The Eye magazine june aug 2018

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The Eye Magazine Malawi Sales: Lena Cheal, Tel: 0999 741 155, 0888 709 223 Email: Design & Layout: Nigel Cheal, Tel: 0999 913 480 Email: Consultant: Emmanuel Chipula, Tel: 0888 107 220 Email:

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE ARTICLES: Praying Mantis Independence Day Blood Pressure Makanjira South Luangwa Zambia African Parks Mulanje Wildflower Wonderland

8 - 14 28 - 31 44 & 45 61 70 - 73 96 100 - 103

BUSINESS Banks, Financial Services & Forex Services Shopping

16 - 18 18 - 27 32 - 39

HEALTH Doctors & Health Insurance Hospitals, Opticians & Vets

40 - 41 41 - 43


46 - 47



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50 - 51

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57 58 58 60

TOURS & TRAVEL Flight Guides Airlines, Airports & Buses Tours & Safari Operators Travel Agents

62 - 64 65 66 68 -69

ACCOMMODATION Hotels, Lodges, Guest Houses

80 - 96

ENTERTAINMENT Casinos, Cinema, Clubs & Societies Coffee Shops, Fast Foods, Restaurants


MORE INFORMATION Map of Blantyre Map of Lilongwe Distances Flight guides National Parks Wildlife Reserves Malawi map Diplomatic Missions Tourist Visa for Africa Places to Worship

52 & 53 54 & 55 56 62 - 64 74 - 76 77 - 79 80 104 104 - 106 106

DISTRIBUTION: All advertisers, Bookshops, National & Regional Airlines, Tour operators, Blantyre & Lilongwe golf clubs & information offices. Foreign Diplomatic Missions and NGO’s. International Schools. Selected Restaurants and gift shops. All major hotels in Blantyre, Lilongwe, Cape MaClear, Monkey Bay, Salima, Nkhata Bay & Mzuzu. 9,000 Copies printed by Capital Printing Press PLEASE NOTE: While reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure the accuracy of advice and information provided; neither The Eye, its advertisers nor printers can accept responsibility for any damages or inconvenience that may arise there from. The views expressed within the magazine are those of the author exclusively and not necessarily those of The Eye. Any material sent to us will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and will be subject to The Eye’s unrestricted right to edit and comment editorially.

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From the Editor Dearest Readers, Ndiyesa nonse mulibwino, I Hope you are all well and welcome to The Eye. Let’s start with a man who needs no introduction to The Eye, Harrison Simfukwe who brings us the praying Mantis both a master of disguise but majestic all the same (and they eat their men, kikikiki!). Big thanks to all who voted on F/B, for your votes on the cover, we had a landslide winner! He also gives us insight into the reason behind the upcoming `Independence Day` happy day to all (6 July). Dr. Susan Waldron talks us through a topic which can be deadly. Good people, get your blood pressure checked don’t wait for an illness so the nurse does it then, read the stats, allot of us suffer from High BP, unavoidable in today’s day and age. Susan will be leaving us for next issue, love ya and best of luck for your future. African parks are yet again on the frontline of pushing that frontline of conservation with Mangochi Forest Reserve, yes there is a forest there, as always stay tuned for more from these guys. Peter Gereardts (Track & Trail) shares a storey and the beauty of S.Luangwa, on our door step. The wonderful, Sheik Ahmed Razzak Fattani gives us a super historic feature. Stay tuned for more from him! And lastly Carl Bruessow brings us a very happy and colorful piece on wildflowers of Mulanje, great pictures. Big thanks to all advertisers and contributors, especially my Dad & Husband who forever inspire me to do what I do and without whom this publication would not be possible.



Introduction Praying mantises though weird are fantastic and wondrous creatures truly deserving of the myths and reverence to humanity which several ancient civilizations considered them to have supernatural powers. They are prevalent in everyday life as they hold many places in human collective culture. Still today they are looked at through a veil of myth and wonder. Mantises are masters of disguise and they are typically green or brown, but many species will take on the color of their habitat which blends very well into the background, a strategy used for both attack and defence. They may mimic leaves, twigs, grass, stones and even ants, some tropical species so closely resemble flowers that other insects will land on them in search of nectar. The closest relatives of mantises are the termites and cockroaches. Mantises are sometimes confused with stick insects and other elongated insects such as grasshoppers or other insects with raptorial forelegs such as mantis-flies. In tropical species, the natural lifespan of a mantis in the wild is about one year, but some species kept in captivity have been sustained for 14 months.

Although praying mantises are feared by people based on various myths and traditions, they are, however, very friendly and innocent creatures. Yes, they can bite but they are not venomous to humans. Praying mantis description The mantises have triangular heads with large, compound eyes. Their long, flexible necks bend easily, allowing them to turn their heads 180° from side to side, giving them a 300° field of vision. They can spot the slightest movement from a long range. The strange praying stance is not an act of reverence but instead the position the fierce predators take while waiting to ambush other insects. Their powerful forelegs are armed with rows of overlapping spikes to hold their prey while they devour it with strong, sharp mandibles. If not wingless, a mantis will have two sets of wings, the outer wings, called the foreseeing or tegmina that are usually narrow, opaque, and leathery and function as camouflage but also as a shield for the inner wings, or hindwings. It is this much more delicate, broad and transparent set of wings that is actually used for flight. Most praying mantises are able to fly, although some females might not be able to.

Mantis taxonomical classification and biogeography A scientific record indicates that there are about 2,400 different species of mantises in about 430 genera in 15 families. The largest family is the Mantidae (“mantids”) which has been given the prefix ‘praying’ due to their posture. Praying mantises belong to the invertebrate group of insects of the Order Mantodea. All Mantodea have forelegs that are greatly enlarged and adapted for catching and gripping prey in their upright posture. The larger group of these insects is more properly called the praying mantids. They are distributed worldwide in temperate and tropical habitats except Antarctica. Of the 1,800 or so known species, most of them are approximately 3 - 8 cm in length. Some tropical species may grow up to 20 cm or more and can occasionally pounce on bigger preys such as hummingbirds to form part of their diet.

Praying mantis feeding behavior and reproduction Mantises are mostly ambush predators waiting for prey to stray too near, although a few ground-dwelling species are found actively pursuing their prey. They are regarded the best carnivores and one of the most incredible predatory insects on the planet. Further, it is described as a majestic predator of the first order using speed, cunning and camouflage to get it done. Mantises feed on flies, crickets, moths, grasshoppers and mosquitoes but larger species have been known to prey on small scorpions, lizards, frogs, birds, snakes, fish, and even rodents. They will prey upon any species small enough to successfully capture and devour. Most species are also known to eat others of their own kind, meaning that mantises are known to engage in cannibalism.

As in related insect groups, mantises go through three stages of metamorphosis namely egg, nymph and adult. The nymph and adult insect are structurally quite similar, except that the nymph is smaller and has no wings or functional genitalia. The nymphs are also sometimes colored differently from the adult and the early stages are often mimics of Cont. ants.


The praying mantis predators and self-defense As with many of nature’s predators, the hunters often become the hunted. Nearly any large predatory animal, such as bullfrogs, snakes and many reptiles and amphibians, without forgetting household cats or dogs, will prey on a mantis. In terms of self-defense, praying mantises have little in the way of defending themselves from preditors except for the use of camouflage and concealment. They are protected simply for remaining still and blending into their surroundings, with most species making use of protective colouring to match their surrounding foliage or substrate. When directly threatened, many mantis species stand tall and spread their forelegs, with their wings fanning out wide making them seem larger and more menacing to predators,

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while some other species may hiss at what would be predators. Some species display bright colors and patterns on their hind wings and inner surfaces of their front legs for this purpose.

Praying mantis in human culture The name “praying mantis” is Greek and literally means prophet or diviner and therefore held a place of honor in their myths. From this perspective, therefore, the mantis is being seen as a sort of prophet or symbol of wisdom. In the African mythology, a praying mantis is a sign of good luck if it lands on a person, and some tribes believe the insect supplies fire and brings the dead to life. The praying mantis is seen as a god by some people. For example, the mantis was considered a god in southern African Khoi and San tradition. Hence the word for the mantis in Afrikaans is Hottentotsgot (“god of the Khoi”) due to its praying posture. In Karonga, the Ngonde people call the praying mantis, kyala, which literally means God. The ancient Chinese regarded the Praying mantis a symbol of fearlessness and courage. They used the creature as a symbol for how to wage war, strike fast and without hesitation but with precision at a speed faster than humans can see. In other cultures, the Ancient Egyptian named praying mantis a necromancer and soothsayer. In the Islamic faith, a praying mantis is believed to point the way to Mecca. There are beliefs that catching a glimpse of a praying mantis is a special thing, so it is not odd that in France, for example, sighting a mantis signifies the return to home of a lost child.

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Praying mantis and the dance of death Many animals including insects are known to engage in cannibalistic behavior by killing and eating their mates or their off-springs. Some of the animals known to cannibalise their fellow animals comprise lions, Orang Utan, octopuses, praying mantis, scorpions and spiders. However, the praying mantis, scorpions and spiders are known to practice sexual cannibalism. It is usually the males that are devoured by the female partners normally prior to, during or soon after copulation The females usually display a colorful dance that attracts the males an act which seems as though they are ready for the honey moon as they seem to be dancing happily away, but which ends up to have their heads chopped off. The female praying mantis is often painted as an evil seductress, a cannibalistic lover which lures males closer only to eat them after mating. Mantis in the realm of animal symbolism Praying mantises are known for the following values namely calm, balance, patience, intuition, stillness, awareness, creativity and mindfulness. These are the traits which have led the mantis to be a symbol of meditation and contemplation.

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It is said that the mantis only makes a move when it is100% positive that it is the right thing and the right moment to do so this is an assurance to humanity to deeply contemplate about the choices to make in everyday human life. Overwhelmingly, it has been noted also that in most cultures, the mantis is a symbol of stillness giving testimony to the benefits of meditation and calming our minds. Benefit of praying mantis to humanity Because of their voracious appetite for insects, praying mantises have proven to be beneficial to farmers as a natural form of pest control. Although they may eat other beneficial insects, their preference is for the sucking and cutting insects that do the greatest damage to crops. Conclusion Whatever mantises represent to the world, be it in the insect realm, they are determined predators that use their prayer-like front legs to grab and eat their prey alive. The mantis takes time at its own silent pace, portraying a symbol of meditation and contemplation. In fact, in China, the mantis has long been honored for the mindful decisional movements.



Business BANKS ECOBANK - H/O - Bt: Victoria Ave, Tel: 01 820 437 / 822 099/808. Chitawira, Tel: 01 879 777/799. Ginnery Corner, Tel: 01 879 301/302. Limbe, Tel: 01 847 170/162. Lilongwe: Crossroads Branch, Tel: 01 754 175. Kanengo Branch, Tel: 01 712 345/322. First Discount House H/O – Bt: 1st floor, Umoyo House, Victoria Ave, Tel: 01 820 219 / 832 377, First Merchant Bank - H/O - Bt: 1st floor, Livingstone Towers, Glyn Jones Rd, Tel: 01 821 942/943/955, 01 824 840. Corporate: Tel: 01 821 955 email: Llw: Tel: 01 753 570/470/668, 01 755 388/848 email: Mangochi: Tel: 01 594 926, Mzuzu: Tel: 01 312 218/818, email: Malawi Savings Bank - H/O - Blantyre: MSB House, Victoria Avenue, Tel: 01 825 111 / 824 771 / 823 589. : Limbe, Aram Mall, Tel: 01 846 364/5/6. Lilongwe: Capital City, Kang’ombe Building, Tel: 01 755 500. Mzuzu: Tel: 01 312 630. Email:, Malawi Switch Centre - H/O - Blantyre: Old Reserve Bank of Malawi, 4 Victoria Ave, Tel 01 822 444. Lilongwe: NICO House, Old Town, Tel: 01 754 854. Mzuzu: Kentam House, Tel: 01 312 090. Email:, National Bank - H/O - Blantyre: NBM Towers, Henderson St.Tel: 01 820 622. Top Mandala, Tel: 01 820 055/193/428, email: Karonga: Tel: 01 362 483/ 223. Kasungu: Tel: 01 253 224, Lilongwe: Tel: 01 770 322 / 757 016 email: email: Mangochi: Tel: 01 594 322, email: Mulanje: Tel: 01 466 288, Mzuzu: Tel: 01 312 678, email: Salima: Tel: 01 262 811, email: Zomba: Tel: 01 524 788, email:

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NBS - H/O - Blantyre: NBS House, Ginnery Corner, Tel: 01 871 554, email: Karonga: Tel: 01 362 549. Kasungu: Tel: 01 253 797. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 750 175, email: Mangochi: Tel: 01 594 608. Mulanje: Tel: 01 466 367. Mzuzu: Tel: 01 312 171. Zomba: Tel: 01 525 641. Nedbank - H/O - Blantyre: Plantation House, Victoria Ave, Tel: 01 820 477 / 997 / 674, email: Blantyre: Hardelec House, Victoria Ave, Tel: 01 822 477 / 823 251 Lilongwe: Casa De Shez Building, City Centre, Tel: 01 771 924/955 Reserve Bank of Malawi - H/O - Lilongwe: Tel: 01 771 600 / 770 600. Blantyre: Tel: 01 820 299. Email:, Standard Bank - H/O - Lilongwe: African Unity Ave. Capital City, Tel: 01 774 688. Blantyre: Cnr Victoria & Sir Glyn Jones Rd. Tel: 01 820 144. Dwangwa: Tel: 01 295 255. Kasungu: Tel: 01 253 225. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 770 988. Mangochi: Tel: 01 594 377. Mzuzu: Tel: 01 312 366. Salima: Tel: 01 262 544. Zomba: Tel: 01 524 144. Western Union – H/O - Blantyre: Tel: 01 820 895 / 833 199. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 755 108/18 Western Union Agents - H/O - Blantyre: Fatima Arcade, Haile Sellasie Rd, Tel: 01 833 506/199. Pagat Mall, Victoria Ave, Tel: 0111 610 788. Chichiri Shopping Mall, Chipembere Highway, Tel: 01 875 288. Limbe, Churchill Rd, Tel: 0111 989 053. Karonga: Tel: 0999 495 354. Lilongwe: Crossroads Complex, Tel: 01 751 313. Nico Centre, Tel: 01 754 203. City Centre, Tel: 01 773 835. Mzuzu: Boardmans Str, Tel: 01 331 996. Mangochi: Main Rd, Tel:01 593 636. Zomba: Tel: 01 570 436. FINANCIAL SERVICES Ernst & Young, Apex House, Kidney Crescent, Blantyre: Tel: 01 876 476 Medlife, 1st floor, Dossani House, 17 Glyn Jones Rd, Blantyre, Tel: 01 824 108 / 0997 283 970, email:, Malawi Confederation of Chambers of Commerce, Chichiri, Bt, Tel: 01 879 483

Business Business NICO Asset Managers, Chibisa House, 19 Glyn Jones Rd, Bt, Tel: 01 832 085/086, email: FOREX FDH Money Bureau - Blantyre: Victoria Ave. Tel: 01 832 372. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 757 445 Golden Forex Bureau, Apollo Arcade, Blantyre, Tel: 01 820 856, email: MSB Forex Bureau, Unit House, Bt, Tel: 01 823 470/824 428 The Money Bureau - Blantyre: Chichiri Shopping Centre, Tel: 01 874 400/366, email: Umoyo House, Tel: 01 832 732. Limbe, Tel: 01 848 192. Lilongwe: Centre House Arcade, City Centre, Tel: 01 775 6001. Crossroads Complex, Tel: 01 750 879. NICO Centre, Tel: 01 755 934. Mzuzu: Tel: 01 311 290. Email: Victoria Forex Bureau - Blantyre: Tel: 01 821 026. Limbe: Tel: 01 848 851. Chileka Airport: Tel: 01 692 221. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 757 100. Muzuzu: Tel: 01 312 803.


Services 2-WAY RADIO & NETWORK SYSTEMS Pitronic Limited, Pitronic House, 12 Buchanan Rd, Blantyre, Tel. 01 830 170, email:, Satcom, Mandala, Bt, Tel: 0999 910 100, 0888 910 100, 0212 910 100, email:, Softnet Broadband (V-SAT), Mandala, Blantyre, Tel: 0111 913 772, 0999 886 803/805, 0888 886 803, email:, AD AGENCIES & DESIGN WORK Creative Images, Namwiwawa Ave. Bt, Tel: 0999 942 224 Hitlon Ingrams, Bt, Tel: 0999 612 222, Notion Communication Ltd, Bt, Tel: 0995 814 299, 0999 953 468, email: AUCTIONEERS SGW Auctioneers & Estate Agents, Bt, Tel: 01 840 618 / 843 826, 0888 326 999, 0211 326 999, email:, Trust Auctioneers & Estate Agents, Bt, Tel: 01 871 028/144/045, CARGO AGENTS Air Cargo - H/O - Kamuzu Int. Airport: Tel: 01 700 834/31. Blantyre: Chileka International Airport, Tel: 01 692 115/635 Bollore Africa Logistics - H/O - Blantyre: 01 871 555/150. Chileka: 0111 692 262. Lilongwe: Kamuzu Int’ Air’: 01 700 722. Kanengo: 01 710 233, email:, Combine Cargo - Blantyre: Kidney Crescent, Tel: 01 873 566 / 876 357. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 711 565, email:, Elvis Freight & Cargo Services, Chichiri, Bt, Tel: 01 876 314, 0888 892 887, email: MCS, Clausius House, Hannover Str., Blantyre, Tel: 01 822 046 / 824 098,

Trans Maritime, Uta Waleza Complex, Bt, Tel: 01 876 100 / 875 300, email: CONSULTANCY Amapatsa Hotel Consultancy, Tel: 0993 853 583, 0888 362 027, email: EK Tax Consultants, 4th Floor, Chayamba Bld’, Limbe, Bt, Tel: 01 827 232, 0999 970 549, email: Food for Thought, Namiwawa ring Rd, Villa 33, Bt, Tel: 0884 649 490 JDGS Group, Blantyre, Tel: 0884 142 756, email: PFI Partnerships, Bt, 17 Majete Rd, off Glyn Jones RD, Namiwawa, Tel: 0111 628 358, 0995 491 071 Umodzi Consulting, Top Mandala, Blantyre, Tel: 01 880 203 / 0888 227 072 / 0888 369 173, COURIER DHL- H/O - Lilongwe: off Presidential Drive, Capital City, Tel: 01 772 020. Blantyre: Henderson Str. Adams Court Bld. Tel: 01 827 211. Mzuzu: Tel: 01 310 390. Zomba: Tel: 0992 974 266, 0888 529 936 G4S Malawi - H/O - Blantyre: Tel: 01 835 750, 0888 844 782, Lilongwe: City Centre, Tel: 0888 844 790, Mzuzu: 0888 844 792. Email: Sky Net - H/O - Lilongwe: St Martins House, Tel: 01 773 896 / 770 703. Blantyre: Agriquip bld, Tel: 01 835 790 / 833 185. Mzuzu: Tel: 01 310 112. Zomba: Tel: 01 525 196. DRY CLEANERS Capital Dry Cleaners, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 725 786 / 724 819 City Centre Dry Cleaners, Lilongwe, City Centre, Tel: 01 776 623 Snow White Dry Cleaners, Crossroads Complex, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 751 311 Stering Executive Dry Cleaners, Northgate Arcade, G/Corner, Bt, Tel: 0991 244 534, 0881 276 741



Business Services DSTV Multichoice - Blantyre: Tel: 01 821 666 / 822 964. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 755 243/240 ELECTRICAL SERVICES Arrow Electrical, Bt (next to MASM), Tel: 0111 914 964, 01 835 716, 0212 824 282, email: Electrical Enterprises - Blantyre: Tel: 01 872 737. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 752 660/79 Electro Clinic, Namiwawa Ave, Bt, Tel: 0999 288 897 Electrical Solutions Malawi, Tel: 0999 232 637, Sharma Electrical, Blantyre, Tel: 01 870 035 / 871 434 Simms Electrical - Blantyre: Tel: 01 870 264 / 871 672. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 751 670 / 754 762 ESTATE AGENTS / PROPERTY MANAGERS Alliance Properties, Hayyat Complex (Opposite Maula Parish) Off Kamuzu Procession Road, Tel: 01 750 967, 01 757 555, 0211 999 111, 0213 999 333, email: Broll Malawi - Blantyre: Kabula House, Chilembwe Rd, Tel: 01 833 361 / 843 311. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 754 799, email:, Far Out Properties, Llw, Tel: 0993 471 911, 0999 012 006, email: Justice Properties, Opp. NICO House, Bt, Tel: 01 824 237, 0999 258 606 Knight Frank - Blantyre: ground floor, Plantation House, Victoria Ave, Tel: 01 823 577/570, email: Lilongwe: ground floor, Arwa House, Tel: 01 772 843 / 774 989 email: MPICO - Lilongwe (H/O): Old Mutual House, Tel: 01 770 622/543/637/987, email: Blantyre: Development House, Tel: 01 820 973, email:, Press Properties, Blantyre, Tel: 01 824 296 / 823 587 Protech Property Services, Mandala, Blantyre, 0884 073 765, 0991 594 051, email:


SGW Auctioneers & Estate Agents, Bt, Tel: 01 840 618 / 843 826, 0888 326 999, 0211 326 999, email:, Watt Consultancies (2010), Old Town Mall, off Paul Kagame Rd, Tel: 01 750 355, 0881 836 855, 0999 835 222, email:, EVENTS MANAGEMENT Amapatsa Hotel Consultancy, Tel: 0993 853 583, 0888 362 027, email: Empire Marketing, Limbe, Bt, Tel: 0999 416 997 Gelato Carnival, Opp. Mt Pleasant CCAP Church, Blantyre, Tel: 0111 612 411 Lush Africa, Area 43/121, off Ufulu Rd, Llw, Tel: 0999 696 467,, email:, FIRE SYSTEMS Fire Tek, Bt, Tel: 01 824 626, 0999 952 484 FLOOR CLEANERS Topline Flooring & Cleaners, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 725 786 / 724 819, 0888 827 712 Verity Cleaning Services, Ginnery Corner, Blantyre, Tel: 0111 980 952, 0999 951 477, 0888 742 100 FRAMING Creative Images, Namwiwawa Ave. Bt, Tel: 0999 942 224 Realis, Mount Pleasant, Bt, Tel: 0888 217 208 La Caverna - Blantyre: Old Manager’s House 1882, Mandala, Tel: 01 871 932, email FREIGHT FORWARDERS Combine Cargo, Kidney Crescent, Blantyre, Tel: 01 876 357, 0999 971 517, DSV Air and Sea Ltd - H/O - Kanengo, Llw, Tel: 01 712 070/30. Blantyre: Tel: 01 870 283, 0885 908 583, email:, GLS Logistics, Area 3, Diamond Bldg, Llw, Tel: 0999 959 233, 0999 212 390, 0993 415 068, 0888 557 996 email: MCS Freight, Clausius House, Hannover str, Blantyre, Tel: 01 822 046 / 824 098 Cont...


