Electronic Editon March 15 - March 21,2013

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Pg. 9

Style guide for the working girl Pg. 11

Historia de la astrología Pg. 18

Manuel Mijares y su reciente disco Pg. 16



2nd Annual Spelling Bee Pg. 6



EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

MARCH 15 - MARCH 21, 2013



Club Rodeo Friday, March 22 2013

Músicos de San Francisco Symphony anuncian huelga En frente de Davies Symphony Hall se reuneron más de 100 músicos de la simfonia de San Franicsco para anunciaron un paro de actividades como resultado de las negociaciones dilatorias de la administración y la falta de transparencia acerca de las finanzas de la sinfonía. David Gaudry, Presidente del Comité de Músicos de Negociación dijo, “La administración sigue parada negociaciones y se niega a abrir su libros financieros para que podamos llegar a un acuerdo justo que nos permita siendo una de las mejores orquestas del mundo “. San Jose enganges supports National Essential Tremor Awareness Month Part of national tremor awareness month, the International Essential Tremor Foundation (IETF) announced that Mayor Chuck Reed of San Jose CA has joined in community efforts in recognizing the need of more knowledge about the condition that affects an estimated 10 million people in the U.S. Many times the involuntary movement and shaking is misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s disease. Raising awareness for this disorder would allow better understanding and treatment of tremors as well as possibly create more research in finding a cure for it. Junta de Supervisores del Condado de Santa Clara Confirma 04 de junio Elección Especial para el Distrito 2 SupervisorMiembros de la Junta de Supervisores de Santa Clara han declarado que siguiendo la resignacion de George Shirakawa Jr. el primero de marzo habra una eleccion especial para averiguar quien tomara su posicion como superisador de el Distrito 2. El supervisador Mike Waserman dice que “Animo a los candidatos y simpatizantes del proceso para llegar a la comunidad y hacer hincapié en la importancia de votar en esta elección especial”.

610 Coleman Ave 95110 San Jose, CA


¡Vamos a Gozar! Azteca Mexica New Year Ceremony March 16th 10:00am Emma Prusch Park 647 S. King Rd. San Jose, CA 95116 (408) 510-1377 American Indian Alliance POWWOW March 16th 6:00pm-12:00am Yerba Buena High School 1855 Lucretia Avenue San Jose, CA 95122 (408) 390-8082 Free Event Ballet San Jose Neoclassical March 22nd-24th Ballet SJ 40 N First Street, San Jose, CA 95113

(408) 288-2800 Starting at $27.00 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee March 21st-30th Black Box Theater Lincoln High School 555 Dana Avenue San Jose, CA 95126 (408) 676-7469 $10.00-$25.00 Moveable Feast: Willow Glen Every Friday night 5:00pm-8:00pm VTA Curtner Light Rail Station Canoas Garden Ave & Curtner Ave, San Jose, CA 95125 2 Dollar Tuesday Art Sales Every 3rd Tuesday of the

month KALEID Gallery 88 S 4th Street, San Jose, CA 95113 http://www. kaleidgallery.com/ Free Admission ArtRagest March 21st 7:00pm-10:00pm San Jose Museum of Art 110 S. Market St. San Jose, CA 95113 (408) 294-2787 18+$5 San Jose Sharks vs. Anaheim Ducks March 18th 7:30pm HP Pavilion at San Jose 525 W. Santa Clara, San Jose, CA 95113 $60.00-$302.00 ticketmaster.com

Senator Yee gives statement on Death ThreatThis week Senator Leland Yee of San Francisco gave an official statement regarding a very detailed death threat that was emailed to his Senate account a month ago. In the threat the author specifically told Yee that he would assassinate him if he continued his legislative efforts to stop gun violence. He claimed to be a trained sniper that would assassinate Senator Yee at the capitol. Since then the CHP has made an arrest and found a weapons cache and bomb-making equipment at the suspects home.

FREE BOX Happiness Is-Exhibition January 25th-April 14th Montalvo Arts Center 15400 Montalvo Road Saratoga, CA 95070 (408) 961-5800 http://www.montalvoarts.org/

Free Heart Screening for Children By appointment Valley Medical Center or family’s home www.infant-heart.com (408) 885-4415

Free Sunday Yoga in the park Every Sunday 11:00am Dolores Park Dolores St. & 19th St. San Francisco, CA 94114

Tattoo Removal the city helps youth remove tattoo, between 14 &25 years of age. 1694 Adrian Way San Jose, CA 95122 (408) 794-1660

Electronics recycling collection 200 E. Santa Clara St., San Jose, CA 95109 (916) 617-2664

West Coast Premier of Exquisite Photographs, Haunting Images March 27th-June 16th 11:00am-5:00pm Cantor Arts Center Stanford University 328 Lomita Dr, Stanford, CA 94305 (650) 723-4177

Free Piedmont Avenue Art Walk 3rd Thursday of every month 6:00pm-9:00pm Piedmont Avenue Oakland, CA

P.O. Box 1990 San Jose, CA 95109 99 North First Street, Suite 100 San Jose, CA 95113

PUBLISHERS Hilbert Morales & Betty Morales hmorales@el-observador.com ADVERTISING/PROMOTION DIRECTOR Monica Amador, COO sales@ el-observador.com SALES DEPARTMENT Angelica Rossi angelica@ el-observador.com EDITORIAL Hilbert Morales english.editor@ el-observador.com Cinthia Rodriguez spanish.editor@ el-observador.com CONTRIBUTORS Mario Jimenez Hector Curriel Luis Alba Felix Pagas Osvaldo Castillo Jr., ACCOUNTING Maria Espinoza-Duran maria@ el-observador.com INTERN Arturo Hilario ART DIRECTOR / ILLUSTRATOR Roberto Romo Omicuauhtli rromodesign@gmail.com rromolopez.blogspot.com El Observador was founded in 1980 to serve the informational needs of the Hispanic community in the San Francisco Bay Area with special focus on San Jose, the capital of Silicon Valley. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced by any form or by any means, this includes photo copying, recording or by any informational storage and retrevial systems, electronic or mechanical without express written consent of the publishers. Opinions expressed in El Observador by persons submitting articles are not necessarily the opinions of the publishers.



WHAT THE WEALTHY NEED TO UNDERSTAND…. defaulted, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation would pay the bank. The bank would get its money back. Hilbert Morales EL OBSERVADOR

My niece, Marci, gave me an earful the other day when I phoned to say ‘Happy Birthday’ to her mother, Socorro (my sister). They live in Madison, Wisconsin. Marci is a dedicated biomedical research technician whose job was eliminated by the cut in research funds from the National Institutes of Health. It took two years for Marci to find another job. Since it was at a lower pay scale, she some how managed to readjust her mortgage payments so as not to lose her home. “Uncle Hilbert, “ said Marci, “What the wealthy do not understand is that by hoarding all that money, the rest of us do not have any. People who earn interest on their secure investments are not creating more of anything that becomes wealth.” Now it turns out that a World Bank economist, Joseph Stiglitz, author: “The Price of Inequality” has said the same thing. Interest income may be defined as the “rent” paid to use someone’s money. Stiglitz recently pointed out two perspectives: 1) ‘Rent’ does not produce wealth. 2) Student loans, which now exceed credit card loans, is a factor in preventing former students from taking their place as consumers in the economy. They are paying off their student loans which were advanced by banks, which in turn were insured by the FDIC. So the banks assumed no risk at all, because if the student

Marci also said, “The very wealthy, by not paying a fair share of taxes are creating a community environment wherein many persons are underemployed and unemployed. These wealthy folks do not want the government to provide unemployment funds, to support public health care like MediCare, and supportively fund education. The result is that many persons with no resources resort to burglary, theft, and muggings. Crime has risen because people do not have the money to spend on essentials. So they get desperate and violent. The wealthy become paranoid, and rightfully so, because their house maids, butlers, chauffeurs, and gardeners may end up trying to steal something of value.” “Wouldn’t they rather have a community that is safe and secure? A community wherein individuals had enough wage earnings to buy what they need….. housing, food, clothing, medical care, education for their kids, etc.? We would all be safer; less fearful. Our community is now so messed up because people do not have income, so they resort to violence. Violent shootings are on the rise. As a result I do not go out on the streets during evenings and nights unless I really must. Then I do that with a lot of anxiety.” “One more thing, Uncle Hilbert,” continued Marci. “I am mad as hell that Wall Street has committed white collar crimes which are not being prosecuted. Here I am, a single mom, who is


EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

MARCH 15 - MARCH 21, 2013

taking care of my elderly mother. Who helps me? NO ONE! My income is just a bit too high. I have learned to pinch every penny to make it. But I have no extra money for some things I would like to buy. Don’t those wealthy folks know that the trickle down theory does not work. “Why not try a ‘trickle up’ economic theory? All my friends and associates would spend that extra $2,000 right now on things we want, and think we need, if the federal minimum wage was raised to $10 per hour. They (the wealthy) need to pay their fair share. Republicans need to stop protecting the wealthy because they are destroying America’s economy. The U.S. Congress needs to be practical…..fund those infrastructure projects; fund those schools that teach the poor’s children, provide health care, provide funded programs for our military warriors returning from the Mideast. All this can happen if the very wealthy begin to pay their fair share of taxes.” I asked Marci to let me speak to her mother, my sister, Socorro because after all, I did call to wish her a happy 86th birthday. I could tell that Socorro was very pleased that I called on her birthday. I am not so certain that she sensed my pride in having a niece, Marci, who could assertively express her feelings and sense of what had happened to her since 2008 when this recession began. Marci raised a very good question. “How can ordinary people communicate what the wealthy need to understand?”

