Hinterlandgrapevine Online "Local Shopper" + Maleny District Sports + Recreation Club Sports News

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Friday, 16 October 2020

The Hinterlandgrapevine Online News

The Local Shopper Shopping local keeps your money in your community!

A Red Bench for Maleny

This red bench shows an amazing community involvement in working together to get the message on domestic violence prevention across the Maleny community.

The Red Rose Foundation actively works to end domestic and family violence related deaths in Australia including homicide, suicide and accidental deaths that arise from incidents and or/ histories of domestic violence.

Bench which is situated outside of the Maleny Post Office.

new red bench in the Main Street of Maleny.

Councillor Winston Johnston and long time Quota International Club of Maleny Jan Olde completed the ceremony. The seat was restored by the Maleny Mens Shed bench restorer and painted by Malcolm Baker.

This will be a collaboration between Maleny QUOTA and the Sunshine Coast council.

We had five of the seven members of the Speak Up Now Stop Domestic and Family Violence Maleny and Blackall Range in attendance. Maleny Quota Club members are in the process of sealing two more local collaborations. The first with the Maleny

The aim of The Red Rose Foundation is to have at least one Red Bench in every local government area in Queensland. Each bench will carry a plaque. Recently there was the official unveiling of Maleny’s first Red

Neighbourhood Centre, and the other at the well visited Maleny Historical Society. Councillor Johnston, along with Speak Up Now are working with the Sunshine Council to place a

After the unveiling of the Red Bench discussions have been held with a number of other local organisations about the intention of the red bench and its aim of being a conversation starter.

It is acknowledge that tragically, many domestic violence related deaths have many predictive elements and are largely considered preventable- thus the Red Bench Conversation Starter.. The Club is being supported locally by the QPS Vulnerable Persons Unit and several DV Services.� @Speak Up Now - Stop Domestic and Family Violence.

Please support businesses mentioned herein! Shopping Local encourages you to do just that: shop local and rediscover the quality savings and benefits of shopping right here at home. http://www.hinterlandgrapevine.com

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Friday, 16 October 2020

Around Division 5 with Cr Winston Johnston Gambling Benefit Fund Round 104. - Successful Applicants Announced

Around Division 5 with Cr Winston Johnston Skipper Musk Lookout at Bald Knob - Update

Thanks to the great work of the Built Infrastructure Team, Skipper Musk Lookout at Bald Knob has been resurfaced with extra car parking now provided. There is line marking to the sealed area and shrub planting on the eastern embankment will be completed soon. Congratulations to every person involved, this is a valuable tourist facility, which our community can be proud of. Well done. The lookout got its name as it was where Mrs Skipper & Mrs Daisy Musk ran a tea house not far from the lookout for the bullock drivers as they got to the top of the range. Pictures are before and after works - it’s also great to have the spectacular views of the coast back!

Disability Parking on Lawyer Street, Maleny I have received a request from the Maleny RSL Sub Branch for a new disability parking bay. I am pleased to advise that a new Person with Disability (PWD) bay will be marked on the eastern side of the chevron leading into Maleny RSL Club, (see attached map). New signs will also be installed at the same time (enclosing both the existing and the new bay) to ensure that users of the facility are clear that these bays are reserved for people with disability permits only. In Queensland the disability parking permit scheme consists of 2 permits. You can use your Australian or red permit anywhere in Australia. The works will be carried out once the signs have been made. http://www.hinterlandgrapevine.com

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 2

Friday, 16 October 2020

Maleny Cultural & Historical Society Inc.

Vision is to “To Save and Display Maleny's History”

Another story

from the past

The Day our Hospital caught fire

The Maleny hospital started out in October 1920 as a public hospital with the first medical Superintendent Dr. Anderson. In May 1921 it was converted to a general hospital with Dr. Stark as the first G.M.O. This hospital has been the medical centre for the SunshineisCoast hinterland ever Australia th since.

Mrs Peg Burnett said of Dr. Parer. "If you had a family problem you would go and see Dr. Parer. He always had a solution and knew what to do."

Peg continued, "Dr. Parer was a most generous man who not only provided medical attention to

One of the most respected Doctors in the history of Maleny was Dr. Tony Parer. Dr. Parer was Maleny's only Doctor between 1934 to 1952. During his time in Maleny, including the War years he treated patients not only from the Maleny area but Kenilworth and Caloundra areas as well. Dr Parer was not only the community doctor but community elder. He was instrumental in ensuring that many of the community organisations survived. Original Maleny Hospital - Bean Street

It is said that his presence could be felt in the wards of the old Maleny Hospital right up until it was closed down. Older residents who can remember the old Maleny hospital dreaded the thought of a fire in the building. The building, old and rambling, had served the community well but had been added onto on a number of occasions, thus creating a labyrinth of passageways. One disaster that the hospital did not miss occurred in the early hours of New Year's Day 1963 when overnight rainfall measured nearly 200 mm.