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Business Services Saimfur Freight - Blantyre: Tel: 01 876 111, 0888/999 201 320. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 758 593, 0999 823 202, 0888 704 804 Teapak International Services, Salmin Armour Road, Ginnery Corner, Blantyre, Tel: 01 879 024 / 0995 410 633 / 0888 289 010 / 0888 920 706 Trans Maritime, Uta Waleza Complex, Bt, Tel: 01 876 100 / 875 300, email: FUMIGATORS & PEST CONTROL Capital Pest Control, Murray Rd, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 754 519, 0888 824 926, Fumigation International Malawi - H/O Lilongwe: Kenengo, Tel: 0882 262 908, email: Blantyre: Tel: 0888 861 680, email:, Pison Produce & pest Control, Bt, Tel 0999 328 151, email: Rentokil - Blantyre: Limbe, Tel: 01 840 735, 0885 886 575, Lilongwe: Chilambula Rd, Tel: 01 756 593, 0999 960 583, email:, HAIR DRESSERS & BEAUTY PARLOURS Beauty Worx, next to Mpingwe lodge, Tel: 01 844 789, 0999 248 043 Belle Afriique, Kidney Crescent, Bt, Tel: 0111 911 246/265, 01 879 087, 0999 202 322, 0888 829 961. Ryalls Hotel, Bt. Tel: 0111 603 845, email:, Beyond Beauty, Chileka Rd, Opp. Sunrise, Bt, Tel: 0111 918 577, 0999 315 370 Dhara’s Beauty Salon, Tel: 01 823 298 Elis Unisex Salon, New Napiri, Bt, Tel: 0888 347 898 Face Forward, Four Seasons Complex, Llw, Tel: 0996 227 976, 0998 895 111 Flo’s Hair & Beaty Salon, Lilongwe: Area 4, Shoppers Mall, Tel: 0999 930 381 / 0999 395 020, 0888 202 843. Area 10, Llw, Pacific Parade, Tel: 01 794 678, 0999 930 381 / 0999 753 673, 0888 202 843, Impact Looks, Chichiri Shopping Centre, Bt, Tel: 01 880 686/817, 0999 558 858, 0888 403 000


Jay’s, Old Town, up from post office, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 758 041 Lifestyle Hair & Beauty Salon, Bisnowaty Centre, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 775 834, 0888 821 541 OC Creation, Llw, Tel: 0999 940 178 Reflections, Blantyre, Tel: 0888 300 039 Rosella Beuty Salon, Northgate Arcade, Tel: 0111 915 180, 0999 925 612 Salon Xpression, Chichiri Shopping Centre, Blantyre, Tel: 01 880 686, 0881 834 026, 0999 400 657 Salon Mystique, Llw, Gateway Mall, Tel: 0992 288 489. Ulendo Complex, llw, Tel: 0999 418 393 Total Look Salon, Limbe, Blantyre, Tel: 01 847 200, 0888 207 700, 0995 207 700 Total Bliss Spa @ Madidi, Area 9, Llw, Tel: 0880 612 650, 0882 852 025, 0994 602 284 Oasis Health Hair & Beauty Spa, Limbe, Tel: 0994 485 366, 0888 2777 855 Weedal’s Salon, Namiwawa, Bt, Tel: 0111 912 331, 0995 497 078 BARBERS: Prestige Executive Barber Shop, Ginnery Cnr, Bt, Tel: 0998 081 731, 0888 975 688, email: HAULAGE / TRANSPORT AGS - Blantyre: Tel: 01 822 413, 0888 829 437. Lilongwe: off Paul Kagame Rd, Tel: 01 759 374, 0888 839 528. Email: Chirimba Container Terminal, Chirimba, Bt, Tel: 0111 912 074 Enterprise Containers, Ginnery Cnr, Blantyre, Tel: 01 870 800/94, Load Master, Chileka Rd, Blantyre, Tel: 0111 683 135, 0888 722 440 Siku Transport H/O - Blantyre: Tel: 01 874 022 / 875 022. Dwangwa: Tel: 01 295 378. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 762 688/ 817. Nchalo: Tel: 01 424 251 Trans Maritime, Uta Weleza Complex, Kidney Crescent, Bt, Tel: 01 876 100, email: INSURANCE Britam Malawi - H/O - Blantyre: Delamere House, Tel: 01 824 044. Lilongwe: Mali Centre, Tel: 01 757 323. Mzuzu: Grace bld, Tel: 01 312 145. Zomba, Mac Connell Bld, Tel: 01 524 191. Email: Charter Insurance, Bt, Tel: 01 832 844, 0888 999 865 Cont...

Business Services


Business Services Guardian Insurance Services - Blantyre: Suite 33, NBS House, Victoria Ave, Tel: 01 822 967. Lilongwe: Suite 21, Nico Centre, Tel: 01 755 925 / 754 292. email:, Hubertus Clausius - Blantyre: Clausius House, Hannover Ave. Tel: 01 834 465/651, 01 836 678. Lilongwe: Top floor, Toptech Building, Old Town, Tel: 01 752 678 / 750 624 Old Mutual, 30 Glyn Jones Rd, Blantyre, Tel: 01 820 677 NICO General Insurance Company Blantyre: NICO House, Tel: 01 822 699, email: Lilongwe: NICO Centre, Tel: 01 751 366 / 750 987, Mzuzu: MPICO House, Tel: 01 312 876 United General Insurance Company, Michiru House, Victoria Ave, Blantyre, Tel: 01 821 577, email:, INTERNET CAFES Com Shop, Development House, Victoria Ave, opp Stanbic, Blantyre, Tel: 01 822 222 Telekom Cafe’s - Blantyre: Claim Building, Glynn Jones Rd, Tel: 01 823 047. Lilongwe: Chief Kilipula Building, next to National Bank, Tel: 01 757 201. Kamuzu International Airport MGI Consulting Powerhouse, Tel: 01 758 225. Manobec Premises, opp Cross Roads Complex, Llw, Tel: 0888 844 776 INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS Globe Internet: H/O -Blantyre: Shire bldg, Raynor Ave, Limbe, Tel: 01 841 044 / 846 001 / 840 948. Lilongwe: Old Town, Manobec bldg, Tel: 01 754 015 / 750 858. City Centre, ground floor, ADL House, Tel: 01 776 341. email:,, support lines: 01 845 196/532/246 Malawi Net, Blantyre, Tel: 01 822 436/596, Skyband - H/O - Blantyre: Delamare House, Victoria Ave, Bt, Tel: 01 820 200 / 824 255. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 756 558/9, Softnet Broadband (V-SAT), Mandala, Blantyre, Tel: 0111 913 772, 0999 886 803/805, 0888 886 803, email:, TNM Corporate Services - Blantyre: Chipembere H/Way, Maselema, Tel: 0888 800 802. Lilongwe, Mzuzu, Zomba, Tel: 0888 800 800


KENNELS Blantyre Kennels, Ginnery Corner, Tel: 0111 670 864, 0999 917 546 LIBRARY National Library, Zalewa Rd, Blantyre, Tel: 01 821 760 National Library, near British Council, City Centre, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 773 700/362 Society of Malawi Cultural & Scientific Archives, Old Managers House, Mandala, Blantyre, Tel: 01 872 617, email: USIS Library, Old Mutual building, City Centre, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 772 222 LOCKSMITHS Lambats, Blantyre: Tel: 01 821 786. Lilongwe: Area 2, Old Town, Tel: 01 725 730. Emergencies: 0999 222 007, 0888 844 878 PHONE SERVICES Airtel - Blantyre: Celtel House, Raynor Avenue, Limbe, Tel: 0999 901 400. Lilongwe: Tel: 0999 901 300 MTL - H/O - Blantyre: Lamya House, Chipembere Highway, Tel: 01 846 977. Chichiri, Tel: 01 823 623, email:, Limbe, Tel: 01 841 111. Lilongwe: City Centre, Tel: 01 775 555. Old Town, Tel: 01 750 750. Karonga: Tel: 01 362 998. Kasungu: Tel: 01 253 495. Mangochi: Tel: 01 594 526. Mzuzu: Tel: 01 311 334. Nchalo: Tel: 01 424 434. Ntcheu: Tel: 01 235 424. Salima: Tel: 01 262 911. Thyolo: Tel: 01 473 380. Zomba: Tel: 01 524 606. email:, Liberty & Liberty Net, Tel: 01 879 442 / 878 611 TNM Sales & Service Centres - Blantyre: Livingstone Towers: Tel: 01 830 888, 0888 800 800. Chichiri, Tel: 01 876 001/246, 01 873 416. Limbe, Tel: 01 840 510/28. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 756 711/0, 0888 830 600. Mangochi: Tel: 01 594 593, 0888 830 700. Mzuzu: Tel: 01 312 231, 0888 830 800. Zomba: Tel: 01 526 253 PHOTOGRAPHY AP Photography, Tel: 0999 572 008, 0888 333 686 Paper Print, Tel: 0881 129 285

Business Services PHOTO PROCESSING Creative Images, Namwiwawa Ave. Bt, Tel: 0999 942 224 Foto Studio, Chichiri Mall, Bt Tel: 01 873 555 Lee Photo Studio, NICO Centre, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 757 886 Digital Photo Express - Blantyre: Kanabar House, opp Mount Soche Hotel, Victoria Ave. Tel: 01 835 174, 0212 969 696. Aram Mall, nr PTC, Churchill Rd, Limbe, Tel: 01 846 167. Chichiri, Tel: 01 873555 Lilongwe: Lilongwe City Mall (Game), Old Town, Tel: 01 202 222. Area 3, Tel: 01 752 449 PLANT HIRE Barloworld Equipment - Blantyre: Ali-Hassan Mwinyi Rd, Chichiri, Tel: 01 870 666, Lilongwe: Ali Maunde Estate, Kanengo, Tel: 01 710 344 PLUMBING HVAC & Plumbing Systems, Tel: 0999 821 691, 0880 790 070, email: Foley Plumbing Contractors, Bt, Tel: 0111 620 673, 0885 082 235 POSTAL SERVICES Airport, Lilongwe: Mon-Fri: 7:30 – 4:30, Sat & Sun: 7:00 – 3:00. Tel: 01 700 163. City Centre, Lilongwe: Mon-Fri: 7:30 – 4:30, Sat: 8:00 – 10:00. Tel: 01 770 677 Chichiri Post Office, Ali Hassan Mwinyi Rd, Blantyre, Tel: 01 870 152. Kanengo, Tel: 01 710 206/958, Kawale, Tel: 01 790 709 / 792 5763. Old Town, Mandala Rd, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 758 302 / 751 911 Post Dot Net - H/O - H/O - Blantyre: Fatima Arcade, Haile Sellasie Rd, Tel: 01 833 506/199. Pagat Mall, Victoria Ave, Tel: 0111 610 788. Chichiri Shopping Mall, Chipembere Highway, Tel: 01 875 288. Limbe, Churchill Rd, Tel: 0111 989 053. Karonga: Tel: 0999 495 354. Lilongwe: Crossroads Complex, Tel: 01 751 313. Nico Centre, Tel: 01 754 203. City Centre, Tel: 01 773 835. Mzuzu: Boardmans Str, Tel: 01 331 996. Mangochi: Main Rd, Tel:01 593 636. Zomba: Tel: 01 570 436 PRINTERS Blantyre Print, Ginnery Corner, Bt, Tel: 01 871 181/070 Capital Prinintg Press, Llw, Tel: 01 755 470 / 752 032

Design Printers, llw, Tel: 01 750 802 / 751 808 Fattani Offset Printers, Ginnery Corner, Tel: 01 876 288 / 872 259, 0212 821 308, email:, Kris Offset & Screen Printers, Ginnery Corner Bt, Tel: 01 870 467/647, email: Royal Graphics, 33 Glyn Jones Rd, Bt, Tel: 01 831 903, 0999 955 660, 0888 855 660 REMOVALS AGS - Blantyre: Tel: 01 822 413, 0888 829 437. Lilongwe: off Paul Kagame Rd, Tel: 0888 839 528. email: AMI, Area 29, Kanengo, Lilongwe, Tel: 710 233. Kamuzu Int. Airport, Tel: 01 700 722 Fracht, Kanengo Railway Station, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 712 222 Glens - Blantyre: Tel: 0211 952 267, 0212 951 076, email: Lilongwe: Off Paul Kagame road, next to Lilongwe Dairy, Tel: 0211 951 102, email: glens_, Stuttafords, Blantyre: Moir Cres’, behind Dulux, Tel: 01 984 434. Lilongwe: Kanengo, Tel: 01 712 467, 01 710 495. Email:, Worldwide Movers, Kanengo, Llw, Tel: 0999 963 888, 0888 828 930, email: SECURITY & SECURITY SYSTEMS Alpha Security Company Ltd - H/O Blantyre: Tel: 01 830 350. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 754 445. Mzuzu: Tel: 01 310 405 email:, Aluminium Systems - Blantyre: Kidney Cres’, Tel: 01 879 118/123, 01 870 327, 0999 970 751, 0888 826 151, email: info@aluminiumsystemsmw. com. Lilongwe: Area 4, Tel: 0999 197 181, 0888 499 843, Big Brother - Blantyre: Tel: 01 875 356/64. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 753 923, 0999 963 944. email: Cartrack, 4 Jacaranda, Plot BC 230, Mandala, Bt, Tel: 01 880 695, 0888 829 875, 0999 563 939, email:



Services G4S Secure Solutions Malawi - H/O Blantyre: Tel: 0999 971 041/45, 0999 965 380, 0888 960 410. Lilongwe: Old Town,

Tel: 01 750 309 / 754 804. Area 43: Tel: 0995 971 041. Area 47, Lasec Building: Tel: 01 762 700. City Centre: Tel: 01 773 812. Kanengo: Tel: 01 711 347/041. Mzuzu: Tel: 01 310 286. Email: Intergrated Security, Llw, Tel: 0992 339 376, email: Rapid Response - Blantyre: Tel: 0111 915 745. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 794 254/716 Pitronic Security Systems, Pitronic House, 12 Buchanan Road, Blantyre, Tel. 01 830 170, email., Pro-telligent Global, Kanengo, Llw, Tel: 01 710 391, 0884 903 040, 0882 131 768 URSA Security International (USI), Lilongwe, off Ufulu Road, Tel: 01 795 700/01/04 / 0999 970 500. email: Blantyre, Mount Pleasant, Tel: 0999 983 707 / 0111 738 149 TAXI SERVICES Beverly Hills Taxi Services, Llw, Tel: 0211 866 426, 0888 866 426, 0999 587 287 Central Bridge Taxi Services, Llw, Tel: 0999 374 374, 0888 973 373, email: / Dodi Taxi Service, Llw, Tel: 0888 470 007, 0999 570 007 Favoured Taxi Service, Llw, Tel: 0999 471 677, 0888 579 404, email: M.Expeditions, Llw, Tel: 0999 629 810, 0888 969 810, 0999 577 910, email: johnnie.kabwilo@misukuexpeditionsmw. com, VGTF Taxis, Crossroads, Bt, Tel: 0888 868 176, 0999 868 176, email:


The Independence Arch, a gazetted national monument, was constructed in 1963 to commemorate the hard won victory over the British rule in general from 1891and the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland from 1953,in particular, respectively. It is a symbol of nationalism demonstrating the bitter struggle Malawians put forth in the fight against the British Government. It represents the effort and determination Malawians displayed in quest for selfrule and independence. This national monument was opened in July 1964 by His Excellency, the State President, Late Ngwazi Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda, Father and Founder of the Malawi Nation. Introduction The struggle for liberation in quest for selfrule and independence in what is Malawi today probably started way back during the time of slave trade in as early as 1800s.


Dr. David Livingstone, a Scottish Explorer, visited the territory in 1859, which at one point in time was part of the Maravi Empire from c.1650. This empire was a large territory which absorbed some parts of Mozambique, Zambia and Malawi. He saw local inhabitants being subjected to torture, molestation and death perpetrated by the Arab-Swahili and Yao slave traders. These conditions among many others displeased him and he appealed in the Senate House in Scotland in 1857 where he declared he had found there, in the Zambezi River Valley east of Victoria Falls, a land of immense opportunity and a land that would flow with milk and honey if only Britain would see it fit to develop its resources. His plea, of course, was not merely economic but spiritual too. Therefore, missionaries alongside the colonial government started to established themselves in the country and together gallantly stumped out the barbaric slave trade.



cation, hard work and personal responsibility. His Mission schools taught racial equality, based on Christian teaching and anti-colonialism. He, therefore, became more radical and thought of ending the colonial rule, as such, he began to link with other independent African churches.

Dr David Livingstone The British rule over Nyasaland The British colonial rule in Nyasaland probably began around 1883, when a consul of the British Government was accredited to the Kings and Chiefs of Central Africa, as the British sought to increase their formal control over the territory to preempt encroachment by the German or Portuguese colonial empires. The territory was declared a British Central African Protectorate in 1891and in 1907, was named Nyasaland. The early colonial period saw immigration of and settlement by white colonists, who bought land from local chiefs, often for token payments in beads or guns. The land acquired was converted into white-owned plantations where tea, coffee, cotton and tobacco were grown. The enforcement of colonial institutions such as the hut tax compelled locals to find paid work. The plantations were also forced to rely on a system of forced labour referred to as thangata. Black workers were frequently beaten and subject to racial discrimination. Indeed, the ideological of colonialism perpetrated by Whites was the race theory which declared the White man to be on top of human hierarchy. This ill-founded scientific belief was dominated by European science since 18th Century for many decades. Rise of the African nationalism The rise of the Malawian nationalism was initiated by Malawians themselves. Rev. John Chilembwe was probably the first to predict the liberation of Africans and Malawians in particular. As a clergy, his evangelism before 1915 was about ideas of African self-respect and advancement through edu-

Rev John Chilembwe Being behind for Malawian nationalism, Chilembwe opposed the system of colonial administration such as payment of hut taxes, the ill treatment of Malawian workers on plantations and the recruitment of the Nyasan people to fight what he considered to be a war totally unconnected to them. He promoted a form of Christian pacifism and argued that the lack of civil rights for Africans in the colonial system should exempt them from the duties of military service. To show his concerns, on behalf of his countrymen, he wrote in the Nyasaland Times No. 48, dated 26 November, 1914 that: “It is too late now to talk of what might or might not have been. Whatsoever be the reasons we are invited to join in the war, the fact remains, we are invited to die for Nyasaland. We leave all for the consideration of the Government, we hope in the Mercy of Almighty God, that someday things will turn out well and that Government will recognize our indispensability and that justice will prevail.� In 1915, in the midst of World War 1, Chilembwe organized and led a revolt against the British rule


Business which saw Malawians including Chilembwe himself being massacred in cold blood, thereby suppressing the efforts towards independence. In 1944, the Nyasaland African Congress (NAC) was formed by leaders of the Nyasaland Native Associations. Africans at that time had no political voice during the colonial era, except a small number of chiefs whose influence, though, was also very limited on the colonial government. All in all this number was not representative of and did not carry the views of the majority of educated Africans. The NAC, therefore, was formed to demand African representation on the Legislative Council that advised the colonial governors and promote local interests in Britain in order to pave way for self-rule and independence. The success of this effort was, however, obliterated by the formation of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland The idea of a federation between the British territories in central Africa was first mooted after World War I. However, after World War II, when the white immigration increased, white settler leaders and industrialists once again called for a union of the three colonies to increase their potential and harness the black workforce. It was the Europeans in Southern Rhodesia who advocated for the formation of a large and powerful economic and administrative unit in central Africa. Therefore, after consultations between the governments of the respective territories and the United Kingdom were held and agreed upon. Britain established the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland in 1953 by amalgamating the present-day sovereign states of Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi. Although the federation gained a semi-independent administration, this fact however, provoked opposition even more pressure.

In incidents involving demonstrations by crowds against the arrests, the report indicate that 21 people were killed and 29 injured. In all 1,339 people were detailed without trial and 2,160 were convicted. During the 16 months of the State of Emergency about 4,500 police and soldiers patrolled the protectorate. The State of Emergency seemed to have been the climax of political bickering and wrangling since the imposition of colonial rule and the federation.

British colonial forces charge at protesters during the State of Emergency in 1959 The turning point in Malawi’s nationalism On the invitation of the Nyasaland African Congress leadership, Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda returned home. His comeback home was a turning point in Malawi’s political landscape. He accredited agitation. Appointed the President-General of the Nyasaland African Congress, which later became the Malawi Congress Party, he called for the breakup of the stupid federation and bring freedom to Nyasaland. The detention of nationalist leaders and banning of the political parties turned out to be the last step on the road to independence.

Ngwazi Dr H. Kamuzu Banda


It cemented unity amongst the leaders such that while in detention, they shared plans on how to overthrow the colonial government. This also created a national heroism in the leaders as their voices were received with great respect. Federation break-up, and independence Dr. Banda was released from prison on the 1st February 1960 and the State of Emergency ended on the 16th June 1960. In 1961, Malawi Congress Party won an election for a new Legislative Council. It gained an important role in the new Executive Council. In 1962, the British Government relinquished her powers and accorded Nyasaland selfgoverning status and Dr. Banda became the Prime Minister. In 1963, the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland was once and for all dissolved and the name Nyasaland changed to Malawi. On the 6th of July 1964, Malawi attained independence from the United Kingdom. She became a republic on the 6th of July, 1966 with Dr. Banda the first president of the republic of Malawi, an independent member of the Commonwealth. She adopted a Republican Constitution and became a one party State. Later in 1971, Dr. Banda was accorded the life presidency status. Years later, domestic unrest and pressure from Malawians mounted, with support from Churches and international community, it was seen fit to change to multi-party democracy. A referendum was held in 1994 and Malawians voted for political pluralism. Under this banner other political parties were born namely, the United Democratic Front (UDF), Democratic Progressive Party (DPP, People’s Party(PP) and Alliance for Democracy (AFORD) being major parties in Malawi today alongside the Malawi Congress Party.

Traditional dances performed among many include Gule wa Mkulu, Ingoma, Ndolo, Mbotoska, Malipenga. Schools too, take part with various activities for the day. Oftentimes, a football game laps up the activities for the day.

His Excellency, Prof. Peter Mutharika in a prayer session Conclusion The significance of the Malawi National Independence is best expressed by the inspiring words in the Independence Message of 6th July, 1964 by Dr. Banda and I quote: “Independence brings joy and it brings responsibility. We of Malawi rejoice as our country takes its place among the free and independent nations of the world. But we do not ignore the challenge of the future and the burdens we may have to carry. We face it in the knowledge that we are a united people, loyal to the concept of a proud new Malawi. We are determined to lay the foundations for a sound and happy future�.

History of Malawi Independence Celebrations Since 6th of July 1964, Malawians including those living in diaspora do observe this day every year to commemorate the hard won liberation from Britain. The national flag is hoisted in the country and main streets are decorated. As per tradition, the celebrations are oftentimes preceded by interdenominational church prayers. Each year a theme is chosen that will emphasize and reflect on building national unity, peace and tranquility in the country. Other activities comprise military parades, music bands, traditional dances and speeches are made.

Present Day Independence Arch in Blantyre. Long Live the 54th Independence Anniversary 2018, Long Live Genuine Democracy!

Shopping ART GALLERIES, CRAFTS & GIFTS African Habitat - Blantyre: Kidney Crescent, Uta Waleza Centre, Tel: 01 873 642, 0888 832 705, email: Lilongwe: Old Town Mall, Tel: 01 752 363 Chikuni Art Site, 0.4km before Dedza Pottery, Tel: 0999 314 314, Creative Images, Namwiwawa Ave. Bt, Tel: 0999 942 224 Crystal’s Florist, 1 Hannover Ave, Blantyre, Tel: 01 821 752, 0888 823 837, email: Dedza Handmade Art Gallery (recycled paper products), Tel: 0993 243 674, Dedza Pottery, 1 hour from Lilongwe, Tel: 01 223 069, 0888 853 425, email:, Jacaranda Cultural Center (French), Bt, CFAO Complex, Tel: 0992 551 369, email:, Frisson Art Gallery & Craft Shop, Llw, Tel: 0992 982 224 Ishq, Blantyre: Protea Hotel Ryalls, Hannover Avenue, Tel: 0999 821 084, 0212 997 997, email: Lilongwe: Four seasons life style centre, Tel: 0999 966 966, 0999 836 836, 0999 281 105, 0211 222 786, email: La Caverna, Old Manager’s House 1882, Mandala, Bt Tel: 01 871 932, 0999 917 181, email: Mzuzu Pottery Shop, Mzuzu Hotel, Tel: 01 310 622, 0888 345 401, Nkhotakota Pottery, 2.5 hours from Lilongwe, Tel: 0999 380 105, 0884 581 098 email: Tindoz D’Afrique, Umodzi Park, Peermont Hotel Tel: 0995 690 589. BICC Tel: 0997 106 824 Email: Warm Heart Impressions, Capital Hotel, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 773 388 BAKERIES 7-11 Bakery, Mobil Station at Mchingi roundabout, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 758 369 Bakemans Confectioneries, Bt, Tel: 0999 844 535, 0212 822 811, 0212 804 504 email: CarniWors speciality Butchery, Bakery & Deli, Kapani Meat Products, Kanengo, Llw, Tel: 01 711 171, email: Kachere Bakeries - Blantyre: Ndirande, Tel: 0999 247 737. Chilobwe: Tel: 0888 854 755

BOOK SHOPS Baobab Book Shop, Upland House, Llw, Tel: 0999 280 858, email: Jacaranda Cultural Center (French), Bt, CFAO Complex, Tel: 0992 551 369, email:, Central Africana Ltd - Blantyre: Uta Waleza Centre, Kidney Crescent, Tel: 01 876 110/386. Lilongwe: Old Town Mall, off Paul Kagame Road. Tel: 01 756 317. email: centralafricana@africa-online. net, Dapp Secondhand Book Shop, Trade Fairground, Bt, Tlsl: 01 870 914 , 0999 450 559 Islamic Book Shop, Fattani House, Ginnery Cnr, Blantyre, Tel: 01 873 901 / 876 288/997 The Central Bookshop, Chichiri Shopping Centre, Blantyre, Tel: 01 872 191 Maneno Bookshop, NICO Ctr, Llw, Tel: 01 752 281, 0999 943 521 / 0999 917 353, email: Strictly Academic, Montfort Campus, Nguludi, Limbe, Tel: 0888 337 742, Zomba, Gymkhana Club Tel: 0111 912 921, BUTCHERS CarniWors speciality Butchery, Bakery & Deli, Kapani Meat Products, Kanengo, Llw, Tel: 01 711 171, email: Cold Storage, Bt Tel: 01 872 897 Lilongwe: Sir Glyn Jones Rd, Tel: 01 766 266/33 Kapani Meat Processors. Llw Tel: 01 741 545/542/105 email: Meat Connection, Lower Scalter Rd, opp. Hotel Victoria, Tel: 01 821 380, 0888 859 542 Nyama World, Llw, Tel: 01 711 634 Ori Meats, Blantyre, Tel: 01 842 521 / 01 846 105 Superior Halaal, Northgate Shopping Centre, Blantyre, Tel: 0996 691 685, 0212 255 080, email: CATERING EQUIPMENT Akbanies, Lilongwe along Colby rd. Area 3, Tel: 01 758 355 , email:, Impex Housewares, , Limbe, bt, L.T.C Bld, Next to the Pound Shop. Tel: 01 840 038. 0888 822 210 e-mail: Macadams, Limbe, Bt, Tel: 01 844 134, 0888 189 949 CHILDREN Baby World, Shoprite Complex, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 754 065, 0999 239 178 IQ’s Children’s Centre, Llw, Tel: 0999 945 068


