EL OBSERVADOR | CELEBRATING 40 YEARS | www.el-observador.com
¿VACUNAS IGUALITARIAS? 1042 West Hedding St. Suite 250 San Jose, CA 95126
PUBLISHER Angelica Rossi angelica@el-observador. com PUBLISHER EMERITUS Hilbert Morales hmorales@el-observador. com ADVERTISING & SALES DIRECTOR Angelica Rossi angelica@el-observador. com ADVERTISING SALES JOB & RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING Justin Rossi justin@el-observador.com MANAGING EDITOR Arturo Hilario arturo@el-observador.com spanish.editor@el-observador. com CONTRIBUTORS Justin Rossi Mario Jimenez Hector Curriel Estephany Haro OP-ED Hilbert Morales english.editor@el-observador. com ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES AND LEGAL NOTICES Angelica Rossi frontdesk@el-observador. com GRAPHIC DESIGNER Francisco Rojas fcorojas@el-observador. com ABOUT US El Observador was founded in 1980 to serve the informational needs of the Hispanic community in the San Francisco Bay Area with special focus on San Jose, the capital of Silicon Valley. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced by any form or by any means, this includes photo copying, recording or by any informational storage and retrevial systems, electronic or mechanical without express written consent of the publishers. Opinions expressed in El Observador by persons submitting articles are not necessarily the opinions of the publishers.
DEC 04 - DEC 10, 2020
José López Zamorano La Red Hispana
mally authorized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), throws a mandatory question: Will we be Hispanics, African Americans, Native Americans and others? Vulnerable minorities, victims of a new form of discrimination in the distribution and application of vaccines?
s innegable que la pandemia del COVID-19 ha puesto al descubierto la amplia brecha de las desigualdades estructurales que sufren las comunidades hispana y afroamericana en los Estados Unidos, y que han provocado un desproporcional impacto sobre nuestros trabajadores más esenciales: campesinos, empacadores de carne, trabajadores de servicios básicos que arriesgan la vida todos los días, no por opción sino por necesidad.
Por eso la inminente llegada este mes de la vacuna o vacunas contra el COVID-19, una vez que sean formalmente autorizadas por la Administración de Drogas y Alimentos (FDA) arroja una pregunta obligatoria: ¿Seremos los hispanos, afroamericanos, nativos americanos y otras minorías vulnerables, víctimas de una nueva forma de discriminación en la distribución y aplicación de las vacunas? En otras palabras, ante la realidad de que no habrá suficientes dosis para los más de 330 millones de residentes de los Estados Unidos ¿Seremos los últimos en la fila? ¿Se buscará asegurar que los retos crónicos de acceso a la atención médica, seguro de salud, transportación, no se conviertan en impedimentos reales para la obtención de la vacuna? El Comité Asesor de Prácticas de Inmunización (ACIP) de lo Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) votó con 13 votos a favor y uno en contra, por la secuencia para priorizar la distribución de las vacunas que podrían ser autorizadas (Pfizer y Moderna). Si los CDC aceptan la recomendación, los primeros en la fila (en la fase 1A), serán los 21 millones de trabajadores del sector salud, junto con los 3 millones de personas que residen en instalaciones de salud de largo plazo, donde se registra el 40% de los decesos relacionados con el COVID-19 a nivel nacional. Bajo la propuesta, el restante de 80 millones de trabajadores esenciales en la agricultura, empacadoras de carne, transporte, servicios públicos, recibirán la vacuna enseguida (en la fase 1B) y después los adultos con “condiciones médicas de alto riesgo” o los mayores de 65 años. ¿Cuándo? Si la FDA lo autoriza, para finales de diciembre habrá una disponibilidad de alrededor de 40 millones de dosis de la vacuna de los Estados Unidos, lo cual quiere decir que serán suficientes para vacunar a unos 20 millones de personas, toda vez que tanto la vacuna de Pfizer como la de Moderna requieren dos dosis para lograr máxima efectividad. Consciente de las lacerantes disparidades entre los grupos más vulnerables, el Comité se condujo bajo tres principios éticos intachables: Maximizar los beneficios de la vacuna y minimizar perjuicios; promover justicia y mitigar Inequidades de salud. Varios de los miembros del Comité enfatizaron la im-
Photo Credit: La Red Hispana
portancia de que sea un proceso equitativo. Es enorme el reto para lograr convencer a un público escéptico de que las vacunas serán seguras y efectivas, especialmente a las minorías raciales y étnicas que tienen una desconfianza histórica hacia el sistema de salud y el gobierno. Pero saber que la prioridad serán los trabajadores más esenciales y las personas más vulnerables, es un primer gran paso para empezar a restaurar esa confianza, en momentos que no sólo es más necesaria que nunca, sino vital. Para más información visita www.laredhispana.com.
José López Zamorano La Red Hispana
t is undeniable that the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the wide gap in structural inequalities suffered by the Hispanic and African American communities in the United States, and that they have caused a disproportionate impact on our most essential workers: farmers, meat packers, basic service workers who risk their lives every day, not by choice but by necessity. That is why the imminent arrival this month of the vaccine or vaccines against COVID-19, once they are for-
In other words, faced with the reality that there will not be enough doses for the more than 330 million residents of the United States, will we be the last in line? Will it be sought to ensure that the chronic challenges of access to medical care, health insurance, transportation, do not become real impediments to obtaining the vaccine? The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) voted with 13 votes in favor and one against, for the sequence to prioritize the distribution of vaccines that could be authorized (from Pfizer and Moderna). If the CDC accepts the recommendation, the first in line (in phase 1A) will be the 21 million health workers, along with the 3 million people who reside in long-term health facilities, where the 40% of deaths related to COVID-19 nationwide. Under the proposal, the remaining 80 million essential workers in agriculture, meatpacking, transportation, and utilities, will receive the vaccine right away (in phase 1B) and then adults with “high-risk medical conditions” or those over 65 years. When? If the FDA authorizes it, by the end of December there will be an availability of about 40 million doses of the vaccine from the United States, which means that they will be enough to vaccinate about 20 million people, since both the vaccine Pfizer and Moderna require two doses for maximum effectiveness. Aware of the excruciating disparities among the most vulnerable groups, the Committee conducted itself under three impeccable ethical principles: Maximizing the benefits of the vaccine and minimizing harm; promoting justice, and mitigating health inequities. Several of the members of the Committee emphasized the importance of a fair process. The challenge to convince a skeptical public that vaccines will be safe and effective is enormous, especially racial, and ethnic minorities who have a historical distrust of the health care system and the government. But knowing that the priority will be the most essential workers and the most vulnerable people is a great first step in starting to restore that trust, at a time that is not only more necessary than ever, but vital. For more information visit www.laredhispana.com.
DEC 04 - DEC 10, 2020
EL OBSERVADOR | CELEBRATING 40 YEARS | www.el-observador.com
Suzanne Potter California News Service
Health Care Foundation, which commissioned the report. "Black and Latinx people in California are disproportionately impacted by this virus," said Stremekis. "And we need to make sure that those facilities which are serving Black and Latinx patients have the resources that they need to keep people safe."
ACRAMENTO, Calif. - Un nuevo informe señala por qué COVID-19 se propagó tan rápido este verano en los hogares de ancianos de California.
El estudio encontró que los centros de enfermería especializada que cumplen con los niveles de personal recomendados para las enfermeras registradas tenían la mitad de infecciones en comparación con los que no cumplen con los estándares. Y las tasas de infección por el nuevo coronavirus son tres veces más altas en instalaciones con un gran número de pacientes afroamericanos. Eso es según Kristof Stremekis, director de análisis de mercado y conocimiento de la California Health Care Foundation, que encargó el informe. "Las personas afroamericanas y latinx en California se ven afectadas de manera desproporcionada por este virus", dijo Stremekis. "Y debemos asegurarnos de que las instalaciones que atienden a pacientes afroamericanos y latinos tengan los recursos que necesitan para mantener a las personas seguras".
The report says the risk factors have changed over time. In May, the data showed for-profit nursing homes had infection rates five to six times higher than nonprofit or government-owned facilities. Un nuevo informe muestra que las instalaciones con niveles más altos de personal han visto tasas más bajas de infección por COVID-19. Photo Credit: Nashua Volquez-Young / Pexels
A new report shows facilities with higher staffing levels have seen lower rates of COVID-19 infection. Photo Credit: Reknown Skilled Nursing
Stremekis dijo que a medida que las vacunas estén disponibles, los datos guiarán las decisiones sobre dónde implementar los recursos primero.
Suzanne Potter California News Service
But by August, other risk factors took precedence, with higher rates seen among male patients and people over age 85. The report recommends the state strengthen oversight of nursing-care facilities and require higher staffing levels. Stremekis said as vaccines become available, the data will guide decisions on where to deploy resources first.
ACRAMENTO, Calif. - A new report pinpoints "It would allow us to prioritize things like the distri"Nos permitiría priorizar cosas como la distribución why COVID-19 spread so fast this summer in bution of PPE, like distribution of the vaccine, to get EPP, como la distribución de la vacuna, para ll12647-7 Digitalhan Control 2009 El informe dice que losISO factores de riesgo cam-Stripde 100 70 100 60 40 100 40 100 70 40 40 40homes. 3 60 100 70 los datos 30 100 60 100 10it to folks 25 who 50 need75 90 100 Stremekis. 70 la necesitan", 30 100 40 dijo 40 70 40 nursing 70 40 40 70 40 70 40 40 evarla a 30 las personas que más California it the most," said biado conA el 100 tiempo. En mayo, mostraron que los hogares de ancianos con fines de lucro Stremekis. The study found skilled nursing facilities that meet From January to mid-November, almost 30,000 tenían tasas de infección de cinco a seis veces people in California nursing homes contracted the más altas que las instalaciones sin fines de lucro o Desde enero hasta mediados de noviembre, casi recommended staffing levels for Registered Nurs30.000 personas en hogares de ancianos de Cali- es had half the infections compared to those that propiedad del gobierno. virus, and more than 4,800 nursing-home resifornia contrajeron el virus y más de 4.800 residen- don't meet the standards. And the novel coronadents have died. B 100 100 60 100 100 70 70 de30riesgo 30 100 100 60 100 100 100 100 murieron. 70 70de hogares 30 30 100de 100 60 70 70 30 30 100 40 100 40 40 100 10 40 40 20 70 70 70 70 40 70 40 40 0000 3.1 2.2 2.2 10.2 7.4 7.4 25 19 19 50 40 40 75 66 66 100 100 100 80 70 70 100 tes ancianos Pero en agosto, otros factores tomaron virus infection rates are three times higher at faprecedencia, con tasas más altas entre pacientes AARP tiene muchos recursos en línea para familias cilities with large numbers of African-American AARP has many resources online for families wormasculinos y personas mayores de 85 años. ried about the novel coronavirus, including a list of preocupadas por el nuevo coronavirus, incluida una patients. questions to ask if your loved one is in a nursing El informe recomienda que el estado fortalezca la lista de preguntas para hacer si su ser querido está supervisión de las instalaciones de atención de en- en un asilo de ancianos. Puede encontrar eso y más That's according to Kristof Stremekis, director home. You can find that and more online, at 'aarp. T:10.5" of market analysis and insight with the California org/coronavirus.' en línea, en 'aarp.org/coronavirus'. fermería y requiera niveles más altos de personal.
A24452c02D_EUC CLIMATE CHANGE LAYERS 7 HOR_Darken_240News.tif
Tenemos la capacidad de enfrentar el cambio climático al aprovechar los abundantes recursos de energía solar y eólica de California. Pero durante las horas pico, la mayoría de la energía proviene de combustibles fósiles para poder satisfacer la demanda. Usa menos energía de 4 a 9 p.m. para una California más limpia. M Á S D E TA L L E S E N E N E R G Y U P G R A D E C A . O R G / E S PA N O L
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DEC 04 - DEC 10, 2020
EL OBSERVADOR | CELEBRATING 40 YEARS | www.el-observador.com
Only 24% of Texas high school seniors completed federal financial aid forms to attend college by the November deadline - a nearly 15% decline from the same time last year. Photo Credit: utsystem.edu
Roz Brown Public News Service
high school.
USTIN, Texas - A new initiative to turn around the college enrollment decline in Texas due to fallout from COVID-19 was announced on December 1st. 'Future Focused Texas' is a collaborative effort to maintain the state's college enrollment rates despite the effects of the health crisis. Texas Commissioner of Higher Education Harrison Keller said university enrollment was down 3% statewide this fall compared to the previous year, and down 8% at two-year institutions. Keller said he sees the pandemic as the most significant disruption to higher education since the end of World War II. "Enrollments at many of our colleges and universities are down," said Keller. "Especially at community colleges and universities that enroll greater numbers of low-income students." He added the pandemic is disproportionately affecting underrepresented students, including lowincome, Hispanic, Black and rural Texans. 'Future Focused Texas' is aiming for regular contact with high-school students and their school counselors, to reinforce the importance of learning beyond
John Fitzpatrick, executive director of Educate Texas, said 350,000 high-school seniors in the state are at risk this year of not enrolling in college for 2021. He said high-school counselors and college admissions officers are critical to the initiative. They're typically the ones who engage students about attending college - which is extremely hard at this time. "You know a year ago, it was really easy to find a high school senior in the hall of a school," said Fitzpatrick. "But now the student may not even be in the building. Counselors and college recruiters are being forced to pivot, and we're trying to provide some additional resources, tools and strategies." One early warning sign that prompted action was a decline in applications for federal student financial aid. Fitzpatrick said 700 counselors across the state have already agreed to participate in the outreach effort. The data show only two Texas regions saw enrollment increases - the Southeast and High Plains - while the Gulf Coast region showed the greatest decline. Support for this reporting was provided by Lumina Foundation.
