Decode Magazine - 2006 Winter

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The difference is what’s said and how... TM

Entertainment Magazine $1.95

February 2006




For a Limit Time! ed


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M O V I E S • M U S I C • G A M E S • A N I M E • C O M I C S • T E C H • R I D E S • FA S H I O N • & M O R E . . .

Plus: PLAYBOY launches a new clothing line Check list of top GAMING and ANIME from ‘05 HEAD-TO-HEAD with Lawrence Taylor about Blitz The League

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InThis ISSUE...

Publisher Arvell M.Jones

Associate Publishers Desmond C. Jones Paul Martin Darnell Sealie

2005 Movies were lack lustre so what’s in store for ‘06.

Editors Nadeira Rickford Flash

Copy Editor Massari means money literally. This star joins with Beenie Man to turn the place on Fire.

Jim McFarlin

Website Editor Tiffany Welton Writers

Blitz The League is a new kind of game. It’s fast, hard hitting, trash talking, with hot cheerleaders.


Editorial (What’s New?).....................................4 Gaming (Best of ‘05)..........................................5 Movies (Underworld, Hoodwinked, Annapolis).. 8 Top 5 Fighters (Li, Chan, Ja, Seagal, Snipes)...12 Rides (NAI Bike Supershow ‘06)......................13 Tech Talk (CES ‘06).........................................14 Music (Ray J, P.O.D., Mike Jones)...................16 Comics (Spidey, Panther & Storm, Flash)........ 21 TV - Cartoons (Afro Samurai).......................... 24 Gaming (Gametrak Game Gear)..................... 26 Photo Gallery (Playboy Clothing Launch) ....... 28 Anime (Best of ‘05)............................ ..............29

Andre McGarrity DJ Big Kahuna Flash Paul Martin Kennan Cross Burton Carlson III Michael L. Kucharski Chrstopher Young

Photography Mani Syed


Mike Sherrill Garrin Clark Garrett Clark

Decode © 2006. all rights reserved by Encode Media. P.O. Box 13158, Detroit, MI 48213, 313•875•4936. Decode is published 8 times a year. Editorial contributions can be submitted online or by mail with return postage. Publisher assumes no responsibility for return or safety of unsolicited art, photos, manuscripts, books, audio, or video cassettes, cd’s or dvd’s, Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission; request for permission must be made by mail in writing, must include a self-addressed stamped envelope and should be mailed to Encode Media at the address listed above. Decode is available free of charge at participating distributors. Subscriptions are available in the US and Canada for $16 for 8 issues. Printed in the USA by Mays Printing company. In Canada send enquiries to Box 271 Waterford Gate, Pickering, ON L1V-6N3, Canada 416•704•4776. Email editorial material to Sales and marketing email Website:

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EDITORIAL OUT WITH THE OLD... Welcome to our year end / new beginnings issue. The end has come and we are well into the new year. A new year brings with it closure for the past year and also hope of the prospects of the year to come. So likewise that is the theme of this issue. First off I wanted honor the past before moving on to the future. So, this issue is dedicate to one of our writers that passed away a while ago. His name was Haran Robinson and he was from Detroit. He was one of the first freelance writers that came onboard here at Encode. Haran scored us a major interview at the time with Blade I superstar Wesley Snipes. Haran was a very creative and talented brother. He will be sorely missed. This one’s for you Haran! Join us as we have a look at some of best from last year like Gaming and Anime and also what to look forward to for movies in 2006, Check out our rundown of ‘06 movies in this issue. So what else is ahead for ‘06 read on... Continued growth and big hits this year will be the iPod Video and the Sony PSP. These portable devices are leading the way in their respective industries because they are the main device that the public has knowledge of. These brands are also being pushed by intellectual properties. Most web sites that deliver video are offering downloads for PSP and for iPod. That’s branding, the public consciousness has already accepted these formats as the default for portable video. Digital video will continue to be big this year as the prices drop for digital hardware devices and they make their way into our personal lives.

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We can expect to see more flash video as google and YouTube have adopted the flash video format.. Google Video launched with Windows media but then quickly dumped that for flash video, go online for more about this story. We can expect Adobe, since they now own Macromedia, to step up the use and integration of flash video (.flv) into all digital media applications starting with their own Premiere and After effects. Expect lots of noise about music downloading, as revenues continue to die a slow death because of the 99C a download model, which is here to stay, and the RIAA continues to sue P2P file traders. We already have a raucous rippling across the industry as a major Canadian management company/ record label, Nettwerk, is standing behind one of their fans that’s being sued by the RIAA. They are paying all the expenses for the defendant, even the fines should they loose. Terry McBride, CEO of Nettwerk, says, "Litigation is not 'artist development.' Litigation is a deterrent to creativity and passion and it is hurting the business I love. The current actions of the RIAA are not in my artists' best interests.” Terry has the backing of all the artists on his roster which number over a100. Finally, check out our 1-on-1 with Massari, our artist focus on Ray J Brandy’s little brother, pictures from the Playboy Clothing launch. They are not taking them off they are putting them on! Yes, you read it right! Lots of lingerie. Lastly, check out new bikes from the ‘06 North American International Motorcycle Supershow and tech form the ‘06 Consumer Electronics Show. Peace, Flash

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GAMING TOP GAMES OF ‘05 Appease your inner Gammer! By Ken Cross Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Without doubt, this one may be the most anticipated game of ‘05. LoZ:TP features an adult Link, for the first time in the life of the Gamecube system, and looks to finally capitalize on the promise of a sword-slashing adventure that was first seen in the 2000 Space World teaser for the GC system. This game is something that would make you buy a Gamecube if you don’t already have one. NBA Live/NBA 2K6 As the last remaining competitive sports game war thanks to the very untimely demise of the NFL2K series, the hardwood is the only place to see 2K Games and EA continue their heated sports rivalry. With the introduction of XBOX360 we are at it again as to which is the best game. Well, I’ll tell you which one has the closer total package and that’s NBA2K6. NBA Live is a stripped down version of the current gen game, but the 2K Game has smartly recreated the entire game for the 360. Of course it’s all a matter of preference but Live’s Arcade-like style is in full effect for the 360.

