Summer 2016 | Edition 50
“The Top 10”:
Calling it a Career:
The Company that Cares:
Counting Down the Best
Connie Middleton
Episode II with Steven and Deb
Hill Street News Stories
Employee Spotlight
of Harvard Western in Nicaragua
Edition 50 | Summer 2016 This edition marks an extraordinary milestone for The Hill Street News. A 50th edition is quite an achievement for any publication and it seems like only yesterday, we at the Hill Companies were just starting to brainstorm ideas for a new way to bring our employees together. That was more than 20 years ago and, seemingly overnight, the modest and informative first edition of the Hill Street News has grown and evolved with our companies to what you see today. We have created this special edition of the Hill Street News to share some memories, celebrate our past, and embrace our future. We hope you enjoy!
It’s official! After years of planning, design, and construction, Agriculture Place celebrates its grand opening on May 30th in the lobby of the 11-storey office tower in downtown Regina. Dignitaries and Harvard representatives came together to cut the ceremonial ribbon amidst a packed house of VIP’s, project members, business community leaders and media. Pictured (L-R): Her Honour the Honourable Vaughn Solomon Schofield, Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan, Paul J. Hill, President and CEO of The Hill Companies, Michael Hoffort, President and CEO of Farm Credit Canada, His Worship Mayor Michael Fougere, Mayor of Regina, Mr. Warren Steinley, MLA Walsh Acres, Rosanne Hill Blaisdell, VP Leasing Harvard Developments.
How time flies! It seems like it was just yesterday that a small group of us at Harvard were brainstorming ideas on how we can better share the news and stories from our fast growing group of companies. That was all the way back in the Spring of 1994,…. and out of these discussions came the birth of The Hill Street News, our very first company newsletter. Now more than 20 years and countless stories down the road, it is such an honour and privilege to be celebrating our 50th edition with all of you! To be honest, I think we were all a little skeptical on how the newsletter would be received when we first started out, and we certainly took baby steps to figure out what our employees wanted to hear and how they wanted to hear it. While we believed we had a great idea, I don’t think any of us could have predicted just how much it would evolve over the years or imagined we’d make it to 50 editions! It is an incredible achievement for our companies and an homage to our family culture. While I was pondering just how far we’ve come with the Hill Street News, I came across a great quote that sums up the Hill Street News so well; “Words are how we think,…. stories are how we link”. For a company with 500+ employees in offices all across North America, the Hill Street News continues to serve as that unifying link that connects us all and reinforces the family culture we are known for. 4
Everywhere you look in our company there are incredible stories to tell and it is the goal of the Hill Street News to continue to collect and share these with you all for decades to come. My great grandfather and founder of the Hill Companies once said “start with a foundation of solid values and stay true to the things you believe in”. This quote has guided our company philosophy and, as such, is also at the core of what the Hill Street News is all about. While so much has changed with our work over the last 20 years, The Hill Street News has remained true to its values and been an employee-driven publication that celebrates our peoples’ stories and the projects we are involved in across North America. We hope you enjoy this special 50th edition and the trip down memory lane with our feature story on the top 10 stories from the last 50 editions of the Hill Street News. Have a great summer everyone!
ROSANNE HILL BLAISDELL Managing Director, Harvard Buildings Vice President Leasing, Harvard Developments
As I write this, our Western Canadian offices are experiencing a lovely heat wave that has us basking up the sun and enjoying time outdoors as much as we can. While it has been scorching hot these past few weeks, the same unfortunately can’t be said for our beloved Saskatchewan Roughriders. The season hasn’t gotten exactly gotten off to a picture-perfect start for the green and white as the team sits with a 0-4 record and has seen their leader and franchise QB Darian Durant suffer from yet another early-season injury. However, despite the mounting losses and injuries, I must say that there is still a buzz of excitement and optimism coming from Rider Nation that isn’t normally seen from a winless team. And I believe a lot of this excitement has to do with celebrating the “Farewell Season’ of Mosaic Stadium and looking to the future with the new Mosaic Stadium nearing completion only a few blocks away.
The reason I bring this up is because, much like the Riders and their future, I feel the same level of excitement and anticipation for the future of our own Harvard real estate business. Why you ask….? Well it all has to do with “Project H2O” (short for Harvard 2.0) - a new, company-wide software overhaul we will be launching soon that will completely revolutionize the way we do business. At the core of this implementation will be the move to a new real estate management software - MRI - that will seamlessly connect our various departments of development, leasing, investments, accounting, and property management all into one system. To be honest, I’m normally not one Construction crews begin to install the field turf of new Mosaic Stadium as the project nears completion.
to get all excited about I.T or software, but I truly feel this project is about so much more than code and networks. It’s about our people, recognizing an opportunity to better ourselves and working together to take our company where we feel it needs to go.
When I look at an implementation and organizational change of this magnitude, I can’t help but think of the similarities with Riders and their new stadium. Much like the Riders organization and citizens of our province, our employees and leadership recognized an investment needed to be made in our future that would help take our company to the next level. It’s a decision that isn’t made lightly as there will undoubtedly be growing pains along the way, but anything worth doing rarely comes without its share of challenges. Project H2O will also take considerable time and resources. The new Mosaic stadium wasn’t built overnight and neither will Project H2O. Make no mistake, this will be a multi-year commitment and investment to ensure we do this right and end up with a product and process we are proud of. Lastly, the success of Project H2O will need to be a complete team effort and will take full buy-in from all of our employees and management. When the dust settles, an investment like this only works if people are going to show up and enjoy it. Imagine being at the first game in the new Mosaic Stadium and only half the seats are filled – not really the atmosphere you were envisioning was it? Now imagine a sold-out, electric crowd that is ready to have fun and enjoy a beautiful new facility together. This is what we hope to get to with this new project and I hope you are all as excited as I am to embark on this new challenge together. For all of the latest updates on Project H2O, make sure to visit the “Project H2O community on Uconnect. Have a great summer everyone and hope you enjoy the 50th edition of the Hill Street News.
MO BUNDON Senior VP and COO Harvard Developments Inc.
Editor’s Message
Message From
-Rosanne Hill Blaisdell-
-Mo Bundon-
John F. Kennedy once said, "Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future."
In Saskatchewan, these are times of great change,...we are riding the frothy waves of a new existence; a new conservative government after 16 years takes the helm and a winning football team after 18 years brings home the Almighty Grey Cup. Both are bold indications that this province has no intention of "missing the future" and being left in the prairie dust,... so to speak.
The Hill Companies knows this strategy well. Some might even proclaim that our 105 year survival can be directly attributed to our ability to read the economic play and change our game plan. So as we enter a time of uncharted territory, let's remember how history has shown us the benefit and importance of change,... thinking outside the box, being nimble, and embracing the inevitable discomfort of trying something new. I write these words to hopefully inspire you all to stretch a bit beyond your normal parameters both personally and in your work this year. 2008 already has the signs of a silver lining. So happy reading and we hope you enjoy your completely "CHANGED" newsletter format. Cheers!
