Dai Duit (Hello) from Boorowa!
Boorowa’s Irish Woolfest is a major event for NSW and a highlight on the Hilltops Region’s Spring calendar.
We are pleased to announce, after being postponed for two years, that the Boorowa Irish Woolfest will be held this October Long Weekend.
The ‘Running of the Sheep’ and the main festivities will be held Sunday 2 October 2022 and we would love for you to join us. After a few years off, we have some extra tricks up our sleeve to make this years Boorowa Irish Woolfest even better. We have a range of fringe events, kicking off on Thursday 29 September 2022. So, make a weekend of it and join in on the craic with us.
See you in Boorowa, for this years Boorowa Irish Woolfest, you’d be sheepish to miss it!