s a parent of a tween, you may be struggling to decide what’s normal and what’s concerning as your child is entering their teenage years. In this “between” stage, your child is facing new challenges and discovering what their new role means. They are no longer a child who will be content with only playing outside and pretending with friends. But, they’re not quite as independent as a teenager. It’s a stage in which hormones are introduced at different times for everyone, meaning that each tween feels they are the one out of place and can’t stop comparing themselves to their peers. And thanks to social media, they can compare themselves at all times of the day. Before you become overwhelmed and take your child’s electronic devices and limit friend time, there are a few things to remind yourself. During this life stage,
20 ParenthoodIQ.com • WINTER 2019-20
your child is beginning to explore who they are. You have already taught them right and wrong and they have learned the school basics. They are now beginning to form their own opinions while also having the cognitive awareness to compare and research these opinions. They may have always liked playing with Legos before, but now are analyzing “What do I really like? What do my friends like?” They need to be given the space to have these thoughts of exploration, while also still receiving guidance and encouragement- something they will continue to need throughout their teenage years. You may have already been tiptoeing the line to keep the perfect balance of allowing them to explore and holding the reins of parenting. You’re not alone in this struggle. And don’t worry, you have plenty of years ahead with your child to work on this balance.