Dulces para bocadillos Pg.9
Como cuidar su rostro Pg. 13
Phono DEL SOL music Festival Pg.18
JULY 19 - JULY 25, 2013
Senator Boxer among supporters to end epidemic of Military Sexual Assault U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer joined forces with 6 other Senators in bipartisan support to a proposal initially set up by a coalition of 35 Senators, which would help end sexual assault in the military. The issue for years has been reporting up the chain of command, and this bipartisan groups goal is to ultimately have these crimes prosecuted out of the chain of command, to properly issue sentences and hold those accountable to the full extent of the law. “We need to reform our military justice system so that survivors of sexual assault will finally feel confident reporting these heinous crimes knowing that justice will be served” Senator Boxer said. Asociación Americana de Diabetes promoverá la salud y la actividad física durante el congreso anual La organización voluntaria de salud mas destacada del país realizara una lucha para poner un alto a la diabetes. Esto será parte de el congreso Anual del 2013 que será el 20-23 de Julio en el Centro de Convenciones Ernest N. Morial en la ciudad de Nueva Orleans. Su primer foco es en la comunidad latina de este país, quienes sufren de diabetes mas que cualquier otro etnicidad. El programa se llamara Por tu Familia, y con la participación de Walgreens ofrecerán pruebas gratis de glucosa a las primeras 1,000 personas en la convención. Después del programa la Asociación Americana de Diabetes luchara para informar las personas de la importancia de la salud y estilos de vida mas saludables. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano gives statement on resignation Janet Napolitano stepped down from her position within President Obama’s cabinet last Friday, leaving a large gap in an important role for immigration reform. Napolitano will now head the University of California system, but not until September. This leaves the President and his cabinet a little more than a month to come up with a replacement Secretary of Homeland Security.
LOCAL CALENDAR Day Out With Thomas: Go Go Thomas Tour 2013 July 26th, 27th, 28th 8:30am-5:00pm Roaring Camp Railroads 5401 Graham Hill Road, Felton, CA, 95018 $19 (for ages 2+) Tickets and info @ 1-866-468-7630 Moonlight Train Dinner Party July 20th / August 17th / September 14th /October 19th 6:00pm-10:30pm Roaring Camp Railroads 5401 Graham Hill Road, Felton, CA, 95018 $49 adults; $39 children 33rd Annual Big Time Festival July 20th / 10:00am-4:00pm Kule Loklo at Bear Valley Point Reyes National Seashore (415) 464-5140 Redbird 2013 July 19th-21st Friday- 6:00pm-10:00pm Saturday-11:00am-10:00pm Sunday- 11:00am-6:00pm Moorpark College Athletic Field 7075 Campus Road
Moorpark, California 93021 (805) 217-0364 Music in the Park July 19 5:30-9 p.m. St. James Park North First and St. James streets San Jose, CA $10 Lego Kidsfest August 30th-September 1st Sessions range from 9:00am-7:30pm San Jose Convention Center 150 West San Carlos Street San Jose, CA 95110 1-800-SAN-JOSE 2 & Under Free/ Children/Senior-$19 Adult-$21 $20 The Valley of the Heart’s Delight August 1-4 Santa Clara County Fair 344 Tully Rd. San Jose, CA
Cruz Roja Americana de Silicon Valley honra voluntario distinguido El Premio al Liderazgo Extraordinario de este año fue a Bill Russell de Saratoga, cuyo modelo de un “hacedor” y no sólo un “espectador” ha guiado el capítulo Silicon Valley por muchas transiciones y cambios organizativos. Russell comenzó su carrera en la Cruz Roja ayudando, y luego conduciendo, el Comité de Finanzas, y en última instancia se convirtió en miembro del Consejo de Administración. El Capítulo de Silicon Valley no sería en forma sólida que es hoy si Bill no había sido voluntaria su tiempo y talento en los últimos 12 años.
13th Annual Art + Soul August 3 & 4 12 noon to 8 PM Frank Ogawa Plaza and City Center Downtown Oakland
Electronics recycling collection 200 E. Santa Clara St., San Jose, CA 95109 (916) 617-2664
San Jose Jazz Summer Fest August 9 – 11
Free Sunday Yoga in the park Every Sunday 11:00am Dolores Park th Dolores St. & 19 St. San Francisco, CA 94114
Fountain Blues Festival July 20 Noon – 8pm St. James Park North First and St. James streets San Jose, CA $15 advance $20 at gate
Moveable Feast: Willow Glen Every Friday night 5pm-8pm VTA Curtner Light Rail Station Canoas Garden Ave & Curtner Ave, San Jose, CA 95125
WekFest 2013 1:00pm-6:00pm July 27th San Jose Convention Center 150 West San Carlos Street San Jose, CA 95110
2 Dollar Tuesday Art Sales Every 3rd Tuesday of the month KALEID Gallery 88 S 4th St. San Jose, CA 95113 / Free Admission http://www.
Free Heart Screening for Children By appointment Valley Medical Center or family’s home (408) 885-4415 San Jose Arts & Crafts Fair July 21st / 10:00am-4:00pm San Pedro Square Market
N San Pedro St & W St John St San Jose, CA 95110 Outdoor Sculpture Walk July 21st / 11:30am Cantor Arts Center Lomita Dr at Museum Way, Stanford CA, 94305 Pacific Philharmonic: Free Music in the Park Los Gatos July 21st / 5:00pm-7:00pm Los Gatos Civic Center E Main St & Pageant Way Los Gatos, CA 95030 Free Starlight Outdoor Movie: “Back to the Future” July 24th / 7:00pm Circle of Palms S. Market St & Park Ave., SJ, CA
P.O. Box 1990 San Jose, CA 95109 99 North First Street, Suite 100 San Jose, CA 95113 PUBLISHERS Hilbert Morales & Betty Morales ADVERTISING/PROMOTION DIRECTOR Monica Amador, COO SALES DEPARTMENT Angelica Rossi angelica@ EDITORIAL Hilbert Morales english.editor@ Cinthia Rodriguez spanish.editor@ CONTRIBUTORS Mario Jimenez Hector Curriel Luis Alba Felix Pagas Osvaldo Castillo Jr., ACCOUNTING Maria Espinoza-Duran maria@ INTERN Arturo Hilario ART DIRECTOR / ILLUSTRATOR Roberto Romo Omicuauhtli El Observador was founded in 1980 to serve the informational needs of the Hispanic community in the San Francisco Bay Area with special focus on San Jose, the capital of Silicon Valley. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced by any form or by any means, this includes photo copying, recording or by any informational storage and retrevial systems, electronic or mechanical without express written consent of the publishers. Opinions expressed in El Observador by persons submitting articles are not necessarily the opinions of the publishers.
JULY 19 - JULY 25, 2013
todavía no hay justicia para la comunidad afroamericana.
Hilbert Morales EL OBSERVADOR
During former President John F. Kennedy’s administration, he said, “If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich”. Also, Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis stated, “We may have a democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we cannot have both.” These two statements are very pertinent to the current state of America’s society and its domestic economy. The U.S. Congress is almost totally gridlocked between liberal ideologies and very conservative views, and the need for elected officials to begin to do something for those middle class folks whose skills, creativity, and innovation created new products and services in a manner that benefited the many rather than the few. The ‘Trickle Down Economic Theory’ has not created the number of jobs that support maintenance and growth of the American middle class. One thing can be observed: Many multinational firms began their journey through their corporate life in very humble, stark environments of a garage or kitchen table. The innovators and inventors were persons of insight and creativity. Jobs, Wozniak, and others took the very large computers of post World War II, applied the diode transistor developed at Stanford University Physics Department, in ways that miniaturized the computer product until it was
possible for an individual to own and operate one. A few became very rich by investments of their money, or through the sale of millions of units of the same miniaturized computer device. A new generation of business leaders assumed leadership control of corporations which became ‘multi-national’ in their scope of business activity. Unlike Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford, they began to think of folks who labor as a commodity to be used when needed, at the lowest cost and discarded when new production systems using robots which did the work without getting tired, sick, or needing to have pension funds. These new captains of finance and industrial production forgot that those furloughed workers were the consumers who created the market demand that their product required. No demand; no sales; no purchases; no need for production and, as an outcome of effective lobbying, an ability to avoid paying fair business taxes. If you take note of the various business reports and graphs, Wall Street still reports production and sales are rising while employment keeps falling. Yet there is opposition by the conservative ideologues to not ‘Be your brother’s keeper’. In recent days, reduction in government expenditures seemed to happen to those who were least represented on ‘The Hill’, where members of Congress proposed to reduce food stamp programs while maintaining agribusiness subsidies. The family farm today is a myth from the past whose memory is used by very large agribusinesses to retain a variety of subsidies. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) established standards of food and drug
safety which today are being rendered ineffective. The current U.S. Congress, especially the Tea Party Republican cohort, will not fund them in a quest to make ‘federal government smaller’. It is these same ideologues who refuse to compromise. Barry Goldwater observed, “Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the (Republican) Party, and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and government demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can’t and won’t compromise. I know because I’ve tried to deal with them.” Harry Reid, Senator (Nevada) is the current majority leader of the U.S. Senate. He has proposed changes in the Senate rules which now permit the use of the filibuster to delay development of legislation. The Senate needs to go back to its majority rule standard. It must discard the supermajority rule established a few years ago and now used by a very conservative minority group of ideologues to create ‘gridlock filibusters’ in the legislative process. Just imagine the impact of some 400 filibusters during the past four years in comparison to just some 20 in all prior years. With the filibuster obstacle removed, needed legislation may once again flow through the halls of Congress. No filibuster may mean that necessary provision of funding support for public education, infrastructure maintenance and development especially public transportation, and the supportive safety net of food stamps and unemployment benefit allowances will again be legislated successfully. Maybe now something good will come along soon.
Recuerdo que fue noticia nacional, especialmente con la ayuda de las redes sociales con todo el mundo tratando de honrar la muerte innecesaria de Trayvon Martin. Había un montón de mensajes de una foto con su sudadera. Cinthia Rodríguez EL OBSERVADOR Tan pronto como el jurado declaró George Zimmerman no culpable mi hermano empezó a recibir textos sobre las manifestaciones con los descontentos con los resultados, que seguramente creen que era culpable. Él es un muchacho muy activo en diferente organizaciones y tiene un montón de amigos que probablemente se consideran a sí mismos activistas de algún tipo. Entonces comenzamos una conversación sobre lo que había sucedido. No estaba seguro de cómo se sentía sobre el caso. Los dos sabíamos que era un caso sobre raza y que sigue siendo un tema muy delicado en este país de blanco y negro. La gente está definitivamente reaccionando a los resultados, ya que sienten que
He hecho un poco de lectura y la gente ha estado hablando acerca de esto sin parar, así que no creo que me tengo que ir a los detalles de la misma, pero por si acaso usted no sabe, Zimmerman fue acusado de matar a Martin. Este martes, mi hermano terminó en Oakland para unirse a una protesta masiva, una de las muchas que paso en el país. Los grupos de personas destrozaron el centro y reaccionaron de alguna manera cuestionable. No creo que hacer eso ayuda a su caso. Entiendo que están molestos porque Martin no tenía que morir, nadie merece morir así, pero parece ser una manera estúpida de tratar de lidiar con eso. Empecé a preguntarme qué pasaría si se llevarían a cabo protestas masivas así cuando se trataba de otros temas
como la educación, el sistema de alimentación, o la política. Ellos realmente podrían conseguir que se lograran mucha cosas para todo la nación. Hable sobre eso en una conversación que estaba teniendo, tratando de entender las ‘protestas Zimmerman’ y se señaló a mí que el jurado compuesto por mujeres, probablemente habría disparado Martin también. Es muy triste escuchar comentarios como esos. No entiendo por qué todavía estamos profiling personas. Entonces, de repente, comprendí a los manifestantes. Quiero dejar esto claro, Zimmerman no representa a todos los hispanos, todos los hispanos no son racistas. Fácilmente puedo decir que eso no es cierto en absoluto. No me gustaría saber que mi familiar fue baleado y asesinado sólo porque él se veía como si estuviera haciendo algo especialmente por el color de su piel. Tenemos que tratar de lidiar con esto de una manera que tiene más sentido. Hay que retirar todos los supuestos en una carrera basada en una sola persona.
