HIllcrest Academy | The Current | Issue 2 | 2015-16

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CULTURE // ABORTION DOCTOR RECEIVES LIFE SENTENCE FOR ENDING LIFE Forty-seven fetuses in a staff freezer. Five jars of baby’s feet on a shelf. Blood stained carpets. Bloody surgical equipment. A stray cat wandering the halls. A true house of horrors. That’s how officiers described Kermit Gosnell’s clinic after a raid in 2010.

The anesthesia and pain medication given to Mongar caused a severe drug overdose that killed her. Later reports revealed that the staff member who gave Mongar the medication was not licensed to do any medical procedures. After Gosnell’s report, the Department of Health sat quietly in their offices, avoiding an The Women’s Medical Society was opened investigatation of the situation. by Kermit Gosnell in 1978 after passing an inspection by the state health department. No government agency tasked with monitoring The clinic received yearly inspections until health care looked into Gosnell’s house of 1992. Gosnell experienced a seventeen year horrors. A group of Police who visited the span where no state or health department clinic on reports of drug trafficking called an visited. The Department of Health in investigation for what they described as a crime Pennsylvania decided not to inspect abortion scene. The police investigations are what led to clinics unless there was an official report Gosnell’s public trial in 2011.

“Forty-seven frozen fetuses, and five jars of baby’s feet on a file cabinet, was where Gosnell kept his abortion records.”

Gosnell’s trial went unreported, occuring in the shadow of the Boston Bombing. A small scale documentary was created by David Altrogge, Jennifer Brown, and Michael J. Hartnett after the trio noticed the trial didn’t receive coverage. The pro-life community is supporting another film on Gosnell’s story. The film is titled, Gosnell. The drama reenacts the life, education, and self-justifying actions of Kermit Gosnell and his abortion mill.

Forty-seven frozen fetuses, and five jars of baby’s feet on a file cabinet, was where Gosnell kept his abortion records. Gosnell is in prison, serving a sentence for themurder of Karnamaya Mongar, along with and two counts of first degree murder of babies born alive. Subsequent coroner reports on fetuses Gosnell kept in freezers revealed babies who died after their spinal cords were snipped with a pair of scissors. Staff members confirmed the report.

documenting maltreatement at a clinic. In January 2002, twenty-two year old Shameka Shaw died following an abortion by Kermit Gosnell. The Department of Health didn’t darken Gosnell’s doors. Other incidents reported by local physicians raised alarms that went unheard. Patients at Gosnell’s clinic would frequent local hospitals for treatments involving sexually transmitted infections that appeared mysteriously after abortions at Gosnell’s clinic. Physicians reported the incidents to the Department of Health, who left the reports unfiled in back office cabinets. Gosnell applied to join the National Abortion Federation (NAF). The inspector from the NAF found poorly kept records of his buisness. Women with high school diplomas participated in abortion procedures. Patients lay unmonitored, traditional equipment for procedures was missing or not prepared properly, and in many cases anesthesia was not used. The NAF reported that Gosnell’s clinic was the worst clinic they’ve seen, but the group did not report the clinic to the Department of Health. November 29, 2009, Gosnell notified the Department of Health that a women named Karnamaya Mongar died after an abortion at his clinic.



Kate Anderson


“It’s official that my dad is gone,” Ben Lehwald announced after his dad transitioned from male to female. Charlie Lehwald changed his biological organs to female on the TV show Becoming Us this summer. Charlie, like many

“It’s official that my dad is gone.” —BEN LEHWALD changing genders in their battle with gender dysphoria, didn’t think how his actions affected his family, namely his son, Ben. Bruce Jenner is a high profile former olympian who made big news this year when he decided to change his gender. Despite being born a male, Jenner claims his identity comes from within himself. “I’m not stuck in