One of the most c being heard in h departments everyw is “young people”. how do we attract we’ve got them, wh encourage them attitude reflects the current job market success we’ve wor build needs hands It is with this in min really taken it to a past couple of years, hiring 57 employee years, a whopping 19 of them under the ag the average age of our new hires in the last 31. It is clear we’ve seen the future and we
Typically, this type of commitment follows youth bring innovation, and innovation bre is a logic we have seen in action at m Companies – you only need to stop by o “younger” employees and see how new p to improvement and innovation in our busin
That said, innovative minds are not somet granted, or see only in our younger em company to succeed for more than exuberance and initiative must exist corporate structure, as it certainly does with proud that in our case our commitment t new ideas of all employees mean that ‘twenty-somethings’ keeping our work vib HARVARD BROADCASTING & TH employees that contribute to our success. “CARE FOR KID that innovation does not age.
Edition 26 | Winte
Harvard Broad
Supports Children’s Health and Hos
L to R: Brynn Boback-Lane (Children’s Health and Hospital Foundation), Dwight Nelson ( Qu’Appelle Health Region) Paul Hill, and Micaella Fiacco (2007 Champion Child)
Edition 50
A new, state-of-the-art pediatric ambulance for the sic Saskatchewan was unveiled November 1, 2007 at the F Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan and The Hill Com 2006 during the annual Harvard “Cares for Kids” Radio 104.9 the WOLF, and received a most generous $100,000
In the Spotlight
common phrases human resource where these days Where are they, them, and once hat can we do to to stay? This e urgency of the t. The business rked so hard to to keep it going. nd that we have new level in the es in the last two ge of 30! In fact, t year was e are acting now.
the thinking that eeds success. This many of The Hill our offices to see perspectives lead nesses.
thing we take for mployees. For a a century the throughout the h us. We are very to supporting the it’s not just the brant, it’s all our HE HILL COMPANIES It’s good to see DS”
-Leah Van Loosen-
Edition 8 | March 2000
Leah Van Loosen’s career in the commercial real estate industry began in December, 1990 with Cadillac Fairview Corporation when she started as receptionist/marketing secretary in the Administration Office at Southland Mall. Over the course of the next 12 years, her job titles included Accounts Administrator and Accounting Assistant. In March of 2002, Leah officially started to work under The Hill Companies umbrella, as a Property Management Administrator. A year later in March 2003, Leah’s position once again changed and she transferred downtown to become assistant to Tony Prsa. During this phase in her career she balanced her administrative duties for Tony with projects for the Technical Services department. In 2006, Leah’s role transformed and she began to take on duties as part of the Your Employee Services (YES) team, all the while continuing to coordinate her workload with Technical Services. In September of 2007, Leah was officially welcomed to the YES team on a full time basis. When Leah is not busy juggling roles throughout The Hill Companies, she enjoys spending time with her cat Marble, and her eight year old niece Dallas, and eleven year old nephew Dylan. During her downtime she likes to keep fit by taking walks around Wascana Lake and working out at Curves Gym. When she is not on the go, you can find Leah indulging in the latest mystery written by either John Grisham or James Patterson, her favorite authors.
er 2007
s spital Foundation
ck and injured children of Regina and southern F.W. Hill Mall, thanks to the Children’s Health & mpanies. The funds were raised in November othon, broadcast on 620 CKRM, Lite92 FM and 0 match from The Hill Companies. Paul Hill (pictured) takes a tour of the new pediatric ambulance
Edition 50
Edition 39 | Summer 2013
The Hill Companies Join the Celebration in Rider Nation
A strange phenomenon occurs throughout the Province of Saskatchewan during the months of June to November. On occasion, time stands still, the streets vacate and the citizens of Rider Nation join forces to form a sea of green. That’s right, during football season, Saskatchewan Roughrider fans come together in an unprecedented act of solidarity to cheer on their team. 2013 marks the third time, the City of Regina will host the final game of the season. With many of the game day details still unannounced, one thing we know for sure is that Rider Nation is gearing up to host the party of a lifetime.
E d i t i on N o. 2 5 J une 2 0 0 7
HILL STREET NEWS United Way Day of Caring
The city wide festival leading up to game day is officially titled Celebration in Rider Nation. Taking place November 20-24th the festival Team Work-Goes Long Way is comprised of numerous activities and events.a The Saskatchewan 7, 2007 of dedicated Roughrider Football Club, alongsideJune a committee volunteers share the responsibility of organizing the event, which The Way Day of of Caring off on Thursday Regina. Hill Company willUnited see thousands fanskicked gather throughout June 7, 2007. Garden shovels, CEO sandpaper, brushes employees Daverakes, Pettigrew, Harvard Western Insurance, Chris and paint cans were onService hand as aManager, dedicated team of 21 Property Management Burrell, Technical Harvard volunteers Harvard Developments, PropInc. andfrom Hiedi Pearson, Manager Harvard of Human Resources and Employee erty Management and Western Surety joined forces to Services, Harvard Developments Inc. are playing an active role. spruce up Regina Family Services. Dave Pettigrew serves as the chair of the festival committee which The improvements included rejuvenating the front yard is currently comprised of approximately 300 volunteers and 20 subby painting the railings of entranceway steps, replanting committees. He explains, “My role is to chair a commitee of volunteers flower beds, and replacing old wood chips in the plantDarren Vipond (HPMI), Paul Tenezaca (HDI) who Roughrider ers withwork gravelalonside stones. representatives from The Saskatchewan Adam Baragar (HPMI), Steve Enns (HPMI) Football Club to deliver and organize Celebration in Rider Nation.”
A fresh coat of paint brightened up the employee lunch room and a new linoleum floor gave the space a clean, professional look.
Overall the United Way Day of caring was a huge suc| Summer cess and the employees of ReginaEdition Family25 Services are 2007 very appreciative of our efforts.
Patty Shuba (HPMI), Tina Svedahl (HDI), Christine Haas (HPMI)
Harvard Energy Celebrates 25th Anniversary June 1, 2007 marked the 25th anniversary of Harvard Energy. With all of the merger and acquisition activity in the energy sector during the past decade, Harvard Energy is one of only a handful of exploration and production companies in Canada that has been around that long. In 1982, Fredrick Hill teamed with Neal Blue of San Diego, California to acquire the Canadian assets of Houston-based Tenneco Oil Company. Since then, the partnership has produced 170 billion cubic feet of natural gas and 18 million barrels of crude oil and is stronger and more active now that at any time in its 25-year history. 8
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While a number of current staff, including Ron Dobson, Alex Taylor and Al Lovell have been associated with Harvard Energy throughout much of that time, special recognition goes to AnnMarie Soganic (Manager of Administration) who is the sole remaining member of the original cast. Ann-Marie, along with Joe Rossi, Bob Bentley and Bob Letts all former Tenneco staff made up the core of the initial Harvard Energy management team in 1982 and guided the partnership through numerous significant challenges in its early years. ...continued page 11
Edition 7 | Fall 2009
Edition 50
Edition 32 | Summer 2010
A HISTORY OF BREAKING NEW GROUND As the clock struck 11:00 the morning of Friday, June 18th, the corner of Gordon Road and Harvard Way was bustling with a flurry of activity. Cameras flashed and spectators cheered on Harvard’s Development Team during the official Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Grasslands Regional Shopping Centre located in southwest Regina.