Hector Curriel
City Admits to $92 million in General Fund Reserves but offer cops 0% in arbitration San Jose (CA)-Retired Judge Flaherty rules in City of San Jose’s favor on all issues arbitrated upon including City proposal of 0% pay restoration for police officers. “Mayor Chuck Reed accomplished his goal of “reforming” arbitration by ensuring that San Jose cops get no pay raise as a result of the new arbitration rules hidden in the fine print of Measure V, passed by the voters in 2010,” said SJPOA President Jim Unland. Unland went
on to say, “Mayor Reed sold the voters a bill of goods that has guaranteed officers will continue to leave to other jurisdictions, neighborhoods will continue to see car thefts, burglaries and gang activity increase and our once proud police department will be left in shambles.” The City of San Jose has at least $92 million dollars in General Fund reserves that could have been utilized to restore pay for police officers. Mayor Reed and his supporters chose instead to offer a 0% pay increase that was adopted by the arbitrator. “Many of us were waiting for the ruling to decide what
to do, and this ruling of no pay increase and more benefit take-aways makes my decision clear. I will seek employment with an agency that actually puts public safety first”, said veteran officer Juan Vallejo. Today, there are 887 street ready officers in SJPD, 392 of which are assigned to, and working, patrol. This has increased emergency response times to over 20-minutes for Priority 2 calls, and requires the department to scramble every single day to fill patrol beats using a mix of pay cars, hold-overs, and mandatory overtime.
¿Estás embarazada? ¿Acabas de tener un bebé? ¿Tienes hijos menores de 5 años? ¿Tienes ingresos limitados? Servicios sin costo incluyen: Cheques para comprar alimentos como: Frutas y verduras frescas, leche, queso, huevos, tortillas, pan y cereal integrales y comidas para el bebé. Consejos y clases sobre como dar pecho y de nutrición.
¡No importa tu situación migratoria, !"#$%&'&(#)*+,-)*./ Servicio Dental y Médico para su familia en el Indian Health Center.
Great customer service is at the core of SamTrans’ values. And it takes great people to provide great customer service for the Transit District’s many riders who rely on SamTrans to go where they need to go. To recognize our outstanding collection of employees and customers, SamTrans has launched a new advertising campaign, titled “It’s All About People.” The 12-week promotion will highlight what makes SamTrans special, from the bus operators who get people on the move, to the maintenance employees who ensure our vehicles are clean. Most importantly, it will show our appreciation for the passengers who keep SamTrans running strong. The first leg of the advertising campaign will focus on SamTrans’ bus operators, who help transport 40,000 customers each day. At SamTrans, being an operator is more than just a job, it’s a source of pride. Our bus drivers embrace the SamTrans goals of being friendly, dedicated and safe while they’re on the job. One of the three operators featured in adver-
JULY 19 - JULY 25, 2013
tising campaign is Lonnie Pino, who was the recent recipient of a 30-year safe driving award from SamTrans. Pino said she has great memories of her career, including driving along her favorite routes in South San Francisco and Brisbane, but her underlying focus has always been to ensure safety for her passengers. “I made a commitment to myself,” said Pino. “I tell my higher self to have a safe day in the bus, get plenty of rest and good food. Think good thoughts. Love life and be kind to everyone.” When the operators series is completed, the “It’s All About People” campaign will shift the focus to groups like maintenance employees, senior citizen passengers and other loyal SamTrans customers. SamTrans is basing its advertising campaign on a similar effort being put forth by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), a nonprofit international association of 1,500 public and private sector organizations. Flora Castillo, chair of APTA, recently offered praise for transit agen-
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cies that put their customers first.“I know firsthand the value of public transportation and how important it is to those who need it most,” said Castillo. That’s why my theme for the year will be ‘Public Transportation: It’s All About the People’.” SamTrans is following that model by rolling out a substantial improvement to its El Camino Real corridor service in August. The agency will launch weekday operations of Route ECR along El Camino Real. The service will provide customers with a faster, more frequent and less complicated riding experience. ECR will replace service on the 390 and 391 between Palo Alto and Daly City with service every 15 minutes. As a result of the increased frequency, customers will be able to walk out to El Camino and jump on any ECR without needing a schedule. SamTrans has been moving its residents and visitors for 37 years. By continuing to put our customers first, the bus agency plans on operating for many more years to come.
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San Jose CALIFORNIA With a rising nationwide emphasis on early childhood programs and formal preschool programs, employment of preschool and childcare center directors is projected to increase by 25% between 2010 and 2020, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. To support the growing demand for an educated early childhood professional workforce, The National Hispanic University (NHU) is launching a new online Master of Arts in Early Childhood nonlicensure program.
SACRAMENTO Hundreds of school sites across California will share more than $12.5 million in state and federal grants to provide nutritious food to students, while also supporting local farmers and the local economies, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson announced. “Students too preoccupied with hunger don’t learn as well as well-nourished children,” Torlakson said. “Often the only place students—especially ones from economically disadvantaged households—can get nutritious food is at school. These grants will help ensure hungry chil-
JULY 19 - JULY 25, 2013
NHU’s new online M.A. in Early Childhood program is designed to prepare leaders and advocates who can effect authentic positive change in the lives of young children (birth through age 8), whether in early childhood settings, administration or public policy roles. Graduates of this program will be prepared to address the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse children and families. With one in five Americans speaking a language other than English at home, the program will focus on children who are multicultural and dual language learners, with a special em-
phasis on Hispanic children and their families.
dren have access to good food all during the school day to help nourish their growing bodies and minds.” Good nutrition and physical activity are key components of Torlakson’s Team California for Healthy Kids initiative. Research shows there is a clear connection between health, learning, and attendance in school.
sites to offer students a variety of free fresh fruits and vegetables as snacks during the school day. The snack must be provided separately from the school breakfast and lunch programs. The school sites must make free fresh fruits and vegetables available to all enrolled children, publicize the availability of these foods, and document support of various local school officials. The grant encourages schools to partner with community groups to support their efforts to teach students about good nutrition.
Three hundred sixty-seven school sites in the state will share $11.4 million in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program grants. This grant is authorized by National School Lunch Act (Section 19) and provides funding to eligible elementary school
“How a child develops during the first years of life can set the stage for the remainder of his or her life. It’s important for early childhood professionals to understand this pivotal time,” said Dr. Gladys Ato, provost of NHU. “At NHU, we are providing the necessary in-depth knowledge and skills to help early childhood professionals shape a child’s experience. There is a critical need for committed leaders who can use this knowledge to improve outcomes for young children.”
The program will highlight the latest research on how children develop and the best practices that prepare children for future success in school and in life. In addition, NHU’s new master’s degree program features:
ing opportunities in the field. He also will represent NHU as an advocate for early childhood education, a role where he will engage in and promote NHU research to influence public policy and practice in the field.
-An online environment that promotes knowledge-sharing
and collegiality through student-created blogs and social media.As part of NHU’s commitment to early childhood professionals, the university will offer live webinars with leaders in the field such as Dr. Eugene Garcia, a respected and recognized expert in early childhood and bilingual education who recently joined NHU as its Distinguished Professor of Research. With his expertise and insights, Dr. Garcia will help develop and expand access to relevant early childhood programs that address the skills and knowledge needed to prepare today’s professionals for emerg-
Breakfast Program and Summer Food Service Program Start-up or Expansion grants. This grant is authorized by California Education Code (Section 49550.3)
and provides funding to start or expand a School Breakfast Program for students in kindergarten through grade twelve. The funding may also be used to start or
expand a Summer Food Service Program for children up to 18 years old during school breaks.
-A rich multimedia experience that features national experts, practitioners and scenes from a variety of early childhood settings, allowing students to compare approaches to issues and challenges in the field.
The new online M.A. in Early Childhood joins NHU’s growing portfolio of online degree programs, including a Master of Business Administration MBA, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, Master of Arts in Education, Bachelor of Arts in Child Development, Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice and Bach-
Another 82 school sites in California will share more than $1 million in School
Almaden Kitchen & Granite
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Gabinetes 35%
de descuento
Fregaderos desde
Inscripciones Abiertas Aceptando Estudiantes de 4º Grado Anunciando la Apertura del Nuevo Campus en el Sur de San Jose en Agosto de 2013
SACRAMENTO State Controller John Chiang released his monthly report covering California’s cash balance, receipts and disbursements in June 2013. Total revenues for the month equaled $13.1 billion, beating the Governor’s May Revision estimate by $1.2 billion (10.1 percent). Total revenues for the fiscal year ending June 30 were $100.1 billion, topping estimates by $2.0 billion (2.0 percent). “Rising employment, economic
JULY 19 - JULY 25, 2013
expansion and voter-approved tax increases have generated revenues outperforming even the rosiest of projections,” said Chiang. “However, California’s history of “boom or bust” revenue cycles should be a cautionary tale that informs our spending decisions and incentivizes policymakers to prudently pay down accumulated debt.” The State ended the 20112012 fiscal year with a cash deficit of $9.6 billion, and by
June 30, 2013, that cash deficit narrowed to $2.4 billion. The cash deficit is being covered by internal borrowing from special funds. Personal income taxes for June came in $644.6 million above (8.7 percent) monthly estimates outlined in the Governor’s May Revision. Corporate taxes for June were $373.5 million above (21.5 percent) monthly estimates, while sales tax receipts were $70.1 million above estimates.
Jason Alderman PRACTICAL MONEY ¿Alguna vez le han denegado una tarjeta de crédito y nunca supo por qué? ¿O le aprobaron un préstamo o una hipoteca pero con tasas de interés y comisiones mucho más altas que la cotización inicial? Hay muchos motivos legítimos por los que se puede denegar un crédito –ingresos insuficientes o antecedentes de pago de préstamos insatisfactorios, por ejemplo. Pero, a veces, se aplican prácticas discriminatorias al otorgar un crédito que no siempre se detectan fácilmente. Afortunadamente, numerosas leyes federales y estatales prohíben a los prestamistas utilizar prácticas discriminatorias en cualquier parte de la transacción crediticia por diferentes características personales. Es más, la Oficina de Protección Financiera del Consumidor (CFPB) y otros organismos gubernamentales ofrecen medios para presentar denuncias por prácticas discriminatorias y se enjuicia y castiga severamente a los prestamistas que las ejercen. En virtud de la Ley de Igualdad de Oportunidades Crediticias (ECOA, por sus siglas en inglés), es ilegal que las entidades que otorgan créditos discriminen a las personas que los solicitan por su raza, color, religión, nacionalidad, sexo, estado civil o edad, o por percibir ingresos de un programa de asistencia pública o por ejercer de buena fe algún derecho bajo la Ley de Protección Crediticia al Consumidor.
En base a estos criterios, los prestamistas no pueden:
Denegarle un crédito si usted reúne los requisitos para obtenerlo; Desalentarlo a que solicite un crédito; Ofrecerle un crédito bajo términos y condiciones menos favorables que las que les ofrecen a otras personas con calificaciones similares a las suyas; o Cerrar su cuenta. Otra ley federal, la Ley de Vivienda Justa (FHA, por sus siglas en inglés), prohíbe la discriminación por parte de los proveedores directos de vivienda, como los propietarios de inmuebles, las agencias de bienes raíces, las municipalidades, los bancos u otras instituciones de crédito y las compañías que ofrecen seguros del propietario.
Señales de advertencia. Las señales que pueden indicar discriminación crediticia son: Se lo trata diferente en persona que por teléfono. Escucha al prestamista hacer comentarios negativos sobre su raza, nacionalidad, sexo u otra característica protegida. Se le deniega el crédito a pesar de reunir los requisitos para acceder al mismo. Se le ofrece un crédito con una tasa más alta que la original, a pesar de que reúne los requisitos para obtener una tasa más baja. Se le deniega el crédito sin explicarle los motivos. El trato que le ofrecen suena demasiado bueno para ser cierto.