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Metal Gear Solid 3 Here it comes. The expected “perfect edition” of Metal Gear Solid 3. Each Metal Gear Solid has had a “perfect edition” with Twin Snakes (GameCube) for MGS1 and Substance (PS2 & Xbox) for MGS2 but Subsistence is easily the best of the group for one simple feature: ONLINE PLAY. Metal Gear in an online environment and Co-Op play? INSANE!!! This one is not to be slept on. God of War No one is surprised that God of War is a good game. Yet, I don’t think they imagined it would be the runaway smash hit of ‘05 on PS2. If you haven’t played God of War yet, WHAT ARE YOU WAITIN’ FOR? As action titles go, God of War may be the new standard and that is quite a statement. It probably won’t be topped until . . . well until God of War 2!

Perfect Dark: Zero Joanna Dark is back in Rare’s prequel to the Nintendo 64 smash hit Perfect Dark. Set 3 years before that game, Zero follows the buxom bounty hunter in an intense storyline. The real treat is the gorgeous Xbox 360 graphics and 50 (FIFTY!!!) player co-op play via Xbox Live. If you’re getting a 360 at launch, this one had better be in your library!

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MOVIE PREVIEWS Remakes and Continuations... By Flash As far as movies go 2005 had some highlights but seriously tho' there were a ton more stinkers. The movie loving fan inside me was not quite satisfied with the choices of '05. Was there really enough quality flicks for us to go and spend our money on? I don't think so! Outside of Star Wars, Narnia, Flight Plan, Batman, Wedding Crashers, Good Night and good Luck , A History of Violence, Harry Potter / Goblet of Fire, King Kong, Hitch, and Sin City, to name a few; what else was there really? Don't answer that! So looking forward to 2006 we expect it will be a movie going year with a number of remakes, continuations, and sure bets coming to a theater near you. So enough with the recap, as '05 is now a distant memory. Here's our list of flick's to catch for '06. Underworld Evolution (Jan. 20): Kate's back as the vampire in black, and she is taking no prisoners and kicking ass! Read our review on page 8. - Continuation! Pink Panther (Feb. 10): Steve Martin is the bumbling idiot Inspector Clouseau; it's Steve Martin at his best. This crime caper co-starrs, Kevin Kline as Clouseau's boss, Jean Reno, and the beautiful Beyonce Knowles. Okay now I am going to see it. It's got Beyonce. - Remake! Basic Instinct 2 (March 31). Yes Sharon Stone is back as the femme fatale. Who can forget that scene in Basic Instinct where Stone is in the investigation room and she opens her legs to reveal that she had no panties on! Need I say more... Can't wait to see this one. - Continuation! The Sentinel (April 21). A suspense film for all the 24 fans out there.

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Special Agent Pete Garrison (Douglas) tries to uncover a plot to kill the president. The plot thickens when he gets relieved of his duties, but he doesn't stop there trying to prove his innocence and save the president. Douglas comes into conflict with, Agent Breckinridge (Keifer Sutherland). Copycat! Apocalypto (April 28): Mel Gibson is back with another period piece (The Passion of the Christ) with an epic done in the Mayan tongue of Yucateco, set before the 16th-century Spanish conquest of Central America. Mission: Impossible III (May 5): Tom Cruise's is back one more time as agent Ethan Hunt, pitted gainst bad guy Philip Seymour Hoffman. - Continuation! Poseidon (May 12): This is an update of the 1970's disaster tale The Poseidon Adventure, about a monster tidal wave that tips an ocean liner upside down. The cast of survivors including Josh Lucas, Kurt Russell, Emmy Rossum and Richard Dreyfuss, struggle to stay alive. - Remake! Da Vinci Code (May 19) Based on Dan Brown's runaway best selling book; the book is based upon taking a bit of historical fact adding in some imagination and then calling it the truth. Hey anything to sell a book. This story tells the tale of a symbologist caught up in the mysteries of an ancient, shadowy religious society that dissects some origins of Christianity. The sure bet team of Ron Howard, Brian Grazer and Tom Hanks (Splash, Appolo 13) are thrown in for success. Sure Bet! X3 (May 26). Movie franchises are done in a trilogies today so X3 is the end song for the Mutant saga. Rumor has it that a Wolverine solo movie is in the works.

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For X3 the whole crew is back, Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Rebecca Romijn and Famke Janssen (Dark Pheonix is born), with new director Brett Ratner. A "cure" is found for the mutant condition. The question is, who wants to be cured of their mutant power? X3 once again pits the X-Men, against the Brotherhood. - Continuation! Superman Returns (June 30). Superman is a totally new face in Brandon Routh, we'll see how the newcomer fares. Co-starring are Kevin Spacey as super-villain Lex Luthor and Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane. Supes, having been called away on urgent off-world business, comes back to Earth years later to renew his romance with Lois and save us once more. - Continuation! Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (July 7): Johnny Depp follows up his '03 blockbuster hit, with the first of two sequels (part 3 in '07). Depp returns as Capt. Jack Sparrow reunited with co-stars Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley. - Continuation! My Super Ex-Girlfriend (July 14). Uma Thurman as a superheroine scorned. You know what they say about a woman scorned don't you? She unleashes her powers on her exboyfriend (Luke Wilson) after he dumps her. How can you go wrong with Uma and Luke? Too Funny! Lady in the Water (July 21). M. Night Shyamalan (Sixth Sense, Signs) brings us another bizarre tale. This one is about a building super (Paul Giamatti) who discovers a water nymph (Bryce Dallas Howard) living in the tunnels beneath the complex's swimming pool. Miami Vice (July 28). Vice was a TV cop show of the 80's. Jamie Foxx and Colin Farrell are holding it down as the smooth Chocolate and Vanilla twist team of undercover cops, taking down Miami drug runners. - Remake!

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James Bond - Casino Royale (Nov. 17). Daniel Craig becomes the sixth actor to play super-cool agent 007. Craig is totally cool in Layer Cake ('04). Bond goes back to his beginnings going after a ruthless Casino owner. - Remake! Now onto the kiddie stuff, being a parent I have to watch all this stuff. First up is Hoodwinked (Jan 9)! A revisionists re-telling of a classic tale we all grew up with, Little Red Riding Hood. See the review on page 10. Remake! Ice Age 2 (March 31). It's the sequelto the ‘02 smash hit of the wooly mammoth, sloth and the sabre-toothed tiger. You all know this one, need we say more? Romano, Leguizamo and Leary reunite with the addition of the Queen {Latifah that is}. The gang this time must run for cover as global warming is about to melt a glacial dam and unleash a catastrophic flood. - Continuation! Over the Hedge (May 19), DreamWorks latest cartoon which centers on the boundary line where human suburbia meets the wild. Voicing this one is Bruce Willis, Garry Shandling, Steve Carell, Nick Nolte, William Shatner, Avril Lavigne and Wanda Sykes. - Sure bet! Cars (June 9). Pixar Animation, the bought by Disney, gives us a cartoon comedy about talking automobiles. This is the tale of a race car that learns about life in the slow lane when he's side tracked into a slow town called Radiator Springs. Owen Wilson, Paul Newman and Bonnie Hunt lead in the voice cast. Sure bet! There's our list, now you can accordingly, plan your spring and summer!