Eran niños Los niños eran recogidos de las reservas y eran llevados a la escuela, sin saber qué esperar y sin explicación. Fue terrible ver cómo las monjas trataban a los niños. La mujer que compartió su historia recuerda su corte de pelo, después se le aplica DDT y lloro hasta quedarse dormida. Cinthia Rodríguez EL OBSERVADOR No puedo creer que otro festival de cine conocido como Cinequest ha terminado. Unos de mis momentos favoritos del año, no sólo porque tiene happy hours, sino porque se llega a ver algunas películas bastante impresionante que normalmente no se encuentran en salas de cine. Este año no fue la excepción, se suponía que debía encontrarme con un amigo y ver “We Were Children”, traducida a“Éramos niños.” Mi amigo no apareció, pero estaba contenta de haber llegado a ver esa película. Era algo así como un documental pero con escenas recreadas. Un viejo hombre y mujer nativos de Canadá compartieron su historia al crecer en una escuela india donde se les enseño Inglés junto con una educación cristiana. Se explicó en la película, que los padres que no envían a sus hijos a esas escuelas iban a ser encarcelados así que los padres realmente no tenían otra opción. Me imagino que unos padres nativos asumían que sus hijos estaban recibiendo solo una educación. La audiencia presente recibió una mirada al interior de cómo las escuelas se llevaron a cabo con los dos testimonios. La película nos llevó de vuelta a los principios de los 50’s durante el apogeo de estas escuelas indias.

Yo tengo dificultades comprendiendo cómo esto fue permitido que sucediera. No terminó la Segunda Guerra Mundial ¿por qué otro grupo de personas pensaban que eran mejores que otro grupo de personas? Los indígenas de todas las personas deben tener el derecho de criar a sus hijos como lo consideran necesario y se debe permitir vivir la vida como quieran. Hay un sentido de tener que “civilizar” a la gente. En la película, los nativos fueron referidos como salvajes y estoy segura de que ha sido así desde que las personas comenzaron a llegar a las Américas. Parece que no importa que tan educadas las personas estén, no son sensibles a otras personas, sino que


sienten que pueden hacer las cosas mejor y quieren ayudar. Mientras que lo estén haciendo en el nombre de Dios, entonces todo está bien. Es un poco ridículo tener esa mentalidad. El hombre de la película tuvo una muy buena pregunta: ¿Qué clase de Dios tienen para causar tanto dolor a la gente? También añadio que Dios se supone es amable, pero fue testigo de algo completamente diferente. En la audiencia, vemos cómo aparecion el momento en el que trataron de defenderse, pero al final no podían luchar contra el sistema. Muchos nativos murieron de problemas de alcoholismo o se suicidaron. Es como si después no se dieron cuenta de cómo estos niños fueron dañados solo por según prepararlos para la sociedad. Es una historia triste y tengo dificultades comprendiendo por qué este tipo de cosas se han permitido. Hay que aprender del pasado y no cometer el mismo error.

Hector Curriel hcurriel777@yahoo.com



EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

City of San José Wants Input From Residential Property Owners on Garbage and Recycling Billing San José CA LIFORNIA The City of San José is looking at new ways to bill for Recycle Plus residential garbage and recycling service to replace the current, outdated system operated directly by the City. Residential property owners are encouraged to take the survey at www.sanjoseca.gov/recycling-garbage. This survey is for residential property owners with curbside cart service. Community input will help the

City evaluate billing options for residences. Potential billing changes will not affect customers with dumpster service.

Property owners who complete the survey can enter to win a free curbside collection of up to three bulky items, including sofas, mattresses, refrigerators, or other large items. The service has a value of $26.00. The survey is online in English, Spanish or Vietnamese now through April 17, 2013. Residents with questions can email RecyclePlus@sanjoseca.gov or call (408) 535-8550.

WIC Program Para Familias Necesitadas

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Criminal charges filed in $4 million international smart phone theft ring

lic to get involved with what we’re doing.”

“We’re evaluating how we can take advantage of preexisting billing services and technology to help us avoid higher costs in the future,” said Kerrie Romanow, Director of the City’s Environmental Services Department. “Getting resident input is an important part of the evaluation process. Taking the survey is a great way for the pub-

TIENE: ¿Límite de ingresos o salario? ¿Niños menores de 5 años? ¿Está embarazada, o está dando pecho a un bebé menor de 1 año?

MARCH 15 - MARCH 21, 2013

COMPRECARE 3030 Alum Rock Avenue San Jose, CA 95127

SACRAMENTO Attorney General Kamala D. Harris announced the arraignment of two individuals who allegedly bought large numbers of stolen smartphones in California for resale in Hong Kong, raking in nearly $4 million in less than a year. The arraignment follows a six-month, multistate investigation by the California Attorney General’s eCrime Unit into the trafficking of stolen smart phones.

GARDNER 160 E. Virginia St. Suite 210 San Jose, CA 95112

EMMA PRUSH PARK 647 S. King Rd. San Jose, CA 95116

ALVISO 1621 Gold St. Alviso, CA 95002

SOUTH COUNTY 7526 Monterey Road Gilroy, CA 95020

Esta institución es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades

“This international theft ring used fraud and deceit to steal smartphones and exploit the homeless,” said Attorney General Harris. “I applaud the hard work of our Special Agents whose tenacious investigation put an end to this criminal enterprise.” Defendants Shou Lin Wen, 39, of Sacramento, and Yuting Tan, 27, of Sacramento, were arrested on March 6, and arraigned on March 12, on eight felony counts of money laundering, grand theft, possession of stolen property and conspiracy. They are being held in Sacramento County Jail on $1 million bail each.

According to the arrest warrant, co-conspirators in the scheme enlisted individuals from homeless shelters to purchase multiple smart phones such as the Apple iPhone, Samsung Galaxy and Blackberry from cell phone carriers. Carriers allow individuals to purchase up to five phones in their name under one plan at a discounted rate.

tracked parcels across the country to identify the ringleaders. According to the arrest warrant, agents intercepted four of the 110 parcels shipped by Wen and Tan to Hong Kong during the past 12 months. The 412 phones seized from these packages were traced back to phony customers as far away as North Carolina.

The straw purchasers then delivered the phones to the co-conspirators for a nominal payment. It is alleged that the straw purchasers never intended to follow through with paying for the phones’ contracts which, under California law, constitutes committing theft by false pretenses and designates the phones as stolen property.

During an eightmonth period, the defendants’ business self-reported gross sales of $3,948,485.

Hundreds of stolen phones were then bundled from across the country by middlemen and sent to Wen and Tan, the scheme’s ringleaders in California. Wen and Tan profited by shipping the stolen phones to Hong Kong, where iPhones can go for as much as $2,000. Special Agents with the eCrime Unit conducted surveillance operations and

On March 6, Special Agents with the eCrime Unit conducted an undercover operation in the Sacramento West Marine parking lot, during which they offered to sell 408 “stolen” iPhone 4s and iPhone 5s to Wen and Tan. The defendants agreed to pay $60,600 in cash for 163 phones and were arrested after producing the cash. In 2011, Attorney General Harris created the eCrime Unit to investigate and prosecute identity theft crimes, cyber crimes and other crimes involving the use of technology.

MARCH 15 - MARCH 21, 2013


EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com


Evite a los estafadores Why You’re Not post-desastres Getting Hired Jason Alderman PRACTICAL MONEY ¿Alguna vez encendió la luz de un sótano oscuro y se estremeció al ver cucarachas escabullirse por los rincones? Yo siento la misma repulsión cuando escucho acerca de estafadores inescrupulosos que se aprovechan de las víctimas de desastres naturales y provocados por el hombre. La Better Business Bureau, la agencia para mejores prácticas empresariales, ha apodado a estas cucarachas humanas “cazadores de tormentas”, porque aparecen de la nada después de cada tormenta o desastre significativo. De hecho, debido a que el fraude se esparció tanto después del huracán Katrina, el Departamento de Justicia creó el National Center for Disaster Fraud (Centro Nacional Contra Fraudes de Desastre), un centro de información para más de 20 agencias federales donde la gente puede denunciar sospechas de actividades fraudulentas vinculadas a desastres de toda clase. Una estafa común se da cuando supuestos obreros de reparaciones aparecen en los vecindarios afectados, para engañar a los propietarios extenuados. Su discurso típico es: “Estamos realmente saturados pero si realiza un depósito en efectivo podemos hacer lugar en nuestra ocupada agenda”. También tienden a asustar a la gente para que crea que su vivienda es peligrosa e insegura y a veces provocan daños durante su “inspección”. A menudo, estos “cazadores de tormentas” simplemente toman el dinero y huyen. O si regresan para hacer las reparaciones, su trabajo o los materiales son de mala calidad. Esto podría compro-

meterlo financieramente debido a que probablemente su seguro de vivienda no cubrirá reparaciones no autorizadas o fraudulentas.

Otros exigen que pague todo el costo si cancela después de haber expirado el periodo de cancelación.

A continuación, algunos consejos de la Better Business Bureau para evitar ser víctima de un cazador de tormentas.

Solicite a su contratista que proporcione un comprobante del seguro vigente que cubra indemnización laboral, daños a la propiedad y responsabilidad personal.

Consulte a su compañía de seguro para saber qué cubre su póliza y qué debe presentar específicamente. Solicite también que vengan a inspeccionar los daños y vea si cuentan con contratistas aprobados.

Es posible que le soliciten pagar un depósito por adelantado para cubrir los materiales iniciales; entre un cuarto y un tercio es razonable contra entrega de los materiales en su domicilio y una vez que comiencen las obras.

Nunca contrate a un obrero o contratista en el acto. Obtenga al menos tres presupuestos en base a las mismas especificaciones y materiales. Verifique las referencias, licencias y registros con la National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies (Asociación Nacional de Agencias Estatales de Concesión de Licencias de Contratistas - www.nascla. org/licensing_information); también lea las revisiones publicadas por la Better Business Bureau.

Nunca pague la totalidad por adelantado y no pague en efectivo. Exija que el contrato especifique un cronograma para liberar los pagos y, antes de realizar el último pago, solicite al contratista que entregue un comprobante que indique que se les pagó a todos los subcontratistas; de no ser así, usted podría ser responsable de pagarles.

