COOMBSVILLE, CALIFORNIA, IS A quick 10 minutes from bustlingdowntown Napa, but it feels worlds away. The region's newestAmerican Viticultural Area (AVA), it has aunique volcanic soil that produces old-world style wine, and the quiethills extend for miles.
"It's totallyprivate and franklyalittle rustic," Justin Hafen says. As cofounders ofthe design firm HurleyHafen and exemplaryhosts, he and his partner, John Hurley, were the perfect couple to steward aparcel ofthis unfettered landscape-andshare it with their friends.
High on ahillside, theybuilt acontemporary home that doubles as avenue for everykind ofgathering.
The design ofthe house is forward thinkingbut conscious ofits agricultural roots: Amodern, low-slung structure was built with firesafe materials like steelbut is set within agrove of centuries-old olive trees (many ofwhich were craned in from another town).
Inside, custom modern bookcases corral an extensive collection that includes afirst-edition Charles Dickens novel.
Outside, there's apool, ameditation and massage area, various canopied lounges, abar, and abocce ball court that turns into adance floor. The grounds share agardenerwith The French Laundry, the famedbirthplace offarm-to-table cuisine. So whatever herbs and lettuces are on that menu are also likelyto be served at Bar HuHa, the couple's name for theirbackyard bar.
"Hospitality is in our blood," Hafen says.
"We always think about how a home really lives."
While the house is well suited as a venue for aHarryStyles-themed soiree, as one recent invite described, itwas built for more intimate gatherings.
"Pretty much everythingwas designed with our daughter in mind," Hafen says.
"When we were building it, she was engaged, so we were thinking about where we'd have parties for her and where,you know, herkids would play. '' •
Acustom plant wall is composed of preserved moss. Paint: Off-Black, Farrow & Ball. Table: Phillips Collection.
"We wanted ablack pool so it felt more organic with all of the mature trees around it." Hafen says. Loungers: Vondom.
"We built the bocce court slightly wider than regulation so it could double as adance floor and/or have along dining table that can seat 80 people," Hafen says. Neon "Bar HuHa" sign: custom. Table: custom. from an old tree stump and solid stone. Court material: crushed stone and oyster shells.