Thefashionindustryhasalwaysbeenanintegral partofourculture,anditissafetosaythatitwill nevergooutofstyle.However,someofthe methodsandpracticesusedbybusinessesinthis industryareoutdatedandharmfultothe environment,suchasfastfashion,waterpollution, andtheuseoffossil-fuelplastics.Inrecentyears, therehasbeenagrowingawarenessoftheneed forsustainabilityinthefashionindustry.This awarenesshasledtoincreasedeffortsby businessestoadoptenvironmentallyfriendly practicesandreducetheircarbonfootprint.Today, morethanever,fashionbusinessesarelookingfor innovativewaystopromotesustainabilityand contributepositivelytotheplanet.
Natural fibers refer to fibers obtained from natural sources such as geological processes, plants, or animals. These fibers are characterized by their organic origin and are biodegradable, making them an eco-friendly alternative to synthetic fibers. Examples of natural fibers include wool, silk, jute, hemp, and most notably, cotton. The production of natural fibers involves minimal processing, which helpstopreservetheirnaturalpropertiesandtexture.
Cotton is the most widely used natural fiber in the world, and it is obtained from the fluffy case that envelops the seed of the cotton plant. Cotton fiber is known for its exceptional properties such as softness, comfort, and breathability, making it a popular choice for clothing, bedding, and everyday items like towels. Additionally, the natural off-white color of cotton allows it to be easily dyed into a wide range of colors, making it a versatile material in this industry. However, as amazingly practical as cotton is, it has its cons too.
Cottoncultivationhasbeenamajor contributor to the degradation of soil quality over the years. Despite particular global areas being dedicated to cotton farming, the production of cotton has led to the depletionanddegradationofsoilin many regions. The intensive use of fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides, coupled with poor irrigation practices, has led to the accumulationofharmfulchemicals in the soil, which significantly reducesitsfertility.
Additionally, cotton farming practices, such as continuous monoculture, leave the soil susceptible to erosion and nutrient depletion As a result, most cotton isgrowninwell-establishedfields.
However, when these fields become exhausted, farmers are forced to expand into new areas, leading to the destruction of natural habitats, loss of biodiversity, and displacement of local communities.
Cottonfarmingisawater-intensive activity,andtheuseofirrigationsystems hasledtothedepletionofwater resourcesinmanyareas.Theoveruseof groundwaterhasalsocontributedtothe degradationofsoilqualitybycausingsoil salinizationandalkalization. The use of pesticides poses a threat to the quality of soil and water and the health of biodiversity in and around the fields. The excessive use of pesticides also raises concerns about the health of farm workers and people living nearby. The runoff from cotton fields, containing pesticides, fertilizers, and minerals, pollutes rivers, lakes, wetlands, and underground aquifers. These pollutants not only affect biodiversity directly through immediate toxicity but also indirectly through long-term accumulation.
Organic farming practices promote a healthier soil ecosystem and reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. By avoiding the use of harmful chemicals, organic cotton farming helps to reduce soilandwaterpollution.
Conservation tillage is a farming technique that involves leaving crop residue on the soil surface instead of tilling it into the ground. This technique helps to prevent soil erosion, retain soil moisture, and reduceweedgrowth.
Crop rotation is a technique used to manage soil fertility and pest control. By rotating cotton with other crops, farmers can reduce soil depletion and pest infestation, which helps to maintain soil health and biodiversity.
The development and use of droughtresistantcottonvarietiescanhelpreduce water usage in regions where water resourcesarelimited.
Farmers can reduce water usage by adopting water-efficient irrigation practices such as drip irrigation, which delivers water directly to the plant roots whileminimizingwaterwaste.
SYNTHETIC fibers are man-made materials that are produced by using chemical processes to transform petrochemicals or petroleum into fibers. These fibers are engineered to have specific properties such as strength, durability, and elasticity, making them ideal for their vast applications in various industries. Fast fashion isaknownabuserofthistextile with their excessive use of polyester.
Regenerated fibers are artificial fibers that are made by converting plant cellulose into a viscous solution, which is then extruded through small holes to form long strands Regenerated fibers are often used as a sustainable alternative to synthetic fibers, as they are made from renewable resources and can be biodegraded.Somecommontypesofregeneratedfibers includerayon,lyocell,andmodal.
Synthetic textiles, such as polyester, are made from plastic-based materials that are not biodegradable. When these textiles are washed, small plastic fibers break off and get released into the water, known as microplastics. Microplastics are so small that they are not captured by wastewater treatment plants, and they eventually end up inrivers,lakes,andoceans.
Once in the water, microplastics pose a substantial threat to marine life. Fish, birds, and other animals can mistake the tiny particles for food, which can cause physical harm or even death. Microplastics can also absorb and release toxins, which can harm animals and humans that eat contaminated seafood Microplasticsenteringthefoodchain are a significant concern for human health. Studies have shown that microplastics have been found in drinking water, seafood, and even salt. This means that humans are inadvertently consuming microplastics, which canpotentiallyharmtheirhealth
The production of synthetic fibers requires a substantial amount of energy, primarily derived from fossil fuels. This not only contributes to greenhouse gas emissions but also exacerbatesclimatechange.
Organic cotton reduces harmful chemical use, benefits the environment,andpromotesfarmerand worker health. It requires less water andemitsfewercarbonemissionsthan conventional cotton. Choosing organic cotton supports sustainable and ethical farming practices, and helps conserveresources.
Social media has emerged as a pivotal force in shaping the trendsthatpervadeourdailylives.Theexponentialgrowthof fast fashion can be attributed, in part, to the impact of social media, which has catalyzed the breakneck pace of the contemporary fashion industry. In the not-too-distant past, the industry was characterized by a mere two runway collections annually. Today, the landscape has undergone a dramatic transformation, with brands presenting 70 collectionsperannum,oroneeveryweek.Moreover,withthe proliferation of social media, the turnover rate for fashion trendsismorerapidthaneverbefore.
In recent years, social media has played a significant role in the overconsumption of fashion products. The trend of shopping hauls and try-on videos with popular hashtags has led to an increase in impulsive shopping as fashion trends keep changing rapidly. This trend is commonly referred to as "ultra-fast fashion," which encourages the purchase and disposal of cheap clothes from brands like Fashion Nova, Shein, and Princess Polly after only a few wears. These brands have taken the fast fashion business model to a new level,increasingtheirmarketingtacticsandinfluencercollaborations, leadingtoexponentialgrowthintheultra-fastfashionindustry.
As previously stated, the use of polyester and synthetic fibers in inexpensive clothing has a detrimental impact on the environment, as they release non-recyclable and non-biodegradable microplastics. Additionally, discarded clothing contributes to the growing problem of landfills,whichoccupyvastamountsofland.IntheUnitedStatesalone, roughly 85 percent of textiles end up in landfills. During decomposition, thesetextilesreleasehazardousgasesandchemicalsthatcontaminate our air, water, and soil. While some types of textile waste decompose quickly, others can take centuries to break down. In the U.S., over 18 percentoftextilewaste,equivalenttoroughly3trilliontextilesannually, isincinerated,leadingtoairpollution.
Denim is a popular wardrobe essential for millions of people worldwide. From jeans to denim jackets, it is a preferred choice for its durability and versatility. However,thedenimindustryisinfamousforitsexcessive water usage, energy consumption, and chemical pollution.Itisoneofthemostenvironmentallydamaging sectors in the fashion industry. Let's take a look at the denim industry's environmental impacts and how to mitigatethem.
The process of dyeing jeans with synthetic indigo is highly toxic and has a significant environmental impact. To achieve the desiredlookortextureinapairofpants,finishingagentsareused that contain hazardous chemicals such as formaldehyde This posesamajorhealthrisktoworkersinvolvedintheprocess.
Alargeamountofwastegeneratedbythedenimindustryiseitherdumpedin landfills or burned, which contributes to environmental damage and greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, millions of liters of wastewater are produced during the denim manufacturing process, which contains harmful chemicals and dyes. The dyeing and washing processes in denim production areparticularlyproblematic.Thechemicalsusedinthedyeingprocesscause the water to become unusable, resulting in a large amount of contaminated wastewater being released into the environment. Unfortunately, in many denim-producingregions,rivershaveturnedblueduetothehighlevelsofdye contamination.Thispollutionofsoilandwaterwayshasadetrimentalimpact onhumanbeings,plants,andanimalsinthesurroundingareas.
Water-saving techniques like ozone washing and laser technology are used to reduce water usage by up to 90% during denimfinishing.
Using natural dyes derived from plant sources makes their usage less destructive to workers and the environment. Ecofriendlyrawmaterialslikenaturalenzymes.
Recycling initiatives can reduce waste by using cotton scraps or recycled fibers to createnewdenimproducts.
The Odder Side is a brand that was established in 2015 by two best friends who shared a common dream of designing beautiful, and comfortable clothing. The brand's main focus is to create high-quality, long-lasting, and timeless pieces that are also environmentally sustainable.Toensurethatthebrandiseco-friendly,TheOdderSideuses only certified sustainable fabrics such as Oeko-Tex, GOTS, and Lenzing. These fabrics are made using environmentally friendly processes and materials,andtheyarefreefromharmfulsubstancesthatcouldharmthe environmentorthepeoplewhowearthem.
The brand also maintains a short supply chain, which means that it works directly with suppliers to reduce the environmental impact of transporting materials.Thisapproachalsoallowsthem to have greater control over the quality of theirproducts.
In addition, The Odder Side is committed to being plastic-free! All their orders are shipped in recycled cardboard boxes, and they only use paper carrier bags. This means that their products are not only stylish and comfortable, but also come in packaging that is safe for the environment!
The brand's commitment to sustainability extendstothematerialstheyusefortheir clothing They opt for sustainable fibers such as organic cotton, which is grown without the use of harmful chemicals, Tencel, which is made from renewable wood pulp, linen, which is biodegradable and requires less water and pesticides to grow, and wool, which is a natural and renewable resource. By using these materials, the brand reduces its environmentalimpactwhilealsoproviding customers with high-quality and durable clothingoptions.
To live sustainably, we must start by educating ourselves about the products we buy and how they impact the environment. When we are aware of our consumption habits, we can make informed decisions that helpusreduceourcarbonfootprint.
Onewaytodothisisbyupcyclingclothing.Thisinvolvestakingold clothing and creating something new out of it, which reduces the demand for resource-intensive manufacturing. By using existing materials,wenotonlyreducewastebutalsogivenewlifetoitems thatmighthaveotherwiseendedupinlandfills.
Anotherwaytolivesustainablyistoinvestinquality overquantity.Ratherthanbuyinglotsofcheap,less eco-friendly items, we can save up and invest in a few high-quality pieces each year. This not only reduces our carbon footprint but also saves us moneyinthelongrun.High-qualityitemslastlonger andrequirelessfrequentreplacement.
Finally, shopping for secondhand items is an effective way to support sustainable living. When we buy secondhand, we reduce the demand for new products, which reduces the amount of waste generated during the manufacturing process. Additionally, buying secondhand items often supports local thrift stores or charities,whichhelpsourcommunitiesthrive.