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The first successful transplant ever performed was a kidney trans- plant.

Exploring the World of 3D Printing

by Liam McKnight, 703

I first found out about 3D printing in a summer camp at McMaster University in which we received some 3Dprinted Pikachus. They had been printed in one of their labs. I thought that was pretty cool, so every Christmas, I secretly hoped that I would get a 3D printer. This recent Christmas, I got my wish!

What is a 3D printer?

What is a 3D printer? A 3D printer prints 3D models. Okay, we’re done. Goodbye. Just kidding! A 3D printer is a printing machine that shoots out molten plastic onto a heated surface, which after a while turns into a 3D object. It builds up from the bottom over multiple layers. You may be asking, what can 3D printing be used for? 3D printing can be used for many things, but the most common use is to make pieces for a model or design. Other uses are for prototyping new ideas or for manufacturing larger items.

The Maiden Voyage of my 3D Printer

I was very excited when I saw my new 3D printer under the tree. My dad and I set up the printer and started printing right away. We first used the data stored on the 3D printer, which was to print a dog, but there was one problem—every time we got the printer going, it would mess up, and we were left with a pile of plastic.

After that, my dad and I figured out we needed to level the printer. The first step was to set the nozzle to

home and disable the stepper, which would allow us to move the nozzle. We had to check the space between the nozzle and the bed (the spot where the 3D print would be printed) with a sticky note a few times so the bed would be leveled and tweaked a little. We attempted the 3D printer again, and it worked. After an hour, a dog appeared. However, we wanted to print different things, not just a dog.

I learned that there was a website called “Thingiverse” where I could download designs for my printer for free, so we checked it out. We found a lot of different “ready to print” 3D objects on this website, and I decided to go with Iron Man. I had to download the file and process it using an application called PrusaSlicer. Then I downloaded the finished product with a USB and chip which I inserted into the printer. Finally, I selected Iron Man and within 2 hours I had a mini Iron Man.

The Future of 3D Printing

The future of 3D printing is right around the corner with attempts being made at making 3D-printed houses. Yes, you read that right: houses! Quite recently on YouTube, I saw that engineers have started 3D printing houses using a larger 3D printer that shoots out concrete. Public safety and health have recently allowed them to start printing houses for people.

Now you are probably wondering how long it takes to print a house, and you might be surprised to hear it takes only 24 hours. If you would like to learn more about 3D printing houses, please visit this link: https://www.thezebra.com/resources /home/3d-printed-homes/

Looking Ahead

Once you learn how to use your printer, you can begin learning how to design your own 3D-printed models. Tinkercad is a great beginner website for getting started with 3D designing. There are lots of tutorials to get you started, too.

Lastly, if you want to learn more about 3D printing at HSC, please contact Mr. Scichilone!

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