this year, as it did for the past two years during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.

People who have investment income under $10,000 and meet the household income guidelines may also qualify for EITC this year, said Corbin.

For those hoping to avoid costly online tax filing portals, the IRS recommends using the free file program at: https://www.irs.gov/filing/ free-file-do-your-federal-taxes-for-free. The service is available to those with Adjusted Gross Incomes of under $73,000.

He noted that the Economic Impact Payments sent out last year to individuals earning less than $72,000 are not considered taxable income, but must nonetheless be reported on your tax return.

For those lacking broadband access, the IRS offers another service: the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program, also known as VITA. The service is available to those who earn less than $58,000 annually, seniors or people with disabilities, and people with limited English skills. Services are offered in 350 languages, either by phone or by going into a local IRS office. Several VITA sites are located at community centers. https://www.irs.gov/individuals/free-tax-return-preparation-for-qualifyingtaxpayers

Both Rettig and Corbin noted the large number of scams, stemming from people who represented themselves as IRS agents. “The IRS will not call you by phone without a notice in advance. Don’t accept a text, a call, especially if they ask for bank info or to pay with a gift card. That is a scam,” cautioned Corbin.

Rettig advised those availing of free services to only use sites from irs.gov, to avoid scams. Ken Corbin, Wage and Investment Division Commissioner and Chief Taxpayer Experience Officer at the IRS, noted at the briefing that multiple changes have been made to the Earned Income Tax Credit program, allowing more people to avail of its benefits. For families without children, the benefit has almost tripled from a maximum of $529 for the 2020 tax season, to $1502 this year.

Consumers can read about the most-prolific IRS scams at https://irs.gov/newsroom/dirtydozen



Chuck Rettig (left), Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service; Ken Corbin (right), Commissioner of the Wage and Investment Division; Internal Revenue Service. Photo Credit: EMS



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Jenny Manrique Ethnic Media Services

la par con el arranque de la temporada de presentación de impuestos para 2022, dos expertos del Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS en inglés) convocados por Ethnic Media Services hablaron con medios étnicos sobre la mejor manera de presentar la declaración para recibir un rápido reembolso, los pagos de impacto económico, los pagos anticipados del crédito tributario por hijos, entre otros temas. “Nuestra intención es que la declaración de impuestos por parte de las personas sea lo más fluida y tranquila posible”, dijo Chuck Rettig, comisionado del IRS quien recordó que la fecha límite para la declaración es el 18 de abril y que por ahora no se contempla ninguna extensión. Para aquellos que aún no han procesado sus declaraciones de impuestos de 2020, aún pueden presentar sus declaraciones de impuestos de 2021.

“Anticipamos la capacidad de reembolsos a los contribuyentes dentro de los 21 días posteriores a la fecha en que se procesó la declaración”, agregó Rettig este 28 de enero, Día de Concientización sobre el Crédito Tributario por Ingreso del Trabajo (EITC), una de las figuras de reembolso más importantes para individuos y familias. El EITC está a disposición de los trabajadores independientes o empleados mayores de 18 años cuyo ingreso en 2021 haya sido menor a $27,380 si no tienen hijos, o $57,414 en caso de tener dependientes calificados. El EITC máximo en el primer caso es de $1502 y en el segundo es de $6728. “20% de las personas que son elegibles para recibir este beneficio no lo saben”, dijo Rettig.

Corbin said the agency defines its success when “we meet our taxpayers in the communities where they live and to expand options and choices.”

El comisionado enfatizó en la importancia de presentar la declaración de manera electrónica solicitando un depósito directo del reembolso en su cuenta financiera. “Alentamos a las personas a que no presenten una declaración en papel porque tienen un retraso inherente en su procesamiento… Pueden usar un profesional de impuestos de confianza, o también (el software gratuito) Free File del IRS”.

To meet that goal, the IRS is hiring, especially those who speak a language other than English. Job seekers can search for open positions at the agency usajobs.gov.

También alentó a las personas a contestar sus dudas en IRS.gov y evitar usar las líneas telefónicas que están saturadas y deberían estar más disponibles para quienes no tienen acceso a una computadora o banda ancha. “Hemos

recibido más de 100 millones de llamadas telefónicas en nuestras líneas telefónicas. Y tenemos menos de 15,000 empleados para contestar los teléfonos”. Desde marzo de 2020, el IRS ha emitido más de $1.5 billones en pagos de reembolsos a pesar de los desafíos relacionados con la pandemia como la escasez de personal: su planta de trabajadores disminuyó en un 20% y por eso la entidad actualmente está contratando a profesionales bilingües. Crédito anticipado El IRS también ha emitido cartas a quienes han recibido los pagos anticipados del crédito tributario por hijos con la cantidad recibida, con el objeto de que los contribuyentes verifiquen esa información y presenten la cantidad exacta a la hora de declarar los impuestos. “Recibimos más de 10 millones de devoluciones el año pasado que no coincidieron”, explicó Ken Corbin, comisionado de la División de Salarios e Inversiones y director de experiencia del contribuyente. Añadió que quienes recibieron anticipos entre julio y diciembre deben declarar sus impuestos para poder recibir la otra mitad durante 2022. Corbin recordó que el IRS cuenta con el programa de Asistencia Voluntaria con el Impuesto sobre la Renta llamado VITA, en el que preparadores certificados de la comunidad ayudan a los contribuyentes a llenar sus impuestos de manera gratuita. Este apoyo también puede ser virtual en varios idiomas. “Por primera vez en la historia, el formulario 1040 de declaración de la renta está en español” dijo Corbin “Y cuando las personas llaman a nuestras líneas telefónicas, tenemos servicios de interpretación disponibles en más de 350 idiomas diferentes”. Y para quienes no puedan pagar sus impuestos por adelantado, hay la opción de celebrar un acuerdo de pago a plazos con el IRS siempre y cuando la cantidad se abone antes del 18 de abril, que es la fecha límite para la declaración. Finalmente Corbin advirtió que para evitar estafas, los contribuyentes recuerden que el IRS no hace llamadas ni envía mensajes de texto pidiendo información bancaria sin previo aviso, y que es importante visitar IRS.gov para resolver cualquier duda desde una conexión segura.



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FEB 04 - FEB 10, 2022




Alexei Koseff CalMatters

“Él es responsable de establecer la agenda de lo que es importante en el estado”, dijo Imelda Walavalkar, directora ejecutiva de Pure Beauty, una marca de marihuana “consciente del medio ambiente” que tiene instalaciones de cultivo y producción bajo techo en Sacramento. “No parece una súper prioridad para ellos”.

l gobernador defendió la medida electoral para legalizar la marihuana recreativa. La industria del cannabis legal en apuros ahora le está pidiendo que reduzca los impuestos estatales, pero su oficina dice que la solución no es tan simple.

El estado, por ejemplo, no ha aumentado la presión ni los incentivos para persuadir a las comunidades reacias a que permitan la venta de marihuana recreativa. Programas de equidad social iniciados por algunas ciudades y condados para diversificar la industria con más personas de color, personas anteriormente encarceladas y residentes de vecindarios con tasas históricamente desproporcionadas de arrestos por marihuana están tardando años en despegar.

Cuando los votantes de California legalizaron la marihuana para uso recreativo en noviembre de 2016, también fue una victoria para Gavin Newsom, quien pasó meses viajando por el estado como el rostro de la campaña. En una fiesta de la noche de las elecciones en un club nocturno de San Francisco, el entonces vicegobernador celebró este “punto de orgullo” decirle a los asistentes que California había enviado un “mensaje poderoso al resto de la nación”. Fue un momento importante para la construcción de un currículum para Newsom, que ya estaba en lo más profundo de su primera candidatura a gobernador, quien durante décadas en el cargo se ha puesto a sí mismo a la vanguardia del cambio político. En un perfil en la revista Billboard unos meses después, reconoció que su legado y el de la Proposición 64, la medida de legalización, ahora estaban unidos: “Ponlo de esta manera: todo lo que sale mal, estás mirando al chico de la portada de revista”. Cinco años después, Newsom es gobernador, y los agricultores, dueños de dispensarios y otros defensores le piden que rescate un mercado legal que, según dicen, ha estado al borde del colapso por una fuerte caída de los precios y la falta de atención de un hombre que una vez fue su proponente más prominente. “Él defendió nuestro mensaje y nos siguió hasta la cima”, dijo Michael “Mikey” Steinmetz, cofundador de Flow Cannabis Co., un fabricante y distribuidor. “Sentimos que ha dado la espalda de alguna manera”. El pedido de ayuda de la industria del cannabis está dirigido agresivamente al montón de impuestos que la ponen en desventaja con respecto al sólido mercado ilícito de California. Steinmetz ha propuesto boicotear el impuesto estatal al cultivo a menos que haya un alivio financiero en el próximo presupuesto estatal. Newsom expresó su apoyo a tomar medidas no especificadas para “estabilizar el mercado” mientras presentaba su propuesta de presupuesto el 10 de enero, pero parece poco probable que adopte cambios radicales en el sistema al que puso su nombre con la Prop. 64. Aún no se ha materializado ningún plan, y su oficina se negó a ponerlo a disposición para una entrevista. “Es una simplificación excesiva decir que la reducción de impuestos resolverá todos los problemas de la industria”, dijo Nicole Elliott, directora del Departamento de Control de Cannabis de Newsom, a CalMatters. “Es solo una gran simplificación de la cantidad de variables que afectan la salud del mercado legal y que apoyan o fomentan la actividad ilegal. No se trata solo de impuestos”. Pro-legalización, pero no pro-marihuana Newsom una vez estuvo, con cautela, al frente

Jonathan Wentzel e Ingrid Tsong en su casa en Healdsburg el 27 de enero de 2022. Wentzel y Tsong dirigen Beija Flor Farms en el condado de Mendocino. Photo Credit: Paul Collins / CalMatters

del movimiento de legalización en California. Él declaró en su momento que no era “pro-marihuana” —dice que nunca la ha probado— sino “vehementemente anti-prohibición”. Como vicegobernador, formó una comisión de cinta azul sobre política de marihuana, que emitió un informe en 2015 advirtiendo que la legalización sería un “proceso que se desarrolla a lo largo de muchos años y requiere una atención sostenida para su implementación”. La Prop. 64 siguió al año siguiente, lanzado por Newsom más como una oportunidad para la justicia social, para borrar el daño de una guerra contra las drogas que se había dirigido desproporcionadamente a negros y latinos, que para nuevos ingresos fiscales. Después de que el 57% de los votantes de California aprobaron la medida, su enfoque se ha desplazado a temas que incluyen la atención médica, la falta de vivienda y la educación infantil. En sus primeros tres años como gobernador, Newsom rara vez discutió públicamente la política de marihuana, incluso antes de que la respuesta a la pandemia de coronavirus consumiera su administración. Ese silencio ha decepcionado a muchos en la industria del cannabis que esperaban que siguiera liderando el tema. Algunos pasos se ven positivos: consolidar los tres programas de licencias de cannabis separados del estado en un solo departamento y, en lo que quizás fue un movimiento para salvar la industria, declarando los dispensarios de marihuana y los servicios de entrega como un negocio esencial que podría permanecer abierto durante la pandemia. Pero existe una frustración generalizada con la inacción de Newsom sobre los problemas que impiden que el sistema con licencia compita como una alternativa viable al mercado ilícito dominante. Las ventas legales en California alcanzaron $ 4.4 mil millones en 2020, según la publicación de la industria MJBizDaily, mientras que los expertos estiman que las ventas ilegales podrían ser al menos el doble. Difícil transición al mercado legal Esos problemas no son del todo creación de Newsom.

Mucho antes de la legalización, el Triángulo Esmeralda de los condados de Mendocino, Humboldt y Trinity se estableció como la base del cultivo de marihuana para todo el país, lo que hizo que la transición a un sistema regulado fuera un desafío único en California. Muchos agricultores de larga data se han mostrado reacios a dar el salto. Y a pesar de la intención declarada de dar a los pequeños productores una ventaja inicial de cinco años, se adoptaron regulaciones sobre los límites de acres antes de que Newsom se convirtiera en gobernador, aunque no sobre su oposición, abrió la puerta para que los inversionistas vincularan parcelas en megagranjas e inundaran el mercado con su cosecha. La Prop. 64 requiere que los gobiernos locales opten por participar, en las ventas recreativas aún que aún están bloqueadas en aproximadamente dos tercios de las jurisdicciones, incluidas algunas ciudades grandes como Bakersfield y Anaheim. Hay 866 dispensarios con licencia en California, junto con 374 negocios de entrega de marihuana con licencia. Eso es solo una fracción del número per cápita en otros estados donde el cannabis es legal, incluidos Oregón, Washington, Colorado e incluso Oklahoma. Los cultivadores y distribuidores dicen que ahora tienen menos tiendas donde vender sus productos que cuando solo la marihuana medicinal era legal y las licencias para los dispensarios eran más flexibles. Además, los impuestos, acumulados por las autoridades estatales y locales para cultivar, distribuir y vender, elevan el precio de la marihuana legal hasta en un 50 para los consumidores. “Es una simplificación excesiva decir que la reducción de impuestos resolverá todos los problemas de la industria”. -NICOLE ELLIOTT, DIRECTORA DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE CONTROL DE CANNABIS DE CALIFORNIA Los defensores de la industria argumentan que la administración de Newsom no ha hecho lo suficiente para reducir los costos de las empresas con licencia o para expandir el mercado legal.

El año pasado, Newsom vetó la legislación prioritaria de la industria, que habría autorizado la publicidad en vallas gigantes en las autopistas de California, citando la necesidad de proteger a los niños de la exposición a la marihuana. Walavalkar dijo que un círculo vicioso de competencia, con empresas respaldadas por capital de riesgo que pueden darse el lujo de operar con pérdidas para ganar participación de mercado y productores autorizados que continúan desviando parte de su cosecha al mercado ilegal para subsidiar sus operaciones, ha impulsado los precios rápidamente al fondo. “Simplemente no queda un gran margen, no importa cómo lo hagas o cuán bajo vayas”, dijo. ‘Fin de los días’ para pequeños agricultores La situación ha llegado a un punto crítico en los últimos meses para los productores, incluida Ingrid Tsong, que dirige Beija Flor Farms en el condado de Mendocino con su marido, Jonathan Wentzel. Los precios han caído tanto que su negocio ahora está perdiendo dinero, y la pareja no está segura de poder permitirse el lujo de plantar una cosecha este año. “Es como el final de los días aquí. No lo sabemos”, dijo Tsong. “No puedo abrirme brecha a través de este pantano”. Tsong dijo que ella y Wentzel se mostraron escépticos sobre la Prop. 64, porque creen que carecía de suficientes protecciones para la industria bien establecida de pequeños agricultores de cannabis que ha existido durante mucho tiempo en los márgenes de California. Aun así, después haber sido aprobada, dieron un paso adelante para obtener la licencia de su operación. La combinación de altos impuestos y tarifas y un tope de acres para su granja, un exceso de oferta de marihuana en el mercado legal y pocos lugares para venderla, los ha exprimido de todas las direcciones. Tsong dijo que su cosecha del otoño pasado costó alrededor de $ 460 por libra, un tercio de eso era parte del impuesto de cultivo de California para los productores. Pero los precios mayoristas han bajado a alrededor de $300 por libra en las últimas semanas, en comparación con los $800 por libra en la misma época del año pasado. La pareja ya ha echado mano de sus ahorros para mantenerse a flote, dijo Tsong. Debido a que el cannabis sigue siendo ilegal según la ley federal, no tienen acceso a préstamos bancarios ni a programas de ayuda agrícola disponibles para otros agricultores,

FEB 04 - FEB 10, 2022 lo que los deja sin el capital que necesitan para afrontar el costo de producción al comienzo de una nueva temporada. Si bien Beija Flor Farms, que cosecha una propiedad que ha estado en la familia de Wentzel a lo largo de varias generaciones de cultivo de cannabis, está mejor posicionada para sobrevivir que muchas operaciones pequeñas en el Triángulo Esmeralda, el golpe financiero de quedarse fuera un año todavía es difícil para Tsong el que pueda ser sondeado. La pareja ya ha sacado de sus ahorros. Se avecina una decisión, ya que Tsong y Wentzel deberán comenzar a prepararse para plantar nuevas matas en mayo. Su cálculo podría cambiar si el mercado cambia o si el estado toma medidas rápidas para aliviar la industria del cannabis: Tsong espera que algunos de los Superávit discrecionales de $ 21 mil millones puede destinarse a una devolución de impuestos para los pequeños agricultores, pero incluso una cosecha reducida podría ser un riesgo. “No parece inteligente volver a intentarlo dado el muro de ladrillos al que nos enfrentamos”, dijo Tsong. “Si cultivamos este año, honestamente podría ser un trabajo por amor”.