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MOVIE REVIEW UNDERWORLD IS BACK! Kate Kicks Major ...! By Christopher Young

Underworld: Evolution. Okay. Give me a moment while I gather myself. Good, I think I’m ready now. Let’s get a couple things out of the way first. Kate Beckinsdale is hotter than that Ipod you bought off the street for your granny last Christmas. Sizzling. Simply outstanding. Also, this sequel, though bigger, louder, faster, prettier, and more action filled than the original Underworld isn’t as nearly as good a movie. But then, this thing really isn’t a movie at all, but 105 minute bloody, violent carnival thrill ride. But let’s get to the ‘story’. We’re greeted in 1202 A.D. where a cavalry of vampires lead by their ‘father’ Marcus (not Viktor as we were lead to believe the original) searches for his twin brother, Michael, who is the father of the Lycans. These original Lycans

though aren’t as evolved as today’s Lycans. They are wolves 24/7 and have an insatiable appetite for destruction. Michael is killing everything in sight and needs to be controlled. Marcus agrees, but doesn’t want his beloved twin harmed, theory being that if either Marcus or Michael were to perish, the bloodlines of the Lycans and Vampires would end on the spot. They capture Michael, and Viktor forces Marcus to imprison his brother for all time. This entire ‘story’ was squeezed between a good five minutes of frantic impaling, stabbing, screaming, running, yelling and death dealing chaos. Fast forward to present day, to the events just after ‘Underworld’. Selena (Sizzlin’ Kate) and her Continued Next 

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Vamp, Lycan Hybrid boyfriend Mike (Scott Speedman) are trying to sort some things out. He’s coming to grips with the fact that he needs blood to survive, and she wants to know her roots. Our original vampire Marcus is awoken and is hunting Selena and Mike because they both have secrets he needs to set his twin free so they can rule the WORLD!... or something. The ‘story’, which was ‘written’ by Danny McBride tosses the whole Lycan versus Vampire thing out the window and focuses on some ‘bigger picture’, also involving Marcus’ and Michaels’ father, an immortal played by the always outstanding British actor Derek Jacobi. But let’s get real. This flick is about Kate in spandex, Lycans getting their heads ripped off, vampire incisors ripping into flesh, big guns being fired repeatedly (at things they have little effect on no less), and car chases with everything moving at hyper speed, They even toss in some gratuitous breast for good measure. And when you get down to it, there ain’t nothing wrong that. Right!

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So, is Underworld: Evolution a good movie? No, not really. Does its plot have huge plot holes? Well, it actually IS a plot floating around in that hole. Does Kate Beckinsdale look good in black spandex? Oh yeah. Should you go see it? Definitely. Just make sure it’s at a theater with great sound, the biggest screen and that auditorium is full. Watching this violent, bloody, mayhem filled roller coaster ride at home on DVD will force you to think about what’s happening, and you don’t want that man. You really don’t want that.

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HOODWINKED A Revisionist’s History? By Christopher Young Never been a fan or supporter of ‘revisionist history’. The questioning or revising of know historical events for the purpose of reputing or supporting one’s own views or philosophies can be a very dangerous affair. But if history revisions can be executed as well as the retelling of Little Red Riding Hood in the Weinstein companies 3D animated Hoodwinked then revise away! We all know the story. Red is mindin' her own business, trying to get some hot biscuits to her old decrepit Granny while being

ANNAPOLIS Unoriginal and Predictable By Burton Carlson III

Photos courtesy of Touchstone Pictures

Is this movie going to be judged as a great Hollywood feel-good movie, or will it be recognized as a rip-off of “Rudy” only less credible. Only time will tell, I suppose, but consider this:

Photo courtesy of Kanbar Entertainment

harassed by mean angry insensitive wolf, who would have eaten her had it not been for the brave woodsman who saved day. But that’s not quite the whole story it appears. The movie begins at that point with Red, voiced by The Princess Diaries' Ann Hathaway, Granny, Voiced by the legendary Glenn Close, the wolf and the woodsman all handcuffed while our Next 

The story is about a young man who grew up in the backyard of a great and respected institution, and always wanted to attend that institution and be a hero. It is a nearly-unrealistic dream for the young man, as he is not smart enough, not mature enough, and not accomplished enough to be admitted. Not even the young man’s father believes he can do it, and instead wants him to work at some crappy industrial job. The young man’s only hope is to exercise unusual dedication and stick-to-it-ness, until luck gives them the chance they have always wanted. Once he arrives, he quickly falls behind and nearly washes out, but only through that same dedication and effort is the young man able to get Next 

Who knew Tyrese Gibson could act? This former model turned actor, had got skills. He now owns his own media company.

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Grizzly Bear police chief, performed by hip-hop star Xzibit, sorts everything out. The REAL mystery it seems is that some scurrilous creature is stealing all of the woodland goodie recipes, driving a lot of hard working forest animals out of business. Granny’s recipes are the only one’s not yet purloined and all the evidence points to the Wolf, voiced with witty precision by the Tick’s Patrick Wharburton. But not so fast my friend, there’s more to this than meets the eye and that leaves super sleuth Nicky Flippers the Frog, as voiced by David Ogden Stiers, to unravel this ball of twine. Under interrogation, each of the four suspects give different versions of how they ended up at that particular point. One of the things that make the best animated films work is the ability to entertain both children and adults alike, Finding

Nemo, The Lion King, and The Incredibles come to mind. Hoodwinked possessed enough Saturday morning style cartoon humor one would expect to keep the kiddies quite entertained, with a load of witty, snappy dialog and clever gags to keep the parents entertained. A standout performance of note is Japeth the singing Goat performed by Benjy Gaither of the Gaither Christian group who will you rolling in the aisles. And if you don’t laugh then you have a problem. Seriously, I’m not joking. Get help. There’s quite a bit of original music dispersed throughout the flick, some better than others, including possibly the worst movie song I’ve ever heard, ‘Red is Blue’. Other than a mystery that’s not really much of one, and it getting really silly in the end, Hoodwinked is good eighty minutes well spent.