One stop shopping for locally grown produce and handcrafted gifts for the holidays. Shop for unique items from local artisans: jewelry, candles, lotions, gift bags, holiday cards, plants and more. And, there are still a few more weeks to bring home the best in seasonal, locally grown fresh produce and flowers too.
Roz Brown/Alfonso LópezCollada Public News Service
ustin, TX - La actual crisis de salud COVID-19 podría ser un soplo para la futura fuerza laboral de Texas, debido al impacto negativo que ha tenido en la matrícula de las instituciones de educación superior. Una iniciativa colaborativa para manejar el problema fue anunciada el martes (1 Dic). Comentan Harrison Keller, comisionado en "Texas Higher Education" (Educación Superior de Texas); y John Fitzpatrick, director ejecutivo en "Educate Texas" (Educar a Texas). Una nueva iniciativa para revertir un descenso en las inscripciones al colegio debido a las consecuencias del COVID-19 fue anunciada el martes en Texas. "'Future Focused Texas'", Texas Enfocada en el Futuro, es un esfuerzo de colaboración para mantener alto el índice estatal de inscripción a estudios superiores, a pesar de los efectos de la crisis sanitaria. Harrison Keller, Comisionado de Texas para Educación Superior (Texas Higher Education Commissioner), dice que la pandemia ha sido el disruptor más significativo para la educación superior, desde del final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. "La inscripción en muchos de nuestros colegios y universidades esta caída - especialmente si inscriben gran cantidad de estudiantes de bajos ingresos."
sjdowntown.com |
Keller dice que las inscripciones preliminares bajaron tres por ciento en el estado este otoño, comparado al de 2019, y ocho por ciento en instituciones de dos años. Añade que la pandemia está afectando desproporcionadamente a estudiantes que tienen
poca representación, incluidos los estudiantes de bajos ingresos, estudiantes hispanos y negros y rurales. John Fitzpatrick, Director Ejecutivo de "Educate Texas", dice que en el estado 350 mil "seniors" de "high school" están en riesgo este año por no inscribirse en el colegio para el 2021. Agrega que los consejeros de "high school" y los oficiales del colegio son cruciales para la iniciativa, porque típicamente son quienes reclutan estudiantes del colegio - lo cual es extremadamente difícil en este tiempo. "Sabes, hace un año era muy fácil encontrar a un estudiante terminal de "high school" en los pasillos de la escuela, y ahora el estudiante puede incluso no estar en el edificio. A los consejeros y reclutadores del colegio se les está obligando a pivotear, y buscamos más recursos, herramientas y estrategias." Un signo preventivo que llevó a la iniciativa fue la reducción en las solicitudes de ayuda económica federal para el estudiante. Los datos muestran que sólo dos regiones de Texas tuvieron un aumento en su matrícula: el Sureste y "High Plains", mientras que la región de la Costa del Golfo mostró la mayor declinación. Una nueva iniciativa para revertir un descenso en las inscripciones a el colegio debido a las consecuencias del COVID-19 fue anunciada el martes en Texas. "Future Focused Texas", Texas Enfocada en el Futuro, es un esfuerzo de colaboración para mantener alto el índice estatal de inscripción a estudios superiores, a pesar de los efectos de la crisis sanitaria. Declaratoria: La "Lumina Foundation for Education" contribuye a nuestro fondo para reportear temas de Educación.
DEC 04 - DEC 10, 2020
EL OBSERVADOR | CELEBRATING 40 YEARS | www.el-observador.com
En una distribución de autoservicio, un miembro del personal de una organización sin fines de lucro entrega alimentos a personas necesitadas. Photo Credit: Joel Muniz / Unsplash
Suzanne Potter California News Service
ACRAMENTO, Calif. - COVID-19 ha provocado un gran aumento en la pobreza, y ahora California tiene el mayor número de niños que padecen hambre del país con 2.2 millones de niños que viven en hogares con inseguridad alimentaria, donde al menos un miembro de la familia no tiene suficiente comer. Tamara Sandberg, asesora de seguridad alimentaria y nutrición de EE. UU. En la organización sin fines de lucro Save the Children, dijo que la organización se ha asociado con distritos escolares rurales para distribuir comidas. "California ha experimentado el mayor aumento en la cantidad de niños que viven en hogares con inseguridad alimentaria, con más de 860,000 niños de California que experimentan hambre ahora en comparación con antes de la pandemia", explicó Sandberg. Los voluntarios están distribuyendo comidas en los
lugares de servicio e incluso conducen autobuses escolares llenos de comidas a vecindarios más remotos en los condados de Fresno, Los Ángeles, San Bernardino y Tulare. Vaya a savethechildren.org para averiguar si su distrito escolar participa. Sandberg señaló que el programa ha distribuido 9 millones de comidas en todo el país desde marzo. "Así que solo aquí en la zona rural de California, el personal de Save the Children ha ayudado a distribuir alrededor de 700.000 comidas nutritivas para los niños de algunas de las comunidades rurales más empobrecidas del estado", informó Sandberg. El próximo martes es "Martes de regalos". Las personas que quieran ayudar pueden enviar un mensaje de texto con la palabra PLATE al 20222 para hacer una donación única de $ 10. En noticias relacionadas, las familias que forman parte del programa federal de almuerzos gratuitos o de precio reducido recibirán dos meses adicionales de dinero para comestibles a través del programa Pandemic EBT. Las tarjetas de beneficios se enviarán por correo antes de fin de año.
SCHOOLS TEAM UP WITH NONPROFITS TO COMBAT CHILD HUNGER ENGLISH "California has seen the highest increase in the number of children living in food-insecure households, with over 860,000 California kids experiencing hunger now compared with before the pandemic," Sandberg explained. Volunteers are distributing meals at drive-up locations and are even driving school buses packed with meals out to more remote neighborhoods in Fresno, Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Tulare counties. Go to savethechildren.org to find out if your school district is participating. At a drive-up distribution, a Save the Children staff member hand-delivers food to children and families. Photo Credit: Shawn Millsaps/Save the Children
Suzanne Potter California News Service
ACRAMENTO, Calif. -- COVID-19 has caused a big spike in poverty, and now California has the country's highest number of children experiencing hunger with 2.2 million kids living in food-insecure households, where at least one family member does not have enough to eat. Tamara Sandberg, advisor for U.S. food security and nutrition at the nonprofit Save the Children, said the organization has partnered with rural school districts to distribute meals.
Sandberg noted the program has distributed 9 million meals nationwide since March. "So here in rural California alone, Save the Children staff has helped distribute about 700,000 nourishing meals for children in some of the state's most impoverished rural communities," Sandberg reported. Next Tuesday is "Giving Tuesday." People who want to help can text the word PLATE to 20222 to make a one-time $10 donation. In related news, families that are part of the federal free or reduced-price lunch program will be receiving an extra two months-worth of grocery money via the Pandemic EBT program. Benefit cards will be mailed out before the end of the year.
POR LA PRESENTE SE DA AVISO de que, de conformidad con la sección 17556 et. seq. del Código de Educación, la Junta Directiva (Junta) del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Fremont (Distrito) ha adoptado una Resolución de Intención de Transferir Servidumbres al Distrito de Agua del Condado de Alameda (ACWD) para fines de servicios públicos y derechos de paso (colectivamente, Servidumbres). Las Servidumbres propuestas estarán ubicadas en el sitio de Centerville Junior High School, ubicado en 37720 Fremont Boulevard en Fremont. Se llevará a cabo una audiencia pública sobre la transferencia del Distrito de las Servidumbres al ACWD durante la reunión de la Junta del 16 de diciembre de 2020 a las 6:30 p.m., o en cuanto sea posible después. Esta reunión se celebrará de conformidad con la Orden Ejecutiva N-29-20 emitida por el Gobernador de California, Gavin Newsom, el 17 de marzo de 2020. La audiencia se llevará a cabo únicamente a través del webinar de conferencias Zoom y estará disponible para los miembros del público que deseen asistir y dirigirse a la Junta. El enlace de la reunión estará disponible al menos 72 horas antes de la audiencia en el sitio web del Distrito y se incluirá en el orden del día publicado de la Junta. Existen copias de la Resolución de Intención de Transferir Servidumbres adoptada y firmada publicadas en las siguientes tres (3) ubicaciones dentro de los límites del Distrito: 1.
Distrito Escolar Unificado de Fremont, Departamento de Instalaciones, 4210 Technology Drive, Fremont, CA 94538
2. Distrito Escolar Unificado de Fremont, Recepción, 4210 Technology Drive, Fremont, CA 94538 3. Centerville Middle School, 37720 Fremont Blvd, Fremont, CA 94536 Cualquier persona interesada puede dar su opinión sobre la transferencia de Servidumbres del Distrito al enviar sus comentarios por escrito a klynchmcmahon@fusdk12.net antes de MEDIODÍA del día de la audiencia. Si no se presenta una protesta legal, la Junta podrá adoptar una resolución con el voto de dos tercios (2/3) de los miembros de la Junta que autoricen y dirijan la ejecución de un Otorgamiento de Servidumbres para que el Distrito transfiera las Servidumbres al ACWD.
Fecha: 4 de diciembre de 2020
[Publicado: 4 de diciembre de 2020] [Publicado en línea: 4 de diciembre de 2020]
DEC 04 - DEC 10, 2020
EL OBSERVADOR | CELEBRATING 40 YEARS | www.el-observador.com
• Chopped cilantro • Mexican cheese mix, shredded • Sauce, optional
4 personas
These are super popular on the street, just imagine: Folded tortillas stuffed with Birria de Cerdo with cheese, browned on the comal with a bit of the juice of the consommé, and then served with a glass of Consomme de Birria on the side to take between each bite.
INGREDIENTES Birria de Cerdo • 4 libras de carne de paleta de cerdo • 3 chiles anchos • 6 chiles guajillos • 2 jitomates, asados • 4 clavos de olor • ½ cucharadita de semillas de comino • 5 pimientas gordas • 4 dientes de ajo • 1 cucharadita de orégano • ½ cucharadita de mejorana • 2 hojas de laurel • 1 trocito de jengibre • 1 cebolla mediana • 1 rajita de canela • ½ taza de vinagre • 1 taza de jugo de naranja • Sal y Pimienta para sazonar Quesabirrias • Tortillas de maíz • Cebolla, picada • Cilantro, picado • Mezcla de queso mexicano, rallado • Salsa, opcional Descripción: Estas son súper populares en la calle, sólo imagina: Tortillas dobladas rellenas de Birria de Cerdo con queso, doraditas en el comal con un poco del jugo del consomé, y luego servidas con un vaso del Consomé de Birria a un lado para tomar entre cada mordida. Preparación: 1. Sazona la paleta de cerdo con sal y pimienta y colócala en un refractario grande. 2. Limpia y desvena los chiles. Ponlos a tostar levemente sobre un comal o sartén a fuego medio, ten cuidado de no quemarlos (los chiles quemados hacen que el consomé salga con un sabor un poco amargo). Pon a remojar los chiles en agua caliente por 10 minutos o hasta que se suavicen. 3. Sobre un comal a fuego medio, pon a asar los ji-
Preparation: 1. Season the pork shoulder with salt and pepper and place in a large ovenproof dish.
Photo Credit: Porkessabor.com tomates, la cebolla y el ajo. Cuando ya estén asados colócalos en la licuadora. 4. En un sartén pequeño, sobre fuego medio, pon a tostar levemente los clavos, la canela, las semillas de comino, las pimientas gordas, el orégano y mejorana. Solamente se tuestan por unos segundos. Colócalos en la licuadora junto con el jengibre, jugo de naranja y vinagre. 5. Una vez que los chiles ya estén suaves, escúrrelos y agrégalos a la licuadora. Muele hasta lograr una salsa sin grumos. Agrega una taza de agua en caso de que quede demasiado espesa. Sazona con sal. 6. Vierte la salsa sobre la carne junto con 2 tazas de agua, de manera que la carne quede bien cubierta, queremos que la Birria tenga bastante consomé. Cubre el molde y deja marinando en el refrigerador desde la noche anterior o por lo menos 4 horas para que la carne de cerdo absorba los sabores. 7. Pon la carne de cerdo junto con la salsa en una olla grande, tapa y cocina a fuego medio por alrededor de 3 horas, o hasta que la carne ya esté cocida y se pueda deshebrar fácilmente. Agrega sal en caso de ser necesario. 8. Cuando la Birria esté lista, remueve un poco de la carne de cerdo. Deshébrala y guarda a un lado. 9. Para hacer las Quesabirrias, toma una tortilla de maíz y mójala en el consomé (el caldo donde se coció la Birria), de manera que quede bien cubierta, colócala sobre un comal o sartén, y agrégale un poco de queso, deja que se derrita un poco. Agrega carne de la Birria de Cerdo, cebolla y cilantro picado, dobla la tortilla por mitad, y cocina por 2-3 minutos por lado o hasta que queden doraditas. Sirve con consomé y un poco de cilantro y cebolla.