anybody’s body,” Jenner announced to report- empty void in his family, where a father no ers. “It’s just who I am.” longer exists. Jenner did not realize exactly how much he was taking away from his chilPresident of the Church of the Lutheran Breth- dren when he chose to form his identity withren, Reverend Paul Larson, bemoans the actions out God, according to Larson. many are taking in changing genders. He said these actions are a result of mankind flailing to Christians have the gift of living a different find our identy in performance, appearance and way. Rev. Larson illustrated this motivation, sexuality. “Hyper-individualism divorces us from pointing to Christ. He says that, “when we being with God,” Larson said. He noted the dis- breath in grace, we exhale witness.” regard of humanity to the fact that God made mankind in His own image. Larson notes that Christians believe that mankind is created in forgetting God’s design leaves man to live only God’s image, and because of that life is not for themself. “When Bruce Jenner supposedly lived for self or self-fulfilled happiness. God changed his sexuality… it also interrupted all his calls believers to be a witness for Him by other relationships.” showing others that the identity they have is not found by looking within one’s self, but the Rev. Larson pointed to Jenner’s identity as a fa- One that has been given to us in Christ. ther, which Jenner plucked away after his gender transformation. Larson said there is now an Nate Larson

PROFILE // DAWN BRINGS HOME TO SCHOOL Dawn drags a chair to the fireplace in the ing?” Through it all Dawn shines the light of JeUnion, looks me in the eyes, and says, sus in the lives of the students she encounters. “Koselig”(Koo` slee). Sitting under the glow of the fire, Dawn explains that this Norwegian word is best translated, cozy. To her it means so much more.

“My office job opens the door for me to pray for students”

Dawn paints a picture of warm blankets on rainy days, with a radiant fire infront of fuzzy —DAWN SYNSTELIEN socks that peek from blankets holding loved ones. This imagery is a picture to Dawn’s love “Hillcrest is a unique opportunity. You have a for Hillcrest, something she describes as hom- bunch of kids from all over, in an environment ey, simply enjoying the company of others. where Christ’s love is evident in so many lives.” Leaning back in her chair Dawn continues, “My Dawn has a mama persona that plays a huge office job opens the door for me to pray for sturole in what she does at Hillcrest. Whether dents, laugh with them, cry with them, treasure putting a bandaid on a scraped knee, taking them...We can’t bring anything with us to heavtime to pray with a homesick dorm-kid, notic- en except people, and I want to point the way to ing new clothes or braces, delivering a pack- as many of ‘mine’ as I can.” age that’s arrived in the mail, taking time to listen to stories about home, the dorms, or Dawn knows that God is the only glue that keeps classes, Dawn wants to hear it all. She asks her on track to experience an abundant life that students, “What are you looking forward brings Him glory. With her shining love for all, Dawn to? Dreading? What books are you reading? gives Hillcrest a good dose of koselig. Sports are you playing? Music are you learn-

Lucas Holzner


CULTURE // SYRIAN CHRISTIANS UNABLE TO FIND HOME IN COUNTRIES STARTED BY CHRISTIAN REFUGEE Christian refugees have no home. Christian men, women, and children’s lives are being wrenched away before their eyes. Their houses burst into flames. Their neighbors disappear. Their family is tortured all because they believe Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior. Thousands of persecuted Christians are fleeing the turmoil in Syria in an attempt to save their lives. But they have nowhere to go. Turkey is the immediate getaway country for any Syrian refugee. Its connecting borders make an easy escape for citizens hiding from the wrath of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Turkey is home to over 1.7 million Syrian refugees today according to the United Nations Refugee Agency. But Syrian Christians are not safe to practice their faith in Islamic-based Turkey. Because of the rush of immigrants, refugees dart the landscape of Turkey’s borders in large refugee camps. Syrian Christians fear going to the relief camps, “because (of) who is going to the camps,”

says Sleiman Saikali, program officer for the U.S. Bishops’ Relief and Development Agency. Saikali told the National Catholic Reporter that Fundamentalist Muslims occupy the relief