Exija contratos por escrito que especifiquen el trabajo a realizar, los materiales a utilizar, fechas de inicio y finalización, responsabilidad para la remoción de escombros y detalle de los costos de mano de obra y materiales. Verifique que se incluya el nombre, dirección, número de teléfono y número de licencia del contratista, como también todas las promesas y garantías. Lea la letra pequeña. Algunos contratos dudosos incluyen cláusulas que permiten importantes tasas por cancelación si decide no contratar al contratista después de que su compañía de seguro haya aprobado el reclamo.

Y finalmente, recuerde el dicho: “Si suena muy bien para ser verdad, probablemente no lo es.” Si alguien lo presiona con tácticas de venta, exige el pago total por adelantado, solicita que usted consiga los permisos necesarios o le ofrece reducir costos con materiales sobrantes de otro trabajo, huya. Los resultados finales podrían ser desastrosos, encima usted ya pasó un desastre.

(NEWSUSA) Here’s a secret -- job placement isn’t a matter of inclusion, but one of elimination. In today’s economy, recruiters are deluged with resumes and have to funnel them through pre-set filters designed to separate the competition. On average, a recruiter spends only 30 seconds reviewing each application, meaning if you aren’t marketing your skills correctly, not only are you not getting hired, most times your application won’t even be seen. Joe Weinlick is Vice President of Marketing for Beyond.com, a career network that allows people to search thousands of jobs and manage their careers. His company connects job seekers to available positions, but stresses that the process doesn’t stop there. “Picture the hundreds of people applying for a job seated in the same auditorium,” said Weinlick. “Now picture that you’re one of the few standing up. Who do you think will get noticed first?” Here are five recommendations from Beyond.com to improve your job search: 1. Play the Part. A recruiter works with the same job description that is posted online, and if you’re not using the same language, a com-

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munications gap can develop. Treat the job description like your compass, and use it to guide each answer by tailoring your wording to match theirs. 2. Get Noticed. This is the hardest part, as it’s difficult to stand out when others have similar qualifications. Think about your unique qualities, and lead with them. Don’t wait until the end; the recruiter might never get there. 3. Get Feedback. Every time you apply for a job, strive for the perfect application. Clean up grammatical errors, cut unnecessary words, and focus on details. Send your materials to colleagues for advice, and take advantage of other resources, like a free resume critique from Beyond.com that can catch any errors.

4. Follow Protocol. Submit only what the job posting requests. This will show that you can follow directions. Don’t lie about experience; rather relate the experiences you have, and show how they apply. The candidates who follow the rules and look the best throughout the process have an advantage. 5. Nail the Interview. At this point, the hardest part is over, but you’re still the underdog. Be scrappy. Focus on remaining present during the interview. Research the company and your profession. Browse news outlets, like News and Advice on Beyond.com, to stay current on your profession. To receive a free resume critique from Beyond.com, visit www.beyond.com/resources/resume-writing.

LA AUTORIDAD DEL TRANSPORTE SOLICITA UN MIEMBRO ASESOR CIUDADANO La Autoridad del Transporte del Condado de San Mateo, está aceptando aplicaciones para llenar las vacantes en el Comité Ciudadano de Asesores. La dependencia se formó para administrar los fondos recolectados mediante el impuesto de medio centavo para capitalizar los proyectos y programas originalmente aprobados por los votantes en 1988 y reautorizado por 75 por ciento de los electores del condado de San Mateo en el 2004. El CAC (por sus siglas en inglés) actúa como un enlace entre el público y el buro, dándole a conocer al público acerca de la administración de esos fondos y aportando valiosa información sobre los programas en el Plan de Gasto del Transporte. Todos los aplicantes deben ser residentes del Condado de San Mateo. Los miembros servirán de manera voluntaria. El Comité se reúne a las 4:30 p.m. los martes antes de cada primer jueves del mes. Las aplicaciones están disponibles en www.smcta.com/cac, en el 1250 San Carlos Ave., San Carlos, o llamando al 650-508-6223.

4677 Old Ironsides Dr., # 350, Santa Clara, CA 95054 jm@immigrationmeng.com http://immigrationmeng.com

Acción Diferida para los llegados en la infancia, Dispensa del I601, Casos basados con empleos, Casos Familiares basados en los casos B, E, F, H, J, K, L, TN, O, P, R, S, U, Visas para no-inmigrantes, Petición de Protección de Estatus Infantil y adopción internacional. © El Observador.2013

Las reuniones se llevarán a cabo en Inglés

La fecha límite para mandar sus aplicaciones es el viernes 5 de Abril de 2013



EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

Joins National Partnership to Teach Students 21st Century Skills

SACRAMENTO State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Torlakson, announced that the California Department of Education has joined the national Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) network of 18 states, designed to teach every student real-world skills to meet the needs of a competitive global economy. “California is part of a growing national movement to teach students the critical thinking and problem-solving skills they need for college and careers,” said Torlakson. “Forging a partnership with P21 provides California with additional tools and resources to implement the Common Core State Standards and our newly revised Career Technical Education Standards. This partnership underscores our commitment to prepare every student for the challenges of a changing world.” P21 is a national organization based in Washington, D.C. and a catalyst in the 21st Century Skills Movement. P21 works with education leaders, the business community, and state and federal policymakers to ensure that the U.S. education system equips students with rigorous content knowledge, and the skills, they need for college, career, and citizenship. “We are thrilled to add California to our cadre of

leadership states that are working hard to implement 21st century learning,” said Dr. Steven Paine, President of P21. “As a former State Superintendent, I am committed to supporting the hard work of 21st century skills implementation, and congratulate Superintendent Torlakson on taking a bold and thoughtful approach to ensuring students in California graduate, ready for the challenges of college, careers, and citizenship.” P21 focuses on getting every student ready for an increasingly competitive economy that demands innovation. P21 strives to teach all students what it calls “21st century readiness” skills by integrating the “4Cs” into all academic core content areas and classes. The 4Cs stand for, (1) critical thinking and problem solving, (2) communication, (3) collaboration, and (4) creativity and innovation. California’s updated Career Technical Education Standards also reflect the “4Cs” by addressing “Career Readiness Practices” that will help schools prepare all students for careers, as well as higher education. Nationwide, 40 million of the 50 million new jobs being created over the next decade will require at least two years of additional education or training beyond high school. That means in today’s knowledge-based economy, college or other postsecond-

ary study have become the price of admission to the job market. In order to meet that need, Torlakson’s goal is to teach students 21st century problem-solving and critical thinking skills as part of his Blueprint for Great Schools initiative. Further, California has expanded the number of career technical educational courses,secondar and has emphasized the integration of career readiness into the academic mainstream. Students now have access to multiple career pathways in high tech, computer science, health sciences, construction, the arts, agriculture, and other industries. Partnership with P21 provides California with additional tools and resources to further Torlakson’s initiatives, as well as assist toward implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The CCSS and the Career Technical Education Standards provide a practical way to prepare students for the challenges of a changing world by helping them learn step-by-step the real-world skills they need for college and careers. The CCSS keeps the best of the standards California currently has, replaces what’s outdated, and serves as a foundation for remodeling California’s education system, which include new tests that focus on improving teaching and learning.

MARCH 15 - MARCH 21, 2013

2nd Annual Spanish Spelling Bee in Santa Clara County San Jose CALIFORNIA Adelante Dual Language Academy is a public K – 8 school located in the Alum Rock Union School District in East San Jose. Adelante was created as a small autonomous school within ARUSD in 2004 and currently shares a campus with Rogers Elementary. Adelante’s students learn in the 9010 dual language immersion model, starting with 90% of instruction in Spanish, 10% in English, graduating 10% English instruction until 4th grade where students learn 50% in each language. Upon graduation, students will be both bilingual and biliterate in Spanish and English. In early 2011, with the support of the school’s administrator, Sandra Garcia, a group of volunteer parents & staff initiated the first ever

Spanish language Spelling Bee in Santa Clara County’s history. Tremendous community support for the event allowed the 2012 Spanish Spelling Bee Champion to travel in July to compete in the National Spanish Spelling Bee held in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He represented Santa Clara County, the city of San Jose, Alum Rock Union School District & Adelante Academy. The Adelante 2012 Champion, Jonathan Cortes, placed 8th overall in the National Spanish Spelling Bee. The 2013 Spanish Spelling Bee will be held on Thursday, April 11 from 6:30 – 8:30PM in the Adelante Academy cafeteria (2999 Ridgemont Avenue, San Jose, Ca 95127) .30 Finalists from grades 4th through 8th will be competing using the National Spanish Spelling Bee word list & competition rules, with the

champion once again being eligible to represent San Jose at the National Spanish Spelling Bee. Adelante Academy began with an enrollment of 75% English Language Learners and today continues with a diverse ethnic community with 44% English Language Learners and 85% of the students identified as low income. Adelante ranks 4th in the ARUSD on the STAR testing API Performance Index with a 2012 score of 836. Adelante ranks #1 in ARUSD in parent involvement and also ranks first in overall student attendance in the district with an impressive 97.32% daily attendance. Adelante Dual Language Academy is a model public school in East San Jose and thrives as a school of choice that provides excellent opportunities for student education and development.

School Districts, Teaching Candidates Meet at 2013 Recruitment Fair San José CALIFORNIA Credentialed teachers seeking a job will meet representatives from numerous area school districts on Saturday, March 23 at the annual Santa Clara County Teacher Recruitment Fair, held at the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE). This is the 26th year that the Teacher Recruitment Fair has introduced job-hunters to potential employers from districts across the county. It provides candidates with the opportunity for one-stop shopping in their job hunt,

and presents districts with a wide array of potential employees who already have their qualifications in hand. This year 26 school districts, 10 charter schools and the SCCOE will have representatives at the fair. It is expected that about 1,000 qualified candidates will attend the free fair this year. To participate, applicants are required to have a preliminary credential or clear credential, or to have worked as an intern for one year. Applicants may preregister on-line at:


Candidates who preregister will be able to enter the recruitment fair when it starts at 9 a.m. Those who do not preregister may not enter until 11 a.m., and must show their teaching credentials to gain admittance. The event runs until 2 p.m. at 1290 Ridder Park Dr. in San Jose. Jobs that are particularly in demand include speech pathologists and teachers of special education, math, science, and foreign languages. More information is available at www.sccoe.org (click on “Teacher Recruitment Fair” under “Events); or call (408) 453-6840.