PORKESSABOR.COM • PREPARATION 4 hours • PORTIONS 4 people INGREDIENTS Pork Birria • 4 pounds of pork shoulder meat • 3 ancho chili peppers • 6 guajillo chilies • 2 tomatoes, roasted • 4 cloves • ½ teaspoon of cumin seeds • 5 fat peppers • 4 cloves of garlic • 1 teaspoon oregano • ½ teaspoon marjoram • 2 bay leaves • 1 piece of ginger • 1 medium onion • 1 cinnamon stick • ½ cup of vinegar • 1 cup of orange juice • Salt and Pepper for seasoning Quesabirrias • Corn tortillas • Chopped onion
Red Line does not print. It represents the 3” safety area. Please verify critical elements are within the safety area.
2. Clean and devein the chiles. Lightly toast them on a comal or skillet over medium heat, be careful not to burn them (burnt chiles make the consommé taste a bit bitter). Soak the chiles in hot water for 10 minutes or until they soften. 3. On a comal over medium heat, roast the tomatoes, onion and garlic. When they are roasted, place them in the blender. 4. In a small skillet, over medium heat, lightly toast the cloves, cinnamon, cumin seeds, fat peppers, oregano, and marjoram. They only roast for a few seconds. Place them in the blender along with the ginger, orange juice and vinegar. 5. Once the chiles are soft, drain and add to the blender. Grind to a smooth sauce. Add a cup of water in case it's too thick. Season with salt. 6. Pour the sauce over the meat along with 2 cups of water, so that the meat is well covered, we want the Birria to have enough consommé. Cover the pan and marinate in the refrigerator overnight or at least 4 hours for the pork to absorb the flavors. 7. Put the pork together with the sauce in a large pot, cover and cook over medium heat for about 3 hours, or until the meat is already cooked and can be easily shredded. Add salt if necessary. 8. When the Birria is ready, remove a little of the pork. Unravel it and put it aside. 9. To make the Quesabirrias, take a corn tortilla and dip it in the consommé (the broth where the Birria was cooked), so that it is well covered, place it on a comal or frying pan, and add a little cheese, let melt a bit. Add meat from the Pork Birria, onion and chopped cilantro, fold the tortilla in half, and cook for 2-3 minutes per side or until golden brown. Serve with consommé and a little coriander and onion.
DEC 04 - DEC 10, 2020
EL OBSERVADOR | CELEBRATING 40 YEARS | www.el-observador.com
Good communication skills can boost a person's wages up to 20%, according to a new report. Photo Credit: Jopwell / Pexels
Eric Tegethoff Public News Service
ORTLAND, Ore. -- A new report emphasizes the skills workers need that go beyond a degree or certification in order to get a high-paying job. The Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce identifies skills and abilities employers are looking for, and says communication skills are in the highest demand. The report says good communication can boost a person's wages across industries - by up to 20%. Jason Payton is the occupational economist at the Oregon Employment Department. "You can have the technical skills, the technical academic background necessary for a role, but if you can't communicate your ideas, if you can't disseminate and work well with others, it's going to be hard to leverage that skill and competency," Payton said.
The report lists other important skills as teamwork, sales and customer service, and problem solving and complex thinking. Researchers looked at 120 knowledge areas, skills and abilities, using the Occupational Information Network database, which includes the competencies needed for more than 1,000 occupations. Payton said finding people with these competencies has been a challenge in recent years. Workforce gaps reports in 2018 and 2019 from his department found 11% and 8% of employers, respectively, said it was hard to fill vacancies because applicants lacked "soft skills." "We actually saw a spread of occupations in the building trades, like carpenters and construction laborers, as well as personal care aides - all have issues related to soft skills or lack thereof," he said. The pandemic has made it even harder to find a job. But Payton said there are opportunities to build the competencies identified in the Georgetown report. "It's those type of entry-level jobs or in-between jobs that give us the opportunity to develop those experiences, strengthen those competencies and be more competitive when we do have those future job opportunities and 'dream jobs' come up," he said. Support for this reporting was provided by Lumina Foundation.
Suzanne Potter/Alfonso López-Collada Public News Service
ORTLAND, Ore. -- Un reporte reciente enfatiza las destrezas que los trabajadores necesitan tener y que son más que un título o un certificado para conseguir un trabajo bien pagado. El Centro de la Universidad Georgetown en Educación y la Fuerza Laboral (Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce) identifica las destrezas y habilidades que buscan los empleadores, entre las que las habilidades de comunicación son las que tienen mayor demanda. El informe dice que las buenas habilidades de comunicación pueden aumentar los pagos de una persona en todas las industrias y hasta en un 20 por ciento. Jason Payton es el economista ocupacional en el Departamento del Empleo de Oregon (Oregon Employment Department). "Puedes tener las habilidades técnicas, los antecedentes académicos técnicos necesarios para un puesto, pero si no puedes comunicar tus ideas no puedes diseminarlas ni trabajar bien con los demás, será difícil apalancar esa destreza y competencia."
Otras habilidades importante incluyen el trabajo en equipo, ventas y servicio al cliente, y solución de problemas y pensamiento complejo. Los investigadores tomaron en cuenta 120 áreas de cono-
cimiento, destrezas y habilidades, aplicando la base de datos "Red de Información Ocupacional" (Occupational Information Network), que incluye las competencias necesarias para más de mil puestos.
AVISO DE DISPONIBILIDAD DEL BORRADOR DEL INFORME DE IMPACTO AMBIENTAL Y REUNIONES EN LÍNEA PARA EL PROYECTO VALLEY LINK PERIODO DE REVISIÓN PÚBLICA: 2 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2020 AL 21 DE ENERO DE 2021 La Autoridad Ferroviaria Regional de Tri-Valley-San Joaquin Valley (Autoridad), actuando como agencia líder de acuerdo con la Ley de Calidad Ambiental de California (California Environmental Quality Act, CEQA), elaboró un borrador del informe de impacto ambiental (Environmental Impact Report, EIR) para el Proyecto Valley Link (Proyecto Propuesto). El propósito de este aviso de disponibilidad es para notificar a las agencias, organizaciones e individuos que la Autoridad ha publicado el borrador del EIR y está solicitando comentarios sobre el análisis ambiental presentado en el borrador del EIR de todas las agencias públicas relevantes. También solicitamos comentarios de personas u organizaciones interesadas sobre el borrador del EIR. Para ver el aviso de disponibilidad completo, que contiene más información sobre el Proyecto, visite www.valleylinkrail.com. Disponibilidad del borrador del informe de impacto ambiental: El borrador del EIR está disponible en el sitio web de la Autoridad en esta ubicación: https://www.valleylinkrail.com/environmental-ceqa/ Debido a los requisitos actuales de distanciamiento social por COVID-19, incluida la orden del condado de Alameda de apegarse a los requisitos de distanciamiento social, una copia impresa del borrador de EIR está disponible para que la consulte el público mediante cita previa en la oficina de la Autoridad Ferroviaria Regional de Tri-Valley San Joaquin Valley en 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100, en Livermore, California. Envíe un correo electrónico o llame al número de solicitud de información para concertar una cita. Línea de información: para obtener más información, envíe un correo electrónico a info@valleylinkrail.com o llame a la línea de solicitud de información al (925) 455-7591 y deje un mensaje. Descripción del Proyecto: La Autoridad propone establecer un nuevo servicio ferroviario de pasajeros a lo largo de un corredor de 42 millas entre la actual estación Dublin/Pleasanton de Transporte Público Rápido del área de la Bahía (Bay Area Rapid Transit, BART) y la estación North Lathrop aprobada de Altamont Corridor Express (ACE), que se incluye en el proyecto extensión Lathrop a Ceres/ Merced de ACE. El Proyecto Propuesto esta ubicado en los condados de Alameda y San Joaquin. El Proyecto Propuesto operaría en la mediana de la interestatal (I-) 580 (11.7 millas) en el segment Tri-Valley; en el derecho de vía del Corredor de Transporte del Condado de Alameda (14.5 millas); y dentro de la Línea Industrial Owens-Illinois de Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) y la subdivisión Tracy existente (16.1 millas) en el condado de San Joaquin. Impactos ambientales potenciales El Proyecto Propuesto tendría como resultado beneficios regionales generales en términos de reducción del tráfico regional y millas recorridas por vehículos, lo cual mejoraría las conexiones de transporte regional, mejoraría la calidad operativa del aire en general, reduciría las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y reduciría el uso de energía. El Proyecto Propuesto daría lugar a los siguientes impactos significativos e inevitables, incluso después de la implementación de la mitigación: conversión permanente de importantes tierras agrícolas; contribución significativo a los riesgos acumulativos para la salud de la calidad del aire , relacionados con las partículas en Tri-Valley; impactos de la construcción en relación con la calidad del aire ambiental localizado en San Joaquin Valley; impactos operativos a especies de estatus especial y al movimiento de vida silvestre asociados con la operación de la estación Greenville, la estación Mountain House y la alternativa del OMF de West Tracy; la inconsistencia del uso de terreno y la posible inducción de un crecimiento no planificado localizado en las inmediaciones de las estaciones Greenville y Mountain House, y ruido de construcción y funcionamiento en ciertas ubicaciones. El Proyecto Propuesto daría lugar a impactos menos que significativos (incluidos impactos menos que significativos con mitigación) en otras áreas de recursos: estética (construcción y operación); recursos agrícolas (construcción); calidad del aire (construcción y operación, además de las contribuciones a los impactos acumulativos); recursos biológicos (construcción y operación, además de impactos operativos sobre especies de estatus especial y movimiento de vida silvestre en la estación Greenville, la estación Mountain House y la alternativa del OMF de West Tracy); recursos culturales (construcción y operación); energía (construcción y operación); geología y suelos (construcción y operación); emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (construcción y operación); peligros y materiales peligrosos (construcción y operación); hidrología y calidad del agua (construcción y operación); uso y planificación del terreno (construcción y operación, además de las estaciones Greenville y Mountain House); vibración (construcción y operación); población y vivienda (construcción y operación, aparte de las estaciones Greenville y Mountain House) recreación (construcción y operación); seguridad y protección (construcción y operación); transporte (construcción y operación), y servicios públicos y sistemas de servicios (construcción y operación). Varias instalaciones asociadas con el Proyecto Propuesto están ubicadas en sitios incluidos en una lista de materiales peligrosos/sitios contaminados (lista Cortese) compilada de conformidad con la Sección 65962.5 del Código Gubernamental.
Payton dice que encontrar gente con esas competencias ha sido un reto en años recientes. Los vacíos de fuerza laboral en 2018 y 2019 en su departamento encontraron que el 11 y el 8 por ciento, respectivamente, dijeron que era difícil llenar los puestos vacíos porque los solicitantes no tenían las llamadas destrezas suaves.
Reuniones en línea
"De hecho vimos una variedad de ocupaciones en los oficios de la construcción como carpinteros y albañiles, igual que ayudantes del cuidado personal; todos tienen problemas con las habilidades sociales o la falta de ellas."
Las tres reuniones en línea se llevarán a cabo en las siguientes fechas y horas:
La pandemia dificultó todavía más encontrar trabajo. Pero Payton dice que sí se pueden desarrollar las destrezas identificadas en el reporte de Georgetown. "Ese tipo de trabajos de entrada, o intermedios, son los que nos dan oportunidad de desarrollar esas experiencias, reforzar esas competencias y ser más competitivos cuando tengamos esas oportunidades futuras de trabajar y lleguen los trabajos sonados." Declaratoria: Lumina Foundation for Education contribuye a nuestro fondo para reportar sobre el tema de Educación.