Reports say 6 of the 674 refugees that have been granted asylum are Christian. camps and threaten Christians in similar ways to Muslim extremists in Syria. This foreboding cataclysm causes Syrian Christians to live in a continual state of limbo. Christians looked to Europe to open its borders and secure the stranded families. 12 European countries currently allow refugees sanctuary,

according to Inquisitor.com. But when havoc spilled in the streets of France, the continent was rocked. The borders of France, Austria, Hungary, and Holland immediately shut down. England’s The Daily Mail reported Germany forcibly reinstating a mandatory passport and background check on all immigrants for the first time in 20 years. Many believe a culture and history of Christianity is being wiped off the planet before our eyes. Syria holds some of the oldest churches and longest lineages of Christian converts in the world today. It is becoming clear that if these faithful servants of the Lord are forced to survive in the Middle East any longer they will perish. In a last attempt the Christian refugees look to the United States. Recent reports from The State Department show only 1 Christian Syrian has found asylum in the United States since the Paris attack. The United States has allowed 383 Syrians across the border in the same time span. 10% of Syria is reportedly Christian, and President Obama looks


As Marie Preston watches her children graduate she is building a new sense of home in her new classroom and through new friendships at Hillcrest Academy.

for dinner she transcends to a new level, going out over her way build a better relationship. Simple conversations over good food share a unique love and knowledge of the Bible, something she loves doing. Marie is often found in her classroom speaking softly to students who gather around her desk as she helps others on their journey with Christ, with her Bible open, strengthening hers everyday.

Marie opens her home to nearly everyone. New families and visiting students seem to find their way to the Preston’s for a meal or simple conversation. “Opening my house to other people comes easily to Gregg and I, it comes so naturally,” Marie said. Marie raised four children whom she loves immensely. “I knew one day I was going to want a big International students share their culture and family and now I have four lovely children,” she said faith with Marie at lunch at Hillcrest. When of her full house. Gregg and Marie added a girl to she invites these same students to her home their three boys after a mission trip to Mexico. 4|


“They kept telling me, I only had to wait more week, but all of the ‘one more week’ lines I was fed did not distress me.” Marie took frequent visits to see their adopted daughter, Susana. Their time waiting forged a unique and powerful mother-

“Gregg saw this new gi crazy everyone was and That is when he finally sta



to grant asylum to 10,000 Syrians in 2016, with no special attention paid to their religious preference. Released reports say 6 of the 674 refugees that have been granted asylum as part of the 10,000 are Christian. As the world searches for special interest groups to support, Syrian Christians are huddling under trees in fear of extremist attacks. They’re leaving their home country in droves in an effort to continue practicing their faith. With secular governments treating religion like a plague, the push against Syrian Christians is rising like a tidal wave that is growing to a tsunami as it nears the shores of the United States, a country founded on the backs of Christian converts seeking asylum to practice their faith without persecution.

Thales isn’t concerned with popularity. His parents encouraged him to play basketball despite the sport being unpopular in Brazil. Training camps opened doors for Thales as he sought better options to play basketball and earn an education.

are healed.” Until then he is studying the Comets, learning their plays and watching them execute the offensive and defensive schemes from Coach Preston.

Although his journey started in a different place than most, Thales’ passion for basketball is “When I was in elementary school I played transforming to a bright future academically. soccer and was involved in swimming. My mom noticed that I wasn’t doing exceptionally well in these activities so she signed me up for Basketball,” Thales reminisced. Thales’ father played basketball in high school and college. He was an exceptional player, so Thales’ mother thought Thales might excel in basketball too. The efforts to rise in sports hindered Thales academically. During his intense training time he fell behind in school. The training camp was far away from his high school friends and his school and training schedules didn’t flex. Thales decided to look into better options where he could attend school and still enjoy basketball. Thales recalled, “I came across Hillcrest through a website for international students. When I went on the website it drew me into its Christian environment, and I know that was where I wanted to finish my high school career.”



station and saw a man with a gun, at first he was shocked. He jolted back to the car and we drove off as fast as possible.” They were chased while they drove off to safety, and the whole time Marie was in the back of the car praying. “Gregg saw this new girl forgetting about how crazy everyone was and just prayed in the car. That is when he finally started to get to know me.” This unique experience started their relaThe two experienced a sort of life changing tionship and was the seedbed of their joint gift on the trip that is a depiction of their re- in hospitality, making others comfortable and -MARIE PRESTON This attitude event lationship. A midnight stop at a gas station on confident in Jesus Christ. permeates the way home saw Gregg leave Marie in the car Marie’s outlook on life and her classroom, looking for wtih two friends as he walked to use the bathareas God is working with her on. room. Marie recalls; “Greg walked up to the gas

irl forgetting about how d just praying in the car. arted to get to know me.”

daughter bond. “Without the time I spent oneon-one with Susana, I do not believe we could have bonded so well.”

