Decode Magazine - 2005 Winter

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The difference is what’s said and how... TM December 2005

1-on-1 with Natalie

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M O V I E S • M U S I C • G A M E S • A N I M E • C O M I C S • T E C H • R I D E S • FA S H I O N • & M O R E . . .

Plus: Octavio Lara Knocks someone the F$#! -out Portable Music Player Roundup-Just in Time for the Holidays


InThis ISSUE... Quick Take Quick Take 1-on-1 with this Latin Cutie. We chat about her music, career, acting, and more...

Publisher Arvell M.Jones

Associate Publishers Desmond C. Jones Paul Martin Darnell Sealie


Decoding This is Jully Black! Up-and-coming R&B songstress.

Nadeira Rickford Flash

Copy Editor Jim McFarlin

Website Editor Kennan Cross Celebs that can open a can of Whoop-Ass on ya!


Anime (J2:Counter Strike - Casshan) ..............29 Comics (Punisher - The Slavers).....................22 Decoding (This is Jully Black!).........................23 Editorial (What’s New?).....................................4 Gaming (Madden 06).........................................5 Movie Preview (50 Cent)....................................8 Movie Reviews(Flight Plan- Hist of Viiolence )..10 Music (Biff Naked - Jamie Foxx - L. James)....14 Photo Gallery..................................................28 Sports (Boxing Octavio Lara)...........................30 Quick Take (Natalie Interview).........................16 Rides (Dodge Hemi Muscle Power).................12 Tech Talk (Apple iPod)......................................6

Writers Andre McGarrity Carmen DJ Big Kahuna Flash Kennan Cross Michael L. Kucharski T.J. Grech Wayne smith

Photography Mani Syed

Marketing/Advertising Garrin Clark Garrett Clark

Decode © 2005. all rights reserved by Encode Media. P.O. Box 13158, Detroit, MI 48213, 313•492•0486. Decode is published 4 times a year. Editorial contributions must be submitted by mail with return postage. Publisher assumes no responsibility for return or safety of unsolicited art, photos, manuscripts, books, audio, or video cassettes, cd’s or dvd’s, Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission; request for permission must be made by mail in writing, must include a self-addressed stamped envelope and should be mailed to Encode Media at the address listed above. Decode is available free of charge at participating distributors. Subscriptions are available in the US and Canada for $6 for 4 issues. Printed in the USA by Mays Printing company. In Canada send enquiries to Box 271 Waterford Gate, Pickering, ON L1V-6N3, Canada 416•704•4776. Email editorial material to Sales and marketing email Website:

EDITORIAL WHAT’S NEW? The holidays are here and I am totally looking forward to getting some well deserved rest, But not until we get the next issue together. In the last few months we have been working like busy beavers here at Encode. I can't wait to tell you what’s up for next year as the planning continues and the excitement mounts. I am not supposed to let the cat out of the bag, but hey the Editor is supposed to have some privileges, right? So what’s new is mainly all about the new version of the website that we are about to launch. But before we get to that I wanted to cue you in on the Big game going down in Motown. First off we will be covering all the hype that is coming to Motown in February in the new year. Super Bowl XL is in Detroit on Feb. 5, 2006, for those of you who did not know! Like anyone of our readers doesn't know when and where the big game is next year! Ha! So look for us at all the parties and getting all up behind the scenes like. So for any of ya'll that are heading to Detroit for the big game, you can join us the day before, to show us how to kick it at some of the parties we will be covering Now about the website, we are covering more Latin culture in our website and publications. Just check out Natalie in our cover story. This market is growing, it’s hip, it’s fresh and it’s busting out. We started to cover the Latino market at the beginning of the summer, and boy let me tell you, it's hotter than fire. We covered the Latin Summer Mix up in Toronto,

Ontario, Canada the Reggaeton was off da chain and the audience was Loco Mi Amigo! We continue to bring you the Latin flavor on the website it was too much to jam in here. We’ve got interviews with Frankie J, Daddy Yankie, Don Omar and Canada’s own Flako. Not to mention rapping with Canada’s own superstar Fito Blanko at the Canadian Urban Music Awards. You'll have to check out the website it’s just too hot!

Now what else was I saying about the site? Let’s see we will be adding a members section with a user forum and member posted feedback. So if you want people to know you're a smart ass or if you need something to do while at work then we want to hear from you. There will also be member exclusive content such as contests, give-aways, exclusive video interviews and photo galleries. Speaking of Photo Galleries we recently launched a Photo Gallery section which has over 35 different Photo Galleries of events and parties we have covered over the last year and a half. We've got celebrities, musicians, cd release parties, live performances, parties, concerts, clubs, and conventions. All that I can say is that you need to log on to often to see what were up to. Now I think I have told ya'll enough! Now write to us and tell us what you love, what you hate, (we like the love thing more than the hate thing), and what you want to see more of. Make Decode your own. Peace Out Yo! Sincerely Flash

GAMING MADDEN NFL ‘06 The Only Game In Town... By Ken Cross My friends . . . we have been robbed. If you consider yourself a game player of any sort, even if it isn't sports games, you've heard the news about Electronic Arts (EA Sports) snapping up exclusive rights to produce NFL Football games of ANY variety. This cut-throat business tactic led to the early and untimely demise of my beloved NFL2K Franchise, which had converted me wholeheartedly last year. Whatever your beliefs, EA's Madden NFL franchise is the ONLY place for you to get your professional pigskin fix. So what has the team at Tiburon done to improve the game? They've introduced new defensive features. Now you can

Photos courtesy of EA Sports.

place single players into a different type of coverage, or make them blitz, or spy the QB. There are a few features on the defensive side I like, but nothing that NFL 2K5 didn't already do better. No points here. On the offensive side of the ball the most noticeable change is the addition of QB Vision, giving your QB a line of sight on a certain receiver. I found this to be a great addition to a game which was already too strong on offensive. It keeps you honest, while giving the defense a chance to counter you. Now on to some other features! The Mini-camp drills that debuted 2 years ago are back, as does the all inclusive Franchise mode that made 04 a must have for me. This year brings the new NFL Superstar mode. It's a souped up version of the Create-A-Player mode. This mode bored me. The bottom line here is, Tiburon slacked a bit. Given that it's the end of a console life-span, and they no longer have competition they didn't need to go all out. But I can't help but wonder . . . what if they had some competition? Would it still be king . . . we'll never know!


practically no where to be found in this market.