Por favor, tenga en cuenta que el personal de la Autoridad continúa monitoreando los desarrollos relacionados con el COVID-19 a diario y participa en actualizaciones frecuentes de las agencias de salud pública locales, estatales y federales. Debido a preocupación por la salud y la seguridad públicas, la Autoridad facilitará tres reuniones de en línea para disponer información sobre el borrador del EIR y responder a preguntas generales sobre el Proyecto. Por favor consulte el sitio web del proyecto en www.valleylinkrail.com para obtener la información más actualizada sobre las reuniones en línea de Valley Link. La información sobre cómo unirse a las reuniones en línea se proporcionará en el sitio web de la Autoridad en esta ubicación: https://www.valleylinkrail.com/environmental-ceqa. - Sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2020, de 9:00 a. m. a 10:30 a. m. - Miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2020, de 11:30 a. m. a 1:00 p. m. - Jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2020, de 5:00 p. m. a 6:30 p. m. Comentarios sobre el borrador del reporte de impacto ambiental El periodo de revisión pública (de 50 dias), conforme con sección 150105 de CEQA, será del 2 de diciembre de 2020 al 21 de enero de 2021. Comentarios se pueden presentar mediante correo y correo electrónico. Por favor, toma en cuenta que no es necesario asistir una de las reuniones en línea para comentar sobre el borrador del EIR. Por favor envíe sus comentarios al siguiente correo o correo electrónico. - Correo:
Tri-Valley–San Joaquin Valley Regional Rail Authority Attn: Valley Link Draft EIR 1362 Rutan Court #100 Livermore, CA 94551
- Correo electrónico:
La Autoridad debe recibir los comentarios sobre este borrador del EIR a más tardar a las 5:00 p. m. del último día del periodo de revisión pública, que es el 21 de enero de 2021.
Photo Credit: freestocks.org / Pexels
Photo Credit: BPT
DEC 04 - DEC 10, 2020
EL OBSERVADOR | CELEBRATING 40 YEARS | www.el-observador.com
his year more than ever, we're all ready to kick back and enjoy a relaxing holiday season. Shopping online is a great way to get your shopping done safely and conveniently this year - in fact, the majority (59 percent) of holiday shoppers plan to shift more of their shopping online compared with last year, according to the National Retail Federation's annual consumer holiday survey. Whether you love the thrill of holiday shopping or are usually more of a gifting procrastinator, here are a few simple strategies you can apply to your online shopping that will have you checking holiday errands off your list in no time, leaving you more time to celebrate with family and friends this year. 1. Make a list (and check it twice) First, make a list of those people in your life that you want to delight with a special gift this year. Next, create a workable budget for your gift shopping as a whole, then break down that budget per person, deciding who you might want to splurge a little more on this year, versus those that might be just as happy with something simpler. That way you'll know what you can afford before your list gets away from you. 2. Start early No need to wait until Black Friday this year to score incredible deals on everything you need this season. Beat the holiday rush by taking advantage of early savings and deals, so you can stress less and get on to enjoying the season. Best of all, online shopping means everything is delivered quickly and safely - helping you save even more time and money by not having to visit multiple stores. 3. Let gift guides do the work for you
Need gifting inspiration? If you've got your list and budget together but are stuck on a few ideas, gift guides are the perfect place to start. 4. Get more for your dollar with easy saving hacks For many, budgets are tighter than ever this year - in fact, a recent survey conducted by Accenture showed that nearly 1 in 4 are cutting holiday spending because of a tough year - making it more important than ever to get more for your holiday dollar. Luckily, in addition to scouting out early holiday deals there are some easy ways to get the best bang for your buck throughout the whole season. Make sure to check out coupons for special offers that are updated frequently on thousands of products - all without the hassle of clipping. Follow these tips and you'll feel more prepared than ever going into the holiday season!
ste año, estaremos más dispuestos que nunca a ponernos cómodos para disfrutar de una relajante temporada festiva. Comprar en línea es una forma idónea de adquirir artículos con seguridad y convenientemente. A propósito, según la encuesta anual de consumidores realizada por la Federación Nacional de Comercio Minorista (National Retail Federation) la mayoría (59 por ciento) de los compradores en época festiva se proponen favorecer más las transacciones por Internet en comparación con el año anterior. Si a usted le gusta la emoción de las compras de fin de año, o espera usualmente a última hora para comprar regalos, puede aplicar estas sencillas estrategias a sus compras en línea, para ir eliminando obsequios festivos pendientes de su lista con rapidez, lo cual le daría más tiempo para celebrar con familiares y amigos. 1. Haga una lista (y verifíquela dos veces) Primeramente, haga una lista de sus seres queridos que usted quiere deleitar con un regalo especial este año. Luego, cree un presupuesto factible para sus compras totales de obsequios, y luego desglóselo por persona, decidiendo en quién se va a gastar un poco más este año, comparándolo con
los que se sienten igual de felices con algo más sencillo. Así sabrá cuánto puede invertir antes de que pueda perder el control de los precios en su lista. 2. Comience temprano No es necesario esperar este año hasta Black Friday para aprovechar increíbles ofertas en todo lo que necesita para la temporada. Evite las prisas del fin de año beneficiándose con ahorros y oportunidades anticipadas, para estresarse menos y disfrutar las fiestas. Ya que cada día se ofrecen nuevas oportunidades, podrá comprar con la confianza de que está disfrutando de ofertas y ahorros increíbles dignos del Black Friday en una amplia selección de productos, lo cual facilita que todos finalicen las compras festivas pendientes más temprano que nunca. Pero lo mejor de todo es que las compras en línea equivalen a una entrega rápida y segura, a fin de ayudarle a ahorrar aún más tiempo y dinero al no tener que visitar muchas tiendas. 3. Deje que las guías de regalos trabajen por usted ¿Necesita inspiración para sus regalos? Si ya tiene la lista y ha creado el presupuesto, pero está estancado en unas pocas ideas, las guías de regalos son el punto perfecto para comenzar. 4. Aproveche su inversión con oportunidades fáciles de ahorrar Para muchas personas, el presupuesto de este año será más reducido que nunca. De hecho, una encuesta reciente realizada por Accenture reveló que cerca de 1 de cada 4 personas están reduciendo los gastos de temporada festiva a causa de un año difícil, razón por la cual es más importante aprovechar al máximo el dinero de su inversión. Por suerte, además de ofrecer con anticipación ofertas festivas, hay algunas formas fáciles de aprovechar ese dinero que va a gastar durante toda la temporada. Verifique los cupones para ofertas especiales en miles de productos que se actualizan frecuentemente, sin la molestia de recortar y guardar papeles. ¡Siga estos consejos y se sentirá más preparado que nunca para hacer sus compras de temporada festiva!
DEC 04 - DEC 10, 2020
EL OBSERVADOR | CELEBRATING 40 YEARS | www.el-observador.com
Mary Schuermann Kuhlman Public News Service
ANSING, Mich. - Some advocacy groups in Michigan are condemning hearings being held by state lawmakers into claims of voter fraud in the Detroit area. The Senate Oversight Committee spent most of December 1st listening to Republican poll watchers and others who said they witnessed irregularities in the ballot-counting process on Election Day in Detroit.
Michigan certificó sus resultados electorales, con Joe Biden recibiendo alrededor de 154.000 votos más que Donald Trump. Photo Credit: Brandon Mowinkel / Unsplash
But Lonnie Scott, executive director of the group Progress Michigan, said he thinks the hearing only served to bolster conspiracy theories and doubt.
Mary Schuermann Kuhlman Public News Service
"No one has actually spoke to anything that has any proof of fraud or anything credible," said Scott. "It's all been a lot of hurt feelings and calls for essentially invalidating Detroit's vote."
Some testified that poll workers didn't correctly verify ballots against qualified voter files, while others argued the chain of custody of ballots was compromised.
El Comité de Supervisión del Senado pasó la mayor parte del 1 de diciembre escuchando a los observadores electorales republicanos y otras personas que dijeron haber presencia-
Michigan certified its election results, showing President-elect Joe Biden won the state, but President Donald Trump and his supporters have pledged to continue efforts to undermine the results. Some Democratic senators argued the claims are baseless, and Sen. Peter Lucido - R-Shelby Township - said any evidence of election fraud should be submitted to the Attorney General's office. "We're elected officials," said Lucido. "But we don't wear robes and we don't make decisions on what is going on here. But we will listen to it for policy purposes, to ensure the sanctity and security of the voting system." With the second wave of COVID-19 sweeping through the state, Scott contended state lawmakers should instead be focusing on policies that address food and housing insecurity. "The Republicans are hearing more from conspiracy theorists about election fraud - that has been debunked or dismissed as nonexistent evidence," said Scott, "instead of taking action on help for folks during the COVID-19 crisis." On December 2nd, President Donald Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani testified about election irregularities before a Michigan House legislative committee. According to state officials, Presidentelect Joe Biden secured upwards of 154,000 more votes than Trump.
ANSING, Michigan - Algunos grupos de defensa en Michigan están condenando las audiencias que llevan a cabo los legisladores estatales sobre denuncias de fraude electoral en el área de Detroit.
Michigan certified its election results, with Joe Biden receiving about 154,000 more votes than Donald Trump. Photo Credit: Gayatri Malhotra / Unsplash
Detén la propagación de COVID-19. Lava Cubre 6 Pies covid19.ca.gov/es/
do irregularidades en el proceso de escrutinio el día de las elecciones en Detroit. Pero Lonnie Scott, director ejecutivo del grupo Progress Michigan, dijo que cree que la audiencia solo sirvió para reforzar las teorías de la conspiración y las dudas. "Nadie ha hablado de nada que tenga alguna prueba de fraude o algo creíble", dijo Scott. "Todo ha sido un montón de sentimientos heridos y llamadas para invalidar esencialmente el voto de Detroit". Algunos testificaron que los trabajadores electorales no verificaron correctamente las boletas con los archivos de votantes calificados, mientras que otros argumentaron que la cadena de custodia de las boletas estaba comprometida. Michigan certificó sus resultados electorales, mostrando que el presidente electo Joe Biden ganó el estado, pero el presidente Donald Trump y sus partidarios se han comprometido a continuar los esfuerzos para socavar los resultados. Algunos senadores demócratas argumentaron que las afirmaciones son infundadas, y el senador Peter Lucido, republicano por Shelby Township, dijo que cualquier evidencia de fraude electoral debe enviarse a la oficina del Fiscal General. "Somos funcionarios electos", dijo Lucido. "Pero no usamos túnicas y no tomamos decisiones sobre lo que está sucediendo aquí. Pero lo escucharemos con fines políticos, para garantizar la santidad y seguridad del sistema de votación". Con la segunda ola de COVID-19 arrasando en el estado, Scott sostuvo que los legisladores estatales deberían enfocarse en políticas que aborden la inseguridad alimentaria y de vivienda. "Los republicanos están escuchando más de los teóricos de la conspiración sobre el fraude electoral, que ha sido desacreditado o descartado como evidencia inexistente", dijo Scott, "en lugar de tomar medidas para ayudar a la gente durante la crisis de COVID-19". El 2 de diciembre, el abogado del presidente Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, testificó sobre irregularidades electorales ante un comité legislativo de la Cámara de Representantes de Michigan. Según funcionarios estatales, el presidente electo Joe Biden obtuvo más de 154.000 votos más que Trump.
DEC 04 - DEC 10, 2020
EL OBSERVADOR | CELEBRATING 40 YEARS | www.el-observador.com
Cast of New Netflix Show Hope to Add to Tejano Singer’s Iconic Legacy
Arturo Hilario El Observador
inger and Queen of Tejano music Selena Quintanilla continues to be a prevalent source of inspiration for fans and entertainers worldwide 25 years after her passing. Her talent, humor and music were unmatched, and although people know her from her recording catalogue, archived videos and the dramatization of her life through Jennifer Lopez’s starmaking role in 1997’s “Selena: The Movie”, not much media is out there about the time before she made it big, nor the intricacies of her family life. Netflix’s new show “Selena: The Series” hopes to tell her overall story while filing it with another side of Selena and her life, one that only those closest to the Quintanilla family ever got to know. The series is Executive Produced by Selena’s real sister, Suzette Quintanilla. Starring Christian Serratos as Selena, Gabriel Chavarria as A.B., Ricardo Chavira as Abraham Jr., Noemí Gonzalez as Suzette and Seidy López as Marcella, the show is focused on the innerworkings of the family and their journey as a team with the ultimate goal of breaking into the English market with Selena’s music and becoming the most successful female Latin artist of all time.
(L to R) Noemí Gonzalez as Suzette Quintanilla, Christian Serratos as Selena Quintanilla, and Gabriel Chavarria as A.B. Quintanilla in Netflix’s “Selena: The Series”. Photo Credit: Michael Lavine/NETFLIX © 2020
Part 1 of the series is out December 4, with another part coming at a later date. Recently we had the opportunity to interview most of the actors that make up the Quintanilla clan, which includes Gabriel Chavarria, Ricardo Chavira,
Noemí Gonzalez and Seidy López. The following is there various experiences working on the show and their approaches to playing their respective characters. Hello guys, thanks so much for the time. To start off, in “Selena: The Series” basically all the family members are fleshed out through the episodes. I was wondering what it was like to interpret Marcela and Suzette and how you managed flesh those characters out, essentially. Did you happen to work with the family? Seidy López So unfortunately, I didn't get to work with Marcella directly before I started production. But what I did is I found a video that was extremely helpful to me and that was a Mother's Day special. And they asked Selena to describe what her mother meant to her. And after she answered, they asked her mother what it meant to be a mom. And the way that Marcella answered that question and all of the beautiful emotion that she gave and just the way she answered it said so much to me. And watching that, I was like, that's what I needed. That that is Marcella. That is the core of Marcella: loving mother, inner strength, caring, nurturing, supportive. And so, I went with that and I watched that video so many times, you know, and I was just like taking it all in all of those levels that she gave me in that answer and I built from that. So that was my foundation. And from that, I built on it. And also, Suzette was very generous, and
¿SU HOGAR ESTÁ PREPARADO PARA UNA INUNDACIÓN? ¡El año pasado nos enseñó que debemos estar listos para todo! El cambio climático ha hecho que el clima extremoso sea cada vez más común y, con la temporada de lluvias en camino, le pedimos que se tome un tiempo para asegurarse de que está preparado en caso de que haya inundaciones. Ahora que la temporada de lluvias se acerca, lo invitamos a seguir estos simples pasos para prepararse y asegurarse de que usted, su hogar, su propiedad y su negocio estén a salvo en caso de una inundación.
