Summer 2008 • Volume 70 • Number 1
Inside this Issue:
How Hillcrest Got Its Name HIT Golf Recap Alumna of the Year Reunion Photos
GREETING Dear Alumni and Friends,
Summer is over. It has been a good one, with more improvements on the campus. Thanks to the Fergus Falls Rotary Club, a new brick patio was installed on the Hillcrest front lawn by the flag pole. And in the back, behind the Student Activities Center, blacktop was added to the entrance road and parking lot. Most recently, the front steps to the Hillcrest building were replaced. God has provided a beautiful campus for our students!
of celebrations. It’s always great to have HLA alumni and families return for a visit. You are always welcome! The new school year is here. We are pleased with the 197 students who now call Hillcrest their junior and senior high school. This is also a significant year between HLA and the Danielsen School of Bergen, Norway. We are celebrating 20 years together, with close to 500 Norwegian students who have attended for this one-year experience. We are also blessed with many students from South Korea and other countries. More information on the school start up will come in the fall issue of the Hillcrest Connection.
mis- sion minded . I will make a mar k. a life of significanc e. I will be mission I will make a mark. I will live a life of sigce. I will be mission minded. I will learn to be e like Jesus. I will make a mark. I will live a life significance. I will b e mission minded. I will learn o be more like Jesu s. I will make a ma rk. I will live a life of significanc e. I will be mission minded. I wil learn to be more lik eLIVE. JesuLEARN. s . I w i l l make a mark. I GO. will live a life of s ignificance. I will be mission m ed. I will lear Three months ago, Hillcrest graduated 53 seniors. Parents, alumni, and friends gathered to celebrate and enjoy the fellowship of this significant event. This issue focuses on some of the activities of that wonderful weekend
I am excited about the plans God has for Hillcrest this year. There will be new ministry opportunities. God will change lives, and prepare students for a life of significance. This is exciting work! Thank you for your prayers and financial support. God’s Peace,
Steven J. Brue, HLA President
Any school can prepare students for a life of excellence...
We’re more concerned about a life of significance.
CONTENTS 4 Feature Class of ‘08
6 Focus
How Hillcrest Got Its Name
8 Finance
Charitable Connection Financial Update
10 Campus News HLA Today HIT Golf Recap
12 Alumni News Alumna of the Year Reunion Photos Alumni Update Alumni Update
Summer 2008 The Hillcrest Connection is published quarterly by Hillcrest Academy. Hillcrest Lutheran Academy 610 Hillcrest Drive Fergus Falls, MN 56537-2699 STEVE BRUE | President Contributing Editor RYAN ERICKSON Graphic Design
The mission of Hillcrest Lutheran Academy is to equip students in a Christ-centered, Bible-based environment for a life of significance.
<<< The Class of 2008 poses on the front steps of Hillcrest. Back Row L-R: Anton Tungseth, Timothy Borowski, Nicolai Tungseth, Joshua Forland, Timothy Erickson, Matthew Abel 7th Row L-R: Joshua Olsoe, Cody Aasness, Kyle Christopherson, Joseph Battillo, Daniel Juliot 6th Row L-R: Young Han Kwon, Shin Young Kim, Byung Wook-Yoo, Joshua Kugler, Micah Boyum, Aaron Christenson 5th Row L-R: Kelly McKeon, Haein Oh, Katie Burke, Samantha Hanson, Kylie Howe, Rachel Stephens, Kari Ellingsen 4th Row L-R: Ye Jin Kim, Jin Yu, Rebekka Abel, Rebecca Lackey, Cari Jo Hohncke, Rachel Brandon, Megan Reme 3rd Row L-R: Suzie Kang, Ha-Young Lee, Brittany Wade, Tawneke Cloud, Ashley Boyum, Kayla Weedon 2nd Row L-R: Zachary Lewison, Sonia Jensen, Heidi Jahr, Maggie Jacobsen, Lindsey Brue, Katherine O’Sullivan, Kristen Pena Front Row L-R: Solhwi Kim, Hye-Jung Lee, Kara Lillestolen, Elizabeth Crowley, Amy Overgaard, Amanda Stroud, Elisa Gomezcoello, Joy Sunde
OF ‘08 Kara Lillestolen stands in the receiving line after commencement.
It was a beautiful day for a graduation ceremony on the campus of Hillcrest Lutheran Academy. Parents, grandparents, relatives, student, and friends filled the HLA Student Activities Center in honor of the 53- member graduating Class of 2008. The commencement address was given by Rev. John Kilde, a graduate of HLA, former Hillcrest instructor, and avid Comets fan. His words inspired both the graduates and all in attendance. Twenty-nine Danielsen students received HLA Certificates of Completion and a newly published hard cover book on Minnesota funded by the Veden Foundation. The weekend festivities also included a Hillcrest Concert on Friday night, featuring the Band, Jazz Ensemble, Choir, and
Vocalise Ensemble, followed by numerous class reunions throughout the weekend. The Alumni Brunch was held Saturday morning, and a Senior Honors Program and Banquet later that afternoon. At the Senior Class Night on Saturday evening, Josh Kugler and Tim Erickson gave Valedictory addresses, and Ella Jin Yu gave the Salutatory address. Many thanks to the parents and grandparents who participated in a special gift honoring the graduates! God’s rich blessings to the Class of 2008!
