When did we stop dreaming! When was it we surrendered our youthful ways in exchange for conformity?
Could it be we simply got tired of taking blame or perhaps the songs we once so very much enjoyed grew silent, deafened we were, by the constant barrage of "you're a failure!”
Maybe it was the intrusion of an unwelcomed biological clock holding us internally imprisoned doomed to forever running one minute too late for every opportunity that came to our gate. It may have been our repeated nightmares waking us from the reality that was once our beautiful dream.
Why have we lost all hope? Who was it that told us we could no longer dream? From the moment we were born until that moment we die, we NEVER STOP DREAMING!
The 2018 SPEAKERS LEGACY TOUR, Toronto April Empowerment Weekend will rejuvenate your spirit, strengthen your weary heart, elevate your fading hope, but most importantly, your attendance will awaken you to the beauty and richness of waking to your dreams!