El Observador December 13th, 2019.

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EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

DEC 13 - DEC 19, 2019

Nuevo servicio de VTA Tranvía de VTA

El Tranvía tendrá ahora tres líneas distintas que estarán codificadas por color, y la nueva línea naranja conectará fácilmente el centro de Mountain View y Milpitas Transit Center. Durante las horas pico de lunes a viernes, el servicio funcionará cada 15 minutos, y en las horas pico en fines de semana funcionará cada 20 minutos. Línea naranja: de Alum Rock a Mountain View l Trasbordo en Baypointe hacia la línea azul l Trasbordo en Champion, Lick Mill, Great America o Old Ironsides hacia la línea verde Línea azul: de Santa Teresa a Baypointe Línea verde: de Winchester a Old Ironsides

Otros cambios en los tranvías l El segmento de tranvía de Ohlone/Chynoweth a Oakridge será suspendido y quedará cubierto por la línea 64a. l El nuevo nombre de la estación I 880/Milpitas es la estación Alder. l El nuevo nombre de la estación Montague es la estación Milpitas. l La nueva línea de autobuses 60 dará servicio a SJC, Valley Fair/Santana Row, Downtown Campbell y la estación de Milpitas Transit Center. l Solo los pasajeros que aborden la línea 60 desde SJC lo harán gratuitamente.

La red frecuente La red frecuente de VTA operará cada 15 minutos o menos de lunes a viernes entre las 6:30 a. m. y las 6:30 p. m., y cada 15 a 30 minutos los fines de semana. Rapid 500 - de la estación Diridon a la Santa Clara/6th Rapid 522 - del centro de trasbordos Palo Alto Transit Centeral centro de trasbordos Eastridge Transit Center Rapid 523 - del centro de trasbordos Lockheed Martin Transit Center a la estación de Berryessa Transit Center Route 22 - del centro de trasbordos Palo Alto Transit Center al centro de trasbordos Eastridge Transit Center Route 23 - de De Anza College al centro de transbordos Alum Rock Transit Center Línea 25 - de De Anza College al centro de transbordos Alum Rock Transit Center Línea 26 - de West Valley College al centro de trasbordos Eastridge Transit Center Línea 57 - de la estación Old Ironsides a West Valley College Línea 60 - de la estación de Milpitas Transit Center al centro de trasbor dos Winchester Transit Center

Línea 61 - del Hospital Good Samaritan a Sierra y Piedmont (vía King/Mabury) Línea 64 - de Almaden & Crown a McKee & White Línea 66 - de Kaiser San Jose a Milpitas/Dixon Road Línea 68 - del centro de trasbordos Gilroy Transit Center a la estación San Jose Diridon Línea 70 - del centro de trasbordos Eastridge Transit Center a la estación de Milpitas Transit Center Línea 72 - de Senter & Monterey al centro de San José Línea 73 - de Monterey & Branham al centro de San José Línea 77 - del centro de trasbordos Eastridge Transit Center a la estación de Milpitas Transit Center

Líneas mejoradas Línea 20: de la estación de Caltrain Sunnyvale a la estación de Milpitas Transit Center; frecuencia de 15 minutos durante periodos de mayor tránsito y frecuencia de 30 minutos a mediodía. Línea 21: del Centro Comercial Stanford a la estación de Caltrain Santa Clara; la fusión en una sola línea delas anteriores Línea 35 y Línea 32. Línea 51: de Moffett Field a West Valley College; servicio cada hora de lunes a viernes. Línea 56: del centro de trasbordos Lockheed Martin Transit Center a la estación Tamien; servicio cada 30 minutos de lunes a viernes y fines de semana.

Línea 59: de la estación Old Ironsides al centro de trasbordos Valley Fair Transit Center; frecuencia de 30 minutos de lunes a vernes y a cada hora en fines de semana. Rutas de autobús que han sido descontinuadas o cambiadas: Las rutas 17, 34, 45, 58, 88; las rutas limitadas 304, 321, 328 y 330; y los autobuses express 120, 140 y 180 serán descontinuados. El autobús express 181 continuará operando hasta que se abra el servicio BART. Contacte a VTA para informarse sobre otras opciones.


newservice.vta.org (408) 321-2300 • TTY (408) 321-2330

DEC 13 - DEC 19, 2019


EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com




uring this Advent season we all have so much to get done and be thankful for this 2019 year. To me, continued support of EO and its staff is at the top of the list. Thank you all for making our continuing operations possible. Those EO readers who want to be supportive might seriously consider contributing $20 by sending a check made out to El Observador Foundation, Inc., 1042 West Hedding, Suite 250, San Jose, CA 95126. All funds received will be used to support its SJSU Latino journalism interns. I thank all supporters in advance for helping EOs operations with your classified advertisements, legal notices, and display advertisements. Your support ensures EO will continue to be an independent publication which continues to provide truthful, factual, and useful information. This information distribution process has permitted our community’s members to become informed advocates who ensure that your priorities and input are included in any and all decisionmaking processes. This is very important now

because 2020 is an election year. All candidates, both local, state and national, will be enabled to be this community’s advocate and lobbyist who fight for our community’s children and families. They become our future advocates and representatives in all manner of things.

As one food bank employee told NBC News, "food shouldn’t be a luxury. I’ll do everything I can to stop these rules from taking effect, but I need help once again from ordinary residents who are making it. And too many of those who are making it do so one paycheck at a time, month to month.”

Your support is especially crucial right now. We, The People, must push back extreme corporate special interests.

Will you join me in demanding the Trump administration immediately withdraw their new rules? Do this by phoning both Senators: Diane Feinstein and Kamala Harris. Have them tell President Trump and Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue: "Don’t take food from children and families."

We must support and enable those advocates, such as EO, to continue to remind elected officials who were supported by our votes, that the abundant resources of this American nation were not intended to become the property of a privileged few. Recently, a report from the Urban Institute explained that the Trump Administration is on the verge of taking food benefits away from 3.7 million impoverished individuals. In Pennsylvania alone, 288,500 people would lose access to benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) under the Trump administrations new rules. In California, EO estimates some 3 million low-income impoverished working poor individuals would lose access to SNAP food stamps.

Learn to communicate to your elected officials what your personal values and concerns are. Your communications will influence their decisions. Before phoning your senator or house member, practice what you are going to say at least three times. It takes that much repetition to ensure that when you do phone, your voice will convey your message in your natural voice and tempo. Coming across with your own personal authority requires a little bit of practice. The first thing to do is to assemble your thoughts so that you will communicate your concerns with confidence and accuracy. Then those elected

officials and their office staff will think of you as being competent and important. That is the impression you want to project. Understand that it comes with thought and practice. Call Senator Kamala D. Harris at (202) 224-3553 and Senator Dianne Feinstein at (202) 2243841. Demand they allocate AT LEAST $600 million in funding for election security. Here is an example script you can use: “Hello, my name is (say your full name here), calling from (Say your ZIP Code). We MUST ensure fair elections in 2020. I strongly urge you and your colleagues to follow the Houses lead and allocate $600 million in funding for election security. Thank you.” Once you complete your first phone call, the next one will become easier. Individuals, especially those who are from modest circumstances, are the ones whose opinions and observations are most valued by elected officials. WHY? It is very simple: You represent the silent middle class whose votes elected them in the first place! In this American Democracy, certain ideals can be achieved. Such as “One person: One Vote”. Another is: “Equal treatment under the laws of

this land”. Another is “Everyone, including the President, is subjected to all the laws of this land. No exceptions”. And, most importantly, we all have access to opportunities which we may seek on our own. The freedoms enjoyed by all American residents were acquired and established over time. At one time, Royalty (the King and Queen) had royal privileges which were not enjoyed by ordinary subjects. With the setting aside of Royalty (as in the United Kingdom), each resident no longer was considered to be a subject, but, rather, a citizen or resident. In a democratic republic, such as America, each citizen has the responsibility to vote in her/ his own best interests. And, when a community votes, the majority rules. On another note, remember that during this 2019 Holiday Season, many parties will provide the opportunity to meet others. Some of those encounters will end up becoming friends who talk to each other; and who listen to each other. Over time, respect and dignity are experienced. Those feelings end up being very enjoyable and satisfying. Now prepare to have a MERRY CHRISTMAS 2019 followed by a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020!

junten 67 senadores para aprobar la destitución del presidente de los Estados Unidos.