(Photo Above shows Dr Parer and his trusted transport.)

those in trouble but often provided food and clothing for those who could not afford those necessities for some reason or another at the time. Dr. Parer was the longest serving Medical Superintendent of the Maleny hospital. It is fitting that Dr. Parer's memory is kept alive by the naming of a park opposite the present Maleny Soldier's Memorial Hospital

Over 300 revellers were dancing the old year away at a New Year’s Eve Ball in Maleny’s School of Arts unaware a rapid developing rain depression was crossing the Sunshine Coast. This storm blew part of the roof off Maleny Hospital in the early hours of New Years Day. The Nambour Chronicle newspaper reported the roof of the 40-year-old hospital blew off at 3.00am and so began thirteen

Information here is supplied by Maleny Cultural & Historical Society Inc "To collect, store, preserve, restore and display examples of past life in Maleny so we can effectively tell and show the story of our community. Address:

7 Bryce Lane, Maleny.

Phone : (07) 5499 9030. Web Address: http://www.hinterlandgrapevine.com


PO Box 5, Maleny Qld 4552 email:


http://www.historicalsocietymaleny.com/ Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 3

Friday, 16 October 2020

Maleny Cultural & Historical Society Inc.

Vision is to “To Save and Display Maleny's History”

Another story

from the past

The Day our Hospital caught fire. hours of anxiety for the Matron, Ms O’Laherty (later Mrs Jack Ahern of Conondale). "Rather frightening", was the matron’s description of the ‘turbulent night’. "I realised at once what was happening when I heard the first sheet of roofing tearing off ." she said.

(Continued from Previous Page)

Already smoke was charging from the ventilators and with it an awful, choking smell. The lights died and the emergency generator kicked in. Photo Below: Maleny Soldier's Memorial Hospital (opposite where the present hospital is now located)

"The power went off with the roof. This left the hospital’s youngest patient, a two-week-old premature baby in an un-warmed humidicrib”. "While struggling to move the hospital's other twelve patients to the only roofed ward, Matron O'Laherty and two night sisters devised a makeshift crib with blankets and hot water bottles". As the 50 knot winds shattered windows and the cyclonic rain poured in through the damaged roof the matron and her staff moved their patients in pitch darkness to the hospital’s one new wing.

Staff had often thought of the possibility of a building fire spreading before patients could be evacuated. Luckily, this never happened to the old place, however, believe it or not, the worst predictions did occur, but not until after the move into the new building took place. The night was stillness itself. The quiet was palpable. It was cold. As the first light crept across the wards some patients began to stir. Outside the mist cushioned a soft drizzle. Then raucous alarms shattered the calm of Maleny hospital. Night Sister Bernice tore to the indicator that flashed the dreaded message - 'Fire in the hospital switchboard! She dialled "OOO" to set emergency procedures abuzz.

At first light, with the help of local residents the majority of patients were moved to a temporary 'hospital' in Maleny's School of Arts”.

Immediately above the fire was the labour ward; mercifully it was empty. In the general wards were a dozen or so patients, some old, some young, some very ill, others mobile. Bernice and her assistant began moving the patients to safety. Kitchen staff were coming onto duty and they rushed to help. The quickest way to move the patients was to wheel them out, two or three to a bed. With five or so beds under the front porch, the patients were out of danger and out of the rain. The evacuation had taken just eleven minutes. Meanwhile, Neil Paltridge, Laurie Benecke and other members of the Maleny Auxiliary Fire Brigade were quick on the scene and attacking the fire at its source. With the experts attending to the fire, the hospital staff were able to concentrate on soothing the concerns of the patients -

Information here is supplied by Maleny Cultural & Historical Society Inc "To collect, store, preserve, restore and display examples of past life in Maleny so we can effectively tell and show the story of our community. Address:

7 Bryce Lane, Maleny.

Phone : (07) 5499 9030. Web Address: http://www.hinterlandgrapevine.com


PO Box 5, Maleny Qld 4552 email:


http://www.historicalsocietymaleny.com/ Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 4

Friday, 16 October 2020

Maleny Cultural & Historical Society Inc.

Vision is to “To Save and Display Maleny's History”

Another story

from the past

The Day our Hospital caught fire. -

including the gentleman who was in the shower when the alarm sounded! The domestic staff decided that the fire was not going to stop the patients from having breakfast and so got busy in the kitchen.

(Continued from Previous Page)

At 9.30am, three hours after the alarm sounded, the building was declared safe and patients were moved back into the northern end of the hospital.

All this happened the day before the first anniversary of the transfer

from the old to the new hospital building. Emergency drills are taken seriously at our hospital. The staff know the real thing can happen, at any time.

History of Telecommunication to the Range

Thanks to the Maleny Historical Society for sharing this story It's from a newspaper clipping from the Dave Hankinson Collection 18.3.1969 In 1854 the first telegraph line was finally to Maleny, a total of 19 A telephone line was opened laid from Melbourne city to miles. between Landsborough and Williamstown in Victoria. Maleny in August 1910 and In 1898 the mail started from the Queensland’s first telegraph line Maleny was recommended to be Landsborough Railway Station to was introduced in 1861 and opened as a public telephone Maleny.” connected to Sydney in the same office. Mr John Tytherleigh was By 1908 a mail service operated year. the first subscriber and paid an from Landsborough to Maleny, annual rental of £3 ($6) per Isaac Burgess took up the first Teutoberg and Conondale, a annum. land selection in Maleny on 14 distance of 31 miles. November 1878. In 1890 a mail It appears that he was This service service was introduced. It’s the only subscriber until continued for believed that this service, Mail 1912 when a telephone some time. Service 373 from Landsborough line was erected to the In the meantime a to Maleny, was the first official Maleny Butter Factory. small receiving mail service. This service was The number was 4 and office had been twice a week by horse. The year remained unchanged opened at Maleny, before, a telegraph office was until 1968 when it probably about opened at the Landsborough became 94 2004. 1890. As business Railway Station, which was known In 1912 Maleny increased, the as Mellum Creek until 1889. In appeared as a township need for a post office developed, 1892 a new mail service between and Pugh’s Almanac Businesses so by February 1906 the receiving Maleny and Teutoberg (now recorded were auctioneer, baker, office was closed and a nonWitta) was opened which ran butcher, blacksmith, two official post office opened. twice a week. contractors, dairy company, hotel, The Glenferna Receiving Office at plumber, saddler, sawmill and two Pugh’s Almanac between 1896 Balmoral opened in 1904 and Mrs storekeepers. 1897 reads “The mail left Burgess was registered as the Landsborough and travelled by The population was about 510 Receiving Officer. This was at horse to Coochin Creek and Glenferna. It was later registered and had a coach service for Peach Trees (now known as travellers between Landsborough as Thynne’s Receiving Office. Peachester), then McCarthy’s and and Maleny. http://www.hinterlandgrapevine.com

