His Grace Magazine

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Photo by Martyn Barrett
WOOD Ministries
"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.'"
Matthew 11:28
Botwood, NL
Grace His November 2022 Magazine
Page 2 Remembrance! November 2022 Table of Contents "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. " John 16:33 To advertise in His Grace Magazine, E-mail us at: wood.ministries.2020@gmail.com Our Veterans .....................................................................Page 3 From the Pulpit ................................................................Pages 4-6 Book in Review .................................................................Page 7 Timeless Truths ................................................................Pages 8-9 Entertainment News ........................................................Pages 10-11 World News.......................................................................Pages 12-13 Sports News ......................................................................Page 14 Recipe ................................................................................Page 15 Athletes for Christ ............................................................Pages 16-17 Poetry ................................................................................Page 18 Bible Study ........................................................................Page 20 Prayer ................................................................................Page 21 Movie in Review ...............................................................Page 22 WOOD Ministries

World War II & Korea

RobertAllan Wood joined the North Regiment, Pictou Highlanders on January 1942 in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. He served in Bermuda and Europe as his unit pushed into Cannes, France in 1944. He was wounded when he was hit in the leg with shrapnel.


Walls joined in 1939 with the 48th Highlanders from Toronto. They landed in Britain on New Year's Day in 1940, spending a couple of years there before going to North Africa to fight in the desert against the German Africa core. After that, they went to Sicily in Italy before going into southern France in 1944 and ending up in Holland at the end of the War.

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Albert Scagnetti joined the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry where he fought in Korea for two years.
John 15:13
"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends."


ohn 11:25-26:

"Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?'"

In the scripture of verse 25, Jesus uses life to talk about the resurrection life. That includes even the body that was buried, for as long as the person was a Christian, they will live even though they had died; they will be resurrected.

In the scripture of verse 26, Jesus is talking about of the one who lives and believes will never die. Now, "lives" is referring to eternal life. Eternal life is not something we get after we die, as many


How can you be sure that you will Rest In Peace when you Pass?

Christians believe. Eternal life is what we receive when we give our lives to Jesus Christ, at that very moment we decide to walk with Him, and don't walk away from Him.

What Jesus is saying here is that, even if the outer man dies, the Christian will live in the outer man again because Jesus is the resurrection. But even more than that, the Christian already has eternal life in the inner man and will never die.

How many times have I heard these three simple words, Rest in Peace or 'R.I.P.' But the problem with that is that only those who live for Jesus Christ will R.I.P after passing, not non-believers. I see it everywhere, on social media when someone's family member passes or in cemeterys on the head stones; it's mentioned at visitations or funerals.

You see, everyone thinks they're going to heaven when they pass; they think that you can buy your way into heaven. The thing is, we can't buy our way into heaven; we can't get a spot just because we have been good most of the time in our lives. Instead, it is a gift from God that we may enter into heaven. Ephesians 2:8-9 says, "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not works, lest anyone should boast."

John Harper was on the Titanic the night it went down to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. While the Titanic was sinking, there was a guy in a lifeboat. While he was in the boat, he heard voices coming from the midst of the ocean. They were all crying for help. At that point, John Harper took his daughter and kissed

her. He said to her, "Sweetie, bye bye." That very moment, he got up and leaped into the ice cold water and then he started preaching his final message.

He kept saying to all the people in the water, "You Need Jesus, Are you Saved!" In front of John there was a guy; he was nearly dead from the cold water and John Harper gave him his life vest and then John said, "I don't need the life vest anymore, because I'm not going down, I'm going up, because of Jesus."

Later on, that guy said, "That night I got saved twice. First of all, John Harper gave me his life vest...But more important than that, John Harper gave me the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

The last known words of John Harper, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved. " Romans 16:31.

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Owner/Publisher: Rob Wood

What an amazing man, what an amazing servant of God! Not only did he make sure his daughter was safe, but without any regards for himself, he leaped into the water to save others. He couldn't save their flesh bodies, but he did bring many to the One that could save them so they would spend eternity with Jesus in heaven. Rest in Peace comes from the latin blessing requiescat in pace, which literally means "May he begin to rest in peace." This expression "Rest in Peace" is not used at all in Scripture in reference to a person who had died. In that sense, we could say "Rest in Peace," really isn't biblical.

Looking at the book of Daniel, at the end of the book an angel speaks of Daniel's death, saying to him, "You will rest." Daniel 12:13 says, "But you, go your way till the end; for you shall rest, and will arise to your inheritance at the end of the days." Also Isaiah 57:2 says,


"He shall enter into peace; They shall rest in their beds, each one walking in his uprightness." Both of these scriptures are the closest the Bible comes to saying R.I.P. Still, those exact words, "Rest in Peace" are not used.