ólo 4 presidentes en la historia de los Estados Unidos -Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton y Donald Trump- han sido formalmente acusados como parte de un proceso de “impeachment”, un mecanismo ideado por los fundadores de este país para castigar a los servidores públicos bajo la sospecha de la comisión de un crimen. Aunque decenas de funcionarios públicos, federales o estatales, han sido acusados o destituidos desde la fundación de los Estados Unidos, los casos que implican a los presidentes adquieren una dimensión histórica por tratarse del cargo más elevado de la nación.

La gran interrogante es cuál será el costo político que pagarán unos y otros como consecuencia del proceso. En 1998 Bill Clinton salió fortalecido del proceso de impeachment en su contra y los republicanos debilitados. Las evidencias de ese desenlace se notaron en las elecciones legislativas del 2000. Por lo pronto, enhorabuena que los líderes legislativos demócratas dieron una muestra excepcional de madurez política y de altura con su decisión de llegar a un acuerdo con el presidente y con los republicanos para avanzar en la ratificación del nuevo Tratado de Libre Comercio entre México, Estados Unidos y Canadá.

Photo Credit: Unsplash

El caso de Trump es quizás el más preocupante, toda vez que es el primero originado en la sospecha de que manipuló la seguridad nacional de los Estados Unidos —condicionando la ayuda a Ucrania— con fines personales —afectar a su rival político, el exvicepresidente Joe Biden.

la montaña de evidencia descubierta durante las audiencias sobre el afán de Trump y sus más cercanos colaboradores, incluido su abogado personal Rudolf Giuliani, de buscar lodo contra Biden y hacer todo en su poder para ocultar la verdad.

Que Trump sostenga que el proceso en su contra es una farsa, y que la mayoría de los republicanos acepten adoptar el papel de coro presidencial, no anula

Que algunos demócratas actuaron por fines políticos no puede descartarse, pero tiendo a creer el argumento de que se vieron motivados a actuar contra

Trump para conjurar el precedente de que sus sucesores en el cargo podrían haber interpretado una inacción legislativa como un cheque en blanco para torcer o violar la ley. En todo caso estamos siendo testigos de una puesta en escena cuyo final conocemos por anticipado. Trump ser acusado por la Cámara de Representantes y su caso llegará al Senado, donde es virtualmente imposible que se con-

PUBLISHER Angelica Rossi angelica@el-observador. com PUBLISHER EMERITUS Hilbert Morales hmorales@el-observador. com ADVERTISING & SALES DIRECTOR Angelica Rossi angelica@el-observador. com ADVERTISING SALES JOB & RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING Justin Rossi justin@el-observador.com MANAGING EDITOR Arturo Hilario arturo@el-observador.com spanish.editor@el-observador. com CONTRIBUTORS Justin Rossi Mario Jimenez Hector Curriel Estephany Haro OP-ED Hilbert Morales english.editor@el-observador. com ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES AND LEGAL NOTICES Angelica Rossi frontdesk@el-observador. com GRAPHIC DESIGNER Francisco Rojas fcorojas@el-observador. com

ACUSADO José López Zamorano La Red Hispana

1042 West Hedding St. Suite 250 San Jose, CA 95126

ABOUT US El Observador was founded in 1980 to serve the informational needs of the Hispanic community in the San Francisco Bay Area with special focus on San Jose, the capital of Silicon Valley. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced by any form or by any means, this includes photo copying, recording or by any informational storage and retrevial systems, electronic or mechanical without express written consent of the publishers. Opinions expressed in El Observador by persons submitting articles are not necessarily the opinions of the publishers.

Si ratificar el TMEC un triunfo para el presidente o uno para los demócratas no es lo importante. Lo relevante es que sea una victoria para Estados Unidos, México y Canadá. Si con ese rasero se guiará la conducta de toda la clase política, no hay duda de que viviríamos un presente muy diferente


Para más información visita La Red Hispana.Com.





DEC 13 - DEC 19, 2019

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com




4. What are the most important skills needed to succeed?

areers in the video game industry are highly desirable, and for good reason. Working for a video game company can be rewarding, and equally important, turns a favorite pastime into an exciting career. However, for tween and teen girl gamers, the prospect of one day working in the video game industry may seem daunting. While 46% of the U.S. gamer population is female, women account for only 22% of video game developers.

I recommend that budding video game developers find a network, get to know different game engines, become familiar with 2D and 3D software, and try new games all the time. Then, become a specialist in the aspect that interests you the most. Developing specific skills is important but developing into a well-rounded person with a broad view of the world is equally important. It is also good to dive into sports, learn the arts, take a computer class or explore theater. Never stop learning and challenging yourself.

Women are taking the reins developing, designing and marketing video games. Lisa Wackenhuth Svanström, a 3D Artist at Star Stable Entertainment, a multiplayer game full of horses, magic and adventure, offers career advice to young women who may want a career in the video game industry: 1. What inspired you to build a career in the video game industry? I am a life-long gamer, artist and digital creator and now, my official title at Star Stable is 3D Artist. Working for a company like this allows me to unite my interests and skills to create magic for girl gamers around the world. The artistic process of designing the 3D horses inspires me the most. It is so rewarding to have an idea in my mind, sketch out a new design and work with all the visuals such as 3D models, characters, textures, environments, props and ultimately release the final product for horse-loving girls who play our game every day. 2. What are the types of jobs for women in the development studio? To build a game, artists (3D, 2D, VFX and animators),

5. What advice do you have for young girls who want a career in video games?

Photo Credit: BPT designers and programmers need to work closely together from start to finish. Artists work on the overall creative vision. Designers work with the mechanics and features. Then, programmers use their coding knowledge to bring it all to life. We work with producers to make sure that all tasks associated with the development process are completed on time and tracking with the overall vision of the project. As the industry continues to grow and evolve, developers focused on mobile and virtual/mixed reality are in high demand, as are tech animators, who use a combination of creative and animation skills to solve issues related to art production.

3. What other types of jobs do women have in the industry outside the development studio? I have built my career in game art, but it takes dozens of people with specific skillsets for a video game company to succeed. Community managers interact with players daily to ensure they are having a positive experience with the game and make sure fan feedback is implemented. We also have women running the business at the executive level and as product managers and business developers. There are multiple opportunities, inside and out of the development studio, so you must embrace your skills and interests to find which career path you would enjoy most.

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It's also important to find a company that embraces women in all roles and embodies a culture of inclusivity and accessibility - the Star Stable team is more than 50% women. Finally, give back. If every woman who is part of the 22% proactively mentors other young women, imagine the next generation who will one day grow up to become our colleagues!


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A career in the video game industry, perhaps born out of a hobby or passion, is legitimate and can be profitable too. Today, there are dedicated game developing programs at universities. And, whether a teen dreaming of a future career, a university student or already in a career, finding a role model is key. I am fortunate to work with smart, talented women across all disciplines in the business of video games, each of whom bring something different to the table. Seek opinions from colleagues or bosses who have different work than yours - find a marketer, back-end programmer or member of the executive team and learn from them.

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DEC 13 - DEC 19, 2019

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com






Existen múltiples oportunidades, dentro y fuera del estudio de desarrollo, por lo que debe adoptar sus habilidades e intereses para encontrar qué carrera profesional le gustaría más.

as carreras en la industria de los videojuegos son muy deseables y por buenas razones. Trabajar para una compañía de videojuegos puede ser gratificante e igualmente importante, convierte un pasatiempo favorito en una carrera emocionante. Sin embargo, para las jugadoras adolescentes y adolescentes, la posibilidad de algún día trabajar en la industria de los videojuegos puede parecer desalentadora. Mientras que el 46% de la población de jugadores de EE. UU. Es femenina, las mujeres representan solo el 22% de los desarrolladores de videojuegos. Las mujeres toman las riendas desarrollando, diseñando y comercializando videojuegos. Lisa Wackenhuth Svanström, artista 3D en Star Stable Entertainment, un juego multijugador lleno de caballos, magia y aventura ofrece consejos profesionales a mujeres jóvenes que quieran una carrera en la industria de los videojuegos: ¿Qué te inspiró a construir una carrera en la industria de los videojuegos? Soy un jugador de toda la vida, artista y creador digital y ahora, mi título oficial en Star Stable es 3D Artist. Trabajar para una empresa como esta me permite unir mis intereses y habilidades para crear magia para las jugadoras de todo el mundo. El proceso artístico de diseñar los caballos 3D me inspira más. Es muy gratificante tener una idea en mente, esbozar un nuevo diseño y trabajar con todos los elementos visuales, como modelos 3D, personajes, texturas, entornos, accesorios y finalmente lanzar el producto final para las niñas amantes de los caballos que jue-

¿Cuáles son las habilidades más importantes necesarias para tener éxito? Recomiendo que los desarrolladores de videojuegos en ciernes encuentren una red, conozcan diferentes motores de juegos, se familiaricen con el software 2D y 3D y prueben juegos nuevos todo el tiempo. Luego, conviértase en un especialista en el aspecto que más le interese. Desarrollar habilidades específicas es importante, pero convertirse en una persona completa con una visión amplia del mundo es igualmente importante. También es bueno sumergirse en deportes, aprender artes, tomar una clase de computación o explorar el teatro. Nunca dejes de aprender y desafiarte a ti mismo. ¿Qué consejo tienes para las chicas jóvenes que quieren una carrera en videojuegos?