Revolutionizing Industries! By Flash

Well let's stop for a second and take a look at this deal that apple signed with these record companies. Now this landmark deal has come to an end and it's time to re-negotiate. So, of course, the record companies want a bigger piece of the pie and want to raise the price that Apple set on digital downloads. Ultimately Apple will have to share; as the owner of the content is the record labels and publishing houses. So no getting caught this time around! Steve Jobs, time for Apple to PAY UP! The record companies are no longer willing to be pimped fo' their sh!t.

Apple really breathed life into the portable music player industry. With their landmark deal of signing all music distributors and labels (independent or major) to the same contract they did not have to negotiate a number of different legal deals allowing them to offer one price for music downloads. They caught the music industry with their pants down and Steve Jobs became one "Big Pimp Daddy". They set the price and made it affordable for all those stealing kids out there to acquire downloads at a rock bottom price. Then came the second part in Apples plan a portable music player to play all those bootlegged (oops did I say that out loud) I mean downloaded music tracks. In comes the Apple iPod and history is made. Apple makes it easy to download and carry your music with you. They launch great software to support it as well. Fast forward a couple years and now the market is full of everyone trying to get some market share. Apple owns a clear 74% of the digital player market with all others trying to play catch up. Apple sold 6.5 million iPods$1.2 billion worth during their fiscal fourth quarter of '05 alone. Incumbents like Sony with their historical landmark Sony Walkman player from yesteryear, are Photos courtesy of Apple Computer Inc.

But hold up! Steve the true Pimp Daddy Player that he is was not to be undone! Jobs may have pulled the rug out from under the TV giants this time and quieted the record label's quest for more $$ from digital downloads. How so?

Steve Jobs does it again! Now offering music, TV shows, and music video downloads on iTunes. With the introduction of the new Apple iPod Video, Jobs may have changed the way video programming is consumed. Peep this! Apple has struck a deal with Disney (ABC) to sell select Disney and ABC television shows, ready to download. Disney offering up complete episodes of hit shows for the video iPod represents the first major network deal, for payper-download of any TV episodes. That fact in-and-of itself is ground breaking.

Phones, Games, Tv’s, PDA’s, Music Players & More...

Now if you missed your favorite Desperate Housewives or Lost episode just go and download it from iTunes like the cats on the Bit Torrent networks have been doing illegally for the last two years now. The TV shows are available the next morning after the show airs and only for $1.99! iTunes is also selling Pixar animation shorts and Music Videos too, for the same price. So how is the music industry going to justify raising the price of a music download to $1.50 or $2 when I can get a whole TV show or music video for $2? It doesn't compute Music Industry; you're stuck with $.99! Apple is doin' TV as they did with the music industry. Watch out Hollywood, how long before Pimp Daddy Jobs comes a calling to be sellin' yo' shit like movie downloads for $4. Let's see Sony try that one! Sony a much bigger giant with tons of properties is totally lost in red tape and Apple is forging the way. The iTunes Music Store is poised to take on the mantle of central digital download media portal. Forget iTunes Hello Apple iMedia Center.

drastically over the years, have largely been seen as promotional items. They are spending the money with no return expected. This is part of promoting the artists. Now this move allows them to be able to garner revenue from something that previously had no return. So hello $$ and thank you Mr. Jobs once again. You've got to love Apple. Crazy like a fox they are. Oh sure some of their decisions regarding the new iPod might seem a little odd to the gadgetlovers among us. “No DivX compression? Is often asked? As well as “Hey where is the fast forward and rewind buttons?” Launching a product for video without these standard features would sound the death knell for any product, but hey not Apple! This is completely a strategic move that will enable them to be kings of this new market. The functionality will surely increase and get better. The Apple iPod now has the ability to play music, photos, TV shows, music videos, audiobooks, home movies, shorts, podcasts, and video podcasts. This is no longer a digital music player, it's slowly emerging into a true digital media player and it's taking industries along with it.

Now Apple may have fueled a whole new revenue model for the music industry. Music Videos, although the budgets have been cut back Photos courtesy of ABC Inc. /

Photo courtesy of Pixar /

MOVIE PREVIEW GET RICH OR DIE TRYIN’ 50 Set To Make Major Cheddar! By Flash Yo! What's up with all these rappers turning into movies stars now-a-days? Well if you've got a captive audience as Hip Hop culture does these days with the minds of the young then why not continue to build your brand and exploit the relationships? Who had any idea that Curtis Jackson could act? Now, if Music Video Directors can become the hottest movie directors in Hollywood then why can't rappers become movie stars? Check it like they are acting already in the videos right? So Curtis is making to move o nthe big screen, lets see how this was put together. The film is backed by MTV and Interscope, hey some music connections, and being distributed by Paramount. Geffen CEO Jimmy Iovine and Eminem manager Paul Rosenberg are responsible for sealing the deal with Paramount and MTV films. Curtis Jackson AKA "50 Cent", AKA "Fiddy", AKA "Fifty" is going with his real name for his feature film debut, GET RICH OR DIE TRYIN', or as it's more commonly known on the streets as 8 MILE REDUX or 8-MILE RE-DONE. I'm sure y'all know what I am talkin' bout'. The plot line is not too hard to figure out, It's the one that's loosely (and I do mean loosely) based on 50's life. 50 Cent is to star in the movie about an orphan

Photo courtesy of: Paramount Pictures.

who becomes a drug dealer before making it as a famous rapper. The story mirrors the real life of 50 Cent - who was jailed for selling crack before finding fame. Sound familiar, after all it was EM not too long ago who discovered fifty, remember and the same team of Lovine and Rosenberg also put together Eminem’s 8 Mile deal. 50 has forged the unlikely alliance with "Sopranos" writer Terrence Winter and IN AMERICA director Jim Sheridan. The film is scheduled to open November Continued Next 

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11th with a full US release in December, and the UK in January. The movie is also to star Joy Bryant, The Skeleton Key (2005), Usher - Rhythm City Volume One: Caught Up (2005), 3 Way (2004), and Terrence Dashon Howard who has been all the rage in the last year appearing in Four Brothers (2005), Hustle & Flow (2005), Crash (2005), Animal (2004), Ray (2004) and is set to appear in Lackawanna Blues (2005). Let's see how they deal with this talented brother come

Photo courtesy of Paramount Pictures.