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 5

Friday, 16 October 2020

Maleny Accident Repair Centre Shed 3/16 Lawyer Street, Maleny

5499 9200


Maleny Smash Repairs helps the Travelling Jackaroo

Sam Hughes, 17 years of age from Maleny is planning on taking his Chamberlain 9G Tractor around Australia in 2021 fundraising for the Royal Flying Doctor Service and the Lights on the Hill Trucking Memorial. Sam said that he knew some truck drivers who have sadly lost their lives driving their trucks and wants to keep their memories alive. All going to plan Sam hopes to start his trip in February 2021. The trip is approximately 13,500 kilometres. You can follow Sam’s journey via his Facebook page at: https:// www.facebook.com/ thetravellingjackaroo “HUGE THANKS TO JUAN and the team at Maleny Accident Repair Centre for the amazing work you guys have done pro bono for the Travelling Jackaroo project the Sierra is now almost ready for the support vehicle role it will be playing on the big trip next year.” Thanks guys you’re awesomes. This is just another reason to shop locally as businesses can then help local organisations and community causes.

Maleny Accident Repair Centre requires Spray Painter Assistant Maleny Smash Repairs has been operating in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland for over 20 years They are looking for a person interested in learning the art of spray painting motor vehicles. The applicant must have an eye for detail, be keen to learn and be a hard worker. The applicant will be trained by qualified tradesmen. The latest equipment is in use and expert tuition will be given to the applicant. This is an ideal position for a person who is looking to join the auto industry as a qualified technician. It is preferred a junior person as Maleny Accident Repair Centre is looking to upgrade the position to an apprenticeship at a later stage. 4/16 Lawyer street, Maleny, QLD, Australia 4552

To get a Quote from Maleny Accident Repair Centre Do you need a quick quote to fix that damage to your car simply send us your photos to our email juan@malenyarc.com.au or visit the we site and we will have a quote to you in no time. https://malenysmash.com.au/get-a-quote/ http://www.hinterlandgrapevine.com

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 6

Friday, 16 October 2020

Maleny Paint Supplies 6/14 Lawyer Street, Maleny.

Ph 54942002

www.malenypaintsupplies.com Australian Owned and made brands of Ultra-Premium paints

Repairing Rotted Timber Window Sills

CAUSE The problem normally starts with the paint breakdown through one simple factor…..co-efficient differentials of expansion and contraction. In plain terms, where the paint system bridges a 90 degree angle with a sharp internal corner, the 2 timbers move at different rates according to their densities/ thicknesses and as a result “stretch” the paints beyond their ability to maintain relative adhesion to the timber. This occurs as the paint weathers and loses its flexibility. Once the paints have cracked in the internal corners, it’s an avenue for water to seep into the wood. From here on it’s a progressive step to decay.

However if there is still some structural integrity, saturating the soft dozy timber with NORGLASS NORSEAL can provide a permanent solution. To do this remove (by sanding) any residual paint, then drill holes randomly along the sill, at about a 30 degree angle. Then mix up a volume (250ml mix) of Norseal and using a small funnel pour the mixture into the holes. As the Norseal drains away, come back and refill them. Repeat a few times and then coat the entire sill.

Special Price for

Leave to cure for about 48 hours. A plastic cover should be placed over the sill to prevent dew (or rain) this gaining access.

Once the saturation month level of the wood Australis Allshield Exterior Ultra Premium - White Base

Next, fill the reaches in holes with excess of 25%, the NORGLASS NORFILL, a air-borne mould spore white epoxy filler. As well as carried into the timber start to filling the holes, use the Norfill to propagate and then devour the lignin radius out the internal 90 degree angles and cellulose of the wood, using a paddle pop stick or back of a teaspoon. thus creating a moist environment, and exponential decay. Less than What this does is to contain the lateral differentials of both timber interfaces, thus preventing further 25% saturation, the mould spore internal paint cracking. This is essential to the will remain dormant and inactive. longevity of the paint structure…and the ongoing problem is solved.

6 lts $79.00


An assessment of the decay has to be made in the first instance. If the decay has gone too far, the only sensible remedy is to remove and replace.

Now paint the surface with NORGLASS PRICOAT and finish with NORGLASS WEATHERFAST PREMIUM ENAMEL.