How Hillcrest Got Its Name by Steve Hoffbeck What’s in a name? Plenty. “Hillcrest” sounds like a cool school. The word brings forth images of a hill in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, a small city that has twenty-seven hills covered with oaks and maples within its borders. “Crest” carries with it the feeling of riding the crest of a wave, surfing and weaving its curling, foaming top. A school on the crest of a hill is a place where students are riding on the ridgeline summit---taller than the treetops, above the fray of worldly commotion and the everyday humdrum of commonplace life. An“academy,”if Christianity is applied and taught there practically, might be one step higher, heavenward, on a narrow path that leads to life than the wide highway found in the hallways of the “public school” and its blackboard jungle tangles. Hillcrest Academy sounds like a private school where the
students might even wear uniforms, with a coat of arms emblem on the front handkerchief pocket of a blazer jacket. When a speaker adds the word “Lutheran” to “Hillcrest” and “Academy”then the meaning of the school is clarified. This must be some sort of a Christian school, if Martin Luther is translated correctly, he and the school stand for the pure message of Christ as the sole basis for living one’s life (sola scriptura). The proof of being a Christian school is not in name only, but must be revealed through the lives of those who pass through the hallowed halls of Hillcrest. That is the true test of a school, not the grades, the exams or the scholarships, that really measures its worth. It is an ongoing call to the graduates of the academy to live their lives in Christ. The school got its name as Hillcrest Lutheran Academy in 1948. In that year, in the aftermath of World War II---which had ended just three years previously, the school’s leaders wanted to renew the mission of the high school in the dawn of a new era of hope after the tragedies of that deadly war.
To bring some fun into the mix, the church fathers proposed a contest to choose new names for the high school department and the Bible School and seminary departments of the Lutheran Brethren Schools. If ever there was a boring name, it was contained with the terms “Lutheran” and “Brethren” and “Schools,” for each word was foundational, but very basic, hence boring.
“Motion passed: That the names of our school system shall be The Lutheran Brethren Schools with the seminary designated as The Lutheran Brethren Seminary, and the high school as The Lutheran Brethren Academy.”
E.M. Strom, president of the Lutheran Bible School, was chairman of the “Name Committee,” established in 1947. Strom, who had musical last name that sounded like the strum on a guitar, asked church people for assistance in his name quest. “We Need Your Help,” he pleaded in Faith and Fellowship magazine, to find two names for the two schools that had different missions in the denomination---the Seminary/ Bible School wished to be separate from the high school department, partly because its students were older than the academy’s teenagers, but mainly to elevate the seminary into a proper status within the higher education community.
The headmaster of the high school, President M.E. Sletta, felt that the plain names were “unsatisfactory,” and he wrote that plenty of people felt a “general dissatisfaction” with those names. Therefore, the church body gave the matter another year of thought.
President Strom asked for new names that would identify the mission of each school and those names “ought to be euphonious,” in other words, melodious and rolling off the tongue as clear raindrops trailed down from the dormers of the four-story castle on the summit of the hill on Alcott Drive. All contestants were to write suggestions for names on a “separate sheet of paper without your name” on it, so that the name of the writer would not influence the judges. Each contestant was instructed to write his or her name on a cover letter, so that the winner could be identified. As with any contest, prizes went to the winners of the name game. Because it was a Bible School, it seemed to make sense that the winners would each get a Bible. Two “ten-dollar” Bibles, one donated by Pastor Oscar Monson, from Fergus Falls, and another by O. H. Overland of Grand Forks, North Dakota, were held as enticement for those who wished to bring mellifluous names before the committee. However, not all went as smoothly as hoped. A few ideas came from “different people,” and the naming committee “considered all these names carefully” and picked the most euphonious, the most sonorous, the most harmonious one for the church’s annual meeting to approve. Sadly, the name chosen, “Lakeview Lutheran Schools” faced total rejection by the conventioneers, who must have found it to be sadly and emphatically non-euphonious. Instead of Lakeview, the delegates decided to call the schools by the plainest of plain names, the most boring of boring names. The notes from the annual meeting tell the story clearly:
How these names were better than the old name of “Lutheran Bible School” was unclear.
