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Rainwater Harvesting: An investment not to be missed
lamp system. Conductivity monitoring and ion exchange operations can also be utilized to ensure water quality required by today’s increasingly water critical processes.
The costs of energy, materials and manufacturing operations are constantly increasing and unlikely to be reduced in the foreseeable future, so companies are required to work more efficiently and effectively to enable costs of production and operational costs to be standardised or even reduced.
The control of significant energy costs, both gas and electricity, is well understood but that of water is another commodity that is somewhat taken for granted and accepted, although the costs of water in and effluent out must be accounted for in the total company employment of capital and affect bottom line profits and profitability.
Rather than rely on the ever-increasing cost of water from the water companies in all industries and especially in the electroplating and metal finishing sectors, significant water volume can be sourced from harvesting the rainwater collected on the company’s roof area into a bulk holding tank. This can augment a decreasing dependance on the supply from water companies or have a volume that can service the applications completely.
From the holding tank the collected rainwater is filtered, using Multimedia filtration and carbon filtration. The filtered water can then either be dosed with a biocide or sterilized using a UV
The treated process water can then be boosted to the required pressure and connected using the existing pipework systems to each application accordingly.
In some cases, the water can also be used for domestic applications. Following its use, apart from that used for domestic purposes, the water can be recirculated, recycled and constantly reconstituted and reused following the application of ion exchange resins thus again reducing the cost of incoming water from the supply companies and enhancing and reducing the effect on the environment.
It is not unusual to expect a payback on investment that could be within three and a half years.
With the ever-increasing production costs Rainwater Harvesting an investment not to be missed. Please contact us for an evaluation of your potential.

Telephone: 0121-314-1191
Visit: www.plastratum.com
Since 1982 Automated Water & Effluent Ltd have been supplying process control equipment to the metal finishing and surface finishing industry. We have an team of qualified engineers able to recommend and build control panels and process equipment specific to fit your requirements. A wide range of our control instrumentation, dosing pumps and chemical process equipment is available on short delivery.