ninguna protección”. -KIKA KEITH, PROPIETARIA DE GORILLA RX WELLNESS, UN DISPENSARIO EN LOS ÁNGELES Kika Keith, cuyo dispensario Gorilla Rx Wellness fue uno de los primeros licenciados a través del programa de equidad social de Los Ángeles, dijo que las promesas de campaña de que la Prop. 64 brindaría redención a las comunidades afectadas por la guerra contra las drogas demostraron ser un “caballo de Troya”. Criticó a los reguladores por priorizar su lealtad al mercado de cannabis existente, que está controlado predominantemente por empresas de propiedad de blancos. Asistencia para empresarios de entornos desfavorecidos, incluidos $ 55 millones en subvenciones del estado para los programas de licencias de equidad social, ha tardado en llegar a aquellos a los que estaba destinado a ayudar, dijo. “Nos das esta oportunidad y luego nos dejas nadar con tiburones, porque no brindas ninguna protección”, dijo Keith. “Este es un estado de emergencia para los miembros de la co-

munidad negra y latina que lo han dejado todo para ser parte de esta industria”. Decisiones difíciles y compensaciones Es un rompecabezas político complicado para Newsom, quien dijo en su conferencia de prensa sobre el presupuesto que “revisaría la política fiscal”. Cualquier cambio debe tener en cuenta el impacto en los ingresos, dijo: un estimado de $ 595 millones en el presupuesto 2022-23 para ayudar a financiar los espacios de cuidado infantil, los programas de limpieza ambiental y los esfuerzos de prevención de la conducción deteriorada. El gobernador también dijo que es “mi objetivo que estos municipios se den cuenta de las oportunidades para deshacerse del mercado ilegal” y “brindar apoyo y un marco regulatorio para el mercado legal”, pero no ofreció detalles. La tensión por el control local es un tema frecuente en el Capitolio, y puede haber poco interés por restringir drásticamente los derechos de las ciudades bajo la Prop. 64. Elliott, su principal asesor de cannabis, dijo que la administración podría estar inclinada a buscar cambios que faciliten el cumplimiento

Industria busca ayuda de Sacramento Tres días después del pronunciamiento de Newsom sobre la estabilización del mercado, decenas de pequeños productores del Triángulo Esmeralda, titulares de licencias de equidad social y otros activistas se reunieron en los escalones del Capitolio para exigir el fin de lo que consideraban la “guerra contra las drogas 2.0”. Johnny Casali trajo una planta de cannabis, de una variedad que lleva el nombre de su madre, de su granja en el condado de Humboldt y la colocó junto al podio mientras protestaba contra los impuestos excesivos que, según dijo, estaban destruyendo el mercado legal. Los dueños de dispensarios, excluidos de la banca tradicional, compartieron sus problemas con los frecuentes robos de ladrones que saben que tienen efectivo disponible. Los asistentes se quedaron después de que terminaron los discursos, disfrutaron de un porro al sol y esperaron su turno para hablar con el senador estatal Steven Bradford, quien habló en el evento en solidaridad. A medida que las ideas de proyectos de ley circulan en el Capitolio, los legisladores están preparados para asumir la causa de la industria del cannabis en esta sesión, Bradford dijo a CalMatters que, además de una revisión de la estructura fiscal, la Legislatura podría abordar los costos iniciales prohibitivos para los negocios de marihuana, como revisiones ambientales extensas o un requisito en muchas comunidades de que los propietarios de dispensarios alquilen una tienda antes de que puedan solicitar una licencia para abierto. “En esencia, estamos permitiendo que el mercado ilegal continúe en este momento”, dijo el demócrata de Gardena. “Ese es quien está ganando esta batalla”. Lo que la industria realmente quiere es una amplia desgravación fiscal. En el mitin del Capitolio, los agricultores instaron al estado a eliminar el impuesto al cultivo, que recientemente aumentó a más de $10 por onza, o cambiar de una tasa fija a un porcentaje del precio. Los titulares de licencias de equidad social pidieron la suspensión del impuesto especial del 15%, para dar a sus negocios una mayor oportunidad de establecerse. “Nos das esta oportunidad y luego nos dejas nadar con tiburones, porque no brindas


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February 2022

Departamento de Control de Sustancias Tóxicas, Nuestra misión es proteger a las personas, las comunidades y el medio ambiente de California de las sustancias tóxicas, mejorar la vitalidad económica al restaurar la tierra contaminada y obligar a los fabricantes a fabricar productos de consumo más seguros.

WESTERN DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (PREVIAMENTE HGST, INC.) IMPUGNACIONES DE 2021 ASIGNACIÓN DE NIVEL DE CUMPLIMIENTO VSP El Departamento de Control de Sustancias Tóxicas (DTSC) invita al público a comentar en el Procedimiento de Puntuación de Violación “Inaceptable” 2021 (VSP) Asignación del Nivel de Cumplimiento para Western Digital Technologies, Inc. (previamente HGST, Inc.) instalación ubicada en 5601 Great Oaks Parkway, San José, California, 95119. Western Digital Technologies, Inc. impugnó la Asignación de Nivel de Cumplimiento VSP de conformidad con el Código de Regulaciones de California, título 22, sección 66271.57. El DTSC determinó que no se llevaría a cabo ninguna reunión pública para esta impugnación, a menos que se solicite lo contrario. Sin embargo, el público todavía puede someter comentarios en concordancia con el Código de Regulaciones de California, título 22, sección 66271.57(e) para el 3 de marzo, 2022. Enviar los comentarios y las solicitudes de audiencia a Vinke Menardo, VSP Ingeniero Coordinador, DTSC 700 Heinz, Berkeley California 94710 o por correo electrónico Vinke.Menardo@dtsc. ca.gov. Los comentarios públicos y las solicitudes de audiencias presentadas por medio del servicio de correos de los Estados Unidos deben ser recibidas y contener sello postal para el 3 de marzo de 2022. El DTSC debe emitir una decisión final dentro de los 60 días después de la fecha límite de presentación del comentario público o fecha de la audiencia, si se solicita. Copias de los documentos referentes a esta impugnación pueden ser vistos en las siguientes ubicaciones: •DTSC EnviroStor: (https://www.envirostor.dtsc.ca.gov/public/hwmp_profile_report?global_id=CAR000128793) Los documentos pueden hallarse bajo la pestaña de Participación Comunitaria. • Registros Regionales del DTSC en Sacramento: 8800 Cal Center Drive, Sacramento, California 95826; Llame para hacer una cita al (916) 255-3758; De Lunes a Viernes: de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, excluyendo los días feriados La reunión pública celebrada para Western Digital Technologies, Inc. 2019 y 2020 VSP Tier Challenge también está disponible para ver en YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RenoX9Sg_Bk Para información adicional o consultas de medios de comunicación contactar a: Vinke Menardo, Ingeniero Coordinador de VSP (279) 895-51281 Vinke.Menardo@dtsc.ca.gov

Tammy Pickens, Especialista en Participación (916) 255-3594/1-866- 495-5651 Tammy.Pickens@dtsc.ca.gov

Sanford (Sandy) Nax, Oficial de Información Pública (916) 322-6114 Sanford.Nax@dtsc.ca.gov


del sistema legal de cannabis al abordar los “puntos débiles” para los operadores, como el hecho de que deben pagar por adelantado algunos de sus impuestos sobre productos que ni siquiera han vendido. El enfoque de Newsom dependerá de las propuestas que surjan de la Legislatura, dijo, porque deberán trabajar juntos para alcanzar el umbral de dos tercios de votos requerido para cualquier medida fiscal. “Todo es una compensación”, dijo Elliott. “Será un desafío tener cualquier cosa que no sea la neutralidad de los ingresos porque hay partes interesadas que se preocupan por esos ingresos”. Esos incluyen organizaciones de aplicación de la ley y sindicatos que representan programas financiados por los ingresos. Los grupos de salud pública también temen que la reducción del costo fomente un mayor consumo de marihuana. Keith Humphreys, profesor de psiquiatría y ciencias del comportamiento en la Universidad de Stanford que formó parte del comité directivo de la comisión blue ribbon de Newsom, dijo que el marco de legalización de la Prop. 64 era más favorable a las empresas que las recomendaciones del panel. Dijo que el estado debería tomar medidas enérgicas contra el mercado ilícito intensificando la aplicación de la ley contra los operadores sin licencia, en lugar de dar incentivos a las empresas de cannabis. “Eso es más sensato que jugar con los impuestos”, dijo. Es un tema delicado en una industria que todavía está lidiando con el legado y el trauma de la guerra contra las drogas. Si bien algunos cultivadores autorizados y propietarios de dispensarios creen que las consecuencias son demasiado bajas para desalentar a quienes operan ilegalmente, otros argumentan que la aplicación a gran escala sería infructuosa contra un mercado ilícito que está tan generalizado. Steinmetz, cuya Flow Cannabis Co. ha pasado por múltiples rondas de despidos en los últimos años mientras luchaba por competir, lo llamó “un juego de golpear a un topo”. Las fuerzas del orden no pueden mantenerse al tanto de las granjas ilegales de marihuana, especialmente en tierras públicas, que roban agua preciosa y aumentar el riesgo de devastadores incendios forestales. Los dispensarios sin licencia, incluso cuando están cerrados, a menudo aparecen pronto en una nueva ubicación. Casali, cuya familia comenzó a cultivar cannabis en el condado de Humboldt a mediados de la década de 1970, fue arrestado por cargos de cultivo ilegal en 1992 y cumplió ocho años en una prisión federal. A diferencia de muchos de sus pares, optó por solicitar una licencia para Huckleberry Hill Farms después de la Prop. 64 porque estaba cansado de una vida en las sombras, huyendo de helicópteros y agentes especiales. Ahora le preocupa que la legalización también signifique el fin de los pequeños agricultores como él, que convirtieron a California en una potencia de la marihuana. “La gente que creó el sistema realmente no entiende por lo que pasamos”, dijo Casali. “Somos los que ayudamos a crear una industria multimillonaria y ahora no nos quieren”. Este artículo fue publicado originalmente por CalMatters.



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FEB 04 - FEB 10, 2022




Alexei Koseff CalMatters

tions, including some large cities such as Bakersfield and Anaheim. There are 866 licensed dispensaries in California, along with 374 licensed marijuana delivery businesses. That’s just a fraction of the number per capita in other states where cannabis is legal, including Oregon, Washington, Colorado and even Oklahoma. Growers and distributors say they have fewer shops where to sell their products now than when only medical marijuana was legal and licensing for dispensaries was looser.

hen California voters legalized marijuana for recreational use in November 2016, it was also a victory for Gavin Newsom, who spent months traveling the state as the face of the campaign. At an election night party at a San Francisco nightclub, the then-lieutenant governor celebrated this “point of pride,” telling attendees that California had sent a “message powerfully to the rest of the nation.” It was an important resume-building moment for Newsom, already deep into his first run for governor, who during decades in office has put himself at the forefront of political change. In a profile in Billboard magazine a few months later, he acknowledged that his legacy and that of Proposition 64, the legalization measure, were now tied together: “Put it this way: Everything that goes wrong, you’re looking at the poster child.” Five years later, Newsom is governor, and farmers, dispensary owners and other advocates are calling on him to rescue a legal market they say has been pushed to the brink of collapse by a steep drop in prices — and the inattention of a man who was once its most prominent proponent. “He championed our message and he rode our coattails all the way to the top,” said Michael “Mikey” Steinmetz, cofounder of Flow Cannabis Co., a manufacturer and distributor. “We feel that he has turned his back in some capacity.” The cannabis industry’s appeal for help is aggressively aimed at the heap of taxes that put it at a disadvantage with the robust illicit market in California. Steinmetz has proposed a boycott of the state’s cultivation tax unless there is financial relief in the upcoming state budget. Newsom expressed support for taking unspecified steps to “stabilize the market” while unveiling his budget proposal on Jan. 10, but he seems unlikely to embrace radical changes to the system he put his name on with Prop. 64. No plan has yet materialized, and his office declined to make him available for an interview. “It is an oversimplification to say that tax reduction will solve all of the industry’s problems,” Nicole Elliott, director

In addition, taxes — stacked by state and local authorities for growing, distributing and selling — raise the price of legal marijuana by as much as 50% for consumers. Cannabis plants at the Pure Beauty growing site in Sacramento on Jan. 26, 2022. Photo Credit: Miguel Gutierrez Jr. / CalMatters

of Newsom’s Department of Cannabis Control, told CalMatters. “It’s just a vast oversimplification of the number of variables that impact the health of the legal market and that support or foster illegal activity. It is not tax alone.” Pro-legalization, but not pro-marijuana Newsom once stood, cautiously, at the forefront of the legalization movement in California. He declared at the time that he was not “pro-marijuana” — he says he has never tried it — but “vehemently anti-prohibition.” As lieutenant governor, he formed a blue ribbon commission on marijuana policy, which issued a report in 2015 warning that legalization would be a “process that unfolds over many years requiring sustained attention to implementation.” Prop. 64 followed the next year, pitched by Newsom more as an opportunity for social justice — to erase the damage of a drug war that had disproportionately targeted Blacks and Latinos — than for new tax revenue. After 57% of California voters approved the measure, his focus has shifted to issues including health care, homelessness and early childhood education. In his first three years as governor, Newsom rarely discussed marijuana policy publicly, even before the coronavirus pandemic response consumed his administration. That silence has disappointed many in the cannabis industry who expected he would continue to lead on the issue. Some steps are viewed positively —

consolidating the state’s three separate cannabis licensing programs into a single department and, in what was perhaps an industry-saving move, declaring marijuana dispensaries and delivery services an essential business that could remain open during the pandemic. But there is widespread frustration with Newsom’s inaction on the problems preventing the licensed system from competing as a viable alternative to the dominant illicit market. Legal sales in California reached $4.4 billion in 2020, according to the industry publication MJBizDaily, while experts estimate that illegal sales could be at least twice as much. Difficult transition to legal market Those problems are not entirely Newsom’s creation. Long before legalization, the Emerald Triangle of Mendocino, Humboldt and Trinity counties established itself as the base of marijuana cultivation for the entire country, making the transition to a regulated system uniquely challenging in California. Many long-standing farmers have been reluctant to make the jump. And despite a stated intent to give small growers a five-year head start, regulations on acreage limits adopted before Newsom became governor, though not over his opposition, opened the door for investors to link parcels into megafarms and flood the market with their crop. Prop. 64 requires local governments to opt in, so recreational sales are still blocked in about two-thirds of jurisdic-

“It is an oversimplification to say that tax reduction will solve all of the industry’s problems.” -NICOLE ELLIOTT, DIRECTOR OF THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CANNABIS CONTROL Industry advocates argue that the Newsom administration has not done nearly enough to lower costs for licensed businesses, or to expand the legal market. “He’s responsible for setting the agenda for what’s important in the state,” said Imelda Walavalkar, chief executive officer of Pure Beauty, an “environmentally conscious” marijuana brand that has indoor growing and production facilities in Sacramento. “It doesn’t seem like a super priority for them.” The state, for instance, has not ramped up pressure or incentives to persuade reluctant communities to permit recreational marijuana sales. Social equity programs started by some cities and counties to diversify the industry with more people of color, formerly incarcerated people and residents of neighborhoods with historically disproportionate marijuana arrest rates are taking years to get off the ground. Last year, Newsom vetoed the industry’s priority legislation, which would have authorized billboard advertising on California freeways, citing the need to protect children from exposure to marijuana. Walavalkar said a vicious cycle of competition — with venture capital-backed businesses that can afford to operate at a loss to gain market share and licensed growers who continue to

