Community Directory

This country is
This country is
Across the Hilltops, we acknowledge that this country is Wiradjuri and Ngunnawal country
In Hilltops we are conscious of the Wiradjuri and Ngunnawal people, the Indigenous men and women who managed these fertile valleys and plains for thousands of years before the first European settlers appeared. We respect their country, we value the opportunity to learn more about the culture that nurtured the land through tough or plentiful seasons, understanding the relationship between the spirits, the elements, the land, the creatures and the humans living there and passing through.
Hilltops Council has developed this Directory to support new residents to the area who are seeking local contact information for basic services. Information was correct at the time of publishing.
Once you’ve arrived at the decision that Hilltops is perfect for you, help will be at hand to connect you with your dream property.
Hilltops real estate agents are experienced and professional and only too willing to take the journey with you to find your new home.
Boorowa Street Medical Practice
Services Available: General practice
Address: 12 Boorowa Street, Young
Contact: 02 6382 1599
Opening times:
Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 5pm
Billing: Fees and Bulk Billing
Wheelchair access: Yes
Young District Medical Centre
Services Available: General practice, podiatry and immunisation
Address: 16 Cloete Street, Young
Contact: 02 6382 1544
Opening times:
Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 5pm Saturday: 9am - 10:30am
Billing: Fees and Bulk Billing
Wheelchair access: Yes
After-Hours Arrangements: Please call Young District Hospital on 02 6382 8888
Weekdays: 5pm to 8:30am
Weekends: 11:30am Sat to 8:30am Mon
Public holidays: 24 hours.
Medcirc Young
Services Available: General practice
Address: Shop 5, 50-66 Boorowa Street, Young NSW 2594
Contact: 02 6389 3199
Opening times:
Monday to Friday: 8am - 6pm
Saturday: 8am - 1pm
Billing: Bulk Billing Only
The Kruger Medical Centre
Services: General practice, men’s health clinic and optometry
Address: 10 East Street, Harden
Contact: 02 6386 0200
Opening times:
Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 5pm
Saturday: 10am - 4pm
Sunday: 10am - 1pm
Billing: Fees and Bulk Billing
Wheelchair access: Yes
After-Hours Arrangements: Please call Murrumburrah-Harden District Hospital on 02 6386 2200
Weekdays: 5pm to 8am
Weekends: 4pm Sat to 8am Mon
Public Holidays: 24 hours
Boorowa Medical Centre
Services Available: General practice, psychology and podiatry
Address: 31 Marsden Street, Boorowa
Contact: 02 6385 3600
Opening times:
Monday to Thursday: 8:30am - 7:30pm
Friday: 8:30am - 5pm
Billing: Fees and Bulk Billing
Wheelchair access: Yes
Boorowa Hospital Medical Centre
Services Available: General practice
Address: 20 Jugiong Street, BOOROWA, Contact: 02 6385 3482
W: Visit website
Opening times: Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm
If you’re looking for a job in the Hilltops please follow these links:
LOOKING FOR A park or playground in the Boorowa and harden areas?
Location: off Market Street
Fenced, adjacent parking with disability access. Wheelchair accessible playground with connected wheelchair toilet and baby change table.
Boorowa Recreation Park
Location: Off Pudman Street
Access to disabled toilets and baby change table. Access path to walk and cycle path around Boorowa.
Boorowa Skate Park
Location: Market Street
Existing access paths to the above amenities.
Rugby league and rugby union field at the showground, 32 grass netball courts and one sealed netball court at the showground.
One soccer field, one cricket pitch which becomes two touch fields and another two touch fields at the rec park.
Toilets are in the park. Parking is on Station St and in Tim Doolan oval. BBQ available and picnic tables. Playground is covered. Playground is not fenced.
Toilet in Park. Parking in car park or Roberts park. BBQ available and picnic tables. Playground is uncovered.
Jugiong Park
Toilets are in park. Parking in Carpark or on Riverside Drive. BBQ and picnic tables available. Playground is covered. Playground is not fenced.
Galong CWA park
Toilet at hall in park. Parking is on Hill St side of park. BBQ and picnic table available. Playground is covered. Playground is not fenced.
Toilet at the Tennis club. Parking is in recreation ground or on street. Playground is covered. Playground is not fenced.
Male, female and a disabled toilet available. Plenty of parking on site. A playground is fenced in the park area plus BBQ and seating. Wheelchair accessibility but not to playground. Open early mornings up until close of business at the tourist centre.
One toilet available. Parking available on Marina Street. Playground not fenced. Pathways connecting to other sporting ovals. Open early mornings until around 8pm.
Male, female and a disabled toilet available. Plenty of parking on site, at TAFE car park and surrounding streets. Playground in park area close to toilet block. Liberty wheelchair swing available (key needs to be obtained from Council) BBQ available with seating.