Oscar time next year! The movie GET RICH OR DIE TRYIN' is named after 50 Cent's first hit album, which since its release in 2002 has made 50 one of the biggest stars in the Hip-Hop world. Quincy Jones not wanting to be left out of the hoopla was tapped to compose and score the film. Jones was nominated for two music Oscars for The Color Purple in ‘85. He was also nominated for the film scores of In the Heat of the Night, In Cold Blood, The Italian Job and The Wiz. We can expect this one to rake in major cheddar as 8 Mile did $117 million U.S at the box office to be exact, and it also won Em an Oscar and a Grammy for his song "Lose Yourself." But for GET RICH OR DIE TRYIN’, we'll just have to wait and see.

50 CENT: BULLETPROOF Get Your Game On! By Flash

50 Cent gets caught in a web of corruption, double-crosses, and shady deals that lead him on a bloody path through New York's drug underworld. Teaming up with his G Unit crew, 50 takes on the most dangerous crime families in t h e c i t y, u n c o v e r i n g a n international conspiracy with devastating implications.

Features: •Album tracks & new songs from 50 Cent recorded exclusively for the game •More than a dozen 50 Cent & G Unit videos •New original hot beats & scoring from Sha Money XL

Did you know 50 Cent wears a bulletproof vest and rides in a bulletproof SUV. Photos courtesy of Vivendi Universal Games

HISTORY OF VIOLENCE Honest, Gruesome, Intelligent By T.J. Grech Tom Stall (Viggo Mortensen) is an average man in a rural town who runs a local coffee diner. When two drifters who pass through town try to rob the place at gunpoint, Tom jumps into action. He dispatches the killers in a fairly brutal manner. He instantly becomes a recognized local and national hero. Things heat up when a couple of men from Philly stop into the diner claiming that Tom is in fact a man named Joe Cusack. The local Sheriff discovers the men are serious mobsters from the east.

FLIGHTPLAN Sixth Sense meets Die Hard 2 By Michael L. Kucharski Photos courtesy of Touchstone Pictures

Through fast cuts, the opening mergers the past, the present and the delusions of a grieving woman Kyle Pratt (Jodie Foster) whose

Photo courtesy of New Line Pictures.

Apparently, Joe (who they claim Tom to be) is a ex-mobster who has done them wrong. Now they want revenge. But, of course, this is all just a case of mistaken identity...right? Director Cronenberg brings to the Continued Next ďƒŚ

only solace can be found in comforting her six-year-old daughter Julia (Marlene Lawston). After the cinematic style of Sixth Sense, it is the camera alone which accompanies Kyle (Jodie Foster) and her daughter Julia as they board the plane on which they are returning to America with the coffin of her deceased husband. The camera records no one talking to the child. As the plane is boarded by the rest of the passengers no one sees the child. When Kyle realizes her daughter is missing, no one, nothing can confirm the child ever boarded the plane. Next ďƒŚ

Did you know that Jodie Foster started her career at the age of two.

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silver screen an adaptation of the Vertigo Comics graphic novel of the same title. Inching back towards his roots as a film maker, Cronenberg delivers a sexually charged brutal suspense thriller in a way no other director can. Such elements are honest, gruesome, intelligent, and sometimes even humorous. While the film may not be as full of violence as the title leads you to believe, when it's there it’s some of the most jaw dropping violence you've ever seen. But, if you know Cronenberg's work you'll know that none of this exists without reason and purpose. As Tom and his family endures the tragedies of

the story, the film has strong undertones questioning the purpose of violence and if it does in fact, actually solve anything The only problem I had with an otherwise great film is the fact I wasn't connecting with the characters. Their suffering didn't have as great of an impact on me as much as I would have liked it to. This resulted in parts of the film having a bland tone, and at times, being anti-climatic. But, things always picked up. Overall, while it's not Cronenberg's best work it was very enjoyable and delivers in more ways than other films have this year.

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Quickly she transforms from a grieving widow into a frantic, terrorized, fearful mother searching for her child. That fear, that feeling of the world falling out from underneath you, that every parent, or baby-sitter has felt when their child, in their charge, has disappeared. We get to experience vicariously through Jodie Foster’s fierce performance. Like an animal protecting its young, she will let no one stop her as she turns the plane inside out searching for her daughter. With each passing minute her fear grows, her actions become more and more extreme alienating everyone on board from the flight crew, to her fellow passengers, to the plane’s Captain (Sean Bean), and the Air Marshall (Peter Sarsgaard). Not since Sigourney Weaver as Ripley protecting Newt in

Aliens or Gena Rowlands as Gloria Swenson in Gloria has the feminine role of protector been so fiercely portrayed. Of course, Foster’s portrayal of Meg in Panic Room comes to mind too. The core of all good movies, and books is character identification; it allows us to willingly suspend disbelief so that we may become the characters before us. But what happens when the protagonist through whom we view the world is declared mentally unsound? Everything hinges on one small action, one small scene, which when we return to it, the truth is made clear. And yet, it is through the camera’s eye that the story is told, but just what the story is we do not know until the very conclusion.