I know the thoughts of death can be a bit scary to those who do not know Jesus. People all through the years have come up with all kinds of words to comfort themselves. When someone dies, people say all kinds of unbiblical sayings such as, "She's an angel now;" "God needed another angel in heaven;" or "He is in a better place now." They say these things with no thought that he might actually be in a much worse place. People who never have time for or just don't want to be bothered with God, suddenly want to be close to Him when it comes to going to funerals. They all try to assure themselves and other people that, regardless of the deceased's

relationship with God while they lived their lives here on earth, he or she is in heaven now and are happy, because they were good people. But we should never ignore what the scripture is telling and teaches us.

The Bible is very clear on physical death; it is not the end of life. Hebrews 9:27 says, "And it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgement, so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation." Also, John 3:16-18 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only be gotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned

already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

Jesus said many times that there are only two options for everybody, and that is Heaven or Hell. Matthew 10:28 says, "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and the body in hell." Jesus also gave us a very clear picture of the two places we will end up in after death in the parable of The rich man and Lazarus. Luke 16:19-26 says, "There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day. But there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, full of sores, who was laid at his gate, desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table. Moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. So it was that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man

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also died and was bur ied. And being in tor ments in Hades, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bo som. Then he cried and said, 'Father Abra ham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.' But Abra ham said, 'Son, re member that in your lifetime you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is comforted and you are tormented. And besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can those from there pass to us.'" In this parable, the rich man was given everything, yet never paid any attention or even thought for a min ute about God during his earthly life, so he died and went to hell. Lazarus on the other hand, didn't have any thing on earth, except for his pure heart for God; he died and was taken to paradise. Hell

is described as a place of pain and torment, not a place of rest, not a place of fun as many think. As scripture talks about in the Bible many times, a person who dies with out Jesus is not "rest ing in peace." Isaiah 57: 20-21 says, "But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose wa ters cast up mire and dirt. 'There is no peace, Says my God, for the wicked.'"

The death of a Chris tian is so different than that of a non believ er. Romans 8:1 says, "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but accord ing to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death." This reminds us that it's normal to grieve for a loved one who believed in Jesus, be cause we know we will see them again. The Bible often refers to the dead in Jesus as 1 Corinthians 15-20 says: "But now Christ

is risen from the dead, and He become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep." Also 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10 says, "For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him."

Biblical writers used sleep as a metaphor be cause death of a Chris tian is only temporary. Paul said in 2 Corinthians 5:7-8: "For we walk by faith, not by sight. We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord."

Those who give their lives to Jesus Christ are with Him for all eterni ty in Heaven when they pass. Luke 23-43 says, "And Jesus said to him, 'Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.'" As we have been talking, after-death Christians will enter a "rest" and it is a "peaceful rest." However, those who do not believe in Jesus will not have a peaceful rest, but torment and pain in hell. That is why it is so important to give your life to Jesus today. John 14:6 says, "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

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Publisher/Sales/Graphic Designer/Writer: Rob Wood wood.ministries.2020@gmail.com Editor/Writer: Donna Wood wood.ministries.2020@gmail.com Writer: Lynne Wood wood.ministries.2020@gmail.com
and published by Rob Wood of
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Wood Ministries.
at wood.ministries.2020@gmail.com WOOD

My Journey to Heaven

How it Changed my Life

My Journey to Heaven is a wonderful book to read by Marvin J. Besteman. Marvin was a veteran of the U.S. Army, and a retired bank president. This is an amazing detailed story of what Marvin was allowed to see of Heaven; he can only describe it as an absolutely incredible experience that he wished everyone could have.

It happened on the night of April 28, 2006. Marvin was in hospital in Ann Arbor, Michigan for surgery to remove a rare pancreatic tumor. Visiting hours were over; his wife and family had left for the day.

He was alone now and in pain and just wanted to be able to sleep. When two men came into his room, they were dressed in white robes; they were smiling but never spoke. They proceeded to unhook all the tubes from him. While this was happening, he said that he felt very calm.

The two angels put their arms around him and they began to fly toward Heaven. He said it was so peaceful, bright and calm it took seconds to a couple of minutes at the very most. Marvin will tell you that people who have seen Heaven describe seeing different sights, because that's what God wanted them to see. The colors are indescribable; they

are more vibrant than you could ever imagine. If you look up, the amazing colors would jump and spin and twist and pulsate, like the northern lights but not even close; I was absolutely mesmerized.