Male and female toilets opened early mornings closed at night. Plenty of parking on site. BBQ area with seating.
Skate Park
Parking available on Marina Street. Not fenced. Pathways connecting to other sporting ovals. Open early mornings until around 8pm.
Outdoor netball courts
New toilet block Male, female and a disabled toilet available at Hall Bros or PCYC. Plenty of parking on site. Wheelchair accessibility.
Alfred Oval
Male and female toilets, plenty of parking on site. Playground unfenced. Open when Oval is booked for sport. Wheelchair accessibility. Pathways connecting to other sporting ovals.
Captain Cook Weir
New toilet block – Three unisex toilets available from early mornings until closed at night. Plenty of parking on site. Wheelchair accessibility. Pathways connecting around creek areas and sporting fields.
Lambing Flat Chinese Gardens
Male, female and a disabled toilet available. Plenty of parking on site and BBQ area. Wheelchair accessibility. Open early mornings up until around 8pm.
Cranfield Oval
New building Male, female and a disabled toilet available. Plenty of parking on site. Wheelchair accessibility. Pathways connecting to other sporting ovals. Open when Oval is booked for sport.
Gus Smith Oval
Male and female toilets. Plenty of parking on site. Open when Oval is booked for sport. Wheelchair accessibility. Pathways connecting to other sporting ovals.
Hall Bros. Oval
New toilet block Male, female and a disabled toilet available. Plenty of parking on site. Open when Oval is booked for sport. Wheelchair accessibility. Pathways connecting to other sporting ovals.
Keith Cullen Oval
Male and female toilets. Plenty of parking on site. Wheelchair accessibility. Pathways connecting to other sporting ovals. Open when Oval is booked for sport.
Miller Henry Oval
Male and female toilets. Plenty of parking on site. Wheelchair accessibility. Open when Oval is booked for sport.
Sawpit Gully:
Male and female toilets. Plenty of parking on site. Wheelchair accessibility. Open when Oval is booked for sport.
we’re here to help you look after the HEALTH of your pets and livestock in the hilltops region
Public transport services available in the hilltops region
NSW TrainLink:
NSW Trains provides a daily bus service connection to the main Sydney to Melbourne rail line at Cootamundra. The bus leaves from Young to Cootamundra at 11.35am and returns to Young at 3.35pm. The pickup and drop off location is the front of the Young Visitor Information Centre at the former railway station building off Lovell Street. The returning afternoon bus travels to Dubbo (Monday, Wednesday, Saturday), Orange (Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday) and Bathurst (Friday).
To book a NSW TrainLink ticket phone 13 22 32, visit their website: or visit the Young Visitor Information Centre agency at the former railway station building off Lovell Street.
Young/Boorowa Community Transport:
133 Main Street, Young
Young/Boorowa Community Transport Service runs a wheelchair accessible Young Town Bus Service from Monday to Friday for frail aged, people with a disability, their carers and those transport disadvantaged.
A Community Transport Connect Bus Service also operates from Young to Canberra every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and from Young to Wagga each Tuesday and Thursday. There is also non-emergency health related transport to centres such as Wagga, Canberra, Orange, Goulburn, Bathurst, and Sydney.
Ask about the fortnight bus services that link Hilltops towns, available to all residents.
Bookings for all services and information about are essential and available by phoning 6382 1518.
Taxi Service
Young Radio Cabs Co-Operative Limited, taxi rank location Cnr Boorowa and Main Streets, Phone: 6382 1288.
NSW TrainLink:
Harden is located on the main Sydney to Melbourne train line. Trains stop for ticketed passenger pick up and drop off at the Harden Railway Station.
To book your ticket phone 13 22 32 or visit their website:
Harden Community Transport: Cnr East & Albury Streets, Harden
Twice weekly bus trips to neighbouring towns for social outings and medical appointments for qualifying customers. There is also non-emergency health related transport to centres such as Wagga, Canberra, Orange, Goulburn, Bathurst, and Sydney.
Ask about the fortnight bus services that link Hilltops towns, available to all residents. For more details and bookings phone 6386 3561.
Young/Boorowa Community Transport: Young/Boorowa Community Transport Service offers a car assistance to frail aged people with a disability, their carers and those transport disadvantaged.
A Community Transport Connect Bus Service operates between Boorowa and Canberra every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. There is also non-emergency health related transport to centres such as Wagga, Canberra, Orange, Goulburn, Bathurst, and Sydney.
Ask about the fortnight bus services that link Hilltops towns, available to all residents. Bookings are essential and available by phoning 6382 1518.
Young 189 Boorowa St, YOUNG
Boorowa 6-8 Market St, BOOROWA
3 East St, HARDEN
Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5pm
Phone: 1300 445 586
Phone: 1300 445 586
Young Library
Lynch St, Young
Boorowa Library
Pudman St, Boorowa
Harden Library
Trinity Centre, East St, Harden
When are my rates due?