For detailed information showing the process in detail visit the web page below:

http://malenypaintsupplies.com/page-2/ Colourtrend Paints have a range of Ultra-Premium Paints to service your needs! Follow Maleny District Sports & Recreation Cub news visit:

http://www.issuu/hinterlandgrapevine http://www.hinterlandgrapevine.com

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Friday, 16 October 2020

Maleny District Sport & Recreation Club Inc Is an incorporated umbrella organisation whose aims are to promote. sport and recreation facilities for Maleny and surrounding districts.

FairPlay Vouchers

Eligible families thinking of applying for the Qld Government’s FairPlay vouchers have until this Wednesday 7th October to apply.

FairPlay vouchers are included in a program aimed at breaking down financial barriers to participation at the grassroots level. The program provides subsidies to support families, children and young people who need it most to assist them to participate in physical activity. Parents, carers or guardians can apply for a voucher, valued up to $150, for their child or young person. These vouchers can be used towards the cost of membership, registration and/or participation fees for eligible activities with registered clubs. You can apply if your child: is a Queensland resident aged from 5 to 17 years (inclusive) at the time of application did not receive a FairPlay voucher this year holds, or whose parent, carer or guardian holds, a valid Department of Human Services Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession. Card with the child’s name on it.

Local Registered Clubs where you can redeem FairPlay vouchers: Girl Guides Qld - Maleny Maleny Bowling Club Maleny Community Gym Maleny Golf Club Maleny Little Athletics Centre Inc Maleny Netball Association Maleny Pony Club Maleny Rangers Football Club Incorporated Maleny Redbacks Cricket Club Maleny Swimming Club Inc Maleny Tennis Club Maleny Junior Rugby Union Inc Witta Tennis Club Inc For full details please go to: https://www.qld.gov.au/recreation/sports/funding/ fairplay/apply

Two application rounds are open per year to eligible families and the key dates are • 11 November 2020: Vouchers expire and must have been presented to an activity provider/ registered club • 25 November 2020: Vouchers must be redeemed by activity providers/registered club

Shop Local and shop with a Friend support your local community Buy Australian Made and Owned where possible Make Australia stronger for the future! http://www.hinterlandgrapevine.com

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 8

Friday, 16 October 2020

Maleny Service 16 Lawyer Street, Maleny.


Ph 54943444


One Stop Mechanical Services Shop Licenced Roadworthy Inspector on the premises NEED A PLACE TO PULL OVER TO LET FASTER TRAFFIC PASS? These green reflectors will help you find a safe place. Often we have trucks or other vehicles behind us as we tow our van and want them to overtake but there is no safe place for them to do so. You may have noticed some green reflectors on guide posts beside the road on some highways. These indicate that there is a safe place to pull off the road coming up soon so you can indicate your intentions and be prepared. Approximately 500 meters from a safe place to pull over you may see 3 x Green refectors, 250 meters you may see 2 x Green refectors and just at the safe place you may see 1 x Green reflectors. They are not every where as yet, but you may see them on the Burnett Highway in Queensland and some NSW highways. Not all places are maintained and they are NOT for overnight or extended stays. Your One Stop Shop for Automotive Repairs – you don’t need to do the running around, we do it for you!:.

http://www.malenyservicecentre.com.au/ We are dedicated and passionate about servicing, repairing and maintaining one of your most valuable assets, your Motor Vehicle. http://www.hinterlandgrapevine.com

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 9

Friday, 16 October 2020

Maple Street Meats Specialising in quality product and service.

Shop2/4 Maple Street, Maleny

5429 6499

Recipes from Jeremi Salt-and-Pepper Steak

When only the best will do! Ingredients It is inexpensive, versatile, and crazy tasty. Skirt steak cooks well in a flash, and this means it is tailor-made for grilling. 1½ pounds skirt steak Salt and pepper

Step 1 Cut 1½ lb. skirt steak into 4 pieces; season with salt and pepper. ✤

Grill over medium-high heat until medium-rare, about 4 minutes per side.

Let rest 5 minutes before thinly slicing against the grain.

And Blairs top tip for meat consumers? “Try our new line - “Maleny Wagyu” Maple Street Meats is now stocking Maleny Wagyu Beef. All Maleny Wagyu animals are MSA graded (Meat Standards Australia). They are graded as “grass fed” (the name “grain fed” is trademarked and owned by the lot feeders association) and grade in the top 10% in Queensland. Our Full blood Wagyu grade in the top 1%. Maleny Wagyu is one of the local producers that we continue to work with during these uncertain times. Established in 2006, Maleny Wagyu sold its first Wagyu Beef to the public in 2010 and produces an quality product that is officially certified through Meat Standards Australia and The Australian Wagyu Association.

Did you know?

Did you know that more people are at home with their Webers creating amazing flavours, experimenting with rubs, flavouring their wood chips, even using vinegar, wine and rum sprays. Why not try it? Photo Right

If only this wasn’t so true it would be humorous with a caption such as mine is more colourful than yours.


Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 10

Friday, 16 October 2020

The Hinterlandgrapevine Online News Maleny Chamber




Have you got your Local Shopping Gift Card Yet? About Maleny Commerce The Maleny Commerce is a community organisation that looks after the business and commerce of our Hinterland locality around Maleny. We seek to assist and represent the business community to local, state and federal government and their associated agencies. We seek to inform local business of government initiatives from all levels and ready them for implementation and ongoing support. We seek to have working relationship with all local business and create an environment of mutual concern for sustainable living and the betterment of our Maleny community.