FEB 04 - FEB 10, 2022 divert some of their crop to the illegal market to subsidize their operations — has driven prices in a race to the bottom. “There’s just not a big margin left, no matter how you slice it or how slimmed down you are,” she said. ‘End of days’ for small farmers The situation has reached a breaking point in recent months for growers including Ingrid Tsong, who runs Beija Flor Farms in Mendocino County with her husband, Jonathan Wentzel. Prices have fallen so far that their business is now losing money, and the couple is unsure they can afford to plant a crop this year. “It is like end of days here. We do not know,” Tsong said. “I can’t find my way through this morass.” Tsong said she and Wentzel were skeptical of Prop. 64, because they believe it lacked sufficient protections for the well-established industry of small cannabis farmers that has long existed on the margins in California. Still, after it passed, they stepped forward to license their operation. The combination of high taxes and fees and an acreage cap for their farm, an oversupply of marijuana on the legal market and few places to sell it, has squeezed them from all directions. Tsong said their crop last fall cost about $460 per pound to produce, a third of that from California’s cultivation tax for growers. But wholesale prices have dropped to about $300 per pound in recent weeks, compared to as much as $800 per pound at the same time last year. The couple has already dipped into savings to stay afloat, Tsong said. Because cannabis is still illegal under federal law, they do not have access to bank loans or agricultural aid programs available to other farmers, leaving them without the capital they need to front the cost of production at the start of a new season. While Beija Flor Farms, which harvests a piece of property that has been in Wentzel’s family through several generations of growing cannabis, is better positioned to survive than many small operations in the Emerald Triangle, the financial hit of sitting out a year is still difficult for Tsong to fathom. The couple has already pulled from their savings. A decision looms, as Tsong and Wentzel will need to start preparing to put plants in the ground in May. Their calculation could change if the market turns around or the state takes quick action

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com on relief for the cannabis industry — Tsong is hoping some of the state’s $21 billion discretionary surplus can go to a tax rebate for small farmers — but even a scaled-backed crop feels like a risk. “It doesn’t seem smart to try again given the brick wall we’re facing,” Tsong said. “If we farm this year, it honestly might just be a labor of love.” Industry seeks help from Sacramento Three days after Newsom’s pronouncement about stabilizing the market, dozens of small growers from the Emerald Triangle, social equity license holders and other activists gathered on the steps of the Capitol to demand an end to what they deemed the “war on drugs 2.0.” Johnny Casali brought a cannabis plant, from a strain named for his mother, from his Humboldt County farm and set it next to the podium as he railed against the overtaxation that he said was destroying the legal market. Dispensary owners, shut out of traditional banking, shared their struggles with frequent break-ins by thieves who know they have cash on hand. Attendees lingered after the speeches ended, enjoying a joint in the sun and waiting for a turn to talk to state Sen. Steven Bradford, who spoke at the event in solidarity. As bill ideas circulate at the Capitol, lawmakers are poised to take up the cannabis industry’s cause this session. Bradford told CalMatters that, besides an overhaul of the tax structure, the Legislature could address prohibitive start-up costs for marijuana businesses, such as extensive environmental reviews or a requirement in many communities that dispensary owners have a storefront rented before they can even apply for a license to open. “We’re, in essence, enabling the illegal market to continue right now,” the Gardena Democrat said. “That’s who’s winning this battle.” What the industry really wants is broad tax relief. At the Capitol rally, farmers urged the state to eliminate the cultivation tax, which recently increased to more than $10 per ounce, or switch from a flat rate to a percentage of the price. Social equity license holders asked for a suspension of the 15% excise tax, to give their businesses a greater opportunity to establish a foothold. “You give us this opportunity and then you let us swim with sharks, because you don’t provide any protections.”

-KIKA KEITH, OWNER OF GORILLA RX WELLNESS, A DISPENSARY IN LOS ANGELES Kika Keith, whose dispensary Gorilla Rx Wellness was one of the first licensed through Los Angeles’ social equity program, said campaign promises that Prop. 64 would provide redemption for communities hurt by the drug war proved to be a “Trojan horse.” She slammed regulators for prioritizing bringing the existing cannabis market, which is predominantly controlled by white-owned businesses, into compliance. Assistance for entrepreneurs from disadvantaged backgrounds, including $55 million in grants from the state for social equity licensing programs, has been slow to reach those it was meant to help, she said. “You give us this opportunity and then you let us swim with sharks, because you don’t provide any protections,” Keith said. “This is a state of emergency for Black and brown community members who have given up everything to be a part of this industry.” Tough choices and trade-offs It’s a complicated political puzzle for Newsom, who said at his budget press conference that he would “look at tax policy.” Any changes need to account for the impact on revenue, he said — an estimated $595 million in the 2022-23 budget to help fund child care slots, environmental cleanup programs and impaired driving prevention efforts. The governor also said it’s “my goal to get these municipalities to wake up to the opportunities to get rid of the illegal market” and “to provide support and a regulatory framework for the legal market,” but did not offer any details. Tension over local control is a frequent issue at the Capitol, and there may be little appetite to dramatically curtail the rights of cities under Prop. 64. Elliott, his top cannabis adviser, said the administration might be inclined to pursue changes that make it easier to comply with the legal cannabis system by addressing the “pain points” for operators, such as the fact that they must prepay some of their taxes on products they have not even sold. Newsom’s approach will depend on what proposals emerge from the Legislature, she said, because they will need to work together to reach the two-thirds vote threshold required of any tax measure. “Everything’s a trade-off,” Elliott said. “It will be challenging to have anything but revenue neutrality because there are stakeholders who care about that revenue.”



Those include law enforcement organizations and unions that represent programs funded by the revenue. Public health groups also worry lowering the cost will encourage more marijuana use. Keith Humphreys, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University who served on the steering committee of Newsom’s blueribbon commission, said the legalization framework of Prop. 64 was more corporate-friendly than the panel’s recommendations. He said the state should crack down on the illicit market by stepping up enforcement against unlicensed operators, rather than giving incentives to cannabis businesses. “That’s more sensible than messing with taxes,” he said. It’s a sensitive subject in an industry that is still grappling with the legacy and the trauma of the war on drugs. While some licensed growers and dispensary owners do believe the consequences are too low to discourage those operating illegally, others argue that large-scale enforcement would be fruitless against an illicit market that is so pervasive. Steinmetz, whose Flow Cannabis Co. has gone through multiple rounds of layoffs over the past few years as it has struggled to compete, called it “a game of whack-a-mole.” Law enforcement is unable to stay on top of illegal marijuana farms, especially on public lands, which steal precious water and raise the risk of devastating wildfires. Unlicensed dispensaries, even when they are shut down, often soon pop up in a new location. Casali, whose family started growing cannabis in Humboldt County in the mid-1970s, was arrested on illegal cultivation charges in 1992 and served eight years in federal prison. Unlike many of his peers, he opted to apply for a license for his Huckleberry Hill Farms after Prop. 64 because he was tired of a life in the shadows, running from helicopters and special agents. Now he worries that legalization also means the end for the small farmers like him who built California into a marijuana powerhouse. “The people who created the system truly do not understand what we went through,” Casali said. “We’re the ones who helped create a multibillion-dollar industry and now you don’t want us.”



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FEB 04 - FEB 10, 2022




Suzanne Potter California News Service

riores, alarmas contra incendios, alarmas antirrobo, collares o pulseras para emergencias personales y sistemas de navegación a bordo en automóviles más antiguos. Tom Kamber dirige Servicios Tecnológicos para Adultos Mayores de AARP.


ost devices that run on 3G wireless technology will become obsolete this year, some as soon as three weeks.

"Lo que recomendamos es que una persona realmente se siente y revise todo en su hogar o automóvil que podría estar conectado a una conexión inalámbrica. Anote cual es el número de modelo y llame al proveedor que le brinda el servicio para el dispositivo", añadió Kamber.

In order to clear bandwidth for the new highspeed, fifth-generation networks known as 5G, companies will shut off service to devices that use 3G. That includes older-model flip phones, fire alarms, burglar alarms, personal emergency response necklaces or bracelets, and onboard navigation systems in older cars.

AT&T cerrara su red 3G el 22 de febrero. TMobile cierra su antigua red Sprint el 31 de marzo y sus propias ofertas 3G a fines de julio. Y Verizon dice que retirara su servicio 3G a fines de este ano.

"What we're recommending is that a person really sit down and go through everything in their home and their car that might be connected to a wireless connection," said Tom Kamber, executive director of Older Adults Technology Services from AARP. "Write down what the model number is and call the provider who's giving you service for the device."

need a basic model.

AT&T will shut down its 3G network on Feb. 22. T-Mobile shuts down its old Sprint network March 31 and its own 3G offerings at the end of July. Verizon has said it will retire its 3G service at the end of this year.

"Begin by saying, 'What is the most compatible new device that would be at the same level of cost as my old device, and can I do this cost-free?' And many companies are trying to offer it for free right now," he said.

Kamber said you may have to replace your device, but you don't have to go with an expensive, top-of-the-line 5G product if you only

The website Senior Planet from AARP will host a free online workshop to help people navigate the transition from 3G to 5G.

Los expertos estiman que entre 5 y 10 millones de estadounidenses todavía usan teléfonos 3G. La mayoría de estos dispositivos dejarán de funcionar a finales de año, a medida que los proveedores completen la transición a la tecnología 5G. Photo Credit: AARP


Suzanne Potter California News Service

a mayoría de los dispositivos que funcionan con tecnología inalámbrica 3G quedaran obsoletos este ano, algunos en tan solo tres semanas. Con el fin de despejar el ancho de banda para las nuevas redes de quinta generación de alta velocidad, conocidas como "5G", las empresas cerraran el servicio a los dispositivos que usan 3G. Eso incluye teléfonos plegables de modelos ante-

Kamber dice que es posible que deba reemplazar su dispositivo, pero no tiene que optar por un producto 5G costoso y de primera línea si solo necesita un modelo básico. De acuerdo al experto, usted debe comenzar preguntándose: "¿Cuál es el dispositivo nuevo más compatible que tendría el mismo nivel de costo que mi dispositivo anterior? ¿Puedo hacer el cambio gratis? Muchas compañías están tratando de ofrecer esos servicios gratis en este momento." El sitio web seniorplanet.org de AARP organizara un taller gratuito en línea para ayudar a las personas a navegar la transición de 3G a 5G.

FEB 04 - FEB 10, 2022


EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com





Byrhonda Lyons CalMatters

as llamadas fueron constantes. Los oficiales estaban enfermos. También lo eran los despachadores. Incluso el sheriff se vio obligado a quedarse en casa durante cinco días. En un mes, la pequeña Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Sierra se convirtió en una puerta giratoria de aislamiento y regreso del personal. Cuando el alguacil forense Mike Fisher fue elegido en 2018 en este condado de 3,200 habitantes, la vigilancia comunitaria y el reclutamiento de oficiales talentosos ocupaban un lugar destacado en su lista de prioridades. Pero un martes por la tarde reciente, tuvo que conformarse con un papel menos ambicioso: llevar a un recluso a una cita con el médico, a unas 90 millas de distancia de Sacramento. En todo California, la contagiosa variante omicron ha sacudido el mercado laboral del estado. Los hospitales tienen poco personal. Las escuelas no tienen suficientes maestros y sustitutos. Y los agentes de la ley y los socorristas, que están cada vez más expuestos a contactos personales riesgosos y eventos de gran propagación, tienen que arreglárselas con menos personas. “Nuestra gente está cansada”. -TENIENTE RAY KELLY, OFICINA DEL SHERIFF DEL CONDADO DE ALAMEDA. Desde que comenzó el aumento en diciembre, las fuerzas del orden se han visto obligadas a aumentar las horas extra, reducir los servicios y desviar las llamadas que no son de emergencia a portales en línea, según una encuesta realizada por CalMatters a más de 30 agencias en todo el estado. “Nuestra gente está cansada”, dijo el teniente Ray Kelly, portavoz de la oficina del alguacil del condado de Alameda. “Están trabajando horas extra; están trabajando en turnos adicionales… tomando el relevo donde tienen que hacerlo”. La mayoría de las agencias contactadas por CalMatters son financiadas en gran parte por los gobiernos locales. Si bien los legisladores estatales acordaron extender licencia por enfermedad pagada para los trabajadores y apoyo a las pequeñas empresas, entre otras cosas, no se ha hecho ningún esfuerzo a nivel estatal para ayudar a las agencias policiales de la ciudad y el condado a lidiar con las consecuencias de la variante. Las agencias estatales también están sintiendo la tensión.

las áreas minoristas, e invertirá aún más para frenar agresivamente el crimen minorista”, explicó Newsom en un comunicado de prensa. “Como propietario de una pequeña empresa, estoy decidido a responsabilizar a estos delincuentes y proteger nuestros negocios locales”.


A principios de este mes, a medida que aumentaban los casos de COVID, Newsom también activó a la Guardia Nacional de California para trabajar con las comunidades para agregar más sitios de prueba. El gobernador ha llamado a la Guardia varias veces desde que comenzó la pandemia para proteger el Capitolio de posibles manifestantes armados y para distribuir productos en bancos de alimentos, entre otras cosas.

Mientras que las agencias más pequeñas lucharon, una de las fuerzas policiales más grandes del país dijo que pudo mantener sus actividades como de costumbre después de que casi 900 oficiales del Departamento de Policía de Los Ángeles salieron contagiados la semana pasada. Un portavoz del departamento dijo que la agencia ha mantenido su personal.

“Hice turnos de trabajo; los despachadores trabajaban siete días seguidos. Prácticamente eliminó mi presupuesto de horas extras para el año”. -ROBERT GIBSON, JEFE DE POLICÍA DE MONTE SHASTA. Así como las agencias policiales a nivel estatal dicen que están experimentando brotes dentro de sus filas, también lo están haciendo los departamentos legales locales, a menudo con menos recursos. En el condado de Yuba, por ejemplo, que tiene la tasa más alta de hospitalizaciones por COVID en el estado, el pequeño departamento del alguacil ha llamado recientemente oficiales de reserva a tiempo parcial a medida que el virus se propagó a través de sus filas.

“Hice turnos de servicio; los despachadores trabajaron siete días seguidos”, comentó el jefe de policía Robert Gibson. “Prácticamente eliminó mi presupuesto de horas extras para el año”.

Al enfrentar brotes y escasez de mano de obra, algunas agencias duplicaron los turnos más largos y el poder de la tecnología. Desde que comenzó el aumento de casos de omicron en diciembre, algunas agencias policiales más pequeñas se han visto obligadas a aumentar las horas extra, reducir los servicios y redirigir las llamadas que no son de emergencia a portales en línea. Photo Credit: Jordan / Unsplash

“Algunos están jubilados, otros no son agentes de la ley a tiempo completo y pueden tener diferentes ‘niveles’ de calificaciones”, escribió la portavoz Leslie Williams en un correo electrónico. En Mount Shasta, después de que aproximadamente la mitad de su personal policial de 13 personas estuvo fuera por COVID, el jefe inter-

“Tengo que desempolvar algunas cosas del uniforme y salir al mundo real”. -MIKE FISHER, ALGUACIL FORENSE DEL CONDADO DE SIERRA. El condado de Imperial, en la frontera con México, lo ha visto todo durante esta pandemia. La primera ola de infecciones en 2020 golpeó duro a sus comunidades. Entonces, el condado se jactó de ser uno de los mejores en el estado para las vacunas en agosto de 2021. Luego vino la variante omicron, que ha tenido un aumento significativo en hospitalizaciones. En ese momento, el Departamento de Policía de Imperial dijo que estaba preparado. El departamento ya había comenzado a dirigir a las personas que no tenían emergencias a su sitio web para denunciar delitos y problemas en el vecindario. “Antes de la pandemia asistíamos a las personas con cualquier llamada, incluso si no era una emergencia”, dijo Max Sheffield, portavoz de la Policía del condado Imperial. “Realmente ha cambiado la vigilancia para nosotros”. La Oficina del Sheriff del condado de Kern también le pidió al público durante el aumento de omicron de este mes que usara el sistema en línea de la agencia para informar delitos que estaban en curso u otras situaciones que no fueran emergencias, según un informe de KABK-KBFX. Si bien algunas funciones se pueden transferir a un portal en línea, la vigilancia policial diaria no se puede. El martes pasado por la mañana, 400 millas al norte del condado de Kern, el alguacil del condado de Sierra, Mike Fisher, desempolvó su uniforme y salió a la carretera.

La Patrulla de Carreteras de California, el departamento de policía más grande del estado, no detalló cuántos oficiales han estado contagiados con COVID, pero “no hemos sido inmunes”, dijo el portavoz Fran Clader. Aun así, dijo, las “ausencias relacionadas con COVID no han afectado la misión del Departamento”.

El transporte de personas encarceladas no es parte del trabajo del alguacil y el forense, pero con su asistente de transporte en cuarentena después de haber estado expuesto al COVID-19, Fisher hizo lo que todos han tenido que hacer: se adaptó.

Recientemente, las oficinas policiales han reflejado desafíos relacionados con COVID y la patrulla de caminos ha hecho reasignaciones de trabajo. Después de los robos minoristas de alto perfil en el norte y el sur de California, el gobernador Gavin Newsom reclutó más agentes en noviembre para aumentar la vigilancia cerca de las áreas comerciales durante las vacaciones, a medida que despegaba el virus omicron.