Shopping Little Ones, Crossroads Complex, Lilongwe, Tel: 0888 899 222 IQ’s, Crossroads Complex, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 756 463 COMPUTERS, EQUIPMENT, REPAIRS & ACCESSORIES Blockbuster - Blantyre: Limbe, Tel: 01 841 289/76, 0888 824 428, 0999 824 428. Lilongwe: Off Paul Kagame Rd, Mpico Blg, Tel: 01 754 425, 0211 909 090, 0999 721 037 Afcor - Blantyre: Tel: 01 871 755/965. Lilongwe: Arwa House, City Centre, Tel: 01 774 871/52, 01 759 617 Bizhub - Blantyre: Tel: 01 877 945/15, 0888 827 280 / 0888 898 633. Lilongwe: Opp. Cross Rds Mall, Tel: 01 750 891/2, 0888 356 714 / 0888 872 820 Business Machines Ltd, Bt, Tel: 01 873 653 Click Africa - Blantyre: Art Mall, Chipembere Highway, Tel: 01 879 182. Lilongwe: HB House, Tel: 01 758 360 Compubyte - Blantyre: Tel: 823 501. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 774 932 Computer Connections, Felix Zulu, Lingadzi House, City Centre, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 772 479 / 773 184 Computron, Shop No. 6 Chayamba Building, Blantyre, Tel: 01 832 461, 0881 265 928, G-Tech Solutions, Area 43/861, along Ufulu Rd, Llw, Tel: 0995 310 042, email: Hamsons General Supplies, Moir Crescent Rd, Blantyre, Tel: 0888 827 280 IT Centre - H/O - Blantyre: IT House, cnr Glyn Jones & Sharpe Rd, Tel: 01 824 921 / 821 482 / 835 165. Lilongwe: Old Town, opp Maula Parish, Kamuzu Procession Rd, Tel: 01 752 348. email:, Lords Computers & Electronics - Blantyre: Tel: 0994 324 666. Lilongwe: Shoprite Complex, Tel: 0995 444 444. Mzuzu: Tel: 0991 508 922

NCR - Blantyre: Chipembere Highway, Tel: 01 871 433, 0212 810 421. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 754 904, 0211 951 018. Mzuzu: Tel: 0213 700 022, email: / Olivetti Canotech - Blantyre: Chipembere Highway, Tel: 01 844 822. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 758 758


Shopping Silverleaf Computers & Accessories, Chayamba Building, Shop 2, Hendrson Str, Blantyre, Tel: 01 823 716 / 824 302 / 01 833 487 Satcom, Lesley Rd, Bt, Tel: 0999 910 100, 0888 910 100, 0121 910 100, email:, SyncIT, Blantyre & Lilongwe, Tel: 0992 497 077, 0888 842 611, email:, Xerographics - Blantyre: Xerox Centre, Churchill Rd, Tel: 01 844 511/781, 01 840 796 email: Lilongwe: Kang’ombe House, Tel: 01 775 807/4, 01 753 353 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS &/OR EQUIPMENT Better Bricks, Llw, Tel: 0888 446 323, email: Building Products, Kanengo, Llw, Tel: 0997 409 104, 0881 248 370, email: Link Building Products - Blantyre: Top Mandala, Tel: 01 870 205. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 756 653. Mzuzu: Tel: 01 311 766, email: Macsteel, Bt, Tel: 01 841 677/405/285, Kanengo, Tel: 01 710 281/088, email:, Polyplast, Limbe, Bt, Tel: 01 917 212, 0888 830 153 Safintra, off Paul Kagame Rd, Llw, Tel: 01 752 357/8, 0999 967 272, Shire Limited, Raynor Avenue, Limbe, Bt Tel: 01 845 011/2/3. Lilongwe: Chilambula Road, Tel: 01 754 687/875/878 Terrastone Ltd, Bt, Tel: 0888 821 733, email:, Tinashe Distributors, Kassam House, along Paul Kagame Highway, lwTel: 01 754 120, 0999 551 120, 0995 310 042 Vicky Distributors, (safety shoes & gumboots), Tel: 0998 081 031, 0888 975 688, email: CORPORATE GIFTS & DESIGN Bombay Bazaar, Haile Selassie Rd, Bt, Tel: 01 820 933/141, 0888 834 934, email: Creative Images, Namwiwawa Ave. Bt, Tel: 0999 942 224 Industrial Signage & Media Specialists, along Chipembere Highway, Limbe, Tel: 0111 988 523, 0999 290 572 Limbe Tailoring Company (incl.embroidery services), Limbe, Bt, Tel: 01 843 969 / 841 564/554, 0888 208413, email: DISTRIBUTORS Cold Chain, Maselema, Bt, Tel: 01 875 100, 0992 991 094/6, email: Innscor & Comox, Makata, Bt, Tel: 01 877 845 / 873 333 Norkie (Chinese foodstuff), Area 3, Upland House, Llw, Tel: 0999 204 036, 0888 358 118

Tinashe Distributors, Kassam House, along Paul Kagame Highway, Tel: 01 754 120, 0999 551 120, 0995 310 042 Rab Processors, Maselema, Limbe, Tel: 01 845 200 / 841 422, email: ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES & OR SUPPLIES AT Carter - Blantyre: Chipembere H/W, Tel: 01 840 205 / 844 819 / 845 655. Lilongwe: Area 3, Tel: 01 750 038/730. Email: Akbanies, Lilongwe along Kamuzu Proc. rd. Area 2, Tel: 01 724 416, email:, Blockbuster - Blantyre: Limbe, Tel: 01 841 276/89 , 0888 824 428, 0999 824 428. Lilongwe: Off Paul Kagame Rd, Mpico Blg, Tel: 01 754 428, 0888 665 885, email: Consumer Electronic Services - Blantyre: Kanabar House, opp Mount Soche Hotel, Tel: 01 822 624 / 821 121. Lilongwe: Daud Complex, Area 3, Tel: 01 756 400/ 756 402, 0999 821 445. Electra Sales, Mandala Rd, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 753 519 / 755 264 Electrade Distributors - Blantyre: Electrade House, Chipembere highway, Kristwick, Tel: 01 877 940, 0999 151 787, 0212 877 947, 0212 877 947, email: Globe Electronics - Blantyre: Fatima Arcade, Haile Selassie Rd, Tel: 01 823 130. Lilongwe: Manobec Complex, next to Mchinji Round-a-bout, Tel: 01 751 999, email:, HTC Supplies, Kamuzu Procession Rd, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 753 160. Mzuzu: 01 310 884, email:, Huma Wholesale, Old Town, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 724 615, email: Impex Housewares, , Limbe, bt, L.T.C Building, Next to the Pound Shop. Tel: 01 840 038. Fax: 01 840 242, 0888 822 210 e-mail: New City Centre, Blantyre, Tel: 01 820 443/798, email: Limbe, Tel: 01 844 714, email: OG Electricals (retail & wholesale), Lilongwe: Daud Complex, Kamuzu Procession Rd, Tel: 01 755 947, 0211 877 940, email: Radio & Electrical Services - Blantyre: Victoria Ave, Tel: 01 833 212. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 750 430 Rightway Suppliers, nr Mbayani Petroda, Bt, Tel: 01 827 877/878, 0888 865 053, 0999 319 198, email:,, FISHING/MARINE EQUIPMENT G.C.L. Marine Hardware, Monkey-Bay, Tel: 0999 006 496

Shopping Into Sports, Blantyre: Chichiri Shopping Centre, Tel: 01 870 822. Lilongwe: Gateway Mall, Tel: 0212 234 006, 0995 613 244, email: Toppers, Haile Selasse Rd, Blantyre, Tel: 01 822 981, email: FLORISTS & PLANTS Crystal’s Florist, 1 Hannover Ave, Blantyre, Tel: 01 821 752, 0888 823 837, email: Evergreen Florist, Crossroads Complex, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 752 563 / 757 198 Flower Power, Area 47, J & M Business park, Opp. ABC Clinic, Lilongwe, Tel: 0111 920 612, 0999 200 145, 0884 762 345, email:, Four Seasons Plant Hire & Nursery, Presidential drive, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 773 096, 01 775 706, email: Garden Corner, Northgate Shopping Centre, Bt, Tel: 01 875 261, 0888 829 667 / 0888 898 009 Greenland Nursery, Steers Blantyre, Tel: 0999 958 900, 0994 371 174 Maone Park Nursery & Florist, Maone Park Industrial & Housing Estate, off Zomba Rd, Blantyre, Tel: 0888 627 165 / 0888 824 129, 0999 934 581 Tropex, Mangochi, Tel: 01 580 450/206/203 Zikomo Flower Farm, Area 12, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 770 330 FURNITURE A.A.M Furnishers - Blantyre: Kulsom Plaza, Limbe, Tel: 01 842 866. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 758 328, African Habitat - Blantyre: Kidney Crescent, Uta Waleza Centre, Tel: 01 873 642, 0888 832 705, email: Lilongwe: Old Town Mall, Tel: 01 752 363 Argos Trading, Kamuzu Procession, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 755 004 Art-Line, Ginnery Corner, Bt, Tel: 01 870 753 Blockbuster - Blantyre: Limbe, Tel: 01 841 276/89 , 0888 824 428, 0999 824 428. Lilongwe: Off Paul Kagame Rd, Mpico Blg, Tel: 01 754 428, 0888 665 885 Bombay Bazaar, Haile Selassie Rd, Bt, Tel: 01 820 933/141, 0888 834 934, email: Carnival Furnishers - Blantyre: Glyn Jones Rd, Tel: 01 821 758/172, 01 823 753 Lilongwe: Kirk Road, Tel: 01 759 044/5 Comet - Blantyre: Limbe, Tel: 01 843 277/12. Lilongwe: off Paul Kagame Road, Tel: 01 756 675 Interiors, Paul Kagame Rd, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 750 951 Jaydee’s Furniture - Blantyre: Lalgi Kurgi bld, Haile Selassie Rd, Tel: 01 823 691/854, 824 291 Lilongwe: Amina House, Paul Kagame Rd, Tel: 01 757 752

Lords Office Furniture - Blantyre: Chichiri Shopping Centre, Tel: 01 873 811, Lilongwe: Shoprite Complex, Tel: 01 750 046. Mzuzu:Tel: 01 312 590, email: Mapanga Furniture - H/O - Blantyre: 7kms from Limbe on the Zomba Rd, Tel: 0111 661 736/51/74. Lilongwe: Paul Kagame Rd, Tel: 01 757 657 / 759 750 M & K Cane Manufacturers, Limbe, Blantyre, Tel: 0999 950 176 Robray - H/O - Blantyre: Limbe, Tel: 01 840 144/406. Lilongwe: Area 2, Old Town, Tel: 01 725 382 / 710 298, email: Shire Ltd, off Paul Kagame Rd, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 754 687/416 S & K Furniture, Queens Cnr. Tsiranana Rd, Maselema, Limbe, Blantyre, Showroom: Tel: 01 843 441 / 843 797 Tayub’s: H/O – Blantyre: Maselema, Limbe, Tel: 0999 842 196, 0888 821 795. Lilongwe: Mandala Rd. Tel: 0999 824 196. Email: Unity Hardware, Nu Lite House, Paul Kagame frontage Rd, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 753 464/994 Wood Industries Corp - Blantyre: Tel: 01 870 144. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 753 749 Wooden Stuff, Llw, Tel: 0888 843 350 GLASS CENTRES Alert Glass Centre, Mzuzu, Tel: 01 312 820 / 933 443, 0999 329 670, 0888 823 721 Impex Warehouses, Limbe L.T.C Building, Next to the Pound Shop, Tel: 01 840 038, 0888 822 210, e-mail: PG Glass, G/Corner, Bt, Tel: 01 872 495 / 873 064, 0999 971 240, 0888 205 874. Lilongwe: Area 4, Tel: 01 757 / 754 707 / 753 773, 0999 970 954, 0884 767 633, email: HARDWARE / BUILDING SUPPLIES Blue Zone, Ginnery Cnr, Bt, Tel: 0888 980 888 Builders Base, Bt, Tel: 0111 622 575, 0888 821 846, 0212 821 846 Building Products, Kanengo, Llw, Tel: 0997 409 104, 0881 248 370, email: Cashbuild, Llw, Tel: 01 752 007/1, 01 750 010 Comet - Blantyre: Limbe, Tel: 01 843 277. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 756 675 / 753 382 Deekay Suppliers - H/O - Blantyre: Salim Amour Rd, Ginnery Corner, Tel: 01 876 929. Haile Selassie Rd, Tel: 01 822 133 / 833 339. Lilongwe: Area 3, Colby Road, Tel: 01 750 044/133/134, email: Area 2, Kamuzu Procession Rd, Tel: 01 724 044/047 01 726 328. email: Link Building Products - Blantyre: Top Mandala, Tel: 01 870 205. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 756 653. Mzuzu: Tel: 01 311 766 email:



Shopping Shopping Lmd Trading House, Armitage Rd, Llw, Tel: 01 754 656 / 753 651, email: MSC General Trader, Mzuzu, Tel: 01 333 991 Phalombe Hardware, Limbe, Bt, Tel; 01 840 745 / 845 141, email: Rightway Suppliers, nr Mbayani Petroda, Bt, Tel: 01 827 877/878, 0888 865 053, 0999 319 198, email:,, Select and Save LTD, Bt,Tel: 01 840 990 / 843 376, email: Lilongwe: Area 2, Old Town, Tel: 01 724 638/19, email: / Mzuzu: Tel: 01 311 808, email: Star Trading, Kamuzu Procession, Area 2, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 726 823 / 754 304

SOLAR EQUIPMENT Bestobell Engineering- H/O - Lilongwe: off Paul Kagame Rd opp. Rd Traffic Dept Tel: 01 750 440/087/653. Blantyre: Tel: 0111 989 045/029, 0999 821 691 Nordam Enterprises, Tel: 0999 246 782,, Phalombe Hardware, Limbe, Bt, Tel; 01 840 745 / 845 141, email: Powered by Nature – Blantyre: Limbe, Tel: 0111 608 495. Lilongwe: Area 3, Barren Ave, Tel: 0111 629 747. ] Email: Team Planet, Area 3 Hyyat Complex, Llw, Tel: 0888 222 060, 0991 555 400, email:

JEWELLERY Dream Craft, Limbe, next to Speedys, Blantyre, Tel: 0111 916 555 / 842 782 Gems & Jewellery, Game Complex, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 755 245, 0888 907 166, email:,

SPORTS SHOPS Into Sports, Blantyre: Chichiri Shopping Centre, Tel: 01 870 822. Lilongwe: Gateway Mall, Tel: 0212 234 006, 0995 613 244, email:

PAINT Barloworld Plascon - H/O - Blantyre: Tel: 01 872 220 / 874 515. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 759 485 Dulux Paints - Blantyre: Chipembere Highway, Tel: 01 871 522/767/728. Llw: Tel: 01 750 575/421 Layser Paint & Plastic, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 712 712 Monolux Paints, Blantyre, Tel: 01 877 700/655 Rainbow Paints - Blantyre: Chipembere Highway, Limbe, Tel: 01 844 893. Lilongwe: Paul Kagame Rd, Tel: 01 755 901 Valmore Paints - Blantyre, Ginnery Cnr, Tel: 01 871 088/072, 01 871 210, 0111 588 454. Lilongwe: Off Paul Kagame Rd, Tel: 01 756 132/4, 01 752 320 email: PET SHOPS F for Fish, Pacific Mall, Area 10, Llw, Tel: 0881 141 175, 0997 474 512, email: Wonder Pets, Llw City Mall, Llw, Tel: 0999 914 444, email: SHOPPING MALLS Chichiri Shopping Mall, Blantyre, Tel: 01 833 361 / 843 311, email: Four Seasons, Presidential drive Llw, Tel: 01 773 096 / 775 706, email: Lilongwe City Mall, Tel: 01 754 799, email: Old Town Mall, Lilongwe Loop, Tel: 01 757 742 Shoprite Complex, Lilongwe, Tel: 0111 920 612 The Gateway, Llw, Tel: 01 770 622, email: Pacific Shopping Mall, Area 10, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 750 355 The Homestead, off Victoria Ave, Mungo Chisuse Rd, Mt Pleasant, Bt, Tel: 0991 577 151


STATIONERY Andrex Industries, Limbe, Blantyre, Tel: 01 823 981 / 834 345 , email: Cartridge Wizards, Hanover Str, Blantyre, Tel: 0888 960 776 Deekay Stationers, opp Escom House, Haile Selassie Rd, Blantyre, Tel: 01 824 083 / 820 775, email: HB Stationers, Kamuzu Procession Rd, opp. Maula Parish, Hayyat Complex, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 755 370/67 / 753 928, email: IT Supplies & General Logistics, Apollo bld, Bt, Tel: 01 834 488, 0999 511 205 / 0999 237 575 Neat Ideas Super Store, Chichiri Shopping Centre, Blantyre, Tel: 01 875 690 Office World - Blantyre: Art Mall, Masauko Chipembere Highway, Kristwick, Tel: 01 879 700, Lilongwe: Constantini Building, Kamuzu Procession Rd, Tel: 01 753 853 / 757 839, email: Paperwork, Limbe, Blantyre, Tel: 01 840 657 / 822 394 Skipco Malawi Limited: Blantyre - Off Masauko Chipembere highway, behind Toyota Malawi, Tel: 01 875 645 Lilongwe: Area 3 Old Town, Nassah Bldg, Tel: 0999 578 064 Staples, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 750 202 / 753 017 Stationery Box - H/O - Blantyre: Phekani House, Tel: 01 874 889, 01 833 281/64. Chichiri, Tel: 01 833 250. Lilongwe: opp Crossroads, Tel: 01 750 145/014, 0888 872 820 S.V.Stationers, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 753 000 Waka Stationers, off Colby Rd, opp. Area 3 Market, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 753 822/4


Shopping TEXTILES Akbanies Textiles & Home Fabrics, along colby rd. Area 3, Llw, Tel: 01 758 155. email:, Bakali - Blantyre: Glyn Jones Rd, Tel: 01 830 261 / 0888 376 444. Limbe: Tel: 01 842 857, 0888 314 000. 01 845 872, 0121 831 400 Bombay Bazaar, Haile Selassie Rd, Bt, Tel: 01 820 933/141, 0888 834 934, email: Curtaining Boutique, off Victoria Ave, Bt, Tel: 01 821 273, 0888 306 182 Flair Flooring & Furnishing, Mandala, Bt, Tel: 01 878 908, 0999 357 357, 0888 357 357 The Pound Shop, Limbe, Blantyre, Tel: 01 840 085, 0888 877 843 TILES Royal Tiles, off Paul Kagame Rd, Llw, Tel: 01 757 815/6, 0888 852 052, 0999 852 052, email: The Bath & Tile Connection, next to Electra Sales, Chipembere Highway, BT, Tel; 01 847 222, 0888 825 367, 0212 825 367 The Tile Centre - Blantyre: Chipembere Highway, Blantyre, Tel: 01 872 186, Lilongwe:Tel: 01 757 990 Tiling Solutions, Kidney Crescent, Blantyre, Tel: 0111 910 193 SUPERMARKETS 7-11 - Lilongwe: Chief Kilipula Building, Kamuzu Procession, Tel: 01 757 145. Mobil Station at Mchinji roundabout, Tel: 01 758 369 CarniWors speciality Butchery, Bakery & Deli, Kapani Meat Products, Kanengo, Llw, Tel: 01 711 171, email: Chipiku Plus - Lilongwe H/O: Tel: 01 758 501/425, Lilngwe City Mall, Tel: 01 758 296. Blantyre: Tel: 01 879 665/667. Chitawera, Bt, Tel: 0991 469 434. Mzuzu: Tel: 01 310 444. Salima: Tel: 01 262 037 Foodworth, Bisnowaty Centre, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 772 355/6, open Mon - Fri: 7am-6:30pm, Sat: 7am-2pm, public hols: 7am-1pm Fresh Food Imports, Old Town Mall, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 753 301, Mon-Fri: 8:30am-5pm, Sat: 8:30am-1pm, Public hols: 8:30am-1pm Game Stores - Blantyre: Chichiri Shopping Centre, Tel: 01 870 182/170/171. LIlongwe: Old town, Tel: 01 751 123, open 7 days, Mon-Fri: 9am-6pm, Sat: 9am-5pm, Sun: 9am-1pm, public hols: 9am-1pm Kapani Meat Processors, Llw Tel: 01 741 545/542/105 email: Savers Choice, Chipembere Highway, Blantyre, Tel: 01 844 844, Mon-Fri: 7am-6pm, Sat: 7am-5pm Shoprite - Blantyre: Chipembere Highway, Tel: 01 872 199 Lilongwe: Kirk Rd, Old Town, Tel: 01 759 323, open 7 days, Mon-Fri: 8am-8pm, Sat: 8am-5pm, Sun: 9am-1pm

WHOLESALE LIQUOR A.S.A.P, Kidney Crescent, Bt, Tel: 0999 203 033 October Wines & Liquor, next to MSB, Tel: 0111 626 561, 0999 927 633 Popat Wholesalers, Top Mandala, opp Blantyre market, Tel: 01 879 240, 0995 879 240, 0888 201 768



Health AUDIOLOGISTS ABC Hearing Clinic - ABC Community Clinic, Llw Area 47, Tel: 0888 211 091, email: Queen Elizabeth Central Hosprital, Bt, Tel 0995 471 446, 0881 379 664, email: DENTISTS Alpha Medics, Mzuzu, Tel: 0888 865 679 Crossroads Dental Clinic, Crossroads Complex, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 751 706 Blantyre Adventist Hospital, Robins Rd, Kabula, Bt, Tel: 01 820 399/488 / 823 104. Emergency: 01 839 665. Email: Dental Studio, Llw, Crossroads, Tel: 0211 111 888/999, Blantyre, Victoria Ave’, Meridian House. Tel: 0212 100 100, 0888 966 811, Limbe Branch, Speedy’s Arcade, Tel: 0213 111 111, 0111 917 207, Zomba, opp FMB Bank, Tel: 0213 800 600, 0999 575 787., Dr. B.A. Girach, Development House, Henderson Str, Blantyre, Tel: 01 820 774 Dr. Blanca Sol, Malamulo Hospital Day Clinic, Amina House, Limbe, Tel: 01 842 909 Dr Makadia, Chayamba Bld, Bt, Tel: 01 824 686 Dr Ratnam, Bt, Tel: 01 842 413 Dr Shabana Yusuf BDS (Lond), Dental Chic Ltd, Blantyre, Tel: 0998 951 880, 0888 951 880 Family Dental Clinic, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 770 853 / 772 228 Hope Dental Surgery, Chichiri Shopping Centre, Blantyre, Tel: 01 876 966. Zomba: 01 527 655 MASM Clinic, Kanjedza, Limbe, Tel: 01 848 160 Minoo’s Dental Clinic & Services, Old Town Mall, off Paul Kagame Rd, Llw, Tel: 01 757 112, 0999 234 737, email: Oracare Dental Clinic, Chayamba Building, Victoria Ave, Blantyre, Tel: 01 824 686 / 822 081 Sanctuary Dental Clinic, Bisnowaty Centre, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 770 511 / 970 200, 0995 628 676, email: Shalom Dental Surgery, Blantyre: Aram Mall Building, Churchill Rd, Limbe, Tel: 01 843 764 Victoria Ave: Tel: 01 832 256, 0999 911 109,


DOCTORS - Blantyre Dr. Alex Maclean, Family Medicine Spcialist , Beit Cure Hospital Blantyre Tell: 01 871 900 Dr. Arega Fekadu, Surgeon, Malamulo Day Clinic, Amina Bld, Tel: 0111 918 485 Dr. Bhuptani, Tel: 01 821 074 / 603 011, 0888 519 701 Dr. Barbara Swarthout, Family Medicine & minor surgery, Beit Cure Hospital Blantrye Tell: 01 871 900 Dr Casey Graybill, Obstetrician & Gynecologist surgeon, Malamulo Day Clinic, Amina Bld, Tel: 0111 918 485 Dr Chilemba, corner Henderson & Sharpe Rd, Tel: 01 821 069 Dr. Chisi, Tel: 01 844 276 Dr. Claire Gobble, Family Medicine Specialist, Malamulo Day Clinic, Amina Bld, Tel: 0111 918 485 Dr. Dzinyemba, Limbe, Tel: 0999 839 608 Dr. Elizabeth Howard, Family Medicne & Counselling Beit Cure Hospital Blantyre Tell: 01 871 900 Dr. Gatrad, Tel: 01 823 904 / 821 060 Dr. Getrude Sambakunsi, General Practitioner, Tel: 0111 618 744, 0888 622 835 Dr. Gombwa, Chitawira, 0999 966 667 Dr. James Misiri, Malamulo Day Clinic, Amina Bld, Tel: 0111 918 485 Dr. Juster, Tel: 01 823 491, 0999 938 281 Dr. Ryan Hayton, Surgeon, Wed: Malamulo Hospital Day clinic, Amina House Limbe, Tel: 0111 918 485 Dr. Tim Gobble, Internal Medicine Specialist, Malamulo Day Clinic, Amina Bld, Tel: 0111 918 485 Dr. Maria Molina, M.D., L.A.H., D.C.H, behind Mwaiwathu Hospital, Tel: 0888 826 460, email: Dr. Msukwa, Eye Specialist, behind Mwaiwathu Hospital, Tel:0888 363 555 Dr. Wendy Ngwira, opp. Std Bank, Limbe, Tel: 01 840 901 / 841 915, 0999 076 935 DOCTORS - Lilongwe African Bible College (ABC) Community Clinic, Area 47, Tel: 01 761 670/743, 0888 211 085, open 24 hrs: DOCTORS: Dr Christina Miller (Family & Preventitive Madicing), Dr Diane Young, (Gen. Practicioner) & Dr Twitike Nthakomwa