Thales broke both of his wrists during the first week of basketball practice in November. Because of the severity of the breaks he traveled to Brazil for two weeks to have surgery and recover. “I’m looking forward getting to play once my wrists

Marie committed her life to Christ during her freshmen year of college. A Christian Fellowship group at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire discipled her in her new found faith. It was in this group that she met her future husband, Gregg Preston, following a mission trip to Florida during spring break where they shared the gospel on the beaches.


PROFILE // KENDRA BUILDS PASSION AT HILLCREST “I had been captured by God’s amazing love for me despite what I did,” Kendra started as students passed by the main office desk. “I would get as close to sin as possible without going over...do just enough to still be in control.” Kendra’s fight for acceptance started in high school. Getting the right friends, those people who would make her look good, directed her through high school and college. Losing friends and damaging her popular reputation captivated Kendra’s thoughts, driving her to avoid anything that might jeopardize her social status. Her college battle for popularity came to a head her freshman year, when she reflected on her actions one night in her dorm room. Sitting despondent in a University of North Dakota dorm room, Kendra fought to remain in control. A night of drinking left her alone, where her mind raced. She started calling people, asking where they were, looking for someone to spend time with and keep her mind off herself and her decisions. Kendra fought the thoughts that raced through her mind and kept calling friends, wanting distraction. A Christian friend answered one of the many calls for companionship that Kendra cast out. The friend never went out with Kendra to parties, but always called to make sure Kendra was alright in the aftermath. Kendra couldn’t hide the reality that she had been drinking, so the friend made a special trip to Kendra’s dorm room from the friend’s offcampus apartment, insisting that Kendra not go anywhere. By the time the friend arrived, Kendra was asleep. The next morning, Kendra found her friend sleeping on Kendra’s roommate’s bed. Kendra woke her up and simply said, “thank you.” The friend ministered to Kendra throughout the morning, showing care and support for Kendra. Their mid-morning talk shed a light on Kendra’s life. Kendra realized that while she may have claimed she was a Christian, her actions clearly did not reflect her faith. The conversation led to the question, “what do you have to lose by giving everything to the Lord?”

ward the path of truth. The path was long and difficult for Kendra, but consistent mentorship and living a life of prayer and discipline has opened the doors wider for the Holy Spirit to greatly transfrom Kendra’s heart. Now a committed follower of Christ, Kendra displays her life-change through her dedication to Jesus Christ at Hillcrest. She ministers to the girls at Hillcrest, arranging a full-day Spiritual retreat during formations day as a simple testimony to her servant heart and desire to share Jesus with the girls. She coaches Girls’ Basketball, and is planning to attend Bethel’s mission trip to Mexico again. Kendra notes that these experiences lead her to realize that her life is not her own. She says, “I should freely give my life away because that’s what the Lord did for me.”

“What do you have to lose by giving everything to the Lord?” -KENDRA GROTHMANN The love Kendra has for people is overflowing and pours endlessly into her life and work. The message she wants everyone to hear is that God pursues you daily, persistent in his search for you. So even if it doesn’t look well for you, “continue in your obedience to Christ because His truth is consistent and never changes. And in a culture that is constantly changing, what more could we want than a consistent message through the Bible?” While her job can be daunting, as Kendra sees the best and worst moments in the lives of the girls in the dorms, her loving and mentoring heart cannot care more for them. She says that when someone comes to her with a problem, “you care so much that you think, ‘how can I come alongside you?’” Seeing the girls struggling has continued to be one of the worst things for Kendra at Hillcrest. The tears she shares with the girls carry over to the whole dorm family, and Kendra uses her past experiences, coupled with her new knowledge and relationship with Jesus, to mentor and teach them.

The post-party talk with her friend was not She notes, “God is using me here, and as long as Kendra’s turning point, but it started her to- he is doing that, why would I go anywhere else?”