Por ahora, sin embargo, las cosas están mejorando. Esta semana marcó la primera vez que la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Sierra ha tenido un personal completo en más de dos semanas.

“California está aumentando sustancialmente la presencia de CHP, especialmente cerca de

“Tuve que desempolvar algunas cosas del uniforme y salir al mundo real”, dijo.

“Estoy preocupado porque esto puede cambiar mañana”, concluyó. Este artículo fue publicado originalmente por CalMatters.


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FEB 04 - FEB 10, 2022

FEB 04 - FEB 10, 2022


EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com





Byrhonda Lyons CalMatters

he call-ins were steady. Deputies were out sick. So were dispatchers. Even the sheriff was forced to stay home for five days.

help city and county law enforcement agencies deal with the variant’s fallout.


State agencies also are feeling the strain.

Imperial County on the Mexican border has seen it all during this pandemic. The first wave of infections in 2020 hit its communities hard. Then, the county boasted one of the best-in-the-state for vaccinations by August 2021. Then came the omicron variant, which has significantly increased hospitalizations there.

In a month’s time, the small Sierra County Sheriff’s Office became a revolving door of isolating and returning staff.

The California Highway Patrol, the largest statewide police department, would not detail how many officers have been out to COVID but “we have not been immune,” said spokesperson Fran Clader. Even so, she said, the “COVID-related absences have not impacted the Department’s mission.”

When Sheriff-Coroner Mike Fisher was elected in 2018 in this county of 3,200, community policing and recruiting talented officers were high on his priority list. But on a recent Tuesday afternoon, he had to settle for a less ambitious role: driving a jail inmate to a doctor’s appointment, about 90 miles away in suburban Sacramento.

Recently, news stories have reflected some of the unique COVID-related challenges and job reassignments the highway patrol has faced. After high-profile retail thefts in Northern and Southern California, Gov. Gavin Newsom enlisted the agency in November to increase patrols near retail areas over the holidays, as the omicron virus took off.

Up and down California, the contagious omicron variant of the coronavirus has shaken the state’s labor market. Hospitals are understaffed. Schools are low on teachers and substitutes. And law enforcement officers and first responders — who are increasingly exposed to risky, one-on-one contacts and superspreader events — are having to make do with fewer people. “Our people are tired.” -LT. RAY KELLY, ALAMEDA COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE Since the surge began in December, law enforcement agencies have been forced to increase overtime, reduce services and reroute non-emergency calls to online portals, according to a CalMatters survey of more than 30 agencies statewide. “Our people are tired,” said Lt. Ray Kelly, the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson. “They are working extra hours; they’re working extra shifts…picking up the slack where they have to.” Most of the agencies contacted by CalMatters are largely funded by local governments. While state lawmakers have agreed to extend paid sick leave for workers and support for small businesses, among other things, no statewide effort has been made to

“California is substantially increasing CHP’s presence, especially near retail areas, and will be investing even more to aggressively curb retail crime,” Newsom said in a press release. “As a small business owner myself, I am resolved to holding these criminals accountable and protecting our local businesses.” Earlier this month, as COVID cases rose, Newsom also activated the California National Guard to work with communities to add more testing sites. The governor has called on the Guard several times since the pandemic began to secure the Capitol from potential armed protesters and to distribute goods at food banks, among other things. “I pulled duty shifts; dispatchers were working seven days in a row. It pretty much took out my overtime budget for the year.” -ROBERT GIBSON, MOUNT SHASTA POLICE CHIEF As state-level law enforcement agencies say they are experiencing outbreaks within their ranks, so are local law departments – often with fewer resources. In Yuba County for instance, which has the state’s highest rate of COVID hospitalizations, the small sheriff’s department has recently called in part-time reserve officers as the virus spread through its ranks.

By that time, the Imperial Police Department said it was somewhat prepared. The department already had started steering people with non-emergencies to its website to report crimes and neighborhood problems.

Sierra County Sheriff Mike Fisher at the Downieville Sheriff’s Department office. The department has experienced labor shortage due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Jan. 25, 2022. Photo Credit: Andri Tambunan / CalMatters

“Some are retired, others are not full-time law enforcement officers and can be different ‘levels’ of qualifications,” spokesperson Leslie Williams wrote in an email. In Mount Shasta, after roughly half of its 13-person policing staff was out for COVID, the chief stepped in. “I pulled duty shifts; dispatchers were working seven days in a row,” said police chief Robert Gibson. “It pretty much took out my overtime budget for the year.” While smaller agencies struggled, one of the largest police forces in the country said it was able to maintain business as usual after nearly 900 Los Angeles Police Department officers were out last week. A department spokesperson said the agency has maintained its staffing for patrols.

“Before the pandemic, we were responding to people’s houses for any call for service,” said Max Sheffield, Imperial Police spokesman. “It’s really changed policing for us.” The Kern County Sheriff’s Office also was asking the public during this month’s omicron surge to use the agency’s online system to report crimes that were in progress, or other non-emergencies,” according to a report from KABK-KBFX. While some duties can be shifted to an online portal, day-to-day policing cannot. Last Tuesday morning, 400 miles north of Kern County, Sierra County Sheriff Mike Fisher pulled out a familiar wardrobe and hit the road. Shuttling incarcerated people is not the typical fare for the duly elected sheriff and coroner. But with his transport deputy under quarantine after being exposed to COVID-19, Fisher did what everyone has had to do. He adapted. “I got to dust off some uniform stuff and head out into the real world,” he said.

Facing outbreaks and labor shortages, some agencies doubled down on longer shifts and the power of technology.

For now, though, things are looking up. This week marked the first time the Sierra County Sheriff’s Office has had a full staff in more than two weeks.

“I got to dust off some uniform stuff and head out into the real world.”

“I’m knocking on wood because that’s subject to change tomorrow,” he said.

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FEB 04 - FEB 10, 2022

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com




Mark Richardson Public News Service

Mark Richardson Public News Service


he 2022 Olympic Games are scheduled to open in Beijing on Thursday February 3rd, but new research found unless world leaders make significant progress toward mitigating climate change, they could be the last Winter Games.

os Juegos Olímpicos de 2022 están programados para inaugurarse en Beijing el jueves 3 de febrero, pero según una nueva investigación, a menos que los líderes mundiales hagan un progreso significativo para mitigar el cambio climático, podrían ser los últimos Juegos de Invierno. El informe mostró que en la mayor parte del mundo, incluidos Colorado y el oeste de Estados Unidos, los lugares de deportes de invierno dijeron que las nevadas naturales de las que dependen para operar ya no son confiables. Los Juegos de Beijing serán los primeros producidos con nieve 100% artificial.

The report showed in most parts of the world, including Colorado and the American West, winter-sports venues said the natural snowfalls they depend on to operate are no longer reliable. The Beijing Games will be the first ever produced with 100% artificial snow. Madeline Orr, founder of Sports Ecology Group, said the warming climate presents a major obstacle to winter sports. "What we're starting to see is, snow's going away," Orr explained. "It's going to be a challenge moving forward to identify those places where you're going to have a snow-sure condition to host an event, without relying extensively on artificial snow." The report warned shifting climate patterns in Colorado and around the world are producing an ever-shrinking snowpack, which has decreased by a total of 35 inches since the 1970s. While man-made snow can be used in the short run, Orr argued it is not sustainable, because it takes massive amounts of energy and water to produce. "Artificial snow has been a stopgap solution to kind of bridge those gaps, but it's not going to solve everything," Orr contended. "If you don't have enough snow, you can produce it using artificial snow guns. But if you blow that snow out of the gun, and it hits the ground, and it's too hot for it to stay on the ground, there's nothing really you can do about that." The lack of snow could also spell economic disaster for those who count on the skiing industry for tax revenue and jobs. Chris Davenport, a professional skier and climate activist from Aspen, agreed climate change is making winter sports a risky business. "It's really difficult to plan for your ski resort business or your apparel business, or anyone who depends on the winter, if you really have no idea if there's going

The 2022 Beijing Olympics will be the first winter games played entirely on synthetic snow. Photo Credit: Eagle / Adobe Stockz

LA SABIDURÍA DE LOS AÑOS "Soy María Orellana. Soy una peruana-estadounidense de 67 años y vivo en el condado de San Mateo. Sufro de asma y tuve COVID-19 antes de que existiera la vacuna. Me sentía muy asustada, aislada y triste. Al vacunarme, sobre todo con mi 3ra dosis, recuperé la tranquilidad, me reencontré con mis seres queridos y volví a trabajar como voluntaria en una organización cultural donde bailo danza folclórica. Me siento feliz".

Las vacunas contra COVID-19 han sido probadas y han demostrado ser seguras y eficaces para millones de personas. Se recomienda una dosis de refuerzo para ayudar a mantener la inmunidad y tener mayor protección contra COVID-19. Las dosis de refuerzo son gratis y están disponibles sin importar tu estado migratorio o si tienes seguro médico.

Visita VaccinateALL58.com o MyTurn.ca.gov o llama al 833-422-4255 para saber más.

Madeline Orr, fundadora de Sports Ecology Group, dijo que el clima cada vez más cálido presenta un gran obstáculo para los deportes de invierno. "Lo que estamos empezando a ver es que la nieve se está yendo", explicó Orr. "Será un desafío en el futuro identificar aquellos lugares en los que habrá condiciones seguras de nieve para realizar un evento, sin depender demasiado de la nieve artificial". El informe advirtió que los patrones climáticos cambiantes en Colorado y en todo el mundo están produciendo una capa de nieve cada vez más pequeña, que ha disminuido en un total de 35 pulgadas desde la década de 1970. Si bien la nieve artificial se puede usar a corto plazo, Orr argumentó que no es sostenible, porque se necesitan grandes cantidades de energía y agua para producirla. "La nieve artificial ha sido una solución provisional para cerrar esas brechas, pero no va a resolverlo todo", afirmó Orr. "Si no tienes suficiente nieve, puedes producirla usando cañones de nieve artificial. Pero si sacas la nieve de la pistola y cae al suelo y hace demasiado calor para que se quede en el suelo, no hay nada que puedas hacer al respecto". La falta de nieve también podría significar un desastre económico para aquellos que cuentan con la industria del esquí para obtener ingresos fiscales y puestos de trabajo. Chris Davenport, esquiador profesional y activista climático de Aspen, estuvo de acuerdo en que el cambio climático está convirtiendo a los deportes de invierno en un negocio riesgoso. "Es realmente difícil planificar tu negocio de estación de esquí o tu negocio de ropa, o cualquiera que dependa del invierno, si realmente no tienes idea de si va a nevar o no", reconoció Davenport. "Es arriesgado para los patrocinadores, para las naciones, para los equipos y atletas, si simplemente no saben qué es lo que va a pasar". Los próximos Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno están programados para 2026 en Milán y Cortina, Italia.

Stanford_Heart Month_10.37"x11.5"_El Observador.pdf

FEB 04 - FEB 10, 2022



4:22 PM

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

Alimentos para el corazón Celebremos el Mes del Corazón con pequeños cambios de alimentación que tienen un gran impacto en la salud del corazón. Según la Asociación Estadounidense de Cardiología, casi la mitad de los adultos estadounidenses padecen algún tipo de enfermedad cardiovascular. Sin embargo, al elegir alimentos sencillos y saludables y seguir los consejos de destacados médicos y dietistas de Stanford Medicine, tener un corazón más sano puede ser tan fácil como sentarse a disfrutar una deliciosa comida.

Para obtener más información sobre cómo mantener el corazón sano, consulte stanfordhealthcare.org/foodforheart




FEB 04 - FEB 10, 2022

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

“La Autoridad de Vivienda del Condado de Santa Clara (SCCHA, por sus siglas en inglés), anteriormente conocida como HACSC (por sus siglas en inglés), debe presentar un aviso público de los fondos en su custodia que han quedado inactivos según la ley estatal de California. Si no se reclama, el dinero pasará a ser propiedad de SCCHA el 21 de marzo de 2022. Si cree que SCCHA le debe dinero, llame al (408) 993-2924 o envíe un correo electrónico a Christy. Hang@scchousingauthority.org y proporcione el nombre del reclamante, la dirección actual, el número de teléfono y la dirección donde se encontrará durante el período de examinación. Tenga en cuenta que los representantes primero determinarán si usted es un receptor del pago de fondos inactivos. Si se determina que usted es un receptor del pago de fondos inactivos, el representante solicitará la documentación para verificar su identidad a fin de poder reembolsar el dinero adeudado."

Apartamentos para Personas Mayores de Bajos Ingresos. Crane Place Apartments es una comunidad de viviendas con subsidio federal en Menlo Park, California.

Sr. Manager, Digital Marketing Analytics (Ariat International, Inc.; Union City, CA): Build and lead a world class digital analytics team. Lead and develop strategy for reporting, testing, analyzing, and forecasting all digital marketing channels. Applicants should mail resumes to Ariat International, Inc., Attn: HR, 3242 Whipple Rd., Union City, CA 94587. Part Time $20.00-$25.00 per hour. Combined Job Duties Light Duties. South San Jose location. Duties Clerical, preparing mailers, stuffing envelopes, computer input, possible phone call calls. All simple stress free stuff. We are looking to being flexible to work with the right person to help us with our real estate business and assist in moms needs.


in facts from previous

Article/Reg#: C4811731

filing] of previous file #:


FBN 623089/679296. “I

formed in the state of

declare that all informa-


tion in this statement

This statement was

Other duties include helping my 87 year old mom 105 lbs. with bathing and cleaning, providing a meal or so running to the store. She is very independent and only needs minimal assistance. Your help is mostly for security in the event we step out.

is true and correct.” (A

filed with the Co. Clerk-

registrant who declares

Recorder of Santa Clara


County on 02/02/2022.

Hours are flexible on our part as well as yours. Our focus is to get the small tasks done for mom and our business low stress easy to do business needs. We have other opportunities in our business if you are ambitious. Please call Dan at 408-401-3557 or send a text.

available from the court

previous filing: Previous


File #625168. “I declare

pointed by the court

10. Attorney for Peti-

that all information in this

Para solicitar un paquete de solicitud, llame al 650-325-2442 o acérquese a la oficina de Crane Place Apartments durante el horario comercial habitual, de 9:00 a. m. a 12:00 p. m. y de 1:00 p. m. a 5:00 p. m., de Lunes a Viernes, excepto festivos, en 1331 Crane Street, Menlo Park, CA 94025, o envíe un correo electrónico a craneocc@barcelon.com.

within the later of either:


statement is true and

1) four months from the


correct.” (A registrant

date of first issuance

3535 Ross Avenue, Ste.

who declares as true

of letters to a general


information which he or

Crane Place ofrece igualdad de oportunidades de vivienda.

personal representative

San Jose, CA 95124

she knows to be false is

as defined in section


guilty of a crime.)


court should not grant


under the Independent

the authority. 6. A hear-

Case No. 21PR191515

Administer of Estate

ing on the petition will








be held in this court as



will allow the personal

follows: February 28,



representative to take

2022, at 9:01am, Dept. 5,

and persons who may

any actions without ob-

located at 191 North First

be interested in the will

taining court approval.

Street, San Jose, CA

or estate, or both, of Ed-

Before taking


95113. 7. If you object to

win Arthur Goodgold,

very important actions,

the granting of this peti-

Edwin Goodgold. 2. A

however, the personal

tion, you should appear

Petition for Probate

representative will be

at the hearing and state

has been filed by Stu-

required to give notice

your objections or file

art R. Goodgold in the

to interested persons

written objections with

Superior Court of Cali-

unless they have waived

the court before the

fornia, County of Santa

notice or consent to

hearing. Your appear-

Clara. 3.The Petition for

the proposed action.)

ance may be in person

Probate requests that


or by your attorney. 8. If

Stuart R. Goodgold be


administration authority

you are a creditor or

appointed as personal

will be granted unless


representative to ad-

an interested person

of the decedent, you

minister the estate of the

Files and objection to

must file your claim


Probate Code, or 2) 60

Run Date: February 4,

This statement was

days from the date of

11 and 18, 2022

filed with the Co. ClerkRecorder of Santa Clara

mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice


County on 01/05/2022.

under section 9052 of


Regina Alcomendras,

the California Probate


County Clerk Recorder

Code. Other California

NO. 681527

By: /s/ Sandy Corinne




The following person(s)

Vasquez, Deputy

authority may affect

is (are) doing business

File No. FBN 681527

your rights as a credi-


tor. You may want to


consult with an attor-


ney knowledgeable in

Morgan Hill, CA 95037,

California law. 9. You

Santa Clara County. This


may examine the file

business is owned by


kept by the court. If

an Individual. The name


you are a person inter-

and residence address

NO. 681893

ested in the estate, you

of the registrant(s) is

The following person(s)

may file with the court

(are): Valerie Jo Weld,

is (are) doing business

a Request for Special



as: Sandy Kay Homes,

Notice (form DE-154) of

Drive, Morgan Hill, CA

16780 Lark Avenue, Los

the filing of an inventory

95037. The registrant

Gatos, CA 95032, Santa

and appraisal of estate

began transacting busi-


assets or of any petition

ness under the fictitious

business is owned by

or account as provided

business name(s) listed

an Individual. The name

in Probate Code section

above on 06/01/2012.

and residence address

1250. A Request for

This filing is a refiling

of the registrant(s) is



18600 Drive,

February 4, 11, 18 and 25, 2022







which he or she knows

Regina Alcomendras,

to be false is guilty of a

County Clerk Recorder


By: /s/ Elaine Fader,

/s/ Ann A, Kownacki


This statement was

File No. FBN 682224

filed with the Co. ClerkRecorder of Santa Clara

February 4, 11, 18 and

County on 01/24/2022.

