PAPERLESS SOLUTIONS, MISTAKE-LESS BUSINESSES In any business, no matter what industry it operates in, a mistake can be very costly. Something as simple as a wrong decimal place or an extra zero could mean ruin for a startup before it really ever takes off, cutting short countless possibilities, not just for the employees that work there, but for the communities they serve. However, advancements in technology have provided organizations with a method of reducing the amount of small mistakes that can occur in an office. Document management software enables employees to scan papers directly into their systems, eliminating the chance for human error upon input occurring. This can save organizations valuable time and resources, possibly allowing them to expand to new heights they couldn't achieve while shackled by paper materials. When a mistake is made on paper, there's not always an eraser If companies utilize electronic document imaging, they can not just prevent many errors, but react to them much quicker as well. The business world moves fast, and sometimes employees aren't able to keep up with it, especially if they still rely on paper for a variety of key operations. Any industry that requires various forms be sent, filled out and signed could witness a severe drag on the time needed to complete them when using physical documents, according to Bevington Group. Both parties are dependent on whichever delivery service they use for mailing and all the potential problems it may suffer from, such as flight delays and bad weather. If someone fills out one of these vital forms incorrectly, it could potentially take a very long time for the mistake to be corrected. First, the sender must wait for the document to reach its destination and then wait once more for it to be sent back. If upon arrival they notice an error, the whole process has to be started over once more with employees crossing their fingers that it's done right this time.
All of this senseless waiting can be avoided with electronic workflow since digital documents can be sent back and forth almost instantaneously. A mistake could be noticed and corrected all in the same day, allowing businesses to meet the sometimes strict deadlines they have. No organization should have to wait a period of several days just to receive an important piece of paper, especially when technology is available that offers an advantageous alternative. If these types of processes are automated and expedited, it enables organizations to be more flexible and counter any challenges they face quickly. The faster companies can conduct business, the more business they will ultimately conduct. Reducing errors with technology When groups work with a lot of numbers, any paper filled with them has a tendency to sometimes blur together. This opens up organizations to simple mistakes that can sometimes cost companies a lot of money or important clients. When these documents are scanned, software can go through it completely, picking out relevant information and placing it in whatever locations it's meant to go, stated In Context. This allows tables and charts to be filled out accurately and at speeds no human could ever achieve. The negative impact such errors have on a business will diminish, possibly opening up new opportunities for leaders to exploit. Whether it's saved money that can be invested elsewhere or the elimination of an obsolete position, paperless solutions offer organizations a chance to redirect the flow of their resources to new areas that can improve productivity or efficiency. _________________________________ Ready to kick your paper habit? Register for an upcoming webcast! Learn More about PaperSave: Case Studies | Demo | News and Events | WhitePapers | Webinars | Videos | Contact Us Tags: electronic workflow, Industry News, paperless office, document management software