Health Dr Anthony, Tel: 01 773 634 / 772 782 Dr Abdul Qadir Caratella, Area 2, Old Town, Tel: 01 724 891 Dr. Greg Saunders, Surgeon, llw Adventist Health Centre, Area 14, Tel: 01 775 680 Dr Gulum Lorgat, Area 2, Old Town, Tel: 01 726 853 Dr John Jones, ABC Clinic, Tel: 01 761 743/670 Dr Kayambo, Tel: 01 726 146 Dr Kazembe, City Centre Clinic, Tel: 01 772 154 Dr Snowen, Tel: 01 775 603 DOCTORS - Thyolo Dr. Arega Fekadu, Surgeon, Thurs: Malamulo Adventist Hospital, Makwasa, Tel: 01 470 222 Dr Casey Graybill, Obstetrician & Gynecologist surgeon, Wed: Malamulo Adventist Hospital, Makwasa, Tel: 01 470 222 Dr. Claire Gobble, Family Medicine Specialist, Malamulo Adventist Hospital, Makwasa, Tel: 01 470 222 Dr. Ryan Hayton, Surgeon, Tues: Malamulo Adventist Hospital, Makwasa, Tel: 01 470 222 Dr. Tim Gobble, Internal Medicine Specialist, Malamulo Adventist Hospital, Makwasa, Tel: 01 470 222 DOCTORS - Zomba Dr Joshua, Tel: 01 527 186, 0999 912 769 OTHER Helen Van Schalkwyk (Pschologist), Tel: 0882 306 957, email: HEALTH INSURANCE AON - Blantyre: Hannover House, Independence Drive, Tel: 01 820 355. Lilongwe: Nico Centre House, Kamuzu Procesion Rd, Tel: 01 752 129/165 Liberty Health, Kabula House, Chilembwe Rd, Blantyre, Tel: 01 830 610, MASM, 2nd floor, MASM House, 22 Lower Sclater Rd, Blantyre, Tel: 01 820 298/543/370 Medlife, intermediaries for Hansard, BUPA, William Russell, AETNA, NowHealth & Expacare, Atlas Life, 1st floor, Dossani House, 17 Glyn Jones Rd, Blantyre, Tel: 01 824 108 / 0999 118 903, email:,, Vanguard Life Assurance Company, 2nd floor MDC House, Glyn Jones Rd, Bt, Tel: 01 823 356

HOSPITALS / CLINICS- Blantyre BEIT Trust Cure International Hospital, Tel: 01 871 900, 01 875 015, 0212 871 900, email:, Blantyre Adventist Hospital, Robins Rd, Kabula, Tel: 01 820 399/488, 01 823 104. Emergency: 01 839 665 GMC Hospital, Fatima Arcade, Haile Selassie Rd, Tel: 01 832 414/235/355, Limbe Medical Clinic, opp. Std Bank, Limbe, Tel: 01 840 901 / 841 915, 0999 076 935 Malamulo Hospital Day Clinic, Amina House, Limbe, Tel: 0111 918 485, 01 843 941, email: Mwaiwathu Private Hospital, Chileka Rd, Tel: 01 822 999 / 834 989 Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Ginnery Cnr, Tel: 01 874 333 Sandi Rehabilitation, Assesment & Therapy Centre, Tel: 0111 731 091, email:, Shifa Hospital, Tel: 01 832 415, 0212 832 415 HOSPITALS / CLINICS - Lilongwe ABC Hearing Clinic, Tel: 0888 211 091, email: African Bible College (ABC) Community Clinic, Area 47, Tel: 01 761 670/743, 0888 211 085, open 24 hrs Likuni Mission Hospital, Likuni, Tel: 01 766 602/574 Lilongwe Central Hospital, off Mzimba Rd, near Kenyatta Road, Tel: 01 753 555 / 754 331 / 754 725 7th Day Adventist Health Centre, off Presidential Way, near Area 14 Baptist Church, Tel: 01 775 680 / 776 023 Discovery Medi Clinic, City Centre, Tel: 01 776 082 Emmanuel Medical Centre, Area 3, Tel: 0111 975 722, 0888 999 111 Medicare Laboratory, Old Town, Tel: 01 750 152 Mphatso Private Clinic, Tel: 01 766 002 Mtengowathenga Hospital, Tel: 01 286 270 Nkhoma Hospital, Eye Department, Tel: 0992 784 818, email: Cont.


Health Pamodzi Clinic, Kang’ombe House, City Centre, Tel: 01 770 548/9 Partners in Hope Medical Centre, Area 36. 3kms South of Old Town, opp St. John Parish, Tel: 01 727 155 / 725 818, 0999 971 731/2, Appointments:Tel: 0111 739 469, email:, Sandi Rehabilitation, Assesment & Therapy Centre, Tel: 0111 731 091, email:, The Eyes of Africa Clinic, CLI Hospital, nr Namitete, Tel: 0993 437 625, 0999 153 360, 0884 994 472 HOSPITALS - Mulanje Mulanje Mission Hospital, Tel: 01 467 022 HOSPITALS - Monkey Bay Monkey Bay Community Hospital, Tel: 01 587 620, 0888 702 101, 0881 768 213, 0999 314 453 HOSPITALS - Mzuzu Saint Johns Hospital, Tel: 01 325 299 HOSPITALS - Ngabu Malamulo Hospital, Tel: 01 427 266 HOSPITAL / CLINIC - Salima Marie Stopes International, Tel: 01 262 330 HOSPITALS - Thyolo Malamulo Adventist Hospital, Makwasa, Tel: 01 470 222 / 258, email:, HOSPITALS - Zomba City Health Clinic, next to ADAMS wholesaler, Tel: 0111 618 744, 0888 522 835 OPTICIANS A.C. Opticals - Blantyre: Chichiri Shopping Mall, Tel: 01 872 120. Crossroads Complex, Tel: 01 820 597, email: a.c.blantyre@ac-opticals. com. Lilongwe: Llw City Mall, Tel: 0994 054 711 & Old Town Mall, Tel: 01 756 161, email: Mzuzu: Shoprite Centre, Tel: 01 311 665,

Lions Sight First Eye Clinic - Blantyre: Dr. Khumbo Kalua, Tel: 01 875 377, 0999 958 176, email:, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 750 168 Madalitso Health Resources Centre, Salima, Tel: 0994 079 507 Muona Optical Centre, Nkhotakota, St Annes Hospital, Tel: 0994 079 507, 01 292 279, email: Visioncare - Blantyre: Blantyre Adventist Hospital, Glyn Jones Rd, Tel:01 836 931, 0995 531 443. Lilongwe: Lilongwe Adventist Health Centre, Presidential Way, Tel: 0999 107 909. Mzuzu: Mzuzu central hospital, Tel: 01 320 916, 0995 536 398 PHARMACIES Bwaila Pharmacy, Lilongwe,Tel: 01 757 892 CitiPharm, Limbe: Tel: 01 841 314, 0211 920 999. Blantyre: Opp KFC, Tel: 0211 930 999, 0212 220 681, email:, Kabula Pharmacy, Ginnery Corner, Bt, Tel: 01 872 767, 0999 916 860, 0999 676 034 Limbe Pharmacy, Churchill Rd, Bt, Tel: 01 845 506, 0999 922 615, email: Malamulo Day Clinic, Amina Bld, Tel: 0111 918 485 Maula Pharmacy, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 753 955, 0999 964 753, 0999 511 375 Mudi Pharmacy, Chichiri Shopping Mall, Bt, Tel: 01 876 229, 0999 954 766 One Stop Pharmacy - Blantyre: Town, Tel: 01 824 148, 0888 860 230. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 753 113, 0999 459 227. Zomba: Tel: 01 524 194, 0888 860 230 Pharmacare - Blantyre: Anadkat House, Tel: 01 820 001. Lilongwe: Shop 8 Nico Centre, Tel: 01 752 073 / 753 230. Mzuzu: Tel: 01 312 993. email: Mzuzu: Tel: 01 312 993, email: Pharmachemie, Fleetline House, Ginnery Corner, Tel: 01 871 581 / 0999 968 077 email: PHYSIOTHERAPY Aamena Dassu, Wellness Centre Physiotherapy Clinic, Specialised in Orthopedics, Musculoskeletal, Neuro and

Health Respiratory,Namwiwa, Sanjika Rd, Bt, Tel: 0999 257 496, email: BEIT International Hospital, Blantyre, Tel: 01 871 900, 01 875 015, 0212 871 900, email:, Malamulo Day Clinic, Amina Bld, Tel: 0111 918 485 Sports Therapy, Acupuncture & Massage Clinic, Sharron Sequeira, specialised in musculo-skeletal treatment, Namiwawa, Blantyre, Tel: 0888 866 975 REIKI / MASSAGE Divine Glow, Shalini Hathiramani, Bt, Tel: 01 820 556, 0999 210 060, Madidi Lodge, Area 9, Llw, Tel: 01 752 661, 0888 607 169, email:, Wellness Centre Physiotherapy Clinic, Namwiwa, Sanjika Rd, Bt, Tel: 0999 257 496

VETERINARY All Creatures Animal League, Area 9, Llw, Tel: 01 751 934, 0994 322 996, email:, Care Vet Clinic, Area 3, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 754 418, 0999 935 294 City Vet Clinic, Area 3, Llw, Tel: 01 757 483, 0888 853 457, 0991 277 492 LILONGWE SPCA, Kanengo, Tel: 0995 027 815, Emergency: 0994 682 900, Mudi Veterinary Surgery, Opp. HHI, Bt, Tel 01 822 637, 0999 939 389 / 0995 669 766 The Vet Clinic, Cnr Laws and Chilembwe Rd, Blantyre, Tel: 01 821 246 (office), 0111 910 231/0 (home), 0999 960 041 / 0888 825 346 YOGA Amitofo Care Centre, Zomba Rd, Blantyre, Tel: 0999 932 038, 0888 202 099, email:, Makuzi Beach Tel: 0999 283 980, 0888 645 890, email:,



Damage to your heart High blood pressure damages the blood vessels that supply the heart muscle and forces the heart to work harder to pump blood. This leads to heart attacks, heart failure and abnormal heart rhythms, all deadly.

When you think about high blood pressure, what image comes to mind? I have a mental image of an overweight man with a big tummy, bulging eyes and steam coming out of his ears. If high blood Damage to your brain pressure truly looked like this it would be easy to High blood pressure causes strokes and dementia know if your blood pressure was dangerously high. by damaging the blood vessels supplying the brain. I imagine people would also see their doctor pretty Damage to your eyes quickly to get treatment. Having steam pouring The blood vessels supplying the eyes are very small out of your ears would be quite uncomfortable. and delicate. High blood pressure damages the It might upset your work colleagues and it would blood supply to all parts of the eye. When damage fog up the windscreen when you drove your car. I is severe it can cause blurred vision or blindness. suspect most people would be calling their doctor immediately. Damage to your kidneys Unfortunately, my mental image is completely High blood pressure damages the blood vessels to wrong. High blood pressure does not look like this. and within the kidney. This can lead to kidney failMost people with high blood pressure have no ure. Kidney failure can only be treated with dialysis symptoms at all. You can’t tell they have high blood or kidney transplant. pressure by looking at them and they can’t tell either. They feel completely normal. That is why high Sexual dysfunction blood pressure is a silent killer. High blood pressure in men damages the blood High blood pressure puts a constant strain on the supply to the penis. This means they have difficulty blood vessels and organs in the body and over achieving and maintaining an erection. Women can many years this can lead to permanent damage suffer from poor lubrication and difficulty reaching and death. Let’s take a quick look at what high 46 orgasm. blood pressure does to our body. 1

Business Why do some people get high blood pressure? There are many risk factors for high blood pressure. Some of these are out of our control and we cannot change them.

diet, smoking and drinking too much alcohol can make us gain weight. This makes it harder for us to exercise and we then get more overweight leading to diabetes.

Age - blood pressure gets higher as we get older.

What can we do to prevent or reduce high blood pressure? We can’t change our race, age, gender or family history but we CAN change many other risk factors causing high blood pressure. We need to work on reducing our modifiable risk factors to keep our body in good shape and reduce our risk of high blood pressure.

Gender - under 65 years of age men are more likely to have high blood pressure than women. Over the age of 65 women are at higher risk than men. Ethnicity - African and South Asian people are more prone to high blood pressure than Caucasians. Family History - if close family members have high blood pressure, especially from an early age, you are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure.

Even the tiniest increase in blood pressure has a large effect on our body. A 2 point rise in blood pressure is hard for a doctor to detect. But even this small rise will increase our risk of dying from heart disease by 7% and increase our risk of dying from a stroke by 10%. So, when it comes to blood pressure every little bit counts. To beat this silent and stealthy killer we need to exercise regularly and eat a healthy, balanced, low salt diet to avoid obesity, high cholesterol and diabetes. We need to reduce our alcohol intake and stop smoking and we need to avoid stress that might encourage unhealthy behaviours.

Other risk factors are modifiable, meaning that we can make changes to reduce our risk of high blood pressure.

By caring for our body we can avoid the terrible consequences of high blood pressure, including dementia, strokes, heart attacks and early death. Heart attacks and strokes caused more than 15 million deaths worldwide last year. Don’t be one of them!

Lack of physical activity Being overweight or obese An unhealthy diet, especially too much salt High cholesterol Diabetes Smoking tobacco and passive smoking Drinking too much alcohol Stress Many of these risk factors are linked and we often find that one problem leads to another creating a vicious cycle. For example, eating an unhealthy

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Education BLANTYRE Growing Star Montessori Nursery School (Baby and Toddler- Reception), 28 Chilembwe Rd, Off Link Rd, Namiwawa, Tel: 0888 952 888, email: Happy Days (pre nursery school), Hillview School, Tel: 0888 821 002 Hilltop Jnr. Academy, Mpingwe, Limbe, Tel: 0994 888 754, 0882 676 421, email: Hillview International Primary, Newlands, Tel: 01 843 540, email: Jack & Jill Nursery School, Link rd, Namiwawa, Tel: 01 823 765 / 836 206, email: Kalibu Academy, Blantyre, Located off Chileka Airport Rd, Tel: 0888 656 344, 0992 102 321/322, Email: Little Oaks, Montessori Nursery School, 1 link rd, Namiwawa, tel: 0991 504 777, 0211 104 777, email: Little Twinkles Nursery & Pre School, Mpingwe, Limbe, Tel: 0994 888 754, 0882 676 421, email:

Mary Pop-Ins Montessori Nursery School, Mount Pleasant & Portuguese Club, Chichiri, Tel: 0888 898 388 / 0999 631 183, email:, Mini Me Montessori Nursery and Primary School, Namiwawa, Tel: 0993 866 013, 0212 258 899, email:, Montessori Private Christian Nursery School, Nyambadwe, Tel: 0111 627 100, 0998 092 940, email: Nyasa Junior Academy, Tel: 01 843 248, 0999 510 427 Phoenix International Primary School, Tel: 01 824 845, 0884 608 271, email:, Saint Andrews International High School, Tel: 01 823 688 / 822 585/470 / 824 628 email:, Saint Andrews International Primary School, Tel: 01 823 086, Saint Patricks Academy, Sunnyside Tel: 01 830 715/657/727, / Saint Patricks International Primary, Link Rd, Namiwawa, Tel: 01 823 765, 01 836 206 South End Primary School, Chikwawa Rd, Tel: 01 839 086 / 838 481 South End Sec School, Chikwawa Rd, Tel: 01 839 275 Sunshine Hills Montessori Nursery School (pre nursery & nursery), Tel: 0888 606 838 SCHOOLS - LILONGWE ABC Christian Academy (African Bible College), Area 47, Tel: 01 762 533 / 761 617 / 0888 211 020, email: ABC (African Bible College), Area 47, Tel: 01 761 613/932, email: Acacia International School, Tel: 0888 824 494, email:, Bishop Mackenzie International Primary School, Tel: 01 756 364 Bishop Mackenzie International Secondary School, Tel: 01 756 631/984

Business Education

Good Shepherd Int’ School, Area 3, Tel: 01 757 267 / 750 655, email: Maya Private Secondary School, Kaphiri, Bt Rd, Tel: 0888 316 113, 0992 316 113, email: Paramount Academy, Area 3, Barron Ave, Tel: 0991 357 594, email:, Shining Stars Nursery School, Area 3, Tel: 0882 419 527 The Lilongwe Academy International Primary & High school, Area 47, behind Silver Stadium, Tel: 01 761 596/595 / 925 142, email: Wiggles ‘n’ Giggles Montessori Pre-School, Area 3 Nnr Golf Club, Tel: 0991 357 594, email: SCHOOLS - MZUZU Mzuzu International Academy, Primary & Secondary Day School, secondary boarding, Tel: Tel: 0111 931 714, email: SCHOOLS -ZOMBA Sir Harry Johnston International Primary School (& Secondary), Tel: 01 525 280, 0888 202 374, email: LEARNING CENTRES & LANGUAGE COURSES Amapatsa Domestic Cookery Trainers, Bt, Tel: 0993 853 583, email: Amitofo Care Centre, Zomba Rd, Blantyre, Tel: 0999 932 038, 0888 202 099, email:,

Blantyre School of Music, Tel: 0999 339 668, 0888 193 021, 0993 203 628, email: British Council, City Centre, Llw, Tel: 01 773 244/557 Computer Learning Centre, Tel: 01 750 562 / 922 911 / 0991 262 125, 0999 355 075, email: / Jacaranda Cultural Center (French), Bt, CFAO Complex, Tel: 0992 551 369, email:, Malawi College of Health Sciences Blantyre: Tel: 01 307 331, 0888 307 331. Kasungu: Tel: 01 705 411. Lilongwe: Tel: 0999 199 601. Mangochi: Tel: 0884 313 766. Mzuzu: Tel: 0995 363 073. Rumphi: Tel: 0888 360 600. Zomba: Tel: 0999 016 692, Montessori Teacher Training Centre, Nyambadwe, BT, Tel: 0111 627 100, 0998 092 940, email: THINGS TO DO WITH KIDS Jacaranda Cultural Center (French), Bt, CFAO Complex, Tel: 0992 551 369, email:, Little Smarties, (play group) New Naperi, Bt, Tel: 0884 044 368 Luwawa Forest Lodge, Viphya Mountains, Tel: 0999 512 645, email:

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Places to visit BLANTYRE - Carlsberg Breweries, Tel: 01 872 999 - Chichiri Museum - Mandala House – Old Managers House - Michiru Nature Sanctuary - St Michaels & All Angels Church DEDZA DISTRICT Mua Mission, KuNgoni Centre of culture & art (Cultural museum), Tel: 01 262 706, 0999 035 870, email:, KARONGA Museum & Culture Centre, Tel: 0888 515 574, 0888 861 014, email: LILONGWE Lilongwe Wildlife Centre, open 7 days Tel: 0881 788 999, email:, Kumbali Cultural Village, Area 44, Capital Hill Dairy Farm, Tel: 0999 963 402, email:, + FB LOWER SHIRE The Mbona rain Cult in Nsanje (Khulubvi Shrine) During times of drought and disease, people used to visit he Khulubvi shrine to offer sacrifices to Mbona’s spirit Tisunge Lowershire Heritage Centre, at the entrance to the Lengwe National Park behind Paramount Chief Lundu’s residence. It is still under construction, but an art & crafts shop and a library open for visitors Thorntorn graves – Chikwawa District (one of Livingstone’s crew member lies here) Kapichira falls (HEP station) MULANJE & THYOLO Tea plantations along the Limbe-Mulanje Rd Tea Factories: Naming’omba Zoa falls – small waterfall situated 40kms from Luchenza & only accessible by rail transport (4 kms from Thekerani train station) Dziwe Iankhalamba (Old man’s pool) – bottomless pool at least 1 hour walk/hike from the foot of Mulanje Mountain (Likhubula CCAP mission.) Mulanje Mountain has several natural water pools Muli brothers Thuchila farm – at the foot of Mulanje Mountain (Thuchila) situated along Phalombe – Chitakale (Mulanje) Rd ZOMBA King African Rifles (KAR) war memorial honours Malawi soldiers who died during the 2 world wars

Zomba Botanical Gardens Chingwe’s Hole, a bottomless pit on Zomba Plateau Ku Chawe trout farm, Tel: 0888 638 524 Queens view on Zomba Mountain, named in honour of Queen Elizabeth on the occasion of her last visit to Malawi in 1957 Emperor’s view, named in honour of Emperor Haile Selasie of Ethiopia during his visit in 1964 Old Post office (museum) at Nyungwe along Blantyre – Zomba Rd Maravilla Organic Farms, Domasi, Tel: 0881 129 285 MANGOCHI - Mangochi museum - Memorial graves at Cape Maclear TOURISM ASSOCIATIONS Malawi Travel Marketing Consortium,, Ministry of Information and Tourism, Area 3, Lilongwe. Tel: 01 759 831. Game complex, Tel: 0999 511 976, email:, Mulanje Information, / Department of National Parks & Information, Area 3, Lilongwe. Tel: 01 759 831, Malawi Tourism Association, Lilongwe. Tel: 01 770 131, 770 010, 0888 865 250 Society of Malawi, Old Managers House, Mandala, Blantyre, Tel: 01 872 617 Wildlife Environmental Society of Malawi, branches: Blantyre: Tel: 0111 669 249, 0999 231 625, email: Balaka: Tel: 01 545 729/512, 0999 947 556, 0888 363 193, email: Dwangwa: Tel: 01 295 453, 0999 511 218, 0888 879 692, email: wesmdwangwa@africa-online. net. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 771 269 / 762 044, 0999 960 662, email: Monkeybay: Tel: 01 587 395, 0888 873 270, email: Mulanje: Tel: 01 566 358, 0888 504 638, email: Mzuzu: Tel: 0999 395 242 email: Zomba: Tel: 01 526 212, email: Zomba Department of Tourism, Tel: 01 524 375



Sports & Hobbies ABSAILING Luwawa Forest Lodge, Viphya Mountains, Tel: 0999 512 645, email: The Mushroom Farm (C, L), Livingstonia, Tel: 0999 652 485, 0888 591 564, email:, BOWLING Country Club Limbe, Blantyre, Tel: 01 841 022/ 236 (Sat & Sun) Lilongwe Golf Club, Likuni Rd, Area 3, Tel: 01 753 118 / 598, email: (Sundays) CRICKET Lilongwe Golf Club, Likuni Rd, Area 3, Tel: 01 753 118 / 598, (Sundays) FISHING Angling Society of Malawi, Tel: 0997 290 803, 0999 962 023, email:, Game Haven Lodge (Mbawa Country Club), Thyolo Rd 14km from Blantyre Tel: 0999 971 287/8 email: Luwawa Forest Lodge, Viphya Mountains, Tel: 0999 512 645, email: Norman Carr Chikulu, Eastern Shore Lake Malawi, Tel: 0888 355 357, 0999 562 338, FOOTBALL Blantyre Sports Club, Blantyre, Tel: 01 821 173, email: (Tuesdays) Lilongwe Golf Club, Likuni Rd, Area 3, Tel: 01 753 118 / 598, (Weekends) GUIDED WALKS Cape Maclear - Mr. Steady Jalie, Tel: 0999 313 509 Game Haven Lodge (Mbawa Country Club), Thyolo Rd 14km from Blantyre Tel: 0999 971 287/8,, email:

Huntingdon House & Chawani Bungalow, Satemwa Tea Estates, Tel: 01 473 115, 0882 599 717, 0993 121 854, email:, GOLF Blantyre Sports Club, Blantyre, Tel: 01 821 173, email: Country Club Limbe, Blantyre, Tel: 01 841 022/ 236 Game Haven Lodge (Mbawa Country Club), Thyolo Rd 14km from Blantyre Tel: 0999 971 287/8 email: Lilongwe Golf Club, Likuni Rd, Area 3, Tel: 01 753 118/598 HOCKEY Country Club Limbe, Blantyre, Tel: 01 841 022/ 236, (Sat) HORSE RIDING Horse Riding, Blantyre, Tel: 0888 527 502, 0111 667 876, Kande Horse Trails, Chinteche, Tel: 0888 500 416, email: Matunkha Centre, Rumphi, Tel: 0888 205 591, email: Nantipwili Stables, Blantyre, Tel: 0999 915 277 Plateau Stables, Zomba, Tel: 0991 557 101, 0888 714 443, 0888 714 445, 0999 714 445 email: MOUNTAIN BIKING Game Haven Lodge (Mbawa Country Club), Thyolo Rd 14km from Blantyre Tel: 0999 971 287/8 email: Huntingdon House & Chawani Bungalow, Satemwa Tea Estates, Tel: 01 473 115, 0882 599 717, 0993 121 854, email:, Luwawa Forest Lodge, Viphya Mountains, Tel: 0999 512 645 email:

Sports & Hobbies Norman Carr Chikulu, Eastern Shore Lake Malawi, Tel: 0888 355 357, 0999 562 338, RUNNING Hash House Harriers, email: Luwawa Forest Lodge, Viphya Mountains, Tel: 0999 512 645, email: SAILING Kande Beach Resort, Tel: 0888 263 500, 0999 863 500, email:, Lilongwe Sailing Club, Kamuzu Dam, 45 mins past Likuni, SCUBA DIVING & KAYAKING Aqua Africa, Nkhata Bay, Tel: 0999 921 418, email:, AquaNuts, Kande Beach, Chintheche, Tel: 0881 606 078, 0991 922 242, email: Cape Maclear Scuba, Cape Maclear, Tel: 0999 952 488 / 0999 942 661, email: /, Cape Maclear, Scuba Shack, Tel: 0999 140 905, 0993 553 854, email:, Likoma Island Divers, Likoma Island, Tel: 0999 746 122, email:, Monkey Business, Nkhata Bay, Tel: 01 352 365 Warm Heart Adventure’s & Lodge (formally tuckaways), Tel: 0993 405 681, 0999 913 972, email:, SQUASH & TENNIS Blantyre Sports Club, Blantyre, Tel: 01 821 173,

Country Club Limbe, Blantyre, Tel: 01 841 022/ 236 Lilongwe Golf Club, Likuni Rd, Area 3, Tel: 01 753 118/598 OTHER Basketball, ABC Macon Gymnasium, Area 47, Llw, Tues: 4:30, Tel: 0888 211 060 Capoeira, Llw, Tel: 0993 522 352 Exercise classes (evenings), Blantyre Sports Club, Tel: 0999 144 164 FunCity, llw, Tel: 0111 202 621, 0111 204 521, 0997 362 653 Kick Boxing, College of Medicine, Bt, Wednesdays: 4:30 - 5:20pm Kung-Fu classes, Wenela, HHI, Bt, Mon-Fri: 3-4:30pm, Tel: 0995 456 113 Jacaranda Cultural Center (French), Dance Classes, Bt, CFAO Complex, Tel: 0992 551 369, email:, Quad-Biking: Hummers, Bt, Chigumula, Tel: 0999 366 804 Lilongwe, Hatha Yoga, hoola hoop, Belly Dance Tel: 0999 788 727, email: Lilongwe Rugby Club, Tag & Rugby 7’s, Tues & Fri @ Bambino School, Area 15, Tel: 0993 346 565 Skydiving, Malawi Parachute Association. Skydive Malawi, Tel: 0999 926 230, email: Soft Ball, BMIS, Llw, every Friday @ 4pm, Tel: 0999 104 338 Tea Tasting, Huntingdon House & Chawani Bungalow, Satemwa Tea Estates, Tel: 01 473 115, 0882 599 717, 0993 121 854, email:, Volleyball, ABC Macon Gymnasium, Area 47, Llw, Mon: 4:30, Tel: 0999 306 740 Volleyball, SAINTs in Nyambadwe, Bt. Wednesday nights at 7pm email:, Weight Watching, Blantyre, Tel: 0888 676 949, 01 830/657 email: Tel: 01 759 196, 0999 958 152 / 0999 313 172 / 0999 345 558, 0888 958 152














Motor Vehicles

CAR HIRE Andrews Car Hire, Shire building, off Paul Kagame Rd, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 755 186, 0888 824 962 / 0888 833 127 / 0888 899 268 Avis - Blantyre: Makata Rd. Tel: 01 870 230/166. Chileka Airport, Tel: 0111 692 368. Lilongwe: Chief Kilipula Building on Kamuzu Procession Rd, Tel: 01 751 661. Kamuzu Airport, Tel: 01 700 223, email: Best Car Hire, Mpico Building off Paul Kagame Rd, Old Town, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 751 097, 0888 875 117 / 0888 352 094 Bongani Car Hire, Mchinji Rd, Lilongwe, Tel: 0111 925 520, 0999 556 651 / 0999 512 029, 0888 556 651 / 0888 334 035 Budget Car Hire, Lilongwe Hotel, Tel: 01 757 021 / 756 333 ext. 197, 0888 337 414 / 0888 832 028 / 0888 859 353, email: Desh Car Hire Company, Llw, Africana Complex, Tel: 0888 928 077, 0993 288 157, email:, www.deshcarhire. com Heritage Car Hire, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 205 431, 0991 399 800, 0884 412 293, 0993 560 499, 0880 906 960, email:

J & K Car Hire, Bhagwanji Building, Mzimba Rd, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 756 591, 01 759 564, 0999 950 496, 0999 957 099, 0888 824 988, email: / J B Car Hire, off Mzimba Rd, Old Town, Lilongwe, Tel: 0888 864 707 / 0999 922 668 Madidi Car Hire, behind crossroads complex, Tel: 01 752 661, 0888 607 169, email:, Planet Car Hire, Tithokoze House, Murray Rd, Old Town, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 753 121/124, 0999 958 168 / 0999 957 531, 0888 511 572 SS Rent A Car - Blantyre: 20 Glyn Jones Rd, Tel: 01 822 836/882, 0888 829 322, Lilongwe: Kamuzu Procession Rd, Tel: 01 751 478, 01 750 112, 0999 010 070, email:, Sheju Car Hire, Crossroads Complex, Llw, Tel: 0995 800 241, 0880 186 062, email: Sputnik Car Hire, Kassam House, off Paul Kagame Rd, Tel: 0999 950 354, 0888 950 354, Sunbird Capital Hotel, Tel: 01 771 013, 0999 967 771, Cont...


Motor Vehicles Skywave Car Rentals, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 759 196, 0999 958 152 / 0999 313 172 / 0999 345 558, 0888 958 152 Status Car Hire, Area 4, Betta House, off Paul Kagame Rd, Tel: 01 753 050, 0999 957 532 / 0999 958 192 / 0999 958 193 T.L.C Rent a Car, Llw, Tel: 0993 778 585, 0884 708 160, 0888 202 490, email:, Travel Car Hire, Blantyre, Tel: 0999 942 577 Zoom Car Hire - Blantyre: off Moir Crescent Rd, Kristwick, Ginnery Corner, Tel: 01 874 889, 0888 827 280. Lilongwe: Mai Aisha Trust Building, opp Crossroads, 0888 827 280 GARAGES BLANTYRE Auto Trader, Ginnery Corner, Bt, Tel: 01 874 761 / 877 918/843 CFAO Malawi, Kaoshiung Rd, top Mandala, Tel: 01 879 011,, / Chirimba Garage, Tel: 01 871 781, 0888 834 992 Elegant Motors, Tel: 01 875 914, 0888 823 844 / 0888 203 785 Gemta Motors, Nyambadwe/Magalasi Rd, Tel: 0999 929 664, 0888 929 664 General Motors, Tel: 01 842 018/666 Halls Cars, Tel: 01 842 018/666 HTD, Chipembere Highway, Ginnery Corner, Tel: 01 871 660/739/771 Lotus Motors, Limbe, Tel: 01 842 666, 01 843 486/960 Mike Appel & Gatto, Limbe, Tel: 01 845 152/955, 01 840 101. Nissan Malawi - BT, Chileka Rd, Tel: 01 824 566. Lilongwe, Murray Rd, Tel: 01 753 646/644. Mzuzu, Tel: 01 303 071/72/073 Stansfield Motors, H/O Tel: 01 871 687, Lilongwe: Tel: 01 754 400. Mzuzu: Tel: 01 311 720. Toyota, Chipembere Highway, Tel: 01 841 933 LILONGWE CFAO Malawi, Paul Kagame Rd, Area 4, Tel: 01 755 341,, / Constantini, corner Kenyatta & Murray Rd, Tel: 01 753 047 ETC Agro Tractors & Implements LTD, Area 5, next to MA Motors, Tel: 0991 029 284, email: Globe Motors, off Paul Kagame Rd, Tel: 01 751 919

HTD, Kamuzu Procession Rd, opp Lilongwe Hotel, Tel: 01 750 055/505 Lotus Motors, Paul Kagame Rd, Tel: 01 755 432/779/776, 01 753 026 Mike Appel & Gatto, Kamuzu Procession, Tel: 01 753 736 M.A.Motors, Area 5 opposite Chilambula community day sec. school, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 751 727/6, 0884 841 455, 0992 841 455, email: Mario Motor Centre, Kanengo, Tel: 01 711 311, 01 922 319 North End Motors, situated at M1 Road, Biwi Triangle, opposite Technical college Lilongwe Tel: 01 727 780890/690, 0888 844 698, email: Real J Motors, Tel: 0999 319 419, 0888 919 419 Shaheen Autos, off Paul Kagame, Tel: 01 754 515, 0888 844 515 Stansfield Motors, off Murray Rd, Tel: 01 754 400, Toyota, off Murray Rd, Tel: 01 755 661/2/3/6 MZUZU CFAO Malawi, Orton Chirwa Ave, Tel: 01 312 822,, / Motor Quip - Blantyre: Tel: 0111 932 408. Lilongwe: Paul Kagame Rd, nr road traffic, Tel: 01 751 407 / 754 407 / 755 407 / 756 407. Mzuzu: Tel: 01 312 956 / 310 846 Mzuzu Panel Beaters, 59 Kanjedza Drive, Mzuzu Tel: 01 312 403, 0888 822 710, 0999 822 710, email: Stansfield Motors, Luwinga Rd, Tel: 01 311 720, CAR SPARES Agason Motor Spares, Limbe, Blantyre, Tel: 01 841 143 / 843 111, email: /, Agri-Quip, Blantyre, Tel: 01 875 841/535, 01 877 361, 0888 821 833 Allparts, Blantyre, Tel: 01 873 948/80 Auto-Mac, off Paul Kagame, Tel: 0888 833 030 Auto-Quip, Blantyre, Tel: 01 842 910 / 852 597, 0888 821 833 / 0888 870 200 / 0888 863 83 Bhana, Llw, Tel: 01 757 528 Daysons Distributors, Behind immigration, Tel: 01 822 874/954, email: Kwiktrack, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 750 115 / 757 831, 0888 843 081




Motor Vehicles Motor-Quip, off Paul Kagame Rd, Llw, Tel: 01 756 757 / 751 407 / 754 407, 0999 941 856, 0888 841 856 Movesa, Chilambula Rd, Llw, Paul Kagame Rd Tel: 01 752 976 /762 / 750 446 email:, Part Quip, Limbe, Bt, Tel: 01 845 161, 0999 944 444 Top Range Motors, off Temple Rd, Limbe, Blantyre, Tel: 01 843 913/923, 0888 821 135 BATTERIES, TYRES, WHEEL BALANCING & ALIGNMENT Conti-Partner, Bisnowaty Centre, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 775 484/485, 0999 963 233 / 0999 414 125, 0888 828 484 Entyre Limited, Ginnery Corner, Bt, Tel: 01 878 070 / 877 170 / 870360. Limbe: Yiannakis Round a bout, Tel: 01 844 976, Entyre Maxityres Lilongwe: Murray Road, behind Game Stores Tel: 01 752 429 Jussab - H/O - Zomba: Market Square, Tel: 01 524 482. Blantyre: Ginnery Corner, Tel: 01 880 555. Glyn Jones Rd, Tel: 01 822 721, 0999 912 209 Kwik Fit - Blantyre: Hannover Ave, Tel: 01 822 013, 0888 203 090. Lilongwe: Tel: 01 752 004. Mzuzu: Tel: 01 311 879, 0888 301 402, Taurus Battery Centre, Blantyre, Tel: 01 824 608, 0999 983 786, 0888 928 582 email: Treadmasters, off Paul Kagame Rd, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 757 645 / 758 826 Trentyre - Blantyre: Kidney Crescent, Tel: 01 878 017 / 01 872 936 / 01 875 460. Lilongwe: Murray Rd, Tel: 01 752 460 / 01 752 461. Tyre Leaders, Blantyre, Tel: 0111 684 534/6 Uni Spares, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 754 251 / 758 262/063, email: TOWING SERVICES Top Cars Services, Limbe, Bt, Tel: 0111 677 058, 0999 910 620, 0888 910 620, email: TRAILER SALES / HIRE TEM, Chirimba Industrial Site, Chileka Road, Blantyre. Tel: 0111 682 038/043. Email: VEHICLE TRACKING Cartrack, Bt, Tel: 01 880 695, 0999 563 939, 0888 829 875


Makanjira town is situated in Mangochi district. It used to be a great city in the year 1507. A great port where Arabs used to come from Kilwa (Tanzania). They sailed by Dhows via Karonga, Nkhotakota, Salima and onto Makanjira. A city of Muslims, a city of mosques, a city of Bazaar where hundreds of people used to stay, selling and buying merchandise. When the Arabs landed here they built mosques and the Yao people embraced Islam! Yao people observed the behavior of Islam and soon started embracing Islam. Arabic literature became the first one in Malawi. The Yao people also learnt the Holy Quran and Arabic languages respectively. By 1605 chiefs of Makanjira were using Shariya law in their courts.

Picture depicting the old mosque and buildings built by the Arabs at Makanjira about 200 years ago CHIEF MAKANJIRA As far as history goes, Islam descended to Makanjira in the early l5th century through the Arab traders. Makanjira is an area in the southern region of Malawi (Mangochi) along Lake Malawi. In the local language it means the road to Mecca, Macca-njira. Makanjira was a major route connecting traders to Nkhatabay. Muslims were travelling by Dhows during that time. These Arabs built the first mosque in 1507. This area was thought to be a fertilized land and people practiced Agriculture by growing coconuts and other crops. Chief Makanjira played a very significant role in spreading Islam among the Yao as well his fellow chiefs in neighboring countries, as he was the first traditional authority to have embraced Islam. Makanjira III whose real name was Binali was the first Yao speaking Muslim chief. The chief controlled a stretch along the side of the lake where he ruled by turning to Islam as his personal court religion.

BY SHEIKH ABDUL RAZZAK FATTANI This facilitated his ambition to strengthen his prestigious trading partners, a desire for literacy, modernization and to consolidate his authority over his village headmen by enhancing his own status. This was also instrumental to influence his powerful momentum. However it should be known that Islam wasn’t a strange faith in the community. It was already strong and fast spreading in the area due to the trips made to the coast. Makanjira himself embraced to Islam because of its popularity in the community. His popularity further made so much influence for Islam to continue its fantastic spread. There are two indigenous Muslim scholars who were largely responsible for the success of Islam and these were Sheikh Abdullah Haji Mkwanda of Kachulu (Bibi Ku-luunda’s area) and his student Sheikh Sabit bin Muhammad bin Muhammad Ngaunje of Mpoche village, Mtengula, Portuguese East Africa (Mozambique). Both sheikhs were trained as Mualims/Teachers and the latter supervised religious instructions and the construction of mosques in the areas of Chowe, Jalasi, Kawinga, Zomba, Chiradzulu and Mulanje.

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Flight Guides


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Tours & Travel

INTERNATIONAL SKILLED MIGRATION, 16 Independance Drive, Blantyre, Tel: 0999 327 338, 0991 302 752, 0994 170 627, 0886 664 336, email:,, sara@ AIRLINES Ethiopian Airlines , Mantino Centre, Llw Tel: 01 776 004/308. Email:, Kenya Airways - Blantyre: Mpatsa House, Tel: 01 820 877. Lilongwe: ADL House, Tel: 01 774 330/227. Kamuzu International Airport, Tel: 01 700 267. Email: Malawian Airlines - H/O - Lilongwe: Mwai House, City Cntr, Tel: 01 774 605, email: Sales & ticketing: Golden Peacock Shopping Centre, Llw, Tel: 01 746 600 / 734 862, 0992 991 097, email:

Kamuzu Int. Airport, Tel: 01 700 244, 0992 991 123, email: titanik@malawian-airlies. com. Blantyre: Chibisa House, nx to Pep store, Tel: 01 820 307, 0992 991 125, email:, Chileka Airport, Tel: 0992 991 124, email:, Proflight, email:, SAA - Blantyre: ground floor, Livingstone Towers, Glyn Jones Rd. Tel: 01 820 629/617 Lilongwe: Capital Hotel, Tel: 01 772 242, Sky Direct, Bt, Tel: 01 833 048 / 834 676, email: AIRPORTS Chileka International Airport, Blantyre, Tel: 0111 692 231, Information: 0111 692 454 Kamuzu International Airport, Tel: 01 700 766


Tours & Travel Air Cargo - H/O - Kamuzi Int. Airport: Tel: 01 700 834/31. Blantyre: Chileka International Airport, Tel: 01 692 115/635 BUSES AXA Coach Service - Blantyre: Tel: 01 820 100 Intercape, Tel: 0213 804 400, 0999 403 398, email:, Vaal Africa - Blantyre: Glyn Jones Rd, Caltex filling station, next to Kandodo cnr shop, Tel: 01 821 265, 0999 217 194. Blantyre – Johannesburg: Sun & Tue, departs 9am. Johannesburg: Cnr Smit & Melle Str, Braamfontein, Tel: +27 72 279 654. Johannesburg – Blantyre: Departs Thursday @ 9am & Sunday @ 11am TOUR & SAFARI OPERATORS Africa Wild Truck & Tours, Mulanje, Tel: 0995 941 542, email:, African Gateaway Tours, Bt, Tel: 01 826 660/1 0884 458 469, 0999 429 829 African Style Tours & Travel, Alendo Hotel, Bt, Tel: 0881 610 017, 0995 815 857, email: Bon Voyage Tours, Plaza House, 1st floor, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 774 780/994, 0999 917 900, email: Central African Wilderness Safaris Blantyre: Protea Hotel Ryalls, Tel: 01 836 961, 0999 497 354, email: Lilongwe: Area 43, The Gables, Tel: 01 771 393/153, email: Kamuzu International Airport, Tel: 01 771 397/153. CBR Tours & Travel, Pacific Centre, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 773 164 / 774 937, email: Crystal Tours & Adventures, Chileka, Bt, Tel: 0999 868 879, 0888 968 879, email: Express Air Travel & Tours, Shanta Building, ground floor, Chipembere Highway, Blantyre, Tel: 01 842 243/62, 0999 956 760 Flame Adventure Tours, Blantyre, Tel: 01 840 442, 0888 872 089, 0999 872 089,

Jambo Africa, H/O: Uta Waleza Complex, Kidney Cres’, Bt, Tel: 01 823 709, 0111 527 356, 0111 572 709, 0888 202 420, email:,, enquiries@jambo-africa. com. Blantyre Town: SS Rent A Car Premis, Tel: 01 835 356, 0888 202 420, 0999 607 629, email:,, Kambuku Safaris, Llw, Tel: 0111 633 767, 0999 231 433, email: Kayak Africa, Cape Maclear, Tel: 0999 942 661, email:, Kiboko Safaris, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 751 226, 0999 878 685, email:, Land & Lake Safaris, Area 3, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 757 120 / 754 303, email:, M.Expeditions, Llw, Tel: 0999 629 810, 0888 969 810, email:, Malawian Style, Llw, Tel: 0111 746 449, email: Masomphenya Safaris, Blantyre, Tel: 0995 416 263 / 0995 121 460 Mlambe Adventure Safaris, Llw, Tel: 0999 113 389, 0881 492 883, email:,, Nqobile Tours & Safaris, CFAO building, Mandala RD, Blantyre, Tel: 0999 944 842 email:, Nyasa Adventures, Doogles Lodge, Bt, Tel: 0111 904 716, emai:, Orbit Tour & Travel, Area 3, Llw, Tel: 01 751 716/717/718/719 0888 822 736, email: Porini Adventure Safaris, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 792 989, 0999 266 405, 0884 012 801, email: /

Tours & Travel

The Responsible Safari Company, Bt, Tel: 0111 602 407, 0999 306 631, email:,, online accommodation bookings, Tel: 0111 602 407, Travel Centre, Blantyre: Tel: 01 827 233 / 393, 0999 224 310, 0999 975 785/83 Lilongwe: Tel: 01 771 424 / 772 076, 0884 210 999, 0999 975 781/78, email:

Ulendo Safaris, Area 10, Chilanga Dr, Llw, Tel: 01 794 555, email:, Ultimate Travel - Lilongwe: Umodzi Park, President Walmont Hotel, Tel: 01 776 066/407. Riverside Bld’, Old Town, Tel: 01727 044/043. Blantyre: Development House, Victory Ave’: 01 830 209/166, email:


Travel & Tours

TRAVEL AGENTS Airways Travel, 9 Mbelwa Rd, Mandala, Bt, Tel: 01 878 944, 0888 870 799 / 0995 138 879, email: Carlson Wagonlit Travel – c/o Satguru Travels, Lilongwe: ADL House, City Centre, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 774 258, 01 775 344, 0992 850 850, email: Blantyre: Art Mall, Krist Wick Area, Chipembere Highway, Bt, Tel: 01 880 840/841, 0992 250 250 email: Continental Travel & Tours, Centre House Arcade, Llw, Tel: 01 775 599/342, email: Essential Travel, Golden Peacock shop’ centre, Llw, Tel: 01 770 709/659/694, email: Fourseas Travel, Eagle Insurance premises, (Kristwick) Bt, Tel: 0888 868 300, 0993 720 933, email: Galaxy Travels, Blantyre: Galaxy House, Tel: 01 821 590 / 860, 0999 469 584, 0881 608 155, Lilongwe: Area 12, off Presidential Drive, Tel: 0888 610 618, 0993 061 076. Email:, Interocean Travel, Blantyre, Tel: 01 822 115/057. Limbe: Tel: 01 842 944 / 844 740 Journeys of Discovery, Area 10, llw (Ulendo Travel), Tel: 01 794 555, email: Lloyds Travel, Fattima Arcade, Haille Selassie Rd, Blantyre, Tel: 01 831 215/6, 01 824 128, email:

Maypravics World Tours, Unifreight Bld, Kenyatta Drive, Bt, Tel: 0211 722 094/095, email:, Midland Tours & Travel, HB House, Off Paul Kagame Rd, Llw, Tel: 01 752 250/251, 0999 110 934, email: Orbit Travel, Pakeeza Bld, Mandola Rd, Area 3, Llw, Tel: 01 751 716/717/718/719, 0888 822 736 SDV Travel, Cnr Makata & Maunde Rd, Blantyre, Tel: 01 879 871/872, email: Skylinks Travel Bureau - Blantyre: Hannover House, Independence Drive, Tel: 01 824 109 / 337, 01 822 137, 01 823 156. Lilongwe: ADL House, Tel: 01 770 518/893/318. Email: Sunrise Ground Tours, Bt, Tel: 0111 914 304/530, 0888 965 102, email:, Travel Bureau, Zomba, Pijo House, opp police station Tel: 01 526 740/718, 0111 955 802, 0999 531 191, 0999 466 966 Travel Centre, Blantyre: Tel: 01 827 233 /393, 0999 224 310, 0999 975 785/83, Lilongwe: Tel: 01 771 424 / 772 076, 0884 210 999, 0999 975 781/78, email: Travel Connections, Bt, Tel: 0999 240 240, 0212 940 240, email:,

Tours & Travel

Ultimate Travel - Lilongwe: Umodzi Park, President Walmont Hotel, Tel: 01 776 066/407. Riverside Bld’, Old Town, Tel: 01727 044/043. Blantyre: Development House, Victory Ave’: 01 830 209/166, email: V.N. Premier Travel Bureau. Pijo House opp. Zomba Eastern police Station Tel: 01 526 740/718. 0111 955 802, 0884 924 444. 0884 934 444. 0999 531 191, 0999 466 966 Warm Heart Adventure’s, Cape Maclear, Tel: 0993 405 681, 0999 913 972, email:, www.warmheartadventures. INTERNATIONAL SKILLED MIGRATION, T 16 Independance Drive, Blantyre, Tel: 0999 327 338, 0991 302 752, 0994 170 627, 0886 664 336, email:,, sara@ el: 0999 327 338, 0886 664 336, email:

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By Peter Geraerdts (Track & Trail)

Nestled in the valley of the Luangwa River an intricate ecosystem thrives with no concern for the modern world of mankind. Here, only a few dirt roads intrude upon the otherwise untouched wild. The Spirit of Africa hums through every blade of grass, beckoning every lover of animals and beauty, every seeker of natural peace, to come and embrace paradise found and preserved. Begun as a game reserve in 1938, the South Luangwa National Park became an official national park in 1972 and now provides a 9,000km home for herds of elephants and buffalo, good populations of Thornicroft’s Giraffe… and the elusive majesty of the leopard. On safari through the world-renown “Valley of the Leopard,” the infamously reclusive big cats can be readily seen in lounging in the trees, lurking through the bush and dominating the clearings in pursuit of prey. The leopards that call the South Luangwa National Park home are anything but shy. While all over the world, people are steadily invading more and more natural habitats and forcing the wildlife to adapt or die… In South Luangwa, the leopards rule. They walk past vehicles without a hint of hesitation or pause and even hunt in broad daylight.