25, 2022

Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder


By: /s/ Corinne Vasquez,



NO. 682117

File No. FBN 681893

The following person(s) February 4, 11, 18 and

is (are) doing business

25, 2022

as: Carpet Cleaning Heroes, 1592 Wright


/s/ Valerie Jo Weld

58(b) of the California

to administer the estate

she knows to be false is




of Edwin Arthur

information which he or


filing is a refile [Change(s)

a copy to the personal

good cause why the

The registrant began

11/1/2016/24/2022. This

(change(s) in facts from

tion requests authority

who declares as true


Special Notice form is

Administer Estate



guilty of a crime.)

with the court and mail

the petition and shows

correct.” (A registrant


ness name(s) listed on

Crane Place Apartments está aceptando solicitudes por orden de llegada, de personas mayores de 62 años de edad, que cumplan con las pautas de admisión, así como de adultos con movilidad reducida, de 18 años de edad o mayores, que requieran las características de diseño de los apartamentos accesibles.

decedent. 5. The peti-

statement is true and

21 Oak Hill Way, Los

under the fictitious busi-

La lista de espera de Estudios y Apartamentos de 1 habitación para Crane Place Apartments se abrirá el Lunes 14 de Febrero de 2022.

Notice of Petition to

(are): Ann A. Kownacki,






CA Clara


County. This business

NO. 682224

is owned by a Corpora-

The following person(s)

tion. The name and

is (are) doing business

residence address of


the registrant(s) is (are):




, 915 Berryessa Road,

Wright Ave, Sunnyvale,

San Jose, CA 95133,

CA 94087. The regis-

Santa Clara County.

trant began transacting







owned by a Corpora-



tion. The name and

name(s) listed above on



01/28/2022. This filing

of the registrant(s) is

is a refile [Change(s)

(are): E&A Enterprise

in facts from previous

Inc., 5112 Passito Court,

filing] of previous file #:

Salida, CA 95368. The

FBN669793. “I declare

registrant began trans-

that all information in this

acting business under

statement is true and

the fictitious business

correct.” (A registrant

name(s) listed above on

who declares as true

03/22/2018. This filing

information which he or

is a refile [Change(s)

she knows to be false is

in facts from previous

guilty of a crime.)

filing] of previous file #:

/s/ Daniel Silva Duran

FBN640288. “I declare


that all information in this


FEB 04 - FEB 10, 2022 Article/Reg#:

25, 2022


C4835519 Above




California, County of FICTITIOUS


formed in the state of



February 4, 11, 18 and

county of Santa Clara.

four successive weeks

Street, San Jose, CA

25, 2022

Jan 27, 2022

prior to the date set for

95113. 3. A copy of the

January 28, February

Julie A. Emede

hearing on the petition

Order to Show cause

4, 11 and 18, 2022

Judge of the Superior

in El Observador, a

shall be published at


newspaper of general

least once a week for


circulation, printed in the

four successive weeks


February 4, 11, 18 and

county of Santa Clara.

prior to the date set for


25, 2022

Feb 01, 2022

hearing on the petition

NO. 681857

Julie A. Emede

in El Observador, a

The following person(s)

Judge of the Superior

newspaper of general

is (are) doing business


circulation, printed in the


county of Santa Clara.

SERVICE, 211 S King

February 4, 11, 18 and

Feb 01, 2022

Road, San Jose, CA

25, 2022

Julie A. Emede


Judge of the Superior

County. This business


is owned by an Indi-



matter of the applica-



tion of: Jordan Saylon


This statement was

NO. 682113

Pamintuan. TO ALL IN-


filed with the Co. Clerk-

The following person(s)


NO. 22CV393723

Recorder of Santa Clara

is (are) doing business

1. Petitioner(s) Jordan

Superior Court of Cali-

County on 01/28/2022.




fornia, County of Santa

Regina Alcomendras,


has filed a petition for

Clara-In the matter of

County Clerk Recorder



Change of Name with

the application of: Yifei


By: /s/ Corinne Vasquez,

Stevens Creek Blvd,

the clerk of this court

Ma, Chiyao Yang. TO



Cupertino, CA 95014,

for a decree changing


NO. 22CV393875

File No. FBN 682117

Santa Clara County.


Superior Court of Cali-







EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com



SONS: 1. Petitioner(s)






Yifei Ma, Chiyao Yang

fornia, County of Santa

February 4, 11, 18 and

owned by a Corpora-

Pamintuan to Jordan

has filed a petition for

Clara-In the matter of


25, 2022

tion. The name and

Mariano Saylon 2. THE

Change of Name with

the application of: Gay


residence address of


the clerk of this court


the registrant(s) is (are):

all persons interested

for a decree changing


NO. 22CV393919



in this matter appear

names as follows: a.

SONS: 1. Petitioner(s)

Superior Court of Cali-


802 E Mission Rd, San

before this court at

Ricky Haorui Yang to



fornia, County of Santa


211 South King Road,





Graves. TO



vidual. The name and February 4, 11, 18 and

residence address of

25, 2022

the registrant(s) is (are): Viky Jamileth Santos,

NO. 681850

Gabriel, CA 91776. The

the hearing indicated



has filed a petition for

Clara-In the matter of


San Jose, CA 95116. The

The following person(s)

registrant began trans-

below to show cause,


Change of Name with

the application of: Fay


registrant began trans-

is (are) doing business

acting business under

if any, why the petition

DERS that all persons

the clerk of this court


NO. 681962

acting business under

as: Day One Barber-

the fictitious business

for change of name

interested in this matter

for a decree changing


The following person(s)

the fictitious business

shop, 700 S. Winchester

name(s) listed above on

should not be granted.

appear before this court

names as follows: a. Gay

Petitioner(s) Fay Perry

is (are) doing business

name(s) listed above on

Blvd #30, San Jose,

06/01/2019. This filing

Any person objecting to

at the hearing indicated

Louise Graves to Gaye

has filed a petition for

as: MaryNailSpa, 231

01/21/2022. This filing

CA 95128, Santa Clara

is a refile [Change(s)

the name changes de-

below to show cause,

Louise Graves 2. THE

Change of Name with



is a first filing. “I declare

County. This business

in facts from previous

scribed above must file

if any, why the petition


the clerk of this court

Apt 313, Milpitas, CA

that all information in this

is owned by a General

filing] of previous file #:

written objection that

for change of name

all persons interested

for a decree changing

95035, Santa Clara

statement is true and

Partnerhip. The name

FBN655246. “I declare

includes the reasons

should not be granted.

in this matter appear

names as follows: a. Ju-



correct.” (A registrant

and residence address

that all information in this

for the objection at least

Any person objecting

before this court at

lian Keith Serrato-Perry

ness is owned by an

who declares as true

of the registrant(s) is

statement is true and

two court days before

to the name changes

the hearing indicated

to Julian Keith Perry.

Individual. The name

information which he or

(are): Norman Clavio,

correct.” (A registrant

the matter is scheduled

described above must

below to show cause,


and residence address

she knows to be false is

4116 Venus Place, Union

who declares as true

to be heard and must

file written objection

if any, why the petition

DERS that all persons

of the registrant(s) is

guilty of a crime.)

City, CA 94587. Orly

information which he or

appear at the hearing

that includes the rea-

for change of name

interested in this matter

(are): Marilyn Cuellar

/s/ Viky Jamileth Santos

Locquiao, 43 Palmwell

she knows to be false is

to show cause why the

sons for the objection

should not be granted.

appear before this court

Fernandez, 231 Dixon

This statement was

Way, San Jose, CA

guilty of a crime.)

petition should not be

at least two court days

Any person objecting

at the hearing indicated

Landing Rd Apt 313,

filed with the Co. Clerk-

95138. The registrant

/s/ Jessica Liang

granted. If no written

before the matter is

to the name changes

below to show cause,

Milpitas, CA 95035. The

Recorder of Santa Clara

began transacting busi-


objection is timely filed,

scheduled to be heard

described above must

if any, why the petition

registrant began trans-

County on 01/21/2022.

ness under the fictitious


the court may grant the

and must appear at

file written objection

for change of name

acting business under

Regina Alcomendras,

business name(s) listed


petition without a hear-

the hearing to show

that includes the rea-

should not be granted.

the fictitious business

County Clerk Recorder

above on N/A. This filing



cause why the petition

sons for the objection

Any person objecting

name(s) listed above on

By: /s/ Corinne Vasquez,

is a first filing. “I declare



ING: Date: 07/12/2022 at

should not be granted.

at least two court days

to the name changes

01/24/2022. This filing


that all information in this

formed in the state of

8:45 am, Probate Dept.,

If no written objection

before the matter is

described above must

is a first filing. “I declare

File No. FBN 681857

statement is true and


located at 191 N. First

is timely filed, the court

scheduled to be heard

file written objection

that all information in this

correct.” (A registrant

This statement was

Street, San Jose, CA

may grant the petition

and must appear at

that includes the rea-

statement is true and

January 28, February

who declares as true

filed with the Co. Clerk-

95113. 3. A copy of the



the hearing to show

sons for the objection

correct.” (A registrant

4, 11 and 18, 2022

information which he or

Recorder of Santa Clara

Order to Show cause


cause why the petition

at least two court days

who declares as true

she knows to be false is

County on 01/28/2022.

shall be published at

Date: 04/26/2022 at

should not be granted.

before the matter is

information which he or


guilty of a crime.)

Regina Alcomendras,

least once a week for

8:45 am, Probate Dept.,

If no written objection

scheduled to be heard

she knows to be false is


/s/ Norman Clavio

County Clerk Recorder

four successive weeks

located at 191 N. First

is timely filed, the court

and must appear at

guilty of a crime.)

This statement was

By: /s/ Sandy Chan-

prior to the date set for

Street, San Jose, CA

may grant the petition

the hearing to show


filed with the Co. Clerk-

thasy, Deputy

hearing on the petition

95113. 3. A copy of the



cause why the petition


The following person(s)

Recorder of Santa Clara

File No. FBN 682113

in El Observador, a

Order to Show cause


should not be granted.

This statement was

is (are) doing business











newspaper of general

shall be published at

Date: 05/03/2022 at

If no written objection

filed with the Co. Clerk-


Regina Alcomendras,

February 4, 11, 18 and

circulation, printed in the

least once a week for

8:45 am, Probate Dept.,

is timely filed, the court

Recorder of Santa Clara


County Clerk Recorder

25, 2022

county of Santa Clara.

four successive weeks

located at 191 N. First

may grant the petition

County on 01/25/2022.

#105, San Jose, CA

Jan 31, 2022

prior to the date set for

Street, San Jose, CA


Regina Alcomendras,


Julie A. Emede

hearing on the petition

95113. 3. A copy of the


County Clerk Recorder

County. This business

Judge of the Superior

in El Observador, a

Order to Show cause

Date: 05/03/2022 at

By: /s/ Corinne Vasquez,

is owned by an Indi-


newspaper of general

shall be published at

8:45 am, Probate Dept.,


vidual. The name and

circulation, printed in the

least once a week for

located at 191 N. First

File No. FBN 681962

residence address of

County on 01/21/2022.

By: /s/ Corinne Vasquez, Deputy File No. FBN 681850


February 4, 11, 18 and

NO. 22CV393829





2695 Ste. Clara



FEB 04 - FEB 10, 2022

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

the registrant(s) is (are):

/s/ Juan Carlos Lopez

This business is owned

Alfaro, 736 La Paloma

/s/ Adrian Martin Feria

County Clerk Recorder

the clerk of this court

Nalleli Somoza, 2695


January 28, February

by a Limited Liabil-

Way, Gilroy, CA 95020.


By: /s/ Elaine Fader,

for a decree changing


4, 11 and 18, 2022

ity Company. The name

The registrant began

This statement was


names as follows: a.

and residence address



filed with the Co. Clerk-

File No. FBN 681858

Elizabeth Riley Farel to


of the registrant(s) is



Recorder of Santa Clara


business name(s) listed

County on 01/04/2022.

January 28, February


4, 11 and 18, 2022

DERS that all persons


This statement was

Jose, CA 95128. The


filed with the Co. Clerk-

registrant began trans-

Recorder of Santa Clara

acting business under

County on 01/21/2022.


the fictitious business

Regina Alcomendras,




above on 01/18/2022.

Regina Alcomendras,

name(s) listed above on

County Clerk Recorder

NO. 681898

5328 Monterey Hwy,

This filing is a first filing. “I

County Clerk Recorder

12/08/2021. This filing

By: /s/ Corinne Vasquez,

The following person(s)

San Jose, CA 95111. The

declare that all informa-

By: /s/ Elaine Fader,

is a first filing. “I declare


is (are) doing busi-

registrant began trans-

tion in this statement

that all information in this

File No. FBN 681863

ness as: TACOS LA

acting business under

is true and correct.” (A



the fictitious business

registrant who declares

statement is true and



correct.” (A registrant

January 28, February

Commercial Street, San

name(s) listed above on


who declares as true

4, 11 and 18, 2022

Jose, CA 95112, Santa

01/20/2022. This filing

which he or she knows

information which he or



is a refile [Change(s)

to be false is guilty of a

she knows to be false is

business is owned by

in facts from previous






an Individual. The name

filing] of previous file #:

/s/ Jose F. Rodriguez

/s/ Nalleli Somoza

interested in this matter STATEMENT OF

appear before this court



at the hearing indicated

File No. FBN 681505


below to show cause,


if any, why the petition

January 28, February

The following person(s)

for change of name

4, 11 and 18, 2022

has / have abandoned

should not be granted.

the use of the fictitious

Any person objecting



to the name changes


Freddyz Hauling &

described above must


guilty of a crime.)

Libby Farel Friedman


and residence address

FBN679161. “I declare



Moving, 25 North 14

file written objection

This statement was


of the registrant(s) is

that all information in this

This statement was

NO. 681858

Street Ste. 505, San

that includes the rea-

filed with the Co. Clerk-

NO. 681957

(are): Janet Juarez, 256

statement is true and

filed with the Co. Clerk-

The following person(s)

Jose CA, 95112. Filed in

sons for the objection

Recorder of Santa Clara

The following person(s)

E. Younger Ave, San

correct.” (A registrant

Recorder of Santa Clara

is (are) doing business

Santa Clara County

at least two court days

County on 12/14/2021.

is (are) doing business

Jose, CA 95112. The

who declares as true

County on 01/18/2022.

as: MAY 11, LLC, 201 S

on 03/16/17 under file

before the matter is

Regina Alcomendras,

as: Amber Homes, 201

registrant began trans-

information which he or

Regina Alcomendras,

Fourth Street, Apt #401,

no. FBN627656. Freddy

scheduled to be heard

County Clerk Recorder

Silvia Court, Los Altos,

acting business under

she knows to be false is

County Clerk Recorder

San Jose, CA 95112,

Herrera, 1450 Mount

and must appear at

By: /s/ Nina Khamphi-

CA 94024, Santa Clara

the fictitious business

guilty of a crime.)

By: /s/ Corinne Vasquez,

Santa Clara County.

Shasta Dr, San Jose CA,

the hearing to show

lath, Deputy

County. This business

name(s) listed above on

/s/ Alma Stottleyer


This business is owned

95127. This business

cause why the petition

File No. FBN 681038

is owned by a Limited

09/07/2021. This filing


File No. FBN 681772

by a Limited Liabil-

was conducted by: An

should not be granted.