The Groundbreaking Event highlighted the positive economic impact Grasslands will have on the City of Regina and Province of Saskatchewan. There were featured speaking presentations by Premier Brad Wall, Mayor Pat Fiacco, Paul J. Hill, Blair Forster, Vice President of Development, Harvard Developments Inc. and representatives from Grasslands two anchor tenants, Regina’s first Walmart Supercentre and Lowe’s Home Improvement Warehouse. Mayor Pat Fiacco stated, “The Grasslands area will contribute approximately $2.3 million in property taxes to the city itself and in total about $4.4 million in property taxes when the amounts paid to the school boards and the Regina Public Library are added.” Being the first retail centre of its kind in Saskatchewan, Grasslands will also serve as an unique tourist destination for the province and will provide numerous job opportunities for the City of Regina. According to Paul J Hill, “The uniqueness of this development will only enhance Regina’s attractiveness as a preferred place to live, work, and play, and will reinforce its place as one of Western Canada’s predominant urban centres.” In addition to effectively communicating the positive economic impact Grasslands will have on the Province
Edition 50
L to R: Mo Bundon, Senior Vice Pre Mayor Pat Fiacco, Eymbert Vaan Chris Curry, District Manager, Wa Blair Forster, VP, Development, HD
of Saskatchewan, the Gro as an unique opportunity Approximately 125 guest and Municipal Governm associations, as well as pro tenants, were in attendan
Over the course of two day transformed into an unique Event. Informative Grassla from three 42” LCD moni opportunity to learn more displays, fresh ornamenta gifts, and bottled water w served as finishing touches development. Additiona was transformed into an o menu selections from futur Subway, and Good Earth.
L to R: Steve Enns, VP and General Manager, HPMI, Mayor Pat Fiacco, Paul J Hill, Premier Brad Wall, Rosanne Hill Blaisdell, Managing Director, Harvard Buildings Inc., Mo Bundon, Senior Vice President and COO, HDI, Tina Svedahl, VP Investments, HDI., Blair Forster, VP, Development, HDI, Hiedi Pearson, Manager, Employee Services, HDI, Paul Bourassa, General Counsel, HDI
esident and COO, HDI, ndering, VP, Operations, Lowe’s, almart,Premier Brad Wall, Paul J Hill, DI
oundbreaking Event also served y to market the development. ts representing the Provincial ment, several local industry ospective and committed retail nce.
ys, a 4,800 square foot tent was e venue for the Groundbreaking ands presentations projected itors, provided guests with the e about the project. Rendering al grasses, unique take-away with the Grasslands logo also s that effectively promoted the ally, the south side of the tent open food court with featured re tenants: Dairy Queen, OPA!, .
Grasslands promises to be Regina’s most exciting shopping destination and upon its completion the development will accommodate ninety acres of mixed use commercial development creating 1,000,000 square feet of new retail space in Regina. In conjunction with the traditional retail concept housing stores such as Regina’s first Walmart Supercentre and Saskatchewan’s first Lowe’s Home Improvement Warehouse; the development will feature a pedestrian friendly Urban Village that will offer exclusive boutique shopping within beautifully designed store fronts and unique architectural landscapes. Grasslands will provide amenities exclusive to Southwest Regina including a Town Square that will operate year round. This outdoor space is intended to serve as a venue for live entertainment, art, and cultural events. Vast patio space and stunning water features will be available for patrons to enjoy in the summer and during the winter season the Town Square will be transformed into an outdoor skating rink. Phase One of construction is underway with Walmart Supercentre currently open. The majority of construction began this spring with approximately forty-one stores, many new to Regina, such as Golf Town and Urban Barn opening their doors. HILL STREET NEWS |
Edition 50
Edition 30 | Summer 2009
Western Surety Company Celebrates 100 years This year marks the 100th anniversary of Western Surety Company. Since 1909, Western Surety has built a growing business through a continual focus on our clients and our marketplace. In its first decade our predecessor, Saskatchewan Guarantee & Fidelity Company Ltd., had already established a reputation as ‘The Bond People’ we’re proud to say that reputation still stands today. Western Surety’s roots go back to the very beginnings of the McCallum Hill operations. The organization’s vast history started to take shape at a time when the company was operating under the name Saskatchewan Guaranty and Fidelity (SG&F). Serving the construction industry as a specialist in contract bonding, the rapid growth of SG&F’s client base caught the attention of the CCF Government, which was led by Tommy Douglas in the 1940’s. At the time, the Douglas government was aspiring to build its own insurance conglomerate with Saskatchewan Government Insurance at its centre. However, the government’s inability to secure licenses to operate in other provinces prompted the Douglas Administration to pursue SG&F as a private sector vehicle that would provide a shield from the ‘governmentowned’ stigma felt beyond the boundaries of Saskatchewan. Consequently, SG&F became the target for a hostile takeover. A short time later the organization’s stock price began to soar beyond book value, which prompted Douglas and his team to start secretly bidding for controlling interest of the company. When word of the government’s actions spread to Mr. F.W. Hill, he counteracted by making competing bids, driving the company’s stock price from $52.00 per share to $84.00 per share. The government reciprocated by threatening expropriation, which resulted in Mr. Hill making a recommendation to share holders that accept the governments bids, and sell off SG&F’s assets so long as the administration chose to purchase all of the company’s shares. Fortunately, the government accepted this offer, and won complete rights to own and operate SG&F. After the deal had been finalized Mr. Hill immediately set out to re-establish the McCallum Hill foothold in the surety market.
Edition 50
...Scott Beit
Western Surety began busines government hands. Fortunate base was loyal to the McCallum their business over to the newl Company, leaving the govern and highly risky business elsewhe
Today, Western Surety is license Canadian Provinces and Territo company has grown to becom surety bonds for the Canadian c of this growth, Western Surety o 2001 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The with the growing and diverse A and provide more personal se throughout the Atlantic Provinc the annual premium generated increased. Steve Myrer (Atlanti and Tom Pelham (Senior Underw than 35 years of surety experien Maggie Weir (Administrative As to work hard to ensure that the are always exceeded.
The team at Western Surety w and activities to celebrate 100 include the distribution of a colo electronic magazine to broke members and clients. The “E-Z pertaining to the organization’ information relevant to condu industry. Western Surety’s webs enhanced and revitalized. U Anniversary leather briefcases coasters have been presented clients. These items will continue the year.
*Excerpt taken from “A History of Breaking N Companies100th Anniversary book.
ss the day after SG&F fell into ely, SG&F’s former customer m Hill team and quickly moved ly established Western Surety nment to pursue unprofitable ere.
ed to write surety bonds in all ories. Over the last century, the me one of the largest writers of construction industry. As a result opened its first branch office in e motivation was to keep pace Atlantic construction industry, ervice to the brokers located ces. Since the 2001 opening, d by this office has consistently ic Canada Branch Manager) writer) collectively bring more nce to their clients. Along with ssistant), the group continues ese same clients’ expectations
will partake in several events 0 years of business. Initiatives ourful and descriptive monthly ers, financial partners, board Zine” will feature information ’s corporate history alongside ucting business in the surety site has also been completely Unique gifts including 100th s, pen sets and boardroom to partner organizations and e to be circulated throughout
New Ground” The Hill
The crew at Western Surety Company’s Atlantic Branch takes a moment to pose for a picture. LtoR: Stephen Myrer, Maggie Weir and Thomas Pelham.
