Suppliers Pull Together To Help Pubs Reopen IT’S A CHALLENGING TIME FOR THE AUSTRALIAN ON-PREMISE DURING COVID-19 SHUTDOWNS, WITH HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF HOSPITALITY STAFF IN THE COUNTRY STOOD DOWN AND AN $8.5BILLION FALL IN REVENUE FOR THE SECTOR. AS AUSTRALIAN HOTELS ASSOCIATION SA HEAD IAN HORNE TOLD THE ADELAIDE ADVERTISER: “WE’VE SURVIVED WORLD WARS AND THE GREAT DEPRESSION, BUT THIS IS PROBABLY THE SINGLE BIGGEST SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CHALLENGE THE HOTEL INDUSTRY’S EVER FACED.” As we go to print, restrictions are finally easing around the country, and suppliers are rallying to help their on-premise partners return to business. Here are just a few of the latest initiatives. CUB has announced that it is doubling its fundraising target for the ‘For the Love of Your Local’ campaign to $2million. The initiative involves Aussies visiting and buying a pint of
CUB beer using their credit card or PayPal account, with the cash going directly to their favourite local. When patrons redeem their beer voucher, CUB matches the purchase with a free beer, meaning people get two-for-one pints after their local re-opens. CUB CEO Peter Filipovic (above) said: “The ongoing restrictions will continue to significantly limit trade. For some venues,
re-opening will have to wait until restrictions are further lifted. “Those that do re-open will have reduced numbers. Australian pubs and clubs have already been shut for two months, and the fact is many of these beloved venues won’t make it through this crisis without extra help. So, we’re calling on Australians to help save their local and get free beer in the process. “We’ve had 2000 pubs and clubs join
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