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himself straightened out, then to succeed, and then eventually to excel. Rudy! Rudy! Rudy! Oh, oops. That’s actually the story of Annapolis, only rather than going to Notre Dame and playing football for the Fighting Irish (as Rudy did), Jake Huard (played by James Franco) goes to the Naval Academy at Annapolis and boxes in the Brigades. So look, “Rudy” was a pretty good movie, and a box office success, and we all know that Hollywood isn’t shy about milking a good topic or premise for every dollar it’s worth. So why was it such a bad idea to make “Rudy Part Two: Annapolis”? Well, I’m not sure that it was such a bad idea. As “Annapolis” was actually a decent feel-good movie. I mean, the whole crowd in our screening was hanging on every punch of the final boxing match. The movie accomplishes it’s goal: to get the audience to sympathize with Huard and to identify with all the effort he has given to succeed, to make you pull for him to win the

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Brigades, and for all of his dreams to come true. The movie is successful on that level. But there are a couple of reasons why Annapolis isn’t as good as Rudy. The first reason is that Franco just isn’t credible as a top-flite amateur boxer. While he has obviously had some boxing training and is in great shape, it’s just not realistic that he has the physical power to do the things in the ring that the movie has him do. And the second shortcoming of the movie is the character of Ali (played by Jordana Brewster). She is the hot chick – turned – drill instructor, boxing trainer and girlfriend. She has no credibility in ANY of those roles (except maybe as the hot chick), and that was annoying to the point of distraction. “Annapolis” isn’t a bad movie, it just isn’t an original movie. If you like formulaic feel-good movies, where the good guy overcomes all odds in order to succeed, you’ll really enjoy this show.

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TOP 5 REAL KICK ASS KINGS! Ass Kicking Time By Andre McGarrity

Last time we brought you the Top 5 Celebs That You Don’t Think Can Whoop Your Ass… But Can! This time it’s fo’ real as we bring you Celebs that could REALLY kick your ass! 1. Jet Li – The fact that Jet Li could beat the snot out of 95% of the people who would be stupid enough to challenge him should not come as a surprise. A Martial Arts master trained in Wushu (Chinese Martial Arts), Jet is one of the few Hollywood stars who is actually as deadly as the action characters he plays on the big screen. By the age of 11 he was the national Wushu champion of China and after holding the title for five years straight he retired form competition and became a national coach as teen. Who cares if Wushu is largely a performance art based on several different martial art styles, it won’t stop Jet from “performing” all over your butt if you test him. 2. Jackie Chan – He may use a large dose of comedy to appeal to an international audience, but make no mistake Jackie Chan is no joke. Sure he apprenticed to the China Drama Academy – basically Circus school from hell – but his training in music, dance and many martial arts styles is impressive by any standards. Always in tip-top shape, training in new techniques and pushing the boundaries of physical acrobatics, Jackie Chan is always ready for a fight. Luckily, for fools who try to provoke him, he’s truly a nice guy who avoids dishing out asswhoopin’s.

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3. Tony Jaa– His break out movie ONG BAK was totally awesome. He does his own stunts, no wires, no doubles, no technology, this guy is fo’ real. His moves are lethal, brutal I got to have an exclusive one-on-one with tony last year and he is a really nice guy but you would not want to cross him and have his new Tai Boxing Kung Fu Style with flying elbows and knees unleashed on you.If you don't know who Tony is check out the interview on the website and cop his return movie later this year. 4. Steven Seagal – His movies may suck now and he may be a little bloated, but Seagal is still dangerous. Any White guy who could open the first no-Asian run dojo in Japan and have Japanese students pay him to teach them Aikido must be one bad Mo' Fo. The only thing that doesn’t totally suck in his movies these days is his Aikido technique. He may have to adjust for his gut now, but Segal’s hands are as fast as ever. And they are deadly hands at that. 5. Wesley Snipes – He doesn’t get the recognition that he deserves as a true martial artist, but Snipes is an very accomplished Martial artist, seasoned in a number of different disciplines including Karate, Kung Fu, Capoeira, and other ancient African fighting styles. At 5' 10" and no more than 165 lbs, Wesley may not be the most intimidating guy in the world, but he’s always in shape and growing up on the mean streets of the South Bronx, N.Y. has him ready for a fight at a moments notice. “Always bet on black” when it comes to Wesley.

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RIDEZ NAI MOTORCYCLE SUPERSHOW ‘06 Bikes and Babes Galore By Flash The 2006 North American International Motorcycle SUPERSHOW was a great event bringing in a good number of motorcycle enthusiasts. The SUPERSHOW had lots of new 2006 Motorcycles available this year. Everything from scooters and offroad bikes to sport and street bikes, touring models, production customs and even ATV's were on display from January 6th - 8th, at the Toronto International Centre. Not only could the attendees sit on the various new models of their choice, but you can purchase a new model right off the Show floor from the dozens of Dealers and Manufacturers including Honda, Ya m a h a , S u z u k i , K a w a s a k i , Triumph, Ducati, Titan's, Boss Hoss , KMT and many more to name a few. My personal favorites are the Ducati's. Ducati makes some sweet powerful Bikes. Although nothing topped the number of custom bikes that were on display. Michele Smith, Host of American Thunder which airs on the Speed Channel made a special guest appearance at the show. . She's one hot rockin' biker babe! Overall the show was great.

Photo courtesy of American Thunder.

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Photos courtesy of Hanz Wontorra

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TECH TALK... NEW PRODUCTS FROM CES ‘06 Total Tech Heaven By Paul Martin The 2006 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) took place in sunny Las Vegas, Nevada from January 5th to 8th. This years' show brought with it a number of new products and technology. Decode was on-hand for the debuted and preview of a number of new technological gadgets, devices and accessories. The infamous E3 Booth Babes phenomenon is now making it way to CES with a number of beautiful ladies adorning the tech toys for us boys. CES brings together audio and video manufacturers from around the world to demonstrate the exciting products they will be bringing to market in the next year. Highlights of the show included some of the following: Sony xPlod car audio unit now packs a gigabyte of flash memory in the faceplate itself, so now you can download music from you PC directly to it via a built-in USB port. Sony also displayed a sweet 55-inch, 1080p SXRD rear-projection HDTV which is 30 percent thinner than earlier models. Nokia announced two “new” GSM mid-range Series 40 handsets – 6102i and 6103. Both devices have the same design and features as their predecessors the 6101 and 6102, with the only difference being added Bluetooth support. The Toshiba HD DVD players were announced

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with firm prices and release dates. The $800 HD-XA1 and the $500 HDA1 both supporting just about every disc format except Blu-ray as it is a competing technology. The HD DVD camp beat Blu-ray to market but Bluray will be more adopted by industry.

The Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) had a joint booth where member companies displayed their upcoming Blu-ray players, recorders, writers, drives and media. The biggest news was of course that seven out of the eight major movie studios announced movie titles for the launch of Blu-ray, including Disney, Fox, Paramount, Warner, Sony, MGM and Lions Gate. Blu-ray supporting companies included media by Cinram, Fujifilm, Maxell, JVC, LG, Memorex, Optodisc, Panasonic, Philips, Ricoh, Ritek, Sony, TDK, Technicolor, Verbatim JVC's BD/DVD hybrid and manufacturers Sony, Panasonic (Matsushita), Philips, Pioneer, Samsung, Sharp, LG, Mitsubishi, Hitachi, BenQ, and Verbatim Dell introduced their 30-inch LCD monitor the 3007WFP. If this is anything like the 24WFP then it is bound to be a sure bet. It features active matrix TFT LCD, Contrast Ratio of 700:1, Pixel Dot Pitch 0.250 mm, a SD / MMC / Memory Stick / SmartMedia / CompactFlash card reader and HDCP support.

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Phones, Games, Tv’s, PDA’s, DVD Players, Music Players & More...

MORE CES ‘06 ... Palm made the switch to Windows Mobile 5 announcing the immediate availability of the Treo 700w. This Treo is a Windows based unit. It comes with Microsoft's standard applications including Word, Excel and Powerpoint, along with pocket Outlook, Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player 10 which syncs music and video with your PC. Kodak introduced the world's first duallens digital still camera, the Kodak Easyshare V570 zoom digital camera uses the proprietary Kodak Retina Dual Lens technology. The V570 camera combines an ultra-wide angle lens and an optical zoom lens into a package that’s less than an inch thick. The Sanyo Xacti VPC-HD1 uses no tapes or drives. Sanyo has made the leap to High Definition Video with the Xacti, yet they have still managed to retain the use of a SD memory card. The VPC-HD1 shoots footage in 720p resolution at 30 frames-per-second. It records in MPEG4 format, so files are highly compressed. Go online for a full preview of this new product that is due in stores this spring (April-May). It will also take 5 megapixel still images and boasts a 10x optical zoom with a 2.2” OLED display and 5.3 megapixel CCD.

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The use of a SD card presents limited storage. Currently widespread on the market are only 1GB SD cards (20 min HD video). How long before the 3GB cards make their way into the marketplace? You'll need it to capture a full hour of decent video. This was definitely one of the highlights of CES this year. Software announcements included Yahoo! unveiling a set of new Web services dubbed Yahoo! Go TV, and Yahoo Go Desktop. They are designed to let users interact with Yahoo! and their own content stored online from mobile phones, PC desktops, and other sources. Google launched their Video store that will let people rent or buy downloadable videos online. Google Video uses .flv flash video which has a much wider install base than all other formats. They also announced Google Pack, a bundle of software from Google with other software manufacturers. This pack is supposed to help provide a useful and safe internet experience. Go to for mor e info. One of the biggest disappointments of the show was that there was no announcement from the Sony Playstation camp about PS3. Now that Microsoft has long launched their next gen game console the XBOX 360 everyone is waiting on Sony for their big announcement. I guess we are going to have to wait until E3 which is just around the corner in May , so stay tuned...

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Hip-Hop, R&B, Soul, Dance, Metal and everything in-between

Ray J

Spreading Raydiation - By: DJ Kahuna Ray J’s Special Guest Appearance on The Tyra Banks Show and MTV’s TRL and has made him sought after by other talk shows and late night TV spots to have him on as a guest. The success has finally hit another branch of the family besides his big sister Brandy. Los Angeles based Knockout Entertainment/ Sanctuary Records’ artist Ray J is truly knocking out the competition with his first single "One Wish" blowing up the charts on it’s way to the # 1 spot from his sophomore album "Raydiation. "One Wish" is gaining momentum each week at radio coming in at # 16* on the Billboard Hot 100 and # 3* on the Billboard Hot R&B Singles chart. The single is not only doing well at radio but is also exploding on the video scene. The "One Wish" video was introduced to the MTV audience earlier this month on TRL and has been added to MTV and gaining more spins each day. The On-line community also can’t get enough of Ray J. The "One Wish" video is # 10 on Yahoo Music and was in the top

Photo courtesy of Knockout Entertainment.


The Original “Geto Boy” - By: DJ Kahuna

The phone rings and it’s my good friend Evette with an exclusive interview of, “The original Geto Boy Big Mike”. Through several in-depth questions I found out that he was locked up for a life changing decision that he now realizes was not the right thing at that time. He said living by street codes is crazy and he had to do what he needed to, to protect his life and family. While in prison the great rapper forged a booklet of lyrics and Photo courtesy of Established Entertainment.

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rhymes that he was able to explore. Once out he returned home to the studios that made him the “Original Geto Boy” and he banged out a new sound. The man and the rapper both became one in the same. He had time to reflect and realize that his family was worth more than he had figured. Big Mike stated that he still loves the people that stayed true to the game and those that stayed true to him. With a new deal, a new label, and a new album Big Mike has made his return. The name of the album is called New Orleans Phats. That’s the other side of Big Mike. “That’s the side I came in touch with when I was locked up” says Big Mike. “With this album I’m giving you that gutter and gangsta sh*t. I’m keeping it real for the streets”. There is so much more to the Big Mike story for a full run down go online. I give Big Mike mad respect for honoring me with the interview.

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MUSIC 5 for Myspace videos. "One Wish" was also in the top 10 for AOL Music top 40 Radio chart and at #8 in the iTunes R&B/Soul Store. According to Big Champagne “One Wish” is also one of the top 10 traded files on the internet right now. Ray J’s efforts have definitely not gone unrecognized. His hard work and determination have brought him to where he is today. He has a hot new single on the radio a hot video, he’s a young entrepreneur who started his own label KnockOut Entertainment, which is breaking new ground. Ray J is the first artist on the label and later in 06’ he’ll introduce you to other artists on the roster. He’s the host of BET.COM Countdown, which is one of BET’s top rated shows and he’s also one of the new co-stars of UPN’s sitcom "One On One."