L to R: Darren Rodger, Jennifer Campbell, Lex Fruman, Paul Thompson,, Scott Beitel, Joanne Gartner, Kelly Sluth, Brent Oshanek, Neil Penner, Kevin Bach, Scott Donald, Danny Riviere, Dale Binner
Select brokers and contractor partners of Western Surety have been acknowledged by presentations of “Reverse Anniversary Letters” signifying the commencement of the formal relationship with Western Surety. The letters are signed by Paul Hill, Scott Donald, past president’s David Dykes and Leo Ell and to date, have been very warmly received. Furthermore, $10,000 worth of scholarships will be presented to the children of Western Surety brokers and the recipients will be highlighted in future Ezines. With a strong start to 2009, both the Regina and Atlantic Canada offices are looking forward to another dynamic construction year.
Edition 50
Edition 28 | Fall 2008
Edition 15 | Summer 2003
Edition 3 | Fall 1994
Edition 50
Ever notice how a warm sunny day, the familiar sound of a Springtime bird saying HELLO or the first glimpse of winter’s snow beginning to melt, has the ability to RAISE OUR SPIRITS? Beloved Comedian and actor, Robin Williams, said it best…“SPRING is nature’s way of saying, LET’S PARTY! Just shortly after returning home from Easter Break, the weather is still bleak in Northwestern Ontario. Snow and a four foot thick slab of ice is covering the entire Lake of the Woods area. I immediately think to myself, “I better have a little chat with Mother Nature tonight in my prayers so I too, can “raise my spirits”. Gratefully within four days, Mother Nature kindly answers my request. I awake to birds chirping and warm sunshine peeking through my blinds. I am instantly filled with JOY and can wait to get out of bed.
Before I know it, I am putting one foot in front of the other and I’m halfway to the MIDDLE of the lake standing next to a RED BUOY. In the summertime, these buoys are lifesavers for boaters…as they purposely mark large rocks throughout the lake. Speaking from my own summer experience, I have desperately relied on them to guide me safely home, much like once upon a time; the ancient sailors trusted the stars. Blasting through my fear-based thoughts, I am now reaching out to touch the red metal buoy. I will never forget the gift of this fantastic ‘seasonal experience’ “A great silent space holds all of nature in its embrace. It also holds YOU! Eckhart Tolle
As I’m sipping my morning coffee, I find my thoughts hard at work on this powerful, invisible influence we call Mother Nature and wondering, how She plays such a significant role in altering our moods when it comes to the four seasons. Finally the afternoon moment comes to…be ONE with NATURE. By this time, temperatures have reached nearly 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit) but I am not measuring; the sun is beaming brightly. The Lake of the Woods police are patrolling the ice roads for any haphazard incidences and I can hear them loudly announcing “Pedestrian and Quad traffic only, the days of your trucks and snowmobiles are over folks, Spring is coming!” For 30 minutes I sit having a conversation with myself, working up the courage to walk down this melting ice road. I know my days to attempt this are rapidly decreasing. My anxiety is quite legit for I see 3 inches of water slushing in front of me.
Edition 50
Career Calling it a
The day is Monday, May 30. It’s a mildly calm, sunny day and by most accounts would appear to be an ordinary workday in the world of the Hill Companies. But, as you enter the doors of Harvard Western Insurance’s East Regina branch, you begin to feel that this day is anything but ordinary. Balloons are in place, streamers are strung, cake is in the fridge, and the feeling of excitement is in the air as a gathering of friends, family and coworkers gather for a day 40 years in the making. You see, today is all about Connie Middleton, an Insurance Advisor with HWI, who is here for her final day with the company and capping off a remarkable 40-year career in the insurance industry.
As the retirement festivities unroll throughout the day, stories, memories and laughs are shared as the product of Lang, SK looks back over the last four decades. Listening to her speak, you begin to get the sense the she has truly seen it all and there may be no other person who has experienced the full evolution and history of Harvard Western Insurance better than Connie. “It all started back in 1972, when I was a fresh business graduate and looking to start my career,” recalls Connie. “I didn’t know much about insurance industry but I was hired on by Campbell and Halliburton, as they had a tendency to hire new graduates out of their downtown Regina location where the Cornwall Centre is today.” Little did she know at the time, but this first job would spark a passion for the industry and set her career down a path she wouldn’t waver from for 40 years. “Even from my earliest days in the industry, I had a passion for helping people and clients 18
Edition 50
which just grew as the years went on,” says Connie. After short stints with Campbell and Halliburton, and a Calgary brokerage firm, Connie moved back to Regina in 1976 and parlayed her insurance experience into a job with Cooks Insurance at 2151 Albert Street. After 20 successful years with Cooks Insurance, the year 1996 brought the first of a string of changes to the local insurance landscape as a merger was formed with McCallum Hill Insurance (Forming Cooks McCallum Hill Insurance). Shortly thereafter, Connie also completed another milestone in her career and obtained her CAIB designation (Canadian Accredited Insurance Broker) in 1998. In the years that followed, Connie would also experience two other company mergers: Cooks ISI Insurance in 2005 (merger between Harvard Developments and Western Financial Group) and finally Harvard Western Insurance in 2010 when Cooks ISI purchased Shenher Insurance. As one would expect, Connie’s career covered nearly
every corner and product line the insurance world can offer. She began in personal lines and over time, had gained experience in commercial lines and contract bonding insurance. But when asked what her favorite project has been, she quickly recalls working with one of the largest and longest-serving clients of the company. “I have had the pleasure of being in charge of the business insurance account for the Professional Photographers of Canada for over 25 years,” says Connie. “It is one of company’s largest accounts and I take great pride that over 400 photographers from across Canada trust and rely on our service and products.” For someone who has been around as long as Connie, you’d also expect that she’d have tales of change and “how things used to be”, but that simply isn’t the case. “You know it’s funny, looking back the industry and company hasn’t changed all that much. People will always need insurance, and there will always be a priority placed on customer service and attention to detail,” says Connie as she describes how the world of insurance. “The biggest thing that has changed I suppose is HOW we do business. I can remember back when nobody had computers and we were excited to get our first telex machine. Now the business is driven by technology and everyone has multiple computers/ smartphones with a majority of work being done online.” Another important role that comes with the experience and knowledge of a Connie’s 40-year career is passing what she’s learned onto the next generation of
insurance advisors – something she says boils down to a couple key points. “First of all, you must always pay attention to what you’ve been taught and to how you communicate that to the client,” claims Connie. “And secondly, it is always better to do something slow and get it right the first time than to rush it and have to correct mistakes later…this applies to any business but is paramount to be successful in the insurance industry.” Unlike the common majority who have their retirement plans and dreams set well before they close out their career, Connie is in no rush to make plans and is taking a more “wait and see” approach. “I don’t really have any major plans for retirement – I think I am just going to relax and enjoy they change in lifestyle and see what comes my way,” says Connie with a chuckle. “I suppose the first thing I intend on doing is getting back into music and playing my keyboard more!” “Connie spent an amazing 40 years with our company, and was a key member of our commercial insurance team,” says Dave Pettigrew, President and CEO of Harvard Western Insurance when asked about the lasting impression Connie made in the offices of HWI. “Her expertise in many areas, including surety bonding and commercial auto, enabled her to provide excellent service to our clients. We are happy for Connie as she transitions into her well-deserved retirement, but will certainly miss her in the office!”