MARCH 15 - MARCH 21, 2013

Department of Managed Health Care Declares Health Plan Rate Increases by Blue Shield and Aetna Unreasonable After lengthy negotiations, three other rate increases reduced saving Californians more than $13 million and one anticipated rate increase cancelled saving an estimated $6 million SACRAMENTO The California Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) Director, Brent A. Barnhart, declared Blue Shield’s 11.8 percent health plan premium increase and Aetna’s 11.4 percent increase unreasonable. Blue Shield’s increase was effective March 1 and impacts 27,000 individual policyholders. Aetna’s increase is effective April 1 and impacts 20,000 small group policyholders. The unreasonable findings are based upon reviews of the plans’ historical and projected medical trends and utilization assumptions. “I am disappointed that after lengthy negotiations, Blue Shield and Aetna were unwilling to bring their proposed health plan increases down to a reasonable level,” said Barnhart.

health plan premiums over the next year,” said Barnhart. For those rate increases that have already taken effect, the plans have agreed to issue credits on upcoming bills for the negotiated reductions. The reductions were primarily due to an adjustment of underlying medical cost trends. Additionally, Anthem Blue Cross agreed to not request a rate increase for small group policies renewing in the third quarter of 2013. The DMHC estimates that forgoing the anticipated increase will save California policyholders approximately $6 million.

Director Barnhart also announced that three proposed premium rate increases were reduced as a result of negotiations with the health plans involved. This action will save nearly 222,000 California policyholders a total of more than $13.3 million.

Since January 2011, the DMHC has saved Californians approximately $53 million through its health plan rate review program. Under existing state law, proposed rate increases for individual or small group health plans must be filed with the DMHC. Department actuaries perform an in-depth review of all proposed rate increases to ensure that the proposed rate changes are justified by underlying medical costs and trends.

“Through DMHC actuaries’ in-depth review of three rate filings, and successful negotiation with the two health plans involved, the DMHC is saving nearly 222,000 Californians a total of more than $13.3 million in

The DMHC does not have the authority to approve or deny rate increases; however, the department’s review improves accountability in health plan rate setting and often results in a reduction in the proposed rate increase.


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Vida saludable para los latinos (NAPSM)

como si fueran invasoras y las ataca. Esto es conocido como una condición autoinmune. El lupus y la artritis reumatoide son dos ejemplos. En particular, las latinas están en mayor riesgo de tener estas condiciones. Usted puede ayudarse a sí misma y a sus seres queridos entendiendo los síntomas. Por ejemplo, una señal común de la condición autoinmune es la inflamación, que puede causar la piel enrojecida, sarpullido, calor, dolor, hinchazón y fatiga.

Ser latino generalmente significa disfrutar de una rica cultura y de un idioma que se formaron gracias a la historia y a las experiencias personales de múltiples generaciones. Desafortunadamente, muchos hispanos están en riesgo de tener ciertos problemas de salud como lupus, artritis reumatoide y osteoporosis. Sin embargo, se puede hacer mucho para tener una vida saludable. A continuación algunos pasos que puede seguir: • Mantenga una dieta balanceada. Los hispanos generalmente disfrutan de una dieta rica en legumbres, granos enteros, verduras, hierbas y frutas. Tome suficiente calcio y vitamina D diariamente para mantener los huesos saludables. Si no tiene buenos huesos, usted podría desarrollar osteoporosis, una condición en la que los huesos se debilitan y pueden quebrarse con mas


probabilidad. Las tortillas de maíz, verduras y granos enteros como la quínoa son buenas fuentes de calcio. Evite las grasas presentes en aceites para freír, cremas, quesos y pasteles. • Pruebe cuatro tipos de ejercicio: resistencia, fuerza, equilibrio y flexibilidad. Estos son importantes para la salud en general y le ayudaran a sacar mayor provecho de las acti-

vidades en familia. Sin embargo, no trate de realizar todas sus actividades en una tarde o un fin de semana. • Entienda su sistema inmune. Este consiste de la red de células de todo el cuerpo que actúan en conjunto para proteger contra las infecciones. A veces, problemas en el sistema inmune hacen que éste identifique a las células saludables

• Ver al doctor al menos una vez al año podrá ayudarle a mantener su salud bajo control. Si usted o un ser querido necesita una clínica gratuita o de bajo costo, visite www. niams.nih.gov/multicultural para ponerse en contacto con recursos en su área. Otra fuente de información es la Oficina de Salud de las Minorías del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de EE.UU., http://minorityhealth.hhs. gov/.

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How to Make Healthful Eating Fit Your Daily Routine (StatePoint) Eating right is essential to keeping your body running at its best. But nutrition advice doesn’t always account for people’s varied lifestyles, health needs and tastes. March, which is National Nutrition Month, is an excellent opportunity to review your diet and make positive, sustainable changes.

So what’s the “right” way to eat for you? Experts say it’s not as restrictive as you may think. “There’s sometimes a misperception that eating properly means giving up favorite foods,” says registered dietitian and President of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Ethan A. Bergman. “But including foods you love in your diet can help you stick to your goals.”

crackers, fruit, peanut butter, low-sodium soup or canned tuna in your desk. Always on the go? Tuck portable, nonperishable foods in your bag for meals on the run. Try granola bars, peanut butter and crackers, fresh fruit, trail mix or single-serve packages of whole-grain cereal or crackers. • Athletes: Whether you’re a competitive athlete or just enjoy working out, what you eat affects your performance. Eat a light meal or snack before exercising, such as lowfat yogurt, a banana or cereal with low-fat milk. Before, during and after exercise, drink plenty of water or a sports drink, if you prefer. • Students: For nutritious, budget-friendly snacking, combine protein and carbohydrates, such as apples and peanut butter, low-fat cheese and whole-grain crackers or hardboiled eggs and fruit. These also double as quick grab-and-go breakfasts.

As part of the “Eat Right, Your Way, Every Day” campaign, Bergman suggests that those looking to eat a healthy diet, tailor food choices to meet lifestyle, needs and preferences:

At the cafeteria, salad bars are a great choice -- just go easy on the high-calorie add-ons.

• Business People: Busy work days can lead to on-thefly meals. For desktop dining, keep single-serve packages of

• Families: Family meals allow parents to be role models to ensure kids eat right. And, just because a meal is

made quickly doesn’t mean it can’t be nutritious. Keep things simple. Choose ingredients you can use for more than one meal. For example, cook extra grilled chicken for salad or fajitas the next day. Get the kids involved. They can make the salad, set the table or do other simple tasks. • Vegetarians: A vegetarian diet can include just as much variety as one including meat. For example, nutrient-rich beans are a great choice. Enjoy vegetarian chili, a hummus-filled pita sandwich or veggie burger. Many popular items are or can be vegetarian -- pasta primavera, veggie pizza and tofu-vegetable stir-fry.

Las ensaladas saludables y sin gluten alimentan los sentidos (Family Features)

Muchas personas piensan que comer ensalada es saludable. Sin embargo, este alimento deja de ser saludable debido a los agregados tales como el queso, el tocino, los croutons y una abundante cantidad de aderezo. Entonces hay que preparar una ensalada sabrosa y saludable. Carolyn O’Neil, M.S., R.D., y coautora del libro The Dish on Eating Healthy and Being Fabulous! (El plato para comer saludable y sentirse fabuloso) recomienda ensaladas que satisfacen todos los sentidos. O’Neil creó las dos recetas que presentamos a continuación, que tienen una excelente presentación, aromas refrescantes, son sabrosas y nos deleitan con el crujido de las nueces Georgia Pecans. La ensalada de palta y pomelo aporta belleza e interés a su plato con ingredientes saludables, coloridos y crujientes. La pasta verde aporta un gran sabor y el pomelo incorpora el intenso sabor cítrico. La palta constituye una buena alternativa para el queso. Las nueces tostadas Georgia Pecans son saludables para el corazón y sustituyen la textura crujiente de los croutons y el sabor del tocino (incluso puede utilizar nueces ahumadas). La vinagreta se hace con jugo fresco de pomelo extraído de gajos de pomelos y vinagre de vino tinto. El confeti de quinua de Georgia Pecan es una ensalada deliciosa sin verdura. La quinua es un grano delicioso sin gluten que al cocinarlo se torna liviano y suave como el arroz, pero contiene más proteínas. Esta receta, que contiene granas de confeti de verdura en colores naranja, verde y amarillo, tiene sabor a ajo y romero. Las nueces tostadas Crunchy Georgia Pecans aportan aún más sabor y nutrición, ya que son una excelente fuente de antioxidantes y grasas saludables para el corazón y poseen un bajo índice de glucemia.

Confeti de quinua de nueces Georgia Pecan Rinde: 6 porciones de media taza 2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 2 1/4 1/4

cucharaditas de aceite de oliva taza de zanahorias en cubos taza de zucchini en cubos taza de zapallo amarillo en cubos diente de ajo picado tazas de quinua cocida (preparada según las instrucciones del paquete) cucharadita de hojas de romero picadas finas taza de nueces Georgia Pecan en mitades (reserve 2 cucharadas para decorar)

Caliente el aceite en una sartén y agregue zanahorias, zucchini, zapallo amarillo y ajo. Cocine hasta que esté tierno y crocante. Incorpore la quinua cocida, el romero y las nueces. Condimente a gusto con sal marina y pimienta negra molida. Coloque la quinua en un plato grande y decore con las nueces tostadas adicionales.