Rising to the top of his game Ray J’s accomplishments has him wearing many hats. He is one focused and dedicated young man with a mission to succeed at whatever he does. "My drive comes from within." Ray J says, "And also, with the love and support of my family, I can do anything I set my mind to."

Photo courtesy of Knockout Entertainment.

P.O.D. Christian Rock with a twist of Reggae & Hip Hop - By: Flash More than just a rock record, P.O.D. Releases their new album “Testify”. This is their 9th record in 14 years. P.O.D. Achieved some mainstream acceptance with their hit on the Matrix Reloaded -Sleeping Awake. P.O.D.has never shied away from relaying its faith they know what they do is inspirational, the band’s music has always been positive with a Christian worldview. P.O.D. Has always done reggae music and had the hip-hop elements. Yet always managed to keep it kind of heavy rock. This album “Testify” has a h e a v i e r r o c k s o u n d . P. O . D . Themselves claim that this album is more mature after working with producer Glen Ballard. Guests on "Testify" include Hasidic artist

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Matisyahu, who joins the band on "Roots in Stereo" and "Strength of My Life." Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E. and Sick Jacken from Los Angeles duo the Psycho Realm contribute to "On the Grind." Testify definitely appeals to a wide audience and is worth checking out!

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DECODING ...... DECODING MASSARI Means Money! 1-1 with The R&B Money Man! By Flash Decode was given the opportunity to sit and conduct an exclusive one on one interview with the R&B sensation known as Massari. He was at the Erin Mills town Center in Mississauga at an exclusive engagement to perform live to a packed audience. We also had a chance to get a follow-up interview with him at the Canadian Urban Music Awards. In 2002, Massari released “Spitfire” but he became a national name in '05 with his eponymous R&B album released from the independent label Capitol Prophet Records. The lead smash hit “Smile for Me” features Bad Boy recording artist Loon and has received major air play in Canada, the U.S., Germany, Australia, Brazil and the U.K. “Be Easy,” his second single, climbed fast up the charts and hit #1. This track was really a clubbanger and became his anthem. His latest release “Real Love” quickly followed in the footsteps of his former releases. Massari is quickly becoming a household name. Decode: Massari, how long did it take you to write and put your album together?

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Photos by Mani Syed.

Massari: The whole process of the album actually took about 6 months to put together. The first song I actually recorded off the album was "Smile For Me" featuring Loon. My favorite song off the album was "Be Easy". So I was pushing the label to send that as the second single so what they did was put that at the end of the first video and try

Did you know that the name Massari means money in Arabic. An appropriate name choice for this young and talented singer.

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The hottest Interviews with the next big stars. to get some feed back and to satisfy my need of having it out there. But once we got the response everybody was like we want this song. So we got to give the fans what they want. D: How did the collaboration of that first track come about? M: Well what happed was once I recorded the first song "Smile For Me" I went to my Label and manager Mani Dion and we spoke about the collaboration and one of my first choices was Loon. The C.E.O. of Capital Prophet Records Tony Sal happened to be good friends with his manager. We hooked up a vibe session and he really liked the song and he decided that he really wanted to drop on it. You know it was a big honour for me cause I was a big fan of his and so I knew he was going to take it to that next level of perfection. D: What other tracks on the album are some of your favorites ? M: Track number 7, you guys have to look out for that one it's called "Rush the Floor" featuring Belly my labelmate. Belly is basically my favorite rapper. When he comes out people are really going to know what is going on. For me I am really, excited about that song “Rush The Floor", it maybe the fourth single, you're gonna have to stay tuned. But right now the concentration is on “Real Love” cause Real Love is the state that Massari is in right now. I'm in love with my fans, my lifestyle, and everything that's going on around me. D: Now speaking of love you've been getting some love from the industry. You've were nominated for some MMVA's and most recently you were nominated for a Canadian Urban Music Award.

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M: Right, honestly, I am so honored to be actually nominated like at the MMVA's I really didn't care if I was to win or not, People were like naw that's not true! I am serious . The fact that people are recognizing the work that I am doing and they are nominating me for awards for me that was good enough. I had won already because coming from Ottawa city and being in this Canadian industry I know how hard it is to make it. So the fact that I got nominated in the same month that my album had just come out that was very exciting for me, But now I am looking to start winning. Massari has catapulted into the urban music spotlight over the last year. Recently having gone gold in Canada, Massari has remained in the Top 100 on the Top 200 SoundScan Chart since his debut album release making 2005 the year for this c o u n t r y ’s b r e a k t h r o u g h R & B recording artist. Massari had his first three singles and videos in the Top 20, and a number one video on the MuchMusic Top 30 Countdown. The 24-year-old vocalist last year received two nominations at the MuchMusic Video Awards, (MMVA’s). He also received three Canadian Urban Music Award nominations along with his manager also getting a nomination.

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DECODING ...... DECODING Continued from page 19.

D: Tell us about Soul on Fire? M: Now Soul on Fire is by KMC featuring Beenie Man, they wanted to do a remix for that so they called me up, actually my record label and they spoke of a remix, As soon as I heard about it I was like I am ready to go right now, send me the track. It only took me a couple of hours to write and record it. I was so excited I ran in the booth and made it happen. I was so happy with he track because it was already a hit. What we did was actually remix the beat. The in house producer took the beat and he made a completely new one. He took it to another plateau. Right now the clubs are loving "Soul

Photos by Mani Syed.

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on Fire" they're loving "Be Easy" they're loving “Smile For Me”, and hopefully they will be loving “Real Love” ... D: Now your label, they are a relatively new label tell me a little bit more about them! M: Considering, that I am Capital Prophet Records first project, you can see for your self what kind of label they are. They are very determined to succeed, and they are very, very hard workers. Tony Sal the C.E.O. of Capitol Prophet is a person who is determined and he is in love with this industry, this music and the whole business. I am just blessed to be a part of this label because everybody [at Capitol] from Tony Sal to my manager Mani, who is also my best friend, all these people they have that family environment type workplace which I feel is very healthy and it is good to flourish and evolve in. That is what they did with me! Literally they were like my family, my brothers. They showed me what to do and what not to do, but still gave me my artistic freedom. I feel a lot of artists don't get that and I am just very blessed to be a part of this label who is independent. If they have done all this for me so you can just imagine ... There you have it! This humble R&B singer is making waves having gone gold in Canada. He's currently on tour across the Middle East. Massari is now worldwide.