Even from my earliest days in the insurance industry, I had a passion for helping people and clients which just grew as the years went on
Edition 50
Have you ever experienced something in your life that just seemed meant to be? You know those certain times, people, or dreams that just fell perfectly into place and were destined to be part of your life’s script? These are important moments ultimately shape who we are and where we are going but, as is the case with our very own Corrine Drysdale (HPMI Regina), they also make for some very inspiring stories. For more than a decade, Corrine has been chasing her own dream of sharing her passion and flair for vegetarian, vegan and raw food recipes with others in the form of her very own self-published book; a dream that finally became reality earlier this spring. I had the pleasure to sit down with Corrine and share her thoughts on her book, the publishing process, and what it means to become an author. Enjoy!
Q: Corrine, tell us a bit about your book….
“The book is called “Fresh! Vegetarian, Vegan & Raw Food Recipes” and is essentially a wide collection of my favorite recipes that I’ve come up with over the years. It has over 170 recipes based on plant based nutrition, as well as general information and education on the benefits of this type of diet, all in an easy-to-follow-format.” Q: Describe who the book would be perfect for...
“To be honest, this book is perfect for every household around the world. You don’t have to be vegetarian, vegan or raw to enjoy it because it has lots of side salads, and appetizer recipes that complement any other dishes one might make (even meat eaters). It’s especially well-suited for those who are interested in vegetarianism and don’t know where to go, or for raw foodists and vegans who want to add to and complement their existing diet and recipe section.” 20
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Q: What Inspired you to author your own book and how did this all get started?
The whole dream and vision for this book really began about 15 years ago when, following graduating from University, I began having trouble eating meat and there wasn’t a lot of information out there on vegetarian diets. So I began doing some research and trying out some new food diets and slowly started to curate my own collection of recipes. As things went along and I began to add my own creative spin on some of the food creations, I really started to enjoy the food and small light bulb went off in my head that perhaps other people might find my recipes useful one day. That was the first time I had the vision for this book, and from that day on I began documenting all of my recipes in the hopes of one day turning them into a book that others like me could enjoy! A big part of my book’s overall messaging is all about the mentality that life (and your diet) should have limitations. There a common misconception out there that to be healthy you had to deprive yourself of something, and it always bugged me. There’s so much abundance in life, I don’t think anybody needs to live their life with the thought of what they can’t have. So when I put this book together I added a blurb about looking at life about what you CAN have, and fuelling your diet and lifestyle with things that make you feel great and come with no limitations. Q: Walk us through the process of how you went about publishing your book?
The formal publishing process began back in 2009 when I began to go from vision to design. The interesting part of my book is it was 100% self-published, meaning I was involved in every step of the publication process including design, layout, fonts, photos, promotion, etc. I did approach some publishers with the book idea, and even had a publisher lined up in Fort Lauderdale for a short period of time until she unfortunately passed away, but at the end of the day this was my dream and I felt that self-publishing was the best (and fun) way to make my vision a reality. I have a background in marketing, design and photography so I just naturally started using these skills to pull the elements of the book together –
to match what I was picturing in my head. As the project went along, things just seemed to always fall into place, reassuring me that this was meant to be. A perfect example of this came just a few months ago when, while attending a fundraiser dinner, I was introduced to Terri Cote (principal of Mother Teresa Middle School). We began talking about my book and she gave me the contact information for Linda Hale of Signature Print-It, who would become the final piece of the puzzle as she came on board to help print the book and become one of my biggest supporters. Q: Can you share a few of your favorite recipes from the book with us?
Absolutely! One of my favorites is a really simple but delicious Mango Torte that is made up of only three ingredients; dates, nuts and mango. You just blend the nuts and the dates to make the base. The dates are sweet so you don’t miss out on the sweetness of the dessert, while the nuts are fulfilling and the mango balances it all together. There’s also an amazing Citrus Bok Choy Salad in the book (recipe below) that really offers a tasty and refreshing dish that is loaded with nutrients and vitamins. Q: What was the most rewarding part of becoming an author and publishing your very own book?
The most rewarding part of this whole journey is truly just completing the vision I’ve had for all of these years, and finally bringing this all to life. It was a long process, but all along I felt that this was meant to be and that things would always work out. I am very proud of the final product and it’s such a rewarding experience to physically hold the book in my hands and see others enjoying it. Q: Thanks Corrine for sharing your story – how can our employees get their hands on a copy of your book if they wish?
No problem! The book is available for purchase at Chapters in Regina, McNally Robinson in Winnipeg and Saskatoon, or in Moose Jaw at Alternate Root Organics. It can also be purchased online from or
Ease level: ★★
Mango Torte
“3 easy ingredients, 15 easy minutes" Creates: 8” round Prep Time: 15 minutes Chill Time: up to 1 hour (optional)
Torte Base:
1 cup almonds 6 Medjool dates, soft, pits removed In high-speed blender, gently grind almonds to desired texture. Place in mixing bowl and add dates. Mix well by hand. Press into dessert serving tray.
Mango Fruit Filling: 2 ripe mangos sliced
Peel and slice flesh of mango into “apple pie slice style pieces.” Arrange onto almond base. Set into refrigerator for up to 1 hour before serving.
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Steven Shelest and Deb Macdonald (holding the flag) of Harvard Western Insurance showing their “Rider Pride� during their recent volunteer trip to Nicaragua with Bridges to Community Canada. While there, the group helped build precious homes for needy families within the poverty-stricken region of Jinotega.