Ensalada de paltas y pomelo

• Meat lovers: Keep your meaty meals heart-healthy by selecting lean cuts and choosing chicken, turkey and fish more often. Avoid deep fried foods. Instead, bake, broil, roast, stew or stir-fry your meals.

con vinagreta de pomelo y nueces tostadas Georgia Pecans Rinde: 4 porciones

This month, set yourself up for success. Consider working with a registered dietitian to develop a personalized eating plan. More tips can be found at www.EatRight.org.

Para el aderezo: 2/3 taza de aceite de oliva extra virgen 1/3 taza de vinagre de vino tinto Jugo de pomelo cortado (aproximadamente 3 cucharadas) Coloque la sal fresca y la pimienta negra a gusto.

Remember, good nutrition isn’t meant to make you suffer. With exercise and moderation, you can enjoy your favorite foods regularly.

MARCH 15 - MARCH 21, 2013

Para la ensalada: 1-2 plantas de lechuga mantecosa, cortadas en porciones pequeñas 1 planta de rúcula, cortada en porciones pequeñas 2 paltas Haas, maduras pero firmes, peladas y en cubos 2 pomelos rosados o rojizos, pelados y cortados en gajos, conserve el jugo en exceso 1/2 taza de nueces tostadas Georgia Pecan en mitades (tostadas en una sartén) 1/4 taza de perejil fresco picado

Acomode la lechuga y la rúcula en un plato grande. Acomode la palta y los trozos de pomelo sobre el colchón de hojas.Combine los ingredientes para el aderezo y rocíe sobre toda la ensalada.Decore con almendras tostadas. Para la decoración final, agregue perejil picado. Nota de nutrición: Puede encontrar grasas saludables en las nueces, la palta y la vinagreta a base de aceite de oliva. Las vitaminas, los antioxidantes, la fibra y otros nutrientes vegetales se encuentran en el pomelo, los vegetales de hojas verdes, la palta y las nueces Georgia Pecans.

MARCH 15 - MARCH 21, 2013


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Santa Clara County Science Fair


Home Care workers rally at Board of Supervisors On March 11, workers marched outside of the County of Santa Clara building, then moved the action to the 10th floor, to directly address the Board of Supervisors, who came out of closed session to listen to workers. After months of negotiations with little progress, Home Care workers delivered this message to the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors: Fair contract now. SEIU Local 521’s In-Home Supportive Services workers have been bargaining with the County since December. The County has canceled negotiation sessions and has overly

Fernanda Lopez SPECIAL TO EL OBSERVADOR The best and the brightest young minds in math and science in the Silicon Valley showcased their projects at the 53rd annual Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship on Wednesday, March 13, 2013 at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center. This year’s science fair competition hosted approximately 1110 students from 89 private and public South Bay schools. Forrest Williams, Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering Fair Association President and former San Jose City Council member, said that engaging young students in science and math is essential for the future of the Silicon Valley. “Here in the Silicon Valley we are noted for our power in technology, so the students here, they have to live up to that expectation and we have to help them,” said Williams, who added that these skills are crucial “if we are going to continue with technological leadership.” Approximately 876 projects were entered in this

year’s fair by 6th through 12th grade students, all with a unique subject and presentation such as one 6th grader’s stair climbing robot. Dylon Mathews,11, from Don Callejon School presented a mobile robot car on which he invented the “push and pull” mechanism to enable it to move up and down stairs. “I got the idea for it by playing with my kit and didn’t know what else to do, so I thought about stair climbers out there and started doing some research,” said Mathews, who said he wants to be an electrical engineer one day. Emilio Alonso, 13, presented on the levels of iron in tap water in the surrounding cities. He said that although he was nervous to present, he is excited about the experience. “I like science and I want to do something to help people,” explained Alonso, an 8th grader from Saint Joseph of Cupertino School as to why he wants to be a medical biologist when he grows up. Yet another experiment by Joana Flores, 14, and Jolan Angeles de Leon, 14, both 9th grade students at Evergreen High School, tested the

ability of people to multitask. They teamed up to test whether multitasking, such as walking and texting, was doable. Through their test they were able to conclude that people did not technically have the ability to multitask, but had varying levels of abilities to text and walk. “It’s a really good experience to be here,” explained de Leon who is interested in working with automobiles, “ I didn’t know there was going to be so many people,” he said. The SCVSEFA is the nonprofit organizer of the Synopsys Championship whose mission is “To awaken more students to the wonder and power of science and engineering,” according to their website. Through several hundred volunteer judges in the fields of academia, special organizations and industries, the chosen First, Second, Honorable Mention and Special Award winners will be honored at an award ceremony at Great America next month. Some will move on to the state competition in Los Angeles for the chance to present their projects in an international science fair competition.

prolonged the response time to workers’ proposals and information requests.“All we are asking for is respect and that we bargain in good faith for a fair contract,” said home care worker David Tran to the supervisors. “Respect and independence is not too much. It is

what all workers have earned through their sacrifices for our community.”Meanwhile, while home care workers help the county’s most vulnerable residents to live independently at home, they earn 17% below the self-sufficiency wage for a person in San Jose.

“Keeping Families Together” tour of California Two buses, filled with immigrant families that have been adversely affected by the present immigration system, toured Northern and Southern California, respectively, visiting the offices of 11 members of Congress who have been hesitant to support comprehensive immigration reform. The families told their stories of living in fear, being unable to work legally, or being split up because of deportations due to mixed immigration status. The two buses met in Bakersfield for a combined

rally and visit to the office of Congressman Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday, March 6. Keynote speakers at the rally included Dolores Huerta,

NASA Astronaut José Hernandez, and Angelica Salas of Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles.

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MARCH 15 - MARCH 21, 2013

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pge.com/safety “PG&E” se refiere a Pacific Gas and Electric Company, una subsidiaria de PG&E Corporation. © 2013 Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Todos los derechos reservados.

MARCH 15 - MARCH 21, 2013


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Spring Style Guide for the Working Girl Juan Carlos Miranda SPECIAL TO EL OBSERVADOR It’s nothing new. We see it on TV, we hear it on the news and encounter it everyday as we go on about our business. Women are taking over the workforce and pretty soon, if you ask me, the world-which I totally don’t mind at all, it’s about time. But even though powerful beings, such as yourselves, are proving to be a force to be reckoned with--you know you are, just admit it--many of you still need a little help in the fashion department (sad, but true). Spring is oh such a lovely season to dress nice, comfortable and, why not, even sexy.

However, there is a line that can easily get crossed, the one between sexy and slutty. Now depending on which side you’d like to get classified on, and depending on your line of work there are dresses which you can get that will last you throughout this spring season, without breaking your cochinita or making you look like you work at the esquina.

something that is a little too tight or you might just show a little more.

Here I present to you my recommendations:

-Semi-Sheer Georgette Dress: This dress is fun, comfortable and sensual, huggin’ you in all the right places. A Peter Pan collar gives a playful feel to your look and its lightweight makes it perfect for a long day at work.

-Pocket Tie-Waist Shirtdress: A dress like this will give your look an effortless feel and will keep you cool on those hot spring days. The long sleeves will accentuate the formality of the dress and the belt will accentuate your figure. Choose a length above your knees to show off your sexy gams. -Fitted V-Neck Satin dress: Whenever you buy anything that is fitted, you better be prepared to show your best assets. Fitted is just that, it fits like a glove. A V-neck satin dress is sexy and cool and, if you know how to wear it, will accentuate all your bits. But be careful with wearing

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Obtenga Clipper en Walgreens u otras tiendas participantes en su comunidad. Hay tarjetas disponibles para personas de la tercera edad y para jóvenes. Llame al 877-878-8883 para más información.

-Belted Satin Shirtdress: Covered up! Why not? Satin is a cool fabric that breathes, and so makes wearing a regular collar so much more comfortable. The belted waist shows off your waist and the asymmetrical hemline adds that “you fancy” feel.

-Cap-sleeve Drawstring Dress: Sexy side pockets and a round neckline can be a fun option for an office dress. An elasticized waist makes it the perfect option for just about every size. Choose a bright color for a little more fun. Where to get these looks? Most stores carry these styles of dresses ranging from $60 to $25 depending on material and brand. Forever 21 has some of the best styles at affordable prices as well as GAP and H&M.

