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HireNest allows companies to develop personalized assessments to test the skills and abilities of job candidates, rather than rely solely on a resume. We make finding the right candidate easy. Our pre-employment assessment tests identify the best candidates and make your hiring decisions faster, easier, and bias-free. Learn more: https://hirenest.com/ The use of pre-employment screening tests has become increasingly widespread throughout the United States, and in many cases, employers are using these as a means to reduce their hiring costs. However, there is no standardized definition for what constitutes acceptable results on such tests. As a result, it is difficult to make an informed decision about whether or not you should consider taking one. For example, some companies will accept a score below 70% as being unacceptable, but others might require a minimum score of 85%. Your best bet would be to ask your potential employer how they define acceptable scores before deciding if this is something that interests you. The hiring process is often described as “a numbers game” where employers look for certain traits in candidates. A common trait among successful hires is the ability to think outside the box. This skill is difficult to measure with traditional methods such as interviews, but technology has made it possible to test employees on their creativity. The creative thinking skills needed in many fields have been shown to correlate highly with performance on tasks requiring divergent thinking. Divergent thinking is a cognitive style characterized by being able to come up with new ideas and solutions, which are not directly related to a particular task. It involves using a broader range of mental processes like analyzing data or integrating information from multiple sources. Divergent thinking takes place during brainstorming exercises, although it doesn’t always lead to good results because the brain tends to focus on specific things rather than generating lots of ideas. Contact us: https://hirenest.com/