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Well beyond the organized chaos of multi-milliondollar office towers and neighbourhood developments we are known for, there exists a much different world of “building� that, for most of our people in North America, goes relatively unseen. But for many living in rural villages around the globe, the access to basic needs like shelter, food, and security are all but a dream. Fortunately, thanks to our friends and colleagues at Harvard Western Insurance, small steps are being taken to build these communities one brick at a time. HILL STREET NEWS |
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Deb and Steven’s story begins in the Fall of 2015 when, after hearing about Garion and Kayla’s experiences earlier in they year, they both submitted their names to be this year’s volunteers. As part of the process, applicants had to write an essay on why they want to be apart of this program and how it would impact them. “I’m a firm believer in the company’s values and being ambassadors in the community,” says Steven when asked about why he wanted to be apart of this experience. “I’ve bought in to where we want to go and I thought this would be an incredible opportunity for myself to grow as a person and spread these values in the community.” “I truly love travelling, but wanted to try something new and experience something different from the usual resorts and vacations out there” comments Deb as she thinks back on why she decided to give this a try. “so I thought this would be an excellent and fulfilling opportunity to see the world from a different perspective and make a difference while doing it.” Once selected, the pair had a three-month window to fundraise the $4,000 necessary to cover the full costs of building one house in Nicaragua. With help from their colleagues and clients in the industry, Steven and Deb managed to raise over $9,000 via steak nights, office fundraisers, and support from friends and family. “The support we received from the community was really overwhelming” says Deb. “Everyone recognized the importance of what we were doing and gave us their full support” ON THE EXPERIENCE
With fundraising and planning out of the way, the two packed their bags and boarded the plane for their long haul to Sasle, a small village just north of Jinotega in the North central region of Nicaragua. As they endured the long flight and connections, their heads were filled with excitement and uncertainty unsure of what the next seven days would have in store for them. One thing was for certain however, that their outlook on life was about to be turned upside down. “After we arrived, we were taken into Sasle for a welcome 24
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celebration with the locals and got a first hand look at the poverty and living conditions these people were facing,” says Steven describing the two’s first experience in the new country. “It was definitely an eye-opening experience.” Following the welcome celebration, the group of 11 made their way to their farm and living quarters for briefing and to discuss the upcoming itinerary and build schedule for the week. “There were two build sites that we would end up working on,” recalls Connie as she looks back on the project. “Over the course of our stay we would build a completely new home and install a tile floor in another family’s existing home. Installing the tile floor was specifically memorable because it was for a family of twelve living in this tiny home and they had been saving up for years, buying individual tiles whenever they could afford it. They were long days, but it makes it all worth it to help families and a community like that.”
As you’ll recall from this time last year, we highlighted the story of Garion Carlson and Kayla Brown from Harvard Western Insurance (HWI) and their journey to Nicaragua to help build homes for needy families with Bridges to Community Canada – a not-for-profit organization that improves the lives of impoverished communities in developing countries through volunteer service trips. Now, one year later, we are excited to bring you episode number two of this incredible story, with two new stars Steven Shelest and Deb Macdonald from HWI.
Over the course of our stay we would build a completely new home and install a tile floor in another family’s existing home.... they were long days, but it makes it all worth it to help families and a community like that - DEB MACDONALD
As construction went on, the pair even developed their own unique set of skills on how they could help out on the job site. “Deb turned out to be an expert with rebar and was usually in charge of making the wall braces for the home.” Comments Steven.” As much as I tried, I just couldn’t get the hang of it so I was more helpful using my height and size to cut cinderblocks, mix concrete, and assemble/take down scaffolding.” Temperatures during the dry season (January to June) in Nicaragua are relatively hot, consistently reaching the mid to high 20’s each day, which is why one special local man proved to be one of the highlights of each day. “The volunteers and locals who were helping build always looked
forward to seeing the “Eskimo Man” – a man who would walk from the village and sell ice cream to the group each morning,” recalls Deb. “We would take turns buying ice cream for everyone and enjoy a refreshing break during the build.” ON REFLECTION AND LESSONS LEARNED
On the final day of the group’s stay, they hiked up a nearby mountain together to reflect back on what they had learned over the past 10 days and how they’re outlook had changed. For Deb and Steven, there was one constant theme…. how lucky we all are. “I remember saying to Steven when we were down there, I can’t imagine what it would be like to live here. The people there don’t have any real possessions or belongings. So while
I ended up leaving there with a completely new perspective and a genuine feeling that I had helped someone. It was an overall incredible experience - STEVEN SHELEST
we are at home thinking of redecorating or landscaping, these people are simply just trying to survive on a daily basis. it’s just hard to imagine not knowing if you can go to school, or have a place to sleep that really opens your eyes to how truly blessed we are. But I left there with the thought that probably crosses everyone’s mind that goes through this and that’s that there is still so much left to do, and what could we have done better.” “I’ll be honest, I went there with the idea that this was going to be, you know, a warm vacation in the middle of Saskatchewan winter. I would have to build a house, but it would be more of a cool holiday. But through what I saw and the experiences we lived through, I ended up leaving there with a completely new perspective and a genuine feeling that I had helped someone. It was an overall incredible experience.” For more information on the “Bridges to Community” organization, please visit
HARVARD WESTERN INSURANCE Habitat for Humanity Regina has been providing families with a hand up to break the cycle of poverty through homeownership since 1993. Through volunteer labour and donations of money and materials, Habitat Regina builds safe, decent and affordable homes alongside community partners. Haultain Crossing is Habitat for Humanity’s largest Saskatchewan build in history. Located at 1033 Edgar Street, the development will become home to sixty two families over five years. On March 10th, 15, and 17th Harvard Western Insurance sent a total of 24 volunteers to the Haultain Crossing build. Together we all had a part in installing the siding on several homes. After a day of volunteering with Habitat, we all look back and know that we helped contribute to our community in a way that provides hope to many Regina families.
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May is here and with it brings the wrap up of Audits for another year…..Good job everyone! Kyleah Smandych wrote her final exam in April towards
a Bachelor of Commerce degree, She will convocate from Laurentian University in May. And along with logging her work experience, Kyleah will obtain a CGA Designation. Congratulations Kyleah is preparing to write The Common Final Exam (CFE) in May for her CPA designation. Anna will be the second Harvard employee to write this exam. Congratulations Anna, we wish you all the best as you prepare and write. After successfully passing the CFE and 30 months of practical experience, Anna will obtain her CPA. Anna Hui
In April, James Nixon wrote CPA exam Core 1 and will continue his studies in May on Core 2. Sanam Amirli wrote CPA Finance exam and will resume her studies in the fall. We continue with our monthly staff lunches and April was no exception. We had a thank you and send off lunch at Bobby’s Place Olde World Tavern for our coop student Jalynn Jansen, as she finishes her 8 month co-op work term, and heads back to the U of R in May. Was great having her join our team and we wish
her all the best as she finishes up her studies. Corporate accounting will again be conducting interviews in May with U of R co-op students, for student hiring for the period of September 2016 to April 2017. has volunteered to be on the YWCA’s Fund Development Committee. This Committee is made up of YWCA staff, YWCA board members and community volunteers. 2016 will launch the 1st year for the YWCA annual SAY YES campaign to raise money. Currently approximately 5% of their revenue is from donations and approximately 60% is from government grants. YWCA’s goal is to create a stable revenue model for the future and not rely of government for the majority of their revenue. SAY YES campaign will run yearly from May 3rd to June 7th. With this being the first year of the campaign, the fundraising focus will be on internal donations from staff, volunteers and people associated with the YWCA. 2017 will see the launch of the annual campaign to the community. If anyone is interested in knowing more about the campaign or would like to make a donation please see Cassandra.
