HIMANSHI T A N E J A 2016 | 2020
an atlas of imagination | a mirror of perception “A city always contains more than any inhabitant can know, and a great city always makes the unknown and the possible spurs to the imagination.” – Rebecca Solnit
//urbanism //architecture
| River Parradigm |
| Soul for its people |
| Everyday Life |
Sem 4, Masters of Urbanism
Sem 3, Masters of Urbanism
Sem 2, Masters of Urbanism
Master Planning Parramatta, Sydney
Town centre Redevelopment (TOD) Canley Vale, Sydney
Precinct Redevelopment Crow’s Nest, Sydney
| 2320 House |
| The Core |
| Arena |
Professional Work
Professional Work
Thesis, Bachelors of Architecture
Residential farmhouse design Gurgaon, India
Commercial complex design Ghaziabad, India
Redevelopment of stadium Delhi, India
river parradigm
Parramatta ,Syndey
Master Planning Vision 2050 University of Sydney | Group of 4 The studio aims to develop a 30 year Strategic plan for the Greater Sydney- Central city, to guide its urban transformation and growth. The area encompasses the Parramatta Local Government Area and adjoining Cumberland LGA. The plan focusses on addressing sectoral perspectives of transport, housing, economy and sustainability, while maintaining the community’s intertests. Full Project URL https: //issuu.com/himanshitane j a /d o c s /a s s i g n m e n t _ 2 b_g ro u p_ 9
//urbanism //architecture
//Site Reflection The site and surroundings The site comprises four major suburbs namely North Parramatta, Northmead, Westmead and Wentworthwille. Bounded by Cumberland highway on the periphery, the southern side of the site is flanked by the T1 railway line, connecting it to the other parts of the city. Major collaboration and investments have been done for strategic transformation and planning of Parramatta which act as the prominent drivers of the precinct, namely; Western Sydney university, Sydney Olympic park, Bankwest stadium, Arthur Philip school and redevelopment of Parramatta public school also play a dominant role in the transformation and planning for economic growth of Parramatta. Providing for Australis’s 10% of direct health services, Westmead health and education is one of the largest heath, research and education precincts in the world. Forecast and Benchmarking To understand the growth of Parramatta CBD with respect to the GSC district, the site was compared against Sydney CBD and Blacktown for the years 2016, 2036 and 2056. Parramatta and Blacktown house approximately the same amount of jobs with cultural and housing 5.95% and 5.57% respectively. On the other hand, Sydney CBD and witnessed a growth of 22.70%. Thecultural difference is housing huge and thus the measure is incomparable. more schools to accommodate 30,000 more school children by 2056. Hence, Parramatta should have a growth goal of at least 50% of what Sydney CBD will accommodate in the future. The growth intended for Parramatta is to accommodate 10% of Greater Sydney’s additional growth.
sitedemographics sitedemographics transport transport
cultural and housing
Opportunities | SWOT • Strategic location between two airports and two cities- Kingsforth Smith International Airport in the Eastern Harbour City and Western Sydney Airport in Western Parkland City. • An existing east-west connectivity and upcoming transport infrastructure projects like the Metro and Light Rail. • Strengthening connectivity to Northwest, Epping and Ryde to enlarge the catchment. • Presence of Westmead hospital and Research precinct makes the site economically more attractive to future investments. • Cultural diversity and vibrancy with the projection of growing transport trend in the future as well. • Parramatta River and park along with its heritage - reciting a story of its history. • Proximity of three T1 train stations – Westmead, Wentworthville and Parramatta, strength- ening its connection regionally.
cultural and housing
Constraints | SWOT • Flash flooding- Study area in flood risk zones. • High Urban heat island effect- low urban tree canopy cover. • Westmead precinct comprising of large block sizes. • Dependency on car as the main transport means. • High surface parking area cover on the site. • Segregated cycle pathways and improper pedestrian ways • T1 train line acts as a barrier to the southern part of Parramatta, acting as a barrier for CBD expansion in the south. • Insufficiency of T1 Railway line to accommodate the future growth. • Lack of local amenities in Pennant hills and Brickfield suburbs.
sitedemographics cultural and housing
ourthemes //Priority sectors transport
keycharacteristics keycharacteristics keycharacteristics keycharacteristics
regional, regional, intercity intercity && intracity connectivity intracity connectivity
employment employment
place place making making
resilience resilience
diveristy ofjobs jobs diversity of
social socialinfrastructure infrastructure
open openspaces spaces
active transport active transport
economic growth economic growth
housing housing
green grid greenand and blue blue grid
rramatta’s by Toby have a well connected To have To a green Parramatta To makeTo Parramatta resilient To growth foster Parramatta’s by To connected have well connected To have a green Parramatta To make Parrama oster growthgrowth by growth To have a well haveTo a green make resilient ToParramatta’s foster Parramatta’s To have a wella connected have aParramatta green Parramatta ToParramatta make Parramatta re it along the river Parramatta - regional, intercity today and tomorrow - regional, intercity today and tom growing it along the river Parramatta growing it along river -Parramatta regional, intercity today and tomorrow growing itthe along the river Parramatta - regional, intercity today and tomorro
Parramatta 2050 will be a city of choices which will cohesively integrate the diversity in options available for its people. While keeping innovation and sustainability at its forefront Parramatta will become a living and breathing city which will have woven a story through its river by blending the past with its future.
action plan
objective E3 Business for all
E3.1: Neighbourhood Centres E3.2: Local economic centres E3.3: Mixed-use development in Westmead
objective E2 Riverfront hub
E2.1: Cultural and tourism drivers E2.2: Re-imaging Toongabbie creek
objective E1
24hour economy E1.1: CBD along river E1.2: Strengthening multi modal transport E1.3: Increased public amenities Action E1.4: Mixed-use in CBD
action plan
objective T4
Mobility modeling
Action T4.1: Sustainable mobility options
objective T3
inter transit connections T3.1: T-way routes for connectivity T3.2: Westmead Metro for higher catchment T3.3: Increased frequency of T1 rail T3.4: Increased frequency of buses
objective T2 River Network
T2.1: Increased frequency of ferry T2.2: Bike and walking access - river T2.3: Connections across River – bridges
objective T1
Intra transit Connections T1.1: Light Rail Extension T1.2: Increased parking rates T1.3: Active transport connections T1.4: High frequency Shuttle buses in CBD
action plan
objective L4
Quality Urban Design
L4.1: Mixed-use for vibrancy L4.2: Protecting heritage views L4.3: Human scale neighbourhood L4.4: Interactive shop fronts
objective L3
River Accessibility L3.1: Enhancing Riverfront L3.2: Connections across river L3.3: Active links to river L3.4: Connection between Parramatta lake and river
objective L2
Neighbourhood Ensemble L2.1: Increased open space L2.2: Housing density diversity L2.3: Neighbourhood ensemble L2.4: Bus stops at 400m
objective L1
Equitable Housing L1.1: Increased FSR L1.2: Housing mix on transport corridors L1.3: Mixed tenure – rent L1.4: Long tenure – social housing L1.5: Collaboration – developers and govt.
action plan
objective S4
Responsive Tomorrow S4.1: Sustainable material in parking
objective S3 River Spine
S3.1: Monitoring water quality S3.2: Enhancing greens S3.3: Activities along river S3.4: Low energy building model S3.5: Water sensitive approach
objective S2 Green Ways
S2.1: Connecting open spaces through green grids S2.2: Increasing tree canopy
objective S1
Positive Climate S1.1: Managing stormwater S1.2: Solar energy in surface parking S1.3: Flood mitigation strategy
//phase 1 houses | 1593 jobs | 3906
//phase 2 houses | 23,950 jobs | 71,219
//phase 3 houses | 29,969 jobs | 20,629
//Bringing it together Phasing and Implementation The development of Phase 1 will happen in response to the impact of Covid on economy and lifestyle. Phase 1 will start by enhancing the qualitative aspect of the river and the green, followed by the development of the local centres and green spaces. With the completion of light rail and T-way routes for regional connectivity, the second phase will see the expansion of CBD. Metro in Westmead and Parramatta comes towards the latter half of the second phase, which will be strengthened by areas of high density housing. The third phase will then bring it all together with an increase in social infrastructure and integrating the community areas with green ways, all leading back to the river parramatta’s revitalised waterfront development. In the end, the last extension of CBD gets completed which is further strengthened by the medium density housing.
The unprecedented circumstances of Covid-19 led to the plan focussing on sustaining itself first, then to thrive and then to bring it all together to become RiverParradigm.
//02 Canley Vale , Syndey
Town Centre Redevelopment University of Sydney | Group of 4 The studio aims to investigate current BAU proposal of high density urbanism focused in renewal precincts along infrastructure corridors-specifically under the Fairfield Local Council. The design proposal explores the redevelopement of Canley Vale town centre, through the lens of livabilitiy and resilience for alternative visions for its future. Full Project URL https://issuu.com/himanshitaneja/ docs/final_r2
//urbanism //architecture
//Site Reflection The Canley ValeTown Centre is a transit oriented centre within the Fairfield Local Government Area (LGA) that served a growing and thriving post WWII working class community housed in public and private housing. The Town Centre is serviced by the Canley vale railway station on the T2 Inner West & Leppington Line and T5 Cumberland line. It is well located adjacent to both train and bus services. The centre largely consists of consolidated parcels under single ownership with few sites owned by the council for redevelopement. Canley Vale is currently an under-performing local centre, focused around Adam’s Park and Canley Vale heights, and its run down character is reflective of a history of economic decline since the development of alternative comprehensive centres nearby like Cabramatta and economic hubs like Fairfield and Liverpool.
//Site Opportunities • Enhancing connections through active transport . • Maximising potential of Adam’s park. • Potential in connecting the isolated greens. • Connecting the two sides of the site. • Development on council owned properties. • Capitalising the overlooking creek site. //Site constraints • High noise corridor along train line. • High congestion at canley vale rd. junction. • Functional dependency on adams park. • Electric lines along residential streets. • Railway line as a barrier between two sides. • Flood prone area. • Dependency on service lane facing the creek.
Canley vale town centre will become a people centric place to live and work. It will offer an enhanced experiential quality by seamlessly blending with the creek though an established green network. The town centre will facilitate appropriate change and growth, integrating civic, residential and commercial activities.
//Key Concepts
//FINE GRAIN human scale
//BIO SWALES green link
//PERMIABILITY pedestrian corridor
//Stratergies plaza linkages
Linking the spine - Canley Vale road with activity centered plazas- Civic, Social, cultural and commercial plazas.
green link
shaping built
Human scale experience with active edges , line of sight, permiability and solar access as key strategic drivers.
Legend site boundary
Connection of green spaces - Adam’s Park, Canley Vale park and Orphan school creek by bio-swale network. 19
Focus on walkabile precinct, with reduced car dependency and strong active transport network.
town centre boundary
p ce
walkability radius at every 100m
p ce
(primary) roads around the site
p st
(secondary) roads within the site
permiabilty within town entre
permiabilty within town entre in phase 2
pedestrian ridge over train tation
ctive edges
bioswales - green link
ground floor - retail edge
shoptop levels - ground + 2 floors
smaller bioswales along canley vale road
floors above ground residential/commercial
shoptop levels - ground + 3 floors
shoptop levels - ground + 3 floors
pedestrian zone
floors above ground residential
commercial tower levels ground + 4 floors
shoptop levels - ground +4 floors
6 shoptop levels - ground +4 floors
slow zone with sloped and raised roads plaza
Adam’s Park
Orphan’s School Creek
//Built form developement Considering the fine grain fabric of Canley vale, the built form achieves its utmost potential by keeping in mind its relative rate of growth. The built edge responds to the human scale, and the blocks were broken down for permeability. To have ample solar access on the main pedestrian spine (Canley vale road) of the town centre, blocks A and B were tested and were hence kept lower in scale.
//Public Domain Stratergies •
Streets made pedestrian focused allowing more permeability throughout Town centre.
Shared zones and fully pedestrian streets creates a vibrant and inviting center.
Traffic calming junctions for pedestrian priority crossing.
Open spaces connected to each other by green link.
Town center made more pedestrian friendly.
Bioswales proposed along the Town center.
Part of Adams park given to community.
//Design Interventions | EXPERIENCES
//Future to be People will now be able to get down into a plaza from the new connection established over the railway line. This will open into canley vale road on the left, and towards the green and creek on the right, thus opening canley vale to the creek. Stepped plaza near the car park building will unify the now divided greens. Ground and first floor have been removed for for a double height covered plaza which seamlessly ties into adams park on the left and creek on the right. Finally, in the last phase ,2 floors of parking is removed from the car park to give space to community functions. Parking spaces in adams park is retained. More spaces are introduced in the new building coming up in the place of nursery. Parking is finally removed from the streets, giving the space back to its people.
//03 St Leonards , Syndey
Precint Re-deveoplemnt Project University of Sydney | Group of 4 The studio aims to redevelop an urban precinct that includes an upcoming metro site and heritage fine grain character. The study area straddles Crows Nest, a successful local centre with a vibrant, low scale, fine grain main street (Willoughby Road), and St Leonards a higher density transit oriented centre. The project undertakes a “bottom up approach�, acting as a catalyst for renewal of the broader precinct. Full Project URL https://issuu.com/himanshitaneja/ docs/assessment_3_arch9002
//urbanism //architecture
//Site Reflection
Opportunities • • • • • • • • • •
Identifying major nodes for an experiential design outcome. Enchancing connections between key destinations. Integration of Hume park(major green space) with the Metro. Responsive development of built fabric across the site. Willoughby street to act as a spine. Activation of northern part of the site- Atchison Street. Seamless connect of the two sides of Pacific Highway. Connection of Ernest Plaza (community space) to Hume park. Surveillance and safety of the residential area introducing 24*7 facilities.
Constraints • • • • •
Preserving the heritage character of Crow’s Nest. Pacific highway acting as a separator yet an important transport and freight spine. Dead inactive site edges. Lack of urban space to incorporate community facilities like library, sports facilties , gym and exhibition centres. Post development chaotic junctions for traffic.
//Design Stratergies multi nuclei approach, all areas have their unique character
prioritise active transport to connect all nodes
developing and following a modular street typology throughout site land use retaining the view of heritage building and important views
directing future growth towards St. Leonards station 27
//VISION The precinct will become the central core, forming the heart of the neighbourhood. Driven by the upcoming metro station the place will offer a holistic experience. It will have upgraded accessibilty by connecting spaces for work, living, dining, gathering and recreation. Embarking a sense of identity, the area will achieve a balance between the old and new.
//OBJ 01
connecting the nodes
//OBJ 02
encouraging active transport
//OBJ 03
responsive design of metro
//OBJ 04
preserving village character
//OBJ 05
maximise future development
//Structure Plan | f ramework
Strengthening the connections between St. Leonards and Crow’s nest.
Making the metro respond to its context by changing the built form.
Challenging the proposal of Hume for responsive design.
Extension of Health precinct on Pacif ic for future development.
so chi
t re ns
01 r ona t .Le S < tion Sta
05 CC ’
03 Pa c
if ic
//Intervention | NODE 1 Modular Street Typology Atchison St + Oxley St
Prioritising pedestrian movement at Willoughby street.
Connecting Willoughby to Alexander Street through Ernest Plaza.
B-B’ A
xa n d er
laz st P
St re et
C-C’ 30
Atchinson Street //Master plan | Snapshot
Willo ughb y Road
Oxley St. Hume Park
Pa ci fi c H ig hw ay
//Intervention | NODE 2 Hume Park
• Hume Being The Central Green Space Acting As The Heart Of Crows Nest • Transition Between Willoughby And Oxley Connecting All Urban Plazas. • Challenging The Existing Proposal Of Hume By Reducing The Basement Floor Plate. • Incorporating Different Activities For Community Engagement.
//Intervention | NODE 3/4 Metro Built Fabric
Challenging the form of metro to respect heritage .
New metro subway proposal on other side of pacific.
Spillover for the Metro exit in sync with Hume proposal.
Acquiring existing car wash plot for commercial development across pacific highway.
//Intervention | NODE 5 Willoughby Road •
Making a part of willoughby pedestrianized to de-cluter the existing movement pattern.
Providing flexible spaces for weekend markets / community events.
Enhancing on urban plazas for a continuous activated edge.
Barrier free public spaces for seamless pedestrian network.
//Intervention | NODE 6 Ernest Plaza and connecting corridor
Meandering cycle track as tying element for Willoughby & Alexender road.
Replacing the surface parking with stepped plaza.
Utilising the terrace for public green space.
Transition space between hume and Willoughby Road.
Connecting all nodes incorporating activities to promote art in Crows Nest.
Snapshot // Conceptual Willoghby Road and Ernest Plaza
2320 House, Gurgaon Residential Farmhouse Design Professional Work | 2017 - 2018
The project was to develop a home for three; addition to an existing site. Conceptualised as a tree house placed , viewed and experienced as a greenland admist the hustle of the city. 11554 sqft area
Design development 3D and form development Landscape design and site planning Resolving services and coordination Sancition drawings
//urbanism //architecture
//Design Ideation //Form development
Being an old client, with inclination and love towards vegetable farming and nature; the brief was to combine the five plots to form two luxurious houses, with landscape as the binding entity.
Considering the sun and orientation, the house was designed to incorporate major openings on the common side , facing the north. Modern and traditional designs were developed while trying different language and typologies, which were later amalgamated to achieve the desired form and facade for a contemporary house amidst the green.
//Approach The house was conceptualised as a structure with multiple terraces, overlooking onto one main courtyard with a tree, acting as a green core. Every space was planned and placed on the basis of views and experience based on the different in between floor levels. The courtyard acted as a central core, working as the spine of the house, where all the public and private spaces were opening onto. Landscape formed the binding element for the two houses, with functions of deck, pool, vegetable garden , BBQ space and outside lounge as the flowing elements.
shadow PLAY
//Project Brief
Stilt Floor Plan
Ground Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
Second Floor Plan
//05 The Core, India
Commercial - Retail Complex Professional Work | 2016 - 2017 Commercial complex and a retail mall at a major crossing city junction. The site serves as both an urban public space, with galleria retail mall and office space above it. 6570 sqm area
Design development Site planning and form development Sanction and Tender drawings Resolving services and coordination
//urbanism //architecture
//Design Ideation //Overview Located at the corner of a hustling street, the junction was visioned to be a landmark for the towns around and mark as an iconic commercial centre for the city. The brief was to club retail and commercial for a complex catering to all classes of economy and act as a local centre; hence the development of galleria type retail. //Approach The rectangular site was approched by mixing the public and private spaces. Various massing and form exercises were a part of the firm studio, considering aspects of enteries, sun direction, orientation, approach roads, zoning of functions vertically and horizontally, escape routes and plaza spaces. Site area Built up
6570 sqm 13,926 sqm
FAR 2.6 Ground Coverage 41% (2209 sqm)
//Skin Development
//06 The Stadia
Thesis Project Bachelors of Architecture | 2015 Hypothetical redevlopment of Ambedkar Stadium for a â&#x20AC;&#x153;Open typology public stadiaâ&#x20AC;?. The project was adopted to overcome the demand for a new stadium and instead redevelop an existing one to overcome the demand for new infrastructure in the football industry. Sewed in an urban fabric, the vision was to amalgamate the built mass with the public periphery realm for a multifunctional stadium arena.
//urbanism //architecture
//Design Ideation //Project Overview Located in the heart if the city, Ambedkar Stadium is flanked by Feroz Shah Kotla stadium on the southern side and a major public junction on the other. The site is well connected to the rest of the city with a bus terminal next to it and a metro station popping up on the northern side. Site area Built up
32854sqm 28668sqm
Players area Media Admin
3500sqm 2000sqm 1800sqm
Training area Offices Retail Gallery
15% | 5800 sqm 10% | 1800 sqm 5% | 900 sqm 8% | 1500 sqm
//Approach Overlapping nature of the different planes is very much visible from the character of Old Delhi. Inspired from this, the site was conceptualised by integrating the different layers of public realm and the stadium functions together. Integrating ; • Peripheral open zone • Civic amenities like gym and fitness • Urban landscape • Employment opportunities
//Form Development
//layer 1 activating the edges 45
//layer 2 generating movement
//layer 3 zoning
//layer 4 viewing circle
//Roof Development
//function overlay
The roof of the stadium is supported on 20 X- shaped Pre stressed steel modules, with one leg on the ground and the other supported on the steel columns of the already built structure. Further overlapping by â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; sections and purlins, the roof is then covered with Acrylic Reflective panels to provide for a translucent roof.