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One of the leopards has even become a celebrity. Her name is Lucy and she took over her mother’ territory, which lies near the main gate. Estimated to be around 8 years old (leopards can naturally live up to 15 years) Lucy is so comfortable with her star profile that she can often be seen leading her cubs along the roadside. Silently, she acknowledges humanity. The people gaze at her. The photographers take photos many only dream of and the peaceful spirit blankets cat and man alike.


Seeing Lucy and the other leopards so close, wild and free with no bars between beast and spectator, can only be described as magical. It opens your heart and stills your mind. It can change your perspective and everything you think you know about the world around you. It’s humbling and it’s an experience and a memory that will stay with you beyond your adventure. The Heart of Africa is calling. It beckons you to see untouched, uncaged life up close, the way it was meant to be. Don’t wait to get back to nature as soon as you can.

Business The Best Chance to See Without exaggeration, we almost see every day leopard during a game drive in the National Park. However, from May onwards, when the bush opens up and the gullies dry up you will have a better chance of seeing them hunting in the open areas.


A Separate Peace In The Valley Of The Leopard South Luangwa has earned a reputation as one of the finest natural wilderness areas in the world. A large part of this reputation is due to the wealth of opportunities to see the rarely viewed leopard. This is why the South Luangwa National Park has been nicknamed “The Valley of the Leopard.” It’s an experience unlike any other and one you’ll never forget.


National Parks Another relic of early inhabitants of the area is a collection of rock art. This is a group of paintings made thousands of years ago using indigenous painting materials and skills that can be seen in caves, till this day!

Citizens - Adult - $1 Citizens - Children under 12 - Free Resident - Adults - $7 Resident - Children under 12 - Free International - Adult - $10 International - Children under 12 - Free Vehicle entry fee - MK750 - MK1250

All these works of our early ancestors are present in the Solonje area, in the west of the park close to the Zambian border. Miondwe Wildlife Camp is the nearest park station to these treasures. For climbers, Miondwe, Wang’ombe Rumen, Singwe and Chipiri Hills provide a perfect opportunity to stretch a few muscles! Lake Malawi National Park This, the world’s first freshwater National Park and a World Heritage Site, is within the Nankumba peninsula, where the lake breaks into two arms.

Kasungu National Park In the west of the central region, bordering Zambia is Kasungu National Park, an 800 sq mile (2100 sq km) area of natural woodland and bush with occasional stretches of more open grass. Poaching has reduced the number of some species of animals but, contrary to rumours in some quarters, there is still plenty of wildlife to be seen. Elephants and antelopes are common, as are small herds of buffalo and zebra. The cats include both lions and leopards. Inhabiting the bush are hyenas, wild dogs, servals and jackals. There is a significant number of hippos in the lake at Lifupa and as elsewhere in Malawi, the birdwatcher is well catered for. This is a park which is relatively easy to drive around. Access to the park has been greatly improved in recent years and it is relatively easy to reach from Lilongwe (approx. 100 miles/160km), Blantyre 450Km.Driving to the park through fields of tobacco, maize, groundnuts also provides an exciting contrast to the city noise that you leave behind.

Cape Maclear is the most well known for tourism part of the park but Maleri Islands, Nkhudzi Hills and Nkhudzi Spit, Mwenya Hills and Monkey Bay as well as Thumbi East are also beautiful locations within the park. It was designated as a National Park in 1980, to protect the diversity of tropical fish living there, some not found anywhere else on earth. The park includes a land area around the cape and bay, as well as the lake and islands up to 100 metres (330ft) off shore. Here is a veritable aquarium of tropical fish providing a colourful kaleidoscopic display. Of the countless thousands of freshwater fish, the mbuna cichlids are more abundant and varied here than anywhere else in the world. Boats are available for hire and the fish will feed directly from the hand.

Apart from the game and birds, the park contains evidence of the tools that were used by early inhabitants of the area probably dating back to the Iron Age. These come in form of iron smelting kilns which, despite minimal protection from agents of weather, still stand today!

National Parks There are hides and man-made pools in the eastern area of the park just a short distance from the main gate. The advantages of the hides are that one may see a mix of wildlife together at the water-hole. The park is the most northern place in the world to find indigenous Nyala. Other antelope like the magnificent kudu also roam the park as do common duiker, the small Livingstone’s suni, bushbuck and impala. Baboon, vervet and blue monkeys, bush-baby, warthog, bush pig and buffalo are also seen in the park.

Away from the Lake, the park has baboons, antelope and hyrax and of course, there is a great variety of birdlife including fish eagles, cormorants and hamerkops. There is a lot to do for the tourist in Lake Malawi National Park. These include, sunset boat rides, snorkelling, scuba diving, bicycle rides through the village or up the hilly road, swimming, going on traditional fishing trips on dugouts with the locals, learning how to prepare traditional meals and many others….the local guides will brief you about all this! Hiking on the park’s many hills will be an experience you would not forget. The park also has cultural and historical sites like the first Livingstonia Mission site by Scottish Missionaries and their grave site, Mwala wa Mphini (the Rock with natural tattoos),the cross painting, Otter point and the Ilala ship yard at Monkey Bay, where Malawi’s oldest sailing ship starts its journeys up north and back. Lengwe National Park This park is 350 sq miles (900 sq km) in extent at only an hours drive (80 km) from Blantyre. The vegetation is thicket, with some deciduous woodland and denser tree growth along the stream courses. In the eastern area a network of driveable tracks will lead you through the 80 sq km of park that is accessible for game viewing. Low hills, outcrops of sandstone, adorn the west of the park.

In total there are five species of primates. Predators are leopard and hyena. The birdlife of Lengwe is attractive with about 300 or so species recorded. The government tourist lodge was renovated and refurbished in 2003 and now operates as Nyala Lodge. Depending on rainfall other than road leading to Nyala Lodge some of the other roads in the park are inaccessible in January or February. Game viewing can be done on foot using either guides from Nyala Lodge or scouts from the Lengwe National Park office. Liwonde National Park Situated in the central area of Malawi, this 548km2 National Park managed by African Parks in partnership with Department of National Parks and Wildlife is 2 hours from Blantyre and 4 hours from Lilongwe. Visitors may enjoy self-drive game drives around several tourist roads, some of which are only accessible during the dry season. For visitors wanting to find out a little more about the park there are also community guides to guide you around the park for hire at the main gate.

Lengwe is quite arid outside the rainy season and many of the water courses become dry sandy channels. This aids game viewing because it forces the animals to use the few pools that are permanent supplies of water.


National Parks environment is like none other in Africa. The name, Nyika, means “where the water comes from” and it is, indeed, one of Malawi’s most important catchment areas. The rolling scenery is at its best in the rainy season when over 200 types of orchid are in flower. The grasslands of Nyika are also rich in wildflowers in other seasons. Nyika is wonderful for trekking, with the route from Chilinda in the centre of the park to Livingstonia Mission and then eventually to the lake at Chitimba!

The main gate also boasts a small but unique curio shop which stocks predominantly local Malawian crafts and artisanal confectionery. Soft drinks, waters and a few selected snacks may also be purchased from the shop. Liwonde has a small but vibrant landscape of dense cathedral mopane woodlands, lagoons and fertile floodplains dotted with palms and is home to large animal populations which include elephant, black rhino, hippo, buffalo, cheetah, lion, waterbuck, hartebeest, eland, sable and zebra. There are over 400 species of birds including Ground hornbills, Pel’s fishing owls, Boehms bee-eaters, Livingstone’s flycatcher and Lillian’s lovebirds. Liwonde has a variety of accommodation options to suit everyone’s budget and style. For accommodation inside the park one may choose between Central African Wilderness Safaris; Mvuu Lodge & Camp or Robin Pope Safaris; Kuthengo Lodge. Fenced within Liwonde but situated along the southern boundary options are either Liwonde Safaris Camp, Bushman’s Baobab or Kuchiri Lodge. For more details see accommodation section. Liwonde also has an Environmental Education Centre. The center contains an open style thatched room dining and classroom area and can accommodate up to 36 people comfortably in 6 rooms. For more details about Liwonde National Park please visit or email Nyika National Park In 1965 the Nyika National Park became the first certified park in Malawi. Nyika is Malawi’s largest park with an area of no less than 1250 sq miles (3200 sq km). It extends across the great plateau which is essentially a granitic dome and its

A number of other walking trails are also possible just within the plateau, ranging in length from a night to three nights long. Mountain biking, walking and driving day safaris, as well as more conventional 4x4 excursions are available. The montane vegetation attracts large numbers of antelope from the diminutive duiker to eland and roan. Zebra are common. The park has one of the highest densities of leopard in central Africa and there are a number of species of smaller mammals such as warthog and bush pig. Elephants and buffalo usually keep to the lower ground on the northern edge of the park but elephants have been seen on the high plateau, on a number of occasions. For the birdwatcher, the park has a lot to offer: over 400 species have been recorded. The rare Denham’s bustard and the wattled crane are among those to be seen, as is the red-winged francolin - endemic to Nyika. There is such a lot to see and do in the vast park: waterfalls, a Neolithic rock shelter, trout fishing and even a ‘magic lake’ are just some of the attractions. There is an airstrip for fly-in safaris. Michiru Nature Sanctuary Michiru Nature Sanctuary is situated 9 km from Blantyre and is part of Michiru Mountain. It is a beautiful area of 12.5 sq. km. which consists of brachystegia woodland and some riverine forest. There is wildlife present namely hyaena, bushbuck, common duiker, porcupine, civet cat, genet, hyrax and Cape hare. Over 200 species of birds have been recorded. For visitors there are an Education / Interpretation Centre, a Picnic Spot with barbeque and six trails of varying length including one to the Peak (1470 m) affording superb views as far as Zomba Mountain to the east and the Shire Valley across to the Kirk Range in the west.

Wildlife Reserves guides to accompany them in their own vehicle as well. Other attractions include viewing hides, water holes and picnic sites.

Michiru Nature Sanctuary is managed by the Department of National Parks and Wildlife and receives huge support from the Blantyre Branch of the Wildlife and Environmental Society of Malawi. The Society maintains the trails and trail signage, repairs bridges, provides a snare bounty and has obtained funding for eleven scout houses. This lovely area provides a haven of peace away from the bustle and noise of Blantyre City and is the only mountain around Blantyre that still has indigenous forest and some wildlife. Majete Wildlife Reserve Majete Wildlife Reserve is nestled in the southwestern part of Malawi. Majete is the result of a success story of resurgence and restoration. In 2003 African Parks entered into partnership with the Department of National Parks and Wildlife to manage this reserve in order to restore it back to its former pristine glory. A short 1 ½ hour’s drive from Blantyre takes you too this 700 km2 tract of pristine miombo woodlands in the west, dry savannah in the east and thickets along the riverbanks. Completely devoid of any wildlife prior to 2003, Majete now boasts healthy populations of elephant, black rhino, sable, eland, zebra, hartebeest, lion, leopard and other more common antelope species. Over 300 bird species may be found in the park and from July to November the reserve witnesses the arrival of a plethora of migratory birds including skimmers and the beautiful rock pratincole.

There are numerous accommodation options around the park but for those wanting accommodation inside the park guests may choose from Thawale Tented Lodge now operated by the Sunbird hotel chain, Mkulumadzi Lodge run by Robin Pope Safaris as well as a community-run campsite. The latter is equipped with a thatched bar and dining space, barbeque area, toilets and hot solar showers. All revenue goes directly to the communities running it. Other tourist facilities include a curio shop, Environment Education Centre and a swimming pool next to the Mwembezi restaurant which overlooks a water hole where animals come to drink A variety of Malawian and western cuisine is served. For more information on Majete Wildlife Reserve please visit or email Mwabvi Wildlife Reserve The Mwabvi Wildlife Reserve, located at the southernmost tip of Malawi, is 135sq km of pristine wilderness, boasting biodiversity unrivalled by other parks in the region. With open savannah and magnificent rocky outcrops that allow 360 degree views over the Mopani woodlands, Mwabvi is an oasis of tranquility. Wildlife includes kudu, buffalo, impala, warthogs, sable, Samango monkeys and baboons. There are also over 350 species of bird, including the protected ground hornbill and numerous spectacular native and migratory species, making it a paradise for avid birdwatchers. Day trips are available and it is possible to camp close to Mwabvi River Gorge and Migudu picnic sites. For more info contact

Majete is the perfect park in which to explore all year round. Visitors may opt to self-drive or select a multitude of guided options such as; bush walks, drives, boat cruises along the Shire river, local community tours, as well as a behind the scenes tour. Visitors may also hire one of the community

Wildlife Reserves of accommodation types. You may choose from simple self-catering and camping to luxury 5-star treatment. Please visit the respective Lodge websites for more details regarding accommodation. Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve does not offer any tourists transfers between the main gate, lodges or any game drives. Tourists are asked to please arrange directly with any of the two lodges within the wildlife reserve. For more information on Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve please visit or email Vwaza Wildlife Reserve Vwaza Wildlife Reserve, an area of marsh and plain, with a few rocky outcrops, is all of 400 sq miles (1000 sq km) and lies along the Zambian border north-west of Mzuzu. Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve Nestled beneath the evergreen Montane forest on Chipata Mountain is Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve, one of Malawi’s largest and oldest reserves, now managed by African Parks in partnership with the Department of National Parks and Wildlife. Just 3 hour’s drive from Lilongwe this vast network of rivers weav their way through wooded hills, nourishing the dense miombo forests, dambos and riverine vegetation. The 1,800 km² landscape stretches from the Great Rift Valley to within a few kilometers of Lake Malawi’s shore. With more than 280 bird species including half-collared Kingfishers, African finfoot and palmnut vultures all make Nkhotakota one of Malawi’s most important birding areas. The park is also home to elephant, sable, kudu, buffalo, waterbuck, impala, zebra, roan, warthog and leopard, many of which can be seen within the 78 000 ha fenced sanctuary. The park is a must for any walking enthusiast as it offers spectacular scenery and views from peaks across the reserve and adventurous walking along the rivers. Day visitor facilities will continue to be improved as the reserve develops. Although access to the reserve and lodges is possible with saloon cars during the dry season any of the game drive trails within the reserve needs to be in a 4-wheel drive vehicle. Guests wishing to be accommodated in the park may choose to stay at either Bua River lodge or Tongole lodge. Both lodges offer a wide variety

The reserve has a wonderful mix of vegetation: forest and grassland, thin woodland and marsh. It is this rich habitat which attracts a splendid range of birdlife. Nearly 300 species of birds have been recorded including stork, heron and the white-faced tree duck. Herds of thirty or forty elephants are regularly to be seen and there are large numbers of hippos. Lake Kazuni, near the main entrance to the reserve is famous for its hippos. Buffalo are present in the reserve but their roaming habits make their sightings less easy to predict. Kazuni Safari Camp offer accommodation in this area. Just outside the reserve is the community-owned Chigwere Cultural Lodge, an initiative by the community under the guidance of the Department of Parks and Wildlife. The intention is to make sure communities take part in the tourism activities in the area to ensure that they economically benefit from eco-tourism. At the cultural lodge tourists experience the true rural life of Kazuni. Traditional dances, food, and all other ways of life in Malawi’s rural north are available at this village. Access to the reserve is largely by road either from Mzuzu, the Northern city of Malawi or from Tanzania, passing through Rumphi District Headquarters or from Nyika National Park. Visitors can also fly in through the grass surfaced landing strip, for lighter aircraft.

Wildlife Reserves Enjoy watching wildlife and birds with a cold beer, soft drink or MGT on our Sunset Deck before having dinner at our restaurant at Landirani. Kuti Wildlife Reserve is an eco lodge; we have accommodation for every budget from camping to luxury bush villas. Gate fees are low (850/450 for Malawians, 3000/1500 Residents, 5000/2500 Tourists) and as a not-for-profit organisation, all the revenue generated goes back into the park and helps to fund community projects. There is a fully trained wildlife scout team, which perseveres to protect the reserve with anti-poaching techniques and patrols. Lilongwe Wildlife Reserve Not many capital cities can boast such stunning habitat right at their heart and this 180 hectare reserve is undoubtedly a must-see for all visitors passing through. The sprawling acacia combretum woodlands are the last example in the Central Region, and they are home to a wide variety of wildlife from antelopes, wild pigs and hyena to over 200 species of bird. The reserve is cut in half by Kenyatta Road, on one side of which is Lilongwe Nature Sanctuary, where guided walks and fantastic early morning birding are on offer. On the other you will find Lilongwe Wildlife Centre, an internationally accredited sanctuary home to around 200 rescued wild animals. Guided sanctuary tours are available every hour from 8am to 5pm, or you can take yourself along the 4km or so of walking trails that wind alongside the river before stopping off at their new café for lunch. Email:, for more information or call 0881 788 999.

t’s an exciting time at Kuti with construction of a new reception/dining area and a new volunteer’s centre! Wifi is now available at our new reception area and our menu is online to order food in advance in case you are in a hurry. For bookings or 0997334863 – more information on Chimwenya Private Game Park Located just a short drive from Malawi’s commercial capital Blantyre, Chimwenya Game Park is set in the beautiful Shire Highlands covering 212 hectares. Undulating natural forestlands with the Chimwenya stream flowing through the middle of the park a perfect location for a guided game walk. Within the park you can find Giraffe, Zebra, Eland, Kudu, Roan, Sable, Nyala, Wildebeest, Waterbuck & Impala. Lake Bvumbwe offers spectacular up close viewing of the animals at the waters edge. Accommodation within the park includes Luxury cottages, Executive rooms and 3 bedroom self catering guest houses.

Kuti Wildlife Reserve Kuti Wildlife Reserve is a stunning 2000 hectare reserve located close to Salima, less than 1,5hrs from Lilongwe and half an hour from the lake. Set up as a wildlife reserve in 2005, Kuti aims to protect the habitats and wildlife within the reserve. The reserve is a haven to a huge variety of freeroaming wildlife, with large mammals such as giraffe, zebra, wildebeest, sable, kudu and impala through to primates, reptiles and hundreds of bird species. There are no large predators or dangerous game in Kuti, so you can explore and take in your surroundings at your own pace on foot or by bike, without the need for a vehicle or scout.

Map of Malawi





$ Guide based on a standard double room rate: $= 0-$30; $$= $31-$60; $$$= $61-$100; $$$$= $100+


Fishermans Rest ($$ b&b), 20kms from Blantyre on Chikhwawa Rd, Tel: 0888 836 753, email:, Game Haven ($$$$ b&b, L), Thyolo Rd, 14 kms from Blantyre, Tel: 0999 971 287/8, email:, Hostellerie de France (H), cnr Chilomoni Ring Rd & Kazuni Close, Namiwawa, Tel: 0111 669 626 / 668 397, 0888 833 586, email:, Hotel Victoria ($$$$ b&b), Victoria Ave, Tel: 01 823 500, email: Jadore Africana ($$ b&b), Naperi, Tel: 0999 888 453, 0888 433 801 email:, Kabula Lodge ($$ b&b), off Michiru Rd, Tel: 01 821 216, 0999 954 430 / 0999 950 361 email:, Leslie Lodge ($$$ b&b), 2 Leslie Rd, Mount Pleasant, Tel: 01 871 671, 0999 828 929, 0999 965 790, email:, Malawi Sun Hotel & Conference, Robins Rd, Tel: 01 830 069, 01 822 969, 0212 957 549, 0997 915 519, email: Malawi Sun Express, Sanjika Rd, Tel: 0212 824 808, 0999 360 480, email: NCMI Base camp, Tel: 0995 619 326, 0888 914 141,email: The Usual Place @ Mount Pleasant Inn ($$$$ b&b) Mount Pleasant, Tel: 01 878 188 / 876 366 / 870 177, 0888 829 326, 0999 829 326 Nali Executive Lodge ($ b&b), Limbe, Tel: 01 843 603 / 607 399, 0999 960 940 email: Palm Valley Lodge, Chigumula, Tel: 0997 359 950, 0997 405 206, 0881 823 603, email:, Pedro’s Grill & Lodge, Sunnyside, Tel: 01 833 430, 01 822 544, 0888 842 670, 0993 121 822, email:

FOR UPDATE PURPOSES, PLEASE EMAIL US IF YOU OFFER CAPMING/DORMS/HOTEL OR ARE A LODGE WHERE NECESSARY (C-CAMPIMG, D-DORMS, L-LODGE, H-HOTEL) BALAKA Catholic Womens Association, Tel: 0999 104 427, 0888 318 603 Zuc Lodge, Tel: 0888 300 478 / 0881 700 045 BLANTYRE Adventist Guest House ($$ b&b), Robbins Rd, Kabula, Tel: 01 823 614 Alendo Hotel, Chilembwe Rd, Tel: 01 821 866, email: Alford Hill Conference Lodge ($ b&b), Mpingwe, just outside Limbe, Tel: 0111 607 229, 0999 082 121, email: Annies Lodge, Nyambadwe, Tel: 01 832 513, 0991 127 927, email:, Beit Cure Hospital Hostel ($ incl. 3 simple meals), Tel: 01 871 900 / 875 015 Blantyre Lodge ($$ b&b), Wenela, Tel: 01 834 460 Casa Latina, Namiwawa, Tel: 0998 111 429, email: Casa Mia (L), Kabula, Bt, Tel: 0111 915 559, 0999 965 850, email: Cedar Place (L), Namiwawa, Blantyre, Tel; 01 832 955, 0995 246 518, email:, Chichiri Lodge ($ b&b), near Independence Arch, Tel: 01 872 365, 0888 866 893, Chilembwe Lodge ($$$ b&b), town, Tel: 01 824 688/49, 01 821 976, email:, Doogle’s (D, L), Wenela, Tel: 0994 646 696, 0882 909 864, email:, www. Dorvic Hotel ($$$$ b&b), Zalewa Rd, Tel: 01 830 854/64/62, email:,


Protea Hotel Ryalls ($$$$ b&b), 2 Hannover Ave, Tel: 01 820 955, email:, Serendib Suites, Namiwawa, Tel: 0111 910 444, 0212 400 400 / 401, email:, Sunbird Mount Soche Hotel ($$$$ b&b), top of Victoria Ave, Tel: 01 820 588, email:, The Grand Suits ($$), Kanjedza, Tel: 0991 686 339, email:, Vicky Motel, Lunzu, Tel: 0998 081 731, 0888 975 688, email: Villa 33 ($$$ b&b), 33 Chilimoni Ring Rd, Tel: 0999 960 231, 0999 839 033 email:,

Village Green Garden Lodge, Link Namiwawa Rd, off Independence Drive (Sanjika Road), Blantyre, Tel: 0212 954 275, 0212 954 271, 0888 834 534, 0991 247 809, email: CAPE MACLEAR Annies Lodge, Tel: 0997 364 959, email:, Cape Maclear EcoLodge (C, L), Tel: 0999 140 905, email: Cape Mac Lodge ($$$ b&b), Tel: 0999 621 279, email:, Chembe Eagle’s Nest ($-$$$$, C, L-b&b), Tel: 0999 966 507, 0888 714 760, 0991 043 538 email:, Cont...