Liability Company. The

is a refile [Change(s)


ity Company. The name


“I declare

If no written objection

January 28, February

name and residence

in facts from previous

Managing Member

January 28, February

and residence address

that all information in this

is timely filed, the court

4, 11 and 18, 2022


4, 11 and 18, 2022

of the registrant(s) is

statement is true and

may grant the petition

(are): MAY 11, LLC, 201 S

correct.” (A registrant



Fourth Street, Apt #401,

who declares as true



San Jose, CA 95112.

information which he or

Date: 04/19/2022 at


filing] of previous file #:


registrant(s) is (are): Am-

FBN678794. “I declare



ber Homes LLC, 201 Sil-

that all information in this



via Court, Los Altos, CA

statement is true and

formed in the state of


94024. The registrant

correct.” (A registrant



The registrant began

she knows to be false is

8:45 am, Probate Dept.,

NO. 681863

began transacting busi-

who declares as true

This statement was

NO. 681505


guilty of a crime.)

located at 191 N. First

The following person(s)

ness under the fictitious

information which he or

filed with the Co. Clerk-

The following person(s)


/s/ Freddy Herrera

Street, San Jose, CA

is (are) doing busi-

business name(s) listed

she knows to be false is

Recorder of Santa Clara

is (are) doing business

business name(s) listed

This statement was

95113. 3. A copy of the

ness as: BAJA FISH

above on N/A. This filing

guilty of a crime.)

County on 01/20/2022.


above on N/A. This filing

filed with the Co. Clerk

Order to Show cause


is a first filing. “I declare

/s/ Janet Juarez

Regina Alcomendras,



is a refile [Change(s)

Recorder of Santa Clara

shall be published at

99 Almaden Blvd Suite

that all information in this

This statement was

County Clerk Recorder

Willowmont Ave, San

in facts from previous

County on 1/19/2022.

least once a week for

600, San Jose, CA

statement is true and

filed with the Co. Clerk-

By: /s/ Corinne Vasquez,

Jose, CA 95118, Santa

filing] of previous file #:

Regina Alcomendras,

four successive weeks



correct.” (A registrant

Recorder of Santa Clara




FBN680236. “I declare

County Clerk Recorder

prior to the date set for

County. This business

who declares as true

County on 01/24/2022.

File No. FBN 681820

business is owned by

that all information in this

By: /s/ Corinne Vasquez,

hearing on the petition

is owned by an Indi-

information which he or

Regina Alcomendras,

an Individual. The name

statement is true and


in El Observador, a

vidual. The name and

she knows to be false is

County Clerk Recorder

January 28, February

and residence address

correct.” (A registrant

File No. FBN 681798

newspaper of general

residence address of

guilty of a crime.)

By: /s/ Elaine Fader,

4, 11 and 18, 2022

of the registrant(s) is

who declares as true

the registrant(s) is (are):



(are): Adrian Martin Feria

information which he or

January 28, February

county of Santa Clara.

Juan Carlos Lopez Bar-



Islas, 1522 Willowmont

she knows to be false is

4, 11 and 18, 2022

Jan 07, 2021

raza, 921 Cannery Row,

Amber Homes LLC


Ave, San Jose, CA

guilty of a crime.)

Hollister, CA 95023. The


January 28, February


95118. The registrant


registrant began trans-


4, 11 and 18, 2022

NO. 681772

began transacting busi-


acting business under


The following person(s)

ness under the fictitious


the fictitious business

formed in the state of

is (are) doing business

name(s) listed above on


01/21/2022. This filing

This statement was

is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this





File No. FBN 681898













circulation, printed in the

Julie A. Emede



Judge of the Superior Court


January 28, February

business name(s) listed




above on 01/04/2022.


Superior Court of Cali-




This filing is a first filing. “I


fornia, County of Santa

filed with the Co. Clerk-

NO. 681820

La Paloma Way, Gilroy,

declare that all informa-



Clara-In the matter of


Recorder of Santa Clara

The following person(s)



tion in this statement

formed in the state of

the application of: Eliza-


statement is true and

County on 01/24/2022.

is (are) doing business



is true and correct.” (A


beth Riley Farel. TO


correct.” (A registrant

Regina Alcomendras,


business is owned by

registrant who declares

This statement was


NO. 681586

who declares as true

County Clerk Recorder


an Individual. The name



filed with the Co. Clerk-

SONS: 1. Petitioner(s)

The following person(s)

information which he or

By: /s/ Corinne Vasquez,

Monterey Rd Suite A,

and residence address

which he or she knows

Recorder of Santa Clara

Elizabeth Riley Farel

is (are) doing business

she knows to be false is


San Jose, CA 95111,

of the registrant(s) is

to be false is guilty of a

County on 01/21/2022.

has filed a petition for


guilty of a crime.)

File No. FBN 681957

Santa Clara County.

(are): Jose F. Rodriguez


Regina Alcomendras,

Change of Name with




95020, County.



4, 11 and 18, 2022

FEB 04 - FEB 10, 2022



EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

Sunol Street, San Jose,

acting business under

filed with the Co. Clerk-

is (are) doing business

95125. The registrant


Recorder of Santa Clara

Order to Show cause

CA 95126, Santa Clara

the fictitious business

Recorder of Santa Clara



began transacting busi-

formed in the state of

County on 01/04/2022.

shall be published at

County. This business

name(s) listed above on

County on 12/15/2021.

1164 Mclaughlin Ave

ness under the fictitious


Regina Alcomendras,

least once a week for

is owned by an Indi-

11/20/2021. This filing

Regina Alcomendras,

Suite B, San Jose, CA

business name(s) listed

This statement was

County Clerk Recorder

four successive weeks

vidual. The name and

is a first filing. “I declare

County Clerk Recorder




above on N/A. This filing

filed with the Co. Clerk-

By: /s/ Elaine Corinne

prior to the date set for

residence address of

that all information in this

By: /s/ Corinne Vasquez,

County. This business

is a first filing. “I declare

Recorder of Santa Clara

Vasquez, Deputy

hearing on the petition

the registrant(s) is (are):

statement is true and


is owned by a Married

that all information in this

County on 12/27/2021.

File No. FBN 681486

in El Observador, a

Katia Rebeca Aguirre,

correct.” (A registrant

File No. FBN 681074

Couple. The name and

statement is true and

Regina Alcomendras,

49 Sunol Street, San

who declares as true

residence address of

correct.” (A registrant

County Clerk Recorder

January 21, 28, Febru-

circulation, printed in the

Jose, CA 95126. The

information which he or

January 21, 28, Febru-

the registrant(s) is (are):

who declares as true

By: /s/ Elaine Fader,

ary 4, 11, 2022

county of Santa Clara.

registrant began trans-

she knows to be false is

ary 4, 11, 2022

Ana Laura Ortiz Gutier-

information which he or


acting business under

guilty of a crime.)


she knows to be false is

File No. FBN 681336

the fictitious business

/s/ Saul Villegas Moreno


Ave #20, Modesto, CA

guilty of a crime.)

name(s) listed above on

This statement was


95356. The registrant

/s/ Edgar Gomez

January 21, 28, Febru-

01/07/2016. This filing

filed with the Co. Clerk-



This statement was

ary 4, 11, 2022

is a refile [Change(s)

Recorder of Santa Clara

NO. 681223


in facts from previous

County on 01/07/2022.

The following person(s)


filing] of previous file #:

Regina Alcomendras,

is (are) doing business

FBN613038. “I declare

County Clerk Recorder


that all information in this

By: /s/ Corinne Vasquez,


statement is true and correct.” (A registrant






newspaper of general


Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior



NO. 21CV392160 Superior



January 21, 28, Febru-


filed with the Co. Clerk-


Recorder of Santa Clara


name(s) listed above on

County on 01/12/2022.


01/19/2022. This filing

Regina Alcomendras,


matter of the applica-

Notice of Petition to


is a refile [Change(s)

County Clerk Recorder

NO. 681486

tion of: Marissa Lovio

Administer Estate of


Street, Suite 260, San

in facts from previous

By: /s/ Nina Khamphi-

The following person(s)

McKnight. TO ALL IN-


File No. FBN 681585

Jose, CA 95126, Santa

filing] of previous file #:

lath, Deputy

is (are) doing business



FBN668962. “I declare

File No. FBN 681670


who declares as true





California, County of Santa


ary 4, 11, 2022



Case No. 21PR191461


1. Petitioner(s) Marissa


PLIFIED, 855 El Camino

Lovio McKnight has filed


creditors, creditors,





information which he or

January 21, 28, Febru-

business is owned by

that all information in this

she knows to be false is

ary 4, 11, 2022

an Individual. The name

statement is true and

January 21, 28, Febru-

Real, Suite 13A #248,

a petition for Change of


ary 4, 11, 2022

Palo Alto, CA 94301,

Name with the clerk of

and persons who may

Santa Clara County.

this court for a decree

be interested in the will

and residence address

correct.” (A registrant


of the registrant(s) is

who declares as true


(are): Danella E Rugile,

information which he or


This business is owned

changing names as

or estate, or both, of


1042 W Hedding Street,

she knows to be false is


by a Limited Liabil-

follows: a. Marissa Lovio

Jessie De La Torre. 2.

NO. 681074

A Petition for Probate

guilty of a crime.) /s/ Katia Rebeca Aguirre This statement was

Suite 260, San Jose, CA

guilty of a crime.)


ity Company. The name

McKnight to Marissa

Recorder of Santa Clara



95126. The registrant

/s/ Ana Laura Ortiz

NO. 681336

and residence address

McKnight Lovio 2. THE

has been filed by

County on 01/07/2022.

person(s) is (are) doing

began transacting busi-


The following person(s)

of the registrant(s) is


Jose Sarmiento in the

Regina Alcomendras,



ness under the fictitious

This statement was

is (are) doing business

(are): LCYH Investment

all persons interested

Superior Court of Cali-

County Clerk Recorder


business name(s) listed

filed with the Co. Clerk-

as: FOCUS, 302 S Abel

LLC., 855 El Camino

in this matter appear

fornia, County of Santa

By: /s/ Corinne Vasquez,

King Rd, San Jose, CA

above on 11/23/2020.

Recorder of Santa Clara

St, Milpitas, CA 95035,

Real, Suite 13A #248,

before this court at

Clara. 3.The Petition for




This filing is a first filing. “I

County on 01/19/2022.

Santa Clara County.

Palo Alto, CA 94301.

the hearing indicated

Probate requests that

File No. FBN 681586

County. This business

declare that all informa-

Regina Alcomendras,

This business is owned

The registrant began

below to show cause,


is owned by a Married

tion in this statement

County Clerk Recorder

by a Corporation. The



if any, why the petition

appointed as personal

January 21, 28, Febru-

Couple. The name and

is true and correct.” (A

By: /s/ Corinne Vasquez,

name and residence



for change of name

representative to ad-

ary 4, 11, 2022

residence address of

registrant who declares




business name(s) listed

should not be granted.

minister the estate of the

File No. FBN 681789

registrant(s) is (are): FO-

above on N/A. This filing

Any person objecting

decedent. 5. The peti-


is a refiling (No changes

to the name changes

tion requests authority

filed with the Co. Clerk-







the registrant(s) is (are):



Oscar Andres Meza,

which he or she knows


475 S King Rd, San

to be false is guilty of a

January 21, 28, Febru-

INC, 302 S Abel St,

in facts from previous

described above must

to administer the estate


Jose, CA 95116. Marlene


ary 4, 11, 2022

Milpitas, CA 95035. The



file written objection

under the Independent




NO. 681585

Delgadillo Tejeda, 475 S

/s/ Danella E Rugile

registrant began trans-

FB679173. “I declare

that includes the rea-

Administer of Estate

The following person(s)

King Rd, San Jose, CA

This statement was


acting business under

that all information in this

sons for the objection


is (are) doing business

95116. The registrant

filed with the Co. Clerk-


the fictitious business

statement is true and

at least two court days

will allow the personal

as: Villegas Roofing,

began transacting busi-

Recorder of Santa Clara


name(s) listed above on

correct.” (A registrant

before the matter is

representative to take

255 Kenbrook Circle,

ness under the fictitious

County on 12/20/2021.

NO. 681670

12/27/2021. This filing

who declares as true

scheduled to be heard

any actions without ob-

San Jose, CA 95111,

business name(s) listed

Regina Alcomendras,

The following person(s)

is a first filing. “I declare

information which he or

and must appear at

taining court approval.

Santa Clara County.

above on 12/13/2021.

County Clerk Recorder

is (are) doing business

that all information in this

she knows to be false is

the hearing to show

Before taking

This business is owned

This filing is a first filing. “I

By: /s/ Sandy Chan-

as: Evolution Wood

statement is true and

guilty of a crime.)

cause why the petition

very important actions,

by a Married Couple.

declare that all informa-

thasy, Deputy

Finishing, 1261 Alma

correct.” (A registrant

/s/ Lisa C. Young Hal-

should not be granted.

however, the personal

The name and resi-

tion in this statement

File No. FBN 681223



who declares as true


If no written objection

representative will be

dence address of the

is true and correct.” (A


information which he or

LCYH Investments LLC

is timely filed, the court

required to give notice








registrant(s) is (are): Saul

registrant who declares

January 21, 28, Febru-


she knows to be false is


may grant the petition

to interested persons

Villegas Moreno, 255


ary 4, 11, 2022

ness is owned by an

guilty of a crime.)




unless they have waived

Kenbrook Circle, San

which he or she knows

Individual. The name

/s/ Jaya Dahal



notice or consent to

Jose, CA 95111. Noelia

to be false is guilty of a


and residence address



Date: 03/22/2022 at

the proposed action.)

Calderon Chavez, 255



of the registrant(s) is


formed in the state of

8:45 am, Probate Dept.,


Kenbrook Circle, San

/s/ Marlene Delgadillo


(are): Edgar Gomez,



located at 191 N. First

administration authority

Jose, CA 95111. The


NO. 681789

1501 Almaden Exprwy


This statement was

Street, San Jose, CA

will be granted unless

registrant began trans-

This statement was

The following person(s)

Apt 1107, San Jose, CA


filed with the Co. Clerk-

95113. 3. A copy of the

an interested person













FEB 04 - FEB 10, 2022

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

Files and objection to

1250. A Request for


Jose, CA 95111 and No-

information which he or

the petition and shows

Special Notice form is


elia Calderon Chavez,

she knows to be false is

good cause why the

available from the court

NO. 681604

255 Kenbrook Circle,

guilty of a crime.)

January 14, 21, 28,


court should not grant


The following person(s)

San Jose, CA 95111. The

/s/ Henry Be’Shawn

February 4, 2022

the authority. 6. A hear-

10. Attorney for Peti-

is (are) doing business

registrant began trans-


ing on the petition will




acting business under

This statement was


be held in this court

Jennifer E. Ramirez,

CRYPTO, 1220 Tasman

the fictitious business

filed with the Co. Clerk-

as follows: February


Dr Spc 404, Sunnyvale,

name(s) listed above on

Recorder of Santa Clara

18, 2022, at 9:01am,



11/20/2021. This filing

Dept. 13, located at 191

Suite 225



is a first filing. “I declare

North First Street, San

San Jose, CA 95126

business is owned by

Jose, CA 95113. 7. If you




object to the granting of


Sukhetskaya to Angela

King Rd, San Jose, CA

Powell b. Vitali Razhkou



to Vitali Powell 2. THE

County. This business


is owned by a Married

all persons interested

Couple. The name and

in this matter appear


residence address of

before this court at


the registrant(s) is (are):

the hearing indicated

County on 01/12/2022.

NO. 681586

Oscar Andres Meza,

below to show cause,

Regina Alcomendras,

The following person(s)

475 S King Rd, San

if any, why the petition

that all information in this

County Clerk Recorder

is (are) doing business

Jose, CA 95116. Marlene

for change of name

an Individual. The name

statement is true and

By: /s/ Nina Khamphi-


Delgadillo Tejeda, 475 S

should not be granted.


94089, County.

File No. FBN 681524

and residence address

correct.” (A registrant

lath, Deputy


King Rd, San Jose, CA

Any person objecting to

this petition, you should

January 21, 28, Febru-

of the registrant(s) is

who declares as true

File No. FBN 681680

Sunol Street, San Jose,

95116. The registrant

the name changes de-

appear at the hearing

ary 4, 2022

(are): James Edward

information which he or

CA 95126, Santa Clara

began transacting busi-

scribed above must file

Martinez, 1220 Tasman

she knows to be false is

January 14, 21, 28,

County. This business

ness under the fictitious

written objection that

tions or file written ob-


Dr Spc 404, Sunnyvale,

guilty of a crime.)