PREPARE UN KIT DE EMERGENCIA PARA 3 DÍAS: Incluya herramientas y suministros, como comida que no se eche a perder y tres galones de agua para cada persona que reside en su hogar.
inundación. Visite valleywater.org/FloodReady para ver si vive en o cerca de una zona con alto riesgo de inundación, según la designación de la Agencia Federal para la Gestión de Emergencias (FEMA).
DESCARGUE APLICACIONES DE EMERGENCIA: Asegúrese de que cada miembro de su hogar descargue aplicaciones de emergencia. READYSCC y la aplicación para inundaciones de la Cruz Roja Americana (Flood: American Red Cross) enviarán alertas de emergencia directamente a su teléfono.
OBTENGA UN SEGURO CONTRA INUNDACIONES: Si vive en una zona con alto riesgo de inundación, obtenga un seguro contra inundaciones. Lo necesita, tanto si es dueño de su propiedad como si la alquila. Visite floodsmart.gov para conocer sus opciones de seguro bajo el Programa Nacional de Seguro Contra Inundaciones. Recuerde que, el cambio climático ha hecho que el clima extremoso sea cada vez más común, y debemos estar listos para las inundaciones. Prepárese hoy mismo!
CONOZCA SU RIESGO DE INUNDACIÓN: No hace falta vivir cerca de un arroyo para sufrir una
DEC 04 - DEC 10, 2020
EL OBSERVADOR | CELEBRATING 40 YEARS | www.el-observador.com
she gave us some audio where she described events in the family, where she described her relationship with her mom and her dad and other things. Between those two things, they were golden.
things that have happened. You get to see her from when she was a little girl and you get to see the journey that they all took in the journey that she took to become, you know, the Selena that we know. And I think that that's going to be fun for the fans and for the audience, to kind of get to peek in and see all of these private moments through our series. So, I'm very excited about that.
Those were the two things that helped me just kind of navigate and develop Marcella. Most importantly was once I committed to that, I said, OK, now I have to dig in and give it my heart. And that's what I could do, just lead with that. And that's how I developed my character.
How do you feel that this show will add to the legacy of Selena?
Noemí González I developed my character, the way Seidy just had the one video, I knew that I had Suzette post grief, so I had to use [videos] as the second half of my setup. Where was she before this? And also, all the performance clips that I could find. I also listened to the tapes that Suzette so generously provided. And not only was I listening, I had to listen to them more than once, of course, because one time I was listening just to get her sound, and then another time I was listening to really feel the essence of those memories and of those stories and how they were going to be interpreted in the series. So that was really, really cool to get to do that. And then I think a very strong element was learning the drums. My experience and learning the drums really was demanding. So, whatever I experience, I imagined, "how did little Suzette experience this next to her very talented, musically enthusiastic siblings." It really helped me shape the character. How would you describe your interpretations of A.B. and Abraham Quintanilla in the show? Gabriel Chavarria For me, I think, A.B. [is] a very, very honest portrayal, I mean, that's the way I approach it. You know, A.B. cared about his family. He cared about his family just as much as Selena and every member of the Quintanilla family did. They really loved each other, they really cared for each other, and they're a family that's working together, you know, and that's very unique. You don't really have that so much. So, they understood what they wanted to do, they knew what their goals were, they knew what they wanted to do, they knew how they wanted to do it. And ultimately, they did that because they were always there for each other. They made sure to stick with each other, especially during the toughest times. And you'll be able to see that in the show. Ricardo Antonio Chavira Well, you know, I'm from South Texas, you know, I am Mexican-American. Abraham is of a certain age and of a certain generation, my father is close to him in age and of that exact same generation. So, you know, I had as well as a lot of my tios, so I had a very deep well of information to draw from. I also am a father, I have I have a teenage boy and a girl and I would consider myself probably an old school style parent, you know, maybe a little bit stricter than most. So, there was a lot of information, a lot of things that I was reading in the script that were already readily accessible to me. But I wanted to make sure and do my due diligence. And so I studied a lot of Abraham's interviews so that I could understand, hear his cadence in the way he talked and his demeanor and the way he held himself during these public interviews and then just used my background as a MexicanAmerican man and the Mexican-American men in my life to inform me how to go about making decisions when we were interpreting these scenes as a family. What do you think people will be surprised to
(L to R) Seidy López as Marcella Quintanilla and Ricardo Chavira as Abraham Quintanilla in Netflix’s “Selena: The Series”. Photo Credit: NETFLIX © 2020 find out or see regarding your characters in this show or what do you think they might be happy to see in regard to your characters? Noemí I think people are going to be surprised to see Selena not in her signature look yet. It takes time to get to a signature look, you know, and so they're going to see her during the coming of age of that star. That's going to be something that's going to be really fun and nostalgic to go back to the eighties and to see how Selena was with those times, and how the rest of the family also rocked themselves in those in those vibes. So older generation can really be like, "I remember wearing that and like, oh, Selena did this, A.B. did that, Marcella did that, oh, my goodness." So, I think that'll be a real fun element to seeing Selena's roots. Seidy I think with Marcella, what they're going to get to see is just how involved she really was behind the scenes, how she participated in some of the decisions, in making sure that the kids were OK, in stepping in when they needed certain things. And her and Abraham were kind of a team. They were they were partners. Yes, he was the leader and the front man and the person that took care of the business. But when it came to the home, you know, I think Marcella had a big say there. And it's going to be nice for people to get to see that part of their relationship and also the relationship within the whole family. You know, just how close they really are and how they all participated in, and everything that they all gave to make this work and to support Selena into becoming who she became, you know. Were there any challenges that you can speak on when other fleshing out the characters or during the shooting, any type of challenges like that you might remember? Gabriel I think for me was definitely learning how to play the bass. I never played an instrument, so that was definitely was one of the challenges, I would say. But, you know, once you started picking it up, you know, it was started to become really, really fun to play. And I really like the instrument. I have my own bass now, so and it was fun, you know, it was fun. And I got to say, A.B. was really good, man. It's you know, he's writing these hit songs. He's playing the bass. He's up there dancing with Selena, he was an amazing, amazing performer just as much as the rest of Selena and Los Dinos were.
Ricardo You know, we started this back in October of 2019, and we, you know, we were working for those few months and then we took our holiday break and then we came back and started working and we were really hitting our stride. And I thought we were getting a lot of great stuff with the concert performances, a lot of the intimate, intimate scenes that we were doing with the family dynamic. I think everybody was really clicking on all cylinders. And then we got hit with COVID, you know, and all of a sudden, we got to slam on the brakes and completely halt production for five and a half months. So, I would say that was that was pretty damn challenging. You know, when it's like you're rolling as a production and as the actors and we're cooking and really the feeling these characters, and then we have to take this huge break, and then come back and try and find "it". I'm not saying that it took a little bit of time, I think everybody came back and was ready to work and was happy to be back working. But, you know, it created its own set of complications with the protocols and stuff. So it was a very there were a lot of things that were going on in the world as we were shooting this production that I think frames it in such a way that it's a production that none of us will ever forget. How do you think that Selena the Series contributes to the legacy of Selena? Noemí It contributes to the legacy of Selena immensely. Number one, it's been about roughly 20 years since we've had a presentation of Selena to the public in this manner. Not only is it a whole new generation that gets to meet her, but also with the help of Netflix having such accessibility globally, more people are going to see all over the world, not only that bicultural experience, Mexican-American experience, family in these times, but Selena, Selena, Selena. Selena's music and her legacy. So, it's definitely a huge, huge factor that the series is definitely continuing her legacy. And I'm very thankful for how giving this family has been over the years to contribute to that, especially Suzette Quintanilla with being an executive producer of this. I got to give so much love to how generous they are with making that contribution to the world. Seidy I think it's special. I think it's wonderful that they're willing to share a lot of their personal stories, things, that they went through as a family and
You know, I think, look, you know, like I said, I grew up in South Texas, so she and I were born the same year when I was graduating high school, she was graduating high school. I was reading and seeing on our local newscasts all the concerts that she was giving and the successes that she was having and the award she was winning. So, for me, I was like, oh, well, I know this story. I know a lot about it. But in reading these scripts, you know, there's so many things that I learned specifically as it pertains to the family and the family dynamic. You know, and I'm sure I know that some of this stuff is fictionalized to a certain degree. But there's a lot of truth in what we're bringing to the table with these episodes and with the series. And a lot of it was very new to me. And there was a lot of things that when I read, I was just moved because I immediately identified with some of these very humble beginnings, you know, in the sacrifices and the struggles that they had. So, I think that's something that we're bringing new that will allow her legacy to live on through our series as well. Gabriel Yeah, I think it's going to impact definitely the newer generation, you know, because for those that you know, everyone knows Selena the icon, they know the legend. But now they're going to really get to know Selena Quintanilla the person, you know, they're going to see her grow. And ultimately also the family, of course, you'll see in the show that that there is no Selena without her family members, without her father, without her brother, without her sister, without her mother. So, I think that, you know, Selena's legacy is going to reach places even further. It's a great show. It's about family. And I think a lot of people who don't even know Selena will still enjoy the show and relate a lot to what the show has to offer. Looking back at your experience, what do you hope that viewers take away from “Selena: The Series” and your work within the show? Ricardo For me, just, you know, the importance of family, I think that that's something that we have really captured with this series, with the writing, you know, and just a really intimate portrayal and an in-depth look at who the Quintanillas were and how much that the work of the entire family built their success, the foundation for their success, and catapulted Selena into the legendary status that she now holds. Gabriel I would say exactly what Ricardo was saying, like, I think that that's what I want the audience to take away, you know, that this show is about family and you'll see that you'll definitely see that and every single member of this family was important. I think the audience will appreciate how much passion that each individual put into the success of the Quintanilla family and Selena's success. So, I think that's what they're going to resonate with for sure. Part 1 of “Selena: The Series” premieres on Netflix December 4, 2020.
EL OBSERVADOR | CELEBRATING 40 YEARS | www.el-observador.com
DEC 04 - DEC 10, 2020
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DEC 04 - DEC 10, 2020
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CHRISTMAS OUTDOOR SPECTACULAR A Cathedral of Faith sponsored event
Cathedral of Faith
December 24 shows 6,6:30, and 7pm
AN JOSE, CA— From Tuesday, Dec. 1st through Sunday, Dec. 27th, Cathedral of Faith will host a free Christmas Outdoor Spectacular drive-in experience featuring an exciting animated presentation and lights. Every Friday-Sunday in December, the Spectacular will also feature live performances, free hot chocolate, and more! Animated characters Snowball and Flurry star in this outdoor extravaganza as they prepare for the Prince’s arrival. Also, Cathedral of Faith’s World of Arts ministry will perform a theatrical presentation to welcome the Prince. With a free animated show, live dance, and hot chocolate, this Spectacular is a great experience for the entire family! This event doesn’t require a reservation; it is first-come first serve. In accordance with COVID protocol compliance, there will be limited viewing on-site which allows for approximately
show schedule subject to change due to weather Where: Cathedral of Faith 2315 Canoas Garden Avenue, San Jose located at the corner of Highway 87 and Curtner Ave.
Photo Credit: Alexas_Fotos / Pixabay
50 cars per show.
Office at 408-267- 4691.
To experience the show, guests should enter at our second driveway on Masonic Avenue. Guests can listen to the show either by tuning into FM 93.1 on their radios or by listening to it through the outdoor speakers.
When: Starts Dec. 1, and runs through Sunday, Dec. 27 Monday-Thursday: 6, 6:30pm, 7pm, 7:3pm, 8:00pm, 8:30pm Friday- Sunday: 6pm, 7pm, 8pm,
For more information, visit www.cathedraloffaith.org or contact the Church
Includes Live Performances and Free Hot Chocolate *No Shows December 25,
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EL OBSERVADOR | CELEBRATING 40 YEARS | www.el-observador.com
DEC 04 - DEC 10, 2020
este vuelo, se considera afortunado en Tailandia.
assengers on the Thai Airways "flight to nowhere", which takes off and lands at Bangkok's main airport, flew over almost a hundred sacred sites in Thailand on Monday in a bid to improve their karma and spiritual strength.