Se siente presionado para firmar. Si cree que un prestamista lo ha discriminado por algún motivo, puede hacer la denuncia ante la CFPB (www., quien revisará y dirigirá su denuncia al prestamista, y trabajará en nombre suyo para obtener una respuesta. Una vez registrada su denuncia, usted recibirá las novedades por correo electrónico y podrá ingresar a la página para conocer el estado de la misma. Para mayor protección contra la discriminación crediticia, o para evitar buscar productos incorrectos para usted: Infórmese sobre las diferentes características y desventajas del producto crediticio que desea. Averigüe las tasas de interés que se están cobrando y compare los productos que ofrecen los diferentes prestamistas. Los prestamistas toman decisiones en base a su historial crediticio. Por lo tanto, asegúrese de que sus informes crediticios no contengan errores ni omisiones. Asegúrese de entender las tasas y comisiones que deberá pagar a largo plazo y pregunte si pueden modificarse en el futuro. Si el prestamista no quiere responder sus preguntas, puede ser una mala señal. No deje que los prestamistas lo presionen o se demoren innecesariamente en procesar su solicitud. En resumen: Antes de firmar sobre la línea punteada, asegúrese de que el crédito sea el correcto para sus necesidades, tanto las actuales como las que tendrá más adelante.
San Jose CALIFORNIA Councilmembers Sam Liccardo and Johnny Khamis have proposed an initiative that will improve accountability and transparency of the City’s planning and permitting processes, long a sore spot for small businesses looking to open shop or expand. In this latest of a series of initiatives of “Startup San Jose,” the City of San José would launch its first “open data” platform. By releasing data about permit status, approvals, and delays to the public, the initiative seeks to leverage the creativity of apps developers to help streamline the permitting process, and to make it more customerfriendly. “Chess Clock” Specifically, the proposal
JULY 19 - JULY 25, 2013
would call for the implementation of “chess clock” software, identifying the desk on which every applicant’s file rests in City Hall, and for how long. The software would also help identify the source of any delay, such as an incomplete application requiring additional information, staff deliberation, or inaction due to a lengthy queue at intake. By tracking permit progress and aggregating that data, the software can accurately track process performance, and quantifying delays and isolating “choke points.” “Open Data” The proposal’s “open data” element would require the public release of that data for City management, applicants, and the public, to better identify where processes should improve, and how to improve them. Empirical data dem-
onstrating the actual duration of permit approvals would allow business customers to set more reasonable expectations with regard to delays, and to plan around them. It could also unleash the creative business and tech talent in the community, through “hack-athons” and other “open data” efforts, to develop apps that will improve the City process, such as by automating ministerial tasks, and by providing “real-time” status information to applicants. This would constitute San José’s first “open data” initiative, a longtime ambition the City’s IT Director, Vijay Sammeta. As Sammeta recognized, “open data” platforms have enabled innovative members of other cities to create smartphone applications to, for example, warn diners of restaurants with fre-
quent health code violations, or inform transit riders of the arrival time of the next bus. After discussions with Sammeta, Liccardo and Khamis adopted the idea as a means to improving the efficiency and transparency of San José’s permitting process. “This ‘open data” initiative will leverage the innovation of the world’s most creative community, to make City Hall more accountable, transparent and efficient,” Councilmember Sam Liccardo observed. He continued, “San José has no shortage of apps designers and software developers who want to make our city a better place. By unveiling aggregated data to the public – with appropriate privacy protections—we can unleash their creativity to improve our city and our local economy.”
Councilmember Johnny Khamis added, “Open Data in our planning process will allow us to utilize the creativity of our talented residents and others who interact with the City to develop solutions that can enhance the customer experience throughout the Planning process. Meanwhile, the “Chess Clock” is a great tool to use to provide customers and City employees with the data they need to keep projects moving forward efficiently and to maximize the accountability of those involved in the planning cycle.” Startup San Jose Launched by Councilmember Sam Liccardo and dozens of creative entrepreneurs in early 2013, Startup San José is a movement to leverage small, innovative efforts the creative entrepreneurial talent and energy in San José
Santa Clara County Vector Control District
to fill empty storefronts and jumpstart small businesses. Recently, the initiative won council approval for an effort to waive city permit fees and expedite permits approvals for small businesses seeking to fill vacant space, in instances where landlords agree to reduce lease rates. Other proposals have focused on helping starting businesses improve their visibility on search engines like Google and Bing by providing inbound links to the City website, and by leveraging donated Ruckus Wireless boosters to pipe free wi-fi service to customers and employees in Downtown businesses. This proposal will be discussed August 7th at the City’s Rules & Open Government Committee.
AMERICAN COUNSELING ASSOCIATION Virtually every parent has found that trying to communicate meaningfully with their teenager can frequently be an impossible, frustrating task. You want to help with problems and understand your child’s life and stresses, yet your best efforts at conversation may be met with stony silence, meaningless grunts or outright hostility over your daring to try and communicate. Such an experience can have parents wondering what is wrong with them, or with their teenager. The reality is that what they’re experiencing isn’t unique or unusual, but rather the re-
sult of issues almost all teens face. A main factor is that it isn’t easy being a teenager in today’s world. Not only are there the variety of unsettling biological, psychological and emotional changes that come with normal teen development, but today’s teens face the added pressures of school grades, extracurricular activities, increased public visibility (thanks, Facebook), along with the anxiety of college or a career in the very near future. Teens tend to feel that their parents just aren’t able to understand all the changes and pressures they’re facing, in part because they don’t understand much of it themselves. Another major obstacle to parent-teen communication is the recognition that
teens have of their growing maturity and ability to make decisions. They want more freedom and the trust of their parents, but when they start sharing feelings of insecurity or uncertainty they fear their parents will see them as still immature and unready for the freedoms they desire. They also recognize they need their parents’ love and respect in order to gain their freedom and so are usually willing only to share their strengths and positive achievements. While it’s helpful to understand what is limiting open communication, the only real solution to improving parent-teen talks is to keep on trying. When you attempt to stay connected to your teen, even if you’re not always successful, it demonstrates your
love and concern to him or her. How you communicate matters, too. Being overly judgmental, saying “no” too quickly to requests for more freedom, or dismissing the teen’s concerns, quickly shuts
JULY 19 - JULY 25, 2013 down communication. Instead, be understanding when mistakes are made, and offer positive responses when good things happen. Be supportive and let your teen know that you under-
stand and sympathize with issues he or she is facing There is no miracle cure for parent-teen communication, but work at it sincerely and you will see improvement.
Información sobre cómo prepararse para la inscripción abierta en el otoño SACRAMENTO Mientras millones de californianos se preparan para la primera inscripción abierta bajo la Ley de Salud Asequible, Californians for Patient Care (CPC), una organización sin fines de lucro de protección al paciente con sede en Sacramento, dio a conocer “Cobertura de Salud en 2014: Cinco Cosas que los Californianos Deben Saber” para ayudar a la gente a seguir el proceso y entender lo que la nueva ley de salud, también conocida como Obamacare, significa para ellos y sus familias. Diseñada para ser simple y fácil de usar, la guía “Cobertura de Salud en 2014: Cinco Cosas que los Californianos Deben Saber” de CPC incluye temas clave para la gente interesada en obtener seguro de salud a través de Covered California. Esos temas incluyen elegibilidad, costos, subsidios, créditos fiscales, responsabilidades y penalidades –cuestiones importantes que se deben considerar cuidadosamente al elegir un nuevo plan de salud. La siguiente es una síntesis de los temas incluidos en la guía para los consumidores: 1.Si usted reúne los requisitos necesarios, puede recibir ayuda financiera para pagar su seguro de salud. Si antes el seguro de salud era demasiado costoso, ahora hay programas que pueden ayudarlo a pagarlo si reúne los requisitos necesarios. Aproximadamente 2.6 millones de
californianos podrán recibir asistencia federal para comprar seguro de salud en 2014, según Covered California. Si usted ya tiene un seguro asequible de salud a través de su empleador, no necesita hacer nada. De lo contrario, hay opciones adicionales que incluyen créditos fiscales, subsidios para cubrir los gastos de bolsillo y Medi-Cal. 2.Usted deberá pagar por lo menos una parte de su seguro de salud. Si bien hay más opciones asequibles disponibles, es probable que usted deba pagar parte de sus costos de salud en 2014. Si usted no ha tenido seguro antes, o si no ha tenido seguro por algún tiempo, es aconsejable que conozca los distintos costos. Además de pagar toda la prima del seguro de salud o sólo una parte, usted contribuirá a cubrir los gastos de su atención por medio de copagos y deducibles. 3.Covered California™ le ayudará a encontrar el mejor plan para usted y su familia. El nuevo mercado de seguro, Covered California, le ayudará a elegir la cobertura de salud que sea mejor para usted y su familia. Covered California, www.coveredca. com, es un nuevo mercado de seguros en Internet en el cual individuos y pequeñas empresas pueden comprar y elegir planes de salud. También puede determinar si reúne los requisitos necesarios para recibir asistencia financiera. Puede empezar a inscribirse el 1 de octubre de 2013, y tener cobertura bajo el nuevo plan a partir del 1 de enero de 2014.
4. Habrá planes para una variedad de presupuestos. Elija su plan en base a sus necesidades y lo que pueda pagar. Los cuatro niveles básicos de cobertura son platino, oro, plata y bronce. A medida que la categoría de metal disminuye en valor (platino es el más alto, bronce el más bajo), también disminuye el porcentaje de los gastos médicos que un plan de salud cubrirá. Si usted paga una prima mensual más alta en su plan, generalmente pagará menos cuando reciba un servicio médico. Una prima mensual más baja generalmente requerirá gastos de bolsillo más altos al momento de recibir atención. Para las personas de menos de 30 años puede haber planes catastróficos que ofrecen cobertura mínima. 5. Si no tiene seguro de salud, puede tener que pagar una penalidad. Quienes no obtengan cobertura de salud pueden recibir una multa. Si no compra cobertura o si permanece sin cobertura durante tres meses, el gobierno puede cobrarle una multa. Algunas personas están exentas: personas con ingresos muy bajos (en 2012, $9,750 para una persona sola y $27,100 para un matrimonio con dos hijos), personas exentas por razones religiosas, inmigrantes indocumentados, nativo-americanos y personas en prisión. Las empresas con 50 o más empleados equivalentes a tiempo completo pueden recibir una penalidad a partir de 2015 si no ofrecen seguro adecuado de salud a esos empleados y sus dependientes.
JULY 19 - JULY 25, 2013
osiblemente tenga su receta favorita para preparar galletas o brownies, ¿pero sabía que podrían ser mejores si les agrega un ingrediente simple y conocido? Gracias a los consejos expertos de Buddy Valastro, autor y estrella del programa “Cake Boss” de TLC, sus bocadillos dulces pasarán de estar buenos a ser deliciosos en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. —Comience con ingredientes de calidad: si utiliza ingredientes de calidad, obtendrá una galleta o un brownie mucho mejor. Utilice mantequilla verdadera, vainilla de excelente calidad y chocolate sabroso. En este caso, Buddy nos cuenta que en algunas de sus recetas favoritas utiliza caramelos M&M’S para aportar un toque especial a los platillos favoritos de la familia. —Enfríe la masa: si deja la masa de galletas en el refrigerador, adquirirá más cuerpo y obtendrá una galleta más robusta y consistente. Cocine con tiempo para poder refrigerar la masa durante, al menos, una hora o toda la noche, si es posible. —Mantenga la uniformidad: utilice un pequeño vasito para cremas heladas para dar forma a las galletas y mantener el mismo tamaño. De esta manera, no solo se verán profesionales, también se podrán hornear en forma pareja y uniforme. —Las placas son importantes: hornee galletas en placas de colores claros, no aisladas y sin bordes. Las placas de metal permitirán que el brownie se cocine más rápido que las placas de vidrio; por consiguiente, los tiempos de cocción variarán. Verifique el estado de cocción del brownie cada poco tiempo para evitar que se cocine en exceso.