Cassandra Endicott
was asked along with 5 other Regina business women to make up the YWCA’s Women of Distinction Selections Committee. YWCA Regina’s Women of Distinction Awards program is an integral part of their commitment to supporting women in the realization of their full potential. Since 1981, the Awards Gala has recognized women whose outstanding achievements contribute to the health and future of our community and are an inspiration to others. A YWCA Women of Distinction nominee is a woman who displays a sustained and significant contribution in her field of endeavor, whether locally, nationally or internationally. In addition to honoring talented women who make a difference, the Gala Awards Dinner raises funds in support of YWCA programs and services. This years Gala took place April 28th at the Conexus Arts Centre, with 8 Harvard staff attending. Pauline Wagner
The friendly faces of our incredibly talented Corporate Service team! Back Row (L-R): Terry Downie, Cathy Donald, Lauretta Beliveau, Rose Rossignol, Pauline Wagner, Cassandra Endicott, Anna Hui, Gary Thiel, James Nixon, Kim Tebb Front Row (L-R): Sophie Nathanail, Kyleah Smandych, Sanam Zimmer, Jalynn Jensen, Ting Meng
In Property Management, summer is the season of new projects and also a time to complete tasks that have been ongoing throughout the winter. The Regina downtown teams were busy with preparations for our annual tenant breakfasts and the Technical Services team is finalizing plans for the Safety Managers’ conference. The HPMI year-end audit has gone smoothly and is now complete due to the hard work of everyone involved. Thank you to Jennifer Calnek for organizing this important aspect of our client service. On March 1, HPMI’s Head Office Support Team welcomed Pamela Waldner into her new role of Accounting Clerk. She joined HPMI in 2015 in an administrative support position with our Regina Downtown and Retail teams. Congratulations Pam! The annual tenant “Spring Breakfast” was another huge success. Tenants enjoyed Green Spot Cinnamon Buns, muffins, yogurt, as well as coffee and juice!
In early March, Chase Bourassa received a promotion to Building Operator of Mosaic Tower at Hill Centre III. Chase has been with us for less than one year and demonstrated an exceptional ability in property maintenance and customer service that did not go unnoticed. Congratulations on your advancement Chase! Since our last update, we were pleased to welcome the following new faces to Property Management: Wes Hicton began his Maintenance Assistant role with the Regina downtown operations team. His attention to detail, in addition to electrical and welding background make him a great addition to the team. Andrea Bell was introduced as our new Marketing Administrator. She will play an integral role in the retail marketing plans and PR Promo activities throughout our portfolio as well as the operation of the downtown Regina Facility Booking program. Our Calgary office welcomed Ashley Kane in her term position of Senior Property Administrator. She is taking over Angie Gibson’s responsibilities during her maternity leave.
Harvard is proud to introduce Club 21 - an exlusive members only club that provides breathtaking views and fine dining options from the rooftop patio of Mosaic Tower.
The Rooftop patio at Mosaic Tower will open to all downtown Regina Harvard tenants on Thursday, June 2nd for the first time as Club 21. This exclusive members club will provide the perfect backdrop for tenants to entertain clients or invite friends and family to join and experience Regina’s premier downtown venue. Club 21 will be open on Thursdays from 4 - 8 pm. Food & beverages will be provided for purchase by 20Ten City Eatery and an exciting line-up of local musical performances is scheduled.
has renewed on 3,321 square feet and expanded to lease an additional 2,330 square feet of its 5th floor premises in Conexus Plaza for a 5 year term. The Ministry of Central Services, Privacy Commissioner
Another branch of the Ministry of Central Services, Public Employees Benefits Agency (PEBA), has also completed an extension and expansion in Conexus Plaza. Its existing area of approximately 29,700 square feet on the entire 10th floor, and a portion of the 11th floor and 12th floor was extended for another 6 years, and it has expanded to take an additional 6,800 square feet of area on the main floor and another portion of the 11th floor for 10 years. 28
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CIBC Wood Gundy has extended and expanded its lease on the 4th floor of Conexus Plaza.
The tenant previously leased 10,233 square feet, and has expanded to take an additional 3,410 square feet to now lease the entire 4th floor. The lease will run until 2026. Kramer Ltd.
has renewed its space at Park Centre for a one year term. The office is 1,357 square feet.
Overal leasing and construction of Outlet Collection Winnipeg, Manitoba’s first fashion outlet mall, is progressing nicely and still on track for a May 2017 opening. Contruction crews have since completed the wall and roof structures as well as completed paving the nearby area. Other leasing/construction updates for Seasons are: Dairy Queen and Pizzeria Pronto are currently under construction and anticipate a late 2016 opening • Our hotel site, Hilton Garden Hotel is also well under construction and on target for a Spring 2017 opening • The Audi Winnipeg dealership is also progressing nicely, following the positive momentum gained from their groundbreaking event earlier this year. • On the residential side of things, the first round of Devereaux’s apartment buildings, as well as Brightwater’s senior housing complex, are now under construction. • We also have a 9,000 square foot retail building #14 that will start construction this fall. Announcements on tenants will be coming in the near future. •
We have gained momentum at Horizons on the leasing front resulting from agreeing on a deal with a food store anchor. There has been plenty of activity onsite as crews install roadways and services. Stay tuned as announcements come at a later date.
Located in SE Regina on Chuka Boulevard, this 21 acre development is set for site work commencement this fall. This food store anchored shopping centre will also have a drug store, several restaurants, professional services and quality retail offerings. Phase one will be open in the fall of 2017.
Grasslands continues to grow and add important new retailers to the already strong mix of regional, national and international retailers. In the fall this year we will announce a new 44,000 retailer whom will locate next to London Drugs opening in 2017. Also, in the same quadrant of Grasslands Shopping Centre, Knight Archer Insurance has committed to a new 4,000 sq.ft location scheduled to start construction soon. The mixed use residential and retail building in the village is currently under construction leasing is well underway. This building is scheduled to open in summer 2017 and will add approximately ten new, exciting retailers to the project.
Currents of Windermere continues to grow and a number of retailers have opened or are opening in the near future. They include: Red Robin, a casual dining restaurant franchise, and a new barbershop both recently held their grand openings to great fanfare. • •
The Keg
Tommy Gunns
has started construction on a 9,000 sq.ft restaurant
• The Canadian active lifestyle retailer Believe Fit has a new location under construciton and is scheduled to open in mid-August. HILL STREET NEWS |
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MESSAGE FROM CAM CAM COWIE Good news for the 100 year old Social Media “Radio” … is still the dominant way to reach Canadians 12+. Whether its posting, pinning, liking, linking, clicking, messaging or tweeting … radio reaches more Canadians in a week (88%) than popular social media sites deliver in a month!
Have a great summer everyone, -Cam
95.7 CRUZ FM hosted our 6th Hall Party on May 13th! This time Platinum Blonde played for a packed house of loyal CRUZ listeners! Listeners were encouraged to find some leg warmers, muscle shirts, or neon tees to wear to celebrate one of the most memorable decades in music.
For the month of March, HOT 107’s Ryder in the Morning were the Celebrity Chef’s for Delux Burger Bar with their Chicken Wing Burger - crispy chicken fingers, tossed in Delux hot sauce, thick cut double smoked bacon, avocado, lettuce, tomato, spicy parmesan and mayo on a brioche bun. $1 from every burger sold went towards Boys and Girls Club Big Brothers Big Sisters in Edmonton.