In 1948, the contest resumed and the church sought a name that really resonated with the schools’ mission. A graduate of the high school department, class of 1947, came to the rescue. A young man came up with the right name, one that was really wanted by the church people. Robert Overgaard, who had been born in Dalton, Minnesota, twenty miles south of Fergus Falls, and who had grown up in Fergus Falls, had an inspiration. His father, Gust Overgaard, was a carpenter who had been hired to remodel the Old Castle school building after its purchase in 1935, and the height and majesty of the building held its sway over young Robert as his father’s workmen improved it on the outside and on the inside. When shinglers put new shingles on the roof, four-and-ahalf stories above the grassy summit of the hill, the fortyfive-foot roof peak gave some workers pause. When one of the shinglers lost his footing atop the sharply-pitched roof and slid untethered to the edge, all who saw him grasp the rain-gutter with all his might so that he did not plunge to his death, rushed to his aid and pulled him to life and safety on the rooftop. With his life saved, the workman shakily got off the roof, down the flights of stairs and rested tremblingly under an oak tree on the school grounds below. Gust Overgaard gave the shaken man thirty minutes to ponder his mortality and then told him to either go home or go back on the roof. If he did not climb again to the roof, said Overgaard, he would likely never reach the heights again. The fellow went back up. This incident perhaps influenced young Bob Overgaard in his thinking about the school and his idea to submit the (continued on page 13)
Charitable CONNECTION King Solomon said that as iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another. This wise quip brings to mind a conversation I had recently with a friend about money management and how our children handle their finances. My friend shared with me that while his children were young he encouraged them to invest in a Roth IRA. He taught them the time value of money by illustration. He provided his children with examples. For instance, saving $100.00 a month starting at age 25 and stopping by age 35. Over this ten year period they would have invested $12,000.00. At 8% interest, this $12,000.00 would grow to $200,000.000 at age 65. He also explained that debt is a dangerous trap and interest can work against them. His children were happy to do the Roth IRA. Training our children to handle finances is one of the most important components of a good estate plan. Over 95% of wealthy families today focus on minimizing taxes and drafting appropriate legal documents, yet sadly a sobering statistic is that 65% of wealthy families have list all the family’s wealth by the end of the third generation. Careful estate planning and giving are important, yet it is just as important to train our children to know how to handle finances and to manage our estates when we are gone. It’s a natural response for us to want to keep money matters private yet sharing our person goals and biblically based principal regarding giving, spending, and investing will help keep our children sharp. Keven Crabtree RFC Securities offered through USAllianz Securities Member NASD, SIPC, Registered Investment Advisor 5701 Golden Hills Drive Minneapolis, MN 55416 888.446.5872
Endowments Help at Hillcrest Hillcrest Academy benefits from a growing number of established endowments for student scholarships and general operations. Contributions may be added to any endowment. Consider a gift in honor of one from the following list. For further assistance in setting up endowments, contact the HLA President’s Office at (218) 739-3371. HLA Class of 1950 HLA Class of 1954 HLA Class of 1957 HLA Building Fund Bethany LBC, Mason City, IA Hope LBC, Barnesville, MN Arlton, Stan Bridston, Alfred & Gladys Broen, H. & C. Roholt Davis, Signe Egge, Esther Egge, Joseph & Blenda Egge, Marion Erickson, C.F. & Leona Fosdal, Ingvald & Clara Foss, Johnnie O. & Florence Foss, Mable Freeland, Peter & Agnes Haegeland, Irene Hagen, E.O & A.H. Halvorson, Elling & Barbara Hammond, Doug
Helgesen, Karl The Iverson Family Johnerson, Carl & Hannah Lando, Inez Levang, J.H & Silence Olsoe, Ed & Clara Olson, James & Linda Peterson, Ed & LaVonne Rangen, Paul Samuelsen, John Senum, Reidar & Norma Senum, Tellef & Betty Seybold, Nina Sjule, Oscar & Clara Skovolt, Albert Stemsrud, Al & Joyce Svaren, Palmer Undseth, Joseph Vigessa, Herluf Weltzin, Mr & Mrs Alfred Williams, Lewis H. Windahl, William & Agnes
YTD Actuals
YTD Budget
Support & Revenue Contributions Operations (Tuition, Room, Meals) Other Revenue
$285,000 $1,655,000 $70,000
Total Support & Revenue
Expenses Payroll & Personnel Operations SAC Debt Service (Net Transfers)
$1,218,000 $797,000 $82,000
1,126,000 864,000 101,000
Total Expenses
Total Net Income
363,000 1,609,000 90,000
STUDENT ACTIVITIES CENTER LOAN INFORMATION Original Loan Amount Total Loan Amount Due Principal Paid against Loan to Date Monthly Payments (Interest & Principal)
As of 6/30/08 $1,326,565.33 $1,151,777.17 $174,788.16 $8,420.00
Club Giving Levels Club|120 Club|500
Every club member will enjoy the following annual benefits:
• Receive a Season Pass for home sporting events each year the club membership amount is received.
Why support Hillcrest Academy as a club member? Club members become partners in the ministry of Hillcrest Academy by helping to support the school’s annual operational budget. As a result, they assist in keeping tuition rates low, making a Hillcrest education attainable for more students. Additionally, member support helps to secure Hillcrest’s financial foundation into the future, ensuring that it will remain able to provide quality, Christian education for years to come. There is no limit to the term of your enrollment provided your continued desire to participate in the club each year. As personal circumstances change, club members may opt to move up to a new giving level.
• Be listed as a Club member in the HLA Annual Report and every issue of the Hillcrest Connection.
• Receive a complimentary subscription to the school news letter, HLA Today (during the school year). • Additional benefits are available at each club giving level.