Dulces consejos para bocadillos dulces
Simples cubanitos dulces Tiempo de preparación: 20 minutos Rinde: 24 cubanitos 1 taza de barras Snickers, finamente picadas 1 1/2 taza de ricotta parcialmente descremada 1/3 taza de azúcar 1/2 cucharadita de ralladura de naranja gratinada 1 bolsa plástica hermética 24 cubanitos pequeños, sin relleno 1/2 taza de caramelos de chocolate M&M’S
Sweet Tips for Sweet Treats
Mezcle las barras de caramelo picadas con la ricotta, el azúcar y la ralladura de naranja.Coloque la mezcla en una bolsa hermética y corte 1/2 pulgada de la esquina. Presione el relleno dentro de los cubanitos para rellenarlos.Decore ambos extremos con caramelos de chocolate.
ANUNCIO PÚBLICO La compañía The John Stewart Company está abriendo LA LISTA DE INTERES, para Estudios y unidades de una, dos, tres y cuatro recamaras para los siguientes programas: Reembolso Familiar por Impuestos / Proyecto Basado en La Sección 8 de Vivienda Familiar en la siguiente ubicación: Claredon Street Apartments 7213 Claredon Street, San Jose, CA 95129
Ultimate Peanut Butter Brownies Prep time: 10 to 15 minutes Bake time: 30 to 40 minutes Yield: 32 brownies 4 ounces semisweet chocolate 1 cup canola or vegetable oil 2 cups sugar 4 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 2 cups M&M’S Peanut Butter Candy Preheat oven to 350°F. Lightly grease a rectangular 13 x 9 x 2-inch panIn 3-quart saucepan, gently combine the semisweet chocolate and oil over very low heat until melted. Remove from heat and allow to cool.In separate bowl, combine sugar, eggs and vanilla extract until blended. Add in chocolate mixture. Slowly sift in remaining dry ingredients and mix until combined. Fold in 1 1/2 cups candies.Spread batter into pan. Sprinkle with remaining 1/2 cup candies and press lightly.Bake until brownies begin to pull away from sides of pan, about 30 to 40 minutes.
When you start with better ingredients, you end up with a better cookie or brownie. Use real butter, high-quality vanilla and great tasting chocolate. Here, Buddy shares one of his favorite recipes that use M&M’S candies to add an extra special touch. —Chill the Dough — Leaving cookie dough in the refrigerator gives it more body and results in a fuller and better tasting cookie. Plan ahead so you can refrigerate your dough at least one hour — or, even better, overnight. —Keep It Uniform — Use a small ice cream scoop to keep your cookies the same size. This not only helps them look professional, but bake up evenly and consistently. —Pans Matter — Bake cookies on light-colored, non-insulated cookie sheets without sides. Metal pans will cook brownies faster than glass pans, which means cooking times will vary. Start checking your brownies early to test if they’re ready and prevent over baking.
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Claredon Street Apartments está actualmente en construcción
ESTE NO ES EL PROGRAMA DE VALES DE ELECCION DE VIVIENDA Crédito de impuesto/ de la sección 8 de la vivienda familiar ayuda a individuos de bajo y muy bajo ingreso (de 18 anos y mayores) y a familias. La comunidad antes mencionada esta bajo el programa de crédito de impuesto para la vivienda de bajos ingresos así como bajo el Proyecto Basado en el Programa de la Sección 8. Una lista de interés se utilizara para todas las unidades independientemente del tipo de programa y las unidades serán ofrecidas a medida que estén disponibles. Las unidades de la sección 8 serán primero ofrecidas a los residentes elegibles que ya habiten en el lugar. Una unidad que ya cuente con el crédito de impuesto puede ser agregado a la lista de transferencia de la sección 8 una vez que la persona haga vivido en la unidad por 12 meses. Estas transferencias están basadas en antigüedad. Si un aplícate de la lista de interesado rechaza una unidad de cualquier tipo en dos ocasiones, ellos serán removidos de la lista de interés. Para las unidades de crédito de impuesto los depósitos de seguridad fluctúan entre $918.00 a $1,417.00 dependiendo de la cantidad de recamaras. Para las unidades del proyecto basado en la sección 8, el depósito de seguro es igual al 30% del total de ingreso mensual bruto del los habitantes de la unidad. La lista de interés está abierta al público. Aplicantes, residentes y participantes en algún programa de vivienda de asistencia (incluyendo a los que cuentan con vales para la sección 8) son elegibles para escribir su nombre en la lista de interés. Poniendo tu nombre en la lista de interés no te da ningún derecho para ser admitido en algún programa o garantizar tu elegibilidad a futuro. El cabeza de familia deberá tener 18 años o mayor. Para unidades de sección 8, el cabeza de familia debe ser residente legal o ciudadano. El total de tu ingreso anual no debe ser mayor de las siguientes cantidades para el tamaño de tu hogar: Los límites de tu ingreso están sujetos a cambios y los aplicantes pueden estar sujetos a requisitos de otros programas.
La lista de interés estará abierta desde las 12:01 am de lunes 22 de Julio del 2013 hasta las 5:00pm del sábado 27 de Julio del 2013. Solamente las aplicaciones por internet serán aceptadas. Por favor APLIQUE EN LA RED en el siguiente sitio: Otras aplicaciones serán solamente aceptadas si se hace un pedido razonable de ayuda contactando a la oficina de la gerencia de la propiedad en o por fax al (408) 257-9126. Una vez que la lotería se haya completado los primeros 500 aplicantes serán agregados a la lista. Solamente un aplícante será aceptado por dirección, Las aplicaciones marcadas con fecha posterior o enviadas después de la fecha límite no serán aceptadas. Las aplicaciones de la lista de interés serán clasificadas y seleccionadas mediante un sistema de lotería computarizado. Se realizara un chequeo de antecedente penal y de crédito a todos los aplicantes adultos. El proceso completo de arrendamiento está enmarcado en el criterio de selección de los renteros para los apartamentos Claredon Street Apartments que está disponible en Las aplicaciones que sean duplicadas, modificadas o estén incompletas serán rechazadas. La compañía John Stewart notificará a todos los aplicantes de manera escrita de la situación de su aplicación.
In their eighteen years together as a band, celebrated Los Angeles culture-mashers Ozomatli have gone from hometown heroes to being named U.S. State Department Cultural Ambassadors. Ozomatli has always juggled two key identities: they are the voice of their city and they are citizens of the world. Their music – a notorious urban-Latino-and-beyond collision of hip hop and salsa, dancehall and cumbia, samba and funk, merengue and comparsa, East LAR&B and New Orleans second line, Jamaican ragga and Indian raga – has long followed a key mantra: it will take you around the world by taking you around L.A. Originally formed to play at a Los Angeles labor protest, Ozomatli spent their early days participating in everything from earthquake prep “hip hop ghetto plays” at inner-city elementary schools to community activist events, protests, and city fundraisers. Since then, they have been
synonymous with their city: their music has been taken up by MLB’s Los Angeles Dodgers and the NBA’s Los Angeles Clippers, they recorded the travelogue “City of Angels” as a new urban anthem, and they were featured as part of the prominent L.A. figures imaging campaign “We Are 4 L.A.” on NBCTV. Ozomatli also have the distinction of headlining the Hollywood Bowl three times, in 2008, 2010 and 2012. In recognition of their efforts, the City of Los Angeles has officially declared every April 23rd in perpetuity as “Ozomatli Day”. On the national stage, the band was recognized for their service, not just to Los Angeles, but as global activists, receiving the National Council of LA Raza’s Humanitarian Award, and performing twice for President Barack Obama. “This band could not have happened anywhere else but L.A.,” saxophonist and clarinetist Ulises Bella has said. “Man, the tension of it, the multiculturalism of it.
¡Estado de Ca-ching!
JULY 19 - JULY 25, 2013
L.A. is like, we’re bonded by bridges.” Ozomatli is also a product of the city’s grassroots political scene. Proudly born as a multi-racial crew in post-uprising 90s Los Angeles, the band has built a formidable reputation over five full-length studio albums as well as a relentless touring schedule. “Just being who we are and just doing what we’re doing with music at this time is very political,” says bassist Wil-Dog Abers. “The youth see us up there and recognize themselves. So in a playful, party-type of way, I think it’s real easy for this band to get dangerous. We are starting to realize just how big of a voice we actually have as a band and how important it is for us to use it. Ozomatli will be headlining Music in the Park on Friday July 19th. It takes place in San Jose’s St. James Park.
Arturo Hilario EL OBSERVADOR The flurrying sounds and captivating production are two things that stick out from nearly every track on a Chico Mann album. A playful name derived from dialogue from the first Hip Hop film, Wild Style, as well as a nod to his bicultural upbringing, New York native Marcos Garcia, also a guitarist for the Afrobeat band Antibalas, has created a retro-futuristic boogie rhythm Diaspora within his catalogue. Always energetic and a fit in multiple eras, his music elaborates on the concept of an alternate timeline of hip-hop and music in general. As he strolled through sunny Santa Cruz this past week he elaborated on his beginnings, his new album Magical Thinking, and the future of both Chico Mann and Marcos Garcia. “What if
in the beginning days of hip hop they were influenced by afro-beat as much as funk? Funk is the basis of early hiphop. What if it were afro-beat too?” He asks. Of course this is more or less the basis of why he chose to settle in his dynamic range of composition and the unique style of his alter ego. “Chico Mann started as a concept. So every album follows through, the concept gets developed further and further. Magical Thinking is the logical culmination of the original idea.” When asked about the connection between the three full EP’s he’s crafted he states that there definitely is a connection and culmination of the quality, evolution, style and the arrangement. “(In) Every album you hear what’s gonna come next. I always drop hints on what the next aesthetic will be. That happens on Magical Thinking. Futuristic-Merengue and House
music, things you don’t hear on the first record but they’re logical extensions once you start looking at the musical family tree.” His musical family tree is vast. Born into a musically eclectic Cuban home, his Father was a music producer in New York who worked with a multitude of musicians. “My father was a record producer so I grew up around artists and shows, even if I wasn’t aware of it at the time those were kind of the role models, influences in those formidable years.” Although Marcos grew up mainly on Hip-hop, Merengue, and Cuban music as a child he picked up tastes for other genres in the early 80’s. He began writing, as he puts it, “little kid songs” at age 13 and became fascinated with punk and protest music, from artists such as Billy Brag. (Story continues pg.11)
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JULY 19 - JULY 25, 2013
¡Estado de Ca-ching! As Hip-Hop blossomed in New York from AfricanAmerican traditions and funk, so did break dancing as a hybrid of classical Latin styles of dance. These influences would later help create Chico Mann’s identity and concept, mixed with electronic and merengue sounds. Chico Mann’s intent with creating these albums is as much a therapeutic experience for himself as it is an experience he wants people to listen to and interpret. “I want people to enjoy and develop their own relationships
to it. Every song I have a relationship with, a different set of motivations. I try in the writing to leave it open for people to develop their own interpretations and relationships with the message. At the end of the day I see it as a transmission. It originates from me, but I’m just the vehicle that it passes through.”
break dancing in space. It’s not simple to encapsulate Garcia’s projects into writable terms, as it’s not easy to express why and how feelings occur. “At the end of the day it’s a feeling that I’m exploring and developing. There’s trial and error. It’s all very organic. Its guided by a thought process.”
As introspective as Chico Mann is, his albums are infectious pulses of life in the streets of urban East Coast, as well as festivals in Latin America and even androids
Chico Mann’s album Magical Thinking is now available on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon. com and in physical form.
