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Movie in Review...My Brother's Keeper Our 3rd Anniversary!
July 2021
“In Spiritual warfare, no one is left behind”
his new movie, My Brother's Keeper, is a faith based film about a veteran's spiritual battle while struggling with PTSD, as he tries to keep his closest friends safe. My Brother's Keeper opens where SFC Travis Fox (played by TC Stallings) is talking with his best friend, SFC Ron "Peach" Pearcy (played by Joey Lawrence). They have both served for 15 years for the United States Rangers. But
his friend Ron is very nervous about heading out with his unit, more nervous than his friend Travis has ever noticed before. Ron pulls out his Bible and then asks Travis if he would pray for him and his unit. But Travis tells Ron that he doesn't believe all the lies in the Bible. Ron then begs that his friend Travis doesn't neglect his soul, but unfortunately Travis believes that God gave up on humans a long time ago.
Later on that night, Travis was given some terrible news, Ron and his entire Ranger unit were killed in a IED blast. Travis is so devastated by the news he has been given and returns home. When Travis is home it is showing that his parents were killed in a car accident two years before, and Travis is serious about finding out what happened to them. He then remembered a necklace that he gave his mother and she told him that she would not take if off until Travis came home. But he can't find it and that starts to raise some doubts about what happened to them. Travis then joins with his best friend, Donnie but then he decides not to hang out with him. Travis's PTSD is brutal, and he is really struggling to understand what his purpose and having thoughts of his friend Ron filling his mind. The local church has a ministry for veterans it's run by Dr. Tiffany Roberts (played by Keisha Knight-Pulliam). Tiffany and the church's pastor are both trying to persuade Travis to help out at the church. Travis continues to get angry
and stills says that God has turned His back on him. As times goes on, Travis is really struggling with his PTSD as it grows more intense each day, to the point where he is now thinking of suicide. Travis continues to struggle to find his purpose in life and then he neglects to see all those people around him, like Tiffany, the ones that are trying to help him. Travis now needs to face his turmoil that is deep inside him, but more than that, he needs to face the fact that God is real, and he needs to come to that truth and the truth of God's word is always the truth. My Brother's Keeper tells a powerful story; it emphasizes Biblical, Christian virtues, such as forgiveness, sacrifice and hope through faith in God. This movie shows what veterans go through when returning home. This movie also shows the hurting reality of PTSD and all the effects, such as suicide thoughts and the hopelessness that surrounds them everyday, but with Gods healing they can overcome this horrible reality.