1 minute read
• Assumed knowledge is the minimum level of achievement in senior subjects considered necessary for successful in the first year of tertiary study.
• QTAC (Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre) is an organisation that centralises the applications and offers for Queensland. Each state in Australia has their own Tertiary Admissions Centre – to which applications need to be submitted if a student wishes to study in that state:
– UAC (University Admissions Centre, NSW and ACT)
– VTAC (Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre)
• VET is Vocational Education and Training courses, inclusive of Certificate I through to Diploma courses.
• Work Integrated Learning or Practicum Placements are Industry internships. These are an important part of relating study to the real world (just like the Work Experience Program at Hillcrest). Search for courses that have good industry engagement as this assists with employment after course completion, as well as experience to get you started.