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MARCH 15 - MARCH 21, 2013


ANUNCIO PÚBLICO John Stewart Company abre la lista de INTERÉS DE RESPALDO para unidades de una, dos y tres habitaciones para el siguiente programa: Crédito fiscal familiar/Sección 8 basada en proyectos en los siguientes lugares y ubicaciones: Julian Gardens Lucretia Gardens Miramar Apartments 319 N. 8th Street, 2020 Lucretia Avenue 3761 Miramar Way, San José, CA 95112 San José, CA 95122 Santa Clara, CA 95051 ESTE NO ES EL PROGRAMA DE BONO DE ELECCIÓN DE VIVIENDAS El Crédito fiscal familiar/Vivienda familiar de la Sección 8 basada en proyectos brinda servicios a familias y personas de muy bajos ingresos (18 años y más). Los lugares mencionados anteriormente se encuentran en el programa de crédito fiscal para viviendas de bajos ingresos al igual que la Sección 8 basada en proyectos. Cada unidad tiene un bono de la Sección 8 basada en proyectos; por lo tanto, los alquileres se calculan según un 30% del ingreso bruto ajustado total del hogar y por lo tanto, los alquileres variarán. Los depósitos de seguridad son entre $750 y $1250 según el recuento de habitaciones. Los solicitantes deben calificar para ambos programas. No se garantiza un bono basado en arrendatario a los arrendatarios en estos lugares. Se realizará una lista única para los tres sitios. La lista de interés para el Crédito fiscal/Sección 8 basada en proyectos está abierta al público. Los solicitantes, residentes y participantes en todo programa de asistencia para la vivienda (incluidos los poseedores de bonos de la Sección 8) también reúnen los requisitos para presentar sus nombres para las listas de interés de estos programas. La colocación de su nombre en la lista de interés no le da ningún derecho a ser admitido en el programa, no le garantiza su elegibilidad futura ni asegura que los fondos estén disponibles. El jefe de familia debe tener 18 años o más. El período de apertura para presentar el formulario de interés es desde las 9 a. m. del jueves 21 de marzo de 2013 hasta las 4 p. m. del martes 26 de marzo de 2013. Los formularios de interés sellados por correo o presentados después de la fecha límite del martes no se aceptarán. Los formularios de interés se clasificarán y seleccionarán a través de un sistema de lotería computarizada. En todos los solicitantes adultos se realizarán las verificaciones de antecedentes delictivos y crediticios. El proceso de arrendamiento completo se determina en los criterios de selección de arrendatarios para cada lugar y está disponible en la dirección anterior. No se aceptarán formularios incompletos. Debe presentar el formulario de interés por correo electrónico, correo postal, fax o en persona a la dirección que se brinda a continuación.El ingreso anual total no debe ser mayor que los siguientes montos para el tamaño de su grupo familiar: estos estánsujetos a cambios y los solicitantes pueden estan sujetos a otros requisitos. Miembros del hogar Límite de ingreso Miembros del hogar Límite de ingreso 1 persona $36.750 5 personas $56.700 2 personas $42.000 6 personas $60.900 3 personas $47.250 7 personas $65.100 4 personas $52,500 Envíe por correo, correo electrónico o fax este formulario de interés a: Lista de interés de crédito fiscal familiar/Sección 8 FAX (408) 361-4852 Correo electrónico: jscosb@jsco.net DIRECCIÓN: 893 Lenzen Avenue, San Jose, 95126 Jefe de familia: ___________________________________ _________________ Apellido Nombre Iniciales del segundo nombre Últimos 4 dígitos del número de seguro social _______/_______/________ Fecha de nacimiento _____________________________________________________________ ¿Es discapacitado? Sí/No_______ Dirección Necesidades especiales: ________________________________ Ciudad Estado Código postal Cantidad total de personas del grupo familiar: ___________ (_____) ___________________ Ingreso del grupo familiar anual total: $_____________________ Número de teléfono NOTA: el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de los EE. UU. (HUD, por sus siglas en inglés) requiere que obtengamos información de usted con respecto a la raza y el origen étnico. Raza y origen étnico del jefe de familia:(Marque con un círculo) Hispano No hispano (Marque con un círculo) Caucásico Negro Indio americano/de Alaska Asiático/habitante de las islas del Pacífico Firma:___________________________________________ Fecha:____/______/______


remodeling trends for spring home improvement (BPT) It’s time to think spring, which means fresh home updates. Spring home improvement projects will help you update, add comfort, and save more of your hard-earned paycheck. Jumpstart your spring projects with inspiration from these 2013 remodeling trends. Energy-saving updates From low-volatile organic compound (VOC) paints and adhesives, to more energyefficient windows and furnaces, spring projects can help improve air quality and increase your comfort. Look for ENERGY STAR-qualified products that help lower your home’s energy consumption, and in turn, your utility bills. Better bathrooms Energy-efficient Pella Designer Series wood windows and patio doors bring in the sunshine, and provide privacy with optional between-theglass window fashions. Pella between-the-glass blinds and shades also help reduce certain indoor airborne allergens from accumulating, improving indoor air quality. Cordless window fashions also are safer for homes with children and pets. Hot kitchens Yahoo! Homes says 2013 kitchen remodeling trends focus on practical, durable and do-it-yourself (DIY) projects, like refacing kitchen cabinets, adding quartz composite countertops, hardwood-looking engineered floors, deep bowl kitchen sinks, commercial-style or built-in appliances and mixing colors and tones on cabinets.

Don’t let these myths rain on your retirement party


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MARCH 15 - MARCH 21, 2013


ANUNCIO PÚBLICO John Stewart Company abre la lista de interés para unidades de una, dos y tres habitaciones para el siguiente programa: Vivienda pública familiar en los siguientes lugares y ubicaciones: Deborah Apartments Eklund Gardens II Eklund Gardens I 2251 Deborah Drive 3680 Poinciana Avenue 2002 Halford Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95050 Santa Clara, CA 95051 Santa Clara, CA 95112


ESTE NO ES EL PROGRAMA DE BONO DE ELECCIÓN DE VIVIENDAS La Vivienda pública familiar brinda servicios a familias y personas de muy bajos ingresos (18 años y más). Los alquileres se calculan actualmente en un 30% del ingreso ajustado mensual, aunque esto puede cambiar según los cambios de política. Los depósitos de seguridad son entre $750 y $1250 según el tamaño de la habitación. Esta asistencia de vivienda está basada en proyectos y a usted se lo asiste únicamente mientras viva en las unidades de la vivienda pública. Se mantendrá una lista única para los tres lugares.

Here’s a look at five common myths that could derail your expectations for income when you retire.

La lista de interés para viviendas públicas familiares está abierta al público. Los solicitantes, residentes y participantes en todo programa de asistencia para la vivienda (incluida la Sección 8 o poseedores de bonos) también reúnen los requisitos para presentar sus nombres para las listas de interés de estos programas. La colocación de su nombre en la lista de interés no le da ningún derecho a ser admitido en el programa, no le garantiza su elegibilidad futura ni asegura que los fondos estén disponibles. El jefe de familia debe tener 18 años o más.

Myth 1: You won’t be around long enough to go through your money

El período de apertura para presentar el formulario de interés es desde las 9 a. m. del jueves 21 de marzo de 2013 hasta las 4 p. m. del martes 26 de marzo de 2013. Los formularios de interés sellados por correo o presentados después de las 4 p. m. del 26 de marzo de 2013 no se aceptarán. Los formularios de interés se clasificarán y seleccionarán a través de un sistema de lotería computarizada. En todos los solicitantes adultos se realizarán las verificaciones de antecedentes delictivos y crediticios.

The reality: Life expectancies are at record highs in the United States. To help stretch your money, consider incorporating immediate and deferred annuities into your planning.

Debe presentar el formulario de interés por correo electrónico, correo postal, fax o en persona a la dirección que se brinda a continuación. NO SE COMUNIQUE NI VISITE LA OFICINA DE LA AUTORIDAD DE VIVIENDA., YA QUE NO TIENE INFORMACIÓN SOBRE ESTE PROGRAMA NI LAS LISTAS DE ESPERA. Su ingreso anual total no debe ser mayor que los siguientes montos para el tamaño de su grupo familiar: Los límites de ingreso máximos están sujetos a cambio.

Myth 2: You should get out of stocks when you retire The reality: Regularly reviewing, and if necessary, rebalancing your portfolio based on your risk tolerance can lock in gains from strongperforming asset classes. Myth 3: You can just keep working The reality: Your plan should both keep you from having to work the rest of your life and deal with the consequences of unexpected surprises that prevent you from earning a paycheck. Myth 4: An inheritance will bail you out The reality: You may be hoping for an inheritance as a potential retirement boost. But hope is not a strategy, and counting on an inheritance can create big problems if it doesn’t come through. Myth 5: Your taxes will be lower in retirement. The reality: Big government deficits make future tax increases much more likely.

Miembrosdelhogar 1 persona 2 personas 3 personas 4 personas

Límite de ingreso $36.750 $42.000 $47.250 $52,500

Miembrosdelhogar 5 personas 6 personas 7 personas

Límite de ingreso $56.700 $60.900 $65.100

Envíe por correo o fax este formulario de interés a: Lista de interés de viviendas públicas FAX (408) 361-4852 Correo electrónico: jscosb@jsco.net DIRECCIÓN: 893 Lenzen Avenue, San Jose, 95126 Jefe de familia: ___________________________________ _________________ Apellido Nombre Iniciales del segundo nombre Últimos 4 dígitos del número de seguro social _______/_______/________ Fecha de nacimiento _____________________________________________________________ ¿Es discapacitado? Sí/No_______ Dirección Necesidades especiales: ________________________________ Ciudad Estado Código postal Numero total en el hogar ___________ (_____) ___________________ Ingreso del grupo familiar anual total: $_____________________ Número de teléfono NOTA: el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de los EE. UU. (HUD, por sus siglas en inglés) requiere que obtengamos información de usted con respecto a la raza y el origen étnico. Raza y origen étnico del jefe de familia:(Marque con un círculo) Hispano No hispano (Marque con un círculo) Caucásico Negro Indio americano/de Alaska Asiático/habitante de las islas del Pacífico Firma:___________________________________________ Fecha:____/______/______ ©EO2013



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MARCH 15 - MARCH 21, 2013

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com






México NOTIMEX El cantante y compositor argentino Fito Páez, ganador de cinco premios Grammy Latinos, festejo su cumpleaños número 50 en medio de los

preparativos del lanzamiento de tres discos y feliz de debutar como escritor con la publicación de un libro.En el ámbito literario, el músico es autor de la novela “La puta que habla”, que cuenta con 321 páginas y presenta personajes tocados por el amor y la pasión.