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Beatriz Quezada, Agent Insurance Lic#: 0F87618 441 N 1st Street San Jose, CA 95112 Bus: 408-295-7000
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Art Holland, Agent Insurance Lic#: 0C21046 6067 Cahalan Avenue San Jose, CA 95123 Bus: 408-229-7870
Lillian Moore, Agent Insurance Lic#: 0B84735 5589 Winfield Blvd, Suite 210 San Jose, CA 95123 Bus: 408-268-8600
Gina Lopez Ins Fin Svcs Inc Gina Lopez, Agent Insurance Lic#: 0G50062 140 Second Street Gilroy, CA 95020 Bus: 408-846-9077
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Casey Nguyen, Agent Insurance Lic#: 0H46011 979 Story Road, Unit 7069 San Jose, CA 95122 Bus: 408-286-4467
Rose Mary Nunes, Agent Insurance Lic#: 0C54690 901 S. White Road San Jose, CA 95127 Bus: 408-259-1309
Frank Shao, Agent Insurance Lic#: 0D55756 3467 McKee Road San Jose, CA 95127 Bus: 408-928-2828®
Las pólizas, formularios y notificaciones de State Farm® están escritos en inglés. State Farm Mutual Automobile Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL. 1104039.1
JULY 19 - JULY 25, 2013
July 18 - October 20, 2013 San Jose CALIFORNIA The San Jose Museum of Art will showcase its growing collection of modern and contemporary art in two summer exhibitions that feature recent acquisitions. Breaking Ground: Gifts from Katie and Drew Gibson will include selections from the 44 works the Gibsons gave SJMA in 2012, as well as previous gifts the Gibsons made over the years. On view will be works by Robert Arneson, Willie Birch, Dale Chihuly, Helen Frankenthaler, Mineko Grimmer, Nathan Oliveira, and others. Timelapse: Doug Hall and the Western Landscape will center around Hall’s critically acclaimed work Chrysopolae (2012), which SJMA purchased in 2012 with funds contributed by the Lipman
Artist Robert Rauschenberg
Continuing its pioneering use of technology, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) has published its first online collection catalogue, the Rauschenberg Research Project, which features nearly 90 works by artist Robert Rauschenberg that are part of the museum’s
Family Foundation and the Acquisitions Committee. This video work will be accompanied by a group of Hall’s photographs of Western landmarks.
Judge LaDoris H. Cordell (Ret.) SPECIAL TO EL OBSERVADOR
“The Gibsons built their collections adventurously and independently, with deep passion for art and with a belief in supporting the work of living artists,” said Susan Krane, Oshman Executive Director of SJMA. ”The artworks that they have so generously gifted to the San Jose Museum of Art were part of their daily lives and daily pleasures.
donors who, decades ago, boldly envisioned SJMA’s future.”
he and Mrs. Gibson served on the Museum’s collections committee.
They occupy an honored place in SJMA’s permanent collection. These important gifts mark another stage in the evolution of this museum and exemplify the generosity of these extraordinary, loyal
Drew Gibson is a former trustee and board president of SJMA. He was president of the building foundation from 1983 to 1991, and was a driving force behind the Museum’s 1991 wing. Both
”The Gibsons’ cumulative gifts of artwork go a long way to the realization of their vision of a collection of national prominence and distinction in San Jose,” said Krane.
the largest research effort the museum has ever devoted to a single artist with more than 500 images, videos, and research materials assembled for the project; the publication’s print equivalent would have totaled over 600 pages. In keeping with SFMOMA’s emphasis on artists’ voices, the project combines first-person perspectives and primary materials with the expertise of museum staff and outside scholars. Catalogue users can delve into a rich range of resources, including 19 newly commissioned essays by Rauschenberg experts in addition to 33 comprehensive artwork overviews that feature highly specialized images; videos of artist interviews or works in motion; detailed conservation reports; and other archival documents. Made possible by a grant from the Getty Foundation, the Rauschenberg Research Project is part of the Getty’s Online Scholarly Catalogue Initiative
(OSCI) and produced with the support of the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation.
permanent collection. Accessed through SFMOMA’s website, the online catalogue presents a seamless blend of rigorous scholarship and multimedia resources drawn from new, existing, and related materials, taking full advantage of the breadth and accessibility of its online format. The Rauschenberg Research Project comprises
Don Nice, Predella, 1983 Watercolor on paper; 31 x 59 1/2 inches Gift of Katie and Drew Gibson.
“The Rauschenberg Research Project presents fresh perspectives and original, in-depth research, gathered over more than four years, on some of Rauschenberg’s best-known works, offering readers a true insider’s view into the artist’s thinking and process,” says Sarah Roberts, SFMOMA Andrew W. Mellon Associate Curator of Painting and Sculpture. “We extend our gratitude to the Getty Foundation for their extraordinary generosity and inviting us to participate in the Online Scholarly Catalogue Initiative, and we give warm thanks to the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation for fully supporting our vision for this publication.” While printed versions of scholarly collection catalogues have long been a critical part of museum publish-
During the Great Depression, a sense of total despair plagued the United States. Americans sought a convenient scapegoat and found it in the Mexican community. Laws forbidding employment of Mexicans were accompanied by the hue and cry to “get rid of the Mexicans!” The hysteria led pandemic repatriation drives and one million Mexicans and their children were illegally shipped to Mexico. Despite their horrific treatment and traumatic experiences, the American born children never gave up hope of returning to the United States. Upon attaining legal age, they badgered their parents to let them return home. Repatriation survivors who came back worked diligently to get their lives back together. Due to their sense of shame, few of them ever told their children about their tragic ordeal. Decade of Betrayal recounts the injustice and suffering endured by the Mexican community during the 1930s. It ing programs and a key resource for researchers, their high production costs and small print runs have hindered accessibility and made revised editions extremely difficult to realize. The Getty Foundation’s Online Scholarly Catalogue Initiative—an effort dedicated to bringing collection catalogues into the digital age—is transforming how museums disseminate scholarly information about their collections, exploring the potential for catalogues to be more current, interactive, and widely available in an online environment.
focuses on the experiences of individuals forced to undergo the tragic ordeal of betrayal, deprivation, and adjustment. This revised edition also addresses the inclusion of the event in the educational curriculum, the issuance of a formal apology, and the question of fiscal remuneration. “Francisco Balderrama and Raymond Rodríguez, the authors of Decade of Betrayal, the first expansive study of Mexican repatriation with perspectives from both sides of the border, claim that 1 million people of Mexican descent were driven from the United States during the 1930s due to raids, scare tactics, deportation, repatriation and public pressure. Of that conservative estimate, approximately 60 percent of those leaving were legal American citizens. Mexicans comprised nearly half of all those deported during the decade, although they made up less than 1 percent of the country’s population. ‘Americans, reeling from the economic disorientation of the depression, sought a convenient scapegoat,’ Balderrama and Rodríguez wrote. ‘They found it in the Mexican community.’”--American History
“Online technologies are the key in enabling museums to disseminate information about their collections more broadly and inventively,” said Deborah Marrow, director of The Getty Foundation. ”The nine museums working together as part of OSCI are tackling the big issues and sharing lessons learned for the benefit of the entire museum field. The Getty Foundation is delighted by the results to date, and we congratulate SFMOMA on the publication of the extraordinary RauschenbergResearch Project.”
JULY 19 - JULY 25, 2013
BPT) La mayoría de los hombres estadounidenses creen que su apariencia es un factor importante en su éxito personal y profesional. Como resultado, los hombres se han vuelto cada vez más conscientes de la necesidad de cuidar mejor de sus caras - como lo dice su historia y de la vida que han vivido. Si este cambio cultural es una indicación, manteniendo cuidadosamente su piel - y el vello facial - es una parte enorme de poner su mejor cara adelante. Para muchos, eso significa abordar las preocupaciones comunes de la piel como poros obstruidos, sequedad de piel y aspecto cansado -, además de la irritación y vellos encarnados sostenida durante el afeitado de rutina. Estas son preocupaciones acelerados por el proceso de envejecimiento, según un estudio realizado por Dove Men + Care. De hecho, aproximadamente la mitad de los hombres reconocen que a medida que envejecen, su piel necesita más atención y tarda más tiempo en recuperarse. Sin embargo, experto Dr. Allan Peterkin dice que no es una buena noticia. “Después de algunos pasos simples y con una línea de cuidado de la piel que ofrece una variedad de soluciones específicas para diferentes tipos de piel de los hombres puede hacer una gran diferencia en la apariencia de un hombre, sin importar su edad.” Estos son algunos consejos del Dr. Peterkin sobre lo que los hombres pueden hacer para cuidar, finalmente, para el rostro y mirada penetrante, ya sea con barba o sin problemas: Limpieza diaria: Cuarenta y ocho por ciento de los hombres admiten que no
se lavan las caras, pero es crucial para la eliminación de hidrocarburos y otras bacterias que se acumulan a lo largo del día. Use un limpiador hidratante diaria, lo que ayuda a reponer la humedad perdida y lucha sequedad de la piel al mismo tiempo. Las personas con vello facial no están exentos del ritual diario tampoco. Es importante lavar la barba o el bigote, y para mantener la piel bajo el pelo saludable. Preparación de la cara antes de afeitarse: Una ducha caliente, un poco de agua caliente, o incluso una toalla húmeda antes de afeitar ayuda a abrir los poros y suaviza la barba obstinada que, cuando se trata, puede conducir a la irritación o pelos encarnados. Trate de remojar una toalla caliente en una solución a base de aceite de árbol de té - disponible en la farmacia local - para un vigorizante y limpio profunda decadencia. Elegir los productos adecuados: afeitado sin espuma - también conocido como el afeitado en seco - Es un error común entre los hombres que están limitado de tiempo, y mientras tanto, el uso de espuma de jabón para el afeitado puede dejar la piel seca y no proporciona protección contra la irritación de afeitar. Los hombres pueden finalmente dejar de torturar a sus rostros durante sus rutinas de cuidado personal mediante el uso de un gel hidratante de aerosol - y terminar con un suave bálsamo post-afeitado. Busque bálsamos que son libres de alcohol para eliminar el malestar o la frecuente sensacion de quemada después del afeitado. Utilice la técnica correcta: Asegúrese de deslizar la navaja sobre cada área de la piel sólo una vez, como golpes repetidos pueden de-
jar la piel irritada. Afeitarse con el grano, no contra ella. Enjuague la piel cuidadosamente con agua tibia después de cada afeitado y déjela secar. Otro consejo: sustituir la máquina de afeitar cada cuatro o cinco afeitados - la mitad de los hombres estadounidenses han utilizado una navaja con una cuchilla sin filo que es más de un mes de edad, lo que no sólo dará lugar a la irritación, pero también hace que las bacterias para recoger. Utilice sus rasgos faciales a su favor: su pelo facial - ya sea una barba, bigote o perilla - debe reflejar y acentuar sus mejores características. Las caras redondas, por ejemplo, les va bien con la barba más completa, mientras que las caras largas se sirven así por un bigote. Es muy bueno para probar algo nuevo, por lo que mantener un ojo a los looks que gusta a los amigos, familiares y celebridades con características similares. Pregúntele a su peluquero para el consejo también. Elige una crema hidratante con SPF: Además de garantizar la piel se ve sana y cuidada, un producto con un SPF - lo que significa factor protector solar - sirve para proteger a delicada piel del rostro de los rayos dañinos. Tenga en cuenta que SPF es siempre necesario - incluso si al barbudo. No es grasosa, fórmulas absorbentes son las mejores, lo que ofrece una protección SPF y mantiene la piel hidratada. Con unos sencillos pasos, los hombres pueden mejorar el estado general de su piel y el pelo facial. Con nuevos productos, innovaciones y algunos consejos, es más fácil que nunca para los hombres para cuidar finalmente por sus rostros.
Juan Carlos Miranda SPECIAL TO EL OBSERVADOR I’m an avid gym goer. I wouldn’t consider myself as having a great body from all the time I spend at the gym, but I don’t think I look that bad. I would actually attribute my not-so-bad physique to the, sometimes, strenuous workouts I put myself through. And why not? After all, being able to fit into those skinny jeans takes a little more effort than just buying a bigger size. Unfortunately, when it comes to cardio, well, I just simply hate it.
malistic, neon colors, barefoot, etc. And if you put a little effort at your gym wardrobe, as much as you do at working out, then I would assume you have done a little investing in your training shoes. Whether you have one or ten pairs of running shoes, most people tend to match their gym clothes to the color(s) of their shoes. I wouldn’t call it as being vain, but instead, as being aware and taking care of yourself.