TOP 5 CELEBS WHO CAN WHOOP YOUR ASS Ass Kicking Time By Andre McGarrity

Top 5 Celebs That You Don’t Think Can Whoop Your Ass… But Can! Carrot Top – Of all of these unlikely bad-asses, Carrot Top may be the most surprising and that is exactly why he will probably kick your ass in a fight. When we think of Carrot Top we think of a skinny bean pole with a bunch of crazy red hair, but look a little closer and you will be shocked to find out that Carrot top is no skinny kid anymore. He’s buffed up and ripped. Just look at the picture. It's obvious that he's been hitting the gym lately, so maybe he's also training in Martial Arts or Boxing. Who knows? But one thing for sure is that you won't be heckling him to his face anymore! Jack White – The inspiration for Johnnie Depp’s Willy Wonka, Jack White is one half of the rock group The White Stripes and frankly the other half, his ex-wife, looks more intimidating. Don’t tell that to Von Bondies lead singer Jason Stollsteimer though. He found himself at the wrong end of a Jack White Detroit beat down and now knows that Jack ain’t one to be messed with. The damage speaks for it self! Emmanuelle Lewis – He might be small, cute and cuddly, but former "Webster" child star and reality TV personality Emmanuelle “Manny” Lewis if far from helpless. Doubt us? Your mistake. Manny is a black belt in Karate and if you saw the camping episode of

VH1’s "Surreal Life 1" (where Manny armed himself with a bowie knife to be prepared to go hand-to-hand with any wild animals that might mistake him for easy prey) you would know that he’s serious about self defense. You might be able to take him, but we guarantee Manny would make sure you knew you were in a fight. Chris “Peter Brady” Knight – Back in the 70’s Chris Knight was famous playing Peter Brady on the popular sitcom The Brady Bunch, but he always took a back set to Barry Williams who played his older and cooler brother Greg. After his appearance on VH1’s "The Surreal Life 4" Chris proved that he should have been the most popular. Besides being a mack and hooking up with America’s Next Top Model Adrianne Curry, he wisely walked around shirtless revealing his ripped body to the world. He even played with the idea of mixing it up with former WWF wrestler Sean “XPac” Waltman on an episode of "The Surreal Life." Though we think he might have underestimated the deceptively small, X-Pac, he showed that he was no punk! Jack Osborne – The Husky– OK, Fat – Son of the Prince of Darkness, Ozzy Osborne, is no more. He has been replaced with slimmer, more toned, Ta i B o x i n g J a c k Osborne. That’s right Jacks in shape (well, in better shape) and training over seas in Tai Boxing. And according to published reports he’s pretty good, racking up a few wins in actual fights. Step to him if you want, but don’t be surprised if he knocks you on your butt.

RIDEZ DODGE HEMI POWER Charger And Magnum Muscle By Flash The new Hemi engine is totally popular in some cases, it appears to be the main reason why people buy the car or truck around it. These new designs are bold taking the basic shapes of old and adding cleaner lines and slick designs. Chrysler has been doing very well especially since the merger with Mercedes. The merger has produced the following in these new beasts; a low-end version of their E-Class automatic tranny, stability control, steering, front suspensions, electronics, rear suspensions, and seats. We have a merging of power and class. The new Hemi produces roughly (it varies) 345 horsepower (5,600 rpm) and 375 lb-ft of torque (4,400 rpm) from 5.7 litres (345 cid*) when used in the Charger, 300C, and Magnum RT, it produces 340 horses but 390 lb-ft of torque. The Charger Daytona R/T squeezes out 350 horses.] The SRT version, at 6.1 litres, produces 425 net horsepower and 420 lb-ft of torque - 425 bhp (318 kW) @ 6000 rpm, (69.8 bhp/L) 420 lb.ft. (569 N•m) @ 4800 rpm.

Back in the day Hemi was a legend, stunning the racing world and topping the muscle car era. Dodge like the other North American car manufacturers are returning to their roots of truly powerful muscle cars of the 60s. These new cars are truly the sh!ts. These rear-drive cars are "amazingly well balanced." I have never really been a muscle car guy opting in my youth for a nice small fast import, But Chrysler has had me stop and take notice. I may actually pick up one of these bad boys. Yup, Dodge machismo is back! Now if we could just get them to do something about the price of gas! Photos courtesy of Chrysler.

TECH TALK... PORTABLE PLAYER ROUND-UP Phones, Games, Tv’s, PDA’s, Music Players & More...

Music On The Go! By Flash If you would like to be brought up to speed on the portable Music Player Market read our story on the Apple iPod. All digital players can be classed into two markets. Those with flash memory storage, which are lightweight, small, and sleek. And those with hard drives, which are heavier, bigger and contain more storage capacity. Now all the new rage in the digital portable player market is the incorporation of flash memory. With the addition of new larger capacity Flash memory chips these tiny devices can hold a ton of music. So take a take a quick gander at these small devices that really go with the lifestyle of the young, fast, urban audience.

Apple iPod Nano Windows and Mac software 4 GB model stores 1000 songs supports AAC & MP3 (16 to 320 Kbps), MP3 VBR, Audible Apple Lossless, WAV, AIFF .27 inches thin & 1.5 ounces. It has a bright color display, and gives up to 14 hours of music playback; up to 4 hours of slideshows with music. It comes with earbud headphones, USB cable, dock adapter, & software.

Creative Labs MuVo Mix Has a built-in battery Life of up to 11 Hours. USB 2.0 Or 1.1 Takes a port AAA Battery for extended life. It’s 2.9 in x 0.6 in x 1.4 in. weighs 1.4 oz Flash Memory ( 256, 512, & 1GB version available). the 512 can store 230 songs. It comes with ear-bud headphones and has Stereo Output Sound. It Supports WMA, MP3, WMA DRM

Toshiba Gigabeat X30 It features 240 x 320 screen, 30GB hard drive.It’s capable of playing Mp3, WMA, and WAV files, and supports the USB Mass Storage transfer. It has photo functionality, such as the ability to read JPEG files with EXIF, slideshow support, automatic photo album creation, and so on. This has a 16 hour battery life from a standard lithium-ion.Having recently played with one I find the interface quarky at best.