How do I join? Joining a Hillcrest giving club is simple. Just fill out the attached envelope and send it in with your gift. Make sure to check the box next to the club you would like to join. Gifts may be given monthly or in one lump sum. Please contact the President’s office at 218-739-3371 if you have any questions.
10000-5000-1000-500-120 Club Membership George & Alice Aase Guy & Beth Adams Roy & Marie Barsness Irv & Kay Bergsagel Tim and Mary Bigelow Paul & Olive Blikstad Harold & Cathy Brokke Benjamin Brue Charlie & Carrie Brue Lindsey Brue Matthew & Faith Brue Nicolas Brue Steve & Linda Brue Titus Brue Thor & Edna Bugge Lorraine Burt John & Larissa Campbell Keven & Debbie Crabtree David Christenson Lane & Lori Christopherson Thelma P. Dalene John N. Endrud Spencer Endrud Rich & Jeanene Engebretson Elroy and Judy Erickson Gerald and Sheri Erickson Micah Erickson Ryan & Kristin Erickson Carol Featherstone Lori Fedje Gay & Carol Folden Mark & Joan Folden David & Ruthann Forland E. Thor & Lillian Foss Mark & Joanne Foss Lisa Schultz-Fred Sharon Fuhrman Wayne & Ruth Goats Adleide Gunhus
Fergus Falls, MN Naperville, IL Kirkland, WA Minnetonka, MN Erhard, MN Dalton, MN Minneapolis, MN Fergus Falls, MN Fergus Falls, MN Fergus Falls, MN St. Louis Park, MN Minneapolis, MN Fergus Falls, MN Fergus Falls, MN Willow Street, PA Woodbury, MN Vermillion, SD Fergus Falls, MN Lynnwood, WA Lynnwood, WA East Hartland, CT Rockford, IL Fargo, ND Edina, MN Vancouver, Wa Mukilteo, WA Redding, CA Fargo, ND New Hope, MN Beaverton, OR Fergus Falls, MN San Jose, CA Huntington , NY Succasunna, NJ Glastonbury, CT Fergus Falls, MN Fergus Falls, MN Scottsdale, AZ Fergus Falls, MN
GT & Ann Gunhus Elling & Barbara Halvorson Evelyn Hansen Greg & Rita Hayek Kim Hazel Joy Headrick David Heggen Amanda Heggland Rich & Linda Heggland Diane Ihrke Jeff & Missi Isaac Rich & Karen Iverson Martha Jacobs Gladys Jensen Fred & Elsie Johnson Tim & Karen Johnson Vaughn and Deb Kavlie John & Janet Kilde Kermit & Grace Kvamme Jack & Sharon Lacey Josiah Larson Frank & Elaine Legerat Lawn Pro of Fergus Falls Patricia Linson Lloyd & Thelma Listor Steve & Heidi Listor Harry Ludvigsen Joel & Alice Lunde Dennis & Dorothy Madsen Jeffrey & Eileen Mahn Brad & Trena Martinson Masson Family Foundation Luther & Adeline Mathison Tom & Gladys Moline Alice Monson Peter & Lillian Nilsen William & Marcia Nilsen John & Donna Olson Wesley & Ruth Orrestad
Underwood, MN Woodinville, WA Snohomish, WA Fergus Falls, MN Eden Prarie, MN Denver, CO Rothsay, MN Gainesville, FL New Port Richey, FL Fergus Falls, MN Fergus Falls, MN Barnesville, MN Seatonville, IL Staten Island, NY Boone, IA Little Falls, MN Eden Prairie, MN Fergus Falls, MN Fergus Falls, MN Wendell, MN Minneapolis, MN Fairbanks, AK Fergus Falls, MN Fargo, ND Brooklyn, NY Mt. Bethel, PA Kerhonkson, NY Fergus Falls, MN Fergus Falls, MN Albuquerque, NM Fergus Falls, MN Laguna Beach, CA Maddock, ND Wahpeton, ND Minneapolis, MN Brewster, NY East Hartland, CT Fergus Falls, MN Bellevue, WA
Graham & Priscilla Parker Rollin & Beverly Pederson Irv & Helen Peterson Frank & Karen Pellegrino Gregg and Marie Preston Burdean & Kay Rogness Darren Rogness Glenn & Vonnie Rogness LaWayne & Bev Rogness Eugene & Rhoda Rubey Ron and Barbara Samuelsen Jack and Rochelle Sand Dahlia Sandnes Olav & Gina Sandnes Will Sandnes Dwight & Gwen Schmidt Nick & Danielle Schmidt Ewald & Alice Sems Norma Senum Ed & Shirley Smith Eleanor Sollie James & Pauline Stalsberg Arna Stedjan Robert and Lorrette Strack Shawn & Amy Stroud Wai Nam Tam Borgny Thompson Gary & Dorinne Thompson Rosemary Traina Randy & Diane Trettevik Marvin & Opal Undseth Steve & Lois Undseth Fred & Mayling Valder Marty & Mim Valder Ruth Vall James VerSteeg Bettee Woodburn
Richland, WA Billings, MT Menominee, WI Mt. Bethel, PA Fergus Falls, MN Eden Prairie, MN Fergus Falls, MN Fergus Falls, MN Fergus Falls, MN Eugene, OR East Hartland, CT Moorhead, MN Northfield, MN Mt. Bethel, PA Minneapolis, MN Jamestown, ND Jamestown, ND Lehigh Acres, FL Mt. Bethel, PA Laquey, MO Brooklyn, NY Viroqua, WI Fergus Falls, MN Rochester, MN Basehor, KS Flanders, NJ East Hartland, CT Fergus Falls, MN Roxbury, NJ Mill Creek, WA Salem, OR Fergus Falls, MN Moorhead, MN Everett, WA Aitkin, MN Fergus Falls, MN Rolling Hills, CA
Hillcrest Academy’s Weekly News Update