Marvin said if anyone thinks that they are going to be bored in Heaven, sitting on a marsh mallow cloud, are so very wrong. The light show alone was transforming, it was amazing.

He was walking toward the door and Peter was there to greet him. He said Peter was about five feet ten inches tall, humble and down to earth. He wore a robe that was dark, a heavier material for a fishermen, he wore sandals, had scrubby beard, shaggy hair,

he was so warm and personable.

I couldn't go in yet it wasn't my time, but I looked through and seen so many wonderful things. Young children playing, healthy and happy. I could see my grandparents so healthy and strong; both were wearing clothing similar to what they were wearing on earth. I saw my mom, she was so healthy. She had gained back her weight; she looked good and so happy. She was wearing a dress like she always wore around the house. I never wanted to leave but I had to. After five months I told my wife and then my family, then six years after that he heard God tell him to finally tell this story.

Marvin's wife Ruth asked him if he thought about them. He had to be honest; his answer was no, he didn't want to leave. It wasn't just the lights, colors and people that were worth staying for. It's Him, He's the sun, the moon, the stars - He's everything. One day, the Son will return and we will be better, finer people. Nothing shall separate us from each other and Him. We will all remain in His glorious light forever. In January 2012, Marvin returned to Heaven after finishing the final manuscript for this book.

John 14:2 says, "In my Father's house are many mansions, If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you."

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Faces of Grief

When Grief becomes Debilitating

The past five years have been filled with loss. I've had to say goodbye to loved ones and fur babies, and with that came a drastic change to the life that I knew and loved. Grief is a personal response to loss, and it is a process, which doesn't begin at the end of life, but rather, in small steps along the way. Take for instance, when my late husband became ill before he was even diagnosed with esophageal cancer. We were already experiencing a change in our relationship whereas we were not able to do and enjoy the things we always did due to the pain and discomfort he felt. As the disease progressed, our husband-wife relationship changed into that of a patient-caregiver. The sickening nausea that plagued him made it practically impossible for me to kiss and hug my loved one because everything made him feel ill. When the pain became more intense, he was unable to lie down in our bed any longer. I was already feeling the loss of the security I cherished as a loved and cared for wife. My profound sadness and sense of

dread of the inevitable, and the thought of having to carry on without him was overwhelming. It drove me to my knees time and time again, crying out to God in despair, begging Him to heal my husband and take all of this pain away.

On April 19, 2017, at 10:15 p.m., my dear husband passed away, but nine days before he died, he gave his life to the Lord. I realized that God really did answer my prayers, as He healed him for eternity. Archie is now safe in the arms of our Lord and Savior. Even though, at times the grief was debilitating, I was able to move on with the assurance that Archie was free from suffering

in this world and the next. After about a month, I tried to resume my everyday life by going back to work part time, reading and spending less time by myself.

It is true that many people experience different emotions during the grieving process, including denial, anger, anxiety and depression. They may also experience weight and appetite changes, as I did, sleeplessness, and muscle tension. Sometimes, it's hard to know how to best support someone who is grieving, since we deal with grief differently and there are so many faces to grief. What do you say, or what do

you do to try to help someone in their loss?

One grieving person may withdraw from social interactions and want to spend more time alone, while another may try to stay active and need someone to just be there to listen to them. The best thing that you can probably do for someone is to be present and listen. Most of the time, they are not looking for advice; they simply want someone to listen. Just remember that grief is a process and there is no timeline to get through it.

In Matthew 11, God tell us, "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." God can provide that rest through a friend who can help through the grief, but mostly through the peace that only He can give to help you through the healing process.

We all long for peace, for internal peace in our hearts. Jesus cares about our individual peace. Paul describes the peace that the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ brings...a peace that surpasses all understanding.

Philippians 4:6-7 says,

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Faces of Grief

"Be anxious for nothing, but by everything in prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Once we have peace with God, we receive peace from God. But the best peace of all is the peace of God. The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Even though the circumstances around

us may be utter chaos, do you have that inner peace? No matter what problems or frustrations are in your life, do you have that quiet peace that keeps you going in the right direction?

Jesus guards our hearts in a way that the human heart cannot fathom. The Holy Spirit will come and abide in the heart of every single person who trusts in God. You will feel that quiet peace in the middle of the night when you're lying in your bed, wide awake, staring at the ceiling.