Photo Credit: Unsplash gan nuestro juego. todos los días. ¿Cuáles son los tipos de trabajos para mujeres en el estudio de desarrollo? Para construir un juego, los artistas (3D, 2D, VFX y animadores), diseñadores y programadores deben trabajar juntos de principio a fin. Los artistas trabajan en la visión creativa general. Los diseñadores trabajan con la mecánica y las características. Luego, los programadores usan su conocimiento de codificación para darle vida a todo. Trabajamos con los productores para asegurarnos de que todas las tareas asociadas con

el proceso de desarrollo se completen a tiempo y de acuerdo con la visión general del proyecto. A medida que la industria continúa creciendo y evolucionando, los desarrolladores centrados en la realidad móvil y virtual / mixta tienen una gran demanda, al igual que los animadores tecnológicos, que utilizan una combinación de habilidades creativas y de animación para resolver problemas relacionados con la producción artística. ¿Qué otro tipo de trabajos tienen las mujeres en la industria fuera del estudio de desarrollo? He desarrollado mi carrera en el arte del juego, pero para que una compañía de videojuegos tenga éxito, se necesitan decenas de personas con habilidades específicas. Los administradores de la comunidad interactúan diariamente con los jugadores para asegurarse de que tengan una experiencia positiva con el juego y asegurarse de que se implementen los comentarios de los fanáticos. También tenemos mujeres que dirigen el negocio a nivel ejecutivo y como gerentes de productos y desarrolladores de negocios.

Una carrera en la industria de los videojuegos, tal vez nacida de un pasatiempo o pasión, es legítima y también puede ser rentable. Hoy en día, hay programas dedicados de desarrollo de juegos en las universidades. Y, ya sea que un adolescente sueñe con una carrera futura, un estudiante universitario o que ya esté en una carrera, encontrar un modelo a seguir es clave. Tengo la suerte de trabajar con mujeres inteligentes y talentosas en todas las disciplinas en el negocio de los videojuegos, cada una de las cuales aporta algo diferente a la mesa. Busque opiniones de colegas o jefes que tengan un trabajo diferente al suyo: encuentre un vendedor, un programador de back-end o un miembro del equipo ejecutivo y aprenda de ellos. También es importante encontrar una empresa que abrace a las mujeres en todos los roles y que incorpore una cultura de inclusión y accesibilidad: el equipo de Star Stable es más del 50% de mujeres. Finalmente, devuelve. Si cada mujer que forma parte del 22% es mentora proactiva de otras mujeres jóvenes, ¡imagine a la próxima generación que algún día crecerá para convertirse en nuestras colegas!



EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

DEC 13 - DEC 19, 2019

BROADWAY SAN JOSE SPOTLIGHT: “WAITRESS” San Jose Raised Actor Ryan Ballard Talks Pies, Pop Songs and Performing

I did a show in New York called "Bubble Boy" that was off Broadway and then I was actually a singer in a flamenco show in Queens, so that was definitely an interesting experience. Thanks, sounds like quite the time. Now, could you give me an idea of the story behind "Waitress"? I think this story covers a lot of things. But first and foremost, it's about the power of women and the power of female friendship. There's also a huge theme of motherhood. It's seems like a light musical on the surface, especially as it starts. But there are definitely some darker themes beneath the surface. I would say at its core it's about the three women, Jenna, Becky and Dawn. Could you tell me a bit about your role(s) in the show? So, I'm in the ensemble and everyone in the ensemble is onstage for a lot of the show. We're very ingrained in the story and movement of the show. It's very theatrical in terms of how the ensemble is used. We really represent Jenna's psyche. Jenna is the lead in the show. And we sort of move around the stage with lots of different props and complicated choreography and the ensemble really helps Jenna through the story of the show. For example, sometimes she into a little bit of a dream sequence when she's thinking up a pie that she wants to make. And I should mention a huge part of the story is that she bakes pies and she'll go into a daydream about the pie that she's making and usually the pie will be about something that's going on in her life. There's one called "Betrayed By My Eggs Pie”, when she finds out she's pregnant, and as she's talking about this pie she cracks an egg combines it with sausage, and I run out and I hold a sausage and I drop it in the bowl and I run off. There's a lot of constant moving - like I do a lot of lifting and a little bit of dancing a lot of singing in every number so. It's really about supporting the lead. From what I read you're understudying the characters of Dr. Jim Pomatter and Earl Hunterson? Ryan Ballard is part of the cast and crew of “Waitress”, coming to the San Jose Center for the Performing Arts December 17 – 22, 2019. Photo Credit: Broadway San Jose


Arturo Hilario El Observador

he story of the latest Broadway San Jose show is one of friendship, love and pop music in a small town. “Waitress” is a musical comedy that brings Grammy Award nominee Sara Bareilles’ songwriting to the stage. Based on the 2007 film of the same name starring Keri Russell, the show focuses on a waitress and gifted pie maker named Jenna, who is looking for a way out of her loveless marriage and small town. Jenna puts her heart and her dreams into the pies she makes at a restaurant she works at with her two good friends, and daydreams of the aforementioned “way out”. But soon, events and people will come into her world and change her life immeasurably. Ryan Ballard, who is a born and raised San Jose native, recently talked to EO about his role in the touring production of “Waitress”, and why it’s a story of friendship, love, and just an all-around great pop adventure to experience. Hey Ryan, thanks for the time. To start off I just wanted to know how you began your journey into the performing arts. The very first play that I did, I was probably 6 and that was called the Children's Playhouse. I did I think three or four shows there but when I really started to get serious was at the Children's Musical Theater in San Jose, CMTSJ. And that's really where I got serious about performing around the age of eight. I was a really shy kid and performing very quickly brought me out of my shell. I loved it so much and made so my friends immediately and started just doing four shows every year. So, that was like my whole life. My sister and I both did CMT, my parents were super involved, and I definitely would attribute CMT to sort of starting the whole thing. So, is “Waitress” your first national tour? Yeah. I've worked professionally at theaters around the country, but this is a big deal because it's the first tour that I've done. The first Broadway national tour It's very exciting. So, I went to college. I went to Ithaca College for Musical Theater and I graduated in 2018, and it took me about a year of auditioning to get this. So, it was I was I was auditioning in May, then I found out around June. It was almost exactly a year of being on the grind in New York. I was working at a photography museum and I was catering and auditioning a lot. I probably did 60 auditions at least. And I did I did small gigs throughout the year.

Yeah. And they're very different characters too. The doctor is sort of sensitive, neurotic, intelligent and Earl is cocky, arrogant, rude, and not very bright. And Earl has a southern accent, and Dr. Palmer's from Connecticut. So, it's pretty cool to stretch myself in two different directions. I'm having fun with that. [Since] I'm also understudying two of the lead guys in the show, that's a big responsibility. I haven't gone on yet but, now that the show is up and running, it’s my main focus now. To really make sure I'm ready to go on at a moment's notice, and because it is a tour, I know at some point I'll get to go on. It's hard because we have very little rehearsal just about once a week for a couple of hours. So that's definitely nerve wracking and exhilarating. The thought of doing this show as one of the leads [is] super exciting and I'm just doing what I can be ready for that moment. I was wondering throughout the show do you have a specific scene or moment that you would say is your favorite, whether it's watching from the wings or being a part of onstage? Yeah. I love this show and there are so many moments that I watch offstage and I still get sucked into even though I know the show so well. There's a scene called "A Soft Place to Land" and that's a song between the three lead women and they're all making a pie together and it's just like this beautiful moment of friendship and love between them, and that's the real love story. Usually in other shows the love story would be about a man and a woman but the true love story in "Waitress" is really about these three women and their friendship. There's this moment where Jenna blows flowers out of her hand and it looks kind of like pixie dust. So, I love that moment, it's just really a beautiful, magical moment in the show. Now for folks that may not be very familiar with the show or the source material, why would you recommend they watch "Waitress"? Well it's really funny and heartfelt and the music by Sara Bareilles is amazing. I think it's probably some of my favorite music that I've ever heard in a Broadway show because it's contemporary. I think that a lot of modern audiences who don't necessarily listen to musicals will really enjoy it and resonate with this particular style, because it's pop music! It's basically like music you'd hear on the radio. It's super great. Like I've been listening to the soundtrack for four years, ever since it came out. So, even before I knew I was going to be on the show - I just listen to it for fun. And lastly, since you’re from the region are you going to have friends and family in attendance at your San Jose shows? I'm pretty sure everyone I've ever known is coming to the show. It's going to be insane. “Waitress” is at the San Jose Center for the Performing Arts from December 17 – December 22.