Hillcrest Students Minister in China by Elizabeth Crowley Kara Lillestolen left for spring break excited to go with a mission organization and some fellow students to China. The Hillcrest students on the China team left early Thursday morning on March 20th, to drive to Colorado Springs, Colorado; from there they flew to China. The group from Hillcrest included Rachel Brandon, Micah Boyum, Kristen Pena, Kayla Castro, Matt Abel, and boys dean Troy Niemeier. Before leaving on the trip, the team had been given an overvi ew of the Chinese people, for example, they are very straigh tforwa rd. Kara thought China would be more like the history books--ancient architecture and green, rolling hills, but it was definitely different. “One thing that surprised me
was the traffic-it was organized chaos. The bathrooms were interesting also. “The main ministr y the team did in China was teachi ng Englis h at universities. It was hard for Kara to be comfor table teaching and sharing the gospel at first, but she soon became more accust omed, and said, ‘’ The people were so welcoming, generous, and eager to give of themselves and to learn English.” The Yunnan University was their main area of focus. By singing songs, playin g games , and breaki ng into small groups the group members were able to get to know the univer sity students and build relationships with them. During English Clubs, there was
more of a chance to share the gospel with the students, because the groups were smaller. They hung out with a lot of the English Club students at night and made many friends. When asked about returning to China Kara said, ‘’I would like to go back; I think everyone would, to build on the relationships we’ve made. Being there and seeing everything made the biggest impact.”
HIT GOLF 2008 107 Participate in Fundraiser by Charlie Brue
Hillcrest held its 4th annual golf scramble on June 18th at Pebble Lake Golf Course. 107 golfers participated in the event which raised over $10,000 for weight equipment in the Student Activity Center. On one of summer’s first warm and sunny days, the 27 teams enjoyed each other’s company as they swung their clubs, using their best team strategy though 18 holes of golf on the beautiful Pebble Lake course. In a scramble, each team member drives and then all four go to the spot of the best shot, where they all hit again, continuing in this fashion until the ball is in the hole. Truly a team effort, this type of play results in some very low scores. The winner of the Gross Score Award was the Walvatne Construction team from Fergus Falls consisting of Dan Walvatne, Lance Walvatne, Asko Rajenemi, and Erik Johnson, with a score of 58 (14 under par). They each received a “red” jacket. The winners of the Net Score Award was the Cole Papers team from Fargo consisting of Cole Perkins, Eric Laufenberg, Travis Braunagel, and Dusty Richter, with a handicapped score of 55 (17 under par). They also received jackets. Golfers had other opportunities to win prizes on the golf course with five special contests on different holes. They also had an opportunity to win a Polaris ATV from Frontier Powersports by getting a hole-in-one on Hole #2. Unfortunately no one won the ATV this year. Dusty Richter won the Closest to the Pin on Hole #1; Dan Tonneson won the longest drive on Hole #5; Dick Gravley won the Closest to the Pin on Hole #8; Shawn Veum won the Longest Putt on Hole #13; and Ben Nelson won the Straightest Drive on Hole #17. After the golfing, everyone was treated to a fabulous steak dinner at the Hillcrest Student Activity Center. This meal was prepared and donated by A’viands, Hillcrest’s new food service provider. Awards were presented after the dinner and over 60 prizes were given away in a drawing. The prizes included rounds of golf, Twins tickets, hotel overnights, golf balls, meals, shirts, and golf drivers, etc., all donated by local businesses and golf courses in Minnesota and North Dakota. A wide variety of teams were represented at the golf tournament. There were family teams, business teams, alumni teams, and teams of friends from the area. About half of the golfers were alumni of Hillcrest. Some of the golfers were in the Fergus Falls area to attend the Church of the Lutheran Brethren Convention. Each team paid $400 to participate in the tournament. Through hole sponsorships and other donations, all of the costs of the tournament were covered, allowing all of the entry fee to go toward the fundraising goal. Over $10,000 was raised towards the exercise equipment project.
HIT Golf 2008 participants wait for the Tournament to begin.