John 14:27 says, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you,

not as the world gives do I give to you, let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid." In every instance, in every situation, peace is our promise from the Lord. The Bible is the key to our peace. Turning to the Bible's timeless wisdom helps with the healing process. The Peace of God guards our hearts on the outside, but the God of Peace dwells in our hearts, keeping us calm. If you don't have Christ, you don't have peace, but if you have Christ, you have peace. Jesus is all we need. He is enough. Keep your eyes on Him. He is

the source of all peace. God comforts us and will never abandon us in our darkest moments. He will always provide us with love and hope. In heaven, there will be no pain, no sorrow and no death. All grief will be gone and we will only feel God's unending love. Don't let your emotions consume you. Let your sorrow wash over you like a river. Give in to your feelings, for God is guiding you through your journey. We may feel lost and confused during these painful times, but remember, God has a reason and a plan for everything.

Written by: Donna Wood Photo by: Stock
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(Job 34:29)
"When He gives quietness, who then can bring trouble?"

Lucas Black

In the height of His Hollywood Career, Lucas Black gave it all up for God

Actor Lucas Black on the TV series

NCIS: New Orleans was having plenty of success when God called and asked him to leave Hollywood behind. Lucas starred in quite a few movies, including the popular "Fast And The Furious." The Holy Spirit had convicted Lucas and the Christian celebrity made the decision to put God first.

Lucas had spent most of his life acting. He had starred opposite Billy Bob Thornton at the young age of 14 in the 1996 Oscar winning movie, "Sling Blade." When Lucas had joined NCIS: New Orleans, he was one of the show's main characters, Special Agent Christopher LaSalle; he had a very successful career at that point.

Not long after becoming successful, Lucas discovered something even better than fame and being a successful actor on a

successful TV show; he found Jesus Christ.

Although Lucas grew up in a Christian home, he attended church every Sunday, but after time Lucas drifted from his faith when he grew older. Lucas then fell in love and he started a family. He started looking at the role of faith in his life.

Although he started appearing in more movies and on TV and was providing a good life at that point for himself, his wife and his children, there are a lot of things money cannot buy. After Lucas became a father, the actor started looking for something a

whole lot deeper than all the worldly success he had acquired.

When Lucas and his wife had their third child in 2015, he started to read the Bible again; that is when he felt God telling him to go in a totally different direction. Lucas said, "That 2015 was when the Holy Spirit convicted me. And really, my faith and my relationship with the Lord became a lot closer. That was when I was stepping into the fatherhood role. So I really wanted to point my kids in the right direction."

That is when Lucas went deeper in his

relationship with Jesus. His time on NCIS: New Orleans started to become more of a burden than a blessing. Lucas said, "I knew I was going to have to stand firm and stand strong in my beliefs if I was going to survive, and really keep my family held together. That was really when, you know, some people would say I rededicated my life to the Lord in 2015, seeking Him and becoming serious about my relationship with Him."

Lucas knew God was calling him to change his life. That would mean some tough choices were coming and the would wouldn't understand.

Not only was his crazy work schedule taking him away from his time with God, but also taking time from his wife and children. Although many would sacrifice their time away from their family for a big pay, Lucas couldn't

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Lucas Black

ignore the convictions any longer from his Heavenly Father.

Then at the height of his acting career, Lucas decided to step away from Hollywood and step out in faith!

In 2019, Lucas starred on NCIS: New Orleans for the last time. He had decided to take break from acting and left Hollywood. Lucas said, "The show has been good to me over the years exceeding my expectations and goals. But this job isn't easy for me, there are a lot of priorities in my life that get sacrificed for me to be here but it's time for me to focus on those priorities in my life."

Lucas then realized it was about time to prioritize his time with his family, as well as more time with his Heavenly Father.

While he was leaving NCIS, both Lucas and his wife Maggie were praying about what they would do next.

Lucas said, "We were praying what the next step was going to be. We saw a huge culture shift here in America and

for a long time, movies coming out of Hollywood and in entertainment underminded the fatherhood role."

God was faithful in answering Lucas' prayer. While he was at a homeschooling convention, Lucas met Pastor Eric Ludy, and he told Lucas about an upcoming script for a faith based movie called Legacy Peak.

The movie Legacy Peak is a Pure Flix original movie. It is about a man named Jason who is dating a woman who has two children. Jason is hoping that he will win over the hearts of the children, which belongs to the one he is planning

to marry. Jason takes the children on a trip that he has planned, but it goes all wrong and sets them on an unexpected adventure as they struggle to survive in the wilderness.

After Lucas had read the movie script, both Lucas and his wife Maggie knew that this was God's answer to all their prayers.

Lucas said, "I read it, my wife read it, and she comes to me with tears in her eyes and says, 'I don't know why you wouldn't be a part of this project.' It's one that really sheds a good light on fathers. It shows how we can find our fulfillment and love from our Heavenly Father,

and it really is one that's going to empower the nuclear family, and especially fathers out there."