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

En materia musical, Páez tiene previsto sacar a la venta este año tres discos: “Sacrificio”, que incluye canciones inéditas pero compuestas de 1989 a la fecha. Para noviembre alista “La vuelta en globo”, con nuevos temas, y al mismo tiempo “Dreaming Marietta”,

Mi reciente álbum es una nueva oportunidad de vivir: Draco Los Ángeles NOTIMEX Como una sacudida para valorar y disfrutar lo mejor de la existencia, definió Draco su nueva oportunidad de vivir y su nuevo álbum que por ello tituló “Vida”. En 2011, el ex integrante de la desaparecida banda juvenil Menudo, Robi Draco Rosa, fue declarado libre de cáncer después de años de luchar contra la enfermedad. Para celebrar ese triunfo, el artista, de 43 años, esta semana lanzará su álbum con una constelación de estrellas muy difícil de conseguir y que le respondieron en amistad. El disco contiene temas con Ricky Martin, Shakira,

Maná, Alejandro Sanz, Juan Luis Guerra, Calle 13, Juanes, Rubén Blades, Andrés Calamaro, Bunbury, Marc Anthony, Romeo Santos, José Feliciano, Ednita Nazario y Tego Calderón. “Este es un álbum único en la vida. No suele pasar y muy difícilmente se podría dar otro”, compartió Draco con Notimex, quien consideró que esas son dos bendiciones en su vida. “Por eso se llama Vida, por mi recuperación del cáncer y luego el lograr concentrar a tantos artistas y amigos en este proyecto que fue parte de mi sanación”, señaló. Draco fue el creador de grandes éxitos como “María” y “Livin la vida loca”, que lanzaron a la fama mundial a Ricky Martin como solista

y de los cuales se vendieron millones de copias.El cantante, quien logró salir adelante gracias a un trasplante de médula ósea, compartió que cuando enfrentaba el cáncer y los tratamientos no respondían fue cuando surgió la idea de hacer el álbum con colaboraciones.

álbum con cortes líricos, de amor y románticos. Rodolfo Páez Ávalos, su nombre completo, nació el 13 de marzo de 1963 en Rosario, Argentina. A los 14 años comenzó a tomar clases de piano, aunque ya sabía tocar des-

MARCH 15 - MARCH 21, 2013 de pequeño. Tenía un método de estudio muy particular, memoria y oído, no leía partituras, aunque su profesor siempre pensó lo contrario, dado su evidente talento. En el año 2000 ganó dos premios Grammy Latino como Mejor Artista y Mejor Canción de Rock por “Al lado del camino”. Ese mismo año editó “Rey Sol”, dedicado a su hijo adoptivo Martín, el cual vendió una cifra de copias muy baja en comparación con sus anteriores trabajos. En 2001 dirigió su primer largometraje “Vidas privadas”, que trató el tema del incesto en la época de la última dictadura militar en Argentina, mismo que no tuvo gran respuesta en taquilla. El 4 de junio de 2004 nació Margarita, su primera hija biológica, producto del amor con su pareja Romina Ricci. El nombre de la niña se lo pusieron en honor a la mamá de Páez, la pianista Margarita Zulema Avalos de Páez.

El 12 de marzo de 2008 en Señor Tango recibió junto a Susana Giménez y al Chaqueño Palavecino, el primer Premio Grammy de la Presidencia en Argentina, entregado por la Academia Latina de la Grabación. En 2009, Fito cerró el festival colombiano “Rock al parque” en su versión número 15, al que concurrieron 150 mil personas, la mayor audiencia alguna vez vista en el festival. En 2011, el cantautor participó en la miniserie “Vera Blum”, el cual contó con 15 capítulos de cinco minutos cada uno. Un año después, Páez presentó su gira “20 años después del amor”, la cual lo llevó a tocar en Cuba, Chile, Venezuela, Colombia, Brasil, Uruguay, Perú, Bolivia, México, El Salvador, España, Israel, Reino Unido, Francia, y también en las ciudades de Buenos Aires, Mendoza, Rosario, Tucumán y Córdoba de la República Argentina.

Dice Mijares que temas de “Canto por ti” no reflejan su sentir actual México NOTIMEX El cantante mexicano Manuel Mijares aclaró que los temas de su más reciente disco “Canto por ti” no son un reflejo de su sentir actual, tras su ruptura matrimonial con Lucero.

“Cuando mi vida se estaba apagando y la llama se apagaba, los amigos tomaron un pase conmigo durante el tratamiento y fueron tan cariñosos, que me dieron buena vibra, oraciones y este álbum”, apuntó.

“Las letras no son sobre algo que esté viviendo. En todos mis discos y en los de todo cantante se le canta al amor en sus diferentes facetas, independientemente de que estés pasando por cierta situación, porque así cualquiera se puede identificar con el disco y lo compra”, explicó.

Draco manifestó que mientras estaba ante a la muerte, también estaba la idea del CD. “Hasta que se concretó me mandaron las voces y se hicieron las mezclas y así ha quedado este trabajo”.

El nuevo álbum incluye 13 melodías compuestas por el peruano Gianmarco: “Si me tenías”, “Lamento”, “Se me olvidó”, “Sé que piensas en mí”, “Hasta que vuelvas conmigo”, “Cuéntame”, “Hoy”, “Cato por ti”, “Si vuelvo a nacer”, “Te

mentiría”, “Desde hace un mes”, “Aunque muera por besarte” y “Días nuevos”. “Y es que de cinco discos para acá de lo que menos se habla es del trabajo musical y a mí me interesa que se promueva porque hay mucho esfuerzo detrás y no es justo que sólo se abunde en lo que hago o no en

mi vida”, apuntó Mijares. Como parte de la promoción de este nuevo material, Manuel Mijares de 55 años, informó que planea viajar a Centro y Sudamérica, así como a Estados Unidos. En la Ciudad de México prevé ofrecer un concierto en el Auditorio Nacional, sin fecha por definir hasta el momento.

MARCH 15 - MARCH 21, 2013

Arturo Hilario EL OBSERVADOR The opportunity to meet many gifted filmmakers at 23rd annual Cinequest Film Festival, these past two weeks, presented itself with the rare situation to sit and converse about their projects one-onone. For many of these filmmakers, this was their first festival and the first showing of their releases. Others were on a long tour of the country with their films; following the San Jose festival they would be flying to Chicago or New York to continue the festival circuit. One such director premiered his film at the historic California Theater in San Jose’s South of First Street neighborhood (“SoFA”) to sell out crowds. Sam Kadi brought his film, “The Citizen,” to San Jose with hopes of engaging people’s emotions through the many feelings that are sought in the film. In terms of the film festival and its array of activities Sam Kadi states, “It’s exciting but it’s tiring.” He seems to be relaxed now that his film has had its big premiere. At this point there is only one showing left, and he told me a little about his views on the construction of this film. “The Citizen” is essentially a story of an Arab immigrant who wins the U.S. green card lottery. Unfortunately, his arrival to this country is one day before the events of 9/11.

In the beginning, the main protagonist, Ibrahim Jarrah (played purposefully and charismatically by Egyptian actor Khaled Nabawy), arrives at John F. Kennedy Airport and is ecstatic to be on American soil, even if he still has to get clearance by immigration officials in an office room there. There lies the first of many problems he will end up facing in the movie. According to Sam Kadi, the film is a “Look through the eyes of an immigrant and seeing the American dream through him. Unfortunately he arrives at the most difficult and challenging time.” He also shared that a lot of the situations that occur are amalgamations of several true stories that make up the character of Ibrahim. This method allows people of all walks of life to find a shared connection to this protagonist. The film follows a total of 10 years of Ibrahim’s life, but the bulk of the narrative takes place within the first year or so of his arrival into the United States. The experiences he has with the people of New York, prior and after the 9/11 attacks, reinforces the idea here is a man who wanted a chance to create a decent life with what he believes are the best merits, hard work, kindness and understanding. It’s difficult to be so kind, especially when he is harassed and hurt by several characters in his story, yet remarkably stays resilient in the most powerful scenes of the film.

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

Kadi reinforces the sacrifices Ibrahim faces, like most immigrants in this country, by assuring that his film is there also to “remind us what this country is all about and how some people take things for granted, but other people sacrifice to achieve these dreams. You see it through fresh eyes. It reminds you, listen we are pretty lucky.” In the film Ibrahim references his luck, and how it’s usually of the bad variety. It does not matter in the end as all of the luck, good and bad, lead him through a journey worth watching. Without giving too much away it is this struggle for his dream and unrelenting hope that drive the messages and emotion of the film to the viewer. The final scenes are the most intriguing, and feature seasoned actors like Cary Elwes and William Atherton exchanging thought provoking dialogue on the measure of being an American. As Sam Kadi states, his film is about creating investment with the viewer, and for that investment to affect them when they leave. It’s an eye opener to the effects of a country struggling with identity and what terror meant, and who were the real purveyors of it within our borders. “The Citizen” is a film that should be seen throughout the country, to better understand immigrants and the process of becoming a citizen as Ibrahim did.



When veteran 911 operator, Jordan (Halle Berry), takes a life-altering call from a teenage girl (Abigail Breslin) who has just been abducted, she realizes that she must confront a killer from her past in order to save the girl’s life.



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MARCH 15 - MARCH 21, 2013

The 2013 “Scholarship for Historia de la Astrología the Arts” Program $30,000 to be awarded to Bay Area high school seniors 

SAN FRANCISCO Producer Jo Schuman Silver, The Steve Silver Foundation and Beach Blanket Babylon - the world’s longest running musical revue - are proud to announce the 2013 Steve Silver Foundation and Beach Blanket Babylon “Scholarship for the Arts” program. Created in 2002 as part of its commitment to the arts, the “Scholarship for the Arts” program has grown into an annual event eagerly anticipated by San Francisco Bay Area high

schools and the community. “Encouraging young artists to follow their dreams and express their creativity was so important to Steve Silver,” said Schuman Silver. “We are proud to once again honor his legacy with this outstanding program.” Last year’s program proved, once again, to be extremely successful, with Beach Blanket Babylon receiving a record number of submissions. Aragon High School’s Mariko Ishikawa (Dance), Santa Rosa High

School’s Nicolas Chuba (Acting) and Sonoma Academy’s Jake Brinskele (Voice) each walked away with $10,000 towards their college education.