Running, climbing stairs, cycling, everything is just so boring that I always cringed at the thought of doing any of these for 30 minutes. However, I’ve found that doing cardio in the perfect pair of shoes makes it just a little more bearable.
But let’s face it. Not everyone has the money or resources to buy a pair of shoes for every gym outfit in their closet, and you don’t necessarily have to. There are ways in which you can follow trends without putting yourself in debt. For example, get a pair of training shoes that incorporate a lot of colors; they look cool, they’re trending and you’ll make them the focal point of your outfit.
When it comes to running shoes, manufacturers follow certain trends such as mini-
If minimalist is your thing, go for a pair of New Balance. Some of the really cool mini-
malist shoes are made by NB and Vibram. This trend has been going on for a while now, so finding an affordable pair shouldn’t be hard. The other day I found a pair of black, minimalist NBs for $50. Now, if barefoot is what you dig, then go for Vibram Five Finger shoes. They are the real deal. These funky looking shoes sprang into the limelight a few years back and they show no sign of stopping. Other manufacturers have even come out with their own versions, but in my opinion they’re only copycats. Since these shoes have been out and about for a while there is also a wide selection of affordable ones. Simply search the web and I’m sure you’ll find a pair that’s within your budget. So next time you’re dreading hopping on that treadmill, simply look down at your feet and think of the reason why you bought those cool shoes. They might just put you in the mood to go the
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JESUS be adored, glorified, loved & preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us. St. Jude Worker of Miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, Helper of the Helpless, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day, by the ninth day your prayer will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 580632 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Eden Skincare Boutique, 3005 Silver Creek Road # 210, San Jose, CA 95121, Santa Clara Co. Mary Ly, 2186 Paseo del Oro, San Jose, CA 95124. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Mary Ly July 19, 26; Aug. 02, 09, 2013. This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 07/16/13. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 580379 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Realty World Wanda Klor & Assoc., 1177 Branham Lane # 424, San Jose, CA 95118, Santa Clara Co. Wanda Klor, 1177 Braham Lane # 424, San Jose, CA 95118. This business is conducted by an individual registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 07/11/13. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Wanda Klor July 19, 26; Aug. 02, 09, 2013. This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 07/11/13. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 580354 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, S.J. Automotive, 561 Columbia Ave., San Jose, CA 95126, Santa Clara Co. Jose Luis Espinoza, 1759 Hester Ave # 11, San Jose, CA 95128. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Jose Luis Espinoza July 19, 26; Aug. 02, 09, 2013. This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 07/10/13. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 580264 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Dab Lab 710, 3314 Noble Avenue, San Jose, CA 95132, Santa Clara Co. Ricardo Joel Delgadillo, 3314 Noble Ave., San Jose, CA 95132. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Ricardo J Delgado July 19, 26; Aug. 02, 09, 2013. This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 07/08/13. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 113CV249640 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Sumit Pannu, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Sumit
EL OBSERVADOR | Pannu, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Sumit Pannu to Sameer Singh Pannu. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 09/17/13 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. July 17, 2013. Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court July 19, 26; Aug. 02, 09, 2013.
a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Hyun Sook Leekim to Cynthia Hyun Sook Lee. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 10/08/13 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. July 11, 2013. Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court July 19, 26; Aug. 02, 09, 2013.
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 113CV249587 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Gail Christene Keller, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Gail Christene Keller, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Gail Christene Keller to Gail Christene Hunter. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 10/15/13 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. July 17, 2013. Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court July 19, 26; Aug. 02, 09, 2013.
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 113CV247029 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Cristina Solis & Abel Alvarado Velasco, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioners, Cristina Solis & Abel Alvarado Velasco, have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Melaney Velasco to Melaney Solis. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 09/27/13 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. May 28, 2013. Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court July 19, 26; Aug. 02, 09, 2013.
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 113CV249549 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Hoang Le Trinh & Chi Vu Huyen Ha, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Hoang Le Trinh & Chi Vu Huyen Ha filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Phuong Le Dong Trinh to Christopher Trinh. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 10/08/13 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. July 17, 2013. Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court July 19, 26; Aug. 02, 09, 2013. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 113CV249358 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Hyun Sook Leekim, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Hyun Sook Leekim, has filed
AMENDED ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 113CV241859 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Daniel Alexander Lara Pijal, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Daniel Alexander Lara Pijal, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Daniel Alexander Lara Pijal to Daniel Alexander Lara. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 08/20/13 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. May 21, 2013. Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court July 19, 26; Aug. 02, 09, 2013. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 580260 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Sunshine Painting, 540 Horning St., San
Jose, CA 95112, Santa Clara Co. Freddy Bellido, 540 Horning St., San Jose, CA 95112. This business is conducted by an individual registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 06/06/2006. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Freddy Johny Bellido. July 12, 19, 26; Aug. 02, 2013. This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 07/08/13. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 113CV249316 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Megumi deCausmeaker, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Megumi deCausmeaker, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Megumi deCausmeaker to Megumi Vehara. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 10/08/13 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. July 10, 2013. Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court July 12, 19, 26; Aug. 02, 2013. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 113CV249012 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Yaxian Zheng, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Yaxian Zheng, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Yaxian Zheng to John Wang. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 10/01/13 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. July 01, 2013. Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court July 12, 19, 26; Aug. 02, 2013. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 580118 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Seven Stars Christian Church, 2557 Hebron Ave, San Jose, CA 95121, Santa Clara Co. Robert Saenz Sr., 2557 Hebron Ave., San Jose, CA 95121. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to
JULY 19 - JULY 25, 2013 be false is guilty of a crime.) Robert Saenz Sr. July 05, 12, 19, 26, 2013. This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 07/01/13. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 580000 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, White Oaks Dental, 14501 S. Bascom Ave #G, Los Gatos, CA 95032, Santa Clara Co. Paul S. Cho DDS Inc., 1079 Grape Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94087. This business is conducted by a corporation registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 06/17/2013. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Paul S Cho DDS Inc. Paul S. Cho/President July 05, 12, 19, 26, 2013. This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 06/26/13. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 580119 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, New World Smog, 1948 Camden #A, San Jose, CA 95124, Santa Clara Co. Albert Tam, 2021 The Alameda Suite #101, San Jose, CA 95126. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Albert Tam July 05, 12, 19, 26, 2013. This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 06/25/13. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 579708 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, L J Garden Services & Maintenance, 5209 Shadow Estates, San Jose, CA 95135, Santa Clara Co. Luis Alana A. 5209 Shadow Estates, San Jose, CA 95135. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Luis Alana July 05, 12, 19, 26, 2013. This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 06/18/13. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 579386 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Stylo Hispano Beauty Salon, 1058 Leigh Ave., San Jose, CA 95126, Santa Clara Co. Beatriz Santiago, 1432 Carnot Dr., San Jose, CA 95126, Nilka Rivera, 467 Los Encinos, San Jose, CA 95134. This business is conducted by a general partnership registrants have not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Beatriz Santiago July 05, 12, 19, 26, 2013. This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 06/11/13.
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 113CV248679 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Nuo Norman Wang & Nina San Yunn Wang, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioners, Nuo Norman Wang & Nina San Yunn Wang have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Nuo Norman Wang to Norman Nuo Wang b. Nikko Yihsheng Wang to Nikko Ethan Wang. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 10/01/13 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. June 28, 2013. Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court July 05, 12, 19, 26, 2013. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 113CV246758 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Ko Ju Yu, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Ko Ju Yu, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Nalan Chen to Nalan Yu. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 08/20/13 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. May 23, 2013. Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court July 05, 12, 19, 26, 2013. STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILE NO. 579560 The following person(s) has/ have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name(s). The information given below is as it appeared on the fictitious business name statement that was filed at the County ClerkRecorder’s office. Alvarez Trucking, 3362 San Mardo Ave., San Jose, CA 95127. Filed in Santa Clara County on 01/20/2011. under file no. 546899. Josefina R Garcia, 3362 San Mardo Ave., San Jose, CA 95127. This business was conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct ( A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Josefina R. Garcia July 05, 12, 19, 26, 2013. This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 06/14/13. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 579941 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Guinac’s House Cleaning Services,
JULY 19 - JULY 25, 2013 1989 Edgeview Dr., San Jose, CA 95122, Santa Clara Co. Consuelo Elias, 1989 Edgeview Dr., San Jose, CA 95122. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Consuelo Elias June 28; July 05, 12, 19, 2013.This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 06/25/13. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 579855 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Linden Arms Apartments, 940 Linden Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, Santa Clara Co. Barbara Epis, 26948 Beatrice Lane, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022. This business is conducted by an individual registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 06/01/2012. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Barbara Epis June 28; July 05, 12, 19, 2013. This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 06/21/13. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 113CV248584 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Eunice Airy Kim, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Eunice Airy Kim has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Eunice Airy Kim to Yuri Airy Kim. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 09/24/13 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. June 26, 2013. Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court June 28; July 05, 12, 19, 2013. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 113CV248542 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Sharon Nothcutt, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Sharon Northcutt has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. (first) Amaya (middle) Marie (last) Evans Northcutt to (first) Amaya (middle) Marie Evans (last) Northcutt. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 09/24/13 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date
set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. June 26, 2013. Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court June 28; July 05, 12, 19, 2013. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME AND GENDER NO. 113CV248530 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Michael John Ress TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Michael John Ress has filed a petition with this court for a decree changing petitioners name to: Michelle Ress petitioner has also filed a petition for a decree changing petitioner’s gender from male to female and for the issuance of a new birth certificate reflecting the gender and name changes. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition should not be granted on 09/24/13 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. June 25, 2013 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court June 28; July 05, 12, 19, 2013. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 113CV248319 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Anh Thu Vu Tran, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Anh Thu Vu Tran has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Anh Thu Vu Tran to Andrea Vu Tran. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 09/24/13 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. June 21, 2013. Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court June 28; July 05, 12, 19, 2013. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 113CV245838 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Aurora Farfan, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Aurora Farfan has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Dyvine Joanne Farfan to Dyvine Joanne Castillo. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 08/06/13 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose,
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 113CV245485 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Tricia E Ruiz, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Tricia E. Ruiz has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Jordyn Tatyana Ruiz-Roe to Jordyn Tatyana Ruiz. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 07/30/13 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circu-
lation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. April 29, 2013. Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court June 28; July 05, 12, 19, 2013. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 113CV248483 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Leticia Esposo Andres, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Leticia Esposo Andres has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Leticia Esposo Andres to Leticia Andres Ringor. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 09/24/13 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. June 25, 2013. Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court June 28; July 05, 12, 19, 2013.
Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)
2013-NSP2-Multi-Family Development
The San Jose NSP2 Consortium (Consortium) invites eligible non-profit and for-profit development entities to submit loan applications for federal Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 (NSP2) funds that may be used for activities serving low-income households earning at or below 80% of Area Median Income (AMI). For purposes of this NOFA, eligible uses are: 1. Acquisition and Rehabilitation: for homes and residential properties that have been abandoned or foreclosed upon. HUD interprets “homes” as any type of permanent residential dwelling unit, including detached single-family structures, townhouses, condominium units, or multifamily rental apartments (covering the entire property). “Residential properties” includes all of the above plus vacant land that is currently designated for residential use, e.g. through zoning.
EL OBSERVADOR | CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. May 06, 2013. Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court June 28; July 05, 12, 19, 2013.
Departamento de Obras
por otros medios que no sea
California y los sueldos aplica-
el 100% del precio del contrato.