DEC 13 - DEC 19, 2019

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com


Photo Credit: Pixabay


Mario Jiménez Castillo El Observador

urante muchos siglos, San Lázaro, ha sido uno de los santos más venerados dentro del catolicismo y otras creencias que le sincretizan con santos de religiones alternativas. Han sido numerados por millares, el caudal de muchos milagros que se le atribuyen, se cree que es uno de los médicos divinos, quién asiste a los creyentes en momentos de enfermedad y convalecencia. Los files devotos ofrendan veladoras y rezan novenas para alcanzar del santo sus favores divinos y sus milagros. Existe una confusión entre San Lázaro y Lázaro, el hombre que Jesucristo resucitó. San Lázaro era un desamparado, mendigo, de quien se habla en San Lucas 16:19-31. Jesucristo le describe como un hombre muy, muy pobre, quien sufre el desprecio de la gente, pero que ante los ojos de Dios, es un hombre justo y apreciado por Él. La historia de San Lázaro siempre fue utilizada para darle a entender a la gente que el Señor, mide el valor de las personas, no por la pompa de la riqueza ni por su apariencia, sino por lo que valen sus acciones, y la voluntad de su corazón. San Lázaro es representado en imagen como un anciano con muletas acompañado por dos perros. Alejandra, una creyente del santo, nos comentó como ella atravesó por una serie de enfermedades, de las cuáles los médicos no encontraban el remedio a sus padecimientos, durante esas fechas de desesperación y angustia, encontró en internet, una serie de testimonios de devotos de San Lázaro, quiénes afirman haber sido sanados por la intercesión del santo. En esos días llené mi corazón de fe y de mucha esperanza, nos relató, Alejandra. Llené mi espíritu de buenos sentimientos y comencé a rezar la novena de San Lázaro,

ofrendé varias velas en su honor, a los 17 días de haber iniciado con los rituales religiosos, fui sanada totalmente de los males que me aquejaban, fue algo maravilloso, hasta los médicos quedaron sorprendidos con mi recuperación. “Dios obra en la vida de las personas y lo hace muchas veces por medio de ángeles y espíritus de luz”, los milagros y las curaciones milagrosas existen, todo está en tener mucha fe y creer que en tu vida se puede obrar un milagro, puntualizó, Alejandra. Peticiones: Se le pide para sanar enfermedades, especialmente de las piernas, la piel, enfermedades debilitantes, enfermedades prolongadas, gripe, tumores, heridas que no sanan, demencia y también para sanar el mal de Alzhéimer, y el mal de Parkinson. Las velas ofrendadas al santo son en su mayoría de color amarillo y de color violeta. ORACIÓN A SAN LÁZARO Santo patrón de los humildes, enfermos y convalecientes, llamo a tu espíritu para pedir de ti un favor. Mantengo vivo tu recuerdo y llevo presente en mi pensamiento el caudal de todos tus milagros. Te invoco sagrado santo, para pedir tu protección, tu santa intercesión a toda hora y para pedirte que hagas justicia frente a los que me muestran hostilidad. Clamo tu bendito nombre para que me sea concedida esta humilde petición. Confiado en tu bendita bondad, a través del poder y la gloria de Dios, Nuestro Señor. Amén.





DEC 13 - DEC 19, 2019

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com





Suzanne Potter Public News Service

también retienen el calor, por lo que estás hablando de ladrillo, asfalto e incluso cemento", dijo Averyt. "Lo que sucede es que el sol lo calienta durante el día y la noche, cuando generalmente las cosas refrescarse, eso no sucede. Entonces tus noches terminan calentándose bastante ".

AS VEGAS — Reno and Las Vegas are the fastest-warming cities in the nation, according to a new report. Researchers at Climate Central found Reno is an average of 6.2 degrees warmer in this decade than it was in the 1970s, and Las Vegas is 4.6 degrees warmer.

Averyt dijo que las ciudades de Nevada, donde vive el 98% de la población, podrían refrescarse un poco plantando más vegetación en las áreas urbanas y utilizando materiales de construcción de colores más claros que absorben menos calor.

University of Nevada Las Vegas professor Kristen Averyt said it's not all due to climate change - between 50-75% of the warming may be tied to the urban heat island effect. "We're using impervious materials that also hold heat - so you're talking about brick, asphalt, even cement,” Averyt said. “What happens is, the sun warms it during the day, and at night, when usually things would cool off, that doesn't happen. So your nights end up warming quite a bit." Averyt said Nevada's cities, where 98% of the population lives, could cool things off somewhat by planting more greenery around urban areas and using lighter-colored building materials that absorb less heat. She noted the jump in temperatures in Reno also could be affected by the placement of the weather station at the airport between Reno and Sparks, an area that has seen a huge amount of development in recent decades. Studies have linked hotter days and nights to more heat-related deaths, and to cardiac and respiratory issues that are worsened by more days with high

Señaló que el aumento de las temperaturas en Reno también podría verse afectado por la ubicación de la estación meteorológica en el aeropuerto entre Reno y Sparks, un área que ha experimentado una gran cantidad de desarrollo en las últimas décadas. Research shows climate change and urban expansion are contributing to large average temperature increases in Las Vegas and Reno. Photo Credit: Unsplash ozone levels. Stephanie McAfee is the state climatologist and a professor at the University of Nevada Reno. She said the warming is a serious issue for public health. "We know that heat does have real health effects, particularly for lower-income people who may not have air conditioning in their home or who may have to think very carefully about whether they can afford to run an air conditioner,” McAfee said. Gov. Steve Sisolak has joined the U.S. Climate Alliance, committing the state to reducing greenhouse gases. UNLV also is working with the city of Las Vegas on its master plan and with Clark County on its climate action plan.


Suzanne Potter Public News Service

AS VEGAS - Según un nuevo informe, Reno y Las Vegas son las ciudades con el calentamiento más rápido de la nación. Los investigadores de Climate Central encontraron que Reno tiene un promedio de 6.2 grados más en esta década que en la década de 1970, y Las Vegas es 4.6 grados más. La profesora de la Universidad de Nevada en Las Vegas, Kristen Averyt, dijo que no todo se debe al cambio climático: entre el 50 y el 75% del calentamiento puede estar relacionado con el efecto de isla de calor urbano. "Estamos usando materiales impermeables que

Los estudios han relacionado los días y noches más calurosos con más muertes relacionadas con el calor y con problemas cardíacos y respiratorios que empeoran con más días con altos niveles de ozono. Stephanie McAfee es climatóloga estatal y profesora en la Universidad de Nevada Reno. Ella dijo que el calentamiento es un problema grave para la salud pública. "Sabemos que el calor tiene efectos reales en la salud, particularmente para las personas de bajos ingresos que pueden no tener aire acondicionado en su hogar o que deben pensar con mucho cuidado si pueden permitirse el lujo de usar un aire acondicionado", dijo McAfee. El gobernador Steve Sisolak se ha unido a la Alianza Climática de los Estados Unidos, comprometiendo al estado a reducir los gases de efecto invernadero. UNLV también está trabajando con la ciudad de Las Vegas en su plan maestro y con el Condado de Clark en su plan de acción climática.

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DEC 13 - DEC 19, 2019


EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com



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DEC 13 - DEC 19, 2019

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DEC 13 - DEC 19, 2019


EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

Bank of America, N.A. Miembro de FDIC.

Igualdad de oportunidades en préstamos para viviendas. © 2019 Bank of America Corporation. Todos los derechos reservados.