Both the script and the role of Jason really spoke to Lucas' heart and his passion for being a better father. Lucas said, "One aspect of this story that has changed my perspective is as a father, you want to be flexible with your kids. It doesn't have to be a certain way.

For me personally

I know I'm not in control, God's in control. I've got to trust Him that my kids, no matter how much I love them and teach them and discipline them, they're going to mess up. But I ultimately have to trust my Heavenly Father that they're in His hands."

Lucas does deserve acolytes for his great work in Hollywood for his movies and for NCIS: New Orleans, but now he is using his gifts to honor and glorify God and he is following God's will for him and his family; this is a blessing that will inspire many.

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Turkey Strikes!

Turkey is hinting at a New Syria offensive, but Russia is urging them to restrain.

The President of Turkey is once again hinting at a possible ground offensive in Syria against the Kurdish militants, as Syrian forces have denounced the new airstrikes and Russia has urged calm and called on Ankara, the capital of Turkey, to stay clear and not to escalate any further.

Russian Presidential envoy to Syria, Alexander Lavrentyev, has said that Turkey should "show a certain restraint" to stop an escalation in Syria, where anxiety has been heightened after Turkish airstrikes killed and wounded many Syrian soldiers.

Alexander Lavrentyev's country remains a strong ally of the Syrian government, said that he hopes that "it will be possible to convince our Turkish partners to refrain from excessive use of force on Syrian territory."

The Kurdish led Syrian Democratic Forces said later that fresh Turkish airstrikes

had struck a base that the group shares with the U.S. led coalition in the fight against the Islamic State Group. The shared base is outside of the town Qamishli, which is about 50 kilometers from the Turkish border. After the airstrike was over, two SDF Fighters were killed while three were wounded.

The airstrikes were carried out by Turkey because of the Kurdish militants targets in northern Syria, in retaliation for the November 13th deadly bombings in Istanbul that Turkey blames on the Kurdish militant group. The Kurdish militants have denied any involvement in the

bombings of November 13th.

The Syrian Army had several positions hit by the airstrikes in three provinces which are along the border with Turkey, that killed and wounded many Syrian soldiers. Alexander Lavrentyev said, "We will, of course, call on our Turkish colleagues to show a certain restraint in order to prevent an escalation of tension, and on escalation of tension not only in the north, but also in the entire territory of Syria."

The Turkish President, Tayyip Erdogan, said that Turkey's movements would not be just airstrikes, as

he was suggesting a possible new attack. He said, "We have been on top of the terrorists for the past few days with our planes, artillery and drones. As soon as possible, we will root out all of them together with our tanks and soldiers." Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan also said, "From now on, there is only one measure of us. There is only one border. And that is the safety of our own country, our own citizens. It is our most legitimate right to go where this security is ensured."

The Turkish fighter planes attacked the base of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK, the Syrian People's Protection Units, or YPG. Turkey has claimed their planes hit 89 targets and they were all destroyed and many militants were killed.

The Syrians are saying that 35 people were killed in the Turkish airstrikes and 18 Kurdish fighters, 16 Syrian soldiers and a journalist.

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Jerusalem Bombings

Terrorists target commuters as one was killed and 20 injured, at Jerusalem Bus Stop Bombings,

Some suspected terrorists have targeted passengers at two bus stops north and west of Jerusalem; they killed one person and injured more than 20 people. The police are now searching for one or more Palestinian suspects.

The bombs were wrapped in plastic and had been filled with nails as to create more damage to people and everything around them; they hit at the busiest time. This attack reminded many of the Second Intifada or Palestinian uprising that happened between 20012003. These attacks came as former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu negotiates to form Israel's next government.

Itamar Ben-Gvir a Knesset member, who may be in line to be Israel's next Public Security Minister, went to visit the scene of the first bombing after authorities had closed part of the main road to Tel Aviv. Ben-Gvir said that Israel must do more

to stop such attacks.

"I say in a clear way: We must exact a price from terror. Go back to targeted assassinations, to stop the parties in the security prisons, to stop the Palestinian Authority supporting terrorism payments. This can be done, I'm not talking politics, we have to establish a government as fast as possible," he warned.

The U.S Embassy in Jerusalem has condemned the violence, as did Dimiter Tzantchev, the European Union's Ambassador to Israel. Palestinian attacks against Israelis have killed more than 19 people since March, and

the declining security situation has played a role in raising parties on the right during the November 1st elections.