Why Leave Town Promotions Want to win two $50 gift cards to spend in a gift card program of your choice? OnJuly 16th 2020 Maleny Commerce launched a local “Maleny Gift Card” which acts like a credit card at various Maleny businesses. The card is operated through “Why Leave Town Promotions” and is designed to promote a shop local campaign Four fantastic designs, four unique communities, four very different parts of Australia ... but only one winner! 'React' to your favourite, and send them straight into the semi finals. You have until 4pm Friday October 16 to vote. Good luck! Enter the competition to promote the best designed card - Maleny of course! To vote visit: https://www.facebook.com/ malenycommerce/ http://www.hinterlandgrapevine.com

Important information on JobKeeper changes

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has a range of information available about the JobKeeper Payment and the new extension. Here are some useful factsheets and links to the latest information.

The JobKeeper key dates page provides a useful summary of the what actions businesses should take and when they need to do them. https://www.ato.gov.au/.../JobKeeper.../JobKeeper-key-dates/ The JobKeeper extension page provides a summary of the recent changes. The page also contains a useful fact sheet covering the changes. This is also attached for your information and to share with constituents. https://www.ato.gov.au/.../JobKeeper-extension.../... The JobKeeper guides page shows the steps on how to enrol, continue receiving JobKeeper extension payments or stop receiving payments. The page also contains a useful fact sheet that covers this information. https://www.ato.gov.au/.../JobKeeper.../JobKeeper-guides/ The JobKeeper home page includes a video outlining the basics of the scheme and also links to a wide range of information for the community. You can also direct people to the short web address http://www.ato.gov.au/jobkeeper Information specific to COVID-19 support measures for businesses and employers and for individuals and employees as part of the Government’s economic support package is also available. Maleny Commerce exists to promote, encourage, assist and protect the development of the interests of individuals engaged in free enterprise, business, the professions, tourism and industry in Maleny and district who are members of the association. For businesses wishing to join Maleny Commerce go to the web address:

https://malenycommerce.org.au/membership/ Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 11

Friday, 16 October 2020

An Old Codger’s Thoughts The ability to drink alcohol has been a right of passage for many Australians and it is like a ritual to take that first legal drink. Presently, the legal age is 18 years. Up until the mid 1970’s the legal drinking age was 21 years. Of recent times alcohol has reportedly fuelled violence and other criminal activity. The number of serious traffic accidents involving youth under the influence of alcohol or drugs have skyrocketed out of control in many parts of Queensland. Medical evidence is that damage to teenage bodies that are still in the growing stage is caused by small amounts of alcohol. Irrespective of the drinking age there will be a group of people who will continue to drink whilst underage. Whilst the legal drinking age is 18 years there will be those from earlier age starting at an earlier age and being unchallenged thus the age is in fact reduced by another 2 or 3 years. The same goes when the legal drinking age is 21 years but at least it is 3 years further along the road of life. We cannot rely on education programs to reduce the dangers of consuming too much alcohol. Multi-million dollar binge-drinking education campaigns by both state and federal governments have not worked. Parental attitudes in the home are the key to this serious problem but for some people, in the interest of their children those attitudes have to re-shaped.

Sunshine Coast Council Minor Grants now open November Minor Grants Round now open Minor Grants round opened on Monday 21 September and closes on 2 November 2020, so you still have a couple of weeks to get your application in. Incorporated not-for-profit community organisations are eligible and encouraged to apply for Minor Grant funding (up to $2,000) through one of the seven Community Grants Program categories: ✦

Community Development

Cultural Development

Cultural Heritage

Economic Development


Festive Season

Sport, Recreation and Healthy Living

Outcomes will be announced approximately six weeks after the closing date, so applications should address events and projects scheduled to take place after mid-December 2020. For further assistance, call 5420 8616 or email grants@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au. For more information on the Grants Scheme visit the web site: https://www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/.../Gra.../Minor-Grants

The spiralling cost, not only fiscal to our youth, both male and female continues to rise in real human terms. As a nation we cannot continue to bear that spiralling human cost. As a result is there a valid reason to once again raise the legal alcohol drinking age in an effort to reduce violence and other medical problems?

Shop Local and support your local community Buy Australian Made and Owned where possible Make Australia stronger for the future!


Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 12

Friday, 16 October 2020

Local Groups News There is a Recreational Group in Maleny and Surrounds that will cater for your desires!

Maleny Quotarians visit Maleny Historical Society

Maleny Quotarians recently visited the Maleny Historical Society & presented several items of memorabilia as a memory of their service to Maleny since 1989. Maleny QUOTA Club is now ending their 31 years association with QUOTA International in Maleny. The Maleny Historical Society plans to display of memorabilia depicting those 31 years of QUOTA service and it will be displayed in Lawley House.

Maleny State School 2020 Transition to Prep Days Get off to a great start and begin your child’s school learning journey by enrolling for Prep at Maleny State School now for the 2021 school year. Children must turn 5 by 30 June in the year they start Prep. The Prep year has been supplied at the Maleny State School since 2004.

Maleny Prep Information Session Parents and Carers are invited to attend the following evening information session: 5 pm Wednesday 4 November @ Maleny State School Venue to be advised due to numbers Please phone 54998333 to RSVP by Friday 30 October

Transition to Prep Days The photo above shows: Susan Rough (Foundation Member), Jan Olde, Kevin Howell (President MC&HS), Betty Diefenbach, Rana Bartlett, & Desley Malone (Foundation Member).