Invertimos en las comunidades y en nuestros compañeros de trabajo En Bank of America, estamos comprometidos a apoyar el progreso económico y social de las personas a las que servimos. Por esto, estamos abordando retos sociales complejos, como viviendas a precio razonable, movilidad económica, y la reducción de nuestras emisiones de carbono a nivel colectivo. Además, tenemos el compromiso de ser un excelente lugar de trabajo y estamos invirtiendo en el éxito de nuestros compañeros de trabajo a todo nivel. Soy Raquel González, Presidente del mercado de Silicon Valley, y estoy orgullosa del compromiso que tenemos con nuestros compañeros de trabajo, quienes como resultado de este esfuerzo podrán atender mejor sus necesidades y ayudarle a lograr sus metas. Para leer acerca de nuestro compromiso de ofrecer un excelente lugar de trabajo, visite bankofamerica.com/About (solo se ofrece en inglés).

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Nuestro compromiso en cifras: Aumentaremos nuestro salario mínimo por hora a $20 para empleados en EE. UU. durante el primer trimestre del 2020 Estamos comprometidos a ser carbono neutral para el 2020 Donamos $2 mil millones desde 2009 para movilidad económica, sostenibilidad ambiental y necesidades vitales Destinamos $445 mil millones para financiar actividades comerciales sostenibles, bajas en carbono Prometimos $5 mil millones en los próximos cinco años para compradores de vivienda a precio razonable



EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com


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AMENDED ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 19CV351557 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Tianyuan Zhu. Petitioner(s) Tianyuan Zhu has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Tianyuan Zhu to Tina Joo. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/21/2020 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. December 10, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court December 13, 20, 27, 2019 January 3, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME

STATEMENT NO. 661443 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: SOFITECHS, MSPSQUAD, 2881 Meridian Ave, Unit 120, San Jose CA, 95124, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Borhan Zoufan, 2881 Meridian Ave, Unit 120, San Jose CA, 95124. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Borhan Zoufan This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 12/10/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Mike Louie, Deputy File No. FBN 661443

bell – Pruneyard Plaza, 1995 S Bascom Avenue, Campbell CA, 95008, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: Limited Liability Company. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Campbell SC3 Operator, LLC, 115 West Canon Perdido Street, Santa Barbara CA, 93101. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: April 1, 2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ David A Brown This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 12/06/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Mike Louie, Deputy File No. FBN 661372

December 13, 20, 27, 2019 January 3, 2020

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660632 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: RENEW COMMERCIAL, 3335 Dias Drive, San Jose CA, 95148, Santa Clara County.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 661372 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Doubletree Camp-

December 13, 20, 27, 2019 January 3, 2020

This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): David Michael Farias, 3335 Dias Drive, San Jose CA, 95148. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 11/15/2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Nina Khamphilath This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/15/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Nina Khamphilath, Deputy File No. FBN 660632 December 13, 20, 27, 2019 January 3, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 661326 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: FROMLATIN, 2030 Beatrice Ct Apt 6, San Jose CA, 95128, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Cristhian J Romero, 2030 Beatrice Ct Apt 6,

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San Jose CA, 95128. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 12/05/2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Cristhian J Romero This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 12/05/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Vee Reed, Deputy File No. FBN 661326 December 13, 20, 27, 2019 January 3, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 661302 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: DCHARLY AUTO SELL, 478 E Santa Clara St Suit 202, San Jose CA, 95112, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Luimy Olivo, 351 Meridian Ave #1, San Jose CA, 95126. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 12/02/2019.

This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Mike Louie This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 12/04/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Mike Louie, Deputy File No. FBN 661302 December 13, 20, 27, 2019 January 3, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 661185 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: OPOS4US, 6136 Banner Dr, San Jose CA, 95123480, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: General Partnership. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Rukmani Srinivasan, 6136 Banner Dr, San Jose CA, 95123480. Chandrika Adhikesavalu, 2429 Canterbury Lane, North Brunswick NJ, 08902. Manoj Parthasarathy, 1645 Crowle Ct, Folsom CA, 95630. Ranipriya Harihara Subramoniam, 36867 Dauphine Ave, Fremont CA, 94536. The registrant

DEC 13 - DEC 19, 2019

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510-449-1573 began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Rukmani Srinivasan This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 12/03/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Vee Reed, Deputy File No. FBN 661185 December 13, 20, 27, 2019 January 3, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 661035 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: ANGELS CATERING, 660 Gish Rd, San Jose CA, 95123, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Angel Sanchez, 411 Llewis Rd Spase 429, San Jose CA, 95111. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 10/18/2018. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Angel Sanchez This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/27/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Nina Khamphilath,

Deputy File No. FBN 661035 December 13, 20, 27, 2019 January 3, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 661318 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: ARTSCAPE CONNEX, 1 E Julian St Unit 222, San Jose CA, 95112, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Vincent W Ho, 1 E Julian St Unit 222, San Jose CA, 95112. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 12/02/2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Vincent W Ho This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 12/05/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Nina Khamphilath, Deputy File No. FBN 661318 December 13, 20, 27, 2019 January 3, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 19CV359276 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Huey Yih Veltchev. Petitioner(s) Huey Yih Veltchev has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court

DEC 13 - DEC 19, 2019 AVISO PÚBLICO AVISO DEL JEFE FUNCIONARIO DE ELECCIONES A LOS VOTANTES DEL CONDADO DE SAN MATEO: PERÍODO DE REVISIÓN DE 14 DÍAS DE LA ENMIENDA AL PLAN DEL PROYECTO DE ADMINISTRACIÓN DE ELECCIONES PARA LA ADMINISTRACIÓN ELECTORAL BAJO LA LEY DE OPCIONES PARA LOS VOTANTES DE CALIFORNIA ( CALIFORNIA VOTER’S CHOICE ACT) La División de Registro y Elecciones del Condado de San Mateo emitirá el 10 de diciembre de 2019, una Enmienda al Plan del Proyecto de Administración de Elecciones para las elecciones a realizarse entre enero de 2020 y enero de 2024. El público está invitado a expresar sus comentarios. La Enmienda al Plan del Proyecto de Administración de Elecciones está disponible en www.smcacre. org. Copias físicas también pueden ser revisadas en persona durante horas hábiles en la Oficina de la División de Registro y Elecciones, 40 Tower Road, San Mateo, CA 94402. Los comentarios pueden hacerse en persona. También pueden ser presentados por correo electrónico a registrar@smcacre.org, por correo, por fax al 650.312.5348 o por teléfono al 650.312.5222 a más tardar el 24 de diciembre de 2019 para ser considerados. Fechado: 6 de diciembre de 2019 /f/ Mark Church Jefe Funcionario de Elecciones y Tasador-Secretario-Registrador 12/6/19 CNS-3321236# EL OBSERVADOR

for a decree changing names as follows: a. Huey Yih Veltchev to Huey Yih How. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 4/28/2020 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. December 2, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court

lows: a. Fnu Paul Sama Ayound to Paul Sama Adams b. Paul Sama Ayound to Paul Sama Adams. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 4/28/2020 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. December 9, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court

December 13, 20, 27, 2019, January 3, 2020.

December 13, 20, 27, 2019 January 3, 2020

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 19CV359795 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Fnu Paul Sama Ayound. Petitioner(s) Fnu Paul Sama Ayound has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as fol-

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 19CV356755 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Chiayao Chen & Huimin Yang. Petitioner(s) Chiayao Chen & Huimin Yang have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing


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names as follows: a. Enjie Chen to Angie Chen. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 3/03/2020 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. December 6, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court December 13, 20, 27, 2019 January 3, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 19CV359417 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Angelina Eilie Andrei. Petitioner(s) Angelina Eilie Andrei has filed a

petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Angelina Eilie Andrei to Ailina Antoennioss Ceralli. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 4/28/2020 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. December 5, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court December 13, 20, 27, 2019 January 3, 2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 19CV359563 Superior Court of California, County of Santa

Clara-In the matter of the application of: Weiheng Chen. Petitioner(s) Weiheng Chen has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Weiheng Chen to Jessica Weiheng Chen. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 4/28/2020 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. December 5, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court December 13, 20, 27, 2019 January 3, 2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660735 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: FRAGOLA’S HANDYMAN SERVICES, 1542 Glencrest Way, San