Students lead Chapel services with music before friends share how God is working in their lives.

Hillcrest’s young men conducted conflict resolution training as part of the Biblical Manhood session from Formations Day. The Junior High conducts their fall concert, showing some of the pieces they have mastered in their time in choir and band.



Students gather in the Union to connect with family on Skype after a full day of classes and activities at HLA. Hillcrest’s ladies participated in a special session on Identity in a follow-up to their Spiritual Formations Day retreat that covered the same topic.

Head Coach Gregg Preston earned his 400th win last month as his team scored over 100 points for the first time in Preston’s coaching career.


Kendra Grothmann has her Lady Comets on the brink of breaking out in a tough conference.

Hillcrest’s Boys’ Basketball continues to find success as they finished December undefeated in the conference.

Hillcrest’s Science department continues to earn awards as they use new equipment in classrooms to bolster their education. Hillcrest students celebrated Christmas through the annual Christmas Banquet. The hashtag this year drove many to relive the event on social media.

Hillcrest’s high flying Comet Cheerleaders are a blast to watch, keeping the crowd cheering loud as the Comets continue their success.

Mr. Garvin sparks new interest in history as he calls students to think deeply, feeding off teacher mentors guiding Hillcrest to prepare students for a life of eternal significance.

PROFILE // PRESTON BUILDS FAITH IN SEARCH FOR TRUTH “Is Christianity what I should put my faith in?” Gregg Preston asked. This simple question rattled in his head, something he repeated to himself like a broken record during his college years. The query haunted him, but was used by God to kick started his search for truth, something that drives him as a teacher and something he teaches students with expert precision.

say about the Gospels? His intense quest for truth created a more haunting and prominent question. Is there enough evidence for Source Q to force Mr. Preston to ditch his faith?

In books, classroom time with professors, and articles strewn about his dorm room, Mr. Preston was left empty-handed. Despite loud questions he fielded from friends, professors, and his conscience, he Mr. Preston encountered professors proclaiming struggled to find any hard evidence for a Source fallacies about the Bible through his undergraduate Q. He felt unique reassurance that the Gospels, work in Wisconsin. The professors used the Bible in something he heard repeatedly in his childhood, an effort to show inconsistentices in the Scripture. are true. A new sense of passion rushed over him as he continued his search for the reliability of truth.

“Are you really going to shipwreck your faith for this life?”

Thumbing through his Bible, Mr. Preston was struck by the graphic words in Romans 1. The first chapter of Paul’s apologetic to the Roman culture describes the extreme depravity of man. Man was found gossiping, participating in evil, and slandering God. Mr. Preston read on. He felt a new pressure, realizing -GREGG PRESTON that the more he read in Romans the more he was on trial. In his quest for truth he stood guilty. He These men, tasked with preparing the next gen- realized the extreme need he had for Christ. God eration of teachers, procolaimed truth was found in spoke to him, saying, “are you really going to shiptheir secular training. Men like Charles Darwin were wreck your faith for this life?” often quoted on Preston’s University of WisconsinEau Claire (UWEC) campus. Classroom instructions Preston did not have an “A-HA” moment, where the provoked questions that resonated in his mind. clouds mysteriously retreat and truth, like a bright “How do we know that the Bible is accurate and blinding light shines more radiant that the sun. Intruthful?” “Is the Biblical account of creation true, or stead, a still silent confidence stayed his faith. He is Darwinian evolution a historical fact?” A cloud of attributes this feeling to God, not his own work despair and disbelief fell over Mr. Preston as he sat to prove God faithful. Slowly, through prayer and in his college classrooms. studying the Word, Mr. Preston turned his heart to Jesus. “No one had answers around me” recalls Preston. He found himself stuffing his backpack with books, Romans 8:1 declares,”There is now no condemnaboth ancient and modern, that contained insights tion for those who are in Christ Jesus,” This meson his hefty questions. The dusty companions he sage has an eternal significance for all of mankind, huffed around the UWEC campus helped decode something students sitting in Mr. Preston’s classsome uncertanties, but he wasn’t content. room realize. Now the teacher, Mr. Preston starts students on the quest for truth by calling them to A history professor threw another dispute into Mr. see that God made mankind in His image. LookPreston’s pool of inquiries. Were the Gospels re- ing through History with Mr. Preston reveals that ally written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, 30 mankind turns away from God time and time again, - 60 years after Jesus died? Or, were the Biblical dragging image bearers of God into despair and accounts of Jesus’ words and miracles written hun- confusion. But Mr. Preston’s face lights up when he dreds of year later by a cult of writers referred to directs students to see the theme of his own story, as Source Q? Thoughts from credible sources led that when mankind looks to the cross and searchMr. Preston to ask if the Gospels were a product of es for the Lord with the entirety of their heart, God writing by a cult for fame and fortune. makes himself known. Mr. Preston’s head began spinning. He dove into research on Source Q. What was it? What did it