In Palestinian towns, they were actually handing out candy in order to celebrate the bombings. But so far, no groups have claimed responsibility. The Times of Israel has reported that Hamas is promising more attacks. Another terrorist group, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, has issued this statement, "The operation in the occupied city of Jerusalem is a natural response to the occupation, it's terrorism, and it's

criminal practices against the defenseless Palestinian people and its holy sites."

The outgoing Prime Minister Yair Lapid has been updating Benjamin Netanyahu on the security situation.

Yoav Limor, a journalist and defense analyst, writes in the daily Israel Hayom that Israel has a "ticking time bomb" on their hands. He said, "The attacks indicate that there is an explosives lab within Judea and Samaria, the West Bank with effective know how. In a way, it is a ticking time bomb in and of itself. Every minute that goes by could potentially mean that another improvised explosive device had already been dispatched to Israel after having been assembled there."

Twelve hours before the bombings, the Israeli media was talking of all the infighting between Netanyahu's Likud Party and the religious parties who are trying to form the next government.

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Coach Dabo Swinney

Clemson Coach Dabo Swinney quotes the Bible after a loss to Notre Dame

Clemson Tigers football Head Coach, Dabo Swinney, quoted the Bible from the New Testament while at a weekly press conference after his team's loss to Notre Dame 35-14.

After the loss, the Tigers dropped in the rankings #4 to #12 in the AP's weekly Top 25 College Football Rankings. Coach Dabo said, "We missed an opportunity, but we have another opportunity this week. And that's the good news for us. Also, we're a better team certainly than what we played the other night. We're 8 and 1, not 5 and 3. And every goal we have is intact."

Coach Dabo, who is 52 years old, has been the head coach for the Clemson Tigers since 2009. His team has won the College Football Playoff in 2016 and in 2018. This loss to the Notre Dame Fighting Irish is the team's worst loss since Coach Dabo came to coach the Clemson Tigers. Coach Dabo said, "I don't grow

weary, you know, I grow stronger. The Bible says that; Galatians 6:9 says, 'Do not grow weary from doing what is right and good, for at the appropriate time, you will reap a harvest of blessing if you don't give up.'" Coach Dabo also said, "That's the big thing. I've lived that my whole life, I don't grow weary, I grow stronger. I'm excited about having a good Tuesday practice today and ain't nothing gonna steal my joy." He continued to say, "And I'm going to do everything I can to not let the joy be taken out of it for this football team. And if people can't get on board with that, then they're missing a

lot of opportunity. If you're only going to be happy if we win the national championship, then you're gonna spend a lot of years down in the dumps in the gutter. They went 35 years without winning one here. You're missing out on a lot of fun, that's all I can tell you."

Coach Dabo indicated it shows how good teams answer after a lose and that is what is important. He talked of several examples of teams who had learned from their losses. Coach Dabo said, "You have to have the right perspective as you go back to work. Because if you don't, then those bad moments define you. You can't let

it do that. You've got to let it develop into what you're capable of being as a team and as an individual player. That's what good teams do."

Coach Dabo said, "It's all about the right viewpoint, especially since these kids today, the world can get in them and paralyze them because there's so much negativity and criticism and things like that. So you've got to help them have the right perspective as they get back to work."

Coach Dabo said, "And have some fun doing it. You can't let things steal your joy. You just can't. I think there's just too many people in this profession, coaches, and players, that allow that. You know their joy is defined by what happens on a scoreboard. And I think that's just not a good thing. That's not healthy for anyone." He also said, "My joy's not defined by that. I love what I do. I love these guys. I love this team. You know my joy is just in doing what I do."

Page 14 Remembrance! November 2022
November 2022 Remembrance! Page 15 • Preheat oven to 425 deg. • Mix first 4 ingred. in a large bowl • Mix grated butter into flour mixture • Stir in cheese, apples and chives • Add milk; stir until mixture just moistened • Using ice cream scoop sprayed with cooking spray, drop biscuit dough onto lined baking sheet • Mix Br. Sugar and nutmeg together; sprinkle on top • Bake 15 min or until lightly browned Mark 14:22 "And as they were eating, He took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to them, and said, ‘Take; this is my body." Warm Apple Cheddar Biscuits • 1-3/4 c flour • 4 tsp B. Powder • 1 tbsp Sugar • ½ tsp Salt • ¼ c cold Butter, grated • 1-½ c Cheddar Cheese, grated • 1-½ c peeled Apples, grated (about 3 med) • 1 tbsp chives • ¾ c Milk • 1/2 tbsp Br. Sugar • 1/2 tsp Nutmeg

Mookie Wilson

Mookie became an Ordained Baptist Minister in 2014

illiam Hayward "Mookie"

Wilson was born on Feb. 9, 1956, in Bamberg, South Carolina. He was a Major League Baseball Outfielder and coach. Mookie is also remembered for the 1986 World Series. When he was up to bat, he lasted for a total of 10 pitches. The Boston Red Sox were one strike away from ending their World Series Jinx, and winning the 1986 World Series, in the bottom of the tenth inning of game six.

