Letter to the Editor Cassandra Jordan
Dear Editor I enjoyed reading the articles in the recent HIM-I (Volume 10 Number 2 2020), focused on education of our future Health Information Managers. The enthusiasm of the students, supervisors and educators shone through the readings, whilst at the same time the importance of ‘work integrated learning’ was emphasised. Collaboration between supervisors, educators and students must continue to be advocated as a significant branch of learning throughout the Health Information Manager journey. The benefit to supervisors is the opportunity to pass on one’s knowledge and experience whilst keeping informed of changes in the academic institutions; the benefit to educators is an opportunity to appreciate developments in industry facing Health Information Managers, either technically or as people managers, to foreshadow changes in teachings; and the benefit to students is to learn from keen and dedicated Health Information Managers, whilst at the same time taking steps in the evolution of their future career and identifying specific areas of interest.
4 HIM-INTERCHANGE • Vol 10 No 3 2020 • ISSN 1838-8620 (PRINT) ISSN 1838-8639 (ONLINE)
I would like to emphasise the value of a professional association in this evolution, so I encourage students to become active in their state branches. I would advise students to accept an invitation to be a mentee or to seek out a Health Information Manager to be their mentor. This relationship will prove invaluable, and often continues as students transition to positions in their career and network in their profession.
Cassandra Jordan MHM(UNSW), BAppSc(HIM), CertPersAdmin, AssocDip(MRA), JP Health Information Manager St Vincent’s Correctional Health Parklea Email: Cassandra.Jordan@svha.org.au