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Marvel, DC, Image, Indie’s and More...

COMICS Spiderman gets a new suit! By Flash

Artwork courtesy of Marvel Comics.

COMIC CHECKLIST INFINITE CRISIS (Oct ‘05) DC's 7-issue limited series that spans across the DC Universe. Pieces of the puzzle have been scattered all across the DCU & this series collects them into one massive story that promises to change the DCU for years to come. Comic-Con International San Diego, USA Thurs, July 20 - Sun, July 23 The mother of all pop culture conventions. This one is not just about comics. Hollywood has moved in. Image courtesy of DC Comics.

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Look left and you’ll see Spidey’s got new digs. After the events in "The Other" storyline, Peter receives this new costume to help him adjust to his newest developments, as well as giving him some added muscle and a few new tricks too. The new costume was designed by Marvel Editor-InChief Joe Quesada. The new suit comes on the eve of the upcoming Civil War. See below. From the name, the colors and the look we can definitely see that this is totally Iron Man inspired. What role “Iron Man” Tony Stark will play with Peter Parker, we’ll just have to wait and see along with how long this change lasts before Peter dons the original red and blue costume again.

What’s Hot for ‘06! By Flash CIVIL WAR (May ’06) Civil War is a 7-issue event, running through the entire Marvel universe starting in May. A new “Super Hero Registration Act” has The entire Marvel Universe split on how they feel about this issue. New York ComicCon New York, USA Fri, Feb. 24 - Sun, Feb. 26 The new home for comic book cons on the East Coast. This one plans to be HUGE. Be there! Image courtesy of Marvel Comics.

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Marvel, DC, Image, Indie’s and More...

ROYAL WEDDING Panther & Storm tie the knot! By Flash Marvel Comics recently conducted a press conference to inform us of the upcoming Royal Wedding of the Black Pather and Storm. It all starts with Black Panther #14 in March and continues into the Feb. debut of the Storm six-issue limited series written by Eric Jerome Dickey, a national African American bestselling author. Then in May we get Marvel Milestones: Black Panther and Storm collecting Marvel TeamUp #100 and 2000’s Black Panther Vol. 2 #26, and in June Uncanny X-Men Annual #1. The annual details the final preparations for the wedding. The event then cumulates in July’s Black Panther #18, “The Wedding”.

Reginald Hudlin who is the writer of Panther said that BET television network will be covering the event (Hudlin is currently the President of Programming at BET). This is surely a big event and Marvel is going all out making calls to real fashion designers to see if they wish to participate in designing Storm's gown. It is going to be really interesting to see how Marvel will be looking to capture an audience that traditionally does not buy comics, that is, African American Females. But with Hudlin and Dickey writing, established writers in both tv and fiction, I think they got a good shot! Check out the choice covers below from the event.

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Images courtesy of Marvel Comics.

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Marvel, DC, Image, Indie’s and More...

FLASH RELAUNCH Ken Lashley Retools Flash By Flash DC Comics, Danny Bilson, Paul De Meo, and Ken Lashley with the Draxhall crew have teamed up to bring you the new flash. Dan Didio spilled the beans on Newsarama about who will take over the writing reins on The Flash when it reboots with a new #1 issue. Danny Bilson and Paul De Meo were tasked with the writing chores, who are these guys you ask? They’re the creators of the Flash TV series which just got collected on DVD. Ken and Draxhall have

COMICS been working on a few things DC of late like the ground breaking series '52' to 'Legion of Super-Heroes' and now, 'Flash' Ken Lashley has not been on the comic book scene in a while, and his return will be awesome. Ken left comics to create a new design and illustration company where he created designs for everyone from Hasbro to Warner, to G.I Joe, the NFL, the MLB, and Star Wars. "I've been doing a lot of things outside of comic books for the last few years. But my first love was always comics. Drawing 'The Flash' relaunch is a dream come true. I haven't worked on a comic book this good since [Marvel’s] Age of Apocalypse." DCU Executive Editor Dan Didio wanted a clean break from the past, something different and fresh from what came before. No word on when the comic will hit the streets but we'll bring the 411 when it’s available.

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Artwork courtesy of Draxhall Jump.

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A Japanese Brother Out For Blood! By Flash

One to watch out for in ‘06 is definitely going to be Afro Samurai. Afro Samurai is the product of a creative collaboration between Takashi Okazaki, GDH, and Samuel L. Jackson. The animated limited-run television series will be five issues and is based on the Gonzo comic book and toy line of the same name created by Takashi Okazaki. Jackson is providing the leadcharacter voice as Afro Samurai and will serve as the series coproducer. The series is to air later this year on Spike TV. Also in the works is a Namco produced video game and a live action movie that Samuel Jackson will also co-produce and star in.

The story of Afro Samurai (No. 2) is one about a dark warrior who is on a solitary path of revenge. He travels the road looking for revenge against Justice (No. 1 the world’s top fighter) the unbeatable threearmed gunman who is the lord of the dark swordsman's road and the one who murdered Afro's father in front of him when he was just a boy. Only No. 2 is allowed to fight No. 1, so silent assassins lurk in the shadows, trying to get rid of No. 2 to take his spot. Images courtesy of

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This warrior sheds no tears and knows no love. Forever chased by powerful enemies in a lawless technology-speckled dystopia, he evades bullets and blade to try to reach his prey, which is a man who will not die. Many on the streets are saying that this idea is too close to Jamari the Afro- American Samurai to be original. Check out and It’s worth a look!

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The hottest Interviews with today’s biggest stars.