High school seniors throughout the San Francisco Bay Area are asked to submit a completed entry form along with a three-minute performance in one of three categories: singing, acting or dancing. Nine finalists – three from each category – will be selected by a panel of performing arts professionals and notified on Monday, May 6, 2013. They will perform their three-minute piece live at Club Fugazi (home of Beach Blanket Babylon) on Monday, June 3, 2013 in front of a panel of celebrity judges and an invited audience made up of their family and friends. One winner from each category will be presented with a $10,000 check from The Steve Silver Foundation and Beach Blanket Babylon toward their higher education. The “Scholarship for the Arts” is based entirely on talent; grades and financial needs are not factors. All entries must be postmarked or uploaded by 11:59 p.m. PST on Friday, April 26, 2013. For complete rules and guidelines, or to download an entry form, visit beachblanketbabylon.com/scholarship. Steve Silver’s Beach Blanket Babylon has a longstanding commitment to philanthropic efforts in the community and has been involved with numerous charities including the UCSF Cancer Center, Legal Community Against Violence, Make-a-Wish Foundation, the Child Abuse Prevention Society and AIDS Memorial Grove.

Mario Jiménez Castillo EL OBSERVADOR La Astrología se fundamenta principalmente en el estudio de las constelaciones de nuestra galaxia, los astros y planetas del sistema solar, y cómo los movimientos de estos cuerpos celestes afectan e influyen en nuestras vidas y en la energía de nuestro planeta La astrología como ciencia es una de las más antiguas. Sus tempranos orígenes se pueden trazar en cuatro regiones principales: Egipto, El Valle del Indo, China y América central. Los Sumerios, alrededor del año 3000 A. de C. fueron los más grandes observadores de los cielos y a cada una de las estrellas y planetas los consideraban como sus dioses. La astrología actual está cimentada principalmente en los estudios que desarrollaron los babilonios y la prueba más tangible fue descubierta entre las pertenencias históricas del rey Asirio Asurbanipal (siglo VII A. de C.) Creado hace cuatro mil años el “ Enuma Anu Enlil “ es un tratado de las divinidades celestes, escrito en tablas de arcilla y en el alfabeto cuneiforme. Los pioneros de la astrología descubrieron que ciertas estrellas que brillaban en el firmamento

se movían. Eran sin duda alguna los planetas. El término planeta significa literalmente” estrella errante. “ A los caldeos se les debe en gran medida el desarrollo de la astrología antigua. Ellos descubrieron que los planetas se movían en sitios estratégicos y en órbitas definidas, asimismo plantearon que las constelaciones se movían 30 grados cada dos horas. Estos argumentos son la base principal del horóscopo actual. Conforme fueron sucediendo en el poder las grandes potencias antiguas: Egipto, Asiría, Babilonia y Medo Persia, finalmente la astrología llegó a Grecia. Sus moradores la acogieron y la enriquecieron con su patrimonio mitológico. Por tal razón la astrología consiste en una amalgama de cálculos matemáticos e historias mitológicas. El matemático griego Ptolomeo, plasmó muchos de sus conocimientos astrológicos en un tratado llamado Tetrabiblón. Después que Grecia fuera conquistada por Roma, la astrología fue inmediatamente adaptada a sus costumbres y creencias. La utilizaron para planear bodas, negocios y establecer la época de la siembra. Posteriormente el Imperio Bizantino aportó mayor profundidad a la astrología con los cálculos matemáticos cuando introduje-

ron el cero y los decimales. En la edad media, la astrología comenzó a enseñarse en las más prestigiosas universidades como la Universidad de Bolonia, cuna de los talentos más brillantes de aquel entonces, entre ellos Dante Alighieri. Más adelante en Alemania, Kepler, apoyó los estudios astrológicos y en Inglaterra, Isaac Newton, la reconoció como ciencia; y años más tarde nacería en Francia el más popular y reconocido astrólogo del mundo, Nostradamus. Durante los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII, el uso de la astrología tuvo que mantenerse oculto debido a los dictámenes y la terrible persecución que conllevó la Inquisición. Ya en el siglo XIX comenzó la astrología a resurgir nuevamente y en las primeras décadas del siglo XX el psiquiatra suizo Carl Gustav Jung la añadió a sus obras de tópicos psicológicos y oníricos. Hoy en día la astrología se ha vuelto cada vez más popular, periódicos, revistas, publicaciones, sitios de internet y demás, siempre cuentan con una sección de consejos astrológicos u horóscopos. Además existen escuelas e instituciones que dan cátedras y enseñanza de astrología como ciencia práctica en diversos países. Por fin la astrología está al alcance de todo el mundo.

MARCH 15 - MARCH 21, 2013

SF Giants Trophies Stop By San Jose

Arturo Hilario EL OBSERVADOR Last Thursday, March 7th, the San Francisco Giants’ two World Series Championship trophies stopped by for the end of its tour, which was hosted in a few cities in the Bay Area. This was a special stop, as it is the affiliated minor league team, which has pulled several players from San Jose over to the Major League team in San Francisco over the course of their partnership. Lines were long as people waited in anticipation of taking their picture with the two trophies, one for the 2010 season and the other for the 2012 one. The Giants sponsor, BofA, presented the trophies in the lower area of the stadium where hundreds of fans in Giants gear and the SJ Giants own mascot “Gigante” were there to see the prized heirlooms of the club. According to the Giants website, “the focus of the San Francisco World Championship Trophy Tour, presented by Bank of America, is to share the trophies with Giants fans in Junior Giants communities throughout northern California.” Here are some facts from the San Francisco Giants site about the Tiffany and Co. crafted trophies: -The initial World Series trophy was created by Major League Baseball in 1967.

The St. Louis Cardinals, who defeated the Boston Red Sox in seven games in the World Series that year, were the first World Series Champions to receive the trophy. -The trophy’s official name is “The Commissioner’s Trophy.” Each year, one fullsized trophy is crafted by Tiffany and awarded by the Commissioner of Baseball to the championship team. -Master artisans employ age-old techniques - spinning, silversmithing, chasing, hand engraving, and polishing - to create the trophies. -The trophies are created at Tiffany’s workshop in New Jersey. -The design features thirty pennants representing the teams in the American and National Baseball Leagues. The pennants encircle a dome base, which is etched with latitude/longitude lines symbolizing the globe, and adorned with twenty-four karat gold vermeil applied stitches representing those on a baseball. Engraved on the base are the words, “Presented by the Commissioner of Baseball” along with the commissioner’s signature. -Sterling silver trophy weighs approximately 20 pounds and stands 24 inches high with a diameter of 11 inches.


Teal Versus Blues

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

Arturo Hilario EL OBSERVADOR The HP Pavilion welcomed back their San Jose Sharks for their 12th home game against the St. Louis Blues on Saturday afternoon. The home games have consistently been filled to capacity as the fans fill up the venue to support in their teal colors ,hoping for another win to add to their statistics. Before the game, both the San Jose Sharks and St. Louis Blues carried 26 points each on their records,

with their totals being 11-74(SJS) and 12-9-2(SLB) respectively. Through the first two periods of the game the lead was strongly held onto by the Sharks. The 3-1 lead fell within the final stretch in the third period. In the end the Sharks lost to a final shot by the St. Louis Blues Patrik Berglund. That ended the game at 3-4, just fractions of time before the overtime was over. Berglund’s 3 shots lifted the team past their earlier deficit to win the game. It was definitely a tough moment on the Sharks team as they had been resilient the

first two periods in terms of offense and scoring. Logan Couture, Scott Gomez and Matt Irwin were the scorers this time around, aided by assistance from the likes of Clowe, Worcester and Shark goaltender Alex Stalock, (who was subbing for the injured Greiss). Their teamwork was a positive reminder that, when the Sharks get in sync, it is a fast-paced situation. With that in mind, the energy by both teams, along with the fans, erupted throughout the Shark Tank as the puck glided back and


forth between teams and sticks. New Sharks player, Scott Gomez, was able to score his 2nd goal of the season, providing spectators with plenty of thrills as he settles in nicely with his peers on the ice this season. Here’s hoping that the dynamic that was present by the Sharks for most of the game is possible for the second half of the shortened 48 game season. The Sharks are scheduled to play two away games, against the Los Angeles Kings on Saturday March 16th followed by the Anaheim Ducks on Monday March 18th.



EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

MARCH 15 - MARCH 21, 2013

Wacky St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations Abogado de Inmigración

Hendrik ‘Enrique’ Pretorius Practico Exclusivamente Derechos de Inmigracion El nuevo perdón provisional I-601A Acción diferida para jóvenes indocumentados Peticiones familiares para residencia permanente Deportación y Asilo Politico Primera consulta gratis

Llama Hoy: (408)905-8472 28 N. 1st St. Suite 100 San Jose CA 95113



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Si usted vive, trabaja o asiste a misa en los condados de Santa Clara, Alameda o Contra Costa, usted pueda disfrutar de todos los benficios que brinda tener membrecía con CEFCU. *APR=Tasa porcentual anual. Se requiere a los prestamistas calificados el 90% de la relación de préstamo-valor para la tasa más baja publicitada. Se requiere un monto mínimo de préstamo de $10,000 para un plazo de 66 meses para modelos 2013. La tasa final y el plazo se basan en la solvencia crediticia individual, y están sujetas a cambios en cualquier momento, sin aviso previo. También están disponibles otras tasas y plazos, y hasta 100% de financiación. Se aplican restricciones para refinanciación interna. La tasa fija para préstamos de 1.79% significa pagos de $15.92 durante 66 meses por cada $1,000 tomados en préstamo.

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670 Lincoln Avenue, San Jose 2980 E. Capitol Expressway, Suite 90, San Jose 3607 El Camino Real, Santa Clara


Hablo Español y Vivi en Mexico D.F. de 1994-2000

For many, St. Patrick’s Day, celebrated on March 17, is a day to celebrate the patron saint of Ireland with some corned beef and a pint of Guinness. But some places have their own peculiar celebrations. Did you know that the Chicago River is dyed green every year on St. Paddy’s Day? In Hot Springs, Arkansas, you can find the world’s shortest St. Patrick’s Day parade -- a whopping 98 feet down Bridge Street. Marchers include Irish Elvis impersonators and a middleage troupe called Lards of the Dance. Residents of New London, Wisconsin get into the spirit by dressing as leprechauns and changing town signs to say “New Dublin.” Green beer and an Irish Elvis -- now that’s a celebration!

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