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To say the last few month in Fort McMurray have been interesting would be an understatement. At the end of April, the city found out about a small fire that, while earlier than usual, was not uncommon. It quickly escalated into the biggest natural disaster in our countries history. On May 3rd, after two days of press conferences from the city updating the situation, it happened. A city wide evacuation that sent 88,000 people scrambling to get out. But it also gave the staff of Mix 103.7 and 100.5 Cruz FM the chance to show how much the stations meant to the town. While we were forced to evacuate our office, it didn’t stop a group of determined professionals from continuing to broadcast and pass along essential information to those who needed it most. Once the transmitter went out around 9pm that evening, the news team continued to update our residents on social media with essential information. A couple of days later, we were able to set up our staff in our Calgary and Edmonton offices and streamed information as it came in.
TOP: Members of 100.5 CRUZ FM and MIX 103.7 unite with first responders from the Fort McMurray area / Matt Baron of Mix103.7 spreads the love with free hugs to Fort Mac residents. Bottom: DJ’s from GX94 and FOX FM hit the airwaves for 12 straight hours in support of Yorkton Regional Health Centre.
Although three staff members lost everything including their homes to “The Beast”, the resolve of the group never wavered. We were given essential status recognition and therefore early entry back into Fort McMurray. The stations were there when the city reopened their doors on June 1st. People arrived to the familiar sound of their favorite stations offering them solace and comfort that the town had survived. Matt Baron, the Mix morning announcer was offering free hugs, Andrew Skwarek parked the vehicles under the “Welcome Home Fort McMurray” sign and waved to hundreds of cars as they drove by receiving honks, waves and smiles. The fire taught us all something we already knew but was affirmed. The Harvard radio stations are not only a key part of the business community but an integral part of the emotional fiber of Fort McMurray. While there is a lot of work to do to restore the town to where it was, residents here have found comfort knowing that Mix 103.7 and 100.5 Cruz FM will be with them every step of the way.
April 25th & 26th GX94 & FOX FM held the 10th Annual Airwaves for Health Radiothon at the Yorkton Regional Health Centre. Jocks were on location at the hospital for 12 hours each day. This year all money raised went to ICU Cardiac/Vital Sign Monitors at the Yorkton Regional Health Centre. On April 23rd the 27th Annual Saskatchewan Country Music Awards were held in Saskatoon. GX94 won Fan Choice Radio Station for the 4th consecutive year in a Secondary Market.
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96.3 Cruz FM plays “Name That Hit” three times each weekday at 7:20am, 12:20pm and 5:20pm. Each time, we play a clip of a hit song and ask our listeners to tell us the name of that song. If they guess correctly, they automatically win $100! If they guess wrong, the pot grows by $100 the next time we play, and they win a $25 consolation prize. On Friday April 8th 2016, 96.3 Cruz FM gave away our largest jackpot to date… $4,900! Janice correctly guessed “I Would Die For You” by Prince and started her weekend nearly five grand richer! Cruz FM plays “Name That Hit” twice a year; for 8 weeks in Spring, and for 8 weeks in Fall.
Top: a lucky contestant shows off her $4,900 winnings from playing 96.3 CRUZ FM’s “Name That Hit” promotion Bottom: A throwback to the Grand Opening of Harvard Broadcasting Regina’s headquarters 10 years ago
Harvard Broadcasting Regina celebrates their 10th anniversary of relocating into the new Century Plaza development, formerly the old Hudson Bay department store. The official Grand Opening was May 2nd, 2006 WINNER! The Regina and District Chamber of Commerce handed out the prestigious Paragon Awards on April 1st and Harvard Broadcasting Regina was declared the winner in the Community Involvement category.
Below: Harvard Broadcasting Regina and its staff are awarded with a well deserved Paragon Award for their community involvement efforts. Congratulations to the entire crew!
Regina’s Rock Station 104.9 The Wolf presented Queen City Rocks 2016 and is proud to announce LEAGUE of WOLVES as the winner of this year’s competition. The band started as small-town boys in an unknown group playing cover songs at open mics, but the Saskatoon rockers have evolved into a well-respected touring band, playing high energy rock with a purpose. The lead single from their EP release, “Straight Shot” has become a regular part of Ottawa Senators pregame warm-ups and the record’s reach continues to grow. Harvard Broadcasting’s Regina staff step up to the plate and volunteer to serve Regina’s less fortunate at the annual Souls Harbour Easter Dinner.
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Calgary’s Alternative X92.9’s morning show host Tyler Middleton is the 2016 recipient of the Allan Waters Young Broadcaster of the year award in honour of the late Steve Young. This award is eligible to any broadcaster or programmer in the country under the age of 30, and Tyler was picked as this year’s best from all the applicants across Canada. Previous winners include Harvard’s own Ryder from Hot 107, Edge 102’s Fearless Fred, and former Harvard Program Director Sara Parker. He was presented the award at this years Canadian Music Week in Toronto in May.
KRAZE 101.3 was a sponsor of the 7th Annual Heart’s Desire Ladies Fundraising Gala! A ladies night out in support of the Heart and Stroke Foundation! You are probably wondering why there’s a guy in the ladies night out picture...?? That’s Kraze 101.3’s very own BOBBY MAY from the Morning Show with a bunch of Kraze ladies in attendance! Bobby did an amazing job as the emcee for the event! The event brought in thousands of dollars plus huge awareness for the Heart and Stroke Foundation cause!
100.7 CRUZ FM kicked off the May long weekend in style with a “Wild Wild Party” with Kim Mitchell! It was a sold out show at the Red Deer Memorial Centre because the only way into this FREE show was to win tickets! Listeners won tickets by listening calling in during our Wild Wild Wednesday promotions and we rewarded our online CRUZ CLUB members with tickets just for signing up. What a great way to kick off the long weekend! CRUZ FM gave away $3300 in what is our biggest “Name That Hit” winner ever. Bill Martyn took home a cool $3300 in cash...but wanted to give back in a big way! Bill donated $1000 to the Red Deer & District Food Bank ensuring more families’ needs are met in Central Alberta during these tough times.
This spring Kraze 101.3 partnered with our home builder client – Mason Martin Homes to bring an epic ratings promo called MARBLE MONEY! We definitely lost our marbles by giving out HUGE cash amounts! How it worked was simple we would pour a quantity of marbles into a box for listeners to hear and guess the quantity! If they correctly guessed the amount then we rewarded them with a piece of $10,000.00! HILL STREET NEWS |
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BARBARA SMITH Insurance Advisor - HWI Quance
MELISSA FOX Group Benefits Advisor - HWI Quance
RHONDA MOSIMAN Insurance Advisor - HWI Albert Street
WES HICTON Maintenance Assistant - HPMI Regina
SAMUEL MIRANDA Maintenance Assistant - HPMI Winnipeg
ANDREA BELL Marketing Administrator - HPMI Regina
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Congratulations to Corrine Drysdale (HPMI Regina) and her new husband Graeme, who celebrated their wedding on June 11th at the Willow on Wascana in Regina!
Congratulations to 96.3 Cruz FM’s Morning Show Host Joel Jeffrey and his wife Tamara on the arrival of their baby boy! Lincoln Leslie James Hominuke was born on February 23rd, 2016!
Congratulations to Calgary’s Alternative X92.9’s Promotions Coordinator Katie (Gerula) & her husband Teddy Emmett on their nuptials held in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico on November 23!
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- Walter Hamilton Alexander Hill
Let’s keep in touch For story ideas and information, please contact Matt Geiger
visit our website for more information
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