3 minute read
Book in Review
from His Grace Magazine
by His Grace
November 2022 Remembrance! Page 7
My Journey to Heaven
How it Changed my Life
Book by: Marvin J. Besteman with Lorilee Cracker
Written by: Lynne Wood
My Journey to Heaven
is a wonderful book to read by Marvin J. Besteman. Marvin was a veteran of the U.S. Army, and a retired bank president. This is an amazing detailed story of what Marvin was allowed to see of Heaven; he can only describe it as an absolutely incredible experience that he wished everyone could have.
It happened on the night of April 28, 2006. Marvin was in hospital in Ann Arbor, Michigan for surgery to remove a rare pancreatic tumor. Visiting hours were over; his wife and family had left for the day.
He was alone now and in pain and just wanted to be able to sleep. When two men came into his room, they were dressed in white robes; they were smiling but never spoke. They proceeded to unhook all the tubes from him. While this was happening, he said that he felt very calm.
The two angels put their arms around him and they began to fly toward Heaven. He said it was so peaceful, bright and calm it took seconds to a couple of minutes at the very most. Marvin will tell you that people who have seen Heaven describe seeing different sights, because that's what God wanted them to see. The colors are indescribable; they are more vibrant than you could ever imagine. If you look up, the amazing colors would jump and spin and twist and pulsate, like the northern lights but not even close; I was absolutely mesmerized.
Marvin said if anyone thinks that they are going to be bored in Heaven, sitting on a marsh mallow cloud, are so very wrong. The light show alone was transforming, it was amazing.
He was walking toward the door and Peter was there to greet him. He said Peter was about five feet ten inches tall, humble and down to earth. He wore a robe that was dark, a heavier material for a fishermen, he wore sandals, had scrubby beard, shaggy hair, he was so warm and personable.
I couldn't go in yet it wasn't my time, but I looked through and seen so many wonderful things. Young children playing, healthy and happy. I could see my grandparents so healthy and strong; both were wearing clothing similar to what they were wearing on earth. I saw my mom, she was so healthy. She had gained back her weight; she looked good and so happy. She was wearing a dress like she always wore around the house. I never wanted to leave but I had to. After five months I told my wife and then my family, then six years after that he heard God tell him to finally tell this story.
Marvin's wife Ruth asked him if he thought about them. He had to be honest; his answer was no, he didn't want to leave. It wasn't just the lights, colors and people that were worth staying for. It's Him, He's the sun, the moon, the stars - He's everything. One day, the Son will return and we will be better, finer people. Nothing shall separate us from each other and Him. We will all remain in His glorious light forever. In January 2012, Marvin returned to Heaven after finishing the final manuscript for this book.
John 14:2 says, "In my Father's house are many mansions, If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you."