Thai Airways se está reestructurando después de declararse en quiebra en mayo debido a los efectos de la pandemia, además de años de pérdidas millonarias. Unos 6.000 empleados, o el 30% de los 20.000 trabajadores de la aerolínea, han sido despedidos como resultado de la pandemia, mientras que el resto ha visto reducidos sus salarios.
"Pray in the heights with Master Katha Chinnabanchon. Do a praiseworthy deed and enjoy the special service with promising food", reads the airline announcement.
Photo Credit: Frankie Spontelli / Unsplash
crease its revenues, such as opening a restaurant with in-flight meal menus and flight simulators.
Flight TG8999 flew for about three hours over 99 sacred sites, including numerous Buddhist temples in some 30 cities across the country with tickets costing between $200 and $330.
The Thai company is not the only airline trying new things amid the pandemic.
The number 9, which is repeatedly associated with this flight, is considered lucky in Thailand.
Japan's ANA began offering flights to nowhere last August on a Hawaiian-themed Airbus A380, while planes from Taiwan's StarLux Airlines fly over the South China Sea for about three hours without landing.
Thai Airways is restructuring after filing for bankruptcy in May due to the effects of the pandemic, on top of years of losses in the millions.
In Brunei, the Royal Brunei Airlines offers tickets to fly over the rainforests of this small nation in Southeast Asia for 85 minutes.
Some 6,000 employees, or 30% of the airline's 20,000 workers, have been dismissed as a result of the pandemic, while the rest have seen their salaries reduced. With international flights limited due to the 10,37X5,75 HOMECARE EL OBSERVADOR.pdf virus, the airline has sought strategies to in-
Thai Airways announced that it will repeat the "flight to nowhere" experience for New Year's 15/9/20 11:08 Day.
Photo Credit: Frankie Spontelli / Unsplash
os pasajeros del "vuelo a ninguna parte" de Thai Airways, que despega y aterriza en el principal aeropuerto de Bangkok, sobrevolaron casi un centenar de sitios sagrados en Tailandia el lunes en un intento por mejorar su karma y fuerza espiritual. "Reza en las alturas con la Maestra Katha Chinnabanchon. Haz un acto digno de alabanza y disfruta del servicio especial con comida prometedora", se lee en el anuncio de la aerolínea. El vuelo TG8999 sobrevoló durante aproximadamente tres horas 99 sitios sagrados, incluidos numerosos templos budistas en unas 30 ciudades de todo el país con boletos que cuestan entre $ 200 y $ 330. El número 9, que se asocia repetidamente con
Con vuelos internacionales limitados por el virus, la aerolínea ha buscado estrategias para incrementar sus ingresos, como abrir un restaurante con menús de comidas a bordo y simuladores de vuelo. La compañía tailandesa no es la única aerolínea que intenta cosas nuevas en medio de la pandemia. ANA de Japón comenzó a ofrecer vuelos a ninguna parte en agosto pasado en un Airbus A380 de temática hawaiana, mientras que los aviones de StarLux Airlines de Taiwán sobrevuelan el Mar de China Meridional durante aproximadamente tres horas sin aterrizar. En Brunei, Royal Brunei Airlines ofrece billetes para sobrevolar las selvas tropicales de esta pequeña nación del sudeste asiático durante 85 minutos. Thai Airways anunció que repetirá la experiencia de "volar a ninguna parte" el día de Año Nuevo.
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DEC 04 - DEC 10, 2020 Crane Place Apartments ofrece igualdad de oportunidades de vivienda.
Apartamentos para personas mayores de bajos ingresos. La lista de espera para apartamentos tipo estudio correspondiente a Crane Place Apartments se abrirá el lunes 23 de noviembre de 2020 y estará abierta durante 3 semanas hasta el viernes 11 de diciembre de 2020. Durante ese tiempo, Crane Place Apartments aceptará solicitudes de personas mayores de 62 años de edad o más, y solicitantes con problemas de movilidad de 18 años de edad o más, que cumplan con las pautas de admisión. Para solicitar un paquete de solicitud, llame al 650-325-2442 o venga a la oficina de Crane Place Apartments, de 9:00 a.m. a 12:00 del mediodía, y de 2:00 a 4:00 p.m., de lunes a viernes, en 1331 Crane Street, Menlo Park, 94025. A las 10:00 a.m. del miércoles 16 de diciembre de 2020 tendrá lugar un sorteo para la colocación en la lista de espera. El sorteo se podrá ver por Zoom. Los solicitantes pueden solicitar la información de acceso en la oficina de Crane Place Apartments. Debido a las restricciones del condado de San Mateo sobre las reuniones puertas adentro, no se podrá ver el sorteo en persona. Crane Place Apartments ofrece igualdad de oportunidades de vivienda.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 670211 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Beauty Fashion, 3816 Dottielyn Ave, San Jose, CA 95111, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Maricela Silva, 3816 Dottielyn Ave, San Jose, CA 95111. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Maricela Silva This statement was filed with the Co. ClerkRecorder of Santa Clara County on 11/24/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Patty Camarena, Deputy File No. FBN 670211 December 4, 11, 18, 25,
2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669996 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Turadd, 345 S 15th Street, San Jose, CA 95112, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: Married Couple. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Andrew Chaikin, 345 S 15th Street, San Jose, CA 95112. Rosalind de Vera, 345 S 15th Street, San Jose, CA 95112. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Andrew Chaikin This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/17/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder
EL OBSERVADOR | CELEBRATING 40 YEARS | www.el-observador.com By: /s/ Patty Camarena, Deputy File No. FBN 669996 December 4, 11, 18, 25, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669934 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: VINE CHURCH SAN JOSE, 2222 Trade Zone Blvd, San Jose, CA 95131, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: Corporation. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): TEMPLO LA HERMOSA OF THE ASSEMBLIES OF GOD, 56 S. Montgomery St, San Jose, CA 95110. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 10/01/20. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Erasmo Zuniga TEMPLO LA HERMOSA OF THE ASSEMBLIES OF GOD President Article/Reg#: 2551801 Above entity was formed in the state of CA This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/16/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Nina Khamphilath, Deputy File No. FBN 669934 December 4, 11, 18, 25, 2020 AMENDED ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR
CHANGE OF NAME NO. 20CV371506 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Marvin Lucero-Mendoza. Petitioner(s) Marvin Lucero-Mondoza has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Marvin LuceroMendoza to Marvin Mendoza-Montenegro. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/05/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 09, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court December 4, 11, 18, 25, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 20CV373653 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Jessica Allen Paz. Petitioner(s) Jessica Allen Paz has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Jessica Allen Paz to Jessica Allen Ross. THE COURT
ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 2/02/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 25, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court December 4, 11, 18, 25, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 20CV373558 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Jessica Yu Ping Tong. Petitioner(s) Yu Ping J Tong has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Yu Ping J Tong to Jessica Yu Ping Tong. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/26/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks
prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 23, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court December 4, 11, 18, 25, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 20CV373471 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Philina Lin and Craig Adam Kabert. Petitioner(s) Philina Lin and Craig Adam Kabert has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Phlina Lin to Phlina Kabertlin b. Craig Adam Kabert to Craig Adam Kabertlin. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/26/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 23, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court December 4, 11, 18, 25, 2020
CLASSIFIEDS / LEGALS ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 20CV373318 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Jose Nicolas Cervantes. Petitioner(s) Jose Nicolas Cervantes Pintor has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Avery Nicolas Romero Cervantes to Avery Nicolas Cervantes Romero. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 01/19/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 18, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court December 4, 11, 18, 25, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 20CV373601 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Viviana Vargas. Petitioner(s) Viviana Vargas has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as
follows: a. Adelaida Jayleen Carlos Vargas to Jayleen Adelaida Carlos. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/26/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 24, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court December 4, 11, 18, 25, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 20CV373668 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: RAMADAN JANOVA. Petitioner(s) RAMADAN JANOVA has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. RAMADAN JANOVA to DANNY JANOVA. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 2/02/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the
Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. December 01, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court December 4, 11, 18, 25, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 20CV373664 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Charlene Douglas. Petitioner(s) Charlene Douglas has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Charlene Douglas to Asma Charlene Cross. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 2/02/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 30, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court December 4, 11, 18, 25, 2020
Notice of Petition to Administer Estate of Tony Peng Ly Ou No.20PR188922 A Petition for Probate has been filed by Niko Arsenic in the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara. The Petition for Probate requests that Niko Arsenic be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent, Tony Peng Ly Ou. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administer of Estate Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take any actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consent to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person Files and objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: 01/04/2021 at 9:01am, Dept. 13, located at 191 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. If you object to the granting of this petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy
EL OBSERVADOR | CELEBRATING 40 YEARS | www.el-observador.com to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either: 1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or 2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Petitioner: Niko Arsenic 1138 Campbell Avenue San Jose, CA 95126 (408)646-9905 December 4, 11, 18, 2020 Notice of Petition to Administer Estate of MARY V. GAEDKE Case No. 20PR188872 1.To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may be interested in the will or estate, or both, of MARY V. GAEDKE. 2. A Petition for Probate has been filed by ERIC P. GAEDKE in the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara. 3.The Petition for Probate
requests that ERIC P. GAEDKE be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. 4. The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. 5. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administer of Estate Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take any actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consent to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person Files and objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. 6. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: November 30, 2020, at 9:01am, Dept. 13, located at 191 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. 7. If you object to the granting of this petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. 8. If you are a creditor or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either:
1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or 2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. 9. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. 10. Attorney for Petitioner: Domenico Scire, Esq. 1735 North First Street, Suite 116 San Jose, CA 95112 (408)441-1900 November 27, December 4 and 11, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 20CV373642 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Sunanth Pasala and Asha Jyothi Morimisetty (Petitioner(s) Kwang bin Lee has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Pasala Sri Sushmika to Sri Sushmika
Pasala. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/26/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 24, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 27, December 4, 11, 18, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669914 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Cupertino Oral & Facial Surgery, A Medical Office, Cupertino Oral and Facial Surgery, Cupertino Oral & Facial Surgery, Cupertino Oral & Facial Surgery, A Dental Office, 10430 South De Anza Boulevard, Ste 140, Cupertino, CA 95014, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: Corporation. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Lee R. Walker, MD, DDS, PC, 10420 South De Anza Boulevard, Ste 140, Cupertino, CA 95014. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this
DEC 04 - DEC 10, 2020 statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Lee Walker CEO Lee R. Walker, MD, DDS, PC Article/Reg#: C4609873 Above entity was formed in the state of CA This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/13/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Patty Camarena, Deputy File No. FBN 669914 November 27, December 4, 11 and 18, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 670113 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Santa Clara Income Tax, 1190 E. Santa Clara St., San Jose, CA 95116, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Ramon F. Pagan, 1390 Platt Avenue, Milpitas, CA 95035 and Consuelo F. Cervantes, 14580 Story Road, San Jose, CA 95127. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 07/01/1992. This filing is a refile [Change(s) in facts from previous filing] of previous file #: FBN494244. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is
guilty of a crime.) /s/ Consuelo F. Cervantes This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/20/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Patty Camarena, Deputy File No. FBN 670113 November 27, December 4, 11 and 18, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669902 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: STEME, CO PACABANA USA, COPA DESIGN, COPA PRINT, COPA, PRAZER SCIENCE and NVO SERVICES, 3443 Edward Avenue, Santa Clara, CA 95054, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: Corporation. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Copacabana Design USA, Inc., 2784 Homestead Road, #189, Santa Clara, CA 95051. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 5/23/2006. This filing is a refile: File No. FBN664620. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Jason Saldana President Copacabana Design USA, Inc. Article/Reg#: 2874834 Above entity was formed in the state of CA This statement was filed with the Co.