Públicas, Equipo de Obtención
BidSync, la Ciudad no será
bles para días festivos y tiempo
El pago del bono del contratista
de Contratos teléfono:
responsable por la inexactitud,
extra. Para mayor información
deberá ser del 100% del precio
(408) 535-8300
falta de llenado de las formas o
acerca de dichos salarios, puede
del contrato.
por la entrega de documentos
acudir a Office of Equality As-
después de la fecha límite en la
surance para obtener unas co-
Los postores son enterados de
propuesta final.
pias y la oficina esta localizada
que, siguiendo los estatutos
en 200 East Santa Clara Street,
del Estándares Federales del
propuestas selladas por escrito
5to piso, San José CA 95113 y
Trabajo (Federal Labor Stan-
para: 7361 2013 CDI 12-008
Todas las propuestas deben
cualquier postor interesado en
dards), en las previsiones del
ADA Construcción de Rampas
ser entregadas con el Director
este proyecto puede solicitar
HUD-4010, la decisión No.
de Acceso
de Obras Públicas (Director of
tal información. Los salarios
CA130029 06/07/2013 CA29
De acuerdo con y como se ha
Public Works), City of San Jose,
Davis-Bacon están incluidos
del departamento de salarios
descrito y proveído en los pla-
City Hall, 200 E. Santa Clara
en las especificaciones. Todas
del trabajo en general de los
nes y especificaciones por consi-
St. 5th Fl., San Jose, CA 95113-
las preguntas referentes a los
Estados Unidos, el contratista
guiente y en la forma propuesta
1905, a las 3:00 pm o antes
salarios prevalecientes deberán
deberá, de acuerdo con los re-
por lo tanto, de todo lo que esta
así como se establecerá mas
ser dirigidas a Office of Equality
quisitos de la ley Davis-Bacon,
en archivo en la oficina del Di-
adelante en las especificaciones.
Assurance al (408) 535-8430.
pagar los salarios y cuotas pre-
rector de Obras Públias de la
Un representante del Director
valecientes generales por día.
Ciudad, por lo que corresponde
de Obras Públicas hará pública
en parte.
y abiertamente la declaración
final de las propuestas de cada
Se hace del conocimiento
Equality Assurance en 200
postor, en la oficina T550 a las
a todos los contratistas que
East Santa Clara Street, 5th
La Ciudad esta usando BidSync
3:00pm el primero de Agosto
Contractor’s State License Law
Floor Tower, San José, Cali-
para facilitar el proceso de las
del 2013. Cada propuesta debe
(Ley Estatal de Licencias de
fornia, 95113. El contratista
propuestas. BidSync es un si-
ser acompañada de efectivo, un
Contratistas) es la que regula
también deberá cumplir con
tio en internet que se usa para
cheque certificado, cheque de
todo lo referente al asunto de
Órdenes Ejecutivas Federales
procesar las propuestas de los
cajero o un bono de postor por
licencias de contratistas. El
(Federal Ejecutive Orders) re-
postores, los postores se deben
la suma de no menos del 10 por
contratista en su propuesta
quiriendo inclusión afirmativa
registrar con BidSync para par-
ciento del total del valor de la
deberá ser requerido para in-
a empresas en manos de mi-
ticipar en esta obtención. No
propuesta incluyendo todos los
formar que clase de licencia
norías y mujeres empresarias
hay ningún costo por el registro
costos relativos al mismo. Los
posee, el número y la fecha de
cuando presenten sus propues-
en este sitio de internet.
cheques deberán ser pagables a
tas para servicios o construc-
Para registrarse los postores de-
la orden de City of San José. Los
Los postores deben tener una li-
ben ir al sitio de internet http://
bonos deberán ser ejecutados
cencia de contratista del estado
por una afianzadora que posea
de California que cumpla con
tunidad para las propuestas
un certificado valido expedido
la clasificación “Clase A o C-8 o
esta registrada bajo las siguien-
por la autoridad competente
C-12” para hacer una propuesta
tes o siguientes clasificaciones:
para este proyecto.
(913-47) Construcción, ban-
ros del Estado de California y
quetas y entradas (incluye
deberá tener como beneficia-
rampas de acceso para minus-
hace una invitación para recibir
Departamento de Segu-
Dichos pagos programados están disponibles en Office of
deben de cumplir con las pre-
rio City of San José. Todas las
válidos y peatones)
propuestas deben ser dirigidas
Se aplicara el capitulo 4.08 del
subcontratando” Del código es-
Una vez que se registren, los
al Director de Obras Públicas,
código municipal de la ciudad
tatal del gobierno de California.
postores pueden ver y bajar
City of San José y deben por-
de San José que se refiere a un
Este proyecto esta financiado
información en relación con
tar el número y el nombre del
trato no-preferencial, no-discri-
bajo el Programa de Apoyo del
los requisitos de las propuestas
minatorio para este proyecto.
Grupo de Desarrollo Comuni-
visiones del Título I, división 5, capitulo 2, “subarrendando y
información se convierte en un
“planholder” (alguien que po-
Siguiendo los términos y condi-
siones y especificaciones que
con las condiciones de apoyo
see un plan). BidSync mandara
ciones que se establecerán mas
requieren que el contratista
contenidas en el 24 CFR-570,
una notificación cada vez que
adelante en la sección 22300
que es reconocido para hacer
con las condiciones del CDBG
la ciudad publique una adición
del Código de Contratos Públi-
el trabajo para presentarse
(que se contemplan en el docu-
y/o nueva información relacio-
cos, el contratista puede susti-
ante el secretario de la ciudad
mento de la propuesta), con los
nada con los requisitos de las
tuir ciertas garantías por algún
(City Clerk) cuando se firme el
requisitos de seguro (como se
dinero en efectivo retenido por
contrato, el pago de bono del
contemplan en el documento
Los postores son responsables
la Ciudad para asegurar el cum-
contratista (Contractor s Pay-
de la propuesta), y con los re-
de revisar BidSync
plimiento del contratista bajo el
ment Bond) y el bono de buena
quisitos de la Oportunidad Fe-
camente para asegurarse de
contrato. Dicha sustitución de
fe para el cumplimiento reu-
deral de Empleo/Acción Afir-
Under this NOFA the Consortium will make available approximately $4 million in the form of development loans. These funds shall be used for permanent housing only. To be eligible for funding, all proposed properties must be located within one of the 35 NSP2 eligible census tracts in the City of San Jose.
que tienen la información mas
garantías en lugar de retención
niendo todos requisitos de las
mativa. El contratista deberá
reciente y actualizada respecto
deberá realizarse a petición del
especificaciones y aprobado por
pasar todas esas condiciones a
a los requisitos para estas pro-
contratista y a costo únicamen-
el abogado de la ciudad de San
sus subcontratistas.
puestas. Los postores pueden
te del contratista. Las garantías
José (City Attorney of the City
Por orden del Concilio de la
contar solamente con infor-
deberán ser por el monto equi-
of San José). Los bonos deberán
Cuidad de San José.
mación obtenida por medio
valente de la retención para ser
ser ejecutados por un seguro
NOFA Issue Date: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 Due Date: Friday, August 30, 2013 NOFA Workshop Date: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 NOFA Contact: Jim Mather, Chief Lending Officer, Housing Trust Silicon Valley, (408) 436-3450 x 243 or
de BidSync. Los postores no
The NOFA can be obtained starting on the issue date for download from the Housing Trust Silicon Valley’s website:
2. Development of Vacant Land: HUD will permit grantees to acquire and redevelop ANY property type. This includes commercial or industrial property in addition to all types of residential property. New housing construction must be for the benefit of lower-income persons. It is expected that properties acquired and improved under this use must proceed expeditiously to construction.
que incluyen los documentos de las propuestas y los contratos. Cuando un postor ve o baja
tario (CDBG). Los contratistas
Se hace un llamado a los pos-
laciones del CDBG como son
tores para observar las previ-
contenidas en el 24 CFR-570,
deben cumplir con las regu-
que posea un certificado vali-
do expedido por la autoridad
Una Corporación Municipal
declaración oral o por escrito de
competente perteneciente al
del Estado de California
la Ciudad, oficial, director, em-
Se hace una atención especial
Departamento de Seguros del
pleados o agentes en relación
a cumplir con ambas leyes que
Estado de California y deberá
a los requisitos de las propues-
rigen los salarios a devengar
tener como beneficiario a City
7/12, 7/19/13
tas. En caso de que un postor
en este proyecto, la ley fede-
of San José. El Bono de cum-
obtenga información acerca de
ral Davis-Bacon y los salarios
plimiento de buena voluntad
los requisitos de las propuestas
prevalecientes en el estado de
del contratista deberá ser por
podrán contar con alguna otra
(NAPSI) You don’t always need a lush lawn to make the neighbors green with envy. Sometimes, you don’t need much lawn at all. Gardens for homegrown food have been an impor-
JULY 19 - JULY 25, 2013
tant part of American homes from the early pioneers to World War II Victory gardens. Now, however, a recent survey has found that food gardens have re-emerged as a new technique to increase the sustainability of a home. Nearly one in five residential landscape architects is
replacing part or all of traditional grass lawns with vegetable gardens, according to a survey by the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA). “Not only do you benefit from fresh produce, but these gardens offer lower maintenance time and utility costs compared to turf- grass while substantially increasing the sustainability of a home,” said ASLA President Gary Scott, FASLA. “Plus, there’s nothing more convenient or sustainable than homegrown food.” Food gardens can be easy, rewarding and sustainable. For starters, don’t spend a dime on mulch when you can use leftover leaves. Additionally, grass clippings from other parts of your yard make an excellent weed suppressant. Many classic vegetables such as tomatoes require starting from seeds, but perennial plants offer a lowermaintenance alternative and come back every year. Some great examples include asparagus -especially the purple passion variety, with 20 percent more sugar than regular varieties-as well as blueberry bushes, blackberries and rhubarb. Herbs can make for an especially sustainable food garden, as many prefer hot and dry areas of the yard, with chives, sage and tarragon returning every year. A great idea is to explore the many varieties of mint such as chocolate, marshmallow and fruit salad, which carry flavors that match their names. Food gardens are one of many ways by which landscape architects can create a more sustainable, lowmaintenance alternative to expensive grass lawns for homeowners.
Mario Jiménez Castillo EL OBSERVADOR
Árnica Arnica montana La tintura del árnica bien diluida con agua mineral se usa como enjuague final después de bañarse para prevenir la calvicie y la alopecia cuando se comienzan a advertir ambos padecimientos. También se dice que ayuda a sanar los padecimientos de la piel. La crema de árnica se utiliza para aminorar y desaparecer moretones. Si anda buscando trabajo, hágase dos enjuagues con agua de árnica en día martes y en día viernes, si lo hace con buen ánimo, conseguirá el empleo que necesita.
Eucalipto Eucalyptus globulus Se hace un preparado con miel, gotas de limón y jugo de hojas de eucalipto para curar la tos crónica y las infecciones bronquiales, también resulta efectivo para tratar la sinusitis y la rinitis alérgica. El preparado se puede tomar como remedio preventivo contra la gripe, los resfriados y las alergias de estación. Se portan tres hojas secas de eucalipto para prevenir ser víctima de hechizos y brujería. Se riega polvo de eucalipto en un negocio para atraer clientes y llamar a la buena fortuna.
Ginseng Panax quinquefolius Es reconocido como uno de los principales auxiliares en
la lucha contra la diabetes, sin embargo su uso requiere supervisión médica. Muchos de sus usuarios dan fe y testimonio que el ginseng es una hierba que puede curar cualquier enfermedad, cuando se ingiere diariamente en cantidades menores. Se le ha considerado como un afrodisíaco. Unas ramitas de ginseng se colocan discretamente en el automóvil y con ello se previenen los accidentes y las infracciones.
Manzanilla Matricaria recutita El té de manzanilla entre sus múltiples aplicaciones médicas se receta para inducir el buen apetito y combatir los sentimientos de tristeza provocados por los malos recuerdos. Además ayuda a promover el sueño previniendo el insomnio. El té de manzanilla es recomendado diariamente como uno de los remedios naturales más eficaces para combatir la depresión. Se recomienda portar un par de flores de manzanilla en la cartera para atraer el dinero, buenos amigos y buena suerte.