The attendance at this year’s tournament was well over double the last HIT golf tournament. This was due to the hard work of the HIT Golf committee which met six times to get ready for the event. They were active in recruiting teams to participate, finding sponsors for holes, and soliciting the prizes to be given away. The committee members included Bill Benzick (A’viands), Eric Ewan, Cory Thompson, Brad Christenson, Andrew Olson, Dan Walvatne, Kermit Kvamme, Denny Johnson, Steve Brue and Charlie Brue. HIT Golf 2009 will be held again next summer in June very close to the time of the Annual Convention. The date will be announced as soon as it can be finalized with the golf course. Thank you to the following hole sponsors: American Federal Bank, A'viands, Bruedesign, Century 21, DJ Dock & Lift Specialist, Floor to Ceiling Store, Frontier Powersports, Gravley Energy Company, Great Plains Natural Gas Co., Marine Nutriceutical, Ottertail Glass, Premier Restaurant Equipment, Security Insurance, Shelstad Financial, The Rental Store, US Foods, Promise Shop, and Dwight and Gwen Schmidt. Thank you to the following prize sponsors: AdvisorNet Mortgage, AmericInn Lodge & Suites, Athletic Republic, A'viands Food and Services Management, Balmoral Golf Course, Best Western of Fergus Falls, Beyer Body Shop, Blueberry Pines, Bully Pulpit Golf Course, Century 21- Andrew Olson, Collins Enterprise Solutions, Comfort Inn, Daily Journal, Dairy Queen, Dairyland, Great Plains Natural Gas, Hawktree Golf Course, Heikes Auto Care, Interlachen Country Club, JK Sports, Lake Region Healthcare Corp, Lakes Radio, Mark Soholt, Mendakota Country Club, Michael R. Smith, CPA, Ottertail Telcom, Oxbow Golf Course, Park Region Telephone, Pebble Lake Golf Course, Pepsi, Perkins, Pizza Ranch, Subway, Target, The Legends @ Giants Ridge, The Links of North Dakota, Thumper Pond Golf Course, Tires Plus, Viking Café, Vistad Chiropractic Clinic, Wells Fargo Bank, Walvatne Construction.
Norma Senum was born in New York to Guttorm and Margaret Sollie in 1930. She was the second of 5 daughters to the Sollies, who sought to nurture their family under the authority of God’s Word in a loving and caring home. It was natural for Norma to grow up loving and trusting Jesus for her salvation. Norma spent her childhood years in Bronxville and Brooklyn NY, with 59th Street Church as the center for the development of her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Her father had attended Lutheran Bible School in Grand Forks, ND in the 1920’s, and believed that each of his daughters should have the same opportunity to attend a Christian School, to grow in the Word and to develop strong friendships with other believers. Norma attended Hillcrest Lutheran Academy for her junior and senior years from the fall of 1946 to 1948, a long way from home. She received a telegram from her parents and sisters back in Brooklyn on the day of her
Alumna of the Year: Norma Senum
graduation expressing their congratulations and love to her. She still has that written message, as well as the invoices from each semester she attended, with tuition costing $67.50 per semester. At Hillcrest, Norma made long lasting friendships that she maintains to this day, and the Lord instilled in her a desire to serve the church and the mission of the church as a partner in the Gospel. Following graduation from Hillcrest, Norma returned to New York and worked in New York City. Through the activities of 59th Street church, she met a young Norwegian carpenter, Mr. Odd Reidar Aas, who changed his last name to Senum, which was his mother’s maiden name, when he became a US citizen. They were married in 1957 and lived in Brooklyn where they established a home and family. Each of their four children, Susan, Linda, Paul, and Karen, attended Hillcrest Lutheran Academy. The value that Reidar and Norma placed on Christian Education continues to be a family priority. Norma’s first 6 grandchildren have graduated from Hillcrest, and the 7th grandchild begins Hillcrest this fall, as the fourth generation of the Sollie family continues to receive training from a Christian world-view perspective and Christ-centered curriculum. Throughout their married life, Norma and Reidar supported the ministry of Hillcrest, participating in every project and capital
In Memory: Alma Ostergaard Alumna of the Year (continued from previous page) campaign to the present time. They also helped establish the ministry of Tuscarora Inn Conference Center in the early 70’s, and have supported the mission work of the CLB in significant ways. Since Reidar’s passing in 1997, Norma has continued in her quiet way to assist in any way possible to ensure the ministry of Hillcrest Lutheran Academy continues to impact students in the same way her father, her siblings, her children, and now her grandchildren have been impacted for the kingdom of Jesus Christ. A scripture passage that exemplifies Norma’s love and desire for her family, and now especially for her grandchildren, found in 2 Timothy 3:14-17, where Paul writes: “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
Alma (Skovholt) Ostergaard passed away July 18, 2008 at the Broen Memorial Home in Fergus Falls, Minnesota at the age of 102 after a long and experience filled life. Alma was born April 18, 1906 on a farm near Mooreton, North Dakota to Julius and Anna (Haagenson) Skovholt. She had eight siblings. Alma graduated from Lutheran Brethren School in Grand Forks, North Dakota and the Lutheran Deaconess Hospital School of Nursing in Minneapolis. In 1936 Alma married Dr Erling Ostergaard, a physician home on furlough from service as a medical missionary in India. Together they served as medical missionaries on the Santal Mission in Bihar, India from 1936 to 1944, nurturing body and soul of thousands of Indian people. Two of their three children were born there before they were evacuated during World War II. Following medical and nursing practice together in Evansville, Minnesota for twelve years, Alma, Erling, and youngest child Daniel moved to Rock Point Mission Hospital on the Navajo Indian Reservation in Arizona where they served from 1958-1960. After leaving full time work Alma and Erling worked part time in a clinic and hospital in Elbow Lake, Minnesota where they lived in their later years. In Elbow Lake and in all other locations Alma was very involved in her church. Alma’s entire life was characterized by her deep Christian faith, service to the physical and spiritual needs of others, and devotion to her immediate and extended family. Memorials preferred to Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission, PO Box 354, Rock Point, Arizona 86545, or Hillcrest Lutheran Academy, 610 Hillcrest Drive, Fergus Falls, MN 56537. Blessed be the memory of Alma Ostergaard.