Jose CA, 95118, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Matthew Joseph Fragola, 1542 Glencrest Way, San Jose CA, 95118. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 11/19/2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Matthew Joseph Fragola This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/19/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Nina Khamphilath, Deputy File No. FBN 660735 December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660874 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: XOCA, 1301 Hassler Pkwy, San Jose CA, 95138, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address

of the registrant(s) is (are): Jose L Xolio, 225 W J St, Los Banos CA, 93635. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 11/18/2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Jose Xolio This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/22/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Mike Louie, Deputy File No. FBN 660874

94087. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 11/26/2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Iqbal Singh This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/26/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Nina Khamphilath, Deputy File No. FBN 660986

December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 661092 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: LADYGOMITAS Y MISTER BIRRIA, LADYGOMITAS, 2784 Monterey Rd 35, San Jose CA, 95111, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: General Partnership. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Sahira Yaneth Fuentes, 2784 Monterey Rd 35, San Jose CA, 95111. Gilberto Cisneros, 2784 Monterey Rd 35, San Jose CA, 95111. The

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660986 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: RIDE UP LIMO & SWIFT CAB, 1362 Kingfisher Way #9, Sunnyvail CA, 94087, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: General Partnership. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Iqbal Singh, 1362 Kingfisher Way #9, Sunnyvail CA, 94087. Rajesh Kumar, 1362 Kingfisher Way #9, Sunnyvale CA,

December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019



registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 12/02/2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Sahira Yaneth Fuentes This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 12/02/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Raymund Reyes, Deputy File No. FBN 661092 December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660947 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: BAY AREA MENTAL HEALTH CONSULTANTS, 120 E Remington Dr #415, Sunnyvale CA, 94087, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Patrick Ngo, 120 E Remington Dr, Apt 415, Sunnyvale CA, 94087. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 11/25/2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Patrick Ngo This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/26/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Mike Louie, Deputy File No. FBN 660947 December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660953

The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Footsmart, 681 Leavesley Road, Suite 40, Gilroy CA, 95020, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: Corporation. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): The Walking Company, 25 W. Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara CA, 93101. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 11/29/2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Roberta Morris The Walking Company CFO Article/Reg#: C3098692 This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/26/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Mike Louie, Deputy File No. FBN 660953 December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660990 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Zhu’s NeuroAcupuncture and Rehabilitation Center, INC, 2254 North 1st St, San Jose CA, 95131, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: Corporation. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Zhu’s NeuroAcupuncture Center, INC, 2254 North 1st St, San Jose CA, 95131. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 4/01/2010. This filing is a refile [Change(s) in facts form previous filing] of previous file #: FBN600438. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Moyee Siu Zhu’s Neuro-Acupuncture Center, INC Vice President Article/Reg#: 226788 Above entity was formed in the state of CA This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/26/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Raymund Reyes, Deputy File No. FBN 660990 December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660479 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: BARKAL, 1326 Sharp Ave, Campbell CA, 95008, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Habab El Rufaie, 1326 Sharp Ave, Campbell CA, 95008. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 3/09/2018. This filing is a refile [Change(s) in facts from previous filing] of previous file #: FBN647020. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Habab El Rufaie This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/12/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Nina Khamphilath, Deputy File No. FBN 660479 December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 661042 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: DE SANTO JANITORIAL SERVICE,

495 Salmon Dr, San Jose CA, 95116, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Jorge Alberto Santos Medrano, 495 Salmon Dr, San Jose CA, 95116. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 08/29/2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Jorge Alberto Santos Medrano This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/27/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Nina Khamphilath, Deputy File No. FBN 661042 December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660480 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: LIBY HOME REMODELING, 350 Elan Village Ln, San Jose CA, 95134, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: Corporation. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): CALI HOME REMODELING, 350 Elan Village Ln Ap 408, San Jose CA, 95134. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 11/12/2018. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Shay Portogez CALI HOME REMODELING Owner Article/Reg#: C4198692 Above entity was formed in the state of CA This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk

Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/12/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Vee Reed, Deputy File No. FBN 660480 December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660667 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: 360 SOLUTIONS, 555 S Park Victoria Drive Apt 619, Milpitas CA, 95035, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: Married Couple. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Mileidy Marcela Lopera Garcia, 555 S Park Victoria Drive Apt 619, Milpitas CA, 95035. Juan Carlos Polanco Tavera, 555 S Park Victoria Drive Apt 619, Milpitas CA, 95035. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 5/20/2019. This filing is a refile [Change(s) in facts from previous filing] of previous file #: FBN655009. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Mileidy Marcela Lopera Garcia This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/15/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Sandy Chanthasy, Deputy File No. FBN 660667 December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660823 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: GOLD STANDARD AUTOMOTIVE CARE, 301 Acalanes Dr #60, Sunnyvale CA, 940806, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence ad-

dress of the registrant(s) is (are): Osbaldo Sayago, 301 Acalanes Dr #60, Sunnyvale CA, 940806. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Osbaldo Sayago This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/21/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Vee Reed, Deputy File No. FBN 660823 December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660900 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: WONDER LASHES & BROWS, 200 Serra Wa, Unit 32, Milpitas CA, 95035, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Bao Khuyen Le, 3126 Oakbridge Dr, San Jose CA, 95121. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 11/25/2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Bao Khuyen Le This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/25/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Raymund Reyes, Deputy File No. FBN 660900 December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 661152

DEC 13 - DEC 19, 2019 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: EZ LOCKSMITH SAN JOSE, 365 Willow St Suite 2, San Jose CA, 95110, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Elijah Sonic, 1748 Fallbrook Ave, San Jose CA, 95130. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 12/02/2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Elijah Sonic This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 12/02/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Nina Khamphilath, Deputy File No. FBN 661152 December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 Statement of Abandonment of Use of Fictitious Business Name NO.661150 The following person/ entity has abandoned the use of the fictitious business name EZ LOCKSMITH SAN JOSE, 365 Willow St Suite 2, San Jose CA, 95110, Santa Clara County. Yosef Haim Chezkian, 1 S Market Apt 2002, San Jose CA, 95110. This business was conducted by an individual and was filed in Santa Clara County on 08/06/2019 under file no. FBN657545 Yosef Haim Chezkian December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/02/2019 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 19CV359211 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of

the application of: Gonzales, Raymond John. Petitioner(s) Gonzales, Raymond John has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Gonzales, Raymond John to Marquez, Raymond John. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 4/28/2020 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 27, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 19CV359014 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Tzu-Yuan Wang and Li-Wen Tseng. Petitioner(s) Tzu-Yuan Wang and Li-Wen Tseng have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Yu-Ning Wang to (fn)Lena (mn)Yu-Ning (ln) Wang. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 4/21/2020 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for

DEC 13 - DEC 19, 2019 hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 25, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 19CV352342 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Ngoc Kim Ly. Petitioner(s) Ngoc Kim Ly has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Ngoc Kim Ly to Chloe Ly-Grewal. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 12/17/2019 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. August 05, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 19CV351557 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Tianyuan Zhu. Petitioner(s) Tianyuan Zhu has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Tianyuan Zhu to Tina Joo. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court

at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 12/10/2019 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. July 25, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 19CV353514 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Vanessa Cordova. Petitioner(s) Vanessa Cordova has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Jose Isaiah Mercado to Isaiah Cordova. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/07/2020 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. August 27, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 AMENDED ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com NO. 19CV350881 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Isabella Marie Larios Canessa. Petitioner(s) Isabella Marie Larios Canessa has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Isabella Marie Larios Canessa to Isabella Marie Canessa. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 12/31/2019 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 26, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 19CV359270 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Huan Zheng Chu. Petitioner(s) Huan Zheng Chu has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Huan Zheng Chu to William Huan-Zheng Chu. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 4/21/2020 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show

cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. December 2, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660904 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: PRIDE CARDIO KICKBOXING, 2910 Almaden Expressway, San Jose CA, 95125, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Frank Javier Tellez, 420 Rutland Avenue, San Jose CA, 95128. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Frank Javier Tellez This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/25/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Vee Reed, Deputy File No. FBN 660904 November 29, December 6, 13, 20, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660621 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: HOLY FAMILY ASSOCIATION, 632 Pine Ave, Sunnyvale CA, 94085, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: Corporation. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): SAINT JOSEPH ACADEMY, 632 Pine Ave, Sunnyvale CA,