$ Guide based on a standard double room rate: $= 0-$30; $$= $31-$60; $$$= $61-$100; $$$$= $100+

Domwe Island (C, L), contact Kayak Africa, Tel: 0999 942 661, email:, Fat Monkeys ($ - $$$, C, D, L), Tel: 0999 948 501, 0881 635 111, email: Gecko Lounge ($ - $$$, D, L), Tel: 0999 787 322 email:, Funky Cichlid, Tel: 0999 969 076, email:, Indaba Lodge (C, D, L), 0998 418 300, email: Joe’s Annex (Cottage), Tel: 0999 269 221, email: Kayak Africa, Tel: 0999 942 661, email: Malambe Camp (C, D) Tel: 0999 258 959, email: Mgoza Lodge (C, L), Tel: 0995 632 105, email:, Mphipe Lodge, Tel: 0994 316 634, 0884 997 481, email: Mudzi Lodge (S/catering only), Tel: 0999 943 256, 0882 860 221 Mumbo Island, contact Kayak Africa, Tel: 0999 942 661, email:, Pumulani, Robin Pope Safaris, Tel: 01 795 483 / 794 491, email;, Thumbi View Lodge (formerly Stevens Lodge) (C, L), Tel: 0997 463 054 / 0998 599 005, email:, Warm Heart Adventure Lodge (formally tuckaways), Tel: 0993 405 681, 0999 913 972, email:,

Chintheche Inn ($$$ b&b), Tel: 0888 729 842, 0111 771 393/153, email:, Kachere Kastle, Tel: 0993 809 321, email:, Kande Beach (C, L), Tel: 0888 263 500, 0999 863 500, email:, Kande Horse Trails, Chinteche, Tel: 0888 500 416, email: La Exotica (C, L-$ & b&b), Tel: 0888 879 357, 0999 185 676 Makuzi Beach ($$$ f/b), Tel: 0999 283 980, 0888 774 393, email:, Mbamba Beach Private Lodge ($$$ +), Tel: 0995 441 278/9, email:, Sambani Lodge ($ b&b), Tel: 0111 990 011, 0888 713 857, email:, Sunga - Moyo (C, L), Tel: 0999 964 052, 0999 964 053, 0111 929 130, email:

CHINTHECHE Beachin’ Bungalow, Tel: 0998 324 904, 0885 767 572, email: Chigumbuli Cottages ($, b&b) On beach front 300m off M5 Road Tel: 0111 930 490, 0991 457 275, 0998 622 220 email:

CHITIMBA / CHILUMBA Chitimba Beach (C, L), Tel: 0888 387 116, email:, Hakuna Matata Campsite, Tel: 0882 297 779, email:, Maji Zuwa (C, L), Tel: 0997 105 756 Sangilo Sanctuary (L), 80 kms south of Karonga. Tel: 0999 395 203, 0888 392 611, email: CHITIPA Chitipa Inn ($$ b&b), Tel: 01 382 228, 0888 872 579, 0999 369 480 CHIZUMULU ISLAND Wakwenda Retreat, (bad signal if no ans’ pls text), transfers by Ilalla: Sat, from Monkey Bay, Tue; from Nkhatabay, Tel: 0999 348 415, email:


DEDZA Dedza Pottery Lodge ($$), Tel: 0111 752 367, 0888 853 425, email:, Panjira Lodge, Tel: 0999 952 128 Mapiri Country Golf Lodge, Tel: 01 223 401/411/ 422

DWANGWA Kasasa Sports Club, pls call In advance to check availability, Tel: 0111 582 421/582 232 email: / Kataya Lodge ($$ b&b s/contained), Tel: 0888 307 698 / 0881 435 750, Cont... email:


$ Guide based on a standard double room rate: $= 0-$30; $$= $31-$60; $$$= $61-$100; $$$$= $100+

M5 Lodge, Tel: 0111 295 395, 0884 647 343, email: Ngala Lodge, ($$$ d,b &b), Tel: 0999 075 566, 0999 340 369, 0888 192 003 email:, KASUNGU Chikho Hotel, Tel: 01 253 844/845, 0888 449 447, 0884 605 145 email: Kasungu Inn, midway between Lilongwe & Mzuzu, Tel: 01 253 306, 0992 702 127 / 0999 304 658, 0888 833 974 Lifupa Conservation Lodge, Tel: 0999 768 658, email:, /

Mango Drift Lodge ($$ C, D), Tel: 0999 746 122, email:, Ulisa Bay Lodge ($$ + D), Tel: 0994 748 707, 0995 480 332, email:,

KARONGA Club Marina (L), Tel: 0111 362 308, 0992 440 440, email:, FloJa Foundation, 35km South of Karonga, Tel: 0884 333 023, 0999 060 185, email:, Mikoma Beach Lodge ($$$ b&b), Tel: 0996 337 515, email: LENGWE NATIONAL PARK/LOWER SHIRE Nyala Lodge ($$$ f/b p/p), Tel: 0111 945 789/383, email: LIKOMA Kaya Mawa ($$$$), Tel: 01 794 555, email:,

LILONGWE Africa House (L), Area 43, Tel: 01 795 246, 0999 828 687, email: Annie’s Lodge ($$$ b&b), Area 10, Tel: 01 794 572, email: Annie’s Lodge ($$ b&b), Area 47, Tel: 01 762 163, email:, Barefoot Lodge & Tented Camp, 10 kms from Mchinji Roundabout, Tel: 0993 879 057, 0999 387 740, email: Burley House (L), Area 43, Tel: 01 794 625 / 645, email:, Bridge View Hotel ($$$), Behind GAME Store, Old Town, Tel: 01 757 666 / 757 635, 0993 363 666, email: Capital City Motel ($$$$ b&b), City Centre, Tel: 01 774 911, 0888 891 396 Cluny Lodge ($$$$ b&b), Area 9, Tel: 01 751 633, 0888 764 805, email:

Accommodation Crossroads Hotel ($$$$ b&b), Old Town, Tel: 01 750 444/333, 0888 513 096/015/110/099, email: Crystal Lodge ($), Malangalanga Rd, opp Old Town main market, Tel: 01 724 867 / 754 740, email: Dzalanyama Forest Lodge, 60 kms SW of Lilongwe, Tel: 01 757 120 / 754 303, email: Golden Peacock Resthouse, Area 3, Tel: 01 756 632 / 751 353, 0888 824 532, 0995 809 991, email: Hermitage Lodge ($), Area 9, Tel: 0995 691 982, email:, Heuglin’s Lodge, 5 minutes from City Centre, Tel: 01 771 393/153, email:, Hucess Lodge, Area 6, Tel: 01 755 016/017, 0882 332 791, email: reservation@hucesselodge. com, Kalos Lodge, Area 10, Tel: 0996 498 895, 0885 832 054, email:


Africa house

Kiboko Town Hotel ($$), heart of town, Tel: 01 751 226, 0999 838 485, email: Kims Koreana Lodge, 4km from town, before Bunda turn off, Tel: 0111 920 251, 0999 211 251, 0999 238 045 email: Kuka Executive Lodges ($$ b&b), Area 43, off Blantyre St. Tel: 01 794 763, email: Kumbali Country Lodge ($$$$ b&b), Area 44, Capital Hill Dairy Farm, Tel: 0999 963 402, email:, + FB Latitude 13o (L), Area 43/60, Mphonongo Str, Tel: 01 795 965, 0996 403 159, email:,, Lingadzi Inn ($$$ b&b), Chilambula Rd, Tel: 01 754 143, 0882 847 800, email: Cont.


$ Guide based on a standard double room rate: $= 0-$30; $$= $31-$60; $$$= $61-$100; $$$$= $100+

Mabuya Camp (backpackers camp), short walk from Old Town, Tel: 0998 418 749, email:, Madidi Lodge, behind crossroads complex, Tel: 01 752 661, 0888 607 169, email:, Mafumu ($$$, H), Area 3, Cnr Barron Ave. Tel: 01 750 982, 0994 186 214, email:, Nelly’s Guest House, Area 9, Tel: 01 759 514, 0888 823 505, email: Pacific Hotel ($$$$ b&b), City Centre, Tel: 01 778 574, 01 774 786 email: Pine Lodge, Area 6, Tel: 0111 922 806 / 920 077, 0888 345 070, 0992 771 914, email: Platinum Hotel, City Centre, Tel: 01 776 133, 0994 999 921,, Platinum Suites Hotel, Area 12, off Presidential Way, Tel: 0999 742 897, 0888 837 044, 0881 930 471, email: President Walmont, Umodzi Park, Tel: 01 789 888, Renaissance Lodge, Lilongwe-Mchinji rd, email: Safara House ($$$ b$b), Tel: 0991 545 526, email:, Sheila’s Lodge ($$ b&b), Tel: 01 794 010, 0996 126 854, email:, Simama Hotels, Area 1, Tel: 0111 725 830/832

Sogecoa Golden Peacock Hotel, Area 13, Tel: 01 776 666/8, 0992 151 911 / 0995 602 898, email: Sol Farm, Mchinji Rd, Tel: 0999 950 093, email: Sunbird Capital ($$$$ b&b), Tel: 01 773 388, email:, Sunbird Lilongwe ($$$$ b&b), Old Town, Tel: 01 756 333, email: Sunset Lodge ($), off Kamuzu Procession Rd, opp entrance of Bwaila (Bottom) hospital, Tel: 01 724 718/770, 0999 596 555, 0888 183 239, email: The Executive Lodge, Area 47, near African Bible College. Tel: 01 761 357/465, 0888 829 950 The Garden Lodge, Area 10, Tel: 01 206 283, 0888 828 731, email: Titanic Offshore Lodge ($$ b&b), Area 43, Tel: 01 794 412, 0999 899 500, email: Ufulu Gardens Hotel ($$$ b&b), Ufulu str. Area 43, Tel: 01 794 060/079, email: Wamkulu Hotel ($$$$ b&b), Area 12, Tel: 01 776 764, 0999 372 928/405 855 , email:, Welcome Lodge, Area 3, Tel: 0993 599 654, 0888 121 205, email: Wendel’s Guest House ($$$$ b&b), Area 12, Tel: 01 770 237 / 771 771, 0999 940 167 / 0999 964 167, email:,

Accommodation LIVINGSTONIA Lukwe Eco Camp (C, L), Tel: 0999 434 985, email:, The Mushroom Farm (C, L), Livingstonia, Tel: 0999 652 485, email:, LIWONDE NATIONAL PARK Hippo View Lodge ($$ b&b), located on the southern bank of the Shire River, Tel: 01 542 822/ 118/225/221, email: Liwonde Safari Camp, Tel: 0881 813 240, 0992 813 240, email: Mvuu Lodge & Camp ($$$$ f/b), Tel: 01 771 393/153, email:, MAJETE WILDLIFE RESERVE Mkulumadzi, (L), Robin Pope Safaris, Tel: 01 795 483 / 794 491 email;, Thawale Lodge ($$$ f/b, p/p), Community Camp Site ($), Chikwawa, Tel: 0999 965 021, 0999 521 741, email:, MANGOCHI Andrews Hotel ($$ b&b), 50kms N of Mangochi, Tel: 01 598 072 / 755 186, 0999 941 264 / 0999 265 024.

Makokola Retreat ($$$$ b&b), Tel: 01 580 244/445/469, email:, Mulangeni Holiday Resort ($$), Tel: 01 580 698/200/201, email: / Cont...


$ Guide based on a standard double room rate: $= 0-$30; $$= $31-$60; $$$= $61-$100; $$$$= $100+

Nanchengwa lodge ($$-$), Tel: 0999 274 696, 0888 474 079, 0880 551 111 email: Palm Beach ($$, C, L), Tel: 0999 912 726, email:, Pamudzi Lodge, Tel: 01 580 770, 0888 640 235 / 0888 305 966 Rafaela’s Lodges & Camp Site, Tel: 0999 950 400, 0888 867 852, email: R.G.Pac Hotel ($ b&b), Tel: 01 593 607, 0888 717 960 Skinny Hippos (L), Tel: 0998 895 159, email: Sunbird Nkopola Lodge ($$$$ b&b), Tel: 01 580 444 / 654 / 262 / 619, 0888 965 123 email:, Sun ‘n’ Sand (H), 31 kms north of Mangochi, Tel: 01 598 069, 01 598 145/150, 0999/888 835 986 email:, Villa Tafika Lodge, Tel: 01 593 544 / 0111 759 657 / 0111 573 326. email:, Welliville Lodge ($ b&b), Tel: 01 594 600, 0888 324 118, email:

Pacharo Lodge, Tel: 0999 958 558, 0999 592 111, 0888 160 074, email: Shambala Lodge, (Nkhudi Bay), Tel: 0999 824 283, email:,

MONKEY BAY Alcon Cottages (L), opp’ Cape Maclear turn off, Tel: 0999 951 301, 0888 104 257, email: Kwacha Cottage (C), Tel: 0992 099 150, email: Madzi Kuwala (Cottage), Namakoma Bay, Tel: 01 794 555, email:, Mufasa ($, C, D), Tel: 0996 143 596, 0993 080 057, email:, Nkhudzi Lodge, 45kms from Mangochi), Tel: 01 599 411, 0999 386 669, email: Norman Carr Cottage ($$$$ f/b), Tel: 0999 207 506, 0888 355 357, email:, Norman Carr Chikulu, Eastern Shore Lake Malawi, Tel: 0888 355 357, 0999 562 338,

MULANJE / THYOLO & SURROUNDS Africa Wild Truck & Tours, Tel: 0995 941 542, email:, CCAP Likhubula House ($), 11 kms from Chitakale, off Phalombe Rd, Tel: 0111 940 791/918 257, 0888 672 164, 0888 863 632, 0881 188 887, email: Likhubula Forest Lodge, Tel: 0999 220 560, 0884 079 890, email:, Huntingdon House & Chawani Bungalow, Satemwa Tea Estates, Tel: 0212 260 017, 0882 599 717, 0993 121 854, email:, Game Haven ($$$$ b&b), Thyolo Rd, 14 kms from Blantyre, Tel: 0999 971 287/8, email:, Hapuwani (H) Tel: 0999 750 260, 01 466 728, email:, Kara O’Mula Country Lodge, Tel: 01 466 515/6, 0999 286 423, 0999 466 500 email:, Madalo Guest Hs’, Tel: 0884 260 099, email:, Mulanje View Motel, Tel: 01 466 348/280, 0888 856 393 Nali Motel, Luchenza, Tel: 01 476 244, 0999 960 940, email: Thuchila Tourist Lodge, Phalombe, 30mins from Mulanje, Tel: 0888 750 754 / 0884 190 358, email:, MWABVI Migudu Campsite,Tel: 0111 945 455, / Njati Lodge, Tel: 0111 945 455, /


MZIMBA Luwawa Forest Lodge ($$ b&b), Viphya Mountains, Tel: 0999 512 645, email: Mame Motel ($), Tel: 0111 342 327

MZUZU Chatonda Lodge (SS), Tel: 0993 735 553, 0884 084 844, 0111 938 605, email: Dunduzu Lodge ($ b&b), Tel: 0994 864 300, 0997 656 276, email: Cont...


$ Guide based on a standard double room rate: $= 0-$30; $$= $31-$60; $$$= $61-$100; $$$$= $100+

Flame Tree Guest House (b&b), Tel: 01 310 056, 0999 511 423, email Joys Place, (Backpackers), Tel: 0998 391 358, email:, Hill Of Grace Lodge, Tel: 01 311 552, 0999 957 767, 0993 815 121, email: Ilala Crest Lodge ($$ b&b), Tel: 01 311 834, 0888 894 196, email:, Kavuzi Scout Camp, 12km fro Mzuzu on Nkhatabay rd, Tel: 0995 651 136, 0882 965 901, email:, Lake View Ridge Resort, Tel: 0999 359 638, 0888 359 638, email: Luwinga Lodge ($$ b&b), Tel: 01 320 563, 0888 451 875, 0888 826 077. 0995 330 710 email: Macondo Camp, Tel: 0991 792 311, email:, Mimosa Court Hotel ($ b&b), Tel: 01 312 608, email: Moni Lodge ($$ b&b), Tel: 0111 930 876 / 990 303, 0888 734 439 Mzoozoozoo (Backpackers, $), Tel: 0888 864 493, 0999 957 421 Mzuzu Lodge ($$ b&b), Tel: 01 310 097, email: Pine Tree Lodge, Tel: 0995 634 395 / 0884 439 606, email: Sunbird Mzuzu Hotel ($$$ b&b), Tel: 01 310 622 / 312 852/585, email: Umunthu Camp (b&b), Tell: 0992 417 916, 0881 980 019, Email:

Nchalo Sports Club, pls call in advance and check availability, Tel: 01 425 357/200, email:

NCHALO & CHIKHWAWA (Nr BT) Fishermans Rest ($$ b&b), 20kms from Blantyre on Chikhwawa Rd, Tel: 0888 836 753, email:, Hope Lodge & Restaurant ($ b&b), Tel: 01 420 609, 0884 102 048 / 0881 071 634, email: Ng’ona Lodge, Chikhwawa, opp Majete Game Reserve, Tel: 0999 216 398 email:

NKHOTAKOTA Bua River Lodge, (bad signal if no ans’ pls text), Tel: 0995 476 887, 0885 181 834, email:, Chris’ Cottage ($ S/C), next to pottery, Tel: 0999 263 325, 0888 843 973, email: Fish Eagle Bay Lodge ($$), Tel: 853 962, email:, Kachenga Bush Camp (inside Reserve), Tel: 0999 055 778, 0999 489 392, email:, Nkhotakota Pottery & Lodge ($), 15 kms south of Nkhotakota town, Tel: 0884 581 098, 0999 380 105, email:, Nkhotakota Safari Lodge ($$), 13kms south of Nkhotakota town, Tel: 0884 170 682, email: Sitima Inn, Tel: 0999 260 005, email:, Tongole Wilderness Lodge (inside Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve), Old Town Mall, Llw, Tel: 0111 209 194, 0991 337 681, email:, NKHATA BAY & AREA Aqua Africa, Nkhata Bay, Tel: 0999 921 418, email:, Butterfly Space, Tel: 0999 156 335 / 0999 265 065, email:,, CBR Resort, Tel: 0111 352 286, 0111 990 312. Mayoka Village ($), Tel: 0111 994 025, 0999 268 595, email: Njaya Lodge ($), Tel: 01 352 342, 0999 948 673 / 0999 409 878, email:,


NTCHISI Ntchisi Forest Lodge, Tel: 0999 971 748, email:, NYIKA Chilenda Lodge & Camp, Tel: 01 771 393/153, email:, RUARWE Usisya Beach Lodge, Tel: 0995 636 585 (pls send text only reception poor) Zulunkhuni River Lodge 60 kms N of Nkhata Bay, access via Ilala, local boats, private charter boats or on foot, Tel: 0999 071 914, 0991 495 746, email:, RUMPHI Matunkha Safari Lodge ($), Tel: 0888 203 424 / 0888 202 643, email:

SALIMA / SENGA BAY Avon Garden Lodge, opp’ Escom-town, Tel: 01 262 638, 0111 553 684, 0888 823 416 / 0888 208 090, email:,, Blue Zebra Island Lodge, Tel: 0992 244 244, 0992 255 255, email:, Cool Runnings Guest House (C, D & L), Tel: 01 263 398, 0999 915 173, email: Katelera Eco Lodge, 6kms from Salima T junction, Tel: 0111 902 525, 0999 454 646 Kingfisher Cottage, (Chipoka, 35kms South of Salima), Tel: 0999 397 673, 0999 007 055, email: Kumbali Lake Retreat, Leopard Bay, Tel: 0999 963 402, email: kumbali@kubalilodge. com, Kuti Wildlife Reserve, Tel: 0997 334 683, email:,



$ Guide based on a standard double room rate: $= 0-$30; $$= $31-$60; $$$= $61-$100; $$$$= $100+

Safari Beach Lodge ($$$), Tel: 0993 265 538, 0999 777 199, 0886 109 966 email:, Silver Sands, Tel: 0999 975 996, 0997 383 451, email: Sunbird Livingstonia Beach ($$$$ b&b), Tel: 01 263 444/222, email: Wheelhouse Marina (C & L), Tel: 0999 963 345, 0999 960 266, email: VWASZA MARSH GAME RESERVE Lake Kazuni Safari Camp, (Dept’ of Parks & Wildlife), Tel: 01 312 014,

Lakeside Hotel ($$ b&b), Tel: 01 263 400/500, 0999 822 400, 0888 822 400, email: Mpatsa Beach Lodge, Tel: 01 263 133, 0993 046 980, 0998 274 048, 0997 106 396 Mufrasa Backpackers Lodge, Tel: 0888 919 098 Mukunkhula Baobab Lodge ($ b&b), Tel: 01 263 495, 0999 375 574 Mwala Cottage (b&b), Senga Bay, Tel: 0996 127 802, email: Mwambiya Lodge ($), Salima town, Tel: 0111 902 996 / 262 314, 0999 647 799, email: Mua Mission, Namalikhate Lodge ($$ b&b), 62 kms south of Salima, Tel: 01 262 706 / 0999 035 870, email:, Murandy Cottages, Tel: Tel: 0999 963 346, 0999 960 266, email: Red Zebra Lodge ($$ b&b), Tel: 0992 568 428 / 0996 707 348, email: / /

ZOMBA Annie’s Lodge ($$$ b&b), Tel: 01 527 002, 0999 957 608, email: Casarossa (campsite), Tel: 0881 366 126, 0991 184 211, email:, Hotel Masongola ($$$ b&b), Tel: 01 524 688 / 525 142 Ku Chawe trout farm, Tel: 0888 638 524 Pakachere Backpackers & Creative Centre, Tel: 0994 685 934, email: Peters Lodge ($ b&b), Tel: 0111 950 046, 0995 671 596 Sunbird Ku Chawe ($$$$ b&b), Tel: 01 514 211/00/43, email:, Welcome Lodge, Songani Trading Centre, Tel: 0993 599 654, 0888 781 943, email: Zomba Forest Lodge ($$$ f/b-advance booking only), Tel: 0992 802 702, 0997 593 325, email:

Business Accommodation



By Andrea Reid

Another conservation milestone was reached in April when the Department of Forestry signed over the management of Mangochi Forest Reserve to African Parks. African Parks now protected a total of 924km2 (LNP 548km2 & MFR 376km2) between the two protected areas, now united under a single management regime. The greater Liwonde/ Mangochi Complex now protects a significantly diverse habitat as well as provides a much-needed corridor for Liwonde’s ever increasing animal populations. The Mangochi Forest Reserve was first gazetted in 1924 and is both of historical and ecological importance. The area, dominated by its vast forests, prominent hills and rocky outcrops such as Skull rock is full of cultural history. Nestled within the saddle the lie the remains of Fort Mangochi. Built in 1896 after the defeat of the powerful Yao chief, Che Zarafi this fort was used as a prison from 1907-1910. During World War I it was used as a training camp by the King’s African Rifles. Shortly thereafter it was abandoned and declared a protected monument under the Act of 1967. Ecologically the forest reserve was home to many key species. Migrating elephant, lion, leopard, spotted hyena to name a few. Avifauna species abound within the forest, recordings of Stierling’s Woodpecker, Tyolo Alethe and African Hill Babbler all make this area an Important Bird Area designated by Birdlife International. The forest is also home to many unique and rare insect species only found in the dry forests of Mangochi. Miombo woodlands, rocky grasslands, wet and dry forest are the predominant types within the reserve. Liwonde is a system of low-lying Rift Valley floodplain habitats with associated woodlands on higher ground. Much of the area is covered by tall


woodland dominated by mopane with an open understory, large areas of floodplain grassland and extensive riverine woodlands interspersed with deciduous broad-leaved thickets along most streams. The corridor between Liwonde and Mangochi has always been a dispersal area for elephants and lion, although there is little evidence to support this now. Liwonde has a high herbivore carrying capacity, large populations of sable antelope, waterbuck, impala, buffalo and hippo thrive in this now protected park. Even after the removal of elephants during the historical elephant translocation Liwonde still has an ever-increasing population of over 540 elephants. The inclusion of Mangochi will assist in creating more habitat for these animals and provide opportunity to further restore other historically occurring species. Key habitats and corridors will be secured from human impacts through engagement with the Forestry Department and local community leadership. This is imperative to limit the impacts of the Liwonde/ Mangochi complex becoming more and more isolated as an ecological island in a sea of human development.


