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At HSC, we encourage students to take full advantage of the numerous scholarship opportunities available. Many colleges in Canada have automatic, merit-based scholarships which are based upon the entrance average for a student applying to a particular school. There is no additional work for the student to do, except to maintain a strong academic standing throughout the entire year. Outside organizations will have merit-based scholarships as well as broader and more competitive scholarships. Many of these applications will be completed online by the student and will involve a school transcript, some form of essay and a letter of recommendation from one or two teachers/guidance counsellors.

Another type of scholarship is where the student will be sponsored by HSC. This means that if applying for a sponsored scholarship, you will be selected by HSC. In the case of sponsored scholarships, the following guidelines apply to ensure that candidates will be treated in the fairest manner possible:


• All applicants will be evaluated by a Scholarship Committee with input, as needed, from guidance counsellors, other teachers and administrators.

• Students who apply for early decision to U.S. schools will not be eligible to be sponsored in the fall term for awards in Canada, as they have indicated that their primary interest lies in a non-Canadian school. These students are free to apply for non-sponsored awards.

If such students are denied or deferred in December by the U.S. school they have applied to, they can be sponsored for Canadian scholarships in the winter term.

• Eachstudentmayapplytobe sponsored for only one national award (such as the Loran Award) andoneuniversity-specificaward (such as the Queen’s Chancellor’s

Scholarship). Students should do some research to determine their priorities as well as which scholarship is right for them.

• Applicationsreceivedafterthe

HSC internal deadlines will not be considered.

• For a student to be sponsored,

HSCmusthaveeveryconfidencein the candidate’s integrity and good character.

• Whensponsoredandfinal candidates have been selected, the

Senior School Principal and Head ofCollegewillbenotifiedofthe

Scholarship committee’s decision.


• Maintain best grades possible as they will be submitted to post-secondary schools. • CompletestudentprofileonBridgeU. • Attend post-secondary dialogues evenings in October. • Continue to investigate post-secondary program options. • Attend HSC post-secondary presentations and panels. • Attend post-secondary webinar events. • Attend course selection informations sessions. • Meet with guidance counsellor 1:1. • Attend transition to post-secondary events. • Prepare and/or write standardized tests (ACT, SAT, BMAT, etc.) as necessary. • Complete Ministry expectations for Community Service



• Attend grad meetings. • Read SSC Grad page announcements and topic pages. • Investigate potential scholarships. • Attend post-secondary dialogues evenings in October. • Visit the Universities’ Open Houses. Information found on

University websites and e-info. • Attend OUAC and OCAS information workshops. • Complete Ontario, Canadian, U.S. and U.K. applications by the due date. • Complete all supplementary applications required for each post-secondary school by the due date. • Beawareoftheconditionsofanofferandshareinformation with guidance counsellor. • Maintain grades and ensure that they comply with the conditionsofanoffer. • Acceptofferbyduedate. • Be aware of residence application deadlines.

ACT (American College Testing Program)

ThistestmeasuresskillsinEnglish,mathematics, reading and science with an optional writing component. It is an alternative to the SAT.

AP (Advanced Placement)

AtHSC,weofferformalizedAPcoursesinCalculus, English,Biology,Physics,Chemistry,Macroand Microeconomics. These tests are scored on a scale ofonetofive,fivebeingthehighest.Manyselective U.S. colleges and some Canadian universities may give credit for high AP scores.

Common Application commonapp.org

Common App is a single undergraduate college admission application that a student may use to apply to over 600 member U.S. colleges and universities.

Conditional Acceptance

Allpost-secondaryoffersareconditional.The conditionsoftheofferwillbeoutlinedinanemail or letter from the institution. The conditions may defineanoverallfinalaverageandmayinclude specificindividualmarks.

Early Action

AnadmissionprogramofferedbymanyU.S.schools that allows you to apply by an earlier deadline, and to hear from the college as early as December or January. The program is not binding, so if you are admitted, you can decline the offer.

Early Decision

AnadmissionprogramofferedbymanyU.S.schools that allows you to apply by an earlier deadline and to hear from the college as early as December or January. The program is binding, so if you are admitted, you are obliged to attend that college.

OCAS ontariocolleges.ca

Ontario College Application Service website which provides information regarding Ontario colleges, programs, scholarships, prerequisites, residence and financialaidandtheapplicationprocess.

Ontario Universities Info ontariouniversitiesinfo.ca

A website distributed by OUAC that outlines programsofferedbytheuniversities,cut-offmarks and prerequisite courses.

OUAC (Ontario Universities’ Application Centre)

Located in Guelph, OUAC processes all Ontario and several out of province applications. All your marks and university selections are sent to this centre, which then forwards them to the individual universities.

Prerequisite – A course that is required before entering into a particular program.

SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test)

SAT I, formerly known as the Scholastic Aptitude Test. The test is designed by the College Board to evaluate students in the verbal, writing and math areas. The three sections of the test are scored on a scale of 200 to 800, with 800 being the highest possible score on each section.


Yourpersonal,officialacademicrecord.Itrecords the courses, marks and credits that a student has earned, in compliance with the Ontario Ministry of Education’sguidelinesforfulldisclosure.

UCAS ucas.com

UCAS processes undergraduate applications for virtually all universities and colleges in the U.K.



299 Fennell Avenue West Hamilton, ON L9C 1G3

905-389-1367 www.hsc.on.ca ssc@hsc.on.ca

Our core mission is to develop joyful and engaged students who live life with purpose.

The best learning happens when students are happy to come to school, have opportunities to follow their passions, and participate in deep learning experiences that challenge them.

Joyful, engaged students develop strong relationships with their peers and with the caring adults who spark and support their learning both inside the classroom and beyond.

Their journey at HSC prepares students to live with purpose—to understand their world, inspire, lead, act, and make a difference in their own unique ways.

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