Sunshine Coast Libraries App Libraries has a new time-saving app to change the way you use your local library. You can find your nearest library, explore the catalogue and get fast access to your account, loans and reservations. Link family member's accounts, discover the eLibrary and find out What's On - all in one app. It's like a digital library card in your pocket. With the new app, Libraries are always open! Download the free Libraries app at the web address: http://www.sbm21.com/c.cfm? l=1326889&c=9482371&m=392888&b=1686617 http://www.hinterlandgrapevine.com

The school will be holding a series of Transition to Prep days to ease the children’s transition from home, kindy and daycare to Prep. Children are invited to attend any or all of these days with an adult. These transition mornings will provide you with an opportunity to visit the Prep classrooms and playground and meet the friendly staff. Please bring a hat and join us for our morning snack break.

These days will be held on: Wednesday 11 November - 9.00am – 10.00am Wednesday 18 November - 9.00am – 10.00am Wednesday 25 November - 9.00am – 10.00am For more information see the attached poster or call the school (number above). More information about the Maleny State School is available on their web site at: http://www.malenyss.eq.edu.au Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 13

Friday, 16 October 2020


Groups News

Just adding to making this area such a great place to live!

Rotary Club of Maleny World Polio Day Fund Raising Dinner

For more than 35 years Rotary International (RI) and its partners have driven the effort to eradicate polio worldwide. Incredible progress in the fight to rid the world of it forever. Rotary members have contributed more than $2.1 billion and countless volunteer hours to protect more than 2.5 billion children in 122 countries from this paralyzing disease. Whilst we’re close to eradicating polio, we’re not done yet. In 1988 there were 350,000 cases of polio in 125 countries. Today only two countries (Afghanistan and Pakistan) report cases of wild poliovirus. According to the WHO, if all eradication efforts stopped today, within 10 years, polio could paralyze as many as 200,000 children each year. Rotary has committed to raising $50 million per year for polio eradication. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has pledged to match that 2-to-1, for a total commitment of $150 million each year. The Rotary Club of Maleny donates a minimum of $1,000 each year to ending polio worldwide.

Maleny Historical Society The Maleny Historical Society exists to collect, store, preserve, restore and display examples of past life in Maleny The Historical Village is open to the public onTuesdays & Saturdays, from 9.00am to 4.00pm or by appointment. Phone Kim the caretaker -on 07 5499 9030 Entry is by donation. Tour & school groups accommodated. Morning tea & lunch available by appointment.

Maleny Neighbourhood Centre The MNC is seeking an experienced Community Development Worker with the ability to lead a team of paid staff and volunteers and manage a dynamic neighbourhood centre, serving the needs of our diverse rural community.

If you are interested in learning more and supporting the PolioPlus Program please join us for an information / fund raising dinner. When:

Wednesday 28th October at 6.00pm for 7.00pm


Maleny RSL


$30.00 for main course dinner, Tea & Coffee. (Fee includes a surcharge for PolioPlus) If you prefer to attend without dinner the cost is $10.00 Cash bar available from 6.00pm

What’s on: Video on Polio around the world, presentation by Rotary experts on the program. Contact:

Jeff Cornfoot for information and bookings. M: 0448 830 030 or Email: jcornfoot@bigpond.com


Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 14

Friday, 16 October 2020


Groups News

Just adding to making this area such a great place to live!

State Government Funding for Maleny Show Society Local shows across the state will continue to delight, entertain and connect communities with 130 show societies and associations receiving more than $2.1 million from the Queensland Government’s Show Societies Grants Program, to help conduct their annual show. Minister for Local Government Stirling Hinchliffe said the importance of the local show will be even greater in 2021, helping

Queensland communities unite and recover from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Across the region, the grants will assist Show Societies including: Eumundi Park Recreation & Showgrounds Association $6,770 Kenilworth Show and Rodeo Sub-Committee - $8,431 Maleny Show Society - $12,326 Noosa A H & I Society - $14,419 Sunshine Coast Agricultural Show Society - $38,254 Woodford A P & I Assn Inc $7,663 The Show Societies Grants Program provides financial support for operating costs associated with conducting annual agricultural shows, and costs towards the construction and maintenance of show-ground assets.

Witta Rec Club's New Committee

The grounds of the Witta Recreation Club are part of the community and as such are used for varied events such as Sport, Fundraisers, Private Parties and other types of functions. At their recent AGM, the Witta Rec Club’s new committee was sworn in, with President Lynda Burgess, Vice President David Lowden, Secretary Kate Lawley, and Treasurer Leca Winter. Winter, Bar Convener Doug Cox and Kitchen Convener Helen Baker all duly elected. A very special presentation was made to Helen Baker. It was accompanied by a beautiful plaque and flowers. Helen was made a Life Member of the club in recognition of her many years of volunteering and support of the Club. Photo right shows Club President, Lynda Burgess awarding Life Membership to Helen Baker. http://www.hinterlandgrapevine.com

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 15

Friday, 16 October 2020

Maleny Cultural & Historical Society Inc.

Vision is to “To Save and Display Maleny's History” New Residents arrive at Maleny Historical Society Village The 600 hand crafted porcelain dolls are so excited to arrive at the Village recently. We’re even more excited that they’ve arrived safely. I. t’s taken weeks to prepare them for their journey from Redland Bay. They depict cultures of the world. They’ll be open to the public on the Museum Open Day, 14 November. Be prepared to be amazed, they’re truly gorgeous!

All About Blackall Range Horseless Carriage Club The Clubhouse is situated in Bryce Lane in the precinct of the Maleny Historical Society, on the northern approaches to Maleny. Currently, the Club has 134 members, with 259 vehicles on the Club Register, representing 60 marques. Many of these vehicles can be regularly seen around town. Seeing them often brings back memories of long past days, mostly days that were simple and satisfying. The club, along with the Maleny Historic Society and the Men’s Shed will be hosting an “open day” on Saturday November 14th and many of the club vehicles will be o0n display. The normal Wednesday and Sunday morning gatherings between 9a.m and 11am at the Clubhouse will continue. To find out more about this club visit the web site: https://brhcclub.com/.

Phishing – Government impersonation scams

Why Shop Locally? While it may not be possible to source all our needs from our local retailers and tradesman, here are a few reasons to think twice before you make your next purchase: It Creates local jobs and it is personal; Shopping locally helps Australia grow;

Scamwatch has received over 4560 scam reports mentioning the coronavirus with over $5 118 000 in reported losses since the outbreak of COVID-19 (coronavirus) Scammers are pretending to be government agencies providing information on COVID-19 through text messages and emails ‘phishing’ for your information. These contain malicious links and attachments designed to steal your personal and financial information.

Shopping locally gives better consumer choice and better customer service because you are shopping with a friend;

For example the text messages appear to come from ‘GOV’ and ‘myGov’, with a malicious link to more information on COVID-19.

Assists local businesses support local community & sporting groups;

Take care with your personal details. Guard them as if they are worth their weight in gold, because they are to criminals with computers.

It reduces your carbon footprint Will you really support local businesses? http://www.hinterlandgrapevine.com

For more information visit: https://www.scamwatch.gov.au

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 16

Friday, 16 October 2020

Maleny RFB Volunteer group Last bushfire season was one of the worst ever. Make sure you're prepared this season Throwing lit cigarette butts from vehicles is dangerous. Cigarettes can start bush and grass fires, and place lives at risk. It's also bad for the environment. There are heavy penalties for people caught throwing lit cigarette butts from vehicles, especially during the times of increased fire danger. You can do your bit by reporting them. This ca be done at the web site below: https://report-littering-dumping.ehp.qld.gov.au/ Now is the time to prepare for the coming season, it almost upon us. Don’t leave it too late. Here are some suggestions to prepare your rural home. Structure •

Clear leaves, twigs, bark and other debris from the roof and gutters.

Purchase and test the effectiveness of gutter plugs.

Enclose open areas under decks and floors.

Install fine steel wire mesh screens on all windows, doors, vents and weep holes.

Point LPG cylinder relief valves away from the house.

Conduct maintenance checks on pumps, generators and water systems.

Seal all gaps in external roof and wall cladding. “Remember - your fuel - your fire”


Maleny SES Volunteer group

The Bureau has confirmed that a La Niña has formed in the tropical Pacific, with climate models suggesting it's likely to remain until at least the end of 2020. La Niña typically brings: A wetter-than-average spring and summer to northern and eastern Australia; Cooler-than-average days and warmer-thanaverage nights; Increased tropical cyclone numbers; An earlier start to the monsoon and wet season; Average fire risk; and Less intense but more prolonged heatwaves across southern Australia. But every La Niña event is different. Once La Niña develops it usually finishes the following autumn, but some events have lasted 2 or 3 years. Rainfall can also vary considerably. During the last big event of 2010-2012 rainfall was above average across most of Australia. We saw Category 5 tropical cyclone Yasi devastate far north Queensland communities during this period, whereas rainfall during the La Niña event of 2008-2009 was much more patchy. So, are you ready for Storm / Cyclone Season. Before a storm approaches you should always make sure you: Tie down or store away any outdoor furniture Move vehicles undercover and secure boats in a safe anchorage Tape your windows in an X pattern with strong packing tape to reduce the chances of windows breaking during high winds Bring your pets and unsecured items inside your home

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 17

Friday, 16 October 2020


Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 18

Friday, 16 October 2020

Maleny Hardware & Rural Supplies Hardware - Farm Supplies - Pet Products - Garden - Fencing - Camping

Andrea & Mark Porter

Maleny Hardware and Rural Supplies is located in the centre of Maleny in the picturesque Sunshine Coast Hinterland. Thy offer good old fashioned service to your car for those heavy items. There is also ample parking at the front and pick up at the rear of the store. We are independently owned and supply the local community with rural and hardware supplies at competitive prices.

Did you know we can deliver items in surrounding suburbs for a small fee. Come and browse through our extensive range of products and say hi to the new owners Andrea & Mark Porter.

The signs of spring are beginning to happen around us as the days lengthen and the earth begins to warm…

Now is an ideal time to check out our new “Garden Section” Maleny Hardware & Rural Supplies for all your sprinklers, pumps, water filtration & irrigation needs.

We supply a large range of irrigation supplies for rural and domestic use. Irrespective of your needs it is important to work out exactly what you need before you start. To do this you really have to have an idea how and where you want your garden.

To work out how many and what type of sprinklers, pop ups or drippers, you’ll need to measure the water pressure on your garden tap. This will help you choose what products you need to irrigate your garden. We range a wide range of products to get some water into that prize garden. We can also discuss and advise about the types and quantity of products needed for the job.