Julie Kasulis

many Christians are now shying away from the the Gospel and credible evidence of what topic of eternity, something he thinks is rooted God has to say regarding eternity. in a lack of knowledge of the Scriptures. Graham takes on the challenge. Where I Am is a book that digs into the Bible and upsets the popular view of eternity. It’s Billy Graham explains eternity and answers the not a particularly easy read, as Graham dives into the deep meaning and philosophy of stories from the Old Testament. The historical overview gives way to the poetic books where he draws out prophecies of Christ’s second coming. Televised in every home around the world are stories of people meeting their maker. Mass Ultimatley, Graham writes with the expectation executions by ISIS are followed by school that people familiar with him will appreciate. shootings in small towns that carry the news Many references to Scripture are designed to cycle into talks of searches for cures to disdraw up memories of Biblical passages, a sort eases. of cross-reference for readers, that might go over the heads of those who are new to the For a Christian like Billy Graham, fear doesn’t need to accompany the depravity found in the difficult questions that have to do with Heaven Christian faith. news cycle. Jesus said, “I will come again and and Hell, from a Biblical perspective. Where I receive you to Myself; that’s where I am, there am addresses heaven and hell, and ultimately For some the only reason to read this book is you will be also.” Where I am is a deep dive finding Jesus in every book of the Bible. Billy to see how Billy Graham finds the Gospel in a into the Scripture by Billy Graham to bring Graham answers question like: “Who goes to book like Numbers, but whatever a reader’s people assurance of their eternity in a time hell?”, “How can a loving God send people to reason, they can’t help but take away a bethell?” “What determines who goes to heaven ter understanding of eternity, and God’s great that brings the feeling of death so near. and who doesn’t?” “How can we be sure of plan for mankind. Billy Graham doesn’t fear the topic of eternity, where we are going?” By pulling wisdom and he thrives off it. He answers questions with a answers from each of the sixty-six books found an iconic, “The Bible says…” Graham believes in the canon of Scripture, leaving readers with People believe they will go to heaven when they die, according to a Fox News poll. Most said that because God is a God of love, they’ll enter through the pearly gates. At the same time, many believe the fires of Hell don’t exist. Billy Graham carries his classic big tent revivial into his latest book to address the issue of heaven and hell through his final book, Where I Am.

Where I am addresses heaven and hell, and ultimately reveals Jesus in every book of the Bible.

Sophie Iverson



Luke Song

Nate Larson

Nicole Dekok

Sara Jennen

Alyssa Shilson

Audrey Kallus

Audrey Stensrud

Elias Pribbenow

Ellen Jacobs

Jim Song

Judy Kim

Kate Anderson

Sophie Iverson

Susan Nolan

Tony Nguyen

Thomas Martinson


IN THE FUTURE // UPCOMING STORIES Abby Johnson made money helping women decide on abortion. Through a miraculous set of events, she is now a pro-life activist. Read her story next month.

Karina Larson works to get students to share their stories in Chapel. But few understand the impetus to her work, and why she thinks it is important to share stories. Read about her views next month. Charles Schulz is a cartoon icon, but few understand how his faith impacted his comics. Read about a new biography next month.

Gonzolo Santillian is a new staff member who is making a significant impact with Hillcrest students. Hear his testimony next month.

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