94085. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a refile [Change(s) in facts from previous filing] of previous file #: FBN658360. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Marjorie Clemens SAINT JOSEPH ACADEMY Director Article/Reg#: 3349444 Above entity was formed in the state of CA This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/14/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Nina Khamphilath, Deputy File No. FBN 660621 November 29, December 6, 13, 20, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660744 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: NORCAL JANITORIAL MAINTENANCE, 3389 Holly Drive, San Jose CA, 95127, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Danny Morales, 3389 Holly Drive, San Jose CA, 95127. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 11/19/2019. This filing is a refile [Change(s) in facts from previous filing] of previous file #: FBN439486. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Danny Morales This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/19/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Vee Reed, Deputy

File No. FBN 660744 November 29, December 6, 13, 20, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660797 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: CANI JANITORIAL CO., 1313 Boa Vista Dr, San Jose CA, 95122, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Martha A Ramirez, 1313 Boa Vista Dr, San Jose CA, 95122. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 10/01/2007. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Martha A. Ramirez This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/20/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Raymund Reyes, Deputy File No. FBN 660797 November 29, December 6, 13, 20, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660588 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: WILD ARIES, 1512 Fairway Green Circle, San Jose CA, 95131, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Xuejie Chen, 1512 Fairway Green Circle, San Jose CA, 95131. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 10/01/2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is

CLASSIFIEDS / LEGALS guilty of a crime.) /s/ Xuejie Chen This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/14/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Sandy Chanthasy, Deputy File No. FBN 660588 November 29, December 6, 13, 20, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660878 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: TA TRUCKING, 1408 Turlock Lane, San Jose CA, 95132, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Thanh N Nguyen, 1408 Turlock Lane, San Jose CA, 95132. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 11/22/2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Thanh N Nguyen This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/22/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Raymund Reyes, Deputy File No. FBN 660878 November 29, December 6, 13, 20, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660926 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: LAW OFFICE OF G.S. BURNS, 777 North First St., Suite 350, San Jose CA, 95112, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Gowon Song Burns, 1050 Morningside Dr, Sunnyvale CA, 94087. The registrant began


transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 10/02/2017. This filing is a refile [Change(s) in facts form previous filing] of previous file #: FBN634647. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Gowon Song Burns This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/25/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Mike Louie, Deputy File No. FBN 660926 November 29, December 6, 13, 20, 2019 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 19CV358251 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Paula Mendoza Surani. Petitioner(s) Paula Mendoza Surani has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Paula Mendoza Surani to Paula Mendoza Garcia. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 4/07/2020 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 12, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 29, December 6, 13, 20, 2019



ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 19CV358637 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Tina Louise Carmen Gonzales. Petitioner(s) Tina Louise Carmen Gonzales has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Tina Louise Carmen Gonzales to Christina Louise Carmen Gonzales. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 4/14/2020 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 18, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 29, December 6, 13, 20, 2019 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 19CV358858 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Kamali Musitapa. Petitioner(s) Kamali Musitapa has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Kamali Musitapa to (fn) Mustafa (mn) Kamal (ln) Zafar. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to

show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 4/21/2020 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 21, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 29, December 6, 13, 20, 2019 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 19CV342297 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Anjali Chauhan, Ayush Manu. Petitioner(s) Anjali Chauhan, Ayush Manu has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Anjali Chauhan to Anjallee Gupta b. Ayush Manu to Ayoosh Gupta. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 2/11/2020 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. September 23, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 29, December 6, 13, 20, 2019

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com Notice of Petition to Administer Estate of ANNE E. ABRAMS Case No. 19PR187261 DE-121 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may be interested in the will or estate, or both, of ANNE E. ABRAMS. A Petition for Probate has been filed by LEONARD ABRAMS in the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara. The Petition for Probate requests that LEONARD ABRAMS be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administer of Estate Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take any actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consent to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person Files and objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: January 6, 2020 at 9:01am, Dept. 13, located at 191 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95113.   If you object to the granting of this petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If

you are a creditor or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either: 1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or 2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk.    Attorney for Petitioner:   JOSEPH D. DERMER Dermer Law Firm 15720 Winchester Boulevard, Suite 200 Los Gatos, CA 95030 Telephone: (408)3955111 Run Dates: November 29, December 6 and 13, 2019 ESTATE OF ANNE E. ABRAMS Petition For Probate of Lost Will and for Letters Testamentary and Authorization to Administer Under the Independent Administration of Estates Act Case No. 19PR187261 DE-111 1. Publication will be in EL OBSERVADOR b. Publication to be arranged. 2. Petitioner: LEONARD ABRAMS requests that b. LEONARD ABRAMS

be appointed (1) executor and letters issue upon qualification. c. full authority be granted to administer under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. d. (1) bond not required for the reasons stated in item 3e. 3. a. Decedent died on January 25, 2018, at Sunnyvale, CA. (1) a resident of the county named above. c. Street address, city, and county of decedent’s residence at time of death: 188 Ada Avenue Mountain View, CA, Santa Clara County d. Character and estimated value of the property of the estate (1) Personal property $ 330,000.00 (3) Subtotal $ 330,000.00 (6) Net value of real property: $ 0.00 (7) Total (add (3) and (6 )): $ 330,000.00 e. (1) Will waives bond. f. (2) Copy of decedent’s will dated: 3/16/2005 are affixed as Attachment 3f(2). The will and all codicils are self-proving (Probate Code, Section 8220). (3) The original of the will and/or codicil identified above has been lost. (Affix a copy of the lost will or codicil or a written statement of the testamentary words or their substance in Attachment 3f(3), and state reasons in that attachment why the presumption in Prob. Code, Section 6124 does not apply.) g.

Appointment of personal representative (1) Appointment of executor or administrator with will annexed: (a) Proposed executor is named as executor in the will and consents to act. h. Proposed personal

representative is a (1) resident of California 4. Decedent’s will does not preclude administration of this estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. 5. a. Decedent was survived by (1) Spouse (4) no registered domestic partner (6) no child (8) no issue of a predeceased child. b. Decedent was not survived by a stepchild or foster child or children who would have been adopted by decedent but for a legal barrier. 6. b. Decedent was survived by issue of deceased parents, all of whom are listed in item 8. 8. Listed on the next page are the names, relationships to decedent, ages and addresses, so far as known to or reasonably ascertainable by petitioner, of (1) all persons mentioned in decedent’s will or any codicil, whether living or deceased, (2) all persons named or checked in items 2, 5, 6 and 7; and (3) all beneficiaries of a trust named in decedents will or any codicil in which the trustee and personal representative are the same person. Name Relationship to Decedent, Age, Address Alice Diefendorf, Sibling, Adult, 11208 Hennett N.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112 John Diefendorf, Sibling, Adult, 248 S. Dacona Drive, #1640, Pueblo West, Colorado, 81007 Date: November 20, 2019 /s/ Joseph D. Dermer, Attorney I declare under pen-

DEC 13 - DEC 19, 2019 alty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: November 20, 2019 /s/ Leonard Abrams, Petitioner Run Dates: November 29, December 6, 13 and 20, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660502 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: M & G WELDING, 632 S. Jackson, San Jose, CA 95116, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Vanessa Castro, 632 S. Jackson Avenue, San Jose, CA 95116. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 11/12/2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Vanessa Castro This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/12/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Vee Reed, Deputy File No. FBN 660502 November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660762 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: TUKNIT, 351 Marquetry Court, San Jose, CA 95116, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: General Partnership. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Kevin Khuu, 351 Marquetry Court, San Jose, CA 95116. The registrant began trans-

acting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 11/19/2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Kevin Khuu This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/19/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Raymund Reyes, Deputy File No. FBN 660762 November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660691 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: MAKING IT SIZZLE DESIGNS (M.I.S.), 462 North Second Street, San Jose, CA 95112, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Annette Gonzalez, 462 North Second Street, San Jose, CA 95112. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 11/15/2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Annette Gonzalez This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/15/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Raymund Reyes, Deputy File No. FBN 660691 November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT

DEC 13 - DEC 19, 2019 NO. 660053 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: RFRD ACADEMY, 1269 E. Santa Clara Street, San Jose, CA95116, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: Corporation. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): BE TRINH, INC., 4507 Middle Park Drive, San Jose, CA 95135. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 8/23/2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Hang Nguyen Trinh Vice President Article.Reg #: C4310380, CA This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 10/25/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Mike Louie, Deputy File No. FBN 660053 November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660740 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: CABRERA’S PAINTING, 348 Battle Dance Drive, San Jose CA, 95111, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Cabrera Sierra Ernestino, 348 Battle Dance Drive, San Jose CA, 95111. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 11/19/2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a

crime.) /s/ Ernestino Cabrera Sierra This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/19/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Vee Reed, Deputy File No. FBN 660740 November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660669 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: SWIFT AUTO WHOLESALES, 535 W Trimble Rd, Santa Clara CA, 95054, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: General Partnership. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Juan Francisco Alarcon Alcantara, 225 San Benito Rd, Brisbane CA, 94005. Rene Eliseo Monrroy Martinez, 2334 17th St, San Pablo CA, 94806.The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Juan Francisco Alarcon Alcantara This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/15/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Nina Khamphilath, Deputy File No. FBN 660669 November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660485 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: AO, 144 N. Orange Street, Orange CA,