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Why are Gametrak games so special? By Andre McGarrity Whenever you’re looking for a better controller or game accessory for your X-Box, PS2 or Game Cube odds are you probably head straight for a Mad Catz product. Developing some of the most innovative and cool product for game systems has made Mad Catz the world’s biggest videogame accessory firm. Now they are hoping to become the world’s biggest 3D videogame distributor in the world with the launch of Gametrak. Previously we got a chance to check out some of the games and talk with Mad Catz representative Paul. Decode: Why are Gametrak games so special? Paul: Gametrak is the first 3d motion control pad. If you think of I-Toys being a 2D motion controller because it only works on one axes, Gametrak works on all axis. So, up, down, left, right, anywhere you movie your hands in a 3D space is tracked by Gametrak. It’s tracked within an accuracy of one millimeter and it can record speeds up to 2,000 miles/hour: Sword fighting, basketball, baseball, games where you actually punch the opposition, anything that you can do with your hands we can turn into a Game Track game. D: What platforms will Gametrak be available on? P: Gametrak will come out for PC, PS2 or X-Box. Every three or four months there will be a new Game Track experience. First off we have Golf then there will be Baseball, Sword fighting, and dancing games So, the possibilities are absolutely endless.

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We’re taking sports and action games into a new era. D: So this in the next step in 3D virtual reality games. P: Absolutely. Virtual reality was always a cheesy thing that never really worked properly. The have been a lot of people trying to use infrared technology and camera technology to kind of get people more into games rather than just sitting there on the couch pressing buttons, but the way we do it is so simple yet so effective, It works with no time delay and it’s brilliant. It is the way of the future. Definitely. D: How many games can we expect to see in the next year? P: By this time next year we expect to have six different Gametrak experiences. Unlike I-Toys and Dance Mat experiences their going to be completely different every time. Where I-Toys you’re just sort of whacking sprites off screens and Dance Mat by pressing buttons, Gametrak games will be swinging, punching, hitting, throwing, shooting, anything that you can do we can put into Gametrak games. D: Is this something that’s going to be affordable for most people? P: Absolutely. At the moment the Gametrak games will come out slightly less than full price games [and] once you have the Gametrak unit you won’t need to buy it again. The same Gametrak unit will work for each game. So, every few months when a new Gametrak game comes out all you just need to do is get the game.

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Photos By Mani Syed.

Decode has been making the rounds to many parties, nightclubs, conventions, shows, performances, launches and more. Most recently we attended the Playboy Fashion Unleashed Clothing Launch Party. Playboy is know for getting the ladies to take off their clothes. Now they want ‘em to put clothes on. Check it out! For complete photo galleries go online to

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® TM Playboy Enterprises Inc.


For the Otaku

was coming stateside. Here’s a challenge, try and sit through 1 episode without laughing. I can If you missed it, you need to get it! assure you it’s quite impossible. For By Kenan Cross you older anime fans that have young children it’s the perfect series ‘05 was a great year if you are an to watch with them as you can laugh anime fan! This year we've seen right along with them. many ups (release of Slam Dunk, announcement of the FUNImation Gantz Channel, Naruto premeiring on Gantz is totally a Cartoon Network, a new Robotech controversial anime movie) and plenty of downs (Slam about people who die Dunk stops production, The Anime suddenly and are resurrected only Network switches away from free to partake in a dangerous game of VOD, One Piece & Shaman King not Kill the Alien. They are given power available uncut). So here’s a look at suits and weapons, but if they die in what you should have in your the midst of the game, they dead collection. FOR GOOD. It’s controversial


Gundam Seed “Perhaps the most popular Gundam series of all time. The verdict is out over whether Seed was more popular than Gundam Wing was back in the late 90’s but I think amongst hardcore Gundam fans it’s a no-brainer. Seed packs a powerful punch for a storyline, without it devolving into a toy-sales vehicle. The characters and animation are so strong that they add another dimension to an already gripping story. Kodacha I’ve long been a fan of Sana-chan and was thrilled when it was announced her series, Kodomo no Omocha

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because it’s probably one of the bloodiest series ever to be aired on the Japanese airwaves. Then there was the whole bit about the American soccer mom who caught her son watching the unedited Gantz via The Anime Channel VOD service. Nothing like controversy to boost sales. ㄰

Tenjho Tenghe Every teenage anime fans fantasy come true. A lot of asskicking and a lot of bigbreasted beauties in skimpy clothing. The best part is the story is actually quite gripping, making it that much more of a not-so-guilty pleasure! Get those hormones into overdrive fellas, this one’s a keeper!

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Head-To-Head With L.T.

A NEW KIND OF FOOTBAL Lawrence Taylor Blitz’s The League By Andre McGarrity At the last E3 Decode got the chance to sit down with the legendary football player Lawrence “L.T.” Taylor and talk with him about his involvement with Midway’s new and innovative football game Blitz the League. Decode: Yo, LT what are you doing here at E3? Lawrence Taylor : I play a character called Quentin Sands for the game Blitz the League. They were looking for a badass to play the lead character and they had me in mind. They asked me would I do it. I looked at the script and [found out] what made the character who he is and I said, ‘yeah, this is me.’ It was a really easy fit for me. D: Tell us about the game. LT: Sands plays for the New York Nightmares. He’s the guy you have to come through if you want to get to the championship. I’m the guy you have to go through and I’m going to hurt you. If you get through me and the nightmare that means you got to the top. There’s a lot of trash talking. This company use to be with the NFL, but they are no longer with them so they don’t have the NFL

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restrictions. As a player I had restriction and they put restrictions on their Licensees. Well, this game is restriction less -- no holds barred. The hits are intense, There are a lot of cheap shots, things we would love to do as players, but we can’t because of the restrictions. There is a lot of taunting, and talking [in this game] and I’ll tell you, if I talked like that as a player in today’s league-and I talked a lot of junk, but I knew where I could go and not go -somebody would get hurt out there. Somebody would be waiting in the parking lot for you. So that was a lot of fun. Some of the things they say, some of the hits I was like ‘WOW’ I would have loved to have done that when I was playing. D: Do you play football games? LT: My son plays a lot. I’m still caught in the Pac-Man days. D: What separates this game form all the other football games out there? LT: The hard hits, the language [and] the quickness of it. The speed of this game is phenomenal. I’ve played a little bit of games and there’s nothing I hate worse [than when] you make a hit and have to wait for a play to get called. I hate waiting on that stuff. I ain’t got but so much time, I want to play the game! Blitz the League is in stores now, it’s a ESRB: rated M for Mature game with 1-2 players or online gaming.

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Eye Candy From Blitz!

CHEERLEADER Blitz The League Janine

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Photo courtesy of

䙥戰㙟瘸 䙲楤慹Ⱐ䙥扲畡特‱〬′〰㘠㌺㔵㨴ㄠ䅍

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䙥戰㙟瘸 䙲楤慹Ⱐ䙥扲畡特‱〬′〰㘠㌺㔵㨴ㄠ䅍

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