Sony Walkman Bean 1GB Built-In Memory. It stores 695 Songs, has a built in FM Tuner and USB Connector 1-Line EL Display. It has a super quick battery charge3 (3 min charge = 3 hrs playback) Up to 50 hours of playback with rechargeable embedded Battery, much more than the others listed here. you have got to love that unique bean shape

Dell DJ Ditty 512MB of storage gives 220 songs. It has a Integrated FM tuner, 26x11mm LCD screen. Slim design 3.6 x 1.1 x .5 inches & weighs 1.29 ounces Rechargeable Lithium Polymer battery with up to 14 hours of battery life. Includes earbuds, lanyard, and black & blue USB Cap. Music downloads via Musicmatch Jukebox, Napster, & Audible. No points for the boring square lighter design. Dell could have done better. Our choice is clearly for the Apple iPod. They are sure to have a flavor that will meet your needs. Whether it be a new Nano or a regular iPod Photo & now iPod Video, although the iPod Video needs to add some more features. You'll definitely get quality at a decent price.

The hottest Interviews with today’s biggest stars.

Hip-Hop, R&B, Soul, Dance, Metal and everything in-between

Jamie Foxx

Truly Unpredictable - By: Flash

Foxx is truly unpredictable. How many expected him to drop this new album at this time? It's not a question as to whether he has the talent but whether he has the time. This Oscar winner is busier than a MOFO. Foxx and company had to find the time between takes of his new movie Miami Vice, due out summer 06' "Timbaland allowed me to use his bus -- it has a studio in it, I'd come right off the set, get on the bus and keep cutting and grinding" says Foxx. Many of Foxx's tunes are seductive , including "Can I Take You Home," "DJ Play a Love Song" and "V.I.P.". Jamie manages to find a middle ground between his gospel and soul roots applied to a nice rhythm of laid-back beats. Jamie has always regarded himself as a singer and musician first, and actor second. He returns to his first passion with UNPREDICTABLE, described as "the fulfillment of a lifelong dream." The recognition that Jamie has earned from his peers in R&B and hip-hop reinforces his dedication to music. A classically trained pianist who was raised in the church, he studied seriously at San Diego Performing Arts College before moving into comedy on television and film. His Oscarwinning performance in Ray was a major indication that Photo courtesy of J Records.


“Superbeautifulmonster ” - By: Flash “Superbeautifulmonster” Biff’s new album has just been released. The creation has taken over three years with the parts harvested from over fifty songs written, thirty-five of those were actually already

recorded. The final 13 tracks Naked chose “surpasses anything I've done before” says Biff. The new album is a mish- mash of Hardcore Rock, Pop Rock, and mellow sound. My favorite tracks on this album where Abandonment, Nothing Else Matters, That’s Life, and The World is Over. Some of the slower ballads have a pop up-tempo feel giving the album some cross-over appeal. I give this CD Release 3.5 out of 5. Check it out. It’s definitely worth the money.

Biff Naked is the voice of Zoe, a video game character in EA Sport's game SSX Tricky. Photo courtesy of Her Royal Majesty’s Records.

MUSIC Foxx's musical aspirations could not be held back. We at Decode have seen Jamie's talent first hand when we caught up with him for Caribana last year and again in September for his release of Ray at the Toronto international Film Festival in 04'. Jamie gave us an exclusive a capella about his love for the T-Dot (Toronto). To see the photos from those events check out our photo gallery online. Foxx shared a Grammy nomination this year in the category of Best Rap/Song Collaboration, for "Slow Jamz" by Twista featuring Kanye West and Foxx. He can also be heard on "Build You Up," a track on 50 Cent's current album, The Massacre. Jamie is cashing in on the musical cred earned through his Ray performance and his current collaborations. Foxx also croons on Kanye West's # 1 hit, "Gold Digger." West returns the favor

on the "Extravaganza," track. "We wanted to stay young and up with Extravaganza, " says Foxx about the feel of the hit single, that's already burning up urban radio. Also to be released is the lead single "Unpredictable" featuring Ludacris. This song has garnered several weeks of airplay already. In addition to Ludacris, Jamie has enlisted a number of artists, producers and songwriters as guests on UNPREDICTABLE, including the already mentioned Kanye West, Mary J. Blige on "Love Changes;" Pharrell on "Still Here"; Twista guests on "DJ Play A Love Song," andTimbaland produces "Can I Take You Home". Look out for the album as it is expected in stores December 7th 13th 2005. Photo Mani Syed.

Leela James Sweet Soul Music - By: DJ Kahuna Oh Lord, oh Jesus, thank you the voices of the angels that have come and blessed this lady with the most unique voice since Gladys Knight. There are still songstresses out in the world of real music. With the death of the original developer and creator of the synthesizer were do we go from here. Well I am going to tell were we are goin’. We start from Scratch and we bring up artist like Fantasia, Carmen Rodgers, and the supreme vocalist Gabbie McGee. These are underground soul artists that are being heard throughout North America. My newest find is a hot and spicy vocalist that I came across when I was surfing. This angelic voice was singing a tune entitled “Music” and Leela James was her name. The tracks of

her CD are tight and the vocals just make the rhythm hit you in your heart and R&B soul. With tracks like “Music”, “Rain” “Mistreating Me” and “My Joy”; you’ll get a “Love Jones” for Leela James just like I did. She receives 5 out of 5 stars. The delivery of her music is just phenomenal. Photo courtesy of Warner Bros. Records

QUICK TAKE... 1-on-1 with Natalie A Columbian Cutie Meets Her Destiny By Carmen Carranza We recently had a chance to sit down with Natalie, the new Latino songstress fresh off her tour with Baby Bash and Frankie J! Natalie gives us the goods on how she felt hearing her first song on the radio, being a past Houston Rocket's Cheerleader, her music career, and acting. Decode: So Natalie, are you excited about your first album? Natalie: Oh my gosh I’m so excited, because the idea of having an album in stores is just kind of still and unbelievable feeling and a big dream come true. It’s doing really well in the stores, thanks to all the fans who have really supported me, it debuted at No. 16. I’m already at 130,000 sold and it’s doing really well, especially for a debut artist a whole bunch of people have downloaded it and bought it, and it’s really just a blessing. D: Yeah it’s blowing up just like the song y’know. Nat: Yeah! D: Have you ever thought of doing some Reggaeton? It's really hot right now! Nat: Y’know I really have. And I definitely want to do a regular remix to the ending of my songs, or trying something different using Reggaeton Photo courtesy of Universal Music Group.