Hillcrest Name (continued from page 7) name of “Hillcrest Lutheran Academy” to the powers that governed the school. He wrote a paragraph to explain the name. The long name could be shortened to “Hillcrest,” to simply tell where the school was built, on the crest of a hill in Fergus Falls, so that a student could say “I go to Hillcrest,” a word that was descriptive in itself of the “little hill at Hillcrest” among the many hills of the city. The building itself was high and to be in the upper stories brought the “feeling of being on a hill,” high above the treetops. Maybe some people felt at the time, recalled Overgaard later, that the word Hillcrest didn’t “say anything,” but it worked because it “sounded good in your ear,” and it had a “crisp sound to it.”
Overgaard commented that it was not really that sophisticated of a name, but Hillcrest Academy “sounded like a private school” and to outsiders it sounded “academic.” What did Bob Overgaard win for a prize? According to his recollections he won a small sum of money, twenty-five dollars, and a Bible. The name of Hillcrest Lutheran Academy has endured and, while the old building looks much the same, the legacy of the school, through its three thousand-plus graduates continues to be written through the lives of those alumni who looked up to the roofline and looked down from the crest of the hill to the streets of Fergus Falls far below.
2008 Hillcrest Class Reunion Photos
1958 Front Row L-R: Nancy Thompson, LaVanda (Oyloe) Brubaker, Pat (Nelson) Huntington, Carol Sletto Johnson, Dori Ryen, Janny (Seaver) Daggett, Lorrette (Larson) Strack 2nd Row L-R: Andrea Nix, Lorraine (Larson) Burt, Lillian (Tjornhom) Foss, Jean (Nesland) Olsen, Karen (Wold) Bohlen, Judy (Reme) Kuhlman, Ellie (Loland) Krueger 3rd Row L-R: Ron Samuelsen, Ordean Fossaa, Gay Folden, Steve Johnson, Walter Berge 4th Row L-R: Arland Nelson, David Thompson, G.T. Gunhus, Ethan Windahl, Dick Johnson, Sam Berglund
Front Row L-R: Lois (Norheim) Johnson, Olga (Froitland) Lein
Front Row L-R: Serene (Erickson) Ysteboe, Pete Tweed, Sheryll (Halverson) (Storry) Venarchick
Middle Row L-R: Rhoda (Windahl) Stenson, Elaine (Nix) Robertson, Borgny (Haugland) Thompson, Doris (Loland) Olsen
Back Row L-R: Gary Thompson, Paul Kalleberg, Jim Jensen
Front Row L-R: Doreen (Tenneson) Hartz, ViAnn (Christenson) Sampson, Karin (Kristiansen) Boom, Jane (Christenson) Champ, Anne (Vestol) Castro, Lori (Bjornlie) Kristiansen
Back Row L-R: Glenn Endrud, Harlan Vall, Steinar Lero, Marshall Both, Ken Swenson, Edroy Anderson
Back Row L-R: Charlene (Olsoe) Rogness, Karen (Karstensen) Malinowski, Anne (Langager) Wendt, Karen (Trettevik) Amberson, Karen (Varberg) Olson, Nancy (Richardson) Kalleberg, Arnold Kraakmo, Phebe (Freeland) Markegard, Tom Brue, Kurt Sandeen, Jane (Jensen) Armstron, Doug Walvatne
Front Row L-R: Jennifer (Brackin) Schneider, Dawn (Colbeck) Hanson, Ann (Lovcik) Peterson, Heidi (Handeland) Hobbesland, Inger (Heen) Lemler
Front Row L-R: Carrie (Johnson) Nelson, Jaime(Vorvik) Gjerdingen, Solveig (Endrud) Bader, Brenda (Kjos) Nikunen.
