Prepare Your Home For Natural Disaster

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==== ==== ¿Qué es una catástrofe natural? Las catástrofes naturales son la consecuencia de un fenómeno natural, extremo o no, cuando produce daños materiales o económicos de una dimensión tal que afectan a la vida normal de una población. Acerca de las catástrofes naturales, terremotos, huracanes, tsunamis: ==== ====

Any kind of natural disaster may come unexpected. When they hit hard on your area, they create a major disruption in living. Power supply may shut down. If your short on food, you cannot just go out and shop in the market. Sometimes, communication lines are even cut-off. You have no choice but stay within your homes and keep your family secured until things outside has simmered down. Your home may be your only shield against these disasters. For this, it is important that you keep it disaster-proof. You have to do this to lessen the impact of the disaster. You want to make sure you have all options to ensure safety and survival of your family, if in case things go crazy. Disaster Preparedness Tips The number one goal during disasters is to ensure safety. Disasters choose no one to harm. Once you become vulnerable, you may get hurt in an instant or worse, lose your life. But if you have a properly built disaster-proof home, you can always withstand the devastation. To make this possible, you have to prepare your homes for it. Here's how: 1. Fix everything at home. Electrical wires that are left hanging and defective should be repaired and put back into its place. Any leak in your pipe connection, especially your gas pipes should be checked in advance. If your roof is leaking, it should also be fixed and kept in good condition all the time. You may have to brace the roof using hurricane straps, to prevent it from being blown away. 2. Anything dangling on walls, especially with pointed edges, should be removed and stored away. Shelves and other fixtures should be fastened properly. Anchor heavy, huge and movable items in your home. Water heaters should be strapped to the wall or secured on the floor. 3. Fire-proof your home. Prepare the extinguishers and other fire safety tools. However, keep them out of the way but place them in accessible areas. Hide flammable materials and products and make sure they are far from any heat sources. Also, keep first aid kits within your reach. If worse goes to worst, design an evacuation plan. 4. Permanent shutters for the windows should be working. If you don't have none of this, it's best to find an alternative plan to protect the glass. 5. Anything obstructing should be removed. Branches of trees that are weak, should be cut off to

prevent being blown away by strong winds. Reinforce your garage and make sure nothing is blocking it. In case, you may have to evacuate, you can drive away easily. 6. Do not make any permanent barring. If you want to escape safely in your homes, you need to keep your keys to unlock doors safely. You do not want to be trapped in case of fires. Always be prepared. Don't wait for the last minute in finding solution on how to protect your family and your home. Protect your homes from natural disasters. It is for your advantage.

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==== ==== ¿Qué es una catástrofe natural? Las catástrofes naturales son la consecuencia de un fenómeno natural, extremo o no, cuando produce daños materiales o económicos de una dimensión tal que afectan a la vida normal de una población. Acerca de las catástrofes naturales, terremotos, huracanes, tsunamis: ==== ====

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