Continued Next 

The hottest Interviews with today’s biggest stars. (Continued from page 18)

beat or some other type of Spanish music. I really want to do that. D: Yeah people would LOVE that, but why don't you tell me about your cosmetics line Going Crazy Collection. Nat: Actually that’s another blessing for me. I chose the Going Crazy Collection colors and I really tried to make it natural for every ethnicity, but especially Latina’s because, well I’m just going to say it, we’re naturally beautiful. There a lot of girls out there who think they need to wear a lot of make-up, or like cake it on to look good or feel pretty and I think it’s the opposite. The less make-up the better, because it lets your inner natural beauty, shine through. It’s all about how you carry yourself and self-esteem and how you feel because you can look good with just lip-gloss and blush. I think the going crazy collection reflects me too because it’s not a lot of make up, just some natural warm colors that accents what’s already there. It’s make-up that makes your eyes look brighter or your lips look bigger. Monica Ramirez, the CEO of Zalia Cosmetics, understood what I was talking about and we chose the colors together.

went to school for Criminal Justice! That's quite a drastic turn into a pop singer. So exactly what convinced you that being a pop singer was going to work out for you? Nat: It’s crazy. I’m really big on fate and that God has a plan for everyone and everyone has a purpose on this planet. At the time that I was dancing and going to school and writing songs, I was like “Man what am I going to do!” because I wanted to do my music SO BAD. There were times when I just said “This is never going to happen” but I’m not a quitter. You get very impatient when you’re dreaming and you want to reach your goal so bad, it’s just all in timing. The criminal justice thing came from my desire to work with inner city and under privileged kids, so I did more of the social work side of Criminal Justice because it really appealed to me. So I said to myself, “Okay, I can get a full-time job and help kids.” But like I said God has a plan for everyone, it’s like saying when you grow up you want to be a firefighter, but you turn out to be a veterinarian Continued Next 

D: So looking back on things now, I saw in your bio that you Did you know that Natalie studied Criminal Justice! Photo courtesy of Flare Media Photography

The hottest Interviews with today’s biggest stars. D: Yeah well God certainly has good things planned for you. Nat: Thank you. D: How long have you been a Houston Rocket Cheerleader? Nat: I’ve been a cheerleader for the Rockets since I was 18 years old. I’ve been with them for 7 seasons! I just quit this past January to pursue my music career.

Photo courtesy of Flare Media Photography

because God chose that for you. Like I said, while I was in school I was always writing, always in contact with my musical side, and always in the studio, eventually what I had to do was kind of let go and let God handle it, because I wasn’t sure if this was ever going to happen. I prayed about it and said, “If this happens for me, I’ll accept it and if it doesn’t I’ll accept that too.” Then I went on a trip overseas with the Houston Rockets and when I got back I heard my song on the radio D: Wow! That must have been pretty awesome? Nat: Yeah it was just the right time. You can push and push and push for it, but in the end you have to be patient and believe that it’ll happen eventually. It’s all in God’s timing.

D: What about Acting? Is it in the cards for you? Nat: Oh I do want to act so badly. I’ve got a couple of scripts that have come my way, and I go the chance to go up to MTV and talk to producers and read scripts. Its feels weird, but it’s all my dreams coming true one after another. I definitely want to do movies and in 5 years I hope I’m still singing with another album out. I don’t really do this for the money clothes or cars. You get to meet so many people doing this and I’ve met so many fans who are really supportive of me and I want to do this for them, because these are the people who are making me who I am. I just love making music and I hope I have another album and it’ll be at the MTV Music awards or the Grammies. I want to keep going and keep traveling. Continued on page 21 

Did you know that Natalie used to be a cheerleader for the Houston Rockets

QUICK TAKE... (Continued from page 20)

D: So the fans are your inspiration, the ones who keep you going? Nat: Oh yeah! They made me who I am because when you think about it, they didn’t have to support me. They didn’t have to accept my goal or my crazy song. They couldn’t have cared less about me, but you meet these people and I’ve found out that they like me. (laughs) It’s fun to meet the people who are supportive of you. D: What about your family are they behind you? Nat: Oh my gosh, yes! Back home in Columbia, everyone in my family has been the best.. I try and call my parents every day and I have a sister who’s 23, we’re like best friends ,and I have a little brother and sister who are 10 and 12. They’re just all really supportive of me. If I need anything they hop on a plane and bring it to me. They’re just my backbone. In the end that’s who’ll be there for me. D: Tell us how you liked being on tour? Nat: I’m so excited. Being in a different city every night, jumping on stage and performing. Meeting the fans, signing autographs after the show, it’s an amazing feeling. The fans will remember that for the rest of their lives. They’re going to go home and say, “Oh my gosh I met Baby Bash or Frankie J and Natalie”, it’s just a great feeling. Being on a tour your doing something everyday, sometimes

you’re doing 2 cities in 1 day. It’s beautiful to wake up everyday and love what you’re doing. Bash and I talk about it all the time. We’re like “Look at our lives! Look at what we’re doing!” It’s an honor for me as a new artists to get on tour with guys like Frankie and Bash who’re obviously successful and doing really well. I don’t want it to end! D: Anything you want to say to our readers right now? Nat: Please go get my album I think you’ll like it!

Photo courtesy of Universal Music Group.

COMICS PUNISHER The Slavers Begins... By TJ Grech Punisher #25 begins a new story arc entitled 'The Slavers' from writer Garth Ennis and artist Leandro Fernandez. For the past many years, Ennis has been doing nothing but blowing us away issue after issue on the Punisher. While it seems near impossible to top his previous intense blood bath of a story, 'Up is Down, Black is White', Ennis is giving it a shot with this new arc, and it appears promising. After the events of the previous story, Frank Castle seems to have his anger under control (aw, shucks!). During a routine night of


Marvel, DC, Image, Indie’s and More... spilling the blood of a couple gangsters, Frank comes across a woman being accosted by some street thugs. Frank does what he does best and devilers some much deserved punishment and saves the woman's life. He also manages to injure a few cops who tried to arrest him shortly after. He escapes with the woman who shares a story with him about mobsters who kidnapped and sold her baby on the black market. And there isn't much Frank hates more than jerks who mess with children. Consider the Punisher pissed and on the job. Also, as a product of Frank assaulting two officers, a police captain is calling on all cops to make bringing the Punisher to justice their number one priority. Allow the cursing, blood spilling, and mass body count ensue.