Mookie kept fouling off pitch after pitch, but on the tenth pitch he hit a slow grounder towards first base line to Bill Buckner. He was playing well behind first base waiting and ready to field the ball when it came to him. The speedy Mookie might have beaten the throw to first base, but the ball went under Bill Buckner's glove. That play allowed Knight to score the winning run and it forced a game seven. Mookie's at bat was a tense one, but also very exciting and probably one of the most exciting World Series games ever. The New York Mets went on to

beat the Boston Red Sox in game seven in Boston, to be crowned 1986 World Series Champions.

For most of Mookie's career, he was a fan favorite, for when he was up to bat, the crowd greeted him with the chant of Mooooookie! Mookie was a great base runner as well. He had 58 stolen bases in 1982 and 54 bases in 1983. Mookie hit .276 three years in a row from 1985 to 1988. After he hit .248 in his first call up, he hit between .271 and .299 from 1981 through the 1988 season.

Mookie's speed really helped him outrun mistakes on the field as he led the National League outfielders with six double plays in 1984. During the 1985 season, he had surgery on his throwing arm that reduced his playing time and weakened his arm; Mookie was reduced to a platoon player that season.

As a senior player of the team in the latter part of the 1980s, Mookie was an important presence in the clubhouse, especially during the Mets non contender years. He set an example for the younger players. Mookie was an unselfish leader of the Mets until he was traded to the Toronto Blue Jays in the second half of the 1989 season. With Mookie's hitting and speed, he helped lift the Toronto Blue Jays to the 1989 Division Title, and Mookie just happened to be the one who scored the run that helped

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Mookie Wilson with the New York Mets from 1980-1989

Mookie Wilson

the Blue Jays clinch first place.

Mookie Married Rosa Gilbert on June 22, 1978. He also earned a bachelor's degree in 1996 from the Mercy College in New York. Mookie and his wife have been living in Lakewood Township, New Jersey, where they both started an educational center for girls, called "Mookie's Roses," in 1986.

Mookie's faith is a core part of who he really is. He is a strong Christian man. As a young child, Mookie gave his life to the Lord Jesus Christ. He was raised in the church and his faith continued to grow all through his life.

In 2001, Mookie and his family released a gospel CD called, "Don't Worry, the Lord will Carry You Through."

Mookie also became an ordained Baptist minister in 2014.

November 2022 Remembrance! Page 17

God Gave them Over

You're aware of the times if you are a watchman; The enemy's eyes are on Israel's mountain; Everyone's aware of Iran's intention... Look up! when you see this kind of aggression!

Notice the increase in transgenderism; Children are sexualized, even in kindergarten; Parents encouraging gender transition;

'Minor-attracted person': a pedophile's new designation!

Globalism is throughout the book of Revelation; Gospel preachers now face condemnation; Social justice is causing church ruination; We're on the highway that leads to destruction!

Natural disasters foretaste things to happen; Deception comes from wrong information; Yet people won't heed to sound biblical doctrine; So God Gave Them Over to a strong delusion.

America's decline is simply going to happen; One world government from the world economic forum; Yes, over the horizon I see four horsemen; We're on a slippery slope toward the tribulation!

The antichrist spirit is the most single manifestation Of how far we've come to global desolation; Lawlessness and crime is another indication; Today's the day! to work out your Salvation!

Romans 1:24

“Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another."

Page 18 Remembrance! November 2022
November 2022 Remembrance! Page 19 John 15:23
Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.

Psalm 32:3-11


Psalm 32:3-11

(NLT): " When I refused to confess my sin, my body wasted away, and I groaned all day long. Day and night Your hand of discipline was heavy on me. My strength evaporated like water in the summer heat. Finally, I confessed all my sins to You and stopped trying to hide my guilt. I said to myself, “I will confess my rebellion to the Lord.” And You forgave me! All my guilt is gone. Therefore, let all the godly pray to You while there is still time, that they may not drown in the floodwaters of judgment. For You are my hiding place; You protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of victory. The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you. Do not be like a senseless horse or mule that needs a bit and bridle to keep it under control.” Many sorrows come to the wicked, but unfailing love surrounds those who trust the Lord. So rejoice in the Lord and be glad, all you who obey Him!