Business Entertainment CLUBS BLANTYRE Al Pacinos, Chileka rd, Nyambadwe, Tel: 0999 159 952, 0881 675 444, email: Chez Ntemba, Legends Complex, Tel: 0888 332 368, 0999 207 588, open night time, Doogle’s, Wenela, Tel: 0111 602 710, 0999 186 512, 0888 999 531, open 24 hours 7 days Kaya Lounge, Leslie Road, off Victoria Rd, Tel: 0999 950 096 / 0999 942 712, open 7 days Red Pub & Grub, Mandala, Tel: 0999 966 333, closed on Tuesdays & Sundays Tj’s Bar & Restaurant, Mount Pleasant, Tel: 0111 985 588, 0999 951 207, open 7 days LILONGWE Chameleon Bar, Area 12, Four Seasons Complex, Tel: 0888 833 114, email:, open 7 days Chez Ntemba, Area 47, Tel: 0888 332 368, 0999 207 588, open night time Diplomats, Tel: 0888 553 492 Good Fellows, Area 4, Tel: 0999 138 539 Harry’s Bar, off Paul Kagame Rd, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 757 979, Lonely Planet, Next to Wild Njati, Skyband complex off Paul Kagame Rd, Tel: 0999 953 111, 0999 200 950 The Shak, off Paul Kagame Rd, Tel: 0999 962 506 MANGOCHI Riverside IP Bar, Tel: 0888 326 369

Entertainment MZUZU Jacaranda Bar, Tel: 01 312 608 Mzoozoozoo Bar Restaurant Tel: 0888 864 493, 0999 957 421

SALIMA Katelera Stop Over, 8kms from Salima, Tel: 0111 902 525, 0999 454 646 ZOMBA Domino, Zomba, Tel: 01 525 305, 0999 270 170, 0888 309 347, open 7 days CASINOS American Pirates Casino, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 751 254,

Colony Club, Blantyre, email:, DBR International, Blantyre: Blue Elephant, Casablanca, Chilembwe Road, China Da, Ginnery Cnr. Oriental Club. Wonderers Club. Mkango Lodge. Al Pacino. Gold Card. Casa Mia. Limbe: Lime Country Club. Lilongwe: Vision Gaming. Llw Golf Club. Nobel China. Double Vision. Novelty Bar. Golden Peacock. Lilongwe Golf Club, Waka Waka. Mchiru Hotel. Majestic Lodge. Simama Hotel. Mangochi: Palm Beach Resort. Mzuzu: Vision Gaming. Vision Gaming - Blantyre: Blue Elephant, Ginnery Corner, Tel: 0995 657 185. Bt Sports Club. Lilongwe: Area 10, Pacific Parade Shopping Centre, Tel: 0995 657 185. Llw Golf Club, Tel: 0995 657 185. Double Vision, Skyband Complex. Mzuzu: Chipita bld, next to new Nat Bank, Tel: 0995 657 185 email: CLUB & SOCIETIES Angling Society of Malawi, Tel: 0997 290 803, 0999 962 023, email:, Blantyre Music Society. Tel: 0991 248 242. email: membership Tel; 0888 842 559. 0994 447 477. \email: Blantyre Sports Club, Blantyre, Tel: 01 821 173, Chiperoni Club of International Training & Communication, Blantyre, email: Country Club Limbe, Blantyre, Tel: 01 841 022/236, Cricket Union, Tel: 0999 958 378, email:,, International Womans’ Association of Malawi (IWAM), Lilongwe, email: Agricultural Society (LAS), Lilongwe, Tel: 01 750 215 Lilongwe & District Angling Club, Old Cannery, Kambiri Point, Senga Bay, Tel: 01 263 413 Lilongwe Golf Club, Likuni Rd, Area 3, Tel: 01 753 118/598


Business Entertainment Lions Club of Blantyre, Tel: 01 875 744 Michiru Highway Club, Blantyre, Tel: 01 836 582 Portuguese Club, Blantyre, Tel: 01 870 642 The Rotary Club - Lilongwe, meetings Tuesdays 12:15 hrs. The Society of Malawi, Old Manager’s House 1882, 1st floor, Mandala, Blantyre, Tel: 01 872 617, email: Thyolo Club, Thyolo, Tel: 01 472 259 Toast Masters, Bt, email: Wildlife & Environmental Society of Malawi (WESM), Limbe, Blantyre, email:, COFFEE / TEA SHOPS & WINE African Heritage, Zomba, Tel: 0111 955 900, email:, Ama Khofi, Four Seasons, LLw, Tel: 0211 222 222 Cafe Gratzia, Utawaleza Centre, Kidney Cres’, Bt, Tel: 01 873 642, 0888 832 705 Cafe Rouge, Chichiri Shopping Centre, Bt Tel: 0888 821 795 Cappuccinos Cafe, Crossroads complex, llw, Tel: 011 734 800 Cedar Place, Namiwawa, Blantyre, Tel; 01 832 955, 0995 246 518 Cluny Lodge Tea Garden, Area 9, llw Tel: 01 751 633, 0888 764 805, email: Dedza Pottery Coffee Shop, Dedza, Tel: 01 223 069, 0888 853 425, email:, Jungle Pepper, Chichiri Shopping centre, Bt, Tel: 0888 826 229, 0999 826 229, Koko Bean Café & Gourmet Sandwich Shop, Llw Wildlife Centre, Area 43, Tel: 0994 263 363, email:, Land & Lake Cafe, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 757 120 / 754 303, email:, Mandala Cafe, (La Caverna), Old Manager’s House 1882, Mandala, Blantyre, Tel: 01 871 932, email:

daisy 1


Mijn Kitchen Coffee Shop, Bt, Tel: 0885 413 444,, Picasso’s Restaurant & Coffee Shop, Sunbird Mount Soche Hotel, top of Victoria Ave, Tel: 01 820 588, email: Temptations Coffe shop & Restaurant, Glyn Jones Rd, Galaxy House, Opp old Kandodo, Tel: 0888 827 981, 0993 086 988 Tranquility Tea Garden, Mtunthama drive, Llw, Tel: 0111 972 842, Mon - Sat FAST FOODS Blue Savannah, Malawi Sun Hotel, Robins Rd, Blantyre, Tel: 01 824 808 / 822 969 / 830 734 Chicken Inn, Chichiri Shopping Centre, Bt, Tel: 0212 951 914 Fango, Churchill Rd, Limbe, Bt, Tel: 0212 214 695, 0888 241 695, 0999 241 695, open 7 days Greens Cafe, Entrance, Chirchiri Trade Fair Grounds, Bt. Tel: 0881 129 285, 0999 958 900, open Mon - Thu: 9am - 8pm, Fri - Sat: 9am 10pm. Sunday closed Home Needs, Glyn Jones Rd, Tel: 0888 272 727, email: Jungle Pepper Pizza, Chichiri Mall (Shoprite), Blantyre, Tel: 0888 826 229, KFC, Fatima Arcade, Haile Selassie Rd, Bt, Tel: 0111 625 161, open Sun - Thu: 9am - 9pm, Fri - Sat: 9am - 10:30pm KIPS, (delivery service available), Hanover Ave., next to Claussius House, Blantyre, Tel: 01 824 221 MegaBite, Chichiri Shopping Centre, Blantyre, Tel: 01 872 439, 0888 202 257 Pick N Save, Haile Salassie, Bt, Tel: 0888 216 606, 0211 995 985 Pizza Inn, Crossroads complex, llw, Tel: 0999 444 786 Rainforest Take Away, Apollo Acade, Bt, Tel: 0999 333 933 Red Pepper, Raynor Ave, Limbe, Tel: 0999 932 752 Scoops & Shakes, Malawi Sun Hotel, Robins Rd, Blantyre, Tel: 01 824 808 / 822 969 / 830 734 Southern Fried, Apollo Arcade, Blantyre, Tel: 0999 950 576 Steers, Crossroads complex, llw, Tel: 0999 444 786 Cont... Cont...


Business Entertainment The Spicy Flavours, Town, Tel: 0888 201 768 Vita Cafe & Restuarant, Bisnowaty Centre, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 776 538, open Mon-Sat ICE CREAM PARLOURS Galito’s Cream Inn, Lilongwe City Mall, Tel: 0999 127 777 Greens Cafe, Entrance, Chirchiri Trade Fair Grounds, Bt. Tel: 0881 129 285, 0999 958 900, open Mon - Thu: 9am - 8pm, Fri - Sat: 9am 10pm. Sunday closed RESTAURANTS BLANTYRE 21 Grill on Hannover, Protea Hotel Ryalls, Tel: 01 820 955, Mon-Sat, Sun - dinner only Aamarie, Malawi Sun Hotel, Robins Rd, Tel: 01 824 808 / 822 969 / 830 734, open 7 days African Flavours, Next to Apollo bldg, Bt, Tel: 0993 676 649 Ali Baba’s, Haile Selassie Rd, Tel: 01 821 560, open 7 days Ambrosia Restaurant (Game Haven), Thyolo Rd, 14 kms from Blantyre, Tel: 0999 971 287/8, email:, open 7 days Atmosphere, Mandala, Tel: 0999 367 598, email:, Bombay Palace, Hanover Ave, opp Ryalls Hotel, Tel: 0888 200 200, open 7 days, Mon-closed for lunch Casa Latina, Mpini Ave’ Namiwawa Ave’, Tel: 0998 111 429 Casa Mia, Kabula, Bt, Tel: Tel: 0111 915 559, 0999 965 850, e-mail: Chez Maky Café, Kabula Hill Rd, Blantyre, Tel: 0999 203 029, open 7 days, China Sunrise Restaurant, opp Ndirande police station, Tel: 01 834 171, 0888 352 746 Golden Egg Restaurant, Off Markel Rd, Mandala, Tel: 0212 880 371, 0991 556 332, 0999 966 217 Hong Kong Restaurant, Robins Rd, Tel: 01 820 859/36, 0212 246 334, 0999 149 802, closed Mondays Hostaria, Namiwawa, Tel: 0888 282 828, 0212 282 828, email:, closed Mondays Indaba, Thyolo Rd, Tel: 0111 657 646, open 7 days


Jungle Pepper, Northgate Arcade, nxt to Spar, Tel: 0888 826 229, 0999 826 229 Pedro’s Grill & Lodge. (dinners only) 9 Smyth rd. Sunnyside. Tel: 0993 121 822. email: Picasso’s, Sunbird Mount Soche Hotel, top of Victoria Ave, Tel: 01 820 588, open 7 days Puchies, Chikwawa Rd, before Total Filling Station, Tel: 0995 249 706, email: Salt ‘n’ Pepper, Namiwawa, Tel: 0212 262 895, 0111 648 299, closed Monday Tj’s Bar & Restaurant, Mount Pleasant, Tel: 0111 985 588, 0999 951 207, open 7 days Veg-Delight Indian Restaurant, Opp FMB, Tel: 0212 919 705, 0995 421 555. CAPE MACLEAR Froggies, Tel: 0999 621 279, email:, LILONGWE Ali Baba’s, Old Town, Tel: 01 755 224, 0888 955 555, Pacific Centre, Tel: 01 776 444 Blue Ginger, Pacific Centre, Tel: 01 795 225, 0999 234 757, 0995 214 444, email: Bombay Palace, Game Mall, behind Pizza Inn, Tel: 0888 202 202, open 7 days, Mon-closed for lunch Coppper Pot, Crossroads Hotel, Old Town, Tel: 01 750 333/444, 0888 513 096/105/110, Eleonora’s, Area 10, Tel: 01 795 300, 0995 605 043, 0882 186 520, email: Kat-Man-Doo, Four Seasons complex, Tel: 0999 816 882, email: Kiboko Restaurant, heart of town, Tel: 01 751 226, 0999 838 485, email: Kim’s Koreana Restaurant, 4 kms from town, before Bunda turn off, Tel: 0999 211 251 / 0999 238 045, open 7 days, 6am-8pm Korea Garden Restaurant, Area 3, Old Town, Tel: 01 753 467 / 757 854 / 759 700 / 759 774, email:, open 7 days Latitude 13o (L), Area 43/60, Mphonongo Str, Tel: 01 795 965, 0996 403 159, email:



Mauve 1

Mauve 2

By Carl Bruessow Mount Mulanje is a wildflower wonder! The high grasslands are always ablaze in colour with the seasonal changes showing off flowers of diverse sizes, shapes and scents to spark the admiration of even the most casual observer. These bright splashes brighten up the monotone backdrop of dark rocky peaks and the swirling grey cloudscapes. With the highest annual rainfall in southern Africa, the advantage here is that plants can flower at any time of the year without overly competing with each other.

Morea flower


Dissotis 1

On Mt Mulanje there are a couple of dozen large mammal species, doubling that is the number of reptiles, of birds there a few hundred species recorded and then there are literally thousands of wildflowers! There is a prolific and diverse range of plant species on the mountain but the exact number is not certain. This is the reason that Mt Mulanje is the second most biodiverse place within the Afromontane Biodiversity Hotspot and has been globally proclaimed a priority one Key Biodiversity Area. Today there are over 70 plant species collected from the mountain that are totally unique and found nowhere else in the world and a further 150 plants are only found in close proximity on nearby highlands where their conservation is now under threat. These unique plants are our global treasures and most of them have beautiful wildflowers. The likely reason for this special uniqueness is that the mountain has for millennia been a forest environment and that more recently climate change and human impact has influenced fire to 101 open up grasslands.



noble china

Mamma Mia Italian Restaurant, Old Town Mall, Tel: 01 758 362, 0994 608 767 email: F/B mammamia.malawi open 6 days (closed Mon) Mediterraneo Italian Restaurant, Area 10, Tel: 01 795 970 Noble China, Area 3, off Colby Rd, near Lilongwe Hotel, Tel: 01 750 075, 0888 204 388 Pensacola Spur, City Mall, Area 47, Tel: 0994 273 133/0 The Causerie, City Centre, Area 19, Tel: 01 773 828 The Golden Peacock, Area 3, Tel: 01 751 353, 0888 824 532, open 7 days Queen of Sheba Ethopian Restaurant, Area 10/338, Mtendere Drive, Off Ulendo Safari, Tel: 0888 830 017, 0999 215 724, 01 794 829 Veg-Delight Indian Restaurant, Old town Mall Tel: 0213 177 777, 0993 858 028 Vincents, Capital Hotel, Tel: 01 773 388, email:,

MZUZU Macondo Camp, Tel: 0991 792 311, email:, Soul Kitchen Restaurant & Cafe, Tel: 0999 767 892, 0884 957 150 MULANJE Kara O’Mula, Tel: 01 466 515, 0999 286 423, email: Mulanje Pepper, Tel: 0888 826 229, 0999 826 229, Mon-Thurs: 8-4:30pm, Fri-Sun:8:30-8:30pm Rob & Wills, Tel: 01 466 117 NKHOTAKOTA M5, Tel: 0884 647 343, 0888 965 102, email: ZOMBA Casa Rossa (campsite), Tel: 0881 366 126, 0991 184 211, email:,



Aloe Mawii

This new habitat has emerged in isolation to the surrounding ecology and so local plants have evolved new species to better suit and dominate this habitat. The mountain weather, soils and competition with other plants are the principal catalysts to this change.

White dissotis

The knowledge of these plants has come to us today by the hard work of botanists collecting on the mountain over the past 130 years! The first botanist to collect on Mt Mulanje was Alexander Whyte in the early 1890s at a time before this country was even known as Nyasaland. Since then, many botanical explorers have scoured the mountain heights to add to collections at the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, the emerging collection at Malawi’s National Herbarium and Botanic Gardens and elsewhere. The colour spectrum of the flowers on Mt Mulanje is so varied but it is noticeable that yellow and mauve flowers seem to proliferate over the landscape. The question is whether this colour preference is an ecological adaptation that successfully attracts the optical attention of most insect pollinators? The diversity of the shapes and sizes of the flowers also makes one wonder how many different insects are being attracted to pollinate all these plants, especially as the common honeybee is not so common up on the mountain heights.

Vellozia flower 103 114


White Red hot Poker

Orange Orchid

The mountain heights are home to a plethora of exotic flowers such as orchids, gladioli, red-hot pokers, begonias, the ‘instant colour’ impatiens, proteas, everlasting sunflowers and even a number of elephant tongues! Succulents also thrive on Mt Mulanje and there are many species of aloes, euphorbias and crassula amongst the drier rocky areas. The slopes below within the miombo woodland habitat hosts in addition to other species of the above mentioned, a range of other familiar flower beauties such as the flame-lilies, fireballs and costas. These flowers are not just pretty and their many other important values are coming to light as more research is undertaken. Mt Mulanje is well renowned regionally for the variety and potency of herbal medicines that are harvested from the plants on the mountain. Some of these are now in formal medical trade such as prunus africana that is now used to treat prostrate cancer. Many of these beautiful flowers could be used for the horticulture trade in future as garden-lovers are always seeking new plants. There are also a number of wildflower plants that have nutritional value for their fruits and leaves for tea and the potential of one plant is being analysed to be processed as a commercial tea. There are plants that have important cosmetic value for their scents, oils and of note is a new Body Shop unisex cologne that has been released this year that is extracted from Mulanje Cedar’s closest relative.

Orange Orchid

Let’s just look at one plant in more detail, vellozia splendans, (photo with white flowers). This is an endemic, a unique plant to Mt Mulanje that grows on the high mountain peaks and rocky outcrops. This plant is well known to scramblers and climbers as it gives a much-appreciated handhold when there is little else to grip on to! It does get burnt but is fire-resistant and can look almost dead without leaves for a good part of the year. The plant is very fibrous. It is cut to be commonly used as a household scourer in the villages below and the leaves that drop off at the end of the rainy season are a sustainable supply to bind the grasses of the local hand-brooms that are made by thousands of households around the mountain, for onward sale around Malawi. There is an orchid, a polystigma, also an endemic that is an epiphyte that lives only on this plant managing to thrive succulent-like on little nutrients and moisture on the vellozia. A nice story… All in all, these wildflowers can give us pleasure to look at or be beneficial to us in many other ways and so are deserving of conservation attention on Mt Mulanje. If we can control the wildfires and the spread of invasive exotic plant species then we can enjoy them for many years to come.

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General Info Diplomatic Missions American Embassy, Convention Drive, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 773 166 / 772 222 Austrian Consulate, Blantyre, Tel: 01 871 855 Belgian Consulate, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 753 834, 0999 940 090 Brazilian Embassy, Area 12, plot 399, Tel: 01 772 749, email: British High Commission, Convention Drive, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 772 400/550 Canadian Consulate, Accord Centre, Limbe, Blantyre, Tel: 01 845 441 Danish Consulate, Chilembwe House, Tel: 01 840 088/522 Egyptian Embassy, 10/247 Tsoka Rd, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 794 657 European Union, Area 18, Presidential Way, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 773 199 Finish Consulate, Area 3/582, Lilongwe, Tel: 0999 822 425 French Embassy, Convention Drive, Lillongwe, Tel: 01 771 454 / 775 265 German Embassy, Convention Drive, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 772 555/64/67 Greek Consulate, 14 M’belwa Rd, Bt, Tel: 01 875 494, 0884 592 873, 0999 914 084, email: Icelandic Embassy, Samala House, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 771 141/382 Italian Consulate, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 752 953 Irish Embassy, Arwa House, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 776 405 Japanese Embassy, MRA Bld, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 773 529 Libyan Embassy, Area 43, Blantyre Str, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 775 735 Mozambican Embassy, Convention Drive, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 774 100/696 Mozambican Consulate, 2nd floor, Old Mutual Building, Blantyre, Tel: 01 830 559 Netherlands Consulate, Michingi Rd, Cheetah Premises, Llw Tel: 0999 822 250 Norwegian Embassy, Arwa House, Lilongwe. Tel: 01 774 211 / 771 212 South African High Commission, 3rd floor, Kang’ombe House, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 773 722/036 Spanish Consulate, Lilongwe, Tel: 099 9 846 081 email: Swiss Consulate, Kanengo, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 712 222, email: Tanzanian High Commission, Plaza House, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 775 035/8

The Peoples Republic of China Embassy, Area 43 House no.342, Llw, Tel: 01 794 750 Zambian High Commission, Convention Drive, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 772 590/635 Zimbabwean High Commission, City Centre, Lilongwe, Tel: 01 774 997/88 TOURIST VISAS FOR AFRICA VISA PROCUREMENT Please ensure that your passport is valid for at least 6 months from your planned date of departure from Africa and that you have enough blank pages in your passport for all of the visas you require. Visas in Africa can be obtained at the border however it is essential that you check the visa requirements of every country you will be visiting with the local embassy, consulate or a reputable visa handling company for the most up to date visa information before you travel. African countries are in a continual state of political flux and visa requirements can change overnight. Kenya Visa Requirements South African passport holders as of September 2016 will require a visa for Kenya. Most nationalities, including UK, USA, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand passport holders, require a visa to enter Kenya. On 1st July 2015 the government of Kenya introduced an electronic visa application. It is still possible to purchase a visa upon arrival up until 31 August 2015. From 01 September 2015 ALL tourists wishing to visit Kenya need to apply for a visa online at The visa process can take up to 7 working days. For further details Tanzania Visa Requirements Most nationalities require a visa to enter Tanzania. UK, USA, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand and South African passport holders can get a visa, which is valid for 3 months, upon arrival or in advance from the Tanzania embassy. For further details Malawi Visa Requirements As of the 1st October 2015 passport holders of (but not limited to) UK, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand will be charged a visa fee at the border into Malawi. The cost is $50 for a 7 day transit visa

General Info and $75 for a 90 day single entry visa. Immigration H/Q, Blantyre: Tel: 01 823 777 Zambia Visa Requirements South African passport holders do not require a visa to visit Zambia. Most nationalities, including UK, USA, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand passport holders, require a visa to enter Zambia which can be obtained upon arrival. For further details Zimbabwe Visa Requirements South African passport holders do not require a visa to visit Zimbabwe. Most nationalities, including UK, USA, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand passport holders, require a visa to enter Zimbabwe which can be obtained upon arrival or in advance from an embassy. A new joint Zimbabwe/Zambia UNIVISA system was introduced in December 2014. This allows you to enter both countries using this dual visa, which is valid for 30 days. For further details Bostwana Visa Requirements Most nationalities, including UK, USA, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand and South African passport holders, do not require a visa to visit Botswana for up to 30 days. For further details Namibia Visa Requirements Most nationalities, including UK, USA, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand and South African passport holders, do not require a visa to visit Namibia for up to 90 days. For further details‎ South Africa Visa Requirements Most nationalities, including UK, USA, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand passport holders, do not require a visa to visit South Africa for up to 90 days. Travelling to or through South Africa with children From 1 June 2015 parents travelling with children into or out of South Africa, or transiting in South Africa will be asked to show the child’s unabridged

(full) birth certificate which lists the child’s details and both parents’ details. The abridged (short) birth certificate which only lists the child’s details won’t be accepted. Uncertified copies of birth certificates or copies of the parents/guardians identification will not be accepted. A parental contact affidavit (PCA) must have a certified copy of the parent’s/ guardian’s identification (i.e. passport) attached to it. Where only one parent is accompanying a child, parental or legal consent for the child to travel (e.g. an affidavit from the other parent or – if applicable – a death certificate) is required and there are other requirements for children travelling unaccompanied or with adults who are not their parents. If you are travelling with children (under 18) it is essential that you contact the South African High Commission or the South African Department of Home Affairs for further information relating to these regulations. If you do not carry the correct documentation you will not be allowed to enter the country. For further details Mozambique Visa Requirements South African and Malawian passport holders do not require a visa for Mozambique. Most other nationalities, including UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia do require a visa. Please plan accordingly. Mozambique visas are no longer available on arrival, but must be obtained in advance of travel. Countries without Mozambique consular representation include Australian, New Zealand and Canadian passport holders. Alternatively a visa can be obtained from the Mozambique Embassy in Johannesburg which is open Monday – Thursday (closed every Friday). For more information please contact the embassy or visit: You will need to arrive into Johannesburg a few days prior to your tour departure date in order to get the visa processed. Mozambique visa regulations change frequently and without notice, so it is essential that all nationalities check the latest advice with the Mozambique embassy. For further details Cont...

General Info Uganda Visa Requirements Most nationalities require a visa to enter Uganda. UK, USA, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand and South African passport holders can get a visa, which is valid for 3 months (or 6 months for a multiple entry), upon arrival or in advance from an embassy. For further details Rwanda Visa Requirements Most nationalities require a visa for Rwanda, including USA, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand and South African passport holders. In Rwanda the visa on arrival system has been replaced by an online visa that you need to apply for three days before arriving. If you are travelling on one of our Overland Camping Safaris your trip leader will advise if you will be gorilla trekking in Rwanda at the pre departure meeting and give instructions on how to apply for the visa. Payment is made at the border. For further details INTERNATIONAL SKILLED MIGRATION, 16 Independance Drive, Blantyre, Tel: 0999 327 338, 0991 302 752, 0994 170 627, 0886 664 336, email:,, sara@

Places of Worship

BLANTYRE Agape Life Church Int’, Malawi Colledge of Health Sciences, Tel: 0888 309 863, 0888 503 963 Area 10 Assemblies of God, Machinjiri (South Lunzu Revival Centre) Tel: 0888 318 792 Alfurqan Mosque, Chirimba, Tel: 0888 765 989 Apostolic Church of God, Tel: 01 822 530 Assemblies of God, Tel: 01 855 814 Baptist Convention of Malawi, Tel: 01 871 170/851 Baha’i Centre, Limbe, Tel: 01 840 996 Beautifull Saviour Lutheran Church (English), Tel: 0999 924 417 Blantyre Community Church, 3rd Floor Boutique bld, Haile Salasie rd Tel: 0888 246 851, Blantyre Mosque, Tel: 01 821 110 Catholic Church (CI), Tel: 01 804 547/73. Eng. service 8:30am

Catholic Church, Limbe, Tel: 01 843 898 CCAP, Bt synod (ST Michaels & All Angels), Tel: 01 836 744 / 01 823 111 Church of Christ, Tel: 01 864 223 / 873 168 City Pentecostal church, Vic. Ave, Tel: 01 823 053, Global Impact Assembly, Tel: 0888 857 637 Hindu Temple, next to Mt Soche, (ISKCON) (English), 26 Chilomoni Ring Road, Namiwawa, Tel: 0212 234 255, 0212 234 255, 0999 582 465, email: Limbe Mosque, Tel: 01 843 328, 0888 649 451 Living Stones International Church, Phoenix School Hall, Blantryre, Tel: 0111 919 582, 0888 834 038 Noor Mosque, Chileka Airport, Tel: 0111 692 046 Pentecostal Holiness Church, Tel: 0995 450 703 Seventh Day Adventist Church, headquarters: Tel: 01 820 297/64 Siekh Temple, Limbe Taqwa Mosque, Ginnery Corner, Tel: 01 876 031 Zalewa Worship Centre, Tel: 0888 542 383 LILONGWE Assemblies of God – International Christian Centre, Paul Kagame Rd, Tel: 01 761 706 National Baha’i Centre, Area 14 Capital City Baptist Church, Area 14, Presidential Way. Tel: 01 774 514 Christian Missionary Fellowship, Area 6, off Paul Kagame Rd, email: Evangelical Lutheran Church of Malawi, Chidzanja Rd, Area 22. Tel: 01 725 905 Hindu Temple, Area 2 International Bible Fellowship of Lilongwe, ABC Kirk of the Hills Chapel, Tel: 01 762 207, 0888 211 050, email: Lilongwe Pentacostal, M1 Highway, Area 18. Tel: 01 796 008 Lingadzi CCAP, Umodzi Rd, Area 12, Tel: 01 771 528 Lutheran Church of Central Africa, next to SOS Childrens Village, off Rd to Blantyre, Tel: 01 724 917 Falls Baptist Church, Falls Estate, Kamuzu Procession Rd, Tel: 01 724 336 Maula Cathedral, Kamuzu Procession, Tel: 01 755 846 Lilongwe Islamic Movement, Riverside Arcade, Tel: 01 726 859 Saint Patricks, Area 18, on the M1, Tel: 01 796 326 Saint Peter’s, Glyn Jones Rd. Tel: 01 752 812 Saint Thomas, Area 18 off M1. Tel: 01 797 858 Seventh Day Adventist, Presidential Way, Area 14, Tel: 01 773 814



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