What’s on your checklist? By Flash

SUPERMAN/BATMAN #23 - (Nov 23)

WEAPON X: Days of Future Now #5 - (Nov 16)

Part 4 of the 6-part "With a Vengeance," guest-starring Supergirl! Superman and Batman.

The Weapon X saga reaches its violent end. Who will be left standing, and at what cost?

WILDSIDERZ #2 - (Nov 2)

XMEN#176 WILD KINGDOM - (Oct 20)

The 2nd issue of the newest creation from the Danger Girl creators J. Scott Campbell and Andy Hartnell! Can the Wildsiderz stop the nefarious Dr. Spydre? Photos courtesy of DC Comics.

With the X-Men captured, Storm and Black Panther are going to have to put their differences aside and work together before all of Africa is overrun. Photo courtesy of Marvel Comics.

DECODING ...... DECODING This is Jully Black! Q&A With The R&B Songstress By Flash

She's already opened for Jay-Z, 50 Cent, Usher, toured with The Black Eyed Peas, and looks forward to sharing a stage with her favourites: Etta James, Anita Baker, James Brown, Mary J. Blige and Lauryn Hill. Now that the Fugees are back perhaps we'll seem her team up with them. Superstar Nas spits lyrics on "Stay The Night." returning a favour to Jully as she appeared on his album God's Son by blessing the song "Material Things".

She's received four Canadian Urban Music Award Nominations , four MuchMusic Video Award nominations, four Juno Award nominations, and Fashion Magazine recently recognized her ambitious nature by naming her one of Canada's most alluring ladies. While covering the FLOW93.5 R&B Live event we had a chance to rap with one of Canada's hottest R&B Artists. She has recently released her long awaited debut album, "This is Me". We headed backstage after she had performed to do the interview. Jully was in good spirits having just finished performing for a lively crowd.

Did you know that Jully has toured with the Black Eyed Peas. She has also appeared on a track “Material Things” for Nas.

Photo by Mani Syed.

Who is Jully Black? Jully is the youngest of nine children and the only singer in a family of visual artists, Jully grew up in the rough Jane and Finch neighbourhood of Toronto. She discovered her voice in church at the age of seven and developed her powerful alto range. She’s been in the industry for ten years performing, singing and writing. When reflecting back on her 10 years as a professional singer/songwriter/performer, Jully knows what she's most proud of. "My biggest accomplishment is gaining international recognition while being able to maintain my maple leaf status," she says.

The hottest Interviews with the next big stars. Jully was not to busy to give us a chance to talk to her about her new album. With her happy playfull attitude she was totally ready. Upstairs in the back of the Mod Club she quickly wiped the "SWEAT OF

Photo courtesy of

HER BROW" did a quick powder of the makeup and was ready for our camera's. Decode: I am here with Canada's number one Diva Jully Black. Jully Black: What is a Diva ? D: A Diva is someone that has class, style, and soul! Jully: Okay, how about you call me a Diva in the making because I got about 30 years to go before I reach near Patty's (Labelle) success. But thank you I appreciate it. We got to earn that title we have been using it too loosely. D: Well you deserve it you have been working hard! Jully: Yes I have been working hard I've been grinding.

D: I mean you are 10 years in the making. Jully: Yup, ten years. D: So you got the album out right now and it's doing very well in the stores. So what track on the album is your favorite, I know its hard to pick but give me one? Jully: "I Travelled", I wrote that for my mom you know, it's just about her journey, and it's track number 9. You've got to check it out! D: I can see that you and your team are doing a good job because there is a lot of publicity on Jully right now. I am seeing you on MSN, CTV, everywhere! Jully: You know I just found that out, everybody's been telling me about MSN. D: You are all over the place they are really doing their job Jully:Hey! Thank you Universal, It's Pandemonium, We taking it over! The label and her management have really gotten behind her to make sure that you know, who Jully Black is. Jully has recently made appearances on Canada AM, ETalk Daily, CTV's Celebrity Talk show, she also did an episode for ETalk Playlist. When the news broke that Jully was nominated for four Canadian Urban Music Awards (CUMAs), E Talk drove out to her house to break the news to her and presented it on their show. Jully co-hosted the 2004 CUMAS with Canadian Television Legend and mentor Master T. "Ironically I chose to perform 'Sweat of your brow' before I completed writing it Continued on page 25 ďƒŚ

DECODING ...... DECODING because in the midst of turmoil, I still had a lot to be thankful for". And for those of you that missed it what a performance it was! D: Now it's been a couple of years that we have been waiting for and expecting the album to come out. Tell us a little bit about the drama that went on to get this album made and out? Jully: There was absolutely no drama, It’s not on my time, on God’s time! Last September my album THIS IS ME was still stuck in a dream sequence. I was without management and quite frankly, I wasn't sure if I still wanted to pursue music as so many people had let me down. I then began to be still and listen to God’s whispers. You see, life tends to get really loud at times. Then we get caught up trying to yell what we think our purpose is and where we should be in life into an already loud and chaotic soul... In July of 2004, as I literally cried out to my mother she peacefully said to me, "Jully, pray to your God he's always on time. By the sweat of your brow, you will eat bread". So you know it was a part of my journey , You know it [the album] was supposed to come out on June 21st, 2005 and that's when it did.” D: Now that the album is out what is next for Jully. Did you ever think of doing any acting or are you strictly working the music thing? Jully: I am going to keep working

the record for about another year and figure out where my journey is going and maybe some tv, maybe some acting, but I got the responsibility to make sure I tour with this record across this country back and forth and to let everybody know that I AM HERE! D: I am looking forward to your next music video, I know you just finished wrapping something with Harv. Jully: Harvalicious, I call him, I‘ve know him for a long time so I am very comfortable with him. The video is called 5X Love and it will be out soon. You know we are always in a rush if you notice, so I wanted to slow it down and really just enjoy every moment. Many are called but few are chosen, and I am very blessed to be chosen. D: Now I wanted to take you back a bit to talk about Fresh Arts.