Romero Rosemarinus officinalis Tomar un té ligero de romero dos veces al día para aliviar la gripe cuando recién se advierten los primeros síntomas. Los dolores musculares también pueden ser aliviados por medio de una infusión tomada en ayunas. Un enjuague con agua de Romero después del baño diario,
ayuda a prevenir la caída del cabello y le hace crecer más saludable y con mayor cuerpo. El romero se quema como incienso para alejar la mala suerte y los constantes padecimientos de salud.
Ruda Ruta graveolens Su fuerte olor debe ser absorbido por personas que sufren de presión baja y para clamar sentimientos de ansiedad y curar el susto. Un enjuague semanal con agua de ruda, sirve como estimulante del aura, aleja las malas vibras y atrae buena suerte. Una planta de ruda en la casa ayuda a mantener unida a la familia, aleja a las personas mal intencionadas y ahuyenta los malos espíritus. Las ramas de ruda son ampliamente utilizadas para dar limpias a personas y viviendas.
Salvia Salvia officinalis La salvia también es comúnmente conocida como salvia silvestre y “sage”. Los enjuagues matutinos con agua de salvia promueven el rejuvenecimiento y estimulan el crecimiento del cabello. El té de salvia es considerado por muchos como un eficaz antidepresivo, además promueve el embarazo en mujeres que no han podido quedar encinta. Cuando la salvia es quemada como incienso, su poderoso aroma limpia el hogar de influencias negativas y fomenta la comunicación con ángeles y guías espirituales.
JULY 19 - JULY 25, 2013
Veteran sheriff Roy Pulsifer (Jeff Bridges) has spent his career with the legendary police force known as R.I.P.D. tracking monstrous spirits who are cleverly disguised as ordinary people. His mission? To arrest and bring to justice a special brand of criminals trying to escape final judgment by hiding among the unsuspecting on Earth. Once the wise-cracking Roy is assigned former rising-star detective Nick Walker (Ryan Reynolds) as his junior officer, the new partners have to turn grudging respect into top-notch teamwork. When they uncover a plot that could end life as we know it, two of R.I.P.D.’s finest must miraculously restore the cosmic balance...or watch the tunnel to the afterlife begin sending angry souls the very wrong way.
In RED 2, the high-octane action-comedy sequel to the worldwide sleeper hit, retired black-ops CIA agent Frank Moses reunites his unlikely team of elite operatives for a global quest to track down a missing, nextgeneration lethal device that can change the balance of world power. To succeed, they’ll need to survive an army of relentless assassins, ruthless terrorists and power-crazed government officials, all eager to get their hands on the technologically advanced super weapon. The mission takes Frank and his motley crew to Paris, London and Moscow. Outgunned and outmanned, they have only their cunning wits, their old-school skills, and each other to rely on as they try to save the world—and stay alive in the process.
Basada en una historia real, The Conjuring cuenta la espeluznante historia de cómo los investigadores paranormales de renombre internacional Ed y Lorraine Warren fueron llamados para ayudar a una familia aterrorizada por una oscura presencia en una apartada granja. Forzados a hacer frente a un poderoso ente demoníaco, los Warren se encuentran atrapados en el caso más terrorífico de sus vidas
Arturo Hilario EL OBSERVADOR On a sunny Saturday thousands gathered at the Phono Del Sol music festival which took place at the Potrero Del Sol Skate Park on 25th street in San Francisco. This marks the 3rd annual festival which is put on by The Bay Bridged, a fiscally-sponsored nonprofit dedicated to highlighting the independent music scene in San Francisco, and Tiny Telephone, which is a highly regarded recording studio in the area.
& the delta rhythm kings
GIRLS GOT THE BLUES Admission: $15 Advance (Online) $20 GA (At the Gate) $50 VIP (Advance only) Children under 12 free with adult
Saturday July 20 Noon – 8 pm Produced By:
Downtown San Jose
Sponsored By:
JULY 19 - JULY 25, 2013
3090 South Bascom Avenue San Jose, California 95124 (408) 377-5864
entire duration of the concert, which went from Noon to 6:30pm. There was a row of 8 mobile food trucks with such names as Kung Fu Tacos and Adam’s Grub Truck that sat feeding the hungry music fans on one edge of the park. Plastic Flamingoes decorated the festival as well as colorful posters and booths which sold things ranging from music to hand-crafted jewelry. Children played on the park’s playground as music filled the air of the festival.
The independent artists who played on either of the two stages, called the “Portrero” and “Mission” stages, consisted of electronic and indie rock bands, with the exception of one hip hop act. Bands with names like YACHT, Blouse, Cool Ghouls, and K. Flay had the crowds moving, moshing, and dancing depending on the music.
Most of these bands are locally based which is a great reason to throw a festival to celebrate the local music culture. Although the majority of the bands fall under a similar vein of musical genre (not as eclectic as the cultures in the Bay Area) it is a good way to bring attention to them and promote them as such. The representation of the local music scene was very strong in the rock roots and the patrons certainly enjoyed the energy each artist brought.
The weather was in the high 80’s with one end of the park being relatively cool and shady and the other end more hot and bright. The skate park sits at the edge of the Portrero Del Sol Park and was relatively busy the
One of the highlights was Radiation City, who although originally from Portland brought their funky, girl-group meets electronic retrospective to Phono Del Sol with much acclaim. With digital elements but a
distinctly vintage sound this band was vocalized by two women and one man. They have been described as “Jetsons-era Doo-Wop” which is somewhat appropriate. People mesmerized by the group flowed back and forth to their melodies that were very inviting and catchy. Female rapper K. Flay was also one to watch as she demonstrated the veracity needed to be a female rapper in a male dominated genre. Her lyrics are not of misogamy nor street revolution, but deal with day-to-day life and the emotional tolls and glorious happiness life can have in store. The Stanford University graduate began making mix tapes of her bedroom recordings which dealt with hyper-awareness and identity issues. Her music is an amalgamation of sparse thoughts and fixated on understanding herself through the music. One of her earlier mix tape series is called “I Stopped Caring in ‘96”. She is 28. Her set though, was one of strong electronic beats and had the crowd jumping up and down in the warm San Francisco heat. For more info on the artists and organizations, as well as future events, please visit
JULY 19 - JULY 25, 2013
Nyon (NOTIMEX) Por tercer año consecutivo el argentino Lionel Messi y el portugués Cristiano Ronaldo, encabezan la lista de nominados para recibir el Premio al Mejor Jugador de Europa de la UEFA 2013. El galardón fue presentado por primera vez
durante julio de 2011 en la ciudad de Mónaco por su creador, el presidente de la UEFA, el ex futbolista francés Michel Platini y sustituye a su antecesor “el mejor Futbolista Europeo del Año”.
bre sus competidores con un total de 39 votos, seguido por su compañero, el español Xavi Hernández con 11 votos, y el tercer lugar para el atacante del Real Madrid, CR-7, quien terminó con tres.
En su primera edición, el goleador del Barcelona, Lionel Messi, se llevó la victoria so-
Un jurado compuesto por 53 periodistas de las diferentes federaciones es el encargado
(NOTIMEX) Sin una pretemporada exitosa en cuanto a juegos de preparación, el técnico Antonio Torres Servín afirmó hoy que Pumas de la UNAM está listo para iniciar el Torneo Apertura 2013 de la Liga MX, el domingo de visita ante Puebla. “Estamos listos para este arranque de torneo. Llegamos con la mentalidad y las ganas de empezar a sumar. Vamos a salir a proponer, a competir y mostrar lo que es Pumas: la garra, el espíritu y el buen futbol”, declaró el estratega. De cara al arranque, aseguró que “estamos tranquilos porque ya hemos recuperado a los jugadores lesionados, aunque, obviamente, les costará un poco adquirir el ritmo de juego y lo que me da confianza es que este grupo está muy consciente y con toda la disposición de ponerse a punto”. Adelantó que el refuerzo argentino Ariel Nahuelpán estará el próximo domingo en la cancha del estadio Cuauhtémoc. “Ariel está bien (en su condición física). El no paró, siguió su torneo. Y ya hizo su presentación el sábado. Estamos esperando que se siga adaptando a la altura y está considerado para el próximo encuentro”.
de reconocer al mejor jugador durante la temporada anterior e independiente de su nacionalidad se valoran todas sus actuaciones, tanto nacionales como internacionales, incluyendo competencias a nivel club y selecciones nacionales. La terna de este año destaca también por la ausencia de jugadores importantes, como
es el caso del español Andrés Iniesta, quien fue ganador del premio la temporada pasada, de hecho entre los elegidos no aparece el nombre de ningún jugador de España. En esta última edición, el predominio del Bayern Múnich en el Viejo Continente es notorio al ser el equipo que
más jugadores aporta a la lista de los 10 mejores futbolistas con un total de cuatro. A través de votaciones la lista se reducirá a tres, y a finales de agosto se dará a conocer al ganador, como parte de la ceremonia previa a la Super Copa de Europa, entre Bayern Múnich y Chelsea.
JULY 19 - JULY 25, 2013
Hitting the road? Apps to pack to avoid summer brain drain (BPT)
Warm weather and sunshine are putting families across the country in vacation-planning mode. Whether traveling by train, plane or automobile, mobile devices are typically the first thing parents and kids pack. In fact, American families take more than 100 million leisure trips a year and the average family juggles up to six devices - ranging from smartphones to tablets to laptops. It’s no surprise that summer is the most popular family travel time, and for many kids the school break can result in a measurable brain drain. Studies show students lose about a month of learning during the summer break. Concerned parents can dial up the learning quotient with a few wellpacked apps that keep little ones engaged whether traveling far or settling in for a summer staycation. With more than 300 new apps unveiled every day, finding the right-sized app for your child can be daunting. Skip the exhausting mind-meld. Smart parents use trusted sites like Common Sense Media to search for apps by age, theme and ratings, or pop onto a familyfriendly network like Fingerprint to peruse a library of apps that parents approve and kids love. By doing a little homework, parents can find an app for every kind of kid - world traveler, animal lover, nature explorer or inquisitive preschooler. -For your budding world traveler Learning a second language at a young age is linked to higher test scores, greater confidence and enhanced critical thinking skills. In fact, mobile apps are one of the easiest (and most acces-
sible) ways for kids to learn a new language - any time, any place. For example, the Kids Learn Mandarin app takes kids (ages 3 to 8) on a magical journey through 12 playgrounds with nearly 100 interactive games where kids learn to read, speak and write 240 Mandarin words. For your amazing animal lover Have a little one with a soft spot for animals? Indulge their pet passion with an app that stars two English bulldogs in the vibrantly animated storybook Lola & Lucy’s Big Adventures. With 29 interactive pages, 17 mini games and more than 300 interactive surprises, Lola & Lucy’s Big Adventure (for kids 4+) promotes reading readiness, geography know how and even fun trivia related to dog breeds. For your nifty nature explorer For nature explorers, travel time can be tortuous. Keep them busy with Minuscule - a thrilling racing app that follows the story of a mischievous ladybug, an angry fly and an army of red ants through four life-like minuscule worlds. This app (for kids 6+) is a sure-fire backseat boredom buster. Plus, the kids will be ready to hit
the hiking trail and “wow” you with insect fun facts after a few games. For your inquisitive preschooler Playful preschoolers love mobile devices and this is where pre-packing pays off.Choose a couple of new app titles staring a character your preschooler loves (Sid the Science Kid, Caillou, VeggieTales) and download before you leave. Many of the preschool apps are both fun and educational, including Franklin Talk & Playset (for ages 3 to 6), which transports kids into the woodland world of Franklin & Friends to solve puzzles, perfect rhyming skills, practice shape recognition, and even talk to Franklin. While parents can download new apps on the go, it’s definitely worth doing your homework and downloading a few fan favorites before you depart. For the cost of a couple Frappuccino’s, parents can buy a handful of premium apps that ensure the summer journey is both entertaining and educational for their kids - and maybe even a bit more harmonious too.