• 1st Instalment – August
• 2nd Instalment – November
• 3rd Instalment – February
• 4th Instalment – May
I want to build who do I talk to
Contact the friendly customer service team at council who will transfer you to the Planning Department who will be only too happy to assist you with your enquiry.
What do I do if I find a stray animal?
Contact Council on 1300 445 586 during office hours 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday and Council will attend and assess the situation if it is a companion animal. If microchipped Council officers have access to databases which they can search, check for compliance and then contact the owner. In the case of larger animals such as tagged livestock council has access to databases to search for owners and return animals, if animals are untagged they are able to secure the stock in their impounding yard until the owners can be found. For emergencies after hours contact the Dog Pound/Ranger on 0408 298 413.
When is my rubbish collected?
Hilltops Council kerbside collection is offered to residents within the residential areas of Boorowa, Harden, Galong, Jugiong and Young.
Other village and rural areas do not receive kerbside collection services. However, there are alternative options for these areas which may include engaging a private contractor or purchasing a tip key/tip voucher from Hilltops Council.
What happens if my bin is missed?
There generally is a reason why a garbage bin has not been collected. Reasons could include:
• The bin was taken out on the incorrect garbage day.
• The bin was not taken out the front the night before.
• The bin is not a Council issued bin. Note: only Council issued bins will be collected.
• The bin was too heavy for the truck.
• The bin was facing the wrong way.
• There were cars/other obstructions in the way.
• There was noticeable contamination in the bin.
If you believe your bin wasn’t collect due to the above reasons, please phone Hilltops Council on 1300 445 586.
• General household rubbish
• Crockery/porcelain/ceramics
• Nappies
• Plastic bags/plastic wrap
• Clothes/rags/shoes
• Meat trays
• Polystyrene/bubble wrap packaging
• Drinking glasses/window
• Glass/mirrors
• Paints
• Syringes
• Cooking/motor oil
• Demolition/building materials
• Tyres
• Chemicals
• Car batteries
• Gas cylinders
• Plastic bottles & jars
• Plastic containers
• Glass bottles and jars
• Aluminium & steel cans
• Aerosol cans
• Cardboard/paper/newspaper
• Poppers/milk/juice cartons
• Telephone books/magazines
• Egg cartons
• Plastic bags
• Soft plastics (e.g. Bread bags, cling wrap, biscuit trays etc.)
• Food waste
• Liquids
• Clothes
• Electrical items
• Green waste
• Leaves, grass clippings, flowers, bark, weeds, garden pruning.
• Twigs & small branches (no longer than 30cm with a maximum diameter of 10cm).
• Timber off-cuts (untreated, unpainted with no nailsless than 30cm in length & 7.5cm in diameter.
• Food waste
• Plastic bags
• Plant pots
• Wire
• Cloth
• Material, plastic or nylon ties
• Soil bricks or rubble
• Large logs,
• Tree roots & stumps
• Recyclable material
• Household rubbish
Tip Road, Boorowa
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 1.15pm to 4pm, Saturday & Sunday 8am to 4pm
(closed 12.30pm to 1pm)
Closed: Public Holidays
The Boorowa Waste Management Facility accepts mixed solid waste, whitegoods, tyres and green waste, as well as recycling facilities (including scrap metal, paper, plastics, glass, aluminium, e-waste, waste oils, and DrumMuster)
579 Bobbara Rd, Galong
Thursday & Saturday 9.30am - 12pm
Harden - Murrumburrah
Araluen Road, Murrumburrah
Wednesday & Friday 9am - 3:30pm, Sunday 9am - 4pm
The Murrumburrah Waste Transfer Station accepts mixed solid waste, whitegoods, tyres and green waste, as well as recycling facilities (including scrap metal, paper, plastics, glass, aluminium, e-waste, waste oils, and DrumMuster)
3186 McMahons Reef Rd, Jugiong
Thursday & Saturday 1.30pm – 4.30pm
Young - Victoria St
Victoria St, Young
Monday to Saturday 8.30am-4pm, Sunday and Public Holidays
8.30am – 2.30pm
Closed: Good Friday and Christmas Day
The Victoria St site accepts mixed solid waste, whitegoods, tyres and green waste, as well as facilities for recycling (including scrap metal, paper, plastics, glass, aluminium, e-waste, waste oils, and DrumMuster)
Young - Redhill
Redhill Rd, Young
Monday to Saturday 8am - 12pm, 2pm - 4pm (closed 12pm-2pm)
Closed: Sundays and Public Holidays
The Redhill Rd site accepts inert and non-organic materials only, including concrete and rubble, building materials, furniture, plastics, and fabrics (mattresses, lounges etc). No green waste, food items, hazardous wastes will be accepted at this site.