Front Row L-R: Matt Erickson, Carrie (Kimball) Johnston, Jennifer (Ellis) Nordlund, Terry Shaner
Back Row L-R: John Tungseth, Lee Taylor, Mark Bang
Second Row L-R: Lisa (Monson) Carroll, Betsy (Johnson) Mortenson, Sue (Olin) Krom, Kim Backstrom, Melissa (Stokes) Pribbenow, Alicia (Christenson) Krogh, Michael Crosby, Pete Svaren. Back Row L-R: Phil Monsen, Rob Gravley, Mark Henderson
Back Row L-R: Tyson Chilson, Nathan Endrud, Matt Larson, Darren Heidbreder, Melissa (Phillips) Stuckmayer, Catherine (Eastvold) Ewan Not pictured: Carrin (Bredeson) Seibold
The Lord called home Hazel C. (Johnson) Detert (H’34) May 31st 2008. She was born in Hesper, ND in 1918. She graduated from Hillcrest in 1934. She then attended Mayville State University and graduated from there in 1936 with a teaching degree. She taught in several schools in North Dakota and Montana. She married Herman Detert in 1948 and made St. Ignatuis, MT her home. She had three children, 13 grandchildren (three of whom are Hillcrest graduates), and many, many great grandchildren. She enjoyed gardening, writing and the love of the Lord. Her departing words to her minister were that her greatest joy was that her children had passed the love of the Lord to their children and in turn those children have now passed that love onto their children. She will be greatly missed by all who knew and loved her.
Tonya Cardin (H’86) writes: My family and I have just recently relocated from Fort Mill South Carolina to Winona Lake Indiana. After many years of working as an executive assistant at our church I am going to be enjoying the life of a stay at home mom (Joshua 11, Megan 9) and wife. Due to my busy schedule I have managed to lose contact with my HLA friends over the past several years and would love to hear from them. My new e-mail address is Linda (Hoganson) Bechtold (H’89 AW’91) We are preparing early for the class of 1989 20 year reunion! There is a block of rooms reserved at the Fergus Falls AmericInn for our class. To get more information about who is coming and what we are planning, join Facebook and look for the Hillcrest ‘89 group.
Kristi (Johannessen) Ramsden (H’92) writes: Our new addition is Madison Ella Ramsden, my first born child. Born June 14th 2008, she joins big brother Nathan, 6 years old. Little hands, little feet God has blessed us with a little girl.
ALUMNI UPDATE Complete this form and mail it to Hillcrest Connection, 610 Hillcrest Drive, Fergus Falls, MN 56537, or email your update to
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Big sister Lael (5) and big brother Trey (4)
We are excited to announce our newest addition. Kyria Jade, born on 3/22/08, welcomed into our Family on 4/3/2008. We still reside in Mankato and would love to hear from you! Dennis & Krista (Anderson) Fling (H‘94) Jennifer (Willer) Griffin (H’94) writes: Matt and I are excited to announce the birth of our daughter, Harlyn Elaine Griffin. She was born April 21, 2008. She, along with our 5 year old, Amelia, keeps us busy. We are truly blessed.
Christina (Leonard) Olson (H’94) writes: I have been living in the Bismarck/Mandan area for 8 years now. My husband and I have 2 daughters we have adopted. Hilary is 18 years old and Isabella is 2 years old. Matthew Johansen (H’97) writes: I am now living in Keene ND. I work for the McKenzie County Sheriffs Department as a Deputy Sheriff/ Criminal Investigator. If you are ever in the area be sure to look me up. I have been married for 4 years to Captain Jason Lee Ambrosino of the US Army. We have been stationed in Fort Hood TX for 4 years where Jason spent 1 year in Iraq. We now live in Kentucky where Jason is a company commander at Fort Knox. I just opened my own restaurant, The Grapevine Cafe. We have 3 cats and 3 dogs. Still pursuing my career in music, but on hold for right now. Sonja (Nyquist) Ambrosino (H‘98) Hailey (Miller) Priola (H’98) writes: I have yet to send an update. I married Ryan Priola on June 11, 2004 in Fergus Falls. We welcomed Ella Ryan on December 30, 2005. We currently are living in Northeast Minnneapolis. I am employed at Minnehaha Academy and Ryan is a conductor for BNSF Railway.
Three ways to
Make a Difference at Hillcrest
Create an endowment.
You can do this now with cash or stock, or later with an estate gift. Your fund will make a lasting difference by producing income every year for the stated purpose.
Leave a bequest.
Designate an amount or percentage of your estate for a specific purpose or for unrestricted use. Such gifts provide encouragement and always make a difference.
Give “obsolete” insurance.
You may no longer need the protection of a life insurance policy and can transfer ownership to Hillcrest Lutheran Academy, thereby making a significant difference to us and providing yourself with an income charitable deduction now.
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Hillcrest Lutheran Academy 610 Hillcrest Drive Fergus Falls, MN 56537
As a reminder, all donations designated to Hillcrest must be made payable to Hillcrest Lutheran Academy. If you plan to bequeath a gift to Hillcrest Lutheran Academy in your will, please state Hillcrest Lutheran Academy in your paperwork. If you have questions, please contact the HLA President’s Office, at (218)739-3371.
HLA alumni and friends have asked for clarification on their gifting to Hillcrest Lutheran Academy since the reorganization process in 2003. Previous to 2003, gifts that were designated to Lutheran Brethren Schools (LBS) were distributed among the Seminary, LCCL, and Hillcrest. Currently, any gifts that are written to LBS go directly to Lutheran Brethren Seminary.
Giving Clarification: