LEGO Campaign

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CAMPAIGN 01 The following campaign has been designed to reconnect and regain the love of LEGO, a n d t o e n c o u r a g e t h e e n j o y m e n t o f p l a y i n g m o r e . T h e H a s h t a g # P L AY M O R E i s t h e k e y f o c u s a n d i s c a r r i e d t h r o u g h o u t e a c h p l a c e m e n t . We a i m t o r e a c h d e m o g r a p h i c s o f c h i l d r e n , t o t h e o r i g i n a l L E G O k i d s . We e n c o u r a g e t h i s i d e a o f p l a y i n g m o r e a n d reengaging one’s ability to play despite age or access. This campaign utilises old f a v o r i t e s f r o m S t a r Wa r s a n d M a r v e l s e r i e s , w h i l s t a l s o p o p u l a t i n g L E G O ’ s a b i l i t y t o adapt for older generations, with an iOS and Android App. The following document w i l l g i v e e x a m p l e s o f e a c h d e s i g n e d p l a t f o r m f o r o u r P L AY M O R E c a m p a i g n .


MAGAZINE print ads

These print adver tisements have been designed in a manner that targets our older d e m o g r a p h i c s o f 2 0 - 4 0 ye a r o l d s . Ty p i c a l l y


it plays to this notion of nostalgia to evoke memories from their own c hildhood. The Te t r i s ve r s i o n r e i n s t a t e s t h i s i d e a o f p l a y, referencing a popular game from this t a r g e t e d d e m o g r a p h i c ’ s h i s t o r y, again easily recognisable.


MAGAZINE A4 pr int

The magazine placements will have relations to an older readership typically young to m i d d l e a g e d m a l e a n d f e m a l e s . We w a n t t o p l a y o n t h i s i d e a t h a t w e e v o k e s o m e t h i n g w i t h i n the parents which then passes on to their children. Again we aim to encourage this idea of P L AY M O R E . B o t h g e n d e r v e r s i o n s a r e g i v e n w i t h r e f e r e n c e s t o S t a r W a r s a n d M a r v e l , t w o ver y recognisable and popular figures from LEGO series.

outdoor These series of prints will be released in magazine features as well as outdoor bus shelters and


promotional billboard position. They will be placed in high traf fic i n n e r c i t y a r e a s . We w a n t t o e v o k e p l a y, i n p l a c e s t h a t a r e e s s e n t i a l l y void of this notion.


BUS STOP 48 x 69 in

A select few in high foot traf fic areas will be released as an interactive touch screen game o f L E G O Te t r i s . U s e d a s b o t h a p ro m o t i o n a l t o o l f o r t h e a p p l i c a t i o n we i n t e n d t o re l e a s e a n d e v o k i n g o u r m a i n o b j e c t i v e - p l a y.



This App has been created to take the LEGO experience to a vir tual level. LEGO’s gameplay allows all a g e s t o p l a y, c o m p e t e a n d b r a g a b o u t s c o r e s o n a g l o b a l l e a d e r b o a r d . W i t h i n t h i s a p p l i c a t i o n t h e r e a re a l s o va r i e t i e s o f L E G O t h e m e d g a m e s , i n c l u d i n g a Te t r i s s t y l e g a m e , c ro s s wo rd s , m a z e s , p u z z l e s and brain teasers. Users have the ability to customise avatars, as well as the chance to win a real life v e r s i o n o f t h e i r a v a t a r i n L E G O f o r m . We a i m t o e n g a g e a n d e n c o u r a g e p l a y i n g a m o n g s t a l l a g e s i n p a r t i c u l a r , a d u l t s . W e a l l l i v e v e r y b u s y l i v e s , b u t a t L E G O w e e n c o u r a g e y o u t o t a k e a b r e a k , a n d P L AY MORE.

instagram 09

lego social media 10

LEGO will begin to create a great presence on social media through this campaign. This can be achieved by utilising these platforms to coincide with the LEGO Application, for iOS and Android devices. LEGO must remain current and accessible on popular platforms for continued market growth. By marketing for LEGO App on social media platforms like Instagram, select demographics will become more easily accessible.

donation letter 11

This donation letter has been written in a manner that attempts to relate to the targeted demographic, middle-aged adults and parents. The chosen charity is relatable to both LEGO and the target market. A simple badge has been added as an incentive for the recievers to donate, under the p r i n c i p l e o f r e c i p r o c i t y.

donation form


LEGO badge


We not only want you to start having more fun but to also encourage this with the children in your life. Through this they can learn cognitive and social skills as well as physical. We understand the need to buy your LEGO for them but also for yourself. With this in mind we intend on continuing the release of all your childhood favorites throughout the years as well as new products.

download today





lego app brochure LEGO APP

play more

A new era for LEGO has begun. We invite all ages to join us as we begin to change the building blocks of toys and gaming. With our busy lives running full speed we barely ďŹ nd any time to enjoy ourselves with simple things. Somewhere along the way between childhood and adulthood people have lost their desire to keep playing. Here at LEGO we are changing the game. Creativity Fun Achieving Goals Learning Challenges Working Together Excitement Stimulation

Not only do we want you to play at home, but also who said LEGO can’t become a part of your every day life? This year we are releasing a new gaming application for all ages to enjoy, challenge and compete with on iOS and Android. This App will give users the opportunity to customize avatars whilst also challenging and competing with friends across a variety of games. Leaderboard scores will also create the ability for monthly winners who are given the prize of their very own custom avatar LEGO piece.

any age can play



lego app brochure



direct mailer



This direct mailer has been designed in a way that remains minimalistic, but still fun. In a small cardboard box lies a LEGO maze game. Whether it is played by kids or by adults, this game can be handed onto friends or relatives to share the fun. LEGO provides users with the ability to create new ways to play. Regardless of age, we encourage the receivers of this package to go online to explore more possibilities.

radio ad The radio adver tisement has been created to remain ver y s i m p l e a n d c l e a r. T h e s o u n d o f laughter represents the idea of


playing, whic h evokes positive happy emotions. The layering of the adults’ laughter portrays the idea of a shared experience. This instills the notion that LEGO can b e e n j o y e d b y a l l a g e s . T h e 15 second commercial is then finished with our campaign’s hash tag and LEGO reference. This ad remains v e r y s i m p l e a n d t o t h e p o i n t - P L AY

newsletter BUILDING BLOCKS The newsletter has been designed in a manner that still reflects our campaign’s p u r p o s e . We d o n o t d i r e c t l y m e n t i o n any products or specific promotions. Within this newsletter we highlight the benefits of playing and using games in ever yday life. LEGO’s newsletter ‘Building Blocks’ will be emailed n a t i o n w i d e o n a m o n t h l y b a s i s . We a i m to cover topics that will interest parents o n t h e b a s i s o f t h e i r c h i l d ’ s f u t u r e . We have titled the first newsletter ‘ T r a i n i n g Yo u r B r a i n – A r e O u r K i d s Pla ying Enough’, to encourage t hem to continue reading with the benefit of their children in mind. At the bottom of the article there is a click through link that will take consumers directly to the LEGO homepage.

TRAINING YOUR BRAIN are our kids playing enough? Recent studies have demonstrated the positive effects gaming can have on cognitive development. Gaming can show a strong correlation with changes in the brain. F orbes recently stated, “The prefrontal cortex is often referred to as our brainʼs command and control center. Itʼs where higher order thinking takes place, like decision-making and self-control. Previous research has shown that pl the DLPFC plays a big part in how we process complex decisions, particularly those that involve weighing options that include achieving short-term objectives with long-term implications. Itʼs also where we make use of our brainʼs working memory resources – the information we keep “top of mind” for quick access when making a decision. The FEF is a brain area central to how we process visual-motor information and make judgments about how to handle external stimuli. Itʼs also important in decision-making because it allows us to efficiently figure out what sort of reaction best suits whatʼs happening around us. The term “hand-eye coordination” is part of this process”

In 2014 the American Psychologist released an article that stated games mainly benefit cognitive, motivation, emotional and social skills. Pigaet (1962) theorised, “That make-believe okay provides children opportunities to rep reproduce real life conflicts, to work out ideal resolutions of their own pleasure, and to ameliorate negative feelings.” Recent news has released a claim that people could no longer solve problems. Problems such as fixing cars, because they hadnʼt work with their hands growing up. NASA now determines future employment of a research and dev development problem solver, if they have fixed cars or done things with their hands prior in their life, because they are usually restricted with their problem solving capabilities. Weʼre not suggesting that games should be played every hour of the day. But we do suggest regardless of age, to interact more with games and become in touch with your coordination skills, and to challenge yourself. So go on then, ta a break, and play more. take

Continuing to develop these areas can increase a personʼs ability to multi task and make decisions. Games can produce a simple but effective break from everyday. By playing games one can begin to develop sensor monitor skills with gr greater results in coordination and skill.




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