DEC 04 - DEC 10, 2020 Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/13/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Patty Camarena, Deputy File No. FBN 669902 November 27, December 4, 11 and 18, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669995 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Localcrafter, 2643 Gimelli Way Apt #121, San Jose, CA 95133, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Sana Saifuddin, 2643 Gimelli Way Apt #121, San Jose, CA 95123. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 06/20/2016. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Sana Saifuddin This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/17/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Patty Camarena, Deputy File No. FBN 669995 November 27, December 4, 11, 18, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 670017 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Lyst Residential,
Lyst Agency, Icon Financial Group, IFG, Icon Residential, 18461 Hillview Drive, Los Gatos, CA 95030, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: Corporation. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Icon Home Loans Inc, 18461 Hillview Drive, Los Gatos, CA 95030. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Kamran Chitgar Icon Home Loans Inc President Article/Reg#: 2276756 Above entity was formed in the state of CA This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/18/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Sandy Chanthasy, Deputy File No. FBN 670017 November 27, December 4, 11, 18, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669942 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: GOLDEN STATE DENT WORKS, 3414 Youngs Cir, San Jose, CA 95127, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Evan Paul York, 3414 Youngs Cir, San Jose, CA 95127. The registrant began transacting business under
EL OBSERVADOR | CELEBRATING 40 YEARS | www.el-observador.com the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 04/24/2020. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Evan P. York This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/16/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Nina Khamphilath, Deputy File No. FBN 669942 November 27, December 4, 11, 18, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669930 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Extraordinary Snacks, 5930 Killarney Cir, CA 95138, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Juping Zhang, 5930 Killarney Cir, San Jose, CA 95138. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 10/30/2020. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Juping Zhang This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/16/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Elaine Fader, Deputy File No. FBN 669930
November 27, December 4, 11, 18, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669906 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: ANT E-COMMERCE, 2716 Peridot Drive, San Jose, CA 95132, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Anthony Nguyen, 2766 Peridot Drive, San Jose, CA 95132. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Anthony Nguyen This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/13/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Nina Khamphilath, Deputy File No. FBN 669906 November 27, December 4, 11, 18, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669998 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: DIL SE LICIOUS, 2200 Monroe St #1409, Santa Clara, CA 95050, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: Limited Liability Company. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): J&R FOODS LLC, 2200 Monroe St #1409,
Santa Clara, CA 95050. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Jodh Singh Virk J&R FOODS LLC Owner/Manager Article/Reg#: 202019710067 Above entity was formed in the state of CA This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/18/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Sandy Chanthasy, Deputy File No. FBN 669998 November 27, December 4, 11, 18, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669974 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Sousa Creative Creations, 230 Edwards Ave, San Jose, CA 95110, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Marlene Luna Sousa, 230 Edwards Ave, San Jose, CA 95110. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)
/s/ Marlene Luna Sousa This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/17/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Nina Khamphilath, Deputy File No. FBN 669974 November 27, December 4, 11, 18, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669900 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: SBA Handyman Services, 1962 Bellomy St Apt 10, Santa Clara, CA 95050, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Khaleel Mustafa, 1962 Bellomy St Apt 10, Santa Clara, CA 95050. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 09/11/2020. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Khaleel Mustafa This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/13/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Nina Khamphilath, Deputy File No. FBN 669900 November 27, December 4, 11, 18, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669462 The following person(s)
CLASSIFIEDS / LEGALS is (are) doing business as: DELUXE CLEANING SERVICES, 2885 Joseph Ave #9, Campbell, CA 95008, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Mayra Guadalupe Chavez Grimaldo, 2885 Joseph Ave #9, Campbell, CA 95008. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 10/15/2016. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Mayra G Chavez Grimaldo This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 10/29/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Sandy Chanthasy, Deputy File No. FBN 669462 November 27, December 4, 11, 18, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 20CV372514 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: ROT THI TRAN. Petitioner(s) ROT THI TRAN has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. ROT THI TRAN to SALLY THI TRAN. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why
the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/12/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 04, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 27, December 4, 11, 18, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 20CV373314 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: NANCY TRAN. Petitioner(s) NANCY TRAN has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. NANCY TRAN to NGUYET HOANG THI TRAN. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/19/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 18, 2020
Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 27, December 4, 11, 18, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 20CV373445 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Ardeshir Bastani Alah Abadi. Petitioner(s) Ardeshir Bastani Alah Abadi has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Ardeshir Bastani Alah Abadi to Ardeshir Bastani. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/26/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 20, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 27, December 4, 11, 18, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 20CV373444 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Kwang bin Lee.
Petitioner(s) Kwang bin Lee has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Kwang bin Lee to Sky Lee. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/26/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 20, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 27, December 4, 11, 18, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 20CV370757 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Vanessa Yotrease Williams aka Vanessa Yotrease Jones. Petitioner(s) Vanessa Yotrease Williams aka Vanessa Yotrease Jones has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Vanessa Yotrease Williams aka Vanessa Yotrease Jones to Vanessa Moneá WrightRoberts. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this
EL OBSERVADOR | CELEBRATING 40 YEARS | www.el-observador.com matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 11/17/2020 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. September 23, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 27, December 4, 11, 18, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 20CV373068 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Cruz Aguilar. Petitioner(s) Cruz Aguilar has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Cruz Aguilar to Cruz Fausto. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/19/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation,
printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 16, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 27, December 4, 11, 18, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 20CV373173 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: YOUNGKANG CHAI. Petitioner(s) YOUNGKANG CHAI has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. YOUNGKANG CHAI to KIKUE YULIA JOHNSON. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/19/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 17, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 27, December 4, 11, 18, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669890 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: ECSTATIC PRO-
DUCTIONS, 268 Ada Ave, Mountain View, CA 94043, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Claire G Alexander, 268 Ada Ave, Mountain View, CA 94043. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 08/04/2000. This filing is a refile [Change(s) in facts from previous filing] of previous file #: FBN464237. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Claire G Alexander This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/13/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Patty Camarena, Deputy File No. FBN 669890 November 20, 27, December 4, 11, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669907 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Radi Dental, 7318 Glenview Drive, San Jose, CA 95120, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Parisa Radi, 7318 Glenview Drive, San Jose, CA 95120. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 10/22/2020. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and
correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Parisa Radi This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/13/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Patty Camarena, Deputy File No. FBN 669907 November 20, 27, December 4, 11, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669462 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: DELUXE CLEANING SERVICES, 2885 Joseph Ave #9, Campbell, CA 95008, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Mayra Guadalupe Chavez Grimaldo, 2885 Joseph Ave #9, Campbell, CA 95008. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 10/15/2020. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Mayra G Chavez Grimaldo This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 10/29/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Sandy Chanthasy, Deputy File No. FBN 669462 November
DEC 04 - DEC 10, 2020 December 4, 11, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669829 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: ManyFriends Brewing Company, 14482 Big Basin Way, Saratoga, CA 95070, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: Limited Liability Company. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): ManyFriends, LLC, 16745 Laurel Rd, Los Gatos, CA 95033. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Ted Oliverio ManyFriends, LLC Member Article/Reg#: 202021210399 Above entity was formed in the state of CA This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/10/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Elaine Fader, Deputy File No. FBN 669829 November 20, 27, December 4, 11, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669727 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: SMILES LOS GATOS, 216 Bachman Ave, Los Gatos, CA 95030, Santa Clara County. This business
is owned by a: Corporation. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): BLISS ZIN DENTISTRY, PC, 4403 Alex Dr, Los Gatos, CA 95030. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 10/01/2020. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Bliss Zin BLISS ZIN DENTISTRY, PC Owner Article/Reg#: 4639514 Above entity was formed in the state of CA This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/06/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Sandy Chanthasy, Deputy File No. FBN 669727 November 20, 27, December 4, 11, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669919 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Kelly’s Cleaning, 1750 Stokes St Apt 127, San Jose, CA 95126, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: General Partnership. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Kenia Gomez Rubio, 730 Barron Ave #29, Redwood City, CA 94063. Elizabeth Gomez Rubio, 730 Barron Ave #29, Redwood City, CA 94063. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business
DEC 04 - DEC 10, 2020
EL OBSERVADOR | CELEBRATING 40 YEARS | www.el-observador.com
name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Kenia Gomez Rubio This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/13/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Patty Camarena, Deputy File No. FBN 669919
sons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/12/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 02, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court
November 20, 27, December 4, 11, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669758 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: SUMMITT PROPERTIES, 1621 Stemel Way, Milpitas, CA 95035, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Unincorporated association other than a partnership. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Leonard Hufton, 1621 Stemel Way, Milpitas, CA 95035. Philip Hufton, 109 Vargas Ct, Milpitas, CA 95035. David Hufton, 1455 Fountainbleu Ave, Milpitas, CA 95035 The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 08/01/1983. This filing is a refile [Change(s) in facts from previous filing] of previous file #: 613424. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)
/s/ Leonard Hufton This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/06/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Sandy Chanthasy, Deputy File No. FBN 669758 November 20, 27, December 4, 11, 2020 Statement of Abandonment of Use of Fictitious Business Name NO.637455 The following person/ entity has abandoned the use of the fictitious business name ANR Services 231 Dixon Landing Rd. Apt #248 Milpitas, CA 95035, Santa Clara County. Rigoberto Barrera and Rolando Raul Barrera 231 Dixon Landing RD. Apt. # 248, Milpitas, CA 95035. This business was conducted by an individual and was filed in Santa Clara County on 06/04/2012 under file no. 565651 Rigoberto Barera November 20, 27, December 4, 11, 2020 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 01/05/2018 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 20CV372321 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Seyedeh Sanaz Shadmanfaat. Petitioner(s) Seyedeh Sanaz Shadmanfaat has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Seyedeh Sanaz Shadmanfaat to Sanaz Shad. THE COURT ORDERS that all per-
November 20, 27, December 4, 11, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 20CV372296 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Edward Vu Giovanni. Petitioner(s) Edward Vu Giovanni has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Edward Vu Giovanni to Gio. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/12/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing
on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. October 29, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 20, 27, December 4, 11, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 20CV37____ Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Seyed Amin Allah Hosseini. Petitioner(s) Seyed Amin Allah Hosseini has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Seyed Amin Allah Hosseini to Nami Hosseini. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/19/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 13, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 20, 27, December 4, 11, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME
NO. 20CV372294 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Jookyung Lee. Petitioner(s) Jookyung Lee has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Jookyung Lee to Ellie Jookyung Lee. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/12/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. October 29, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 20, 27, December 4, 11, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 20CV372004 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Justine Mai Tieu. Petitioner(s) Justine Mai Tieu has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Justine Mai Tieu to Justine Mai. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear
before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/05/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. October 26, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 20, 27, December 4, 11, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 20CV372297 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Anthony Chau. Petitioner(s) Anthony Chau has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Amanda Diem Chau to Amanda Avery Chau b. Isabel Ngoc Chau to Isabel Avery Chau. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/12/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks
CLASSIFIEDS / LEGALS prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. October 29, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 20, 27, December 4, 11, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 20CV373013 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Anthony Brian Nuyen. Petitioner(s) Anthony Brian Nuyen has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Anthony Brian Nuyen to Brian Anthony Nuyen. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/19/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 16, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 20, 27, December 4, 11, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME
NO. 20CV372779 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Laura Palacios Romero. Petitioner(s) Laura Palacios Romero has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Laura Palacios Romero AKA Laura P. Romero AKA Laura Romero to Laura Palacios Romero. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/19/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 10, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 20, 27, December 4, 11, 2020 NOTICE OF DEATH OF Gladys Lorraine Dellomo To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both of Gladys Lorraine Dellomo, who was a resident of Santa Clara County, State of California, and died on October 18, 2020, in the City of San Jose,