February 4, 2022

is owned by an Indi-

business name(s) listed

includes the reasons

jections with the court


CA 94089. The regis-

/s/ Saul Villegas Moreno

vidual. The name and

above on 12/13/2021.

for the objection at least


trant began transacting

This statement was


residence address of

This filing is a first filing. “I

two court days before


filed with the Co. Clerk-


the registrant(s) is (are):

declare that all informa-

the matter is scheduled


Recorder of Santa Clara


Katia Rebeca Aguirre,

tion in this statement

to be heard and must

and state your objec-




Your appearance may

NO. 681232


be in person or by your

The following person(s)


attorney. 8. If you are a

is (are) doing business

name(s) listed above on

County on 01/07/2022.

NO. 681524

49 Sunol Street, San

is true and correct.” (A

appear at the hearing

creditor or contingent



12/27/2021. This filing

Regina Alcomendras,

The following person(s)

Jose, CA 95126. The

registrant who declares

to show cause why the

creditor of the dece-

CMX, 2670 El Camino

is a first filing. “I declare

County Clerk Recorder

is (are) doing business

registrant began trans-



petition should not be

dent, you must file your

Real, Santa Clara, CA

that all information in this

By: /s/ Corinne Vasquez,


acting business under

which he or she knows

granted. If no written

claim with the court

95051, Santa


statement is true and


MF, 1175 E Julian St Ste

the fictitious business

to be false is guilty of a

objection is timely filed,

and mail a copy to the



correct.” (A registrant

File No. FBN 681585

5, San Jose, CA 95116,

name(s) listed above on


the court may grant the

personal representative

ness is owned by an

who declares as true

Santa Clara County.

01/07/2016. This filing

/s/ Marlene Delgadillo

petition without a hear-

appointed by the court

Individual. The name

information which he or

January 14, 21, 28,

This business is owned

is a refile [Change(s)



within the later of either:

and residence address

she knows to be false is

February 4, 2022

by a General Partner-

in facts from previous

This statement was

ING: Date: 03/15/2022 at

1) four months from the

of the registrant(s) is

guilty of a crime.)

ship. The name and

filing] of previous file #:

filed with the Co. Clerk-

8:45 am, Probate Dept.,

date of first issuance


/s/ James E Martinez


residence address of

FBN613038. “I declare

Recorder of Santa Clara

located at 191 N. First

of letters to a general

6255 Dunnville Way,

This statement was


the registrant(s) is (are):

that all information in this

County on 12/15/2021.

Street, San Jose, CA

personal representative



filed with the Co. Clerk-


Marcelino Villegas Ro-

statement is true and

Regina Alcomendras,

95113. 3. A copy of the

as defined in section

The registrant began

Recorder of Santa Clara

NO. 681680

driguez, 2687 Lone Bluff

correct.” (A registrant

County Clerk Recorder

Order to Show cause

58(b) of the California



County on 1/10/2022.

The following person(s)

Way, San Jose, CA 95111

who declares as true

By: /s/ Corinne Vasquez,

shall be published at

Probate Code, or 2) 60



Regina Alcomendras,

is (are) doing business

and Faviola Chavez-

information which he or


least once a week for

days from the date of

business name(s) listed

County Clerk Recorder

as: SMOG


Valle, 2687 Lone Bluff

she knows to be false is

File No. FBN 681074

four successive weeks

mailing or personal de-

above on N/A. This filing

By: /s/ Nina Khamphi-


Way, San Jose, CA

guilty of a crime.)

livery to you of a notice

is a first filing. “I declare

lath, Deputy

18 N King Road, San

95111. The registrant

/s/ Katia Rebeca Agu-

January 14, 21, 28,

hearing on the petition

under section 9052 of

that all information in this

File No. FBN 681604

Jose, CA 95116, Santa

began transacting busi-


February 4, 2022

in El Observador, a

the California Probate

statement is true and



ness under the fictitious

This statement was

Code. Other California

correct.” (A registrant

January 14, 21, 28,

business is owned by

business name(s) listed

filed with the Co. Clerk-




who declares as true

February 4, 2022

an Individual. The name

above on N/A. This filing

Recorder of Santa Clara


authority may affect

information which he or

and residence address

is a first filing. “I declare

County on 01/07/2022.


your rights as a credi-

she knows to be false is


of the registrant(s) is

that all information in this

Regina Alcomendras,


tor. You may want to

guilty of a crime.)


(are): Henry Be’Shawn

statement is true and

County Clerk Recorder

NO. 21CV391897

consult with an attor-

/s/ Kevin Aldana


Branner, 18 N. King

correct.” (A registrant

By: /s/ Corinne Vasquez,

Superior Court of Cali-

ney knowledgeable in

This statement was

NO. 681585

Road, San Jose, CA

who declares as true


fornia, County of Santa

California law. 9. You

filed with the Co. Clerk-

The following person(s)

95116. The registrant

information which he or

File No. FBN 681586

Clara-In the matter of

January 14, 21, 28,

may examine the file

Recorder of Santa Clara

is (are) doing business

began transacting busi-

she knows to be false is

the application of: An-

February 4, 2022

kept by the court. If

County on 12/21/2021.

as: Villegas Roofing,

ness under the fictitious

guilty of a crime.)

January 14, 21, 28,


you are a person inter-

Regina Alcomendras,

255 Kenbrook Circle,

business name(s) listed

/s/ Marcelino Villegas

February 4, 2022


ested in the estate, you

County Clerk Recorder

San Jose, CA 95111,

above on N/A. This filing




may file with the court

By: /s/ Nina Khamphi-

Santa Clara County.

is a refile [Change(s)

This statement was

SONS: 1. Petitioner(s)


a Request for Special

lath, Deputy

This business is owned

in facts from previous

filed with the Co. Clerk-


Anzhela Sukhetskaya/

NO. 22CV393035

Notice (form DE-154) of

File No. FBN 681232

by a Married Couple.

filing] of previous file #:

Recorder of Santa Clara


Vitali Razhkou have filed

Superior Court of Cali-











prior to the date set for

newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Jan 07, 2021 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court

Sukhetskaya/ Razhkou.



The name and resi-

FBN624835. “I declare

County on 01/05/2022.


a petition for Change of

fornia, County of Santa

and appraisal of estate

January 14, 21, 28,

dence address of the

that all information in this

Regina Alcomendras,

NO. 681074

Name with the clerk of

Clara-In the matter of

assets or of any petition

February 4, 2022

registrant(s) is (are): Saul

statement is true and

County Clerk Recorder



this court for a decree

the application of: Carla

Villegas Moreno, 255

correct.” (A registrant

By: /s/ Elaine Fader,

person(s) is (are) doing

changing names as


Kenbrook Circle, San

who declares as true


business as:



the filing of an inventory

or account as provided in Probate Code section






Mancebo. INTER-

FEB 04 - FEB 10, 2022


EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com



Petitioner(s) Carla Chris-

NO. 22CV393033


Judge of the Superior

prior to the date set for

located at 191 N. First

granted. If no written

includes the reasons for

for change of name


hearing on the petition

Street, San Jose, CA

objection is timely filed,

the objection at least

should not be granted.

in El Observador, a

95113. 3. A copy of the

the court may grant the

two court days before

Any person objecting

tine Mancebo has filed


a petition for Change of

California, County of

January 14, 21, 28,

newspaper of general

Order to Show cause

petition without a hear-

the matter is scheduled

to the name changes

Name with the clerk of

Santa Clara-In the mat-

February 4, 2022

circulation, printed in the

shall be published at


to be heard and must

described above must

this court for a decree

ter of the application of:

county of Santa Clara.

least once a week for

ING: Date: 04/12/2022 at

appear at the hearing

file written objection that

changing names as fol-

Wendy A Hernandez


Dec 07, 2021

four successive weeks

8:45 am, Probate Dept.,

to show cause why the

includes the reasons for

lows: a. Carla Christine

& Abraham Ponce. TO


Julie A. Emede

prior to the date set for

located at 191 N. First

petition should not be

the objection at least

Judge of the Superior

hearing on the petition

Street, San Jose, CA

granted. If no written

two court days before


in El Observador, a

95113. 3. A copy of the

objection is timely filed,

the matter is scheduled

newspaper of general

Order to Show cause

the court may grant the

to be heard and must










SONS: 1. Petitioner(s)

NO. 21CV391462


Wendy A Hernandez


DERS that all persons


California, County of

January 14, 21, 28,

circulation, printed in the

shall be published at

petition without a hear-

appear at the hearing

interested in this matter

have filed a petition for




February 4, 2022

county of Santa Clara.

least once a week for


to show cause why the

appear before this court

Change of Name with




July 27, 2021

four successive weeks

ING: Date: 02/15/2022 at

petition should not be

at the hearing indicated

the clerk of this court


Julie A. Emede

prior to the date set for

8:45 am, Probate Dept.,

granted. If no written

below to show cause,

for a decree changing

Aragón-Sanchez. TO


Judge of the Superior

hearing on the petition

located at 191 N. First

objection is timely filed,

if any, why the petition

names as follows: a.




in El Observador, a

Street, San Jose, CA

the court may grant the

for change of name

Bella Mia Ponce to Bella

SONS: 1. Petitioner(s)

NO. 21CV386467

newspaper of general

95113. 3. A copy of the

petition without a hear-

should not be granted.

Mia Ponce Hernandez

Karina Aragón Sanchez

Superior Court of Cali-

January 14, 21, 28,

circulation, printed in the

Order to Show cause


Any person objecting


has filed a petition for

fornia, County of Santa

February 4, 2022

county of Santa Clara.

shall be published at

ING: Date: 04/19/2022 at

to the name changes

DERS that all persons

Change of Name with

Clara-In the matter of

Jan 05, 2022

least once a week for

8:45 am, Probate Dept.,

described above must

interested in this matter

the clerk of this court

the application of: THI


Julie A. Emede

four successive weeks

located at 191 N. First

file written objection that

appear before this court

for a decree changing



Judge of the Superior

prior to the date set for

Street, San Jose, CA

includes the reasons for

at the hearing indicated

names as follows: a.




hearing on the petition

95113. 3. A copy of the

the objection at least

below to show cause,

Karina Aragón aka Kar-


NO. 22CV393004

in El Observador, a

Order to Show cause

two court days before

if any, why the petition

ina Aragón-Sanchez to

SONS: 1. Petitioner(s)


January 14, 21, 28,

newspaper of general

shall be published at

the matter is scheduled

for change of name

Karina Sanchez 2. THE


California, County of

February 4, 2022

circulation, printed in the

least once a week for

to be heard and must

should not be granted.



Santa Clara-In the mat-

county of Santa Clara.

four successive weeks

appear at the hearing

Any person objecting

all persons interested

have filed a petition for

ter of the application of:


Nov 09, 2021

prior to the date set for

to show cause why the

to the name changes

in this matter appear

Change of Name with



Julie A. Emede

hearing on the petition

petition should not be

described above must

before this court at

the clerk of this court



Judge of the Superior

in El Observador, a

granted. If no written

file written objection that

the hearing indicated

for a decree changing


NO. 21CV390165


newspaper of general

objection is timely filed,

includes the reasons for

below to show cause,

names as follows: a.


the court may grant the

the objection at least

if any, why the petition

Mai Phuong Ha to Kiara


California, County of

January 14, 21, 28,

county of Santa Clara.

petition without a hear-

two court days before

for change of name


has filed a petition for

Santa Clara-In the mat-

February 4, 2022

Jan 12, 2022


the matter is scheduled

should not be granted.

DERS that all persons

Change of Name with

ter of the application

ING: Date: 04/19/2022 at

to be heard and must

Any person objecting

interested in this matter

the clerk of this court

of: Maria Guadalupe


8:45 am, Probate Dept.,

appear at the hearing

to the name changes

appear before this court

for a decree changing

Martinez. TO ALL IN-


located at 191 N. First

to show cause why the

described above must

at the hearing indicated

names as follows: a.



Street, San Jose, CA

petition should not be

file written objection that

below to show cause,



95113. 3. A copy of the

granted. If no written

includes the reasons for

if any, why the petition




Superior Court of Cali-

Order to Show cause

objection is timely filed,

the objection at least

for change of name


has filed a petition for

fornia, County of Santa

shall be published at

the court may grant the

two court days before

should not be granted.

DERS that all persons

Change of Name with

Clara-In the matter of

least once a week for

petition without a hear-

the matter is scheduled

Any person objecting

interested in this matter

the clerk of this court

the application of: Wen-

four successive weeks


to be heard and must

to the name changes

appear before this court

for a decree changing

dy Elena Jones. TO

prior to the date set for

ING: Date: 04/19/2022 at

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described above must

at the hearing indicated




hearing on the petition

8:45 am, Probate Dept.,

to show cause why the

file written objection that

below to show cause,



SONS: 1. Petitioner(s)

in El Observador, a

located at 191 N. First

petition should not be

includes the reasons for

if any, why the petition

Martinez to Maria Gua-

Wendy Elena Jones

newspaper of general

Street, San Jose, CA

granted. If no written ob-

the objection at least

for change of name

dalupe Ibarra 2. THE

has filed a petition for

circulation, printed in the

95113. 3. A copy of the

jection is timely filed, the

two court days before

should not be granted.


Change of Name with

county of Santa Clara.

Order to Show cause

court may grant the pe-

the matter is scheduled

Any person objecting

all persons interested

the clerk of this court

Jan 06, 2022

shall be published at

tition without a hearing.

to be heard and must

to the name changes

in this matter appear

for a decree changing

Julie A. Emede

least once a week for


appear at the hearing

described above must

before this court at

names as follows: a.

Judge of the Superior

four successive weeks

Date: 03/08/2022 at

to show cause why the

file written objection that

the hearing indicated

Wendy Elena Jones to


prior to the date set for

8:45 am, Probate Dept.,

petition should not be

includes the reasons for

below to show cause,

Elena Echeverria 2. THE

hearing on the petition

located at 191 N. First

granted. If no written

the objection at least

if any, why the petition


in El Observador, a

Street, San Jose, CA

objection is timely filed,

two court days before

for change of name

all persons interested

January 14, 21, 28,

newspaper of general

95113. 3. A copy of the

the court may grant the

the matter is scheduled

should not be granted.

in this matter appear

February 4, 2022

circulation, printed in the

Order to Show cause

petition without a hear-

to be heard and must

Any person objecting

before this court at

county of Santa Clara.

shall be published at


appear at the hearing

to the name changes

the hearing indicated

Jan 06, 2022

least once a week for

ING: Date: 12/07/2021 at

to show cause why the

described above must

below to show cause,

Julie A. Emede

four successive weeks

8:45 am, Probate Dept.,

petition should not be

file written objection that

if any, why the petition




















circulation, printed in the

Julie A. Emede

NO. 22CV393189

Judge of the Superior Court January 14, 21, 28, February 4, 2022



FEB 04 - FEB 10, 2022

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com ENGLISH



Alexei Koseff CalMatters

espite, or perhaps because of, an aggressive lastminute push by progressive activists ahead of a crucial deadline, legislation to create a government-run universal health care system in California died Monday without coming up for a vote. The single-payer measure, Assembly Bill 1400, was the latest attempt to deliver on a longtime priority of Democratic Party faithful to get private insurers and profit margins out of health care. Because it was introduced last year, when it stalled without receiving a single hearing, it needed to pass the Assembly by Monday to continue through the legislative process. But even the threat of losing the party’s endorsement in the upcoming election cycle was not enough to persuade the Assembly’s Democratic supermajority to advance the bill for further consideration, effectively killing the effort for another year. After several tense hours Monday afternoon, during which a scramble of meetings took place just off the Assembly floor, Assemblymember Ash Kalra, the San Jose Democrat carrying AB 1400, announced that he would not bring up the measure for a vote. Kalra declined multiple requests to discuss his decision and whether he would seek another path forward for his proposal. Following the floor session, he waited on a members-only balcony outside the chamber until a group of reporters was told to leave by a sergeant-atarms. “I don’t believe it would have served the cause of getting single payer done by having the vote and having it go down in flames and further alienating members,” Kalra said on a Zoom call with disappointed supporters later in the evening, in which he shared that he believed the bill, which needed 41 votes to pass, was short by “double digits.” Stuck between powerful interests The political obstacles to such a radical restructuring of the health care system remain enormous, even in a state as putatively liberal as California.

The influential California Chamber of Commerce, which represents business interests in the state, labeled AB 1400 a “job killer” shortly after it was reintroduced in January, indicating it would be a top priority to defeat. Its lobbying campaign — joined by dozens of insurers, industry groups and the associations representing doctors and hospitals — included social media advertisements and a letter to members denouncing the “crippling tax increases” that would be needed to pay for the system. After the bill stalled Monday, the chamber declared it would be ready if ideas from the “dangerous proposal” resurfaced.

