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Students seeking admission to Ontario colleges must use an online application service developed for Ontario colleges called the Application Service for Ontario Public Colleges (OCAS).

Website: ontariocolleges.ca

EntrancetoOntariocollegeswill be based on a student’s best six senior level marks, including English.Collegeswillhave varyingprerequisitesfordifferent programs. Students should note that college programs are deliveredinseveraldifferent ways.ThereareCertificate, Diploma and Degree programs atmostcolleges.Certificate programs are typically one year, Diploma programs are two years and Degree programs are four years in length. HSC will forward all completed Grade 11 and completed Grade 12 marks to the OCAS in midOctober. Grade 12 course marks will be uploaded in February and April. Final marks are sent at the end of June.

Some students choose to take additional courses outside of HSC. These include summer school courses as well as evening and distance-learning courses taken during the regular school year.

It is critical that students inform the Student Success Centre about any courses taken outside of HSC once registered. Upon completion of an outside credit course, students must ensure thattheirfinalmarksaresent to the Student Success Centre, where the information is entered onto their transcript. HOW THE ONLINE APPLICATION PROCESS WORKS

Students can apply to as many as fiveprogramchoiceswithnomore than three at any one college. All program choices must start within the same academic year (i.e., August to July).

Students are encouraged to apply and pay the application fee as early aspossiblesincefilesareforwarded to the colleges as they are processed.Thisisonlythefirststep as part of the application process. Students must submit applications for your highly selective college programs by February 1, termed the “EqualConsiderationDate.”Colleges willbegintosendoffersafter February 1. May 1 is the deadline to confirmoffersofadmission.

HSC is registered to use the online application and provides demographic and academic data to OCAS as a condition of registration. Confidentialinformationwillbe provided to all HSC students so that they can complete the online application.

Once the school receives the OCAS information, students will then receive an email message listing the colleges and programs they selected with instructions on how to view and/or update their application online.

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