County of Santa Clara, State of California. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim within four months from the date of first publication with the DERMER LAW FIRM, 15720 Winchester Boulevard, Suite 200, Los Gatos, California 95030 (408) 395-5111 Joseph D. Dermer, Esq. DERMER LAW FIRM 15720 Winchester Blvd., Ste 200 Los Gatos, CA 95030 Tel (408) 395-5111 Fax (408) 354-2797 November 20, 27, December 4, 11, 2020 NOTICE OF DEATH OF WILLIAM KONRAD WITTNER To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both of WILLIAM KONRAD WITTNER, who was a resident of Santa Clara County, State of California, and died on September 13, 2020, in the City of Los Altos, County of Santa Clara, State of California. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim within four months from the date of first publication with the DERMER LAW FIRM, 15720 Winchester Boulevard, Suite 200, Los Gatos, California 95030 (408) 395-5111 Joseph D. Dermer, Esq. DERMER LAW FIRM 15720 Winchester Blvd., Ste 200 Los Gatos, CA 95030 Tel (408) 395-5111 Fax (408) 354-2797 November
December 4, 11, 2020 NOTICE OF DEATH OF Barbara Jean Perry To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both of BARBARA JEAN PERRY, who was a resident of Santa Clara County, State of California, and died on November 02, 2020, in the City of San Jose, County of Santa Clara, State of California. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim within four months from the date of first publication with the DERMER LAW FIRM, 15720 Winchester Boulevard, Suite 200, Los Gatos, California 95030 (408) 395-5111 Joseph D. Dermer, Esq. DERMER LAW FIRM 15720 Winchester Blvd., Ste 200 Los Gatos, CA 95030 Tel (408) 395-5111 Fax (408) 354-2797 November 20, 27, December 4, 11, 2020 Notice of Petition to Administer Estate of CONSUELO L. SANCHEZ Case No. 20PR188872 1.To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may be interested in the will or estate, or both, of CONSUELO L. SANCHEZ. 2. A Petition for Probate has been filed by ALICIA SANCHEZ in the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara. 3.The Petition for Probate requests that ALICIA SANCHEZ be appointed as personal representative to
EL OBSERVADOR | CELEBRATING 40 YEARS | www.el-observador.com administer the estate of the decedent. 5. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administer of Estate Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take any actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consent to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person Files and objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. 6. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: December 7, 2020, at 9:01am, Dept. 13, located at 191 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. 7. If you object to the granting of this petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. 8. If you are a creditor or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either: 1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or 2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of
the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. 9. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. 10. Attorney for Petitioner: John Marshall Collins 60 S. Market Street, Suite 1400 San Jose, CA 95113 (408)287-9001 November 13, 20 and 27, 2020 Notice of Amended Petition to Administer Estate of MARTA E. STARNES Case No. 20PR188893 1.To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may be interested in the will or estate, or both, of MARTA E. STARNES. 2. A Petition for Probate has been filed by REBECCA TOWNSEND in the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara. 3.The Petition for Probate requests that DARREN WALLACE be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. 5. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administer of Estate Act. (This
authority will allow the personal representative to take any actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consent to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person Files and objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. 6. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: December 9, 2020, at 9:01am, Dept. 13, located at 191 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. 7. If you object to the granting of this petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. 8. If you are a creditor or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either: 1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or 2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. 9. You may want to consult with an
attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. 10. Attorney for Petitioner: Anita Steburg Steburg Law Firm 2033 Gateway Place, 5th Floor San Jose, CA 95110 November 13, 20 and 27, 2020 Notice of Petition to Administer Estate of ERIK HOLTE Case No. 20PR188910 1.To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may be interested in the will or estate, or both, of ERIK HOLTE. 2. A Petition for Probate has been filed by SONJA HOLTHAUS in the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara. 3.The Petition for Probate requests that SONJA HOLTHAUS be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. 5. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administer of Estate Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take any actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required
DEC 04 - DEC 10, 2020 to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consent to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person Files and objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. 6. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: December 14, 2020, at 9:01am, Dept. 13, located at 191 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. 7. If you object to the granting of this petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. 8. If you are a creditor or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either: 1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or 2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. 9. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory
and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. 10. Attorney for Petitioner: Shahram Miri 80 Gilman Avenue, Suite 27 Campbell, CA 95008 (408)866-8382 November 13, 20 and 27, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 667640 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: V&B JANITORIAL, 2065 Palm Beach Way, San Jose, CA 95122, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Jose Villa, 2065 Palm Beach Way, San Jose, CA 95122. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 10/12/2015. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Jose Villa This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 8/20/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Laura Luna, Deputy File No. FBN 667640 November 13, 20, 27, December 4, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
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EL OBSERVADOR | CELEBRATING 40 YEARS | www.el-observador.com
STATEMENT NO. 669421 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: TROPICAL HOUSE NURSERY, 846 Platt Ct, Milpitas, CA 95035, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Pamela Barnes, 846 Platt Ct, Milpitas, CA 95035. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Pamela Barnes This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 10/28/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Laura Luna, Deputy File No. FBN 669421
previous filing] of previous file #: FBN665575. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Phuc Dinh This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/03/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Sandy Chanthasy, Deputy File No. FBN 669632
November 13, 20, 27, December 4, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669583 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: CATALYTIC INSIGHT, 5063 Amondo Drive, San Jose, CA 95129, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: Limited Liability Company. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): SCARAMOUCHE SERVICES LLC, 5063 Amondo Drive, San Jose, CA 95129. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above
on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Ann B. Dwan SCARAMOUCHE SERVICES LLC Owner Article/Reg#: 201318410259 Above entity was formed in the state of CA This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/02/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Elaine Fader, Deputy File No. FBN 669583 November 13, 20, 27, December 4, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669632 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: HHP ACCOUNTING SERVICES, S&H’s SALON DE THÉ - HHP HOSPITALITY, S&H TEA BAR - HHP HOSPITALITY, S&H’s PATISSERIE - HHP HOSPITALITY, HHP WEDDING & EVENT SERVICES, DINH CATERING SERVICES, 2970 Little Wood Ln, San Jose, CA 95127, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Phuc Huu Hong Dinh, 2970 Little Wood Ln, San Jose, CA 95127. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 10/02/20. This filing is a refile [change(s) in facts from
November 13, 20, 27, December 4, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669744 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: R&S Plumbing Co, 1674 Saralynn Dr, San Jose, CA 95121, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Ruben Inocencio, 1674 Saralynn Dr, San Jose, CA 95121. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 3/21/2006. This filing is a refile [Change(s) in facts from previous filing] of previous file #: 611393. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Ruben Inocencio This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/06/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Elaine Fader,
Deputy File No. FBN 669744 November 13, 20, 27, December 4, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669721 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: IRIS MUSIC, 283 Michigan Rd, Milpitas, CA 95035, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: Married Couple. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Nicholas Wong, 283 Michigan Rd, Milpitas, CA 95035. Melissa Sutikto, 283 Michigan Rd, Milpitas, CA 95035. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Nicholas Wong This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/06/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Laura Luna, Deputy File No. FBN 669721 November 13, 20, 27, December 4, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669457 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: HEALTH CARE AND SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC., 16 Corning Avenue, Suite 154, Milpitas, CA 95035, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Indi-
vidual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Raul G. Bufete, 266 Laguna Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Raul G. Bufete This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 10/29/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Nina Khamphilath, Deputy File No. FBN 669457 November 13, 20, 27, December 4, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669499 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: LA BELLA NAILS, 18570 Prospect Road Suite B, Saratoga, CA 95070, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: Corporation. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): LA BELLA NAILS, 18570 Prospect Road Suite B, Saratoga, CA 95070. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 10/15/2015. This filing is a refile [Change(s) in facts from previous filing] of previous file #: FBN610153. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is
guilty of a crime.) /s/ Ha Ta LA BELLA NAILS President Article/Reg#: C4026967 Above entity was formed in the state of CA This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 10/29/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Laura Luna, Deputy File No. FBN 669499 November 13, 20, 27, December 4, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 669488 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: FIVE STAR RESTAURANT SERVICES, 5586 Lean Ave, San Jose, CA 95123, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): JULIO E MARTINEZ CLAVEZ, 5586 Lean Ave, San Jose, CA 95123. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ JULIO E. MARTINEZ CLAVEL This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on 10/29/2020. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Laura Luna, Deputy File No. FBN 669488
CLASSIFIEDS / LEGALS November 13, 20, 27, December 4, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 20CV372619 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Gheslaine Milagros Thompson. Petitioner(s) Gheslaine Milagros Thompson has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Gheslaine Milagros Thompson to Jeslane Milagros Thompson. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/12/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 06, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 13, 20, 27, December 4, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 20CV372620 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Mohammad Farid Afshar. Petitioner(s) Mohammad Farid Afshar has filed a
petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Mohammad Farid Afshar to Farid Afshar. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/12/2021 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 06, 2020 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 13, 20, 27, December 4, 2020
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DEC 04 - DEC 10, 2020
PREPÁRESE PARA UNA INTERRUPCIÓN DEL SUMINISTRO ELÉCTRICO POR MOTIVOS DE SEGURIDAD PÚBLICA Una Interrupción del Suministro Eléctrico por Motivos de Seguridad Pública (PSPS por sus siglas en inglés) es un esfuerzo a nivel estatal para prevenir incendios forestales desconectando proactivamente la energía en las comunidades cuando se pronostican vientos fuertes y condiciones climáticas secas. Aunque desconectar la energía ayuda a prevenir incendios forestales, también sabemos que afectará vidas y provocará dificultades para nuestros clientes. Es por esto que PG&E no se toma esta decisión a la ligera y sólo pedirá la interrupción para mantener seguros a nuestros clientes y a nuestras comunidades.
Asegúrese de que PG&E pueda comunicarse con usted antes de un PSPS actualizando su información de contacto pge.com/ mywildfirealerts.
Empaque o reponga el botiquín de emergencia de su familia e incluya alimentos, agua, baterías, máscaras, radio y un botiquín de primeros auxilios.
Haga preparativos para las personas de su familia que dependan de la electricidad por necesidades médicas.
Practique abrir la puerta de su garaje manualmente (si tiene un garaje).
Asegúrese de que las fuentes de energía de reserva estén listas y sean seguras de operar.
Para obtener asistencia traducida en más de 200 idiomas, comuníquese con PG&E al 866-743-6589. Para saber más maneras de prepararse para una interrupción y para cualquier emergencia, visite safetyactioncenter.pge.com
“PG&E” refers to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation. ©2020 Pacific Gas and Electric Company. All rights reserved. Paid for by PG&E shareholders.
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DEC 04 - DEC 10, 2020
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Julie VTA Rider Since 1979
Artefacto mesopotámico. Photo Credit: Mariusz Matuszewski / Pixabay
Mario Jiménez Castillo El Observador
ucho se habla y comenta hoy en día de seres no humanos que conviven entre nosotros, seres reptilianos de aspecto humanoide, capaces de desintegrarse y de adoptar otras formas y fisionomías diferentes. Éste es un tema muy antiguo que puede trazarse desde aquella región entre el Río Tigris y el Río Éufrates, en la antigua Sumeria. En el “Enuma Elish”, tablillas de escritura cuneiforme, se encuentran relatos de seres no humanos que llegaron de las estrellas a nuestro planeta. Estas tablillas sumerias estuvieron resguardadas en la Biblioteca de Nínive y luego fueron trasladadas al Museo Británico. Dichas tablillas tienen más de cinco mil años de antigüedad. En sus relatos se habla de seres que llegaron del espacio, dioses con aspecto reptiloide. Se habla del dios Anu y de sus dos hijos, Enki y Enlil. Y aquí fue en donde dio inicio el mito sumerio de la creación. “Los Anunnakis" llegaron a nuestro planeta a extraer oro y otros minerales, para ello precisaban de mano de obra; pero al llegar a la Tierra hace más de 445 mil años, lo que encontraron fue al hombre de Neandertal, <homo neanderthalensis> Ser primitivo carente de inteligencia. Por lo cual hicieron un experimento, mezclando genética reptiliana con la genética de aquel hombre cavernario. El resultado de dicho experimento no fue exitoso, de aquí nació un ser al que llamaron "Adamo". Entonces decidieron mezclar genética reptiliana con la genética de Adamo, y crearon al primer hombre inteligente y evolucionado al que llamaron "Adapa". Este hecho adelantó la evolución del ser humano. Según estos relatos, somos producto de un experimento genético. Uno de los precursores modernos de esta teoría, es el autor Zecharia Sitchin, originario de Azerbaiján. Él tradujo los antiguos escritos sumerios y escribió una serie de siete libros titulados “Crónicas de la Tierra”, “The Earth Chronicles". El primero de estos libros fue publicado en el año 1976. Desde ese entonces hasta la actualidad, se vienen haciendo mención de los reptilianos y de su existencia. Este mito parece repetirse en todas las culturas antiguas, pues muchas de ellas relatan la llegada de seres con apariencia reptil al plane-
ta Tierra. En Europa y Asia, se han encontrado misteriosas estatuillas de seres humanoides con cabeza de reptil. Los dragones por ejemplo, son una alegoría de seres reptilianos y existen en todas las civilizaciones antiguas. En Mesoamérica se tiene el mito de Quetzalcoatl, la serpiente emplumada, que es un reptil. En los escritos sumerios, se relata que los Anunnakis provienen del planeta Nibiru o planeta X, el cual cada 3600 años transita en una orbita cercana a nuestro planeta. De Nibiru también se dice que pronto podría aparecer en el horizonte del sistema solar. Existen teorías que afirman que las grandes potencias mundiales poseen tecnología extraterrestre proporcionada por los seres reptilianos. En la Biblia se habla de ángeles caídos que procrearon gigantes con las mujeres terrestres; también se hace mención de la serpiente, que en realidad podría tratarse de un ser reptiliano
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Algunos historiadores consideran a los reptilianos, como dinosaurios evolucionados; otros creen que son seres de otros planetas, quienes poseen una de las tecnologías más avanzadas del universo. En el año 2014 aparecieron en el cielo unos platillos voladores en Valparaíso, Chile. Después de estos avistamientos, algunas personas dijeron haber visto en las cercanías del lugar, a seres humanoides con apariencia de reptil. Incluso hay personas que afirman haber estado en presencia de estos seres. ¿Qué será lo que buscan en nuestro mundo? ¿Será cierto que la humanidad en general forma parte de un experimento de hace cientos de miles de años? ¿Por qué existen cráneos con una dimensión descomunal entre los vestigios arqueológicos? ¿Por qué los antiguos monarcas y sumos sacerdotes de civilizaciones antiguas, deformaban sus cráneos para parecerse a sus dioses de apariencia reptil? Hace algunos años en Ica, Perú; se descubrieron unas piedras que tienen dibujos de seres increíbles, seres con cuerpo de lagarto y cabeza humana. Puede ser que estos seres sí existieron en realidad, es probable que estén cerca de nosotros o tal vez, sólo se trata de leyendas que han sobrevivido con el paso de los milenios. Quizá muy pronto encontremos respuestas a estas interrogantes, y dichos seres míticos, finalmente muestren su existencia, verdadero origen y presencia en nuestro planeta.
Morgan VTA Rider Since 2014
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DEC 04 - DEC 10, 2020
11/16/2020 3:00:55 PM