During the Monday night call, he and other advocates repeatedly criticized Kalra for setting back their movement and urged him to name the members who were opposed. “We are protecting them from negative scrutiny of a ‘no’ vote,” Shergill said.

Republicans were eager to make it into an election issue this year. Though Kalra’s bill was largely conceptual, with a separate measure introduced to address the financing, they attacked it as a massive tax hike on Californians. (Kalra proposed a series of taxes on businesses and high-earning households to fund the single-payer system, estimated by legislative analysts to cost between $314 billion and $391 billion annually.) A 4,000-page petition signed by voters who opposed AB 1400 sat in the back of the chamber on Monday for Assembly Republican Leader Marie Waldron of Escondido to use as a prop in a floor debate that never happened.

One prominent Democrat who did not express support for AB 1400 was Gov. Gavin Newsom, who ran for office in 2018 on a platform to create a single-payer system in California but has since distanced himself from that pledge.

Democrats also faced a squeeze from the left flank of their party. Activists with the California Democratic Party’s progressive caucus said last week they would push to withhold endorsements from members who did not vote for the bill. That ultimatum generated fierce anger in the Assembly caucus from members who felt cornered, though many refused to speak publicly about their frustration. Backlash from activists The decision not to bring up AB 1400 for a vote on Monday may have been about protecting members from having to take a position one way or the other on the bill, as Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon did with the last single-payer measure in 2017. Legislation to move the state toward a government-run health care system passed the state Senate that year, but was held by Rendon without a hearing because the bill included no plan to pay for it. That put him in the crosshairs of single-payer supporters, who blasted him on billboards. This time, Rendon said he supported the effort, but he

Kalra said it would give him more time to work on winning over colleagues who were on the fence about AB 1400 and try again next year. Where was Newsom?

Lawmakers on the state Assembly floor on Jan. 31, 2022. A single-payer bill didn't come up for a vote. Photo by Miguel Gutierrez Jr. / CalMatters was not closely involved in rounding up votes for AB 1400. He declined to answer questions after the floor session on Monday and, in a statement, he pushed the blame onto Kalra. “The shortage of votes needed to pass this bill out of the Assembly indicates the immense difficulty of implementing single-payer healthcare in California,” he said. “Nevertheless, I’m deeply disappointed that the author did not bring this bill up for a vote today. I support single-payer and fully intended to vote yes on this bill.” The explanations are unlikely to assuage the measure’s most enthusiastic proponents. The California Nurses Association, the main sponsor of AB 1400, slammed Kalra for “providing cover” for his colleagues by not holding a vote. “Nurses are especially outraged that Kalra chose to just give up on patients across the state,” the association said in an unsigned statement. “Nurses never give up on our patients, and we will keep fighting with our allies in the grassroots movement.” Amar Shergill, chairperson of the California Democratic Party’s progressive caucus, said he would continue with plans to pull endorsements from Assembly members who did not publicly support the bill.

During a press conference in January to unveil his budget proposal, Newsom reiterated that he believed “the ideal system is a single-payer system,” but dismissed questions about Kalra’s approach. “I have not had the opportunity to review that plan, and no one has presented it to me,” Newsom said at the time. As AB 1400 marched toward defeat, the governor remained mum. His public remarks in recent weeks focused instead on several of his own budget proposals that he said would bring universal health access to California, including an expansion of Medi-Cal, the state’s health insurance program for the poor, to all residents regardless of their immigration status. Kalra said Newsom’s stance undermined the bill. He told the Mercury News on Tuesday that “it hurts when you’re trying to garner votes for a policy that the governor is brushing aside despite a prior commitment to it.” The distinction Newsom has drawn between universal access to health insurance and an actual universal health care system has also infuriated the nurses’ union, one of his earliest endorsers during the 2018 campaign, who accused him of flip-flopping on single payer. It seems unlikely to cause him much trouble in his upcoming reelection campaign, however, where he has yet to draw a significant challenger.

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fue aprobada por el Senado estatal ese año, pero Rendón la sostuvo sin una audiencia porque no surgió ningún plan para pagarlo.

na ley que proponía que el gobierno estatal de California creara un sistema de atención médica universal murió el pasado lunes sin siquiera haberse sometido a votación en la asamblea estatal, a pesar de que hubo un fuerte impulso por parte de activistas progresistas para pasar la ley.

Esta vez, Rendón dijo que apoyó el esfuerzo, pero que no participó de cerca en la recopilación de votos para AB 1400. Se negó a responder preguntas después de la sesión del lunes y, en un comunicado, culpó a Kalra.


El Proyecto de Ley 1400 de la Asamblea, fue el último intento de cumplir con una prioridad de larga data de los fieles del partido demócrata para sacar a las aseguranzas privadas. La propuesta se presentó el año pasado, cuando se estancó sin recibir una sola audiencia, necesitaba ser aprobada por la Asamblea el lunes pasado para continuar con el proceso legislativo.

“La escasez de votos necesarios para aprobar esta propuesta en la Asamblea indica la inmensa dificultad de implementar una ley que pague todos los gastos de atención médica en California”, dijo. “Sin embargo, estoy profundamente decepcionado de que el autor no haya presentado este proyecto de ley a votación hoy. Apoyo la idea y tengo la intención de votar ‘sí’ en esta propuesta”.

Pero incluso la amenaza de perder el respaldo del partido en el próximo ciclo electoral no fue suficiente para persuadir a la gran mayoría demócrata de la Asamblea de avanzar el proyecto de ley para una mayor consideración, lo que efectivamente canceló el esfuerzo por otro año.

Es poco probable que las explicaciones tranquilicen a los defensores más entusiastas de la medida.

Después de varias horas discutiendo el lunes por la tarde, durante las cuales se llevaron a cabo reuniones justo al lado del piso de la Asamblea, el asambleísta Ash Kalra, demócrata de San José, quien propuso la ley AB 1400, anunció que no traería la propuesta a votación. Kalra no quiso dar una explicación sobre su decisión y tampoco dijo si buscaría otro camino para su propuesta. Después de la sesión esperó en un balcón fuera de la asamblea sin querer responder a las preguntas, hasta que un sargento de armas le dijo a un grupo de reporteros lo que ocurrió. “No hubiera servido de nada lograr que la ley se sometiera a votación y seguir ilusionando a las personas con una propuesta que sabíamos no iba a ser aprobada”, comentó Kalra en una llamada de Zoom más tarde esa noche con simpatizantes decepcionados, en la que compartió que creía que el proyecto de ley, que necesitaba 41 votos para ser aprobado, quedó corto por “dos dígitos”. Kalra dió a conocer su propuesta durante una conferencia de prensa en el Capitolio de Sacramento el jueves 6 de enero de 2022. El proyecto de ley de atención médica universal de Kalra se estancó el año pasado, en parte porque no había ningún plan para pagarlo. El jueves, Kalra dio a conocer un segundo proyecto de ley que aumentaría los impuestos a algunas empresas e individuos para pagarlo. Atrapado entre intereses poderosos Los obstáculos políticos para una transformación tan radical del sistema de salud siguen siendo enormes, incluso en un estado tan supuestamente liberal como California. La predominante Cámara de Comercio de California, que representa los intereses comerciales en el estado, calificó a AB 1400 como un “asesino de empleos” poco después de que se propusiera nuevamente en enero. Durante su campaña, a la que se unieron decenas de aseguradoras, grupos de la industria y asociaciones que representan a médicos y hospitales, hubo anuncios en las redes sociales y una carta a los miembros denunciando los “aumentos abrumadores de impuestos” que serían necesarios para pagar el sistema. Después de que el proyecto de ley se estropeará el lunes, la cámara declaró que estarán listos si resurgen las ideas de la “peligrosa propuesta”. Los republicanos estaban ansiosos por convertirlo en un tema electoral este año. Aunque el proyecto de ley de Kalra era en gran parte conceptual, con una medida separada para abordar el financiamiento, lo atacaron como un aumento masivo de impuestos para los californianos. (Kalra explicó que habría un incremento de impuestos sobre las empresas y los hogares de altos ingresos para financiar la propuesta, que los analistas legislativos estiman que costará entre $314 mil millones y $391 mil millones anuales). Una petición de 4,000 páginas firmada por votantes que se opusieron a AB 1400 se sentó en la parte trasera de la cámara el lunes

La Asociación de Enfermeras de California, el principal patrocinador de AB 1400, criticó a Kalra por “brindar cobertura” a sus colegas al no realizar una votación.

Reacción violenta de los activistas

“Las enfermeras están indignadas porque Kalra optó por renunciar a los pacientes en todo el estado”, comentó la asociación en un comunicado. “Las enfermeras nunca nos damos por vencidas con nuestros pacientes y seguiremos luchando con nuestros aliados en el movimiento de base”.

La decisión de no llevar a votación la AB 1400 el lunes puede haber sido para proteger a los miembros de tener que tomar una posición de una forma u otra en el proyecto de ley, como lo hizo el presidente de la Asamblea, Anthony Rendon, en 2017.

Amar Shergill, presidente del caucus progresista del partido demócrata de California, dijo que continuaría presionando para obtener el respaldo de los miembros de la Asamblea que no apoyaron públicamente el proyecto de ley.

La legislación para llevar al estado hacia un sistema de atención médica administrada por el gobierno

Durante la llamada del lunes por la noche, él y otros defensores criticaron repetidamente a Kalra por hacer retroceder su movimiento y lo instaron a nombrar a los miembros que se oponían. “Los estamos protegiendo del escrutinio negativo de un voto ‘no’”, agregó Shergill.

Capitolio del estado de California. Photo Credit: W K /7 Unsplash para que la líder republicana de la Asamblea, Marie Waldron, de Escondido, la usara en un debate que nunca sucedió. Los demócratas también se enfrentarán a un apretón del flanco izquierdo de su partido. Los activistas progresistas del Partido Demócrata de California dijeron la semana pasada que presionaran para obtener el respaldo de los miembros que no votaron por el proyecto de ley. Ese ultimátum continuará una ira feroz en el caucus de la Asamblea por parte de los miembros que se sintieron acorralados, aunque

muchos se negaron a hablar públicamente sobre su frustración.

Kalra dijo que le daría más tiempo para trabajar en ganarse a los colegas que estaban indecisos sobre AB 1400 e intentarlo nuevamente el próximo año. ¿Dónde estaba Newsom?


La nicotina se oculta en el tabaco con sabor. Cuando es utilizado por los adolescentes, puede dañar las áreas del cerebro que se hacen cargo de la atención y el aprendizaje.

AdiccionAlSaborUnionCity.org Patrocinado por el Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de Alameda © 2021 Departamento de Salud Pública de California

Un demócrata dijo que el gobernador Gavin Newsom no apoyó la propuesta. Newsom se postuló para el cargo en 2018 proponiendo que iba a crear un sistema de protección médica que beneficiaría a todos los Californianos, pero desde entonces se ha distanciado de esa promesa. Durante una conferencia de prensa en enero para presentar su propuesta de presupuesto, Newsom reiteró que creía que “el sistema ideal era ese pagará en su totalidad los gastos médicos de los Californianos”, pero descartó las preguntas sobre el enfoque de Kalra. “No he tenido la oportunidad de revisar ese plan y nadie me lo ha presentado”, dijo Newsom en ese momento. Mientras AB 1400 marchaba hacia la derrota, el gobernador permanecía en silencio. Sus comentarios públicos en las últimas semanas se centraron, en cambio, en varias de sus propuestas presupuestarias que, dijo, brindarían acceso universal a la salud en California, incluida una expansión de Medi-Cal, el programa estatal de seguro médico para las personas de bajos recursos en el estado. La distinción que ha hecho entre el acceso universal al seguro de salud y un sistema de atención médica universal real ha enfurecido al sindicato de enfermeras, uno de sus primeros patrocinadores durante la campaña de 2018, quien lo acusó de cambiar de opinión sobre el sistema de pago único. Sin embargo, parece poco probable que le cause muchos problemas en su próxima campaña de reelección, donde aún tiene que atraer a un retador significativo. Este artículo fue publicado originalmente por CalMatters.



FEB 04 - FEB 10, 2022

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

HORÓSCOPO DE FEBRERO Mario Jiménez Castillo El Observador

ARIES Chirón, un poderoso asteroide se encuentra navegando en tu signo, su influencia es muy positiva y promete atraer a tu vida personas y situaciones favorables especialmente en el ámbito económico y social. Lograrás liberarte de achaques y pesares. Disfruta del romance y del ejercicio físico. Números de la suerte: 2-9-11-23-3456 TAURO Es probable que experimentes algunos malestares durante las dos primeras semanas de este mes, especialmente nerviosos o digestivos. No te tomes la vida con tanto drama, debes aceptar los designios universales y tener más fe. Dios no te abandonará. Ofréndale velas a San Lázaro. Números de la suerte: 16-21-32-3345-70 GÉMINIS Este será un mes de mucho trabajo para ti, tus ocupaciones se multiplicarán, lo mismo sucederá con tus ingresos. Los vientos soplan a tu favor. Para los solteros es presagio que un amor del pasado retornará con fuerza en el presente. Dedica tiempo a orar y agradecer por todo lo bueno que tienes. Números de la suerte: 8-10-25-29-4449 CÁNCER Una situación de pasado que había quedado inconclusa, por fin se resolverá en las próximas semanas. Es necesario que dejes en el pasado una mala experiencia que aún continúa afectándote en el presente. Este mes promete ser gratificante, la vida te mostrará un lado hermoso. Disfruta y sé feliz. Números de la suerte: 20-24-30-3545-65 LEO Este año 2022 será para ti el año de la recuperación financiera, todo dará inicio durante este mes de febrero. Negocios, trabajo y proyectos con-

tarán con muy buena estrella. Planifica de febrero a mayo, porque de junio en adelante la buena fortuna se hará presente, llenando tu vida de muchas bendiciones. Números de la suerte: 5-7-31-32-5566 VIRGO El cuidado de tu salud, el mantener un peso adecuado y el practicar ejercicios, serán actividades que estarán en tu agenda durante todo el mes. Has aprendido a cuidarte y quieres mantenerte en forma. Tu autoestima aumentará por ello irradiarás una energía limpia y magnética que te llevará por el camino de la buena fortuna.

Tienes a dos planetas en tu sector de comunicaciones, negocios y transporte. La persona que comparte tu vida te dará pruebas que realmente te ama. Los solteros hallarán una pareja y serán felices en el amor. Si tienes que hacer una compra importante como por ejemplo un auto, este es el mes ideal para hacerlo. Números de la suerte: 4-12-23-37-4344 ESCORPIÓN

Números de la suerte: 9-19-29-30-4062

Los vientos soplan a tu favor en cuanto a trabajo y la relación con tu familia. En la pareja pueden presentarse algunas rencillas sin importancia debido a malos entendidos. Le dedicarás más tiempo a hacer lo que te gusta y las presiones del trabajo serán cuestión del ayer. Juega a la lotería, tendrás chances de ganar.


Números de la suerte: 13-18-25-40-

52-69 SAGITARIO Problemas de pareja e infelicidad en el amor, esas circunstancias de un momento a otro quedarán en el olvido porque es augurio que serás receptor de una gran bendición en el sector romántico. Negocios y empresas comenzarán a dar sus frutos. Se soluciona una situación referente a trámites y documentos. Números de la suerte: 27-31-40-4153-60 CAPRICORNIO Plutón se mantiene navegando por tu signo, trayendo en ocasiones situaciones inesperadas pero necesarias para tu evolución personal. Es presagio que tu círculo social observará cambios, personas tóxicas se alejarán y gente con buena vibra se harán presentes en tu destino. Números de la suerte: 3-9-11-29-3839 ACUARIO Será febrero un mes de buena suerte para los nativos de tu signo, te esperan aventuras gratificantes y te dará gusto darte cuenta que cuentas con amigos verdaderos que estarán apoyándote en todo momento. La influencia de Venus te hará vivir aventuras y sorpresas gratas, ¡Feliz cumpleaños! Números de la suerte: 14-22-32-4254-59 PISCIS Febrero es el mes ideal para poner en orden tus prioridades y hacer un examen de conciencia referente a tus acciones en fechas recientes. Recuerda que eres como el paladín de la justicia y siempre debes ser justo y ecuánime. Tendrás motivos para sentirte agradecido y realizado. Números de la suerte: 5-19-28-37-4650 Photo Credit: Pixabay

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