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com 92866, Orange County. This business is owned by a: Limited Liability Partnership. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Jack P. Selman, Inc., 144 N. Orange Street, Orange CA, 92866. R.C. Alley, Inc., 144 N. Orange Street, Orange CA, 92866. James A. Dietze, Inc., 144 N. Orange Street, Orange CA, 92866. Hugh M. Rose, Inc., 144 N. Orange Street, Orange CA, 92866. Darrel E. Hebenstreit Architect, Inc., 144 N. Orange Street, Orange CA, 92866. Robert P. Budetti Architect, Inc., 144 N. Orange Street, Orange CA, 92866. Ed Cadavona, Architect, Inc., 144 N. Orange Street, Orange CA, 92866. Kenneth J. Smith, Architect, Inc., 144 N. Orange Street, Orange CA, 92866. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 10/18/2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Jack P. Selman ARCHITECTS ORANGE, LLP CEO, Jack P. Selman, Inc., Partner Article/Reg#: 202016350005 Above entity was formed in the state of CA This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/12/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Nina Khamphilath, Deputy File No. FBN 660485 November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660482 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: ISLE OF GAMERS,

2770 El Camino Real, Santa Clara CA, 95051, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: Limited Liability Company. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): ILLUSIVE COMICS & GAMES, LLC, 1270 Franklin Mall, Santa Clara CA, 95050. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 11/10/2014. This filing is a refile [Change(s) in facts from previous filing] of previous file #: FBN598247. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Anna Warren Cebrian This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/12/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Sandy Chanthasy, Deputy File No. FBN 660482 November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660194 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: RUIZ BROS TRANSPORTATION, 126 McCreery Ave, San Jose CA, 95116, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): James Gabriel Ruiz Amaya, 126 McCreery Ave, San Jose CA, 95116. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ James Gabriel Ruiz

Amaya This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 10/30/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Vee Reed, Deputy File No. FBN 660194 November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660473 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: AJ LEE AND BLUE SUMMIT, 2218 Lindaire Ave, San Jose CA, 95128, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Sullivan Ben Tuttle, 2218 Lindaire Ave, San Jose CA, 95128. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Sullivan Ben Tuttle This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/08/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Vee Reed, Deputy File No. FBN 660473 November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660267 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: 420 SMOKE PALACE, 396 S Bascom Ave, San Jose CA, 95128, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Athar Abbasi, 254

Marina Way, Richmond CA, 94801. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 10/31/2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Athar Abbasi This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/01/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Nina Khamphilath, Deputy File No. FBN 660267 November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660635 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: C&C PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, C&C REAL ESTATE, 19925 Stevens Creek Blvd Suite 100, Cupertino CA, 95014, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: Corporation. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): C&C MONTERREY PM INC, 855 Pacific Street Suite A, Monterey CA, 93940. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 12/17/2013. This filing is a refile [Change(s) in facts from previous filing] of previous file #: FDN598551. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Kyle Chernetsky C&C MONTEREY PM INC Manager Article/Reg#: C3626587 Above entity was formed in the state of CA This statement was

CLASSIFIEDS / LEGALS filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/15/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Mike Louie, Deputy File No. FBN 660635 November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660688 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: TODOARMONIA, 1031 Crestview Drive, Apt 312, Mountain View CA, 94040, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Diana Villa, 1031 Crestview Drive, Apt 312, Mountain View CA, 94040. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Diana Villa This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/15/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Mike Louie, Deputy File No. FBN 660688 November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660652 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: FOUNDERS MEDIA GROUP, 10316 Virginia Swan Place, Cupertino CA, 95014, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: Limited Liability Company. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): ASPIREA ENTERTAINMENT LLC, 10316


Virginia Swan Place, Cupertino CA, 95014. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Sarika Batra ASPIREA ENTERTAINMENT LLC Chief Executive Officer Article/Reg#: 201334510134 Above entity was formed in the state of CA This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/15/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Nina Khamphilath, Deputy File No. FBN 660652 November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660690 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: SILICON VALLEY KOREANS, 2125 Sonador Commons, San Jose CA, 95128, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Jong Ki Min, 2125 Sonador Commons, San Jose CA, 95128. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 11/11/2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Jong Ki Min This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/15/2019. Regina Alcomendras,



County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Raymund Reyes, Deputy File No. FBN 660690 November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660519 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: BARANDICA INTERPRETING SERVICES, 2031 University Avenue, San Jose CA, 95128, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Patricia R Barandica, 2031 University Avenue, San Jose CA, 95128. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Patricia R Barandica This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/12/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Vee Reed, Deputy File No. FBN 660519 November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660605 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: SUPREME MAINTENANCE, 552 E Maude Ave 3, Sunnyvale CA, 94085, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Andres Martinez, 552 E Maude Ave 3, Sunnyvale CA, 94085. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed

above on: 11/13/2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Andres Martinez This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/14/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Raymund Reyes, Deputy File No. FBN 660605 November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660567 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: DAISY’S GIFTS, 1662 Merrill Drive Apt 53, San Jose CA, 95124, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by an: Individual. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Daisy Eugenia Toralva Castro, 1662 Merrill Drive Apt 53, San Jose CA, 95124. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 11/13/2019. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Daisy Toralva Castro This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/13/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Sandy Chanthasy, Deputy File No. FBN 660567 November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 660650 The following person(s)

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com is (are) doing business as: SILVER MOON SUPPLY LLC, 1305 N. Bascom Ave #H, San Jose CA, 95128, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by a: Limited Liability Company. The name and residence address of the registrant(s) is (are): Silver Moon Supply LLC, 3200 Payne Ave #445, San Jose CA, 95117. The registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: N/A. This filing is a first filing. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) /s/ Saifeldin Babiker SILVER MOON SUPPLY LLC CEO Article/Reg#: 201725710135 Above entity was formed in the state of CA This statement was filed with the Co. Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on 11/15/2019. Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk Recorder By: /s/ Sandy Chanthasy, Deputy File No. FBN 660650 November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 19CV358599 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Thien Le & Tuyet Hoa Luu. Petitioner(s) Thien Le & Tuyet Hoa Luu have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Nhan Le to Nathan Nhan Le. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 4/14/2020

at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 18, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 19CV358618 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Xia Li & Qiang Dong. Petitioner(s) Xia Li & Qiang Dong have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Ziyue Dong to Amy Dong b. Zihan Dong to Andy Dong. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 4/14/2020 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 18, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 19CV358615 Superior Court of

California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Guichang Tian. Petitioner(s) Guichang Tian has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Guichang Tian to Gordon Franklin. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 4/14/2020 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 18, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 19CV358613 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Maria De Jesus Vargas. Petitioner(s) Maria De Jesus Vargas has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Maria De Jesus Vargas to Mary Jessie Rodriguez. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 4/14/2020 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause

shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 18, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 19CV358388 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Evangelina Herrera Arzate. Petitioner(s) Evangelina Herrera Arzate has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Evangelina Herrera Arzate to Evangelina Araujo b. Anthony Salomon Arzate to Anthony Aaraujo. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 4/14/2020 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 14, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 19CV358294 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application

DEC 13 - DEC 19, 2019 of: Katherine Godfrey Bossange. Petitioner(s) Katherine Godfrey Bossange has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Katherine Godfrey Bossange to Katherine Bossange Macias. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 4/07/2020 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. November 13, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 19CV352020 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Melanie Ramirez. Petitioner(s) Melanie Ramirez has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Elias Matthew Velo to Elias Matthew Ramirez. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 12/17/2019 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for

four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. July 31, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 19CV353100 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Gurcharan Victor Singh. Petitioner(s) Gurcharan Victor Singh has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Gurcharan Victor Singh to Victor Singh. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on 1/07/2020 at 8:45 am, Probate Dept., located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. August 20, 2019 Julie A. Emede Judge of the Superior Court November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2019

DEC 13 - DEC 19, 2019

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DEC 13 - DEC 19, 2019

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