Psalm 32 does not tell us the specific occasion in David's life that caused him to write this psalm. It is a psalm of penitence, but is it also a psalm of a ransomed soul rejoicing, because David's sin was dealt with and his sorrow was comforted.

As David recalled his

that we fail to see in ourselves, because our pride blinds us to it. The evil one uses our weaknesses to trip us up and cause blockages in our walk with God. So often we fail to feel the presence of God with us, which only adds to our hostility. Too often we don’t realize that the only way to hear Him

that can only be guided through pain or severity.

David learned of the sorrows that came with living against the will of God. Interestingly enough, when we are living with unconfessed sin, we find ourselves oppressed by the presence of God, but once we repent, we find a safe place within His mercy once again.

The Holy Spirit works in the lives of those who truly belong to God, convicting them of their sin and hardness of heart. Our God will not allow us to remain comfortable in habitual sin. Confession to sin leads to a restored relationship with God through forgiveness and mercy.

anguished past, he remembered the days of misery he spent in the isolation of secrecy. There is a bitter price to secret sin. When sin is hidden, the spiritual and mental wellbeing is stressed from living a double life to hide the sin. Unresolved sin and rebellion against God only causes misery in one's life and it will age and oppress a person. Stubbornness is a trait

is to be quiet and still. God promises to instruct us, to teach us and to guide us, if we diligently seek Him and focus on Him. It is a great blessing to be forgiven and have fellowship restored. There is a great blessing in knowing His forgiveness, because sin is no longer exposed; it is covered. When we live in seasons of unconfessed sin, we are like a stubborn mule

When we remind ourselves of these blessings...the redemption from guilt, release from hypocrisy, when we remember the protection God gives His people and His guidance, we can be glad and rejoice. David again gloried in the protection and renewed fellowship with God. God is our hiding place, a secure place of shelter and in Him we find security, joy and victory.

Shout for joy, all you whose hearts are pure!"
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November 2022 Remembrance! Page 21
Father, I am humbled by what You did for me on the cross. Lord, help me to always rely on Your strength. I thank You for Your love and faithfulness in my life. I want to worship and glorify Your Holy Name. I will not be afraid, for You are my Source and my Rest. Help me to do Your will, every hour of every day. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen “Create in me a clean heart, oh God, and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10

“Based on an Inspiring True Story” My Daddy is in Heaven

name, were not answered the way she wanted them to, and it sent her into a tail spin of depression, grief and anger towards God. An old friend of Becca's invites her to be with her in the city. Her friend then shows her a whole new life of alcohol, casual sex, and the pursuit of self indulgence. Back home, Becca's five year old daughter Acie and her grandparents decided to hang on to Jesus and on to each other, to help Acie get through the absence of both of her parents.

Then there is another family crisis that hits and threatens to take everything away from the grandparents: the farm.

to people of faith and encourage them. As for non-believers, I don't know if it will stand out to them, but I do believe that it will make them think about it as time goes on.

My Daddy is in Heaven dives right into the emotional trauma of the loss of a loved one through death. This movie talks about the importance of the Bible and reading it, about going to church and it proclaims the Gospel of Jesus, a message of Salvation and of Jesus Christ and the importance of accepting Him into your heart.

This Christian drama is about a tragic death that will lead a family to their breakdown, backsliding and a healing in Jesus.

The movie has really good acting, sound track and cinematography which gives it a strong announcement of God's mercy. It paints a picture of doubt, fast living, and blasphemy and it makes this movie a must watch

by teenagers and adults. It shows the struggles of life and how our choices make a difference.

The movie starts out with Becca, Adam and their five year old daughter Acie, as they are celebrating the fourth of July at their family picnic.

But a tragic accident has left Adam hanging on to life. But Adam passes away. Becca's prayers, that she prayed in Jesus'

What will happen? Will Becca realize that she has spun out of control? Will she stop being so bitter and return to Jesus and her faith that she lost? Will the grandfather lose his family farm? And will little five year old Acie ever be able to understand her father's death and her mother's running away and leaving her?

This Christian movie's message will stand out

In this movie, Becca backslides into a world of hurt. Her pain and anger eats at her, the atheism from the unanswered prayers, the alcohol, from all the partying. This shows us that we all need Jesus; we all need to repent to Him, in this world where there is hurt and despair, This movie really hits this point home. If you only remember one thing, remember this: Jesus is the only way, the only way to our father in Heaven; there is no other way. Read John 14:6.

Page 22 Remembrance! November 2022
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