Photo courtesy of

The hottest Interviews with the next big stars. Jully: Hey 1994 .Kardinal Offishal, Baby Blue Sound Crew, Solitaire, Saukratees shout outs to Jobs Ontario Youth and Futures But it doesn’t exist anymore. It was a S u m m e r C a m p a n d Yo u t h Employment Program. We all met in Summer camp. Big

up to D. Shon too, he’s in my band and he came from that as well. Look at us all now eleven years later. D: Well we’ve been here with Jully thanks for taking the time out to chat with us.

Jully: Peace, [sings] I ain’t supposed to give it too ya, It’s Love , Love Love, Love. Always keeping it real! Oh, THIS IS ME... My debut album is in stores right now... What a blessing! D: So this is Jully Black! For a full review and give away of the album “This is Me”, keep a close eye on the website. If you would like to see some up close and personal photos of Jully performing along with photos of other Musicians, Artists, and Celebrities you’ll have to stop by our photo gallery online.

Photo by Mani Syed.

Photo courtesy of

Jully wrote a song for the soundtrack of the movie “Brown Sugar,”

PHOTO GALLERY We have been making the rounds to many parties, nightclubs, conventions, shows, performances, and more. Have a look at the photos from some of the events that we have attended. For complete photo galleries go online to All photos by Encode Staff.

E3 Girls P Diddy Sean John Launch Party

Morris Chestnut Party

Lou Gossett Jr. ReelBlack

Vida Guerra Importfest

Moka Only -CD Release

ATI Girls NewEgg Lanfest

Vondie Curtis-Hall

Angelina Jolie Comic-con

Massari Live Kevin Spacey Ray TIFF Party

Big Boi Latin Mixx

Keisha ChantĂŠ Milwaukee Buck Jamaal Magloire

Divine Brown R&B Live

Don Omar Latin Mixx

Model Stacey McKenzie

Lou Ferrigno Comic-con

Maestro Urban Landmark

Toronto Raptor Mo Pete

Kid Capri& Flash Martin Caribana

Malinda Williams

Ray Park FatJoe Eckofest

Red One Caribana

Lennox Lewis Bernard Hopkins Jamie Foxx Lynn Whitfield

Busta Eckofest

Ciara Eckofest

Mos Def Eckofest

Jamie Foxx Caribana

Larenz Tate TIFF

Bill Duke ReelWorld


For the Otaku

J2: Counter-Attack of Siberia Yagyu vol.2 It's Not Fun And Games Anymore By Kenan Cross When I last saw Jubei-chan, she'd completely renounced the Lovely Eyepatch (stop snickering out there.) and told Koinosuke's pintsized offspring Ayunosuke to take a hike along with it. One things for sure, this girl has determination in spades. Yet those pesky twerps, The Siberia-Yagyu clan, won't leave her be. On what seems like a very peaceful day, they abduct Freesia (who's still a force to be reckoned with in her own right) and take her to a nearby castle. Jubei is determined not to rely on the Eyepatch though, but when the going gets tough, you need to use the resources available right? In later episodes, we learn just how Freesia was able to live over 300

years after her biological father passed away and how she learned of Jubei. (Something STRAIGHT out of Snow White . . . you gotta see it.) Surprisingly the appearance of Bantarou and his Unrefined Crew are kept at a minimum so you might expect that this volume is chock full of action and drama, which it is. I found myself glued to my chair while watching the spectacular sword-fighting scenes, especially the exciting air battle between Jubei and Freesia. The gaps between releases are nearly unbearable! Geneon please don't make me wait 3 more months before I can see another volume!

DVD PREVIEW CASSHAN Robot Hunter By Flash Casshan is the story of man's best laid plans paving the way to potential destruction. Mankind is enslaved by an army of Neoroids, rebellious super-robots originally designed to help civilization avert a complete ecological cataclysm. Mankind's only hope is Casshan, a legendary hero who wages a solitary war to defeat these Neoroids and restore the Earth to its rightful order. The DVD hits shelves on October 22nd.

CASSHAN DVD Case and Menu Screen Preview. The live action hit CGI film Casshern, was based on Casshan!


Hand-To-Hand Combat

OCTAVIO LARA Lara Knocks Em’ The F@ck Out By Carmen With a mischievous smile on his face Lara admits “I lied about my age so they could let me start training at the Kronk Gym, I said I was eight when I was really seven". This was the beginning of something that not even he could imagine would take him to become one of the most widely acclaimed lightweight amateur champions out there today. He has been training with Emanuel Stewart - one of the best trainers in the world of boxingat the Kronk Gym in Southwest Detroit for about ten years now and has big plans for the future. Boxing has also allowed him to travel all over the world! Places like LA, Vegas, New York, Germany, and Canada to name a few. Lara grew up watching closely how his hero, Julio Cesar Chavez, trained and fought in the ring. Having a record of 4 of 5 via knockout & 1 loss, Lara has a promising future. Not only is boxing his passion but he has a strong work ethic, dedication, and strong

support from his family. On top of all these things Lara is talented without a doubt. If you have seen him in the ring you know exactly what I’m talkin’ ‘bout. Losing is not an option for him. Lara showed us some of his best moves at a recent interview at his home in Southwest Detroit. "You need to pace the fight and make your opponent do what you want them to do. Also you have to make the fight go at your speed". Wow, talk about being able to take control! Being present at the Palace of Auburn Hills to see what Lara, and others at the Kronk Gym were al l about first hand was truly an experience. Aaron Pryor, Joseph Bonas, Anthony Dirrell, and Angie Simpson kicked some a$$ that night! Lara took out the competition first round yo’! Somebody got knocked the F@ck out! What did I tell you, he's got mad skills ya’ll! Lots of excitement filled the night... At this point, Lara is training intensively and has a very strict diet. We are proud to see one of our Latino brothers from Motown making it big.

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