Maleny District Sports + Recreation Club newsletter for August 24th, 2020

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Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 24 August 2020

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter The Beautiful Game Shines for Maleny Rangers F C It was a big week-end for Maleny Rangers FC, with an exciting home game win for the Snr Mens Div 2 team, recording a fantastic 6-0 against Nambour on Saturday. Goals scored by Dylan Campbell, Kye Chapman, Andreas Easton and a hat trick from club goalscoring stalwart Coen Slaughter showed great effort, performance and results. The Snr Men Div 4 also had a good performance but ultimately went down 2-0 to top of the table Caloundra Red. However the U’12’s game against Coolum, also at home, was a solid game. Goals from Simba and Tully secured a good 2 nil win against Coolum. The game against Buderim was a cracker! All the boys played exceptionally well with goals from Will and Vinnie - 2 each! Maleny 4

Caloundra 0. Well done boys - a lot to take away and build on. Maleny Rangers Senior Women's FC Blue faced tough competition from Kawana FC on a cold Friday night in Maleny. Whilst a strong defensive start to the match, Maleny eventually succumbed to the attacking prowess of Kawana. With the final result being Maleny Rangers FC Blue 0 - 6 Kawana FC. Maleny Rangers FC White enjoyed supporting Maleny Rangers FC Blue during the bye week. It is an all-female football night at Maleny Rangers FC this coming Friday 28th August: showcasing two exciting match ups. Maleny Rangers FC Blue against Beerwah Glasshouse United FC (Beegees). Kick-off at 6:30 p.m at Maleny Rangers FC. Maleny

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Rangers FC White against Kawana FC. Kick-off at 8:15 p.m. at Maleny Showgrounds - we welcome supporters to come along to watch some exciting play! Rangers Football Club is a community based, not-for-profit organisation providing a pathway for girls and boys of all ages and abilities through to senior teams for women and men. Their home and training ground is the Maleny Showgrounds and you can contact them at 0404 278 680 by email at or visit their website

and FB page: MalenyRangersFC PhotoBelow Maleny U12 Div 1 team in action V Buderim

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Maleny Library

Your Club News If your club or organisation is an associate member of the Maleny District Sports and Recreation Club then you can publicise your club results and news in this, our “Community Billboard”. Keep your events diary up to date on the MDSARC Inc Web site so that we all know about your communities important events. This is your newsletter - let all of Maleny know the latest info from your club every week! All articles, results, posters and photos (as large sized jpegs, please do not embed these in a Word doc) for inclusion in the weekly sports results should be emailed to

Monday, 24 August 2020

Family History Collection Have you ever wondered about your ancestry? The Sunshine Coast Council library service has a daily history collection to assist you in finding out more about your past family history. The family history collection is located in Nambour, Caloundra and Maroochydore Libraries. While the emphasis is on Australian content, some overseas records are available. There are a number of external resources from the library, but available through the library which may help your search. A list of those resources can be found at: Collections Further information is available through the State Library of Queenland’s web site at:

Maleny Service Centre One Stop Shop

1/16 Lawyer Street Maleny no later than 12 noon every Monday.


5494 3444


Club website:

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Monday, 24 August 2020

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 24 August 2020

Sunshine Coast Covid - 19 Update

New directions are in place for gatherings on the Sunshine Coast in line with measures introduced across Queensland following an increase in COVID-19 cases.

Sunshine Coast Council Mayor Mark Jamieson called on residents to comply with the public health directions and limit gatherings in private homes or public spaces to a maximum of 30 people, continue to maintain hand hygiene and physical distancing and get tested if you experience flu-like symptoms. Limitations on gatherings do not apply to businesses operating with a COVID Safe plan. “Do not become complacent. Doing the right thing is very simple,” Mayor Jamieson said.

“Queensland Health is asking for you to stay home if you are sick and be sure to get tested if you have any symptoms of COVID-19 including fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose or fatigue.