We can supply a large range of the products such as those described below. Call in now to discuss your needs. POLY PIPE: Green stripe – Rural and Blue stripe – mains pressure. Both varieties of pipe are available in sizes ranging from 13mm (1/2”) up to 50mm (2”) diameters. PIPE FITTINGS: compression fittings, bushes, nipples, risers and many more fittings necessary for most household and acreage applications. TANK ACCESSORIES: Covers for the pump and filters available WATER TANKS can be ordered in at your request

To check out the extensive range of products stocked visit the web site: https://malenyhardwareandruralsupplies.godaddysites.com/products

Phone. 07 5494 2302

https://malenyhardwareandrural.com.au/ For a detailed list of products and services provided go to https://malenyhardwareandrural.com.au/products

31 Coral Street, Maleny Queensland 4552, Australia Like us on Facebook for up-to-date special offers and upcoming events. https://www.facebook.com/Maleny-Hardware-Rural-Supplies-102339257834353/ http://www.hinterlandgrapevine.com

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 19

Friday, 16 October 2020


A woman was in town on a shopping trip.

She began her day finding the most perfect shoes in the first shop and a beautiful dress on sale in the second. In the third, everything had just been reduced by 50 percent when her mobile phone rang. It was a female doctor notifying her that her husband had just been in a terrible car accident and was in critical condition and in the ICU. The woman told the doctor to inform her husband where she was and that she'd be there as soon as possible. As she hung up she realised she was leaving what was shaping up to be her best day ever in the boutiques. She decided to get in a couple of more shops before heading to the hospital. She ended up shopping the rest of the morning, finishing her trip with a cup of coffee and a beautiful chocolate cake slice, compliments of the last shop. She was jubilant.

Then she remembered her husband. Feeling guilty, she dashed to the hospital. She saw the doctor in the corridor and asked about her husband's condition. The lady doctor glared at her and shouted, 'You went ahead and finished your shopping trip didn't you! I hope you're proud of yourself! While you were out for the past four hours enjoying yourself in town, your husband has been languishing in the Intensive Care Unit! It's just as well you went ahead and finished, because it will more than likely be the last shopping trip you ever take! For the rest of his life he will require round-the-clock care. And YOU will now be his carer! The woman was feeling so guilty she broke down and sobbed. The lady doctor then chuckled and said, 'I'm just pulling your leg...He's dead. Show me what you bought.'

Maleny Hospital Memorial Walk Have you seen the Tribute to war heroes at Maleny Soldiers Memorial Hospital Following the end of WW1 towns and cities throughout Australia erected memorials to those who fought in the defence of Australia and the British Commonwealth. Maleny’s memorial took the form of a Memorial Hospital which was built on land where the Maleny Ambulance Centre now stands. As part of the 100 year celebration of the end of WW1 a tribute to the service men and women of World War I was opened on 18 April 2015 at Maleny Soldiers Memorial Hospital. This memorial took the form of the Maleny Soldiers Memorial Hospital Walk of Remembrance commemorating http://www.hinterlandgrapevine.com

the service and sacrifice of Australia servicemen and women in WW1. This beautiful area is set in the garden of the present Maleny Soldiers Memorial Hospital. Along the walking paths are blocks of Helidon Sandstone bearing the names of those from this district who did not return.

minutes to not only enjoy the serenity of this sacred place, but to just re-member those people who did not return home and also to remember the families who would never see their loved ones again.

Just how many of us have visited the walk to just take a few Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 20

Friday, 16 October 2020

Local Tradespersons When you use a local tradesperson and you know who you are dealing with!

Brett Cooper Builder Builders Lic . 15045940. -

HIA. 863583

Talk to us about your new home! email: brettcooperbuilding@gmail.com


AA Plus Jobs At your Service

Adrian Gault All odd jobs, Small Renovations, Landscaping. Floor Sanding + installation, Restoration and Painting


Here is a local Facebook Page worth having a look at especially at this time of year

Sustainable Living https://www.facebook.com/groups/ 589804454430776

Tony & Di’s Home Maintenance ABN. 47988681738

No job too small - Carpentry - Painting Tiling General Repairs & Maintenance

0487770653 Maleny Paint Supplies This Editions Special 6 Lts Finess Ext L/s - WTB. - $66 (Available until next issue at this price)

6/14 Lawyer Street, Maleny

07 54942002

Arandall Painting When only the best will do! QBCC No 1113664

Paul & Jamie

Quality Painting & Decorating with over 40 years experience


Advertise your local business here for just $15 per mth Published Digitally on First & Third Friday of each month. Visit web site at http://www.issuu/hinterlandgrapevine (then pick the issue wanted)

For more information contact Maleny Paint on 54942002 http://www.hinterlandgrapevine.com

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 21

Friday, 16 October 2020




This was Wild at Heart about 1998 It was a plant nursery and furnishing store.

This business was situated on the corner of Maple Street where the round about now stands. It is amazing just how much our town has changed physically in the past few years. Many people would not remember this building as it was in this photo, let alone when the house was a private residence. It is now occupied by the Bank of Queensland and a Men’s barber. Prior to that it was a private residence. Since this photo was taken there has been a major renovation completed which included adding the verandah along the street side allowing foot access from the car parking lot at the rear.

The Hinterlandgrapevine Online News

The Local Shopper Shopping local keeps your money in your community!

To follow “The Local Shopper” Newsletter go to: https://issuu.com/hinterlandrapevine The Local Shopper will be digitally published on the First and Third Friday of each month via the ISSUU web site. To subscribe email: thegrapevine@westnet.com.au http://www.hinterlandgrapevine.com

Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 22

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