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The Pathways Team assist students with all aspects of their student driven pathways, from big goal setting, to subject selection, course options and applications, industry connections and the next steps. The Pathways Team invites students and parents to book in some time for a chat.
Peter Fernance Deputy Head of Senior Learning Community

Email: pfernance@hillcrest.qld.edu.au
Mr Fernance enjoys meeting with parents and students to guide the process of creating a personalised pathway for each student. If your child is in Years 9 - 12 and you have not yet met with Mr Fernance, please be sure to make an appointment.
Lucinda Crews Pathways Engagement Coordinator
Email: lcrews@hillcrest.qld.edu.au
Mrs Crews works with industry and Hillcrest community to provide opportunities for our students. In addition to organising the Pathways Evening, she coordinates Hillcrest’s work experience program and liaises with the universities to deliver relevant and updated information to students.

Joelle McCully
Careers and Pathways Coordinator

Email: jmccully@hillcrest.qld.edu.au
Mrs McCully is a dedicated careers specialist, focused on empowering your child to attain essential certificates and qualifications before completing their schooling journey. With an array of diverse options, including various trades, certificates and diplomas, we encourage you to reach out to Mrs McCully. She will be more than happy to engage in a thoughtful discussion about how these opportunities seamlessly align with your child’s unique pathways.
Nicole Cox Head of Senior Studies
Email: ncox@hillcrest.qld.edu.au
Ms Cox provides curriculum information for senior students and parents throughout their SLC journey and ensures QCAA requirements for QCE and ATAR are met. She facilitates confirmation of marks for Year 12 students and runs their External Assessment. Ms Cox is ready to answer any questions about QCE or ATAR and is also the person to contact regarding AARA enquiries.