“Testing is essential, no matter how mild your symptoms are. There are some indications that a level of complacency may be creeping in for some Queenslanders. “The Chief Health Officer has made it very clear – there have been very low incidences of the cold and flu this season, so if you have any symptoms, it is absolutely critical that you get tested.” Mayor Jamieson said Sunshine Coast residents needed to support each other’s efforts to comply with public health directions.

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

There are 18 active cases in Queensland. “We all have a role to play in slowing the spread and I urge everyone to act responsibly.” If you have COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, call your doctor or 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84) and get tested. Call emergency services on Triple Zero (000) if you are very sick. Visit Queensland Health’s website to find your nearest testing centre, further information about restrictions on gatherings and for a list of locations linked to the south east Queensland confirmed cases. conditions/health-alerts/ coronavirus-covid-1

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 24 August 2020

Hello from MSHS Youth Support Coordinator From : Sue Krucker – Youth Support Coordinator @ Maleny State High School University. I came home each weekend to work at Coles. 2. If you could spend a day with any historical figure, who would it be and why? Michelle Obama friends and colleagues, at home, – she’s a woman I admire, has done a lot, has got a posi6ve work and in our community. This outlook on life and wants to generates posi6ve emo6ons leave a posi6ve mark on the (dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin) world. creates support networks and reduces stress. So, recently, I asked 3. What’s the biggest the Principal of the Maleny State misconcep3on people have about your posi3on? Everyone High School, Ms Deborah Stewart, has been to school and some deep (and some quirky) everyone has had a principal. ques6ons, in an effort to get to Have you ever wondered how well People remember what their know her, beyond her role and you know certain people? … your principal did, through student du6es:- rela6ves and neighbours? … your eyes and think they know what 1. What was your first job (part a principal does. If people colleagues or friends? For some of 3me whilst s3ll at school)? walked in my shoes for a couple us, we see the same people every Working at “Red Baron” in Palm of days they would be day and yet we know very li>le Beach (Gold Coast) as a check surprised, shocked, at what about them. out operator. I did that for a few goes through the principal’s One of the elements on the “Wheel months and then went and office. of Well-being” is People : Connect, worked in the Fruit & Veg 4. If you could snap your fingers sec6on at Coles in Elanora, which invites us to develop and and become an expert in throughout high school and build rela6onships with family, something, what would it be?

Ge#ng to know you

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 24 August 2020

Hello from MSHS Youth Support Coordinator (ConBnued from previous page) Something to do in the arts. Always enjoyed singing, but people around me don’t enjoy listening to me singing; I always wanted to try my hand at pain6ng, but never found the 6me. 5. What advice did you give to your teenage self? Go be a teacher! I have never regre>ed going into educa6on. I have taught so many young people, met wonderful teachers along the way, and have worked in different communi6es that all have been special in their own way.

am working on, is concentra6ng on my own well-being. There have been a few 6mes in the past where my health and mental health has suffered. So, I am giving myself permission to work on my own well-being – so that I can be the best person I can be for my staff, students, partner and family. 10.What’s something - big or small – that you’re really bad at? Singing and playing the flute! 11.What’s something – big or small – that you’re really good at? I’m becoming good at croche6ng. I’m pre>y good at most handcrafs – embroidery, cross-s6tch etc

12. What would we most likely find 6. What do you do to turn things you doing on the weekend? around when you’re having a Nowadays, you would find me bad day? When I am having a with my plants / garden, or bad day, I walk around the watching movies or playing Lego school, go into classrooms with my nephew or Tik-Toking and speak to students. Talking with my niece. to students always lifs my spirits. I’m reminded that I am 13. Are you a dog person or a cat person? Cat here for them. 7. What’s one of your favourite 14. If you could choose a superpower to possess at work for one day, memories from the past year? what would it be? Invisibility – Cooking a family meal, for my people always say what they mum and dad, that included think I want to hear and not tell both my brothers. We don’t me the truth. To be invisible to ofen find ourselves together hear people talk truthfully would for meals and this one was be a great super power. To be special. able to leave my office, or school, 8. What’s one thing most people for 30 minutes and not be found don’t know about you? As would be nice, too! overweight as I am, I can s6ll 15. What book are you reading at do the splits. the moment? “Range” by David 9. What’s one thing you’re Epskin learning now, and why is it important? One aspect that I Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

16. What’s your favourite sport to watch and which team do you barrack for? It is not a sport, but I love watching the Olympics. For 14 plus days, I become an expert in swimming, gymnas6cs, track and field etc. I’ve always enjoyed watching Tennis. I remember watching Bjorn Borg play tennis, as a kid. 17. What skill do you think everyone should have? To be able to read, write, problem solve, mathema6cs, IT skills, know how to drive, cook and look afer one’s self. 18. What fic3onal place would you most like to visit? Somewhere in space, in a galaxy far, far away. I have always wanted to go into space. Un6l next week, stay well and don’t let these August winds blow you away, Sue

Maleny Historical Society The Maleny Historical Society exists to collect, store, preserve, restore and display examples of past life in Maleny The Historical Village is open to the public onTuesdays & Saturdays, from 9.00am to 4.00pm or by appointment. Phone Kim the caretaker -on 07 5499 9030 Entry is by donation. Tour & school groups accommodated. Morning tea & lunch available by appointment.

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Maleny Show-grounds Camping Maleny Showgrounds is open for camping. This ground offers camping year-round (maximum 3 night stay), except during major events & seasonal blackout dates. All campers who can adhere to the Qld Health, Sunshine Coast Council and Qld Government regulations pertaining to Covid-19 social distancing and hygiene guidelines are welcome. Enjoy a peaceful environment close to town. Groups and caravanning clubs are welcome. Cost is just $25 per night: Includes electricity, water, toilet/shower facilities, access to Dump Point. Find all the details at the web site:

Monday, 24 August 2020

Around Division 5 with Cr Winston Johnston Spring 1080 Wild Dog Baiting Program For your information the Sunshine Coast Council 1080 wild dog baiting program for Spring 2020 is about to commence. The baiting program is scheduled to run from Monday 31st August until Friday 25th September. The program will be delivered by the Feral Animal Education and Control Team in conjunction with the local community groups across the Council region from the southern boundary at Beerburrum to the western areas of Maleny, Conondale, Kenilworth, Belli Park in the North. The wild dog baiting program is run in the rural areas and has many constants governed by legislation and guidelines but does benefit the whole of the council area. Written notifications will be going out to all residents within the baiting area commencing 21st August.

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 24 August 2020

Celebration of a Century

The Maleny Centenary celebrations were held in 1978 to mark 100 years since the first European, Isaac Hudson Burgess, had selected 790 acres (Portion 98) in the Maleny district on 12 November 1878. The Maleny Centenary procession took place on 11th November 1978, organised by the Maleny Apex Club, with some 55 separate vehicles or groups taking part. The parade was led by the Redcliffe Scottish Pipe Band. It started at the entrance to the town, passed down Bunya Street, across the Obi Obi Creek Bridge and along Maple Street to the Showgrounds. The displays included entries by the Maleny Apex Club and Maleny Soldiers Memorial Hospital, horse drawn carts, marching bands, and a whole bullock team and vintage cars paraded up the street, thrilling the onlookers.

The main festivities were held over two days, commencing with

the procession on the Saturday and culminating on the following morning with an Ecumenical Church service at the School of Arts Hall. Other highlights included a Civic Reception at the Showgrounds, with the Governor of Queensland, Sir James Ramsay as the Guest of Honour, an Arts and Crafts display at the R.S.L. Hall and a Centenary Ball. With thanks to Gail Denver who attended the parade for these images

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 24 August 2020

Beersheba Living Museum Open Maleny’s 5th Light Horse Regiment will be meeting for training again this coming Saturday 29th August from 11.00 am. The Maleny 5th Light Horse Regiment Maleny Troop is a re-enactment regiment, proudly demonstrating Australian Light Horse skills and dress. The public are always welcome to drop by their beautiful grounds, the Ziza Field to watch the Troopers go through their paces. Their Beersheba Living Museum will also be open to visitors. The Ziza Field and Beersheba Living Museum are situated at the bottom of Parklands Drive (off Porters

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Lane) on the Maleny Community Precinct.. There is no entry charge to the museum (donation only) and the troopers welcome you to come visit them and their horses this Saturday. Follow them on FB at:

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Beware - Magpie swooping season has begun Magpies breeding season has begun across the Sunshine Coast and council asks residents to remain tolerant of the protected native animal as they walk or ride near nests.

Monday, 24 August 2020

Division 5 - Councillor Winston Johnston Contact details

Cr Winston Johnston's office is located in the Eddie DeVere building on the corner of Currie and Bury Streets, Nambour. If you would like to meet with Cr Johnston, please call to arrange an appointment.

Magpies will often stay in one area for up to 20 years and can identify individuals by their facial features, even recognising all the people in their neighbourhood.


(07) 5441 8043. Mobile. 0429 076 066.


When they walk around with their head tilted, they are actually listening for prey and are capable of hearing earthworms and larvae moving underground. They are also extraordinary parents, looking after their young for up to two years. Magpies usually breed between August and October every year

Swooping begins once the eggs are hatched and ends once the chicks have left the nest, which is about six to eight weeks. When you see male magpies defending their territory by beak clapping, whooshing above your head and screeching, they are merely defending their young. Don’t act aggressively towards them as they have a very long memory and this will just encourage further defensive behaviour in the future. Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 24 August 2020

Maleny Golf Club For all of you keen golfers out there a house in East Brisbane has come on the market and it is aimed at just you. A labour of love for the owner for the past 17 years, the home’s crowning glory has to be the addition of a three-hole putting green on the roof of the garage. A keen golfer, Mr Crowe, the present owner said he found playing a full round of golf physically taxing, so the green was a way for him to keep his hand in the game by allowing him to practise his putting.

further and ripped out his front lawn and is converting the front yard into a similar putting green. The finish will eventually rival that of Mr Crows’. We wish everyone presently playing in club Championship rounds of golf all the best and great weather. If you wish to play please either phone our clubhouse on 5499 9960 or go to our website and put your name down to play. Did you know that Golf is a game, invented by God to punish guys who retire early.

Maleny RSL Friday night Social Meals are Back

At last we are able to eat together again, albeit 20 at a time, and share our lockdown stories - but not our viruses. The course is likely one of the best-kept around with Mr Crowe taking meticulous care of it.

The key points to safe dining: ✦

Open for dinner on Friday 5th June 2020

Limit of 20 patrons and a booking system will apply. Please phone RSL 5435 2672 between 8am to 1pm.

2 sessions will be available (4.30pm - 6.30pm) and (6.45pm - 8.45pm) to enable more than 20 on the night.

New COVID Safe requirements and procedures need to be followed and these will be signposted and/or explained as required

Social distancing of 1.5m needs to be observed

Table seating only i.e., no standing around and minimal movement, to and from bar and food collection table

“I love golf but I also love my grass, so I get out there with my cylinder mower and look after it. Now, you might think that that is a bit over the top and no one could take their golf so seriously. Well, did you know that one Malenyite, name not being mentioned, “but Not Happy Jan” has gone one

Maleny Paint Supplies 6/14 Lawyer Street, Maleny

for all of your painting supplies. Australian Made & Australian Family Owned Ultra Premium Paints. So you think that painting is a SHI##Y job.

We have a a new tool to finish off the job perfectly. Get one FREE with each 4 or 6 lt can purchased! Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Steph, our chef, has proposed a great menu which now excludes battered bats.

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 24 August 2020

Thanks Clive Maleny’s community groups seem to have many avid recreational mowers in their ranks! Spotted recently and pictured here is Maleny Historical Society’s Clive Powell, keeping the gardens and grounds in pristine condition at the Pioneer Village. To see just how our Maleny Pioneers lived you can visit the Village and it’s many interesting historical buildings and displays each Tuesday and Saturday between 9 am and 4 pm. The Maleny Historical Society's FB page is always a great place to visit, cataloguing Maleny’s past via stories, pictures and interesting snippets:

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

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Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 24 August 2020

“Talking Law with Member and Williams” Carolyn Williams Is Your Commercial and Retail Lease Secure

The Covid-19 situation has been uncharted territory for the world of leasing, with restrictions on human movement, and impacts on both customer flows and the ability of people to occupy their business operations. However, the current circumstances parallel with any other economic shock that we’ve experienced throughout history and in that regard, it will come down to the willingness of parties to be reasonable and to negotiate variations to current arrangements to ride through the storm. If you are a Tenant or a Landlord and require assistance

with a lease or negotiating a new agreement, please do not hesitate to get in touch with experienced Maleny Business Lawyer Carolyn Williams who would be more than happy to assist you.

Carolyn also has a particular interest in Succession Planning,

Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Wills and Estates, and the administration of deceased estates, providing effective Estate Planning advice to ensure clients’ assets are always properly protected and appropriately distributed. Carolyn has over 30 years experience in the legal industry. She works from her Maleny office at 13 Bunya Street, Maleny or her Caboolture offices at 7Annie Street, Caboolture. For more info, visit or call for an appointment 5499 149.

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Community Newsletter

Monday, 24 August 2020

The Range Croquet Club - Maleny The lawn has been busy this week. On Tuesday we had a visit from Greg Bury and Francesca de Wytt from Windsor Club. Greg is coaching director from the Australian Croquet Association.

He and Francesca played a game against Vince Carbery and Sarah Widin whichVince and Sarah won17 –9.

Two lawns were used on Thursday. Wallace Roy and Bev Sockhill played two games of golf Photo Below shows a happy little group croquet which Wallace won 7 –5, consisting of Alice Spittle and family hosted, pre-covid, byWallace and Sarah 7 –3. They went on to play a making the most of the good weather game of association croquet on lawn 1 which Bev won 8 -5. On lawn 1 Nick Cram and Sarah beat Kath Smith and Vince 22 –13. Ken Barker beat Donna Manning 26 –20. Bribie Beachcombers Caravan group visited on Saturday to play Aussie Croquet for an enjoyable two hours. On Sunday, Helen Andrews and Sarah made12 hoops to beat Janelle Wilson and Vince, close behind, on 11. Play days: Thursday and Sunday1.00 pm for 1.30. Contact Sarah for other days. Please arrive at 1 pm for games

to be arranged by 1.30.Supervised practice is available on Saturday mornings at 8 am on our excellent lawns, 200 m in on the right side of the showgrounds on entry. The Range Croquet Club (Maleny) and clubhouse are available to hire for events. Supervised practice is on Saturdays at 8.00 am Our web address is:

For details contact Sarah Widin 0417640704 (President), Vince Carbery 54942193 (vicepresident), or Priscilla Vickers 54943555 (secretary).

JP Services in Maleny The “JP in the Community” team are operating temporarily from the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre on Mondays & Fridays between 9.30am and12.30 pm

Do you need Floor Coverings?

Vinyl Co is your trusted flooring specialist with over 9 years industry experience! Contact us today for a free measure and quote, we specialist in Vinyl, Carpet and Floor levelling. Quality you can trust. Email: Maleny District Sport and Recreation Club Inc

Phone: 0400551730

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