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Useful Facts And Terminology
• Certificate III and higher qualifications can sometimes provide a pathway for entry into University.
• Diploma level study may give up to a year’s worth of credit (called ‘recognition of prior learning’ or ‘Advanced Standing’ and is given as ‘time off’) in a related undergraduate degree.
• Student for a Semester – Each University calls this something different, but it is a subject of study students can take in senior years of school that provides the experience of being a university student as well as being a low cost or free subject that can be counted towards a related undergraduate degree. Completion of a university subject whilst at school can also provide points towards the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).
• Early Entry/Early Offer is provided by some universities. This means that a student will find out that they have a place at that university before the normal offer rounds are released through QTAC (December and January) An early offer may be gained through application and meeting that specific university criteria. The details vary between institutions.
• A pre-requisite is an entry requirement to a degree program, such as a subject, portfolio, audition or interview that an applicant must meet before they are considered for entry.
• QCE is the Queensland Certificate of Education is Queensland’s senior school qualification. It is awarded to students by QCAA.
• ATAR is the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank. This is a percentile rank, not a mark of a student’s overall academic achievement in relation to that of other students. This rank indicates a student’s position relative to other students in their age group in any given year.
• Assumed knowledge is the minimum level of achievement in senior subjects considered necessary for successful in the first year of tertiary study.
• QTAC (Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre) is an organisation that centralises the applications and offers for Queensland. Each state in Australia has their own Tertiary Admissions Centre – to which applications need to be submitted if a student wishes to study in that state:
– UAC (University Admissions Centre, NSW and ACT)
– VTAC (Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre)
• VET is Vocational Education and Training courses, inclusive of Certificate I through to Diploma courses.
• Work Integrated Learning or Practicum Placements are Industry internships. These are an important part of relating study to the real world (just like the Work Experience Program at Hillcrest). Search for courses that have good industry engagement as this assists with employment after course completion, as well as experience to get you started.