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Movie in Review

The Song

“Inspired by the Song of Solomon”


This movie brings to the screen the wisdom of Solomon. The Song starts with some quotes of scripture, then focuses on David King, a singer who falls and commits adultery with his friend's wife, who later hangs himself after seeing David and his wife together. Afterwards David repents of his sins, gets married, has a son named Jed, who also becomes a singer after his dad.

Jed's singing career struggles until he is told about a country music festival. When Jed shows up to perform, he meets and falls in love with Rose. The only problem for Jed is that her dad is very protective of her, but after awhile, Jed convinces her dad just how much he loves her and they get married after a short time dating. Jed then writes her a beautiful love song, which fires up his singing career. Once Jed goes on the road to tour and promote his new songs, Jed's manager sets him up with a New Age, tattooed singer who's name is Shelby. She tries to seduce Jed during their first meeting. While Jed continues to tour on the road, it starts to wear on Rose as she is home alone most of the time taking care of their son. This also gives Shelby the time to move in on Jed. As times goes on, Shelby introduces Jed to drugs, tattoos and then eventually adultery. This puts both Jed and Shelby on a path of destruction and puts a huge strain on Jed's marriage. Will Jed be able to change back? Will he be able to find his faith again? Can Jed go back to his wife and son? Is his singing career over? The movie has a dramatic and powerful finish, however.

The Song is a good movie; it is narrated through the movie, as the quotes are from the book of Ecclesiastes and also from the Song of Solomon. The narration is accompanied with dialogue of the life of his dad, with all his mistakes that he made.

This movie has a strong Christian message. It gives us all the godly wisdom of Solomon and it shows all the devastation that happens to a family when adultery is committed. In the movie, Jed starts building a chapel that he finishes at the end of the movie. He puts the finishing touch on it by adding the cross on the steeple of the church.

Even though the story is not recommended for young children due to substance abuse, the storyline does show us that, not only does adultery create sin in our lives, but it puts a serious strain on our relationship with Jesus. The wages of sin is death and we need to repent. God is always waiting for us to come to Him and He is ready to forgive us, if we ask Him. Starring: Alan Powell, Ali Faulkner, Caitlin Nicol-Thomas, Danny Vinson, Aaron Benward, Kenda Benward, Jude Ramsey, Gary Jenkins. Director: Richard Ramsey. Producers: Shane Sooter, Cassandra Arza Pelan. Distributer: Samuel Goldwyn Films. Run Time: 116